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      Término General Conflicto internacional


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      • Usado para Armed conflicts
      • Usado para Invasion
      • Usado para War aggression
      • Usado para Conflit armé
      • Usado para Guerre d'agression
      • Usado para Invasion
      • Usado para Conflicto armado
      • Usado para Conflicto bélico
      • Usado para Contienda
      • Usado para Invasión

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      1045 Descripción archivística resultados para Guerra

      1045 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 338-339 · 1945, 1980

      Potsdam Conference Documents, 1945: The Presidential Documents Series is a themed microfilm collection including the personal and official documents and correspondence of President Harry S Truman during proceedings of the Potsdam Conference, 29 Mar-2 Aug 1945. Papers are drawn from a variety of originating bodies including US President Harry S Truman; US Gen of the Army George Catlett Marshall; US Gen of the Army Douglas MacArthur; Gen Dwight David Eisenhower, Supreme Commander Allied Forces Europe; George Frost Kennan, US Chargé d'affaires in Moscow; Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain (until 26 Jul 1945); Rt Hon Clement Richard Attlee, Prime Minister of Great Britain (after 28 Jul 1945); Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek; Soviet Premier Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin; the US Joint Chiefs of Staff; and the Combined Chiefs of Staff. Papers relate to US foreign policy concerning the reconstruction of Western Europe; the partition, de-nazification, demilitarisation, and future reparations payments of Germany; the trial of major war criminals; the unconditional surrender of Japan; former Axis satellite states; Austria; Yugoslavia; the withdrawal of Allied forces from Iran; the retention of Allied forces in Italy; Lend-Lease liquidation; Bulgarian reparations payments to Greece; the reconstruction of Poland, Czechoslovakia; Yugoslavia and the Balkans; Anglo-Soviet rivalry in the Middle East; civil affairs in China.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 388-401 · 1938-1945, 1982

      The MAGIC Documents: Summaries and Transcripts of the Top-Secret Diplomatic Communications of Japan, 1938-1945, is a themed microfilm collection relating to US deciphers of Japanese diplomatic codes through the use of MAGIC decryption, 1938- 1945. The collection contains copies of deciphered official and unofficial Japanese diplomatic communiqués sent from Japanese personnel stationed at embassies and consulates in the Far East, Europe and the Middle East, to Tokyo, Japan, 1938-1945, and includes material relating to Japanese civil, political and economic conditions and policies, military expenditures, strategy, tactics, and campaigns, and eventual peace initiatives and surrender, 1938-1945. Included in the collection are deciphered messages concerning Japanese perceptions of Allied strategy against Japan; the effect of Allied air raids on Japan; Japanese relations with the German Foreign Office; Japanese relations with the governments of Burma, Indo-China; Korea, Netherland East Indies, Siam, China, the Philippines; perceptions of Allied chemical warfare capabilities; perceptions of Allied Lend-Lease naval forces and strategy; British and French relations with colonies in the Far East; control of industry in Manchuria (Manchukuo); perceptions of Axis strategy and Japan's role within it; Japanese interest in Indian nationalism and the Indian Independence League; the Burma-Siam railway; Japanese attacks on the Burma Road, the supply route which connected Burma to Generalissimo Chiang Kai- Shek's nationalist forces in China; administration of the government of Japanese occupied Nanking, China; the Chinese Communist Party; the rationing of clothing and food in Japan; perceptions of the Soviet Comintern Pact; Japanese relations with German, European, and Chinese banks; Japanese relations with Spanish Gen Francisco Franco Bahamonde, the German High Command and Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini; interpretation of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere; concern for Japanese nationals abroad, 1937-1945; Japanese naval strategy and tactics; function of the Japanese Consular Police, China; territorial claims on the Kurile Islands; material relating to Japanese military campaigns during World War Two; Japan's search for strategic resources in the Far East; military strengths and dispositions of the German Armed Forces; the origins of the Russo-Japanese Neutrality Pact; Allied and Axis propaganda methods; the treatment of Allied prisoners of war; the surrender of Japanese armed forces in the Far East.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 422-426; MF 548-552; MF 438-440 · 1947-1956, 1988

      Minutes of the Meetings of the National Security Council: First Supplement are microfilmed copies of minutes of meetings, official meeting files and supporting documentation, and detailed records relating to meeting of the National Security Council, 1947-1956. Document material relates to policies and procedures governing the National Security Council, 1947; initial directives to the Central Intelligence Agency, 1947; the US political position concerning Italy, Greece, China, and Palestine, 1947; US policy with respect to the Republic of Korea, 1948-53; conversations with the British in regard to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, 1948; US position with respect to perceptions of Soviet-directed world communism, 1948-55; the dispatch of US B-29 bombers to Great Britain, 1948; US policy on atomic and nuclear warfare, 1948-55; possible Soviet interruptions to the Berlin air-lift, 1948; organisation under the Atlantic Pact and the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), 1949; the re- armament of the Federal Republic of West Germany, 1950; the position of the US with respect to Indochina, 1951-55; the death of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, President of the Soviet Council of Ministers and General Secretary, Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1953; the Mutual Security Program, 1953; US objectives with respect to Indonesia, 1953; US objectives in the event of a general war with the Soviet bloc, 1954; overseas reaction to the Atomic Energy Commission, 1955; US policy towards the People's Republic of China, Formosa and the government of the Republic of China, 1955

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 463-493 · 1918-1941, 1986

      US Military Intelligence Reports: Japan, 1918-1941 is a themed microfilm collection relating to US Military Intelligence Division (MID) in Japan, 1918- 1941. Included in the collection are microfilmed copies of US MID reports from the military attaché and his staff, and correspondence and telegrams between the military attaché, his staff, US Army Headquarters and the Japanese Imperial Army Headquarters, and US and foreign diplomats throughout the Far East. These documents have been arranged into eight sections: general conditions, political conditions, economic conditions, general conditions in Korea, army, field artillery, navy, and aviation. These sections are not mutually exclusive and all include a range of routine and special reports. Reports on domestic policy cover the rise of right wing, socialist, and communist organisations in Japan; the effects of the 1923 earthquake; Japanese industrial expansion, notably the securing of raw materials from neighbouring countries; the South Manchurian Railway Company; oil prospecting; and the iron and steel industries. Military and foreign policy reports concern the occupation of Korea, Siberia, Manchuria (Manchukuo), and the 1919 independence demonstrations in Korea. Specific military reports cover Japanese military tactics; military regulations; combat principles; training; organisation, the social attitude of officers; civil-military relations; aviation technology and statistics; the annual budgets of the Japanese War Ministry; naval building programmes; the scrapping of warships in accordance with the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922; naval operations in World War One; the use of air power against China; and the construction of offensive airfields in Indo-China.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 825-830 · 1967-1975, 1991

