Empleo de las mujeres

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      Empleo de las mujeres

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      Empleo de las mujeres

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      Empleo de las mujeres

      • Usado para Womens work
      • Usado para Travail des femmes
      • Usado para Trabajo de las mujeres

      Términos asociados

      Empleo de las mujeres

      78 Descripción archivística resultados para Empleo de las mujeres

      78 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
      GB 106 7EFA · Fondo · [1830-1890]

      The archive consists of one album containing 125 autograph letters written to Emily Faithfull (and a few to her father, the Revd Ferdinand Faithfull) over the period 1830s-1890s. The letters are from a wide range of individuals, including prime ministers and statesmen, medical men, artists, scientific and literary figures, clergymen and philanthropists. All undated letters have been given a default circa date of c.1890.

      A volunteer transcribed these letters in Jan 2004. Transcriptions are included in the item descriptions below.

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      CROWLE, Mary Beatrice
      GB 106 7MBC · Fondo · 1914-1966

      The archive consists of Mary Beatrice Crowle's annotated scrapbook entitled 'women pioneers'. This contains correspondence, photographs, leaflets, press cuttings, etc. It relates mainly to her family; Lady Astor, and the Conservative and Unionist Women's Franchise Association; Women Police; Australians in First World War; vivisection; natural healing. Below are given selected detailed item descriptions for visual material, the references indicate the page numbers.

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      Suffrage notebook [Gift of Mary Mills]
      GB 106 7MMI · Fondo · 1908-1936

      The archive consists of a small notebook containing manuscript notes from books and lectures on subjects including women's suffrage, employment and legislation. The volume includes notes under the following headings:

      'Women's Suffrage Debate 28 Feb 1908'; 'United Kingdom Hospitals - Conference University College London Apr 1908'; organisation of a Votes for Women event; 'Mrs Wolstenholme Elmy on Married Women's Property Act 1882'; 'Meetings at Queen's Hall, Ladbroke Hall'; 'Self Denial Week'; 'Miss M Brockenbury - The Educated Woman and the Vote' [report of speech]; 'Mrs Brownlow's Pamphlet - Women and Factory Legislation'; Australia: Minimum Wage, Victor Clark Labour Movement; America - Licensing systems, Machinery, Factory, Jewish Competition, women voters in Colorado, New Zealand, Wyoming; 'Housing Bill 1908'; speech by John Burns; 'Pauperism 1st quarter 1908' [statistics]; dates of legislation affecting women 1844-1897; Reform Bill; women's work - florists, acrobats, pattern makers, married women in factories, cotton trade, carding hooks and eyes, cigar trade; posts closed to women - Law, medicine, church, politics; women in Inspectorate - prisons, factory , schools; women's wages; 'Government as Employers'; sweated labour; Anti-sweating Demonstration Queen's Hall Jan 28 1908; women prisoners; employment of children; Married women's savings; women married to aliens; Married Women's Property Act 1882; Guardianship of children.

      The volume also included the following loose inserts which have been removed and are held within the folder:

      Press cuttings:

      'Unemployment - Salford and the scheme for women', Manchester Guardian, 22 Jan 1909

      'Child labour in Egypt', Manchester Guardian,15 Jul 1908

      'Australia and women's suffrage', Manchester Guardian, 1 Feb 1910

      'Women as Councillors - the narrow range of choice', Manchester Guardian, 22 Jan 1909

      'Votes for Women - women voters', Manchester Guardian, 19 Jun c. 1910

      'University Women Teachers - the vote a necessary leverage in their work' Manchester Guardian, c. 1910

      'London's unknown Museums - special LCC survey', The Times, 11 Mar 1936

      'The Sacredness of motherhood', Common Cause, 24 Mar 1910

      'Infant mortality and working mothers', Common Cause, c. 1910

      'Why women need the vote', Common Cause, 21 Mar 1910

      'The equal standard', Common Cause, c. 1910

      Loose page from a leaflet on equal pay in Australia.

      Manuscript notes on working women

      Manuscript notes on The Present Conciliation Bill

      Manuscript notes on women prisoners and comparisons with conditions abroad

      Manuscript notes on women as a moral force

      Manuscript notes on two speakers: Miss Phillips and Miss Fothergill

      Manuscript notes on the function of the state and women's work

      Manuscript notes on infant deaths

      Sin título
      ARNOLD, Roxane
      GB 106 7RAR · Fondo · c 1993

      The archive consists of papers relating to Roxane Arnold's work as Treasurer of the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section). The archive contains the following:

      • Subscription form for the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section), c 1993

      • Flyer for the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section), c 1993

      • List of participants at an International Federation of Women Lawyers conference held in Paris, 7-11 Sep 1989

      • Balance sheets for years ending 1968, 1990, 1991 and 1992

      • 2 letters in Italian

      • Two photographs of the Married Women's Association Tea Party, House of Lords, 23 Jun 1988.

