GB 0102 CIM/PP 28-33 - Warren, W H

Identity area

Reference code

GB 0102 CIM/PP 28-33


Warren, W H


  • 1903-1940 (Creation)

Extent and medium

5 volumes and 1 file

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

Born, c1870; worked as a printer and bookbinder, living in Canterbury; served the China Inland Mission (CIM), leaving for China aged 21, 1891; arrived, 1892; studied the language at Anking, in Anhwei; sent to Ningpo in Chekiang province; married the daughter of a missionary, Minnie Meadows, 1897; stationed at Shaohsing, c1897-1911; moved to Hangchow, 1911; Principal of the Bible Training Institute, which prepared Chinese students for Christian service; subsequently CIM Superintendent of the Chekiang field; left Chekiang and served the CIM administration in various capacities from 1922; appointed CIM Assistant China Director, 1931; travelled from the CIM headquarters in Shanghai to distant provinces including Kansu, Kweichow and Yunnan; died, 1940.

Archival history

The papers form part of the series of personal and private papers of individual missionaries among the records of the China Inland Mission.
GB 0102 CIM/PP 28-33 1903-1940 Collection (fonds) 5 volumes and 1 file Warren , W H , c 1870-1940 , missionary
Born, c1870; worked as a printer and bookbinder, living in Canterbury; served the China Inland Mission (CIM), leaving for China aged 21, 1891; arrived, 1892; studied the language at Anking, in Anhwei; sent to Ningpo in Chekiang province; married the daughter of a missionary, Minnie Meadows, 1897; stationed at Shaohsing, c1897-1911; moved to Hangchow, 1911; Principal of the Bible Training Institute, which prepared Chinese students for Christian service; subsequently CIM Superintendent of the Chekiang field; left Chekiang and served the CIM administration in various capacities from 1922; appointed CIM Assistant China Director, 1931; travelled from the CIM headquarters in Shanghai to distant provinces including Kansu, Kweichow and Yunnan; died, 1940.

The papers form part of the series of personal and private papers of individual missionaries among the records of the China Inland Mission.

Donated with the records of the China Inland Mission from 1991.

Papers, 1903-1940, of the Rev W H Warren, comprising four station reports from Shaohsing, 1903-1914; two printed China Inland Mission reports from Shanghai, 1931; Warren's manuscript account of an attack by pirates on a mission party travelling from Shanghai to Chefoo schools (Yantai), 1935; typescript report on events in China and their implications for missionary work, 1937; typescript report from Shanghai, 1940; Nosu hymnbook, undated.

Unrestricted. Readers should order the documents as CIM box 4 in SOAS Special Collections Reading Room.

No publication without written permission. Apply to archivist in the first instance.
English and Nosu

Database and unpublished handlist.

The School of Oriental and African Studies holds the records of the China Inland Mission (Ref: CIM).

Compiled by Rachel Kemsley as part of the RSLP AIM25 project. Sources: Chinese Recorder, xxiii (1892), p 98; ibid lxxi (1940), pp 307-8; School of Oriental and African Studies, CIM 86. Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. Mar 2002 Ancient religions Beijing Shi Chefoo Schools , south and east Asia Children of missionaries China China Inland Mission Christianity Christians Clergy Crime East Asia Educational missionaries Educational missionary work Evangelistic missionaries Evangelistic missionary work Inland water transport Missionaries Missionary childrens schools Missionary work Mission schools Musical styles Ordained missionaries Protestantism Protestants Religions Religious activities Religious groups Religious institutions Religious movements Religious music Religious practice Schools Shanghai Shanghai Shi Shaohsing Shaoxing Transport Travel Travel abroad Warren , W H , c 1870-1940 , missionary Yantai Educational institutions

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

Donated with the records of the China Inland Mission from 1991.

Content and structure area

Scope and content

Papers, 1903-1940, of the Rev W H Warren, comprising four station reports from Shaohsing, 1903-1914; two printed China Inland Mission reports from Shanghai, 1931; Warren's manuscript account of an attack by pirates on a mission party travelling from Shanghai to Chefoo schools (Yantai), 1935; typescript report on events in China and their implications for missionary work, 1937; typescript report from Shanghai, 1940; Nosu hymnbook, undated.

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Unrestricted. Readers should order the documents as CIM box 4 in SOAS Special Collections Reading Room.

Conditions governing reproduction

No publication without written permission. Apply to archivist in the first instance.

Language of material

  • English

Script of material

  • Latin

Language and script notes

English and Nosu

Physical characteristics and technical requirements

The School of Oriental and African Studies holds the records of the China Inland Mission (Ref: CIM).

Finding aids

Database and unpublished handlist.

Access points

Description control area

Institution identifier

School of Oriental and African Studies

Rules and/or conventions used

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.


  • English