      The Vietnam Documents and Research Notes Series reproduces in microfilm captured and translated Viet Cong and North Vietnamese political and military reports, treatises, resolutions, directives and programme descriptions compiled by JUSPAO, Oct 1967-Feb 1975. The 'notes' in the collection also contain US and South Vietnamese commentary on the enemy materiel, as well as analyses of political methodology, strategy, infrastructure, and history. While the majority of notes relate to political topics, military topics include analyses of soldiers' diaries and comments on military conditions and operations. Papers include composite diary highlighting the plight of North Vietnamese Army (NVA) soldiers serving in South Vietnam, Dec 1966; diary of a North Vietnamese Army soldier en route to South Vietnam, including mention of his political indoctrination and military training, Oct 1967; North Vietnamese directive defining the political tasks for North Vietnamese An Thai Regt, Oct 1967; directive from Headquarters of Viet Cong Military Region 5, relating to repression of counter-revolutionaries, Oct 1967; Viet Cong training document, Mar 1968; Viet Cong post-operation report relating to military operations during the Tet Offensive, Apr 1968; Sixth Resolution, Central Office, South Vietnam, assessing the results of the Tet Offensive, Jul 1968; Liberation Radio broadcast texts outlining the political programme of the Alliance of National, Democratic, and Peace Forces, Sep 1968; broadcast reports relating to the death of Ho Chi Minh, Sep 1969; speeches by Gen Vo Nguyen Giap, Nov 1969; report, issued by the commander of Unit 591, detailing the shortcomings of his unit, including low morale, poor leadership, self-inflicted wounds and surrender, Feb 1970; conference notes relating to the Indochinese Peoples' Summit Conference, Apr 1970; report detailing the establishment and organisation of the Public Security Sector and the People's Police Force in North Vietnam, Jan 1971; captured documents highlighting the effects of an unsuccessful military campaign, loss of key cadre on the village levels, and the slow recruitment of personnel, Apr 1971; full text of Liberation Radio broadcast of Maj Gen Tran Do highlighting the problem and result of poor political indoctrination and ideological education, May 1971; lists of members, denoting office or responsibility of Communist Vietnamese organisations including the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam, the National Liberation Front and the People's Revolutionary Party, Jun 1972; articles by Gen Vo Nguyen Giap, Jun-Oct 1972; papers relating to the abandonment of the military and political seizure of Danang, Dec 1972; Central Office for South Vietnam (COSVN) directives relating to the economic situation in South Vietnam following the Paris Peace Talks, 1974-1975

      Sin título
      ANWYL, Rev Reginald A (1911-1983)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Anwyl · Created [1975]-1983

      Memoir covering the period 1940-1945, including details of his experiences in the Battle of Leros, Greece, 1943, as a POW, 1943 and in operations in North West Europe in 1944-1945, [1975-1983]; copy of obituary from school magazine, 1983.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Armstrong · Created [1925-1945]

      Papers principally comprising text of lecture on the outbreak of hostilities between Japan and China in 1937, including a detailed account of the Battle of Shanghai as witnessed from HMS DANAE, 1937; draft of lecture recounting his experiences on board HMS DIDO during the evacuation of Crete, Apr-Jun 1941, [1945].

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Balfour · Created 1944

      Photocopies of reports relating to the role of HMS SCOURGE in Operations NEPTUNE and OVERLORD, Jun 1944, France.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Ballard · Created [1874], 1900-1901, 1914-1916

      Correspondence, [1874], 1900-1901, 1914-1916, principally comprising letters to his family describing his service with 6 Corps, Mounted Infantry, South Africa, 1900-1901, and with 1 Norfolk Regt and 7, 95 and 14 Infantry Bdes, France and Belgium, 1914-1916, notably at the Battle of Mons, Aug 1914.

      Sin título
      BALSTON, Maj Thomas (1883-1967)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Balston · Created 1914-1919, 1938

      Papers relating to his service with 12 Gloucestershire Regt, 95 Infantry Div, 3 Div and 3 Corps, France, 1914-1918, dated 1915-1918 and 1938, principally comprising his official report of a visit to trenches near 3 Infantry Bde HQ at Novelles, 9-12 Aug 1915, written for 32 Div HQ, Aug 28 1915; 12th Service Battalion Gloucestershire Regt (Colston Publishing Co, Bristol, 1915) an illustrated souvenir pamphlet compiled and edited by Howard Rankin and Albert G Wain; 3 Div order of battle, Jan 16 1917; 3 Corps order of battle, Oct 1918; group and individual photographs of 12 Gloucestershire Regt, 1914-1919.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Barnett B G · Created 1944-1945

      Papers relating to his military service, 1944-1945, principally comprising war diary including maps and photographs, Sep 1944-Jul 1945; copy of report on the liberation of Belsen written for the Director of Military Government by Lt Col R I G Taylor, Officer Commanding, 63 Anti Tank Regt, [1945]; orders relating to the occupation and administration of Belsen, from Brig General Staff of 8 Corps, British Liberation Army, April 1945; report on Belsen by Capt Barker, Royal Army Medical Corps, 63 Anti Tank Regt, Jun 1945; letter to British officers from a group of Czech women prisoners describing their treatment in Belsen, 1945; Barnett's notes for a talk on Belsen, ND; photographs showing inmates and conditions in Belsen, 1945; newspaper cuttings relating to Victory in Europe Day, the liberation of Belsen and the Belsen trial, May-Oct 1945; 'Report by the Supreme Commander to the Combined Chiefs of Staff on the operations in Europe of the Allied Expeditionary Force, June 1944-May 1945', issued by HMSO, 1946.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Bartholomew · Created 1917-1950

      Papers relating to operations of 20 Corps in Palestine, 1917-1918, including third Battle of Gaza; correspondence including with Gen Sir Kenneth Wigram, 1935, and FM Sir Philip Chetwode, 1926-1936, with related papers, 1911-1950; Bartholomew Committee, Jun 1940 including operations in Flanders, organisation and training of troops; Northern Command and civil defence, 1940-1945.