      Sin título
      DILKE, Emilia Frances (1840-1904)
      GB 1924 Dilke · 1891-1892

      Notebook of Emilia Frances, Lady Dilke, 1890-1891, containing notes on labour questions affecting women, used by Lady Dilke in speeches for the Women's Trade Union League; subjects include women in unskilled trades; labour in the great towns; notes for speech in Newcastle-unon-Tyne, 1891; shop assistants and notes for speech to Girls' Letter Guild, Birmingham, 1892.

      Sin título
      National Union of Domestic Workers
      GB 1924 Domestic Workers · 1938-1953

      Financial records of the National Union of Domestic Workers, 1938-1953, comprising: Ledger and cash books (including branch accounts), 1938-1953; St John's Wood Branch, London, account book, 1938-1941.

      Sin título
      BILLINGTON-GREIG, Teresa (1877-1964)
      GB 106 7TBG · Fondo · 1903-1964

      The archive consists of two parts.

      Part 1 consists of records collated during Billington-Grieg's membership of a large number of international women's organisations, associated correspondence, drafts of papers presented at conferences, as well as publications received from the organisations. In addition there are papers related to her unpublished biography of Charlotte Despard.

      Billington Grieg was a keen suffrage historian, and her historical writings on suffrage (as well as papers reflecting her own suffrage activism) are represented in her archive.

      Subjects covered include: women's suffrage, post-suffrage campaign period, status of women, equal pay, women workers, women's education, war and peace, sex and prostitution, international women's activism.

      Formats include: correspondence, drafts and notes of speeches and articles, photographs and printed material (press cuttings, newspapers, leaflets, pamphlets, journals and books).

      Part 2 contains leaflets, circulars, election papers and reports of meetings of the Central Women's Electoral Committee established by the Women's Freedom League (1937-1939); papers of the Women's Freedom League itself including incomplete executive committee minutes (1937-1941), papers of conferences (1937, 1938, 1952, 1953, 1955), publications and circulars; files, publications, committee papers and other official papers of the Women for Westminster group and Teresa Billington Greig's notes and related correspondence (1938-1950); minutes, related correspondence and official papers of the Married Women's Association (1937-1961); publications of the Fawcett Society (1937-1961); publications, notices of meetings and agendas of the Women's Council (1948-1959); publications and papers of the Six Point Group (1959-1961); the Women's Publicity Planning Association (1942-1949); the International Alliance of Women (1946-1961); the British Commonwealth League (1947-1961), periodicals, invitations and news sheets (1950-1960); minutes, conference agendas, correspondence and papers of the National Women Citizen's Association (1939-1961); notes and quotations for articles, miscellaneous leaflets, pamphlets and government publications (1905-1961); notes and press cuttings related to the Commonwealth and the 'Third World' (1949-1961); and materials collected by Teresa Billington Greig for articles and a biography of Charlotte Despard including notes, a draft memoir and essays, list of interview questions and replies, pamphlets by Despard, correspondence and photographs.

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      GB 106 9/05 · Fondo · 1865-1972

      The collection is arranged in chronological order and includes letters written by and to individuals concerned with work in this area, including: Dr Elizabeth Blackwell, Sir John Seeley, George Eliot, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, Cardinal Manning, Lady Strangford, Lord Shaftesbury, Mr Rickman J Godlee Dr Helen Wilson, Dr Sophia Jex-Blake, Frances Power Cobbe, Millicent Garrett Fawcett, Lord Baldwin and Margaret Lawrence (45 items, 1865-c.1972). Subjects include the training of women as doctors, the medical profession and their experiences as medical students.

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      GB 106 9/12 · Fondo · 1869-1907

      The collection contains a series of letters addressed to Louisa Hubbard concerning articles for the Woman's Gazette, Work and Leisure and the Englishwoman's Yearbook; women's education; professions for women and letters of condolence written to Louisa's brother on her death.

