War propaganda

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      Hierarchical terms

      War propaganda

      War propaganda

        Equivalent terms

        War propaganda

        • UF Propaganda bélica

        Associated terms

        War propaganda

          39 Archival description results for War propaganda

          World War One Pamphlets
          GB 0096 MS1152 · Fonds · 1913-1921

          World War One Pamphlets collection, 1913-1921, comprises suppressed leaflets and pamphlets including those written by Clifford Allen and Fenner Brockway, 1913-1917; The Tribunal, 1918-1919; Union of Democratic Control leaflets, 1919; pacifist leaflets, 1915-1916; No-Conscription Fellowship leaflets, 1916.

          GB 0099 KCLMA Wintringham · 1891-1982

          Papers of Tom Wintringham and his second wife Katherine 'Kitty' Wintringham (née Bowler), 1891-1982. Papers of Tom Wintringham relating to the Home Guard include correspondence, articles, radio broadcasts, press cuttings, photograph, report, lecture transcripts and training exercises. Papers relating to the Common Wealth Party including correspondence, photographs, minutes, publications, papers on Common Wealth Party policy, formation, resignations, libel charges, election campaigns and conferences. Other papers relating to Tom Wintringham including papers from his time at Balliol College, Oxford, 1918-1920; Wintringham's visit to Moscow, 1920; various inventions by Wintringham, 1929-1949; the Communist Party, 1933-1944; British economic crisis, 1947, and obituaries and biographical articles. Wintringham's correspondence includes his school days, First World War, prison, Spanish Civil War, Home Guard, Common Wealth Party and general personal and professional correspondence; Kitty's correspondence includes Spanish Civil War, the Common Wealth Party and general personal and professional correspondence. Photographs notably cover the Spanish Civil War, Home Guard, Common Wealth Party, Tom and Kitty Wintringham, their children, friends and family. Writings by Wintringham include draft and published articles (chiefly for the Picture Post, the Tribune, the Daily Herald and the Daily Mirror), drafts of published and unpublished books, scripts, reviews, notes, short stories and essays. Draft articles by Kitty. Poems by Wintringham and others on topics including World War One and the Spanish Civil War, 1910-1950 and printed material, 1923-1950.

          Wintringham , Thomas Henry , 1898-1945 , socialist writer and military commentator
          THRALE, Ralph (1905-1993)
          GB 0099 KCLMA Thrale · 1916-1984

          Papers of Ralph Thrale, 1916-1984, mainly relating to the Royal Observer Corps, including: memoir 'Seaborne', co-authored by Thrale, detailing experiences of Thrale and a colleague while Royal Observer Corps 'Seaborne' volunteers posted to merchant shipping as aircraft identifiers, 1944; Thrale's Royal Navy certificate of service, 1944, and Royal Observer Corps certificate of war service, 1946.

          The collection also includes publications collected by Thrale on related topics, including books: Aircraft of the fighting powers by H J Cooper and O G Thetford (Harborough Publishing Company, Leicester, 1941); Britain's wonderful Air Force edited by Air Cdre Peregrine Forbes Morant Fellowes (Odhams Press, London, 1942); Forewarned is forearmed: the authorized history of the Royal Observer Corps by T E Winslow (William Hodge & Co, London, 1948) and Observers' tale: the story of Group 17 of the ROC edited by H Ramsden Whitty, Commandant, 17 Group, Royal Observer Corps (London, 1950). Journals: The Journal of the Royal Observer Corps Club, Oct 1941-Nov 1942 and an incomplete run of Aircraft recognition Sep 1942-Sep 1984. Ministry of Information publications: The Battle of Britain, August-October 1940 (HMSO, 1941); Coastal Command (HMSO, 1943) and Combined Operations, 1940-1942 (HMSO, 1943). Also The Bystander's Fragments from France, volumes of cartoons by Bruce Bairnsfather detailing life in the trenches (numbers 1-6, c 1916-1918) and article, 'The reply to English propaganda' by Joseph Paul Goebbels, translated from German and reprinted from Völkischer Beobachter, 14 Jul 1939.

          Thrale , Ralph , 1905-1993
          Spanish Civil War
          GB 0097 COLL MISC 0091 · Collection · 1936-1939

          Collection of periodicals, leaflets, newsletters and other publications relating to the Spanish Civil War, comprising of a large proportion of nationalist and republican propaganda, which itself includes photographs, statistics and official statements.

          GB 0099 KCLMA Slingsby W L · Created 1915, 1939-1962, 1989

          Papers relating to his military career, 1939-1962, principally his service in Burma, 1939-1941, UK, 1941-1943, North Africa, 1943, Italy, 1943-1944, and Korea, 1955-1956, notably including battalion orders for 2 Bn, Sherwood Foresters, 1945; German propaganda leaflets for US and Allied troops, [1944]. 'An ancient Yorkshire family', a history of the Slingsby family, written by Slingsby in 1989.

