Works of art

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      Hiërarchische termen

      Works of art

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      Works of art

      Gelijksoortige termen

      Works of art

      • UF Art objects
      • UF Art works
      • UF Artifacts
      • UF Artefact
      • UF Objet d'art
      • UF Travail d'artiste
      • UF Artefacto
      • UF Objeto artístico
      • UF Obra artística
      • UF Trabajo de artista

      Verwante termen

      78 Archivistische beschrijving results for Works of art

      SPENCER, Jean (1942-1998)
      GB 0000 Spencer · 1970-2002

      Papers of Jean Spencer, 1970-2002, comprising the Kleinsassen archive, 1986, consisting of schema, texts, plans, photographs and complete slide archive; Elephant Trust proposal and studies, 1987, including a folder of original drawings; studies for Kemi, comprising black and white photographs and line drawings; 2 sketchbooks of studies for reliefs; exhibition catalogues including Jean Spencer's work, 1972-1990; Study for Double Square Painting, 1992, (oil on linen); group exhibition catalogues, 1972-1990; "Countervail" exhibition publicity cards, Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield, 1992.

      Zonder titel
      GB 1370 WIA, Leopold D Ettlinger · Collectie · c 1948-1989

      Papers of Leopold David Ettlinger, c 1948-1989, including personal documents, notebooks, notes, working papers for lectures, and correspondence. Topics covered include: Art and Theory of Art; German 16th Century Art; Italian Renaissance; Catalogue Raisonné of Pollaiuolo; Greek and Roman Gods; 19th Century Landscape Painting; Self-Portraits; Winckelmann and 'Wien und die Entwicklung der kunsthistorischen Methode'.

      Zonder titel
      Bent Diaries
      GB 1500 Bent · 1883-1898

      Diaries and notebooks of James Theodore and Mabel Virginia Anna Bent, 1883-1898, comprising:
      Mabel Bent's diaries of visits to the Greek Islands, 1883-1884; Greece and Egypt, 1885; Constantinople [Istanbul] and the Greek Islands, 1886; Greece, 1887; Turkey and Russia, 1888; India and Persia [Iran], 1889 (3 volumes); Cilicia, Turkey, 1890; Central Africa (Mashonaland), 1891 (2 volumes); Hadramout, 1893-1895 (3 volumes); Suez, Kourbat and Athens, 1895-1896; Socotra, Yemen, 1896-1897; Greece and Egypt, 1898;
      Theodore Bent's diary of visits to Hadramout, Yemen, 1893-94; Muscat, Dec 1894; Socotra, Yemen, Dec 1896-Mar 1897; notebook, containing Greek inscriptions, 1888; notebook on language in Socotra [1896-1897].

      Zonder titel
      BRANSON, Noreen (1910-2003)
      GB 0372 BRANSON · Archief · 1941-1967

      Papers of activist and historian Noreen Branson (1910-2003), including: wartime correspondence between Noreen and husband Clive Branson regarding miscellaneous and personal topics, 1941-1943; photographs of artwork and paintings by Clive Branson, n.d.; miscellaneous papers, press cuttings and correspondence regarding Clive Branson's death in 1944 and papers concerning Branson's art career, 1941-1944; typescript Communist Party of Great Britain papers of various classes and publications, possibly compiled by Noreen Branson, c1945; handwritten notes on books, pamphlets and conferences, possibly by Branson or Emile Burns, c1945 -1950; press cuttings regarding the stock exchange and the economy, 1967.

      Zonder titel
      Strachey Papers
      GB 0103 STRACHEY · 1929-1975

      Papers and correspondence, 1929-1975 and undated, of Julia Frances Strachey, including diaries, notebooks, manuscripts and typescripts, 1929-1975 and undated; letters to Julia, 1924-1956 and undated, the writers including Dora Carrington; letters to Stephen Tomlin and Julia, 1923-1930 and undated, the writers including Lytton Strachey; correspondence between Stephen Tomlin and Julia, 1930-1931; correspondence between Julia and Lawrence Gowing, 1939-1971 and undated, and other letters to Julia, 1952-1967 and undated; personalia, including a copy of a divorce certificate, 1967, a will, 1971, a business diary, 1971, an appointment diary, 1974, passports, and an undated address book; postcards and photographs, largely undated, mainly miscellaneous works of art but also including Lytton and Oliver Strachey, Dora Carrington, and Stephen Tomlin; a scrapbook, 1932-1971, mainly comprising press cuttings including reviews of Strachey's novels, with a few miscellaneous letters inserted.