      Sin título
      Society of Women Musicians
      GB 1249 Society of Women Musicians · 1892-1974

      Papers of the Society of Women Musicians (SWM), 1911-1972, including annual reports, 1914-1972; minutes, 1967-1973; book of members elected and resigning, 1920-1960; fixture cards, 1915-1971; memorandum and articles of association, 1930; programmes and handbills of concerts, recitals and lectures organised by the SWM, 1912-1972; notices to members, 1911-1972; programmes of Ivimey Concerts, 1966-1971; papers relating to the foundation of the society in 1911, its constitution and initial membership, comprising correspondence, minutes, notes; correspondence on engagement of women with professional orchestras, 1920, 1928-1929; correspondence with speakers for lectures, 1933-1971; correspondence relating to BBC women's conference, 1936; correspondence with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music regarding the appointment of women examiners,1937-1956; various correspondence relating to the SWM presidency, membership, SWM library accessions, celebrations of SWM golden jubilee, 1961 and diamond jubilee 1971; news cuttings on the deaths of K Dorothy Fox, 1934, Marion Margaret Scott, 1953, and Katharine Emily Eggar, 1961, with related correspondence; printed material including The Music Student: special number devoted to the subject of women's work in music, May 1918; pamphlet of meeting in commemoration of Marion Margaret Scott, Jun 1954; press cuttings books relating to women musicians and the SWM, 1892-1964; correspondence relating to the dissolution of the SWM and donation of its records to the Royal College of Music, 1973-1974.

      Sin título
      Committee on woman power
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0548 · Colección · 1940-1945

      Minutes of the Committee on woman power.

      Sin título
      MEECHIE, Helen Guild (1938-2001)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Meechie · Colección · 1943-2000

      Printed manuals including Military History Burma 1943-1945 and Guide to new arrivals: the British Army in Cyprus, nd. Pamphlet histories of the Queen Mary's Auxiliary Corps, University of St Andrews Officer Training Corps, The Womens' Royal Army Corps, Royal College of Defence Studies and the Imperial Defence College. Official publications including 'Report on the staff/promotion examination 1967' and 'The Armed Forces Pension Scheme' [1991]; Womens' Royal Army Corps (WRAC) items including WRAC: Corps Memorandum, 1978; WRAC Liaison Notes, 1987; Corps Day programme, 15 Jun 1996 and WRAC concert programme, 21 Mar 1992. Biographies for the 1987 course at Royal College of Defence Studies and obituaries and portrait photograph of Meechie.

      Publications, 1943-2000, chiefly on women in the Armed Forces including Lioness (journal of the Womens' Royal Army Corps Association), issues 1963-2000; Women in Khaki, Roy Terry (1988); Marlborough's Campaigns, Maycock (1956); Je Maintiendrai: a concise history of the Dutch Army, Amersfoort /Kamphuis (1985); Service with the Army, Dame Helen Gwynne-Vaughan (1941); The Chilwell Story: VC factory and Ordnance Depot, Haslam (1982); Pig in the Middle: The Army in Northern Ireland, 1969-1984, Hamill (1985); The New Groundwork of British History, Warner, Marten & Muir (1943); F.A.N.Y. The Story of the Women's Transport Service, Hugh Popham (1985) and The Auxiliary Territorial Service, The War Office (1949).

      Sin título
      Women in Gynaecology and Obstetrics
      GB 0106 6WIG · Fondo · 1982-1997

      Records of Women in Gynaecology and Obstetrics, comprising:
      Minutes (1982-1996), correspondence, policy papers, campaigning material, training programmes, conference papers (1991-1997) and published articles (1985-1997).

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      VICKERS, Phyllis
      GB 106 7VIC · Fondo · 1958

      The archive consists of answers given by Phyllis Vickers to a questionnaire on the 'position of married women in the British civil service', sent to Lady Paton, wife of the vice-chancellor of Melbourne University, at the request of Mary Field (with covering letters). The questionnaire specifically relates to the following issues: the marriage bar, Equal Pay, Equal Access to Jobs, Equal Promotion, maternity leave, superannuation, pension rights, relationships between single and married female employees, absence and punctuality of married women (compared to single women and men), retention and recruitment, grades. Vickers appears to have been a civil service employee, and her answers provide facts about civil service policy mainly gleaned from official literature.

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      GB 106 8SUF · Fondo · 1974-1981

      The collection consists of 205 interviews available in digital audio file format and one folder of contextual material relating to the interviews, including essays and reports by Brian Harrison. The digital files are copies of the original oral history interview recordings that are held on reel-to-reel cassette.