          GB 0099 KCLMA World War One Posters · [1914-1916]

          Recruitment and fundraising posters, World War One, 1914-1916, including Parliamentary Recruiting Committee posters and Parliamentary War Savings Committee posters. The posters are full colour and are designed as postive and negative propaganda to aid recruitment and encourage donation to the war effort and were aimed at domestic civilian audiences. Highlights include posters referring to the sinking of the liner, the Lusitania, appeals to assist in the defence of Belgium, examples of alleged German atrocities, and representations of Britain, British families and the British way of life thought to be under threat.

          Parliamentary Recruiting Committee x Parliamentary War Savings Committee
          GB 1556 WL 1383 · Collection · 1943

          Papers of Political Warfare Executive, 1943, comprise two copies of the French 'Revue de la Presse Libre' No. 45 dropped during in the nights 4th and 5th April until 15th and 16th April 1943.

          Political Warfare Executive
          GB 1556 WL 1385 · Collection · 1941

          Papers of Political Warfare Executive, 1941, comprise five copies of Dutch Allied (RAF) dropped airborne leaflets 'De Luchtpost' No. 8/1941, dropped in the night between 17th and 18th November and 18th and 19th November 1941.

          Political Warfare Executive
          GB 1556 WL 1388 · c 1915

          Early World War One propaganda toilet paper Die Lügen-Nachrichten unserer Feinde! Bestes deutsches Abort-Papier [the lying news of our enemies - best German toilet paper]. Consists of approximately 65 sheets with printed press reports bound in a folder, which is stamped on the back: Friedrich Blos Gr. Hoflieferant Karlsruhe. (New cord, original was black-red-white, see copy Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)

          Playne, Caroline Elizabeth
          GB 0096 MS 1112 · Fonds · 1907-1924

          Notes, press cuttings, pamphlets and journals compiled and collected by Caroline Elizabeth Playne for her research and publications, including material regarding the war effort in the First World War in Britain, France, Germany and other countries, pacifism, censorship and propaganda and the internment of aliens in Britain, along with publications of pacifist groups, such as the National Peace Council, the No-Conscription Fellowship and the Union of Democratic Control, socialist pamphlets and official publications, 1907-1924.

          Playne , Caroline Elizabeth , 1857-1948 , historian
          GB 0099 KCLMA Paton Walsh · 1885-1947

          Papers comprising printed or typescript reports and supporting publications, on the 1 Army, North Africa, Civil Affairs Staff Centre (CASC), and on the administration of civilians in occupied territory including the Control Commission Germany (CCG), 1885-1947; notably comprising printed and typescript instructions, orders and reports issued by the Provost Marshal's Office, 1 Army, North Africa, including on traffic control, stores, planning, lessons learnt from the operations, intelligence summaries, 1 Army newsletters, 'Crusade', with an air raid precautions poster from Algeria, 1939-1943; reports and typescript summaries relating to the Civil Affairs Staff Centre (CASC), on 'captivity neurosis', the economics and finance of wartime Europe, fire and civil defence, road transport, military writing, the welfare of occupied populations, Nazi doctrines, files of information on national temperaments and characteristics of various occupied countries including Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany and Italy, 1943-1944; appointments diary compiled by Paton Walsh (1945), memoranda, correspondence and papers on aspects of the German penal system under the Nazis and Allied occupation, notably the police, procedures, juvenile courts, penal statistics from Nazi Germany, 1929-1947, including copies of British Zone Review, Nov 1945-Dec 1946; papers on the Control Commission Germany including confidential reports on police trainees, lectures given by Paton Walsh, the purging of Nazis from office, training and planning for post-Nazi administration, training and organisation of the penal system in Allied occupied Germany with observations on the regulation of the system under the Weimar Republic and the National Socialists, precautions against sabotage directed against occupying forces, 1943-1946; witnesses' depositions in the Nuremberg trials, account of Brendonk Concentration Camp, defence positions of the Gestapo, Sturm Abteilung (SA), 1945-1946; papers on Cologne Prison, including an autobiographical account and journal of Rudolf Kirsch, prisoner, and correspondence, 1939-1944, papers on executions at Cologne Prison with copies of the last letters of the condemned, 1941-1944; publications in English on military law, police and transport, mainly manuals, regulations and information notes on Imperial policing, traffic patrols, military law, inspection and care of vehicles, 1917-1945; publications on the Allied occupation of Germany, consisting of notes on the military government of occupied territory, internment camps, contact lists for civil administrators, Who's who in occupied Europe, chart of the Nazi administrative structure, re-education programmes, maps and gazetteers of Germany, Austria and Denmark, 1943-1945; American publications, namely civil affairs information guides, fileld manual of military government, an entertainment guide for American soldiers entitled, 'What's Cooking in Berlin', copies of The Stars and Stripes and the New York Herald Tribune, 1940-1946; general military handbooks including guidance for officers on allowances, the training of Army tradesmen, training manuals on air support of infantry and the use of parachute troops, catering, defence of aerodromes against attack, the disposition of unit records, signals, mine clearance, anti-malarial precautions, 1939-1943; Army Education booklets in a series entitled 'The British Way and Purpose', 1942-1943; German language publications on law, crime and prisons especially regulations, criminal biology, youth crime, 1885-1942; German National Socialist publications on topics ranging from flying schools, the SA in Berlin to the beginnings of radio broadcasting,1926-1946; maps, mainly Ordnance Survey and Stanfords, of United Kingdom cities and counties, including Wolverhampton, Winchester, Dover, East Sussex and Suffolk, 1913-1940; maps of Germany, central and eastern Europe, 1936-[1945]; maps of Algeria, French North Africa, Tunisia, 1942; propaganda cartoon and other posters published by the Evening Standard, Stationery Office and Army Bureau of Current Affairs, 1944; 1 file of telegrams, commission of 1918 and details of the various promotions of Paton Walsh, 1916-1947.