      Zonder titel
      History of Ancient Armour
      GB 0103 MS ADD 215 · Late 18th century-early 19th century

      Manuscript history of ancient armour with illustrations.

      Zonder titel
      Freebairn Sketches
      GB 0103 MS ADD 225 · Created 1791

      Pencil sketches of views in Rome.

      Zonder titel
      GB 1556 WL 1535 · Collectie · 1975-1990

      Papers of Adolf Frankl, 1975-1990, relate to an art exhibition of Adolf Frankl's works and consist of correspondence, opening addresses, newspaper reviews and catalogues.

      Zonder titel
      GB 2108 KUAS191 · Archief · [1820-1999]

      Items belonging to Iris Murdoch presented by Audi Bayley. These items were from Iris Murdoch's former home in Charlbury Road and include letters written by Iris Murdoch to Borys and Audi Villers [later Audi Bayley], a planning notebook for Jackson's Dilemma, and a range of objects. Includes:

      1) Large bust of Iris Murdoch mounted on marble

      2) Iris Murdoch's teddy bear 'Jimbo'

      3) Painting by Iris Murdoch 1941

      4) Tapestry by Iris Murdoch of fish with the initials IM and JB

      5) Gold edged bowl

      6) 5 stones and 9 Asian religious figurines / icons from Murdoch's writing desk

      7) Letters from Iris Murdoch to Audi Bayley and her first husband Boris Villiers

      8) Green box containing brooch- appears to be enamelled George IV shilling from 1820s

      9) 4 replica medieval icons mounted on wood

      10) Framed photographs from Iris Murdoch's study of Murdoch as a child and Murdoch's parents

      11) 3 Canadian stone figurines depicting an owl, a penguin and a seal

      12) 2 stone figurines of a cow and a lion, with painted and gilded details

      13) 11 dress necklaces worn by Murdoch and kept in her study

      14) A notebook with planning notes by Murdoch for the novel 'Jackson's Dilemma'

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 AL272 · Archief · 1876-1884

      Correspondence between Henry Hucks Gibbs and Edward Lucas Jenks Ridsdale (Chief Assayer of the Royal Mint), on bimetallism (i.e. the use of a monetary standard based on both silver and gold), 1876-1884. Including a letter from E Koch to Gibbs, thanking him for permission to translate a pamphlet on bimetallism into German.

      Zonder titel
      Haynes, Hopton
      GB 0096 MS 72 · 1700-1702

      Manuscript volume by Hopton Haynes relating to English recoinage, 1700-1702, entitled 'Briefe memoirs relating to the silver and gold coins of England; with an account of the corruption of the hammered moneys and of the reform by the late grand coynage at the Tower and the five county mints in the years 1696, 1697, 1698 and 1699'. On the back of the title page the following note has been added: 'These Papers being begun and almost perfected near 7 years since, several things and expressions in them are now out of Fashion, which upon a Review may be layd aside to make the performance as Unexeptionable as may be to the Publick'. An addendum, in a different hand, gives 'An account of Guinea Coins of Gold imported from Africa by the Royal Africa Company [from 1675-1725], taken from the Gazeteer 23 Jan 1755'. This valuable manuscript gives minute details of the recoinage of 1696.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 MS 100 · 1722-1774

      Manuscript volume containing papers relating to coinage and the Royal Mint, 1722-1774, including a table of the gold and silver minted in the reigns of kings and queens of England from Queen Elizabeth I up to 1772, with a value in sterling for the total in each reign; a table of gold and silver minted from 20 Jul 1660-31 Dec 1751, with a value in sterling for the amount minted in each reign within this period; table of the weight of gold brought to the Mint for 20 years [1751-1770], with columns showing by whom it was brought and in what species it was coined; a table of 'gold at the Mint before the diminished guineas were sent', with a monthly account of gold coined from Aug 1773 to May 1774 and a statement of all gold coined from 1760-1774; an account of cut guineas imported into the Mint between 25 Aug 1773 and 9 Aug 1774, and delivered out between 13 Oct 1773 and 5 Oct 1774; tables giving the costs of coining various metals; a calculation table [for measuring fineness]; details of rises in salaries for officers of the Mint; details of salary scales for officers of the Mint, [Aug 1772].

