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      • UP Animal biology
      • UP Biologie animale
      • UP Biología animal

      166 Descrição arquivística resultados para Zoology

      166 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
      BRODIE, Sir Benjamin Collins, (1783-1862)
      GB 0406 Brodie · 18th century-1934

      Papers of or relating to Sir Benjamin Brodie comprising case notes taken by Brodie as House Surgeon at St George's Hospital, 1805-1851, and include details of experiments on guinea pigs, 1817-1826 and notes of lectures on madness delivered by Dr Sutherland at St Luke's Hospital, 1851; surgical cases and commentaries by Brodie, 1805-1807 (2 volumes); hospital notes, 1813-1816; case books, 1821-1834, including letter from Mrs Marion Warren Harries, St Thomas' Rectory, Haverfordwest, requesting new prescription for her throat, 29 Dec 1840; case notes, 1824-1827; note book containing extracts from Wallace Dublin on venereal disease, 1833, and case notes 1827-1828; case notes, 1849; case notes, 1839-1854 (3 volumes); case notes, 1829-1830, 1838-1839, 1854 (4 volumes); case notes of Hugh Rowen, 73 Henry Street, 1815; case book, 1820-1860. Lectures and related notes, comprising 'An essay on the principles of science', read to the Academical Society, 1802; 'Analysis of the principal memoirs of the French Academy of Surgery', 1808; 'An introduction to comparative anatomy and physiology', introductory lectures delivered at the Royal College of Surgeon, 1816; introductory lecture of anatomy and physiology, 1820; notes of lectures on anatomy, 1820; notes of lectures delivered by Brodie, taken by Gregory Smith, 1827 (4 volumes); notes of lectures delivered by Brodie, taken by Henry Johnson, 1830; notebook containing: 42 lectures, undated, lecturers name not given, including clinical lectures by Brodie, 1839-1840; introductory discourse to the students of St George's, 1843, including testimonial given by Brodie to Dr Morson, 12 Dec 1834; 'Psychologia', 1851; physiological experiments and observations, 1810-1817; selections from notes of Brodie's physiological experiments and observations, 1812-1826; notes of lectures on the practice of medicine, 1816; notes of symptoms, 18th-19th centuries; commonplace book, undated. Other material, comprising notes of anatomical lectures delivered by Thomas Tatum and Henry James Johnson, taken by John Morgan, School of Anatomy, Kinnerton Street, 1837-1839; notes of lectures on structural anatomy and physiology delivered at the Hunterian School of Medicine by William Vesalius Pettigrew, 1840-1846; copy of an address presented by the students of St George's to G G Babington on his retirement as Surgeon to St George's, with his reply, 1843; testimonial presented to George D Pollock, on his retirement as Consulting Surgeon to St George's, 1882; notes taken by Dr Charles Slater while attending a course in bacteriology at the Pasteur Institute, 1893; case notes of Dr Marriott Fawckner Nicholls, 1933-1934.

      Note: this collection is currently on loan to the Royal College of Surgeons.

      Sem título
      MURCHISON, Charles (1830-1879)
      GB 0100 TH/PP43 · 1845-1879

      Papers of Charles Murchison, 1845-1879, comprising school essays, 1845-1846; notebook containing notes and extracts on anatomy and zoology, 1846-1847, including an account of a meeting of the Edinburgh Botanical Society, 1847; notes on the New Testament, 1846; notes on Homer's Iliad, 1846 (3 vols); notes on the skin and subcutaneous cellular structure, with sketches, 1847; notes entitled 'observations on the spleen', with pencil sketches, 1849; note book entitled 'observations on temperature';

      lecture notes taken by Charles Murchison as a student, comprising notes on Professor John Hutton Balfour's lectures on botany, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1847, including ink and pencil sketches; notes on Sir Robert Christison's lectures on vegetable material medica, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1847-1848, including diagrams and some notes on electricity (2 vols); notes on Professor James David Forbes' lectures on heat, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1846, with diagrams (2 vols); notes on John Goodsir's lectures on comparative anatomy, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1846-1847, including sketches (5 vols); notes on Robert Jameson's lectures on natural history, including geology and zoology, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1848, including ink diagrams (3 vols); notes on Professor Allen Thomson's lectures on the institutes of medicine, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1848;

      case notes taken at Edinburgh, 1850, containing details of six cases and an autopsy; case notes taken at Edinburgh, 1850, of fifty cases, and at Westminster General Dispensary, 1854-1855, of one hundred and fifty six cases; four volumes of case notes of (mainly male) patients at St Thomas's Hospital, 1871-1879, including temperature charts and letters, written in a variety of hands (4 vols); case books, 1877-1878 containing case notes of female patients at St Thomas's Hospital (4 vols);

      Letter to Murchison from [R Cokam] relating to a report of operations (undated); manuscript notes on Metals, 1847; black and white photograph of letter from Mr Snow to Murchison relating to presentation of a book by the late brother of William Snow.

      Sem título
      Grant Lists
      GB 0103 MS ADD 59 · 1850

      Two lists of specimens, instruments, utensils, drawings, etc, illustrative of comparative anatomy and zoology. Both dated 12 January 1850.

      Sem título
      Lankester Lectures, notes
      GB 0103 MS ADD 95 · c1889-c1890

      Manuscript notes and sketches on a course of lectures on zoology given by Sir Edwin Lankester (1847-1929).