          Walsh , Edmund James Paton , 1897-1985 , Brigadier
          GB 1556 WL 709 · Collection · 1937-1940s

          Papers relating to Nazi propaganda against Great Britain including list of Nazi propagandists against Great Britain giving brief biographical details and letter from Dorothy Woodman, secretary of The Union of Democratic Control to Dr Warburg of the Jewish Board of Deputies regarding Max Kohl, a Nazi propagandist who had addressed a meeting held by the Salisbury Post War Brotherhood, 1937.

          GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 69 · 1916

          Facsimiles of four editions of World War One Western Front trench newspapers, The New Church Times and The Kemmel Times, each of which was incorporated within The Wipers Times, 8 May-3 Jul 1916. While the names of many of the contributors have not survived, the chronicles they presented in the newspaper detail vividly the war conditions on the Western Front. Articles were often spontaneous, preserving the jargon, slang, character, and conversation of the soldiers' surroundings. Although the reader is confronted with all the stark images of the Western Front, these are masked with a humourous irony which demonstrated the spirit of comradeship that prevailed in the British Army

          The New Church Times and The Kemmel Times, 1916.
          GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 72 · 1944-1946

          Edition of The Two Types by Jon (William John Philpin Jones), cartoon book produced by the British Army Newspaper Unit, Central Mediterranean Force, and distributed to Allied forces in the North Africa and Italy, 1944; edition of The Two Types in Italy by Jon, cartoon book produced by the British Army Newspaper Unit, Central Mediterranean Force, and distributed to Allied forces in the Italy, 1944; edition of The Story of 46 Division, 1939-1945 (Graz, Department of State and Official Bodies, 1947) with forward by Lt Gen Sir Richard Loudon McCreery, Commander in Chief, 8 Army in Italy, 1944

          British Newspaper Unit, Central Mediterranean Force; Jon [William John Philpin Jones]; Department of State and Official Bodies
          GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 42 · 1941-1945

          Editions of His Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) pamphlets relating to the British war effort during World War Two, including The Battle of Britain by the Air Ministry (HMSO: London, 1941); Bomber Command by the Air Ministry (HMSO, London, 1941) Coastal Command by the Air Ministry (HMSO, London, 1942); Frontline by the Ministry of Home Security (HMSO, London, 1942); Fleet Air Arm by the Air Ministry (HMSO: London, 1943); The Mediterranean Fleet by the Admiralty (HMSO, London, 1944); RAF Middle East by the Air Ministry (HMSO, London, 1945)

          Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, from texts and photographs prepared for the Air Ministry, Ministry of War Transport, the Admiralty, the War Office, and the Ministry of Home Security by the Ministry of Information
          GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 30 · 1915-1918

          German socialist propaganda leaflet Die Feldpost, including articles relating to rising commodity and food prices in Germany and the necessity of German troops in the Balkans, Dec 1915; edition of German newspaper for German prisoners of war in France, Grüsse an die Heimat, May 1917; Central Powers propaganda leaflet, in English, calling for a cessation of hostilities, 1917; four Allied leaflets bearing photographs of HM Albert, King of Belgium and HM Elisabeth, Queen of Belgium, 1918.

          GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 32 · [1942-1945]

          Anti-British propaganda leaflet, in Arabic, Hindi, and Urdu; anti-British propaganda leaflet calling for the Indian Independence League in East Asia to assist the Japanese in ridding Asia of all British influences; anti-French propaganda leaflet distributed in Indo- China announcing the fall of Singapore to the Japanese, 1942

          GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 46 · 1982

          Photocopy of manuscript diary, in Spanish, written by Antonio Jorge Felipe Petane, leader of Argentinean scrap metal expedition to South Georgia Island, south Atlantic, 11 Mar 1982-14 Apr 1982. Passages detail events leading to the outbreak of the Falklands War, 2 Apr-12 Jul 1982, including the sailing of Argentinean expedition merchant ship ARS Bahia to South Georgia, 12 Mar 1982; the early sense of optimism and patriotism experienced by members of the Argentinean expedition; the raising of the Argentinean flag in South Georgia, 2 Apr 1982; impressions of British, French, and German reactions to the Argentinean occupation of South Georgia; reactions to the dispatch of British troops to the Falkland Islands; reactions to Argentinean government support to the expedition and its occupation of South Georgia; the occupation of the Falkland Islands by the Argentinean Fleet, 2 Apr 1982; Argentinean claims to the Falkland Islands, Tierra del Fuego, and the islands of the South Atlantic; crew reaction to the fighting at the Port of Grytviken, during which three Argentinean soldiers were killed, 3 Apr 1982; the author's arrest by members of the Royal Marines from HMS ENDURANCE, 24 Apr 1982. Includes typescript English translation.

          Antonio Jorge Felipe Petane
          Ministry of Information
          GB 0097 COLL MISC 0148 · Collection · 1940-1941

          Newspaper cuttings, Ministry of Information bulletins and notes on social conditions in Great Britain in war time, collected by the London Region of the Ministry of Information.

          Ministry of Information
          GB 0099 KCLMA Mills-Roberts · Created [1942-1981]

          Papers relating to his service with the Commandos, 1942-1945, dated [1942-1981]comprising:
          papers on service with No.4 Commando, May-Dec 1942, principally on the Dieppe Raid, Aug 1942, including report by Mills-Roberts on training exercise on the Isle of Arran, 25-26 Jun 1942; reports on Orange Beach landing; report on destruction of 6 inch gun battery at Varangeville; detailed report 'Lessons Learned on Combined Operations'; and letters of congratulation on award of MC;
          papers on service with No.6 Commando, Apr-May 1943, North Africa, including letters from General Dwight D Eisenhower and Maj-Gen Robert Laycock and letters of congratulation on award of DSO;
          papers on service with 1st Special Service (Commando) Bde, Jun 1944 - May 1945 including: account of part taken by No 1 Special Service Brigade in Operation OVERLORD, 6 Jun - 26 Aug 1944; narrative by Mills Roberts on action from 16-21 Aug 1944; report of No 1 Special Service Bde operations around Dozule and L'Epine, 19-21 Aug 1944; report of operations by 1st Commando Bde east of the River Maas, 19 Jan - 1 Feb 1945; 'Five Rivers' - account of 1st Commando Bde in Germany, 1945, on the avdance from the Meuse to the Baltic, crossing the Meuse, Rhine, Weser, Aller and Elbe; 'United We Stand' diary of L Cpl Cliff Morris, No 3 Troop, 6 Commando, detailed personal account of action from 6 Jun 1944 - 7 May 1945; papers relating to the arrest of FM Erhard Milch in 1945, dated 1946, 1969; maps of Ouistreham, St Aubin, Caen, Dozule;
          papers on commando training, 1942-1950 including account of 6 Commando training by Mills-Roberts, 1943-1944;
          manuscript of Clash by Night (William Kimber, London, 1956) and notes to Simon Christopher Joseph Fraser Lovat, 17th Lord Lovat, concerning Lovat's book March Past (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1978), dated 1977-1981;
          photographs, 1942, 1944-1945, 1947, including German propaganda photographs of Dieppe Raid, 1942, and photographs relating to Commando service in World War Two, 1944-1945, dated 1944-1945, 1947, including Normandy, Jun 1944, and Germany, 1945.

          Roberts , Derek Mills- , 1908-1980 , Brigadier
          GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 6 · 1942-1946, 1988

          Wartime Translations of Seized Japanese Documents: Allied Translator and Interpreter Section Reports, 1942-1946 is a themed microfiche collection of 7,200 translated Japanese documents. The collection includes translated seized Japanese diaires, Allied interrogation reports of Japanese soldiers and civilians, Japanese reconnaissance reports, US summaries of enemy activities, and Allied tactical and strategic reports on Japanese military movements issued by Allied General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area (GHQ SWPA), and Advanced Echelons of the Australian New Guinea Force; US 6 Army; US 1 Corps; US 11 Corps; US 10 Corps; US 8 Army; US 14 Army; 1 Australian Corps; and US 24 Corps. Included are all documents bearing the notation 'Allied Translator and Interpreter Section, Southwest Pacific Area' and issued during the period 1942-1946. As noted above, the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) was re-organised after the terms of Japanese surrender were signed on 2 Sep 1945, and its mission was altered to reflect the needs of the Supreme Command, Allied Powers (SCAP), occupation force. During its transition to a service within SCAP, ATIS continued to issue documents under the aegis of General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area (GHQ SWPA) and these documents are included in the collection. Major subjects covered in ATIS documents are Japanese military strategy and tactics; specific intelligence on Japanese troop movements, equipment, and order of battle; indigenous political movements and political geography of the Southwest Pacific; technical data on Japanese military equipment; and, information obtained from Japanese prisoners of war. ATIS translations of seized Japanese materials also made available English language versions of documents, maps, charts, and other official Japanese visual records. Principal among the types of materials collected and translated by ATIS were: personal diaries obtained from Japanese prisoners of war or removed from the bodies of Japanese killed in action, detailing Japanese military operations and objectives as well as personal accounts of the war; letters and personal correspondence, paybooks, and Military Postal Savings Books carried by Japanese soldiers; official Japanese unit field diaries; official Japanese military orders and orders of battle; maps and charts relating to Japanese shipping routes, military positions, airfields, and order of battle plans; Japanese propaganda and psychological warfare documents; Allied interrogations reports of Japanese prisoners of war, detailing Japanese military positions and troop morale; and, Japanese technical manuals, detailing weaponry and supplies.

          Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS)
          GB 0099 KCLMA MF 825-830 · 1967-1975, 1991

          The Vietnam Documents and Research Notes Series reproduces in microfilm captured and translated Viet Cong and North Vietnamese political and military reports, treatises, resolutions, directives and programme descriptions compiled by JUSPAO, Oct 1967-Feb 1975. The 'notes' in the collection also contain US and South Vietnamese commentary on the enemy materiel, as well as analyses of political methodology, strategy, infrastructure, and history. While the majority of notes relate to political topics, military topics include analyses of soldiers' diaries and comments on military conditions and operations. Papers include composite diary highlighting the plight of North Vietnamese Army (NVA) soldiers serving in South Vietnam, Dec 1966; diary of a North Vietnamese Army soldier en route to South Vietnam, including mention of his political indoctrination and military training, Oct 1967; North Vietnamese directive defining the political tasks for North Vietnamese An Thai Regt, Oct 1967; directive from Headquarters of Viet Cong Military Region 5, relating to repression of counter-revolutionaries, Oct 1967; Viet Cong training document, Mar 1968; Viet Cong post-operation report relating to military operations during the Tet Offensive, Apr 1968; Sixth Resolution, Central Office, South Vietnam, assessing the results of the Tet Offensive, Jul 1968; Liberation Radio broadcast texts outlining the political programme of the Alliance of National, Democratic, and Peace Forces, Sep 1968; broadcast reports relating to the death of Ho Chi Minh, Sep 1969; speeches by Gen Vo Nguyen Giap, Nov 1969; report, issued by the commander of Unit 591, detailing the shortcomings of his unit, including low morale, poor leadership, self-inflicted wounds and surrender, Feb 1970; conference notes relating to the Indochinese Peoples' Summit Conference, Apr 1970; report detailing the establishment and organisation of the Public Security Sector and the People's Police Force in North Vietnam, Jan 1971; captured documents highlighting the effects of an unsuccessful military campaign, loss of key cadre on the village levels, and the slow recruitment of personnel, Apr 1971; full text of Liberation Radio broadcast of Maj Gen Tran Do highlighting the problem and result of poor political indoctrination and ideological education, May 1971; lists of members, denoting office or responsibility of Communist Vietnamese organisations including the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam, the National Liberation Front and the People's Revolutionary Party, Jun 1972; articles by Gen Vo Nguyen Giap, Jun-Oct 1972; papers relating to the abandonment of the military and political seizure of Danang, Dec 1972; Central Office for South Vietnam (COSVN) directives relating to the economic situation in South Vietnam following the Paris Peace Talks, 1974-1975

          Joint US Public Affairs Office (JUSPAO)
          GB 0099 KCLMA MF 813-824 · 1968-1973, 1982

          Transcripts and Files of the Paris Peace Talks on Vietnam, 1968-1973 are microfilmed copies of the official transcripts of the Paris Peace Talks between political and military representatives from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam), the Vietnamese National Liberation Army (Viet Cong), the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), and the United States, and accompanying files relating to the Vietnam War, 1968-1973. Transcripts include copies of the minutes of the Official Conversations between North Vietnamese and US delegates, 13 May 1968-30 Oct 1968 and the Plenary Sessions, 25 Jan 1969-18 Jan 1973. Collection also includes North Vietnamese communiqués relating to alleged American war crimes; North Vietnamese propaganda; official reports from the Viet Cong, including statement on the massacre at Ba-Lang-An, 8 Apr 1969; address before the International Conference on Vietnam by US Secretary of State Dr Henry Albert Kissinger, relating to the cease-fire, 26 Feb 1973.

          US Department of State, based on official documents from political and military representatives of the United States, the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam), the Vietnamese National Liberation Army (
          GB 0099 KCLMA Macdonald-Buchanan · Created 1940-[1943]

          Papers relating to his service as ADC to FM Sir John Greer Dill, 1940-[1943], including 1 Army Corps routine orders by Dill, 1940; notes, maps and papers concerning 1 Army Corps manning exercise, Apr 1940; notebook giving details of plan for moving 1 Army Corps HQ from Quincey to Grammont, France, 1940; notes and drafts of letters written as ADC to Dill, 1940-1943;German propaganda leaflets, [1940].