      Zonder titel
      Royal Mint papers, 1729-1770
      GB 0096 MS 102 · [1729-1770]

      Manuscript volume containing transcripts of papers relating to the Royal Mint, [1732-1770], including a copy confirmation of the Charter of the Royal Mint, dated 24 Apr 1662, including the original grant of 1 May 1308 and successive confirmations and grants; a copy of the indenture dated 23 Aug 1732 appointing John Conduitt as Warden of the Mint, with corrections in red ink to form the basis of an indenture for the Hon Charles Sloane Cadogan, 23 Nov 1770; copy of a warrant dated 24 Jul 1729 for John Conduitt to coin British copper, with a note of a similar warrant dated 17 Aug 1738 for Richard Arundell, Master of the Irish Mint; copy of a warrant dated 20 Nov 1740 for Richard Arundell, Master of the Irish Mint, to coin copper for Ireland.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 MS 14 · c1573

      Manuscript volume, 1573, containing documents and tables relating to the Royal Mint, including papers on the prevention of counterfeiting and clipping of coins, and methods of replenishing the circulation of silver coins.

      Zonder titel
      Dutch coinage instructions
      GB 0096 MS 16 · [1580]

      Manuscript volume, [1580], containing instruction for all (Dutch) Exchangers for the alteration of coinage books and manuals following a proclamation that the fortieth part of all golden moneys is to be reserved for their salaries. The manuscript gives translations of the mottoes on various coins in place of the engravings of the coins found in the printed book.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 MS 197 · (1644) 18th century

      Manuscript volume containing an 18th century transcript of a petition headed 'The particulars examined and proved concerning the grievances by farthing tokens', [1644], complaining that the patentees, in order to circulate their farthings, allowed one shilling over in twenty to those who came to buy them, and small trades people, taking most of their payments in farthings, thus sustained a loss.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 MS 483 · 1714

      Manuscript report entitled 'A State of the Coynage in Barcelona', [1714], with a note that 'This paper was attested upon oath before the Commissioners of Accounts the 14th day of May 1714 by Mr. [John] Mead'. The remainder of the volume comprises a printed copy of the answer of James Stanhope, 1st Earl Stanhope, to allegations concerning his financial administration as Commander-in-Chief of the British Army in Catalonia during 1708, and contains manuscript annotations in Stanhope's hand.

      Zonder titel
      Coinage memoranda book
      GB 0096 MS 499 · [1817-1824]

      Manuscript memoranda book, 1817-1824, relating to the issue of the new silver coinage in February 1817 when the Hon William Wellesley-Pole (later 1st Baron Maryborough and 3rd Earl of Mornington) was Master of the Mint. Full details are given of the administrative measures taken to collect the old silver coin of the realm and to replace it by the new issue. The operation began on 13 February and was completed in fourteen days. Enclosed is a draft of a letter dated 10 February 1824 to Mr. B. Barnard, banker, of 50 Cornhill, London, announcing the presentation to him, by officers of the Mint, on the occasion of the Master's retirement (1824), of a bronze medal 'for assisting in the arrangement for the exchange of the silver coin in 1817'.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 MS 62 · 1695-1696

      Manuscript volume containing transcripts of various proposals concerning the reformation of the coinage, 1695-1696, made in response to a request by the Exchequer for views on ideas discussed in A report...for the amendment of the silver coins (1695) by William Lowndes, Permanent Secretary of the Treasury. Comprising papers on the coinage by Sir Christopher Wren, Dr John Locke, Gilbert Heathcote, Alderman [Francis] Gardner, [Rev] Samuel Pratt [Dean of Rochester], [William] Corbet, Sir John Houblon, Dr John Wallis, Dr Isaac Newton, and William James, with further treatises entitled 'A merchant's demonstration superior to imagination, that the raising of bullion cannot be anyways injurious but highly advantageous to these three kingdoms above all others', and 'Some considerations offered to the House of Commons in relation to mending the coyne'. A note written in 1963 by E S de Beer regarding several of the items described above is inserted into the manuscript.