      Sin título
      BEARNE, AVM Guy (1908-2005)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Bearne · Created [1980]-1985

      Copy of detailed memoir, 'From air to chair', covering his RAF career, 1929-1961, including sections on his RAF training, bomber squadron service, 1930-1933, armament training and duties, 1933-1944 and service in Iraq, 1937-1939, Bomber Command, 1939-1940, the Air Ministry, 1940, 1947-1949 and 1954-1956, Malaya, 1946, Joint Services Staff College, 1947, Central Gunnery School, 1949-1951, Rhodesian Air Training Group, 1951-1953 and Technical Training Command, 1956-1961, written in 1985. Copy of chapter of personal family history giving an account of his father, Lt Col Lewis Collinwood Bearne, during the period 1878-1918, including his service in the Boer War and World War One, [1980-1985].

      Sin título
      BELL, Frank (1916-1989)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Bell · Created 1945-1946

      Undercover University, an illustrated account of the language lessons he organised and ran as a POW at Kuching, Borneo during the period 1943-1945, written in 1945-1946, privately published in 1990.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Bishop · 1971

      'Look back with pleasure', typescript memoirs covering his life and career, 1897-1965, notably his service in Mesopotamia and Palestine, 1915-1918, India, 1919-1925 and 1957-1962, Africa, 1939-1944, Germany, 1945-1950, and Cyprus, 1964-1965, written in 1971.

      Sin título
      BLAGROVE, Capt Peter (1889-1969)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Blagrove P · 1915-1917, 1969-1970

      Copies of papers relating to his service in France, 1917, principally comprising orders and summaries of operations for Royal Field Artillery, 12 Div, 1917, orders, maps and timetables relating to trench mortar batteries on the Somme front, Jul-Sep 1917, and General Staff publications on wiring, signalling, the employment of guns and trench mortars captured from the enemy, and 2 Army operations, 1917; copies of correspondence, 1915-1917, 1969-1970, mainly letters written by Blagrove from the Somme front to his father, Col Henry John Blagrove, 1916-1917.

      Sin título
      BOMFORD, Col Guy (1899-1996)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Bomford · Created 1945

      Copy of account of the Survey Service of the Eastern and 14 Army in India and Burma during the period 1942-1945, written in 1945.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Bosanquet · 1956, revised and edited by author in 1990s and in 2006 by the family

      'Fusilier, memoir of life and service, 1930-1960', typescript memoir by Lieutenant Colonel Neville Bosanquet, including detailed description of living and working in the army in the interwar period, stationed in the United Kingdom, Gibraltar and Hong Kong, with analysis of the attitudes of soldiers in peace time; detailed descriptions of travelling in Communist Russia, 1935; living in Riga, Latvia, to learn Russian, 1938; travelling through Europe, Turkey and Egypt, 1938; life and work in England at the beginning of World War Two; training at Staff College, Quetta, India, 1942-1943; account of service under General Sir Hugh Charles Stockwell in the Arakan region, Burma, 1943-1945; including comparison of British and Japanese tactics, description of attack on Brigade headquarters, conditions experienced by soldiers and psychological effects of jungle warfare; account of service as General Staff Officer Grade Two under General Sir Francis Wogan "Frankie" Festing, 36 Division, including description of securing Shan region for Allies and liaising with American forces; account of service as instructor, British Military Mission in Greece, 1948, working with Greek National Army in Florina, Grammos, Vitsi and Salonika, including descriptions of the tactics of both the Greek National Army and the Democratic Army of Greece, and the difficulty of guerrilla warfare.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Broad · 1968-1974

      Correspondence, dated 1968, 1970, 1974, principally comprising letters relating to his career, 1914-1942, the destruction of his military papers in 1942; a letter concerning the relationship between the retention of horsed cavalry and the quality and rate of development of armoured forces in the UK during the period 1914-1940, written in 1970.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Bryce · Created 1944, 1978

      Photocopy of caricature of staff of HQ, second Chindit operation, Burma, 1944; photocopy of article by Brig Peter W Mead and Sir Robert Thompson on Maj Gen Orde Charles Wingate with related papers, 1978.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Buckle · Created [1988, 1991]

      Various papers relating to his family, life and career, dated [1988 and 1991], notably including a brief draft memoir covering his life and career, 1902-1991, written in 1991 and a brief account of the life of his grandfather, Louis Anthony Vintcent, 1865-1891, a member of the Pioneer Corps who accompanied the British South Africa Company Police on their trek to occupy Mashonaland in 1890, sent to Buckle by J P A Sutton in 1988.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Burrows · Created [1914-1920], [1939-1945]

      Papers relating to his service in the RN, [1914-1920], [1939-1945], principally comprising carbon copies of letters to his family describing his service at Gallipoli, 1915-1916, and in Salonika, Greece, 1916-1918; typescript texts, written in [1918-1975], principally comprising descriptive sketches of life in Salonika, 1916-1918, in Belgrade after the retreat of German and Austrian forces, 1918-1919, and in Budapest following Communist uprising led by Bela Hung Kun, 1919, written in [1918-1975]; typescript text by Harry W Frantz on Troubridge's work in Serbia and Hungary, 1915-1918, and as President of the Interallied Commission of the Danube, 1919-1920, written in 1920. Photographs relating to his service in Gallipoli, 1915, Salonika, 1915-1918, Belgrade, 1918-1919, and press photographs of the Communist revolution in Budapest, 1919-1920. Glass slides relating to his service in Salonika, 1915-1918. Papers relating to Burrows' work in the Shipping Casualties Section, Trade Division, Admiralty, 1939-1945, principally comprising descriptions of the work of the section, official reports concerning sunk or damaged ships and texts of interview with survivors.

      Sin título
      BURTON, Capt John George (1921-1978)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Burton · Created 1943

      Papers, photographs and maps relating to the invasions of Sicily and Italy, including the war diary of 41 Royal Marines Commando, 1943.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Cadoux-Hudson · Created 1915-1926

      Microfilm copies of letters from Cadoux-Hudson to his family, 1915-1926, covering his service with the Hampshire Regt in Gallipoli, 1915, on the Western Front, 1916-1919, in Russia, 1919, and Ireland, 1920-1925; letters from John (Jack) C Hudson to his family, 1915-1918, covering his service on the Western Front with the Signal Company, 1 Canadian Div, 1915-1916, and the Canadian Army Service Corps, 1917-1918; letters from Cadoux-Hudson's brother Heron Hudson to his family covering his service on the Western Front with the Signal Company, 1 Canadian Div, 1915-1916, and with the Canadian Army Service Corps, 1916-1918; letters from Cadoux-Hudson's brother William Hudson to his mother, 1915, describing his work in the motor industry in the USA. Copy photographs of John and Heron Hudson.