          GB 0099 KCLMA Heard · Created 1901-1903, 1939-1946

          Papers relating to British produced propaganda for the Indian Army, produced to counter Japanese propaganda aimed to entice Indian Army personnel to desert and fight for the Japanese led Indian National Army, India and Burma, 1943-1945, including correspondence, memoranda, personal papers and propaganda material, 1939-1946. Also, scrapbook album of watercolours, sketches, photographs, menus, invitations and autographs, created 1901-1903 by Beryl White (1877-1954) relating to her life in Sikkim, northern India.

          GB 0099 KCLMA Freedman J · Created [1917-1919], 1939-1945, 1974

          Papers relating to his service in the Fleet Air Arm, 1939-1945 and 1974, principally comprising aerial propaganda leaflets collected by Freedman. 'Annals of minds at war', an article on aerial propaganda by John Moorehead, from The Daily Telegraph, 8 Mar 1974. Three scripture pamphlets issued by the United States Army, namely Roman Catholic and Protestant editions of 'The Gospelaccording to St Matthew' and 'Psalms from the Jewish Holy Scriptures', 1943-1944. Notebook of Trooper T W Thorn, Surrey Yeomanry, containing a diary covering his service in Salonika, Jun 1917-Jan 1919. Notes on the history and use of grenades, and descriptions and drawings of different types of grenades, [1917-1919].

          GB 0099 KCLMA Evans · Created 1943-1944, 1991-1993

          Manuscript diaries, detailing his SOE training in Haifa, Palestine, Cairo, Egypt, his service as an instructor at the Allied Military Mission Commando School at Pendalophos, British relations with allied Greek partisan units, and SOE harassment and demolition activity prior to and during the German withdrawal from the Greek peninsula, 1943-1944; reports, mainly compiled byEvans as commander of the Vitsi sub-area, relating to intelligence, reconnaissance and demolition missions alongside Greek Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) units, the pro-German infiltration of West Macedonia, and the conduct of Operation NOAH'S ARK; papers relating to SOE commando missions, including notes detailing weapons, ammunition and supplies used; lists of alliedPolish, Czech and French participants in the Allied Military Mission, autumn 1943; papers relating to the construction of the SOE airfield at Grevena, 1944; list compiled by Evans concerning hostile Armenian, Italian, German and Greek forces, 1944; notes detailing the nominal roll of partisan forces in the Vitsi sub-area, 1944; papers relating to SOE and ELAS border assaults into Yugoslavia and Albania, 1944; papers detailing the splintering of relations between British and Greek forces in Greece, 1944; booklets of deciphered signals messages received and issued by the Vitsi sub-area station, relating to the movement of German forces and Yugoslavian partisans, under the command of Marshal Josip Broz (Tito), and the execution of Operation NOAH'S ARK, 1944; correspondence with Lt ColArthur Edmonds, Officer Commanding Area 1, West Macedonia, Lt Col Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond, Officer Commanding Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, and allied British, American and Greek soldiers, 1944; policy and procedure papers, including his official secrecy declaration, 1944; papers relating to SOE technical training, finances and supplies; papers, in Greek, relating to combined operations between the Allied Military Mission and ELAS 9 Div, including command and control agreements and messages from Gen Karayannis, commander ELAS 9 Div, relating to German movements in the Vitsi sub-area; official report, in Greek, from theGreek government, detailing the history of Greek partisan forces in Greece, 1940-1944; Greek propaganda leaflets and newspapers relating to Greek partisan activity in West Macedonia, and Ellinikos Dimokratikos Ethnikos Stratos (EDES) and ELAS power struggles, 1944; German divisional daily order concerning the psychological state of German occupation troops; personal correspondence from German 1 Mountain Div soldiers; papers relating to the proposed publication of an account of Evans's career in the SOE; papers relating to the publication of Hammond's article, 'The Allied Military Mission in Northwest Macedonia', Balkan Studies (Volume 32), 1993.

          GB 0099 KCLMA Embleton · 1939-1949

          Papers of Edwin Embleton, 1939-1949, chiefly comprising World War Two propaganda pamphlets, 1939-1945, on subjects including the Allied war effort, the Home Front, British Allies, anti-Nazism and the Empire, largely produced by the Ministry of Information for dissemination both within Britain and overseas. These pamphlets are in a number of European, Middle Eastern, African and Asian languages. An approximate translation has been provided for all foreign language titles. The remainder of the collection comprises Ministry of Information produced propaganda posters, postcards, cigarette cards, scrapbook stamps; portraits of Islamic leaders; maps from the Ministry of Information 'Map series' for use by newspapers; American propaganda pamphlets and Ministry of Information administrative papers. Administrative papers include progress reports, memoranda and plans relating to strategy, visual presentation, print deadlines and staff.