      Sem título
      Clift, William (1775-1849)
      GB 0114 MS0007 · Arquivo · 1780-1849

      The collection is divided into four main groups: The first group contains papers relating to William Clift's work as conservator of the Hunterian Museum. This is the largest of the four groups and contains a number of sub divisions such as explanation and display of specimens, expanding the collections, administration of the museum, and correspondence. This group also contains the transcripts made by Clift and others of the Hunterian manuscripts. The second group contains work carried out by William Clift as an illustrator for publications. The third group contains a small amount of personal material that is in the collection. The fourth group contains transcripts and copies of manuscript material by William Clift that is held in other repositories such as the Natural History Museum.

      Sem título
      FLOWER, William Henry (1831-1899)
      GB 0114 MS0012 · [1845-1883]

      Papers of Sir William Henry Flower, [1845-1883], comprising papers largely created and compiled as Curator of the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, relating to a collection of birds' eggs, undated; rough list of contents of store bottles, undated; payments for expenses on specimens for the Museum during 1802-1861, 1861; list of additions purchased for the Museum during 1806-1862, [c1862]; summary of principal duties and occupations of museum officers and servants in the absence of the Conservator, undated; salaries and wages for the museum department, 1861; list of specimens presented by Dr Andrew Murray, 1865; list of specimens presented to the Museum by W L Crowther, [1868]; report on the Hunterian documents held by the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1868; report on the state of the physiological series in the museum, 1869; description of pathological specimens from the bodies of soldiers who died insane, forwarded by Dr William Julius Mickle, 1876; list of preparations from the College Collection, 1876; list of total numbers of preparations in the Museum, 1877.

      papers relating to preparations of specimens, duties of Royal College of Surgeons of England, museum staff; catalogues of physiological and pathological specimens; letter to Alban Doran; correspondence with Thomas Stone; correspondence with Edward Shuter, 1845-1883.

      Sem título
      Hunter-Jenner Letters
      GB 0114 MS0015 · 1773-1793

      Volume containing 32 letters from John Hunter to Edward Jenner, 1773-1793. The letters were written whilst Jenner practiced medicine at Berkeley, Gloucestershire, having been a pupil of Hunters in London from 1770 to 1772. The letters record Hunter's encouragement of Jenner in his botanical, ornithological and medical observations and experiments, and include requests for Jenner to send him animal specimens, including fossils.

      Sem título
      Camper, Petrus (1722-1787)
      GB 0114 MS0061 · 1805-[1800s]

      Papers relating to Petrus Camper, 1805-[1800s], comprising 2 volumes of manuscript translations of works by Petrus Camper, mostly by unknown translators but including Sir Richard Owen. Containing treatises on the organs of hearing of various fish and a whale, 1805; and a treatise on the Orangutan, [1800s].

      Sem título
      Home, Sir Everard: 2 Letters to William Clift
      GB 0114 MS0258 · [1813]

      Papers of Sir Everard Home, c1813, comprising 2 letters from Sir Everard Home to Sir William Clift concerning the dissection of an ear from a Dugong or Sea Cow.

      Sem título
      GULLAND, John Alan (1926-1990)
      GB 0098 B/GULLAND · 1972-1990

      Papers of John Alan Gulland, 1972-1990, comprising correspondence and papers from Gulland's period as Senior Research Fellow at Imperial College, London, 1984-1990; drafts for publications and editorial correspondence; papers relating to his consultancies, including those for the European Community and the Canadian Government; documentation of overseas visits, including a 1985 visit to Antarctica; correspondence files.

      Sem título
      HUXLEY (Dawson catalogue)
      GB 0098 B/HUXLEY · Created 1839-1931

      Papers of Thomas Henry Huxley, 1839-1931, comprising scientific and general correspondence, 1846-1911, notably from Alexander Emanuel Agassiz, 1874-1895; Matthew Arnold, [1870]-1880; William George Armstrong, 1874-1900; Charles Robert Darwin, [1851]-1882; Anton Dohrn, 1867-1900; John Fretchfield Dykes Donnelly, 1870-1897; Frederick Daniel Dyster, [1854-1892]; Michael Foster, 1865-1902; Edward Frankland, 1857-1895; Ernst Haeckel, 1862-[1907]; Albany Hancock, 1852-1870; Joseph Dalton Hooker, [1853]-[1900]; James Hunt, 1866-1868; Benjamin Jowett, [1870]-1893; Charles Kingsley, 1859-1871; James Thomas Knowles, 1871-1908; Edwin Ray Lankester, [1872]-[1907]; Joseph Norman Lockyer, [1863]-1894; Charles Lyell, 1853-1873; John Morley, 1867-1892; Herbert Spencer, 1852-1900; John Tyndall, 1851-1894; Edward Perceval Wright, 1860-1874; supplementary letters, 1842-1931, principally Huxley family letters, 1842-1886; letters to Mrs Huxley and Dr Leonard Huxley, 1868-1931; letters by T H Huxley, principally drafts or copies, 1850-1895; copies of correspondence of Joseph Dalton Hooker, 1856-1897;
      personal papers, 1839-1891, comprising miscellaneous papers, 1839-1911, including sketches and bills; diplomas and appointments, 1850-1893;
      papers relating to anthropology and ethnology, 1866-1890, including lecture course on ethnology; papers relating to biology, 1846-1900, including notes and drawings relating to published papers on marine invertebrates, zoological papers sent to the Royal and Linnean Societies from HMS RATTLESNAKE; papers relating to lectures and essays, Darwin's works; papers relating to education, 1861-1893, concerning scientific and technical education, reform of the University of London, press cuttings; papers of the Fisheries Commissions and Scottish Fishery Board, 1858-1864; reports, notes, drawings and lectures relating to geology and palaeontology, 1854-1891; papers relating to philosophy and ethics, 1871-[1893], including material for a history of philosophy and human thought; theology and biblical criticism, [1859-1895] principally notes and unfinished essays; papers relating to the British Museum, sociology and politics, spiritulism, [1858-1894]; notebooks,1846-1894, some containing drawings, relating to philosophy, lectures at the Royal Institution, London Institution, Royal College of Surgeons, biology, zoology, publications, religion; appointment diaries, 1857-1894;
      drawings, [1849-1872], mainly of landscapes and some specimens; caricatures and cartoons, [1852-1883];
      photographs and engravings, [1846-1890], mainly of people and houses; posthumous papers, [1895-1925], including obituaries and reminiscences.