      Sin título
      CAMPBELL, Gen Sir Frederick (1860-1943)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Campbell F · 1878-1932

      Papers of Gen Sir Frederick Campbell, 1878-1932, chiefly relating to Tibet and the North West Frontier, including plan of route taken by the Younghusband Expedition from Siliguri, Bengal, India to Lhasa, Tibet, showing altitudes and sites of skirmishes, 1904; transcript of a lecture entitled 'Reminiscences of Tibet'; photographs including from the Tibet expedition, 1904; monasteries; bridge; British officers; Tibetan houses; a wall painting; 3 Rolls Royce armoured cars, Sep 1915; defeated Afghan troops; moveable column, 1914; aerial photograph of a Fort, 18 Feb 1916; Dargai Mountain, showing area held by Afridis, Tirah campaign, North West Frontier, 1898; 'route along which assault [British on Afridis] was made' and British officer with [Indian] troops; photograph album labelled 'Tibet 1904, Siliguri to Gyantse and Lhasa, 24 May - 8 July snapshots taken by J H Moody 40th Pathans' including photographs of camps with pitched tents, British officers, views of mountain peaks, troops in mountain passes, camp furniture, Mount Chomolhari, camp at Tuna, Tibet, game of hockey at Tuna, (40 Pathans versus 23 Pioneers), camp at [Khangma], Tibet, views of Niani, Tibet, Gyantse, street scene and British officer and Indian troops with objects taken from a monastery; correspondence including personal letters, 1912-1919, chiefly congratulations on operations, North West Frontier, Sep 1915, and on Campbell's promotion to General, 1919; correspondence relating to morale among troops of 1 (Peshawar) Div, 1918-1919; on defence of North West Frontier Province, India, World War One, 1928 and 1931-1932 and on 1 Div, 1919-1936; reports including on action at Hafiz Kor, North West Frontier [now Pakistan], 5 Sep 1915, by Campbell as General Officer Commanding 1 (Peshawar) Div; on operations on Swat, Buner and Mohmand borders, 19 Jun - 27 Oct 1915; by Campbell as General Officer Commanding 1 Div on 'Charsadda Raid and roundup, 7-8 Dec 1915'; report on operations in Swat, 28-29 Aug and 27 Oct 1915; report on operations in Buner, 17, 26 and 31 Aug 1915 and report on casualties, 1913-1915; certificates, 1878-1898 including Campbell's certificate of DSO, 1898; press cuttings; Campbell's accounts of his military service, 1926; notes on Campbell's medals and record of active service.

      Sin título
      CAPPER, Cdr Douglas (1898-1979)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Capper D · Created 1945

      Official 'War Cabinet Chiefs of Staff Committee weekly résumé (No 297) of the naval, military and air situation from 0700 3rd May to 0700 10 May, COS (45) 101, 10 May 1945'.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Cary-Elwes · Created 1944, [1965], 1987

      Copies of papers relating to his service with the French Special Air Service, France, 1944, some dated 1944, [1965] and 1987, principally comprising 'Looking back to the French SAS in Brittany, 1944', article by Cary-Elwes from the [Military Intelligence Review], 1947; pamphlet on Operation BONAPARTE, an operation to help Allied airmen to escape from occupied Europe, 1944-1945, published in the USA in [1965]; typescript text on the French Special Air Service, 1940-1946, written by [Cary-Elwes] in 1987; manuscript account of his service with Cary-Elwes and the French Special Air Service, Brittany, 1944, by Cpl Eric Mills, Cary-Elwes' batman, ND .

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Charrington · Created 1914-1965

      Papers relating to service with the 12 (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers during World War One, notably relating the advance into Flanders, the first Battle of Ypres, and the advance to, and fighting around, Amiens, 1914-1935; the writing and publication of Charrington's book Where Cavalry Stands Today (Hugh Rees, London, 1927), 1927-1928; papers from a report by Charrington on the operations of the British Army in Eritrea and Abyssinia during 1941; correspondence, narratives, photographs and maps relating to Charrington's command of 1 Armoured Bde during operations in Greece and Crete, 1941, 1941-1962.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Chichester · 1960-1992

      Publications, mostly official, relating to UK defence policy, notably, defence expenditure, and equipment procurement, 1960-1990, including ninety-seven editions of House of Commons Official Report. Parliamentary debates (Hansard) (HMSO, London, 1964-1990) and thirteen editions of House of Lords Official Report. Parliamentary debates (Hansard) (HMSO, London, 1975-1990); fifty, mainly UK and USA official printed reports, 1960-1989, including Navy estimates, 1960-1963, Statement on the Defence Estimates (HMSO, London, 1966-1973, 1975-1981, 1988-1989); reports from the House of Commons Defence Committee, 1981-1989; reports relating to specific issues, notably strategic nuclear deterrence, 1973-1982, and the Falklands conflict, 1982-1987. Newspaper cuttings, 1968-1992, mostly relating to Malta, 1968-1972; Soviet seapower in the Mediterranean, 1969-1972; International naval affairs, 1970-1971; South Africa, 1970-1971; the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988; the Falklands conflict, 1982; US intervention in Grenada, 1983; Soviet defence policy, 1984-1988; NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), 1984-1990; UK, US and European defence policy, 1984-1992; the US bombing raid on Libya, 1986; the Gulf War, 1991.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Churcher · 1984

      Copy of 'A soldier's story', a memoir of his life and career, 1905-1984, notably his service in India, 1935-1938, North West Europe, 1939-1940 and 1944-1945, including the arrest of the Grand Adm Karl Doenitz (Operation BLACKOUT) in May 1945, Palestine, 1947, Germany, 1948, and Egypt, 1954-1957, including the Suez Crisis, 1956, written in 1984. Photographs relating to the arrest of Doenitz, Germany, 1945.

