Youth participation

Elements area


Source note(s)


Hierarchical terms

Youth participation

Equivalent terms

Youth participation

  • UF Participación de los jóvenes

2 Archival description results for Youth participation

2 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0505 HMT · 1972-1990

The collection consists of member lists and registers; correspondence, notes and publications relating to the building of the new theatre; financial papers relating to loans; financial papers concerning various productions; legal papers relating to the lease of land; applications to the Arts Council of Great Britain and the Greater London Council for funding, including annual reports and accounts; papers and publicity material relating to productions; scripts; programmes and posters for plays; material concerned with the Women's festival of June 1986; publications about fringe theatres and the East End of London; photographs of productions and cast; press cuttings.

Half Moon Theatre Company
GB 0074 LMA/4232 · Collection · 1943-1996

Records of the London Union of Youth Clubs, including:

Administration LMA/4232/A: which includes the minutes of Annual General Meetings 1945-1992, Executive Committee 1943-1948, Council minutes and papers 1982-1996, Management Committee 1983-1994, Finance and General Purposes Committee 1980-1983, Participation Sub-Committee 1985, Anti-Racial and Multi-Ethnic Committee 1984-1998, Steering Committee 1982-1983, Working Group papers 1977-1990's, as well as correspondence and statistics 1960's-1990's, papers relating to the merger of the LUYC with the association of Combined Youth Clubs 1992-1995, fund-raising 1983-1995 and grants and awards 1981-1996.

Finance LMA/4232/B: which includes Accounts 1978-1995 and Investments, Legacies and Trusts 1964-1984.

Related Organisations LMA/4232/C: which are the records of the London Girls Fund 1980-1996.

Printed Material/Ephemera LMA/4232/D: consisting of Annual Reports 1948-1997, copies of the LUYC Bulletin 1971-1992 and publications relating to youth clubs dating from the 1970's to 1990's. There are also T-shirts, posters and a banner from the LUYC Young Women's Unit c.1980.

Audio-Visual/Photographs LMA/4232/E: this series contains not only a large series of photographs illustrating LUYC events but films produced by members of LUYC and cassette recordings. These date from the 1960's to the 1990's.

London Union of Youth Clubs