      Sem título
      Zoology Department of Imperial College
      GB 0098 KZ · Created 1908-1979 (ongoing)

      Records of the Department of Zoology of Imperial College, [1851]-1979, including a departmental history from 1851-1939; Department of Entomology 1927-1965; papers relating to courses, including student register of attendance at lectures, 1909-1912; lectures on invertebrata, 1950-1959; staff papers including pratical work, examination papers, 1931-1971; examination results, 1950-1959; practical instruction sheets; correspondence of staff, including Professor Adam Sedgwick, 1909-1911; Professor MacBride, 1911-1934; Professor Lefroy, 1912-1925; Professor T R E Southwood, 1967-1978; Professor James Watson Munro, 1929-1954, including Congress of Entomology at Berlin, 1938, personal papers; applications for the Chair, 1908; papers relating to the Huxley Library and Museum, 1963-1965; Rectors' correspondence, 1955-1979, including relating to Ford Foundation grant, Electron microscope, Chair of Zoology; correspondence concerning the fumigation of carnation cuttings, 1953-1962; Department of Zoology field work, 1938 (KZ);
      pamphlets relating to Entomology, including courses and training, [1917-1974]; Dr T A M Nash's notebooks on a course, 1923-1926; notes on lectures by Professor James Watson Munro concerning the anatomy and physiology of insects, 1933; departmental history, 1995 (KZE).

      Sem título
      GB 1538 S1 · 1913-1931

      Papers of William Blair-Bell, 1913-1931, comprising personal correspondence, correspondence and papers relating to the treatment of cancer, and letters relating to individual patients; casebooks, 1900-1903, 1908-1911; notebook containing physiological tracings obtained by Blair-Bell and G H Lansdown, 1893; notebook of test results kept for Blair-Bell, 1911 with case notes inserted; Blair-Bell's lecture notebooks, c1904, on topics including chemistry, insanity, anatomy, diseases of the eye, psychology, surgical pathology, zoology, physiology, intestinal obstruction, surgery, tumours: innocent and malignant, midwifery and gynaecology, infectious diseases, diseases of the gall bladder, a sketchbook of histology and loose notes on various medical conditions; notebooks entitled 'catalogue of old books belonging to W Blair Bell', divided into 'general' and 'medical', 1907 and thesis by Helen Standring, 'An investigation of the cause and treatment of uterine inertia', 1928.

      Sem título
      Oral Archive: Plain Tales from the Raj
      GB 0102 OA1 · (1876-1949) 1972-1974

      Cassette copies and transcripts of recordings of unedited interviews assembled, 1972-1974, for the radio series 'Plain Tales from the Raj', including material not included in the broadcast programmes, and comprising c200 hours of material. The 82 subjects interviewed, including men, women, adults and children, lived and worked in India from the late 19th century to Independence (1947) and the interviews cover a wide range of civilian and military experience between 1876 and 1949. Military personnel range from the Commander in Chief of the Army in India to Army privates. Civil servants of various ranks and members of the business and commercial world, for example tea planters, are also included. Women mainly comprise wives and daughters, but also include a few nurses and governesses. The project covered the lives of the British in India and, although the material touches upon the effect of the Raj on India and its indigenous inhabitants, only a small number of Indians and Eurasians were interviewed. Subjects covered include accommodation and living conditions; daily routine; social life and recreation; health and sanitation; the effects of India postings on family life; relations between the British, other Europeans, Indians and Eurasians in social and work environments; events such as riots and earthquakes; the fauna and landscape of India; and political events. Full typescript transcripts (including inaccuracies in some cases) exist for most, but not all, of the recordings.

      Sem título
      NINNIS, Aubrey Howard (fl 1914-1917)
      GB 0402 AHN · 1914-1962

      Journals, charts and other papers relating to A H Ninnis' commission as purser in SS AURORA on the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 1914-1916 and the Relief Expedition, 1916-1917.

      The papers include diaries of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic expedition, 23 Dec 1914-12 Feb 1917, with a single volume typescript summary of the diaries; notebook entitled 'The Log of Taroona Camp, H E Wild and A H N with the 26 and stores for dog teams' including notes of equipment and stores for the dog teams; list of the dogs' names and a journal headed 'RMS Ionic, Hobart, Ocean Quay', 31 Oct-24 Dec 1914; copies of letters from Ninnis including to Ernest Shackleton, 6 Jan-5 Feb 1920 and to John Lachlan Cope, 9 Jun 1920; press cuttings, 1919-1920; papers reviewing Antarctic exploration achieved and proposals for another expedition under J L Cope in TERRA NOVA, for 1923; printed prospectus of Cope's Antarctic expedition; Ninnis' certificate of discharge made out at Wellington, New Zealand, Feb 1917; three large charts titled 'Map of the Antarctic East Longitude 150°-180° showing drift of SY Aurora', 1931 (the three are similar but two have small insets of landscape sketches); small chart entitled 'Map of the Bay of Whales', from a survey by Blackburn and Coman, Byrd Antarctic expedition, 1929-1930, with a second sketch map showing the route of Byrd's polar flight; three volumes of uncorrected typescript of High Latitude by J K Davis.