      Zonder titel
      Folkes, Martin (1690-1754)
      GB 0117 MS 250 · 1710-1754

      Correspondence, mainly to Martin Folkes on a large variety of subjects, including administrative matters for the Royal Society.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 LMA/4218 · Collectie · [1900-1999]

      Collection of photographs of public sculptures including statues, reliefs, fountains and murals in locations including schools, housing estates and old people's homes.

      Zonder titel
      SCHWITTERS, Kurt (1887-1948)
      GB 0000 Schwitters · [1919-1993]

      Papers relating to Kurt Schwitters, [1919-1993], comprising catalogues of exhibitions of Schwitters' work, largely in Britain and Germany, 1961-1986; invitations to exhibitions, 1963, 1985; pamphlets concerning Schwitters, 1948-1986; press cuttings relating to Schwitters and his work, 1985-1999; recording of Schwitters reading his poem 'An Anna Blume' and 'Die Sonatein Urlauten', 1943; Lord's Gallery exhibition catalogue, 1958; Private view invitations, Lord's Gallery Exhibition, 1958;
      coloured getochromes by Schwitters, including from exhibitions, 1919-[1980]; photographs of Schwitters' work from exhibitions in Europe, 1944-1963, including from Lord's Gallery exhibition, 1958;
      invoices, letters and price lists relating to exhibitions, 1958-1960; correspondence with Abbot Hall Art Gallery and Museum concerning Schwitters' work, 1993.

      Zonder titel
      COL/LBD/GHL · Collectie · 1875 - 19--

      Records of the Guildhall Library, comprising office files on various subjects including staff instructions for air raids, evacuation of books, manuscripts and artworks and their storage during World War Two, damage sustained during World War Two and the subsequent reconstruction of the Library, list of artworks destroyed during World War Two, Public Libraries Acts 1892-1919, maintenance, notable collections, inventory and valuation of furniture and fittings, duties of the librarians, staff entertainments including annual staff dinners, relevant byelaws, insurance policies, donations, deposits and bequests, Art Gallery bequests and deposits and guidebooks and brochures.

      Also petition asking for longer evening opening hours, 1875; petition in favour of Sunday opening, 1879 and petition opposing Sunday opening, 1879.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 CLC/244 · Collectie · 1842-1854

      Volume of correspondence between Thomas Crofton Croker and Frederick William Fairholt, engraver and antiquary, and others, on antiquarian and private matters, also containing letters from Croker's wife Marianne, and his son Thomas Francis Dillon Croker (1831-1912), Recollections of Dillon Croker and other bound in printed items. Also scrapbook containing notes relating to Roman and other antiquities in London.

      Zonder titel
      Yates Papers (MS ADD 74)
      GB 0103 MS ADD 74 · 1833-1842

      Manuscript material concerning Lycian inscriptions, consisting of letters to Yates and his manuscript notes, including some notes in Greek and on the Greek alphabet.

      Zonder titel
      PEGGE, Samuel (1704-1796)
      GB 0096 MS 104 · 1736

      Tables of English coins devised by Samuel Pegge, published in 1736.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 MS 108 · [1740-1748]

      Manuscript volume containing transcripts of papers and tables mainly relating to the work of the Royal Mint in the second quarter of the eighteenth century, [1740-1748], notably a copy of the Mint Charter of 24 Apr 1662, with a translation into English, and of the indenture of 23 Aug 1732 appointing John Conduitt as Master of the Mint, with a schedule of salaries; copies of the papers of Sir Isaac Newton and John Conduitt relating to the Trial of the Pyx, [1717 and 1734]; copy papers, some official, relating to the Assay and Trial of the Pyx in 1734 and 1740; copy papers on various, including Portuguese money, the process of making money from imported ingotts, and copper coinage; tables of monies coined under Richard Arundell, Master of the Mint, between 1737 and 1743; tables of gold and silver minted annually from 1660-1740; orders of 1729, 1732 and 1738 allowing the Master of the Mint to import Irish copper; tables showing the weight and fineness of gold and silver coins minted from the time of King Edward I, with names of successive Masters of the Mint. A note by the compiler in the index is signed 'A.P', which probably stands for Anthony Pollet, Clerk to the Caster.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 MS 151 · 1807