      Sin título
      GB 106 PC/06 · 1930-[2008]

      The catalogued Pamphlet Collection comprises over 12,000 titles dating from approximately 1830 to the present. The Pamphlet Collection consists of printed material less than 60 pages in length and includes government policies, reports, annual reports and campaigning material, primary law, including Bills and Acts. The subject material of the collection reflects and enriches the wide range of topics held elsewhere in the Women's Library.The topics covered include: English fiction, children's stories, poetry, women's organisations, feminism, role of women in society - UK and abroad, nursing, sex discrimination law, divorce law, employment, occupations, careers, equal opportunities, labour law, pension law, social security, taxation, housing, health, pregnancy, abortion, birth control, domestic violence, mothers, one-parent families, children, family life, housekeeping, religion, ordination, arts, costume, suffrage. Organisations include Equal Opportunities Commission, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital, National Union of Suffragettes, National Society for Women's Suffrage, US Women's Bureau, American National Red Cross, Union of Jewish Women, National Union of Townswomen's Guilds, National Federation of Women's Institutes, Fawcett Society, National Council for the Unmarried Mother and Her Child, British Federation of University Women, Association of University Women Teachers, Divorce Law Reform Union. Most of the material is in English, but there are also pamphlets in other languages, such as Italian, German and French.The pamphlets are arranged in two sections - one for standard sized pamphlets and one for oversized pamphlets.

      The 'UDC Pamphlet Collection' [Universal Dewey Decimal Classification]: In addition to the main Pamphlet Collection is the 'UDC Pamphlet Collection.' The UDC collection was the first pamphlet collection created by the Library and consists of approximately 10,000 pamphlets dating from mid nineteenth to mid twentieth centuries, covering all subjects. As the collection was gradually acquired during the Library's first 20 years of life, it was arranged by subject, using the Universal Decimal Classification system. The pamphlets were primarily deposited by organisations and individuals, although some purchases were made. There is a finding aid kept with the collection but the collection was never catalogued and therefore remained a hidden resource within the Library for more than 80 years. Unsurprisingly other libraries did not collect most of these pamphlets. In 2007 as part of a cataloguing funding bid preliminary sampling of the collection against Copac (the merged online catalogues of 24 university research libraries in the UK, plus the British Library and the National Library of Scotland) found that over 60% of the UDC pamphlets were not listed in these major research collections. This is a very significant level of unique printed material.Cataloguing of the UDC collection started in 2007 and as the pamphlets are catatogued, they are transferred to the main pamphlet collection described above. As at 2009 the collection was partially catalogued and The Library was seeking additional funds to complete the project.

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      Scrapbook [of Cécile Matheson]
      GB 106 10/36 · Fondo · 1907-1917

      This scrapbook consists of press cuttings from the regional and specialist press, including many articles written by Cécile Matheson, relating to the Birmingham Women's Settlement and her other social welfare interests and activities.

      Sin título
      GB 106 5SMW · Fondo · 1938-2004

      The archive consists of:

      • Administrative papers (1964-2004)

      • minutes of Annual General Meetings and related papers (1977-2004)

      • minutes of Executive Committee meetings (1938-2000)

      • Financial papers (1982-2004)

      • Papers relating to the Ecumenical Network of Women's Ministries (2003-2004)

      • Publications (1966-2004)

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      PIEROTTI, A Muriel (1897-1982)
      GB 106 7AMP · Fondo · 1912-1978

      The archive consists of minutes and working papers for the organisations in which Pierotti was involved, namely the National Union of Women Teachers (1924-1964), the Joint Standing Parliamentary Committee of Women's Organisations (1942-1950) and the Status of Women Committee (1945-1978) including details of its establishment; Suffrage material relating to the movement in general, her membership of the Women's Freedom League (1919-1928). There is also material related to the Pethick Lawrences and Charlotte Despard; various press cuttings, pamphlets, photographs, postcards and objects. The pamphlets include material on equal pay and equal rights.

      Sin título
      ELLIOT, Dorothy Mary (1897-1980)
      GB 106 7DEL · Fondo · 1914-1969

      The archive consists of a typescript of Dorothy Elliot's memoirs (1914-1969) in which she described a lifetime of work in organisations dealing with the problems of women in employment. See her biographical history for details of the organisations she worked for. Mrs Elliott concluded the memoir with a tribute to the power of 'domesticity in its fullest sense'.