      Sem título
      HUDSON, Maj Gen Corrie (1874-1958)
      GB 0402 CHU · 1899-1943

      Diaries and notebooks of Col Corrie Hudson illustrated with watercolours recording his career in the Indian Medical Service, and his travels and observations, chiefly in North India and Kashmir, also in the Far East, Europe, Iran and the Gulf, 1899-1943 and photographs comprising: diary in India, China, Japan, Korea, Somaliland, Balkans, Muscat and Persia, 30 Mar 1899-29 Dec 1913; diary in Bombay, France, Kashmir and North India, 30 Dec 1913-1 May 1921; diary in India and the Persian Gulf, 2 May 1921-22 Dec 1932; diary in Egypt, Palestine, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Rhodes, Cornwall and Scilly Isles, 22 Dec 1932-3 Nov 1943; notebook containing watercolours of landscapes and maps and notes on the Himalayas and Kashmir; notebook of watercolours of birds in India and the UK together with some notes and anatomical drawings and photographs of Hudson, 1900-1927.

      Sem título
      MARSHALL, Dr Eric Stewart (1879-1963)
      GB 0402 EMA · 1907-1959

      Papers of Eric Marshall including diaries on Shackleton's British Antarctic Expedition 1907-1909, aboard the NIMROD, including diaries 31 Dec 1907-22 Mar 1908, and 23 Mar-19 Sep 1908 and diary of the southern journey on the NIMROD expedition, 29 Oct 1908-11 Mar 1909; diaries, 25 Dec 1909-18 Mar 1911, on the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition to New Guinea, photographs from the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition to New Guinea, and correspondence between Marshall and Dudley Everitt, 1955-1959, concerning the expedition to New Guinea and the British Antarctic Expedition.

      Sem título
      CLA/012 · Coleção · 1864-1988

      Records of the Foreign Cattle Market at Deptford, 1864-1988, including general administrative papers (letter books, committee papers, petitions, reports); printed copies of bye-laws, privy council orders and reports; machinery and equipment catalogues and inventories; posters; plans, drawings and maps; general financial papers (tenancy and rental agreements, rent ledgers, statements of income and expenditure, accounts, cash books, acquittance books). Also articles regarding the use of railways at the Market, particularly the Grove Street Tramway.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 ACC/0576 · Coleção · 1922-1936

      Records of the Harrow and District Field Club, comprising minutes and programmes of meetings (including rules and lists of officers).

      Sem título
      MCC/LT · Subarquivo · 1916-1965

      Records of the Middlesex County Council Local Taxation Department, 1916-1965, including Section Heads meetings notes; Inspector's Conferences notes; correspondence with the Ministry of Transport; statistics relating to licences; papers relating to overtime and leave; petrol allowances; papers relating to the administration and control of licences for hawkers, moneylenders, pawnbrokers and refreshment houses; papers relating to dog, gun and game licences; notes on local taxation licences; papers relating to vehicle registration and licensing including correspondence and registers; and examples of application forms and licences.

      Sem título
      MEINERTZHAGEN, Richard (1878-1967)
      GB 0060 DF 5003 · 1914-1961

      Volume of correspondence of Richard Meinertzhagen including official receipts from the Museum for donations (1914-1956), drafts of his critical memoranda on the state of the Museum (1939-1945), letters from Museum staff and trustees on his collections from the Hogga Mountains, Algeria (1931-1932), and correspondence on the disposal of his bird collection (1950-1954).

      Sem título
      GB 0060 DF ENT · 1866-1990

      Papers of the Department of Entomology comprising: DF300 Keeper of Entomology's correspondence;
      DF301 Registers of Entomology departmental correspondence;
      DF302 Keeper of Entomology's out-letters;
      DF303 Entomology reports to Trustees;
      DF304 Sectional correspondence;
      DF305 Keeper of Entomology's expedition files;
      DF306 Keeper of Entomology's subject files;
      DF307 Keeper of Entomology's staff files;
      DF308 Entomology donation records;
      DF309 Entomology departmental and sectional visitors books;
      DF310 Entomology Financial Records;
      DF311 Artwork for Publication;
      DF312 Entomology Librarian's Correspondence;
      DF313 Entomology Specimen Loan Books;
      DF330 Economic Section correspondence and papers;
      DF331 Diptera Section correspondence and papers;
      DF332 Lepidoptera Section correspondence and papers;
      DF333 Coleoptera Section correspondence and papers;
      DF334 Hemiptera Section correspondence and papers;
      DF335 "Neuropteroid" Orders Section correspondence and papers;
      DF340 Custodian of Rothschild Collection of Siphonaptera Correspondence and Papers.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/L/DC · Coleção · 1578-1997

      Records of the Worshipful Company of Dyers, 1578-1997, including freedom admissions from 1650 and lists of apprentices from 1649; as well as charters and ordinances; Court minute books; financial accounts; Clerk's diary and memoranda books; Clerk's letter books; swan upping books; papers relating to charities; deeds and other papers relating to property and estate management.