      Sin título
      CLEARWATER, Dr John Murray (b 1966)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Clearwater · Created 1943-1996

      Typescript text of doctoral thesis entitled 'The birth of Strategic Arms Control during the Johnson Administration, 1964-1969', King's College London, 1996, with copies of US Government documents, 1964-1972, used by Clearwater in his research. Also, typescript transcripts of interviews with US politicians and foreign policy advisers, including Walt Rostow, Butch Fisher, Paul Warnke, (David) Dean Rusk, Clark McAdams Clifford, Alain Enthoven, Bus Wheeler, John McConnell, John Davis, Robert Strange McNamara and Paul H Nitze. Newspaper cuttings and articles, 1982-1983, relating to the Falklands War, 1982, from US, Argentinian and Canadian sources. Canadian and US newspaper cuttings, articles and copies of official documents relating to the USSR, 1943-1990.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Clifford · Created 1892-1960

      Narrative of operations of 7 Division, 1918 by the Revd E C Crosse including reference to Clifford's service as Officer Commanding 95 Field Company, Royal Engineers; papers relating to Anglo-Italian Jubaland Boundary Commission, 1925-1928 including maps; British Somaliland-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, 1931-1936, including intelligence reports on French Somaliland, air survey operations, Walwal incident between Italian and Ethiopian troops, and printed reports on the work of the Commission; Chief Engineer, China Command, including report on Royal Engineers in Hong Kong, 1941-1942; Kenya-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, 1950-1957, including diaries, 1951-1955, printed reports, and maps of the boundary, 1946-1949; published articles by Clifford, 1928-1947, mainly on boundary commissions; technical manuals, 1924-1932, including surveying; publications and printed works, 1892-1952, including boundary commissions.

      Sin título
      CLIVE, Capt Percy Archer (1873-1918)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Clive P A · Created 1897, 1899-1901

      Papers relating to his service in West Africa, 1897, comprising his diary, 1897; glass lantern slides, 1897. Papers relating to his service in South Africa, 1899-1901, notably including diary, Dec 1899-Jun 1900, describing operations in Orange Free State and Transvaal, Dec 1899-Jun 1900; letter books containing transcriptions of letters [to his family] describing operations in Orange Free State, Transvaal and Cape Province, Dec 1899-Sep 1901.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Codrington · Created 1898-1947

      Typescript edited and unedited versions of memoirs of Lt Col John Alfred Codrington, [1947] entitled 'Gathering moss', 1898-1944, including account of service with British Mission Allied Armies of the Orient, Smyrna, Turkey, 1920, and as British Liaison Officer to French forces in Syria, 1926-1929. Photographs and papers, including notebook with manuscript notes on Regimental history of the Coldstream Guards, military training and preparations for deployment to France, 1917, eight watercolour paintings of churches in French towns, 1918, and photograph of Gen Sir George Wentworth Alexander Higginson at the unveiling of the Guards Memorial, St James's Park, London, 1926.

      Sin título
      Cold War television documentary archive
      GB 0099 KCLMA Cold War · 1995-1998

      The Cold War television documentary archive consists of transcripts of 531 interviews concerning events of the Cold War - the political, ideological tension between the United States and the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), 1946-1989, following the end of World War Two, which while falling short of actual war between these two nations, was evident in their foreign and defence policies, and those of their allies.

      Interviews were conducted with eyewitnesses from the US, USSR, Germany, Poland, Britain, Czechoslovakia, Italy, France, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Spain, Vietnam, Korea, China, Israel Egypt, South Africa, Angola, Cuba, Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and including politicians, policy makers and advisors, diplomats, journalists, academics, members of armed forces, dissidents, peasants, factory workers and civilians.

      Events described include the Berlin blockade, 1948-1949, the Berlin Crisis, 1961, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962, the Vietnam War, 1965-1975, the Korean War, 1950-1953, the Hungarian uprising, 1956, the Prague Spring, 1968, the nuclear arms race, 1945-1991, and Chinese communism, 1949-1972.

      The collections also contains transcripts of a series of seminars on the Cold War, Oct 1995, as well as an incomplete series of files relating to individual episodes of the documentary series including annotated extracts of interview transcripts and other production information. (Transcripts in this section of the collection are mainly duplicates, however there are a small number which are not found in the main transcript series).

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Collins · 1917-1918

      Thirty two British and French printed maps of France, Belgium, Germany and the UK, various scales, 1911-1918, including annotated trench maps of operations and advances during the Battles of Cambrai, 1917, Bellecourt, 1917, and Fourth Battle of Arras, 1918, with newspaper cuttings of the Western Front, 1918 and aerial photograph of Solesmes, France, annotated with position of 461 Field Company Royal Engineers, 19-20 Oct 1918, also painted unit insignia of 62 (2 West Riding) Div, Royal Engineers [1918].

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Connell · 1916

      Copy of field service log book recording service of 8 Bn, Gordon Highlanders and 6 Bn, Royal Scots Fusiliers (commanded by Lt Col Winston Spencer Churchill, Ypres, Belgium, Jan-Mar 1916.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Courtney · 1922-1985, 1991

      Typescript intelligence report by Courtney entitled 'Remarks on a visit to Soviet Russia-August 1935', with notes, publications and related correspondence, 1922-1936; group photograph of Courtney and officers of the Naval Mission to the USSR [1942]; two notebooks with manuscript notes by Courtney on German and Allied ship movements, USSR [1942]; papers relating to the USSR, 1943-1978, including typescript notes by Courtney entitled 'Soviet Russia and the war', Feb 1943, article by William Laurence Burn entitled 'Anglo-Russian relations: an historical retrospect', from The nineteenth century, Jan 1946; edition of US restricted publication 'The Soviet Union', US Government Printing Office, 1947; manuscript notes on Soviet governmental personnel, 1953; typescript note on internal security in the USSR, 1978; correspondence with the Admiralty, 1949-1958, relating to pay and allowances, Courtney's civilian business matters, 1954-1958, and the Admiralty's refusal to grant permission for Courtney to travel in the USSR as a private businessman, 1953-1955; personal and business correspondence relating to the development of Windermere Island, Bahamas, 1963; correspondence, publications and texts of speeches relating to the Monday Club, 1978-1985, including typescript text of speech by Courtney entitled 'The Soviet fifth column', Jun 1978; correspondence between Cdr Geoffrey Briscoe Penn and the Ministry of Defence relating to the vetting and declassification of the Courtney papers, 1991.