      Manuscript volume containing a treatise by Sir James William Morrison, First Clerk and Deputy Master of the Royal Mint, entitled 'Memoirs and observations on the melting and casting of silver for the coinage at his Majesty's Mint', 1807. The manuscript discusses previous techniques in melting, especially experiments made by his father James Morrison, Deputy Master of the Mint from 1787-1799, based on his papers, and his own experiments made with the help of Robert Mushet, Third Clerk to the Master of the Mint, and Robert Bingley, the Assay Master (1798-1836). There are some pencil notes in the margin.

      Zonder titel
      Ord, Craven
      GB 0096 MS 152 · c1810

      Manuscript volume containing a collection of notes and papers compiled by Craven Ord, [1810], relating to the coinage and offices of the Mint and Mint Assays, from the twelfth century onwards. Includes transcripts of material extracted from Thomas Madox The history and antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England (London, 1711); medieval chancery rolls and early Exchequer records; an [eighteenth] century engraving of Mint officials at work, headed 'A part of the standard of weights and measures in the Exchequer, Anno 12 Henrici Septimi'; printed material including 'Copy of an Indenture made in 1469 between King Edward IV and William Lord Hastings, Master of the Mint...respecting the coinage in the Tower of London', Archaeologia, XV (1806).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 MS 21 · 1603

      Contemporary copy of a treatise, 1603, by Sir Richard Martin, Master of the Royal Mint, on matters relating to the Royal Mint and solutions to the problems of coinage at the beginning of the reign of King James I. With a dedicatory epistle to King James I. Martin's Indentures for the coining of new monies, which are largely quoted in this treatise, were renewed by James I on 21 May 1603.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 MS 51 · 1686

      Manuscript volume containing a copy of an indenture ratifying and confirming the appointment of Thomas Neale to the office of Master and Worker of the Mint, 23 Jul 1686, with a table of the fees and salaries of the officers of the Royal Mint in the Tower of London. Thomas Neale was appointed Master and Worker of the Mint by King Charles II in 1678, and continued in office under King James II and King William III until about Jan 1699. His name appears on several medals of William III.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 AL20 · Archief · 1821

      Letter from George Chalmers of the Office for Trade, Whitehall to T Cadell, Esq, publisher, 17 Feb 1821. Referring to Chalmers's work Caledonia.

      Autograph, with signature.

      Zonder titel
      Sharp, John
      GB 0096 MS 66 · 1697

      Manuscript volume containing a treatise by John Sharp, Archbishop of York, on English coins and their history, 1697, containing chapters on silver and gold coins, Scots and Irish money, and a commentary on the treatment of coinage in William Nicolson's The English historical library (London, 1696-1699). Marginal notes state that Nicolson had requested Sharp's opinion on his book before its publication, and the whole of this manuscript appears to have been known to Nicolson before he began writing The English historical library. The references to pages in Nicholson's book given in Sharp's notes refer apparently to Nicholson's manuscript copy.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0100 G/PP1/69 · Collectie · [1919-1950]

      Papers of J H E Winston comprising a notebook titled 'Guy's Hospital Museum of Antiquities 1919-1920', including descriptions of a bass relief from the mansion of the prior of St Pancras, discovered on the site of the College; notes on the construction of Guy's; list of illustrations and of Guy's Hospital; notes on John Keats; other items relating to the history of Guy's Hospital. Also contains some loose cards containing captions for museum objects, and loose notes on similar historical subjects.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 WELBY · 1827-1913

      Papers of George Arbuthnot concerning currency, as edited by V D[elves?] B[roughton?]; Papers of Lord Welby concerning the organisation of Government departments, gold coinage, Indian currency, bimetallism, coinage, and the Bank of England; Lord Welby's correspondence; and a compendium of information on British administration in the mid 19th century.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0117 CB · 1771-1820