      Sin título
      BARTON, Dorothea M
      GB 106 7DMB · Fondo · c 1900-1920

      The archive consists of historical and contemporary notes, statistics, press cuttings and correspondence on women's wages including specific classes of trades (1914-1919); printed reports on conditions of juvenile employment (1912), of the sub-committee of the Women's Industrial Council (1917), on women's employment in industry (c 1910-1915); press cuttings, articles and reviews, on women and their welfare (1912-1917); papers, reports and typescript of articles on women's wages and conditions (1912-1919); notes on the employment of women in the Civil Service (1914-1916); questionnaire of the Fabian Society's Women's Group and other organisations (undated).

      Sin título
      EVANS, Dorothy Elizabeth (1889-1944)
      GB 106 7DME · Fondo · 1933-1934

      The archive consists of drafts, typescripts, proofs, correspondence, comments on the drafts of Miss Evans' book 'Women and the Civil Service', published by Pitman. (4 folders)

      Sin título
      GUNDREY, Elizabeth
      GB 106 7ELG · Fondo · 1959-1975

      The archive consists of papers and correspondence about 'Jobs for Mothers', papers about widows, working mothers and others, press cuttings, working notes, replies to questionnaires and lists of publications on careers.

      Sin título
      FEENY, Everild
      GB 106 7EMF · Fondo · 1977-1999

      The archive consists of:

      • press cutting album (1977-1994) and index

      • UK research material relating to St Joan's Alliance, Catholics for a Changing World, Women in Ministry, Distinctive Dioconate, the Society of St Margaret, etc (1988-1995)

      • United States of America and Canada research material relating to Priests of Equality and the Women's Ordination Conference (1992-1995)

      • correspondence re Catholic Women's Ordination Day (1993-1995)

      • campaign file for Catholic Women's Ordination Day (1994-1995) and Vatican II and Planet Earth; further resource material (1994-1995)

      • books and photocopy manuscript by Feeny (1995-1996)

      • scrapbook by Feeny (1937-1999).

      Sin título
      STEPHENSON, Eva and WILKINS, Maurice
      GB 106 7ESW · Fondo · 1910-1914

      The archive consists of correspondence between Eva Stephenson and her fiance Maurice Wilkins, covering the period 1910-1914. The letters describe Stephenson's experiences in Holloway prison for suffrage activism in 1910 (some letters are written on prison regulation notepaper), her life as an office worker and her family relationships. Subjects covered include: relationships with other suffragettes in prison; trials of the prison regime; Christmas in Holloway; her relationship with her mother who disapproved of her suffrage campaigning; reflections on her upbringing; employment in an office and enjoyment of her independence; her relationship with her future husband.

      With typescript transcriptions of the letters by William Paul Wilkins, son of Eva and Maurice Wilkins (produced in 1998). The transcriptions include a name and place index.

      Sin título
      WATTS, Ethel
      GB 106 7ETW · Fondo · 1928-1961

      The archive consists of files on the National Health Service Superannuation Scheme (1948-1953), Royal Commission on Taxation (1944-1960), Women's superannuation (1947-1950), the Institute of Chartered Accountants (undated.), equal pay (undated.) and the Fawcett Society (undated.); private correspondence including letters from Philippa Strachey (1928-1961).

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      HAYWARD, Marjorie (1905-1974)
      GB 106 7MJH · Fondo · 1928-1968

      The archive consists of a bound volume of printed articles by Marjorie Hayward in the Commercial Bulletin of South Africa (1928-1930); promotional materials for ICI (1930-1939); reports, publications, correspondence, memoranda and working papers written for the Ministry of Labour related to woman power during the Second World War (1942-1944); memoranda, notes and working papers of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women 1953 and report produced for the Ministry of Labour's use (1953); reports and correspondence on women's employment (1940-1953); notes for proposed by Hayward on women power in the Second World War (1960-1); printed materials on women at war, the Civil Service and women's employment (1943-1950); press cuttings (1910-1963); publicity material (1970s), photographs (1923-1968).

      Sin título
      GB 106 10/07 · Fondo · 1914-1920

      Two scrapbooks of presscuttings and printed ephemera documenting Miss Nettlefold's legal career and the campaigns relating to women's entry into the legal profession. It also includes legal documents relating to Bebb v. The Law Society, a ms paper [by Miss Nettlefold] entitled, 'Women and the Legal Profession'; and a ts paper entitled, 'History of the efforts to open the legal profession to women in England and Scotland', Mar 1920. Also included are articles on women lawyers in Britain and abroad and cuttings relating to the barrister Helena Normanton.

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