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      CRIBB, Col Ronald Duncan (1908-1986)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Cribb · 1918-1957

      Papers, diaries, maps and publications relating to Col Ronald Duncan Cribb's life and military service, 1918-1957, including one hundred and sixty five military handbooks, training manuals and regulations, mostly relating to artillery, small arms, signals and the duties of commissioned officers, [1918]-1945; typescript and manuscript orders, notes and memoranda relating to 342 (Hertford) Battery, 86 (East Anglian), Hertfordshire Yeomanry Field Regt, Royal Artillery, Territorial Army, 1938-1939; manuscript narrative diaries relating to service in the Western Desert, Tunisia and Italy, 1941 and 1943; typescript unit diary, 121 Medium Regt, Royal Artillery, with lists of personnel, vehicles and weapons and equipment, 1944; typescript instructions for 5 Army Group, Operation OVERLORD, the Allied invasion of German occupied France, with typescript orders of battle and lists of stores, 1944; two manuscript notebooks [1944]; printed training pamphlets for service in Italy and Normandy, France, with notes on calibration, waterproofing and routes through Germany, 1944-1945; typescript orders, memoranda, printed news-sheets and press cuttings relating to 121 Medium Regt, Royal Artillery, North West Europe, 1944-1945; typescript history, written in [1947] of 121 Field/Medium Regt, Royal Artillery, 1939-1946; edition of the 'History of the 43rd Wessex Div, 24 June 1944-8 May 1945' [1947]; edition of 'The campaign in North West Europe: 275 Battery RA' [1947]; printed menus and invitations, Hertfordshire Yeomanry and 121 Medium Regt, Royal Artillery, 1947-1957; edition of 'The story of the 5th Army Group RA' [1948]; typescript Civil Defence course notes, 1948; agendas of meetings, circulars and correspondence relating to Hertfordshire Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Association, 1948-1951; typescript course notes, Field Officers, Tactical Wing, School of Artillery, Territorial Army, 1950.

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      CUMMINS, Col Stevenson Lyle (1873-1949)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Cummins · 1898-1917

      Papers of Colonel Stevenson Lyle Cummins comprising memoirs of service in Africa and France 1873-1918, and war diaries and other papers, 1914-1916. Copy memoir, 1873-1904, detailing service with Medical Service Corps in Egypt and the Sudan, including accounts of medical work handling wounds and cases of typhoid, diarrhoea, malaria, fevers, dehydration and scorpion stings at locations including: Genetti Fort, Sudan, Darmali Camp, Sudan; Omdurman Camp, Sudan; Waw Garrison, Sudan and the Kassala District, Sudan; also accounts of Battle of Omdurman, 1898; an expedition to recapture the town of Gallabat, Sudan, from Abyssinian forces; expeditions in the Bar el Ghazal region, Sudan, to capture cattle and burn huts in Dinka villages and visit friendly Dinka chieftains; and an attack on Ibrahim Wad Mahmud, slaver, at Jerok, Sudan. Includes detail of hunting expeditions and daily life for troops. Copy memoir of World War One service, 1914-1918. War diary kept by Cummins as Deputy Assistant Director General, Medical Services, British Expeditionary Force, France, 1 Jan - 31 Dec 1915, with appendiced reports, memoranda and correspondence on: treatment of cerebro-spinal meningitis, trench foot (described as `chilled feet' or frost-bite) and the supply of waterproof paper stockings, gum boots and whale oil as preventatives, anti gas precautions; logistical reports concerning personnel, evacuations, ambulance trains and barges; reports of an enquiry into an enemy chlorine and bromine gas attack to the south of "Shell Trap Farm" (village of St Julien, near Ypres), 24 May, 1915; report on captured German trenches, 16 June 1915; copy letter from General Sir Cecil Frederick Nevil Macready to the War Office regarding the establishment of a Central Laboratory for experimental work on prevention of gas asphyxiation; copy letter from Sir Arthur Sloggett to Sir Alfred Keogh, 9 Dec 1915, on the possibility of researching improved personal armour at Imperial College London. War diary for Report Centre GHQ, Hazebrouck, 10-17 March 1915, detailing logistics of transportation of wounded from Clearing Stations. War diary for Advanced GHQ, 8-23 May 1915, including casualty figures at Gas Clearing Stations; routine orders issued by General Sir Cecil Frederick Nevil Macready, Adjutant General, British Expeditionary Force, 18 Aug 1914, concerning procedures if taken prisoner, if a white flag should be hoisted by the enemy, the speed at which to drive motor-cars, and the correct procedure for saluting; report on the provision and stocking of ambulance trains, 9 March 1916; report on provision of extra personnel for Casualty Clearing Stations during heavy fighting, 9 March 1916; undated casualty figures at Casualty Clearing Stations for the 1 Army, 2 Army and 3 Army.

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      CUNDALL, Gp Capt Henry John (1919-2001)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Cundall · 1937-1961

      Papers of Gp Capt Henry John Cundall on his RAF service, 1937-1961, comprising photocopies of flying log books, Jan 1937-Oct 1960, and file of papers on RAF service, 1937-1961. Log books include outline record of service, 1937-1960, details of ranks held, awards, and types of aircraft flown; file of loose papers includes photocopies of RAF College Cranwell examination papers for Flight Cadets, Apr 1938; Bomber Command training transfer card, Dec 1938; Royal Aircraft Establishment graph of speed; certification green cards for Cundall as a pilot, 1951 and 1956; notes on 'Morale and leadership' in the RAF, Jan 1951 note on the correct recording of flying times for pilots' flying log books [1952]; Chart of ranges of Meteor 7 aircraft, according to altitude and condition, [c.1952]; Checklist for Canberra B2 and T4, [c. 1956]; 'Drills for abandoning Canberra aircraft in extreme emergency' [c.1956]; press cutting from The Times, 31 Jul 1961, 'Constant preparedness at missile station', re Bloodhound missiles at RAF Watton, Norfolk, quoting Cundall as Commanding Officer; letter of appreciation from AM Sir Hector McGregor, Fighter Command HQ, Bentley Priory, 31 Oct 1961, on Cundall's retirement; press cutting from The Sunday Times, 16 Jan 1983, 'Operation Oboe: flying heroes 40 years on', referring to Cundall; press cuttings from Eastern Daily Press, 3 Feb 1995, 'The Wooden Wonder goes to war' and 'Mosquito master of skies: hazardous missions from Norfolk', relating to launch for The men who flew the mosquito, by Martin Bowman (Patrick Stephens, Sparkford, 1995); Note on minimum weather requirements for flight clearance for pilots holding white certification cards and green certification cards, [1951]; Graph of static thrust and RPM for an Rolls Royce Avon engine, [1950s]

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      GB 0099 KCLMA Darlington · Created 1914-1915, [1930-1936]

      Typescript of Letters from Helles (Longmans, London, 1936) describing his service in Egypt and Gallipoli, 1914-1915, written in [1930-1936]. Army books containing notes, orders and letters relating to his service at Gallipoli, Jul 1915-Nov 1915. Battalion orders for 2 Bn, Northamptonshire Regt, Alexandria, Aug-Sep 1914, and 5 Bn, Manchester Regt, Egypt, Oct 1914-Apr 1915. Papers relating to training of 5 Bn, Manchester Regt, Egypt, 1914-1915.