      The correspondence, papers and diaries of Sir Charles Blagden. Blagden's papers are interesting on several levels, generally for his close contact with European men of learning, and his relationship with Sir Joseph Banks. Blagden's professional researches are represented by medical notes in the boxed sequence. These are grouped with papers on other subject interests, including linguistics, e.g. a draft Tahitian-English dictionary, compiled from conversations with Omai, whom Blagden inoculated after Omai's voyage to England with James Cook. Blagden's interest in antiquities and travel is documented by diary entries, as is his intercourse with fellow scientists, particularly those associated with the founding of the Royal Institution.

      Zonder titel
      BELL, Gertrude (1868-1926)
      GB 0402 GLB · 1905-1924 and 1994

      Papers of Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell, 1905-1924, comprises twelve notebooks containing archaeological notes, plans of churches and other sites; records of inscriptions including those from Turkey, Iraq, and Syria; one notebook and folders containing astronomical observations from Arabia, 1913-1914 and a notebook by Lesley Gordon for an exhibition at the University of Newcastle, 1994.

      Zonder titel
      COL/LBD/AG · Collectie · 1670-1965

      Records of the Guildhall Art Gallery, comprising memorandum on the establishment of the Guildhall Art Gallery and the appointment of a Director, 1944; article The Corporation's Picture Collection and the Guildhall Art Gallery, 1965; extracts relating to the portraits of the Fire Judges, 1670-1705, and reports on the restoration of the portraits, 1945; Chamber vouchers, orders for payment and receipts for drawing, framing, setting up, inscribing and decorating the Fire Judges portraits, 1671 and order for payment for painting the pictures of the King and the Duke of York, 1672.

      The City of London's first commissions were portraits of the judges appointed to assess property claims in the wake of the Great Fire of London - the so-called 'Fire Judges'. These were followed by portraits of kings and queens and of other individuals who had rendered a service which the City of London wished to recognise.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0000 CASS · 1992-2002

      35mm slides of contemporary art images collected by Chelsea College of Art & Design, 1992-2002, photographed by Donald Smith or sourced from previously inaccessible private gallery and artist archives, comprising work by artists including Anish Kapoor, Richard Deacon, Jeff Koons, Damien Hurst, Gillian Wearing and Cindy Sherman.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0000 Chelsea College · 1928-2001

      Records of Chelsea School of Art, 1928-2001, later Chelsea College of Art & Design, comprising minutes and agendas of Academic Board meetings, 1975-1991; minutes of the Board of Studies, and related papers, 1991-1993; minutes of the Academic Committee and related papers, 1992-1993; papers of the Advisory Committee of the New School of Art in Chelsea, notably minutes, agendas and papers, 1958-1964, including schedule of accommodation for proposed College, 1958; minutes of the Chelsea School of Art/Hammersmith College of Art and Building (Art Department) Formation Committee, 1974, relating to the merger of the colleges; minutes of the Fine Art Area Committee, 1990-1993; minutes of Library Committee, 1978-1980;

      Principal's reports to the Governors, 1959-1965; instrument of Government and draft Articles of Government, 1970; list of former staff and students at the College, 1958 and minutes of H S Williamson presentation committee, 1958 (retiring head of College); summaries of part time teaching staff contracts, 1971-1976;

      correspondence with Professor Gowing concerning the administration of the new college, 1958; inventory and papers relating to equipment and furniture for the new college, [1960-1963]; correspondence concerning the building of school, 1963-1964, including furniture catalogues; papers concerning the opening ceremony of the new College building, 1964-1965, including programme for the opening of new building, 1965; correspondence and papers relating to Henry Moore's sculpture Two Piece Reclining Figure no.1, purchased by the College in 1963; photographs of its erection at the College, 1964; survey of accommodation and equipment, 1975;

      papers concerning the Academic Development Plan, 1976; report of the Council for National Academic Awards, 1975; papers relating to bursaries and awards, 1975; papers relating to Council for National Academic Awards visit, including review of MA in Fine Art, 1977; papers relating to Quinquennial reviews, 1977-1982; papers concerning the Council for National Academic Awards review visit to Chelsea, 1982; programme for opening of South Park Annexe, 1982; submissions for new course in 3D Design, 1982; proposed MA in History of Modern Art, 1986; papers and circulars relating to ILEA, 1970s-1986;