      Also records relating to the Company almshouses, comprising: register of applicants for admission, 1881-1980 (Ms 32847); register of almspeople, 1883-1981 (Ms 32848); and gatekeepers' diaries, 1906-38 (Ms 32849). Further references may be found in other Dyers' Company records such as minutes and accounts.

      IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/L/FB · Coleção · 1400? - 2000

      Records of the Worshipful Company of Farriers. The records have been compiled from the 15th century, but they include copies of documents dating from 1356. The archive includes freemen lists from 1709, registers of freedom admissions from 1755 and of apprentice bindings from 1619; as well as charter and memorandum books; Court minute books; financial accounts; inventories and papers relating to the charitable trust.

      IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/L/FE · Coleção · 1328-1983

      Records of the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

      Title deeds of property in the City start from 1289, but apart from charities and estates records, most series date from the late 16th century: court minutes begin in 1592 while freedom admissions survive from 1593. Some series continue into the 20th century. Records include copies of charters and ordinances; Court minute books; Committee minute books and agendas; annual reports; livery lists; registers of members; registers of freedom admissions; papers relating to apprentice bindings; quarterage books; financial accounts; Clerk's papers including letter books; papers relating to property including rental books and maps and plans.

      Also records of Sir John Gresham's Charity: The records comprise constitutional documents, minutes, reports, correspondence, pupil lists and estate papers. They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff. See also Ms 5855/2.

      Records of Saint Peter's Hospital: They comprise: lists of almspeople, ca. 1790-1840 (Ms 21543, pp. 19-21, 64-66); register of applicants, 1855-99 (Ms 21512); papers relating to administration and the conduct of the almspeople, 1629-1898 (Ms 07262); plans ca. 1850 (Ms 21539); and list of library books, 1897 (Ms 21513). Further references may be found in other Fishmongers' Company records such as minutes and accounts.

      Records of Harrietsham Almshouses: They comprise: accounts, 1652-1896 (Ms 05831, 05832-3, 06365, 07291); relief books, 1790-1909 (Ms 05831A); lists of almspeople, ca. 1790-1839 (Ms 21543, pp. 33-5); register of applicants, ca. 1855-68 (Ms 21512); correspondence and miscellaneous papers, 1666-1836 (Ms 05851, 07293, 08342). Further references may be found in other Fishmongers' Company records such as minutes and accounts.

      Records of Jesus Hospital: They comprise: copy of letters patent of James I and of William Goddard's will, rules and bye-laws, statutes, register of applicants, lists of almspeople, list of readers and chaplains, accounts, correspondence, plans and terriers of lands, and miscellaneous papers. Further references may be found in other Fishmongers' Company records such as minutes and accounts.

      Sem título
      White, Thomas Hedley (fl 1961-1994)
      GB 0120 GC/257 · 1961

      Dissertation on human anthrax in the Rift Valley area of Kenya by Thomas Hedley White, 1961, for Diploma in Public Health at the Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene. Includes photographs and diagrams.

      Sem título
      Robson, Professor John Michael
      GB 0120 GC/43 · 1940s-1975

      Papers of John Michael Robson on pharmacology, endocrinology and reproductive physiology, 1940s, 1967-1975; incomplete draft history of the Institute of Animal Genetics, Edinburgh, [post 1945].

      Sem título
      Maillot, Eugene (1841-1889)
      GB 0120 MS.5132 · 1841-1908

      Correspondence and papers of [Marie] Eugène [Alexandre] Maillot, 1841-1908.

      Sem título
      GB 0120 MSS.1998-1999, 7904 · 1798-1832

      Manuscript papers on 'académies d'Italie'; a translation of a paper by Georges Léopold Cuvier and autograph letters signed by Cuvier to correspondents including: Arsène Thiebaut de Berneaud (1777-1850), agriculturalist, secretary of the Société Linnéenne de Paris (no.19); Jean Pierre Casimir, Baron de Puymaurin (1757-1841), administrator, politician and author of scientific treatises, son of the administrator and painter N.J. de Marcassus Puymaurin (1718-1791) geologist and director of the Dictionnaire universel (no.23); Charles Marie Dessalines d'Orbigny (1806-1876) (no.24); the mineralogist Jean Jacques Nicolas Huot (1790-1849) (no.26); the government minister Count André Jean Chabrol de Cronsul (1771-1836) (no.33); the archaeologist and writer Jacques Crèvecoeur de. Boucher de Perthes (1788-1868) (no.36); Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1805-1861), Zoologist (no.44) 48 Volume comprising 2 letters from Cuvier and notes by Cuvier 49-107 Notes, certificates, petitions etc signed or endorsed by Cuvier including pension request by M. Des Langeac, 14 July 1815 (no.55), 5 diplomas from the Commission de l'Instruction Publique(nos.57, 59, 62-64), various disconnected notes by Cuvier (some dated) (nos.70-90), notes by Cuvier with 2 pecil sketches of mollusques (no.100), 4 students entrance cards to the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle au Jardin du Roi (signed by Cuvier) (nos.75, 96-98), plans by Cuvier of dissection rooms (no.99) 108 Letters to Cuvier J L Fouimer, 16 July 1829 109-111 Letters by member of Cuvier's family (not to Cuvier) Mme. Anne Cuvier: Mme. Delpech, 1 June 1832 (no.109) M. Ampière de L'Academie des Sciences, n.d. (no.110) Sophie Duvanul (Cuvier's daughter) M. le Préfect, 20 June 1820(no.111) Printed items: 'Memoir of Baron Cuvier' from The London Review and Literary and Scientific Gazette(no.112), extract of an obituary of Cuvier(no.113), cover (edge has been cut off) of a publication, reprinted by Cuvier's students in his honour(no.114).