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      GB 0099 KCLMA Douglas-Scott-Montagu · Created 1910-1928, 1948, 1987

      Papers relating to aviation and transport, dated 1910-1928, principally comprising papers relating to Joint War Air Committee (Inter-Departmental Committee on the Air Service) chaired by Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl of Derby, 1916, Committee on the Administration and Command of the Royal Flying Corps, 1916, and Air Boards chaired by Weetman Dickinson Pearson, 1st Viscount Cowdray, 1917, and George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Earl Curzon of Kedleston, [1916]; correspondence, 1915-1916, 1920, notably including correspondence with Herbert Henry Asquith, 1916, Curzon, 1916, Derby, 1916, the Imperial Defence Committee, 1916, the Parliamentary Aviation Committee, and George Sydenham Clarke, 1st Baron Sydenham of Combe, 1916; printed books, pamphlets, memoranda, notes and texts by Douglas-Scott-Montagu and others, 1910-1920, mainly relating to aviation technology, anti-aircraft defence and the organisation of the air services; memoranda, official reports, notes and texts relating to his work as Adviser on Mechanical Transport Services to the Government of India, 1915-1919; manuscript account of service of No 1 Armoured Motor Unit, North West Frontier, India, 1915-1916, by Capt A J Clifton, 68 Durham Light Infantry, 1915-1916, dated 1917, including photographs and preface by Montagu. Other papers relating to his life and career, 1914-1926, dated 1914-[1926], 1948, principally comprising letters relating to his service with 7 Hampshire Regt in Egypt, 1914, and India, 1915; photographs and photographic negatives, 1915-1922, mainly relating to his service in India, 1915-1919. Typescript draft of A strange war. Burma, India and Afghanisatan, 1914-1919 (Sutton, Gloucester, 1988), an account of 2/5 Bn, Somerset Light Infantry and 2 Mechanical Transport Company by Chris P Mills, based on the recollections of Col B G L Rendall, the diary of Edward William Ewens and research into the Montagu papers, dated 1987.

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      DOWLING, Frank Coleman (1901-1968)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Dowling · 1942-1945

      Papers of Frank Dowling relating to his work for the Psychological Warfare Division, 1942-1945, including correspondence regarding positions with the Political Intelligence Department and Psychological Warfare Division, 1943-1945; Joint PWE/OWI and SOE/OSS Political Warfare Plan, Oct 1943, outlining how Psychological Warfare Division and Office of War Information propaganda was to be used by special operations agents before and during the D-Day invasions to inflict damage on the enemy, secure aid for Allied military operations and secure the morale of the civilian population; propaganda leaflets and booklets in English including The Battle of Britain: August-October 1940. An Air Ministry Account of the Great Days from 8th August-31st October 1940, 1941; 10 German Blunders, 1942; The Art of Lying: being a short guide, for beginners and advanced students, to the complex art of falsehood, with a selection of the more outstanding examples from the pens of the world's masters, highlighting inaccuracies in German propaganda, 1943; A Trip in a Giant Bomber, [1943]; The Flag of Victory, a publication for children highlighting Royal Air Force activities, Nos 1, 3-12, 1943; The Home Guard of Britain, [1943]; versions of Belgium and Luxembourg, a guide to correct behaviour towards the Belgian civilian population by Allied troops, 1944; draft version of a Pocket Guide to the Netherlands for use of the Services, 1944; Italy Stabs Herself in the Back!, [1944]; Dieppe! Britain strikes in the West!, 1944; drafts of publications including article entitled `District Mother' about the work of Rural Welfare Officers, nd; publication Mighty Forge about American armaments production, 1942; How Will the British use Victory, Feb 1943; and A manual for the Use of our Belgian Allies to Help and Advise them in the Coming Invasion, issued by Allied High Command, 1944. Also propaganda leaflets and booklets intended for distribution to speakers of French, Belgian, Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian; including copies of The Art of Lying in Spanish, the Flag of Victory in Portuguese, and L'Arc en Ciel or De Regenboog, a news-sheet in French and Belgian edited by Dowling, which was dropped into occupied territories by the Allied airforces.

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      DRAKE, Col Francis ([1896]-1993)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Drake · Created [1944]

      Photocopy of account of the planning and execution of the invasion of Normandy in 1944 from the point of view of the Deputy Provost Marshal, 2 Army, covering the period 1943-1944, with particular reference to the role of the military police.

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      DRUMMOND, Brig John (1910-1997)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Drummond · Created [1936], 1944-1945

      Copy of manuscript account by Drummond relating to 1 Bn, Royal Ulster Rifles service during D Day, Operation OVERLORD, the Allied invasion of occupied France, and subsequent operations in Longueval, France, 1944, with four photographs including parade in Belfast, Northern Ireland [1936], groups of officers, Royal Ulster Rifles [1946] and Victory in Europe (VE) Day parade, Belfast, May 1945.

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      GB 0099 KCLMA Dunbar · Created 1953-1977

      Papers, 1953-1977, including draft of article relating to the role of air transport in army supply, published in the Army Journal; Imperial Defence College background study notes, 1966, on international relations, the UK economy, research and development; papers relating to Aden, 1967, including extracts of regimental journals relating to operations of British units in Aden, situation reports of 1 Bn the Lancashire Regt (Prince of Wales's Volunteers), translations of daily communiqués of FLOSY (Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen) and NLF (National Liberation Front), texts of speeches and official briefing papers of Headquarters MELF, notes and drafts for a book by Dunbar on Aden; articles by Dunbar, 1971-1973, relating to operations of 8 Bn (Midland Counties) the Parachute Regt in France, Belgium and Palestine, 1944-1948, and 16 Independent Parachute Bde Group in Cyprus and Suez, 1956.