      Chelsea School of Art programmes for end of term plays/entertainments, 1932-1962; copies of The Queel, 1928-1929, Chiaroscuro, 1949, Chelsea College of Art magazines; magazines and works produced by students, including Pump, Chelsea School of Art magazine, 1977-1978; MONTAGE 4, 1984; newsletter, 1977; Chelsea School of Art Graphics magazines, 1977-1982; Insight, 1991, Review, 2000, London Institute magazines; briefing, London Institute newspaper, 2001; Entitled, London Institute students union magazine, 2001;

      prospectuses, 1959-2001; publicity leaflet for new courses, 1962; Chelsea College of Science and Technology annual report, 1958-1959; press cuttings, 1970-1991, relating to the College and Government policy; press release concerning the creation of London Institute, 1985; album of photographs of social events and work at the College, 1970s; correspondence, related papers and exhibition catalogues for the school gallery exhibitions, 1965-1973; papers relating to general studies open lectures, 1970-1972; photographs, articles and catalogues for degree shows, 1977-2001; portfolios of prints by students and staff of the Printmaking Department, [1965-1986]; papers relating to the London Institute, [1987]-1991, including course monitoring reports, 1990; annual reports, 1990-1992; student handbooks, 1991;

      memoir of Anne Baer, nee Sedgwick, student at Chelsea Art School, 1933-1936; correspondence and papers relating to Frederick Brill's (Principal, Chelsea School of Art) book, Matisse (Paul Hamlyn, London, 1967), 1965-1967;

      records of Hammersmith College of Art and Building, comprising Department of Art prospectus, 1973-1974; programme for the opening of the new Hammersmith School of Building and Arts and Crafts, 1930; 35mm slides and photographs of student work, 1960s; publicity leaflets, 1960s.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0060 DF 5001 · 1848-1900

      Scientific and antiquarian manuscript and printed papers of Mervyn Herbert Nevil Story-Maskelyne, chiefly relating to his unpublished work on historic diamonds and other gemstones. Includes: Historical notes on the Koh-i-noor diamond and other historic gemstones; Notes on the Koh-i-noor and other historic diamonds; On the Koh-i-noor diamond: manuscript draft; Diamonds and antiquities: notes and newscuttings; 'Notes on jewels etc', with extracts from Theophrastus, Dioscorides and Pliny; 'Lectures on the mineralogy of antiquity'; includes much on historic diamonds; 'The filling of fissures', notes for a lecture on the formation of ore minerals; Newscuttings relating to the British Museum, one of them a letter of John Ruskin, 1866-1873; 'On diamonds', the text of a lecture given at the Royal Institution, reprinted from 'The Chemical News', 1860; 'The metals and minerals of the Bible' (printed), [1888]; 'Physical properties of minerals - I. optical': notes for a lecture, illustrated with diagrams; 'Visitors to Prof Maskelyne's lecture on crystallography, Nov 23, 1874', with notes on crystal structure from the works of Groth, Fedorov and others, and circular polarisation of crystals, 1874-1901; Translations of ancient texts; Viktor von Lang: crystallographic measurements and drawings from specimens in the Museum collection, 1863 and Royal Institution: Syllabus of lectures on the allied phaenomena of the chemical and electrical forces by Michael Faraday (printed), 1848. Many of the papers are accompanied by notes made by Walter Campbell Smith at the time of transfer.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 LMA/4202 · Collectie · 1948-1981

      Photographs of London arranged in the following sets:

      Railway Stations;
      Greenwich and Blackheath;
      Kenwood House;
      London Lamp Posts;
      Legal London;
      River Coast and Ships;
      London Churches;
      Statues of the Famous;
      City of London and Southwark;
      Panoramas from Monument;
      Aerial Views;
      River Thames and Greenwich;
      London Views.