          Embleton , Edwin Joseph , 1907-2000 , studio manager, Ministry of Information
          GB 0099 KCLMA Dowling · 1942-1945

          Papers of Frank Dowling relating to his work for the Psychological Warfare Division, 1942-1945, including correspondence regarding positions with the Political Intelligence Department and Psychological Warfare Division, 1943-1945; Joint PWE/OWI and SOE/OSS Political Warfare Plan, Oct 1943, outlining how Psychological Warfare Division and Office of War Information propaganda was to be used by special operations agents before and during the D-Day invasions to inflict damage on the enemy, secure aid for Allied military operations and secure the morale of the civilian population; propaganda leaflets and booklets in English including The Battle of Britain: August-October 1940. An Air Ministry Account of the Great Days from 8th August-31st October 1940, 1941; 10 German Blunders, 1942; The Art of Lying: being a short guide, for beginners and advanced students, to the complex art of falsehood, with a selection of the more outstanding examples from the pens of the world's masters, highlighting inaccuracies in German propaganda, 1943; A Trip in a Giant Bomber, [1943]; The Flag of Victory, a publication for children highlighting Royal Air Force activities, Nos 1, 3-12, 1943; The Home Guard of Britain, [1943]; versions of Belgium and Luxembourg, a guide to correct behaviour towards the Belgian civilian population by Allied troops, 1944; draft version of a Pocket Guide to the Netherlands for use of the Services, 1944; Italy Stabs Herself in the Back!, [1944]; Dieppe! Britain strikes in the West!, 1944; drafts of publications including article entitled `District Mother' about the work of Rural Welfare Officers, nd; publication Mighty Forge about American armaments production, 1942; How Will the British use Victory, Feb 1943; and A manual for the Use of our Belgian Allies to Help and Advise them in the Coming Invasion, issued by Allied High Command, 1944. Also propaganda leaflets and booklets intended for distribution to speakers of French, Belgian, Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian; including copies of The Art of Lying in Spanish, the Flag of Victory in Portuguese, and L'Arc en Ciel or De Regenboog, a news-sheet in French and Belgian edited by Dowling, which was dropped into occupied territories by the Allied airforces.

          Dowling , Frank Coleman , 1901-1968
          GB 0099 KCLMA Dobrski · Fonds · 1939-1945, 1949-1950, 1953

          Papers principally relating to operations of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) in Italy, Greece, the Aegean and the Balkans, 1941-1945, including: SOE training manuals, and various SOE memoranda relating to the 'Rhine mine', poisons, inland waterways, and the 'New Zionists', 1941-1944; memoranda and directives on SOE infiltration of Italy and the recruitment of Italian agents, the production of propaganda for use in Italy, transcripts of subversive propaganda broadcasts to the Italian people via Radio Jerusalem, letters from Stefano Terra, regarding the activities of the anti-fascist group Giustizia e Libertà, 1940-1943; diary of Capt R Guy Turrall during his SOE sabotage mission to Crete, 1941-1942; papers concerning SOE Operations BASILIC and ERRATIC (infiltration of Scarpanto and Rhodes), 1943; papers concerning propaganda operations in conjunction with the Political Warfare Executive, particularly Operations KREIPE and KRIMSCHILD, May 1944, to demoralize German troops on Crete; reports, 1943-1945, relating to SOE activities on Crete, including reports on the kidnapping by SOE of German Maj Gen Heinrich Kreipe; appreciations of SOE activities in Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumania, 1943; correspondence of Headquarters Force 133 (SOE Cairo, Egypt) in regard to promotion, welfare, training, transfers and postings of personnel, including confidential reports on individual staff, 1944-1945; diary of Maj John Mulgan, British Liaison Officer in Greece, 1944; correspondence relating to the winding up of SOE organisation in Greece, 1944-1945; various other papers, comprising correspondence with Anne René Pleven, 1939-1941, on the German bombing of London and the reaction of the French people to German occupation and the Vichy government; report on René Pleven, French Minister of Defence, concerning Pleven's attitude to the French political situation, policy towards Indo-China and the French High Command, 1949; papers relating to the reorganisation of Lyons Silks Ltd, French Silhouettes and Arnold Securities, 1949-1950; newspaper article on German penetration of the SOE network in the Netherlands, 1942-1944, dated 1953.

          Dobrski , Julian A , fl 1939-1953 , Lt Col , Count , Special Operations Executive Officer , alias Lt Col Julian Antony Dolbey
          Danish Anti-Fascist leaflet
          GB 1556 WL 1466 · 1945

          Second edition of a Danish anti-fascist leaflet, entitled Frit Nyt (Free News), announcing the arrival of Allied forces in Germany, 1945.