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      LCC/AR/WAR · Colección · 1938-1946

      Records of the London County Council Architect's Department relating to Emergency Wartime Measures, including Rescue Service orders to contractors to carry out urgent emergency works, 1940-1941; papers relating to the reorganisation of the Rescue Service, 1942; central office arrangements, 1939-1941; notes for the guidance of rescue parties in the London Civil Defence Region, 1940; Rescue Service physical training instructors, 1939-1943; staffing of the War Debris Survey and Disposal, 1941-1942; Architect's Department emergency staff arrangements, 1938-1939; staff matters relating to the closing down of the Rescue Service, 1945-1946; proceedings and report of Departmental Committee on Staffing and Organisation of the Architect's Department, 1942-1943; report of the Departmental Committee on the Utilisation of Staff and the Elimination of Non-Essential Work, 1942; meetings of Principal Officers in Architect's Department, 1942-1944; Special Course in Air Raid Precautions run by the University of London in conjunction with Ministry of Home Security, May 1940; assistance to Civil Defence services by the Home Guard, 1944; working papers used in preparation and final draft of the War History of the Architect's Department, 1945; lists of awards for gallantry awarded to the Heavy Rescue Service, 1939-1945; Rescue Service Circular Memoranda numbers 1 to 891, 1939-1945; Rescue Service General Orders numbers 1 to 176, 1941-1945.

      Records from the Paddington District Surveyor's District, 1940-1945, including index book of war damaged premises; incident record books; War damage Survey notebooks; orders to contractors in relation to dangerous structures; Borough Council's demolition or works orders; incident report forms; incident reports on work done (includes those attended outside Paddington under mutual assistance arrangements); dangerous structure notices under Defence Regulations; daily returns of incidents; schedules of areas suggested for future redevelopment. Also tracings of maps showing damage caused by individual flying bomb and rocket incidents in Stepney, 1944.

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      LCC/FB/WAR · Colección · 1914-1949

      Records of the London County Council Fire Brigade Department relating to emergency wartime measures, 1914-1949, including subject and policy files on the First World War History of the Brigade; First World War air raid measures; experiments to test the efficacy of dry-powder fire extinguishers against incendiary bombs; fire protection for munitions factories; coal and food rationing; war badges for off-duty wear by firemen of military age; employment of disabled ex-servicemen; medals and decorations awarded to Brigade staff (uniformed and non-uniformed) on war service; interwar consideration of air raid precautions; fire-fighting during air attacks; press cuttings on air raid precautions; auxiliary fire stations; air raid warning signals; unexploded bombs and shells; Fire Service Information Bulletins; co-operation between military and civil authorities; Ministry of Information Official Bulletins; duties of fire brigades in case of invasion; National Fire Service (London Area) Regulations, 1941; nationalisation of fire services on 18 August 1941; situation reports; decontamination; emergency vehicles; River Service; Emergency Water supplies; communications in wartime; observation posts; anti-gas and incendiary bomb control training; Auxiliary Fire Service recruitment; liaison arrangements with London Salvage Corps; honours and awards for gallantry; reports on individual air raids (in and out of London); long range rockets.

      Original air raid fire reports, First World War, and original reports on incidents due to enemy action, Second World War. Daily returns of air raid fire calls, First World War and Second World War. Situation reports, Second World War.

      "Fire Over London: The Story of the London Fire Service"; London Auxiliary Fire Service informative leaflets used for recruiting purposes; National Fire Service (England and Wales) Directory; London Civil Defence Region Directories; Directory of London Fire Brigade and London Auxiliary Fire Service Stations and Sub-Stations; registers of B Class auxiliaries (the fire-fighting category) enrolled in the Auxiliary Fire Service from 1938; Press Cuttings Book; London Auxiliary Fire Service Routine Orders.

      London Fire Region (LFR) files, including messages received at night in the Regional Control Room; LFR Newsletters; air raids on Portsmouth and Southampton; incendiary bombs; Fire Service vehicles; Water Relaying Units; women auxiliaries; Regional Fire Officer duties; Regional Fire Headquarters staff; twice daily situation reports (London Civil Defence Region); Regional Fire Control Room Occurrence Book; London Fire Region Twice-daily Situation Reports; Home Office Daily Air Raid Intelligence Reports; Home Office Weekly Summary of Air Raid Intelligence; Home Office Detailed Reports on individual fires; training films; monthly returns of personnel and appliances in each outer-London brigade; medals, decorations and honours; underground control room; conferences; protection of fire stations against bombing and poison gas; aircraft crash fires; reporting of casualties.

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      MILLS-ROBERTS, Brig Derek (1908-1980)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Mills-Roberts · Created [1942-1981]

      Papers relating to his service with the Commandos, 1942-1945, dated [1942-1981]comprising:
      papers on service with No.4 Commando, May-Dec 1942, principally on the Dieppe Raid, Aug 1942, including report by Mills-Roberts on training exercise on the Isle of Arran, 25-26 Jun 1942; reports on Orange Beach landing; report on destruction of 6 inch gun battery at Varangeville; detailed report 'Lessons Learned on Combined Operations'; and letters of congratulation on award of MC;
      papers on service with No.6 Commando, Apr-May 1943, North Africa, including letters from General Dwight D Eisenhower and Maj-Gen Robert Laycock and letters of congratulation on award of DSO;
      papers on service with 1st Special Service (Commando) Bde, Jun 1944 - May 1945 including: account of part taken by No 1 Special Service Brigade in Operation OVERLORD, 6 Jun - 26 Aug 1944; narrative by Mills Roberts on action from 16-21 Aug 1944; report of No 1 Special Service Bde operations around Dozule and L'Epine, 19-21 Aug 1944; report of operations by 1st Commando Bde east of the River Maas, 19 Jan - 1 Feb 1945; 'Five Rivers' - account of 1st Commando Bde in Germany, 1945, on the avdance from the Meuse to the Baltic, crossing the Meuse, Rhine, Weser, Aller and Elbe; 'United We Stand' diary of L Cpl Cliff Morris, No 3 Troop, 6 Commando, detailed personal account of action from 6 Jun 1944 - 7 May 1945; papers relating to the arrest of FM Erhard Milch in 1945, dated 1946, 1969; maps of Ouistreham, St Aubin, Caen, Dozule;
      papers on commando training, 1942-1950 including account of 6 Commando training by Mills-Roberts, 1943-1944;
      manuscript of Clash by Night (William Kimber, London, 1956) and notes to Simon Christopher Joseph Fraser Lovat, 17th Lord Lovat, concerning Lovat's book March Past (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1978), dated 1977-1981;
      photographs, 1942, 1944-1945, 1947, including German propaganda photographs of Dieppe Raid, 1942, and photographs relating to Commando service in World War Two, 1944-1945, dated 1944-1945, 1947, including Normandy, Jun 1944, and Germany, 1945.

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