      Zonder titel
      PERI, Peter (1899-1967)
      GB 0070 TGA 704 · Archief · 1920s-1967

      The photographs in this collection cover areas of Peri's work between 1920 and 1966. They include images of his early constructivist work, bronze figurines, cement sculptures and pictures of the artist at work. The drawings and sketches are mainly of people in a variety of simple poses, but are all undated. The correspondence refers to possible commissions for the London County Council, 1958 and an exhibition of his work at St. Pancras Public Library, 1963.

      Zonder titel
      Art and Architecture Archive
      GB 1134 AA · Archief · 1982-2007

      The archive spans the years 1982-2007 and comprises: administrative papers, including correspondence, 1982-2004; documentation of A and A-organised events and conferences, 1982-2007; minutes of meetings, 1982-2000; accounts, 1994-2003; membership lists, 1980s-1990s; and documentation of A and A funding bids, 1983-2004. Printed matter includes a complete run (to issue 60) of the Art and Architecture Journal (1984-2006), and a range of other A and A publications and ephemera (postcards, fliers), many of which were designed by Pentagram Design. There is also a set of posters used to advertise the lecture series. The collection is augmented by a range of peripheral material published by other sympathetic bodies, including the Public Art Forum and the Landscape and Arts Network.

      Zonder titel
      GB 1134 RCAA/ROSW · 1961-ongoing
      Part of Royal College of Art Archive

      Photographic record of student work completed at the Royal College of Art, 1949-ongoing, including c5000 prints, 1949-1980s, c25,000 slides, 1961-2002, and upwards of 25,000 digital images, 2003-ongoing. The majority of images are installation shots of individual student works across all departments, including Painting, Printmaking, Photography, Sculpture, Ceramics and Glass, GoldsmithingSilversmithing Metalwork and Jewellery, Graphic Design, Illustration, Industrial Design, Interaction Design, Furniture, Design Products, Architecture, Vehicle Design and Textiles. Work exhibited in the Fashion (catwalk and static) shows and final-year exhibitions staged by Curating Contemporary Art students are also included.

      Zonder titel
      WILSON, Henry (1864-1934)
      GB 1134 Wilson · [1864-1934]

      Papers of Henry Wilson, comprising correspondence, photographs and presscuttings [1864-1934].

      Zonder titel
      WEISS, Roberto (1906-1969)
      GB 1370 WIA, Roberto Weiss · Collectie · c 1924-1969

      Papers of Roberto Weiss c 1924-1969, including notes, working papers and correspondence. Topics covered include: the Italian Renaissance; humanism; coinage and medals, and antiquarianism.

      Zonder titel
      GB 1500 Ehrenberg · 1912-1976

      Correspondence and papers of Professor Victor Leopold Ehrenberg, 1913-1976, comprising:
      Ehrenberg's notes on lectures by Eduard Meyer, Berlin, 1914, Johannes Haller, and Wilhelm Weber, Tubingen, 1919-1920; Ehrenberg's lecture notes on Greek and Roman history, 1921-1973; King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, (University of Durham) examination papers in ancient history, 1941-1945;
      Manuscripts, typescripts and annotated proofs of books, articles reviews and obituaries by Ehrenberg, particularly From Solon to Socrates: Greek History and Civilisation during the Sixth and Fifth Centuries BC, 1967;
      Personal correspondence and papers, including Latin translations and compositions, 1913-1919; general correspondence, 1924-1939, particularly on the family's move to Britain in 1939; correspondence and papers on the sale of Ehrenberg's library, 1957; papers on visit to the United States, 1958 [mainly tourist literature] papers on the death of Werner Wilhelm Jaeger and Dr Hans Schaefer, 1961-1962; conference papers, 1959-1962; correspondence and papers on honorary degree from University of Cambridge,1966, correspondence and papers on 75th and 80th birthday celebrations, 1966, 1971; correspondence and papers on the Hans Ehrenberg Schule, Sennesdadt, 1967-192; papers on Joseph Vogt, 1969-1970; papers on the death of Joyce Southan, 1971;
      Offprints of articles, book reviews and obituaries by Ehrenberg and others, c. 1922-1976;

      Zonder titel
      Yates Papers (MS ADD 244)
      GB 0103 MS ADD 244 · 1838-1860

      Notes on articles in Sir William Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, with a few related letters.

      Zonder titel