      Sem título
      GB 0120 MSS.2248-2268, 4790-4807 and 5690-5691 · 1890-1949

      Much of the collection is made up of diaries and notebooks relating to expeditions sent to Africa by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to study diseases such as malaria and trypanosomiasis. From Todd's subsequent career there is also material on journeys to Western Canada to study Swamp Fever in horses and to Poland to study Typhus, some general notes on tropical diseases, a laboratory notebook on experiments with fever ticks and a paper on the Congo Free State as a political unit. The dates covered are 1901-1920. A final block of material consists of letters and loose papers including sketches, covering 1890-1949.

      Sem título
      Saint-Hilaire, Isidore Geoffroy (1805-1861)
      GB 0120 MSS.2501 and 7066-7071 · 1783-1861

      Miscellaneous scientific notes of Isidore Geoffroy St-Hilaire, 1783-1861, mainly relating to taxonomy and hybridisation. With some fragmentary corrected proofs of published works and other printed matter.

      Sem título
      MACFETRIDGE, Lt Col Charles Hemphill Townsend (1913-2002)
      GB 0099 KCLMA MacFetridge · 1987, 1995, 2000

      Publications by Lt Col Charles MacFetridge: A Memoir of Greece in 1948: A Year of Crisis, privately published, 1987, detailing experiences as British Liaison Officer, XL Greek Infantry Brigade, British Military Mission to Greece, operating in the Pindhos, Grammos and Vitsi mountains, Apr-Oct 1948; Mules in the British Army', a tribute published on the website of the British Mule Society (article no longer available online), [1995]; and British Mule Society booklet The Military Mule in the British Army and Indian Army: An Anthology. Part III: The Mountain Artillery Mule, 2000. Also copy of articleTales from the bushy-topped tree: a brief survey of military sketching', PJ Gough, Imperial War Museum Review No 10, Nov 1995, including mention of MacFetridge.

      Sem título
      Andrewes, Sir Christopher Howard (1896-1989)
      GB 0120 GC/168 · Coleção · 1910s-1960s

      Diaries and notebooks, including ornithological, entomological, variological [1910]-1927; research notebooks, common cold and influenza, 1930-1933; notes on international congresses, 1950s-1960s.

      Sem título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Brooke A F · 1906-1967

      Manuscript diaries, 1939-1946, notably covering his command of 2 Corps, BEF, France and Belgium, 1939-1940, his service as Commander-in-Chief, Home Forces, 1940-1941, and as Chief of the Imperial General Staff, 1941-1946, with detailed accounts of meetings and conversations, and comments on personalities. Detailed unpublished memoirs, 1883-1946, written in [1946-1960]. Personal files, 1940-1946, principally comprising copies of official and semi-official correspondence with FM Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, 1942-1945, relating to his commands of 8 Army, Middle East, 1942-1943, and 21 Army Group, North West Europe, 1944-1945; with FM Archibald Percival Wavell, 1st Viscount of Cyrenaica and of Winchester, 1940-1945, relating to his commands in the Middle East, 1940-1941, and India, 1941-1945; with FM Sir (Henry) Maitland Wilson, 1943-1945, relating to his commands in the Middle East, 1943-1944, and as head of British Joint Staff Mission, Washington, 1944-1945; with FM Hon Sir Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander, 1942-1945, relating to his commands in the Middle East, 1942-1943, and Italy, 1943-1944, and the Mediterranean, 1944-1945; with Lt Gen Sir Kenneth Arthur Noel Anderson, 1942-1945, relating to his commands in North Africa, 1942-1944, and East Africa, 1945; with Adm Lord Louis (Francis Arthur Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia, 1943-1945; with FM Sir John Greer Dill, head of British Joint Staff Mission, Washington, 1941-1944; with Lt Gen Frederick Arthur Montagu Browning, Chief of Staff, South East Asia Command, 1944-1945; with Lt Gen Herbert Lumsden, South West Pacific Area, 1944; with Lt Gen Sir Frank Noel Mason-Macfarlane, Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Gibraltar, 1942; and with Gen Wladyslaw Sikorski, Polish Forces, 1941-1943. Papers relating to his role as Chief of the Imperial General Staff, 1941-1946, dated 1940-1951, notably including conference papers for Combined Chiefs of Staff meetings, 1943-1945; semi-official correspondence with Lt Gen Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, 1940-1945, relating to Auchinleck's commands in Norway, India and the Middle East, 1940-1945. Other papers relating to his life and career, 1897-1963, dated 1897-1966, 1992-1993, including letters to his mother, 1906-1920, notably covering his service in India, 1906-1914 and France and Belgium, 1914-1918; texts of his lectures on artillery given at Staff College, Camberley, 1923-[1926]; papers relating to his post-war activities, notably his role as Chancellor of Queen's University, Belfast, 1949-1963, dated 1949-1968; papers relating to ornithology, 1950-1963; published and unpublished articles collected by Alanbrooke and his wife, 1929-1967; texts of his speeches and broadcasts, 1944-1962; photographs, [1902-1963], 1978, 1992, mainly official photographs of Alanbrooke as Chief of Imperial General Staff, 1941-1942. Papers collected by Mrs M C Long in preparation for the writing of Alanbrooke's biography, dated 1954-1958, notably including texts of interviews with friends and colleagues, 1954-1958. Correspondence relating to Alanbrooke's papers and Sir Arthur Wynne Morgan Bryant's books Turn of the tide (Collins, London, 1957) and Triumph in the West (Collins, London, 1959) (both based on Alanbrooke's diaries), dated 1951-1968. Correspondence of FM (Richard) Michael (Power) Carver, Baron Carver, relating to erection of Alanbrooke statue in Whitehall in 1993, dated 1991-1993