          GB 0099 KCLMA Charteris · 1895-[1920], 1925, 1928-1931, [1933]-1934, 1940, 1944-1946

          Microfilm copies of papers relating to his life and career, dated 1906, 1913, 1914-1918, 1925, 1928-1931, [1933]-1934, 1940, 1944-1946, principally comprising letters, telegrams and postcards to his wife Noel Charteris, 1914-1918, notably describing his intelligence work at 1 Army HQ and BEF General HQ, 1914-1918; letters from Brig Gen Sir James Edward Edmonds commenting on the proofs of At GHQ (Cassell and Co, London, 1931), 1929, 1931; correspondence relating to his writings on FM Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig, 1928-1931; typescript text of lecture on the role of the Intelligence Service during World War One, dated 1925; notes and newspaper cutting concerning allegations about British use in World War One of a propaganda story about the German Army boiling down dead troops for fats, 1925; obituary reprinted from The Royal Engineers Journal, 1946. Copies of group and family photographs, [1895-1920], with photograph of railway bridge over the River Beas at Rohi, India, under construction by No 1 Company, 1 Prince of Wales' Own Sappers and Miners, 1910.

          Charteris , John , 1877-1946 , Brigadier General
          GB 1383 CH · 1800-1960

          The Charles Hasler collection is comprised of printed ephemera, including greetings cards, cigarette cards, journals, invitations, books, exhibition catalogues, sales catalogues, prints, packaging, articles, books, business records, photographs, photocopies, manuscripts, slides, colour transparencies, newspaper clippings and journals and trade literature. There are also defined groupings of material, including designs and artwork, which usually relate to specific projects including: typography (contemporary and historical; particularly monotype), printing techniques (particularly colour), transport, Greenwich, architecture, wine, fashion, watercolour painting, book binding and photography. In addition, the collection includes material from the Ministry of Information campaigns during World War Two, including "Dig for Victory" and "Careless Talk Costs Lives" and material relating to the Festival of Britain, 1951.

          Hasler , Charles , 1908-1992 , graphic designer and typographer
          British Anti-Nazi leaflet
          GB 1556 WL 1461 · c 1944

          British anti-Nazi leaflet, contrasting images of Hitler and quotations made by him from 1939 to 1943 with pictures of the destroyed cities of Rotterdam and Hamburg as well as images of the Wehrmacht in Poland and the Soviet Union.

          British Government
          GB 1556 WL 597 · 1944-1945

          Microfilm of anti-Nazi propaganda leaflets comprising leaflets produced by the US Office of Strategic Services (especially by W Necker), 1944-1945, for distribution in Germany, 1944-1945, partly in draft form; drafts of letters to be sent to party officials and ministers and serving as disinformation and black propaganda; leaflets possibly from German underground organisations including 'Aktionskomitee West, Abteilung 6 Panzerarmee' and two leaflets directed at Polish soldiers in the German occupation forces in France (in Polish). Leaflets circulated by the Antifaschistisches Deutsches Kampf Komitee Hamburg, April 1945 and nd, and the Antifaschistischer Gewerkschafts-Ausschuss Elmshorn, May 1945.

          US Office of Strategic Services
          Antifaschistisches Deutsches Kampf Komitee Hamburg Antifaschistischer Gewerkschafts-Ausschuss Elmshorn
          GB 1556 WL 1139 · 1940s

          Anti-Nazi activities worldwide collection consists of leaflets and circulars of anti-Nazi organisations in various countries across the world, 1940s, notably from South America, Austria, United Kindom and United States of America. The papers notably include manifesto of 'The Free Germany Movement', Brazil, 12 May 1942; manifesto of the 'Austrians in Great Britain' movement; leaflet entitled 'Zero hour for Germany destruction or revolt?' advertising a meeting at Central Hall, Westminster, organised by Allies Inside Germany Council and Appeal of the German American Congress for Democracy against Hitler's Juden Massaker.

          Various, unknown
          Allied Airborne Leaflets
          GB 0097 COLL MISC 0076 · 1939-1945

          Leaflets and magazines dropped over Europe by Allied aircraft based in the United Kingdom:.
          Volume 1: Belgian leaflets 1940-1944.
          Volume 2: Channel Islands, Czechoslovakian and Danish leaflets 1940-1945.
          Volumes 3-4: Dutch leaflets 1940-1944.
          Volumes 5-8: French leaflets 1940-1944.
          Volumes 9-12: German leaflets 1939-1945.
          Volume 13: Italian, Luxembourg, Norwegian, Polish and Slovak leaflets 1940-1944.
          Volume 14: Index of the aforementioned volumes.

          Foreign Office , Political Intelligence Department
          GB 0099 KCLMA Allfrey · Created 1928-1947

          Memoranda, 1941-1942, circulated to 43 Div by commanders of 12 Corps; transcripts of speeches by Allfrey, 1942-1944; papers relating to the Tunisian campaign, 1942-1943, including operational reports; Italian campaign, 1943-1944, including diaries; miscellaneous papers, 1943-1944, including texts of German propaganda leaflets; miscellaneous correspondence, mainly photocopies, 1942-1944; additional papers copied from scrap album, 1928-1947 including confidential report by Gen Sir Miles Christopher Dempsey, 1947.

          Allfrey , Sir , Charles Walter , 1895-1964 , Lieutenant General