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      TATCHELL, Peter (b 1952)
      GB 0074 LMA/4466 · Coleção · 1971-2004

      The papers of Peter Tatchell includes correspondence, newspaper and magazine articles, press releases, posters, leaflets and publications on the following topics: Aids/HIV research, vivisection and animal rights, homophobic violence and policing, the age of consent, media portrayal of homosexuality, negative comments on sexuality by 'personalities', homophobic lyrics and the music industry, international politics, green socialism, Labour and politics, Members of Parliament and 'outing', the Bermondsey By-election, the Greater London Assembly, Christian, Jewish and Islamic leaders' stances on homosexuality, the law and sexuality, the prosecution of homosexual acts, and the employment of homosexuals in the armed forces.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/103-05 · Coleção · 1911-1971

      London Cattle Food Trade Association records comprise minutes, accounts and a register of samples.

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      GB 0074 CLC/B/109 · Coleção · 1989-1981

      Records of H Barber and Son Limited, salmon and eel merchants, and their subsidiaries including D and J Barber (Eels) Limited; Braddan Fishing Company Limited; Cahill and Young Limited; John T Clark Limited; U C Farmer Limited; A Langley and Company Limited and E F Marchant Limited.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/109-07 · Coleção · 1961-1967

      Financial records of A Langley and Company Limited, cooked eel merchants.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/151-02 · Coleção · 1975-1976

      Records of Billingsgate Cold Stores Limited, comprising financial accounts.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/151-06 · Coleção · 1940-1945

      London Wholesale Fish Trade Limited records comprise: memorandum and articles of association, 1940 (Ms 19815); minutes 1940-5 (Ms 19816); and accounts 1940-1 (Ms 19817).

      Sem título
      HALL, Libby (fl 1966-2006)
      LIBBY HALL · Arquivo · c1860-1920

      Photographs, postcards adn other (collected) photographic items depicting dogs and their owners c 1860-1920.

      Sem título
      HOBDAY, Sir Frederick Thomas George (1870-1939)
      GB 1510 HOBDAY · [1914-1937]

      Official papers of Sir Frederick Hobday as Principal of the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), [1914-1937], including RVC committee papers including the Finance Committee, 1914-1921; General purposes committee, 1914-1921; and the London University Subcommittee; papers of the RVC General Purposes Committee on reorganising and rebuilding the College 1928-1933; report and memorandum of the advisory committee on the Royal Veterinary College on the siting of a research institute in veterinary pathology; report of development commission advisory committee into research on diseases of animals, 1922; memorandum of report of Ministry on the advisability of removing the Royal Veterinary College to Cambridge; Senate minutes including on a consideration of revision of BSC Veterinary Medicine at Senate, 20 Dec 1933; papers of the Academic Board, 1927-1932; minutes of Governor's meetings, 1914-1932; papers of the annual meeting of the RVC, 1914-1921 and papers relating to the building of the new College buildings at Camden Town, 1934.

      Papers relating to events including the RVC 1937 opening ceremony; visit of Mayor of St Pancras to the RVC; Lord Mayor's Procession, 1931; Lord Mayor's Show, 1934; Sir Frederick Hobday Complimentary Dinner, 1933; the great thoroughbred contest, 1934; the Animals' Hospital Ball, 1933 and Flag day, 1933.

      Papers relating to fundraising including RVC appeal letters, 1931-1933; Herbert Buckingham fund raising correspondence, 1927-1936; Our Dogs appeal, 1931; Dog World Appeal, 1931; Suffolk women's appeal; donations to rebuilding and endowment fund, General expenses fund (for special purposes and general expenses) and the South Eastern Jersey club appeal.

      Papers relating to conferences, 1928-1932, including the National Veterinary Medical Association Congress, Sep 1929; RVC timetables; RVC monthly examination papers, 1927-1934; RCVS Examinations and mark books; papers relating to students including on scholarships and female students; financial papers including private account invoices; clocking on lists; papers relating to canine hysteria, 1934; applications and testimonials for posts in the RVC, 1933-1934; press cuttings including cuttings relating to the RVC; papers relating to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries: Amendments to handbook of diseases of animal acts. Returns of outbreaks of scheduled diseases, 1927-1929; papers relating to anti-vivisection including Anti-vivisection Research Defence Society papers; inventory of books and instruments bequeathed to the College by Hobday; anti-vivisection correspondence and propaganda and anti-vivisection journals, 1932-1935 and issues of journals including the University of London Gazette and the Veterinary Journal, 1933.

      Correspondence including a run of general correspondence arranged alphabetically, 1933-1936 and correspondence on topics including lectures, 1932-1934; the humane treatment and killing of animals, 1933; export of horses, 1929-1932; the Mansion House meetings, 1936; notices, 1917-1927; and the Royal visit to open the new buildings at the RVC, 1937. Correspondents include Margaret Rees, 1933; London livery companies; the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; Toye Vise; overseas colleagues; the University of London, 1934-1935; the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries; James Basil Buxton, 1936 and Miss Hodge (Principal's secretary), 1936.

      Papers relating to societies and organisations including: the Student Union Society; Students Veterinary Medical Association; Ministry of Agriculture and fisheries; Royal Society of Medicine, 1928-1934; University of London Animal Welfare Society, 1929-1934; Royal Army Veterinary Corps, 1932-1935; Model abattoir society; Silver Fox Breeders and Furriers Association; Society for the Protection of Animals in North Africa; National Greyhound Racing Society, 1933; Council of Justice to Animals, 1933; People's League of Health 1932-1933; Metropolitan Drinking Fountain Association; College of Pestology; Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; agricultural societies and poultry and bird societies.

      Sem título
      James, Montague Rhodes: letters (1929)
      GB 0096 AL302 · Arquivo · 1929

      5 letters from Montague James Rhodes of The Lodge, Eton College to Dr [Charles] Singer, Mar-Apr 1929. On topics connected with medieval manuscript studies. Referring to the Aberdeen University Library Bestiary, saying: 'I don't supposed I shall pay much heed to bestiaries now' [i.e. since the publication of his edition of The Bestiary (1928)].

      All letters are autograph, with signatures.

      Sem título
      BUXTON, Patrick Alfred (1892-1955)
      GB 0809 Buxton · 1908-1957

      Papers of Patrick Alfred Buxton, 1908-1957, relate to his employment as Head of Entomology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 1927-1955, and notably include research notes, correspondence, maps, diaries and publications.

      Sem título
      Archives of the Zoological Society of London
      GB 0814 A · Arquivo · 1826-[2013]

      Includes: Minutes of Council; Minutes of the General Meetings (the Fellows' AGMs); Minutes of the Gardens Committee (i.e. London Zoo); Minutes of the Whipsnade Committee; Daily Occurrences of London Zoo and Whipsnade (these list the arrivals and departures, births and deaths of animals at London Zoo and Whipsnade); Staff cards; post-mortem books; press-cuttings albums; charters; maps and plans; 19th Century Letter Collection (mainly from Fellows to the Secretary of ZSL. There are no replies. Authors include: Darwin, Abraham Bartlett, the Duke of Bedford, Wallace, and Barnum etc.); Ephemera, e.g. London and Whipsnade Zoo guides, posters and leaflets, Music Hall songsheets, medals, tickets, a keeper's uniform, menus.

      Sem título
      Baird, William (1803-1872)
      GB 0814 ZAAB · 1823-1833

      Journals of William Baird, 1823-1833, comprising journal of voyages to the West Indies, South America, East Indies and China, Cape of Good Hope and St Helena, from 1823 to 1831, in the Barque Charles and H C Ship Berwickshire and voyage to and from China, in H C Ship Berwickshire, in 1832 and 1833.

      Sem título
      Dubois, - (fl 1669-1672),
      GB 0814 ZAAE    · 1805-1811

      Manuscript copy of a rare printed book by Dubois: Journal et relations des voyages fait par le Sr. D. B. aux isles Dauphine ou Madagascar et de Bourbon ou Mascarenne, 1669 [copy 1805-1811]

      Sem título
      Hopkins, June Mary (b 1930)
      GB 0814 ZAAP · 1962-2005

      Papers of June Hopkins, 1962-1968, comprising observational notes on the rearing and behaviour of duikers and other animals (lions, antelopes and a pet cat) in Nigeria. Includes some correspondence. Also an extract from June Hopkins' journal describing a visit to Nairobi National Park Animal Orphanage in Dec 1966; and explanatory notes by Brian Hopkins, 2005. People mentioned in the notes include Niels Bolwig (Professor of Zoology) and Robert Golding (Curator of the Zoo).

      Sem título
      Hodgson, Brian Houghton (1800-1894)
      GB 0814 ZFA · 1824-1874

      Papers of Brian Houghton Hodgson, 1824-1874, comprising annotated British Museum Catalogues, " Brief Notices of Several New or Little-Known Species of Mammalia", 1855; List of specimens sent to British Museum, [1846]; notebook by Archibald Campbell in Nepal and annotated by Hodgson, 1833; catalogue of a collection of Mammalia from Nepal, Sikim, and Tibet, 1856; copies of printed papers, 1846-1848; correspondence, 1836-1874; correspondence and lists concerning the proposed publication of drawings, 1836-1845; descriptions of the animals of Nepal, Sikim and Tibet, 1830-1857; letters from Joseph Hooker to Brian H Hodgson, 1848-1850; lists of drawings and specimens, 1835-1838; lists of drawings and specimens sent to various recipients, 1842-1874; manuscripts of journal articles, 1831-1847; 'Memoranda of manners and habits of the birds of my Collection (according to the numbers attached to the drawings). Done by my native sportsmen or Shikarees and translated by my Writer', 1846-1857; miscellaneous journal articles, 1843-1846; notebook containing copies of letters to Hodgson, 1833-1842; Zoological Memos of 1846 made on the way from Monghys to Darjiling, 1846; Zoology Nepal notebooks, 1824-1827.

      Sem título
      D M S Watson Papers (MS ADD 112)
      GB 0103 MS ADD 112 · 1914-1966

      Correspondence between D M S Watson and others; memorabilia; sketches and drawings; photographs; and newspaper cuttings.

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