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      • UF Animal biology
      • UF Biologie animale
      • UF Biología animal

      166 Archivistische beschrijving results for Zoology

      166 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      Lankester Manuscript
      GB 0103 MS ADD 252 · 1922

      Manuscript paper, 'Contributions to evolution theory', sent to the zoologist Sir John Graham Kerr on 1 September 1922. All red marks, and probably all ink marks, done by Kerr.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0113 MS-BAGSA · 1908-1909

      Bagshawe's correspondence, in his role as Director of the Sleeping Sickness Bureau, 1908-9, with Professor Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915), in English and German, and with Sir Patrick Manson (1844-1922). Mostly on the subject of the work of the Bureau, and particularly the prevalence of sleeping sickness in Africa.

      Zonder titel
      JENNER, Edward (1749-1823)
      GB 0113 MS-JENNE · 1787-1806

      Jenner's diary, 1787-1806, containing his observations on the natural history of the cuckoo, and notes on his dissections of other birds and various domestic animals.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 FRR · 1892-1932

      Notebooks and travel diaries, describing fishing and hunting trips with some notes on birds observed in the following regions: Sweden and Norway, 1892-1899; Russian Lapland, Ireland and Denmark, 1901-1902; Russian Lapland, Norway and Denmark, 1902; Guadiana valley, Spain, 1905; Norway and Sweden, 1905; Spain: a travel diary including notes on cae dwellings and prehistoric remains, 1908; Romania, 1911; Algeria and Iceland, 1913; England and Scotland, 1915-1918; Scotland, 1919-1920; Scotland and Iceland, 1921; England and Iceland, 1922; Iceland, 1922; England, 1923-1924; Sweden and New Zealand, 1924-1925; England and Sweden, 1926; Iceland, 1927-1929; Iceland and England, 1929; Iceland, 1930; England and Ireland, 1931-1932 and England, 1932.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 HLP · 1910-[1916]

      Papers of Harry Lewin Lee Pennell relating to his work as commander of the TERRA NOVA for Robert Falcon Scott's British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913, including sailing orders, 1911 and letters of proceedings, Jan-Mar, 1911; correspondence with members of the TERRA NOVA expedition while in Antarctica, 1910-1913; photocopy of a letter from the committee of the expedition to J J Kinsey; zoological log kept by Pennell, London to Melbourne, Jun-Oct 1910; annotated admiralty charts of the South Polar and Antarctica VIII, 1910 and photographs of Pennell, [1910-1916].

      Zonder titel
      BACK, Sir George (1796-1878)
      GB 0402 SGB · 1814-1878

      Papers of Sir George Back, 1814-1878, including c. 250 letters addressed to Sir George Back by various correspondents (listed by name), 1848-1878; personal letters from Back to his family, 1813-1878; photocopies of extracts from Back's sketchbook and slides of his sketches from 1819-1822 expedition to Arctic; passports and framed letter with sketches of polar bear, 1874.

      Zonder titel
      HUXLEY Scientific papers
      GB 0098 B/HUXLEY · Created 1846-1846

      Scientific papers of T H Huxley, 1846-1898, comprising notebooks made whilst Assistant Surgeon to HMS RATTLESNAKE, 1846-1850, containing his observations, sketches of specimens, notably oceanic hydrozoa, mollusca and crustacea, related notes;

      scientific notebooks, papers and correspondence, [1855-1888], relating to botany and principally zoology, bound in volumes largely according to zoological classification, including invertebrata, crustacea, vertebrata, teleostei, amphibia, reptilia, aves, mammalia, carnivora, primates, anthropology, mycological, bacteria, hirudinea, mollusca, petromyzon, ganoidei, sturiones, dipnoi, teleostei, salmonidae, insectivora, rodentia, lepus, canidae, fossil fishes, dinosauria, ethnology, origins of biology, gentiana; correspondence concerning deep sea soundings, 1857; syllabus and notes for lectures, [1860-1886], for the Government (later Royal) School of Mines, Royal Institution, working men, London Institution, University of Edinburgh, notably on natural history, zoology, ethnology, elementary geography, physiography; correspondence, 1851-1894; notebooks, [1847-1884], concerning visits to Switzerland, Tenby, Italy, notes on anatomy and vertebrae;

      drawings, [1847-1895] many illustrating laboratory work, and relating to observations in his notebooks, relating to protozoa and botany; coelenterata, brachiostomata, echinodermata, mollusca; vermes and arthropoda with peripatus; pisces with tunicata and amphioxus; mammalia; anthropological photographs, [1868-1898].

      Zonder titel
      GB 0114 MS0239 · 1825-1832

      Papers of William Home Clift, 1825-1832, comprising manuscript notes and sketches by Clift, taken at lectures given by Sir Charles Bell, on topics including sensory organs, hernia, and lythotomy, 1827; notes and sketches by Clift and J Streeten, taken at lectures on surgery given by Sir Charles Bell, on topics including mechanical construction of the body, the structure and growth of teeth, and the nervous system, 1828; notes by Clift and Sir Richard Owen titled Rough Account of Diagrams, Preparations etc., used at the Lectures 1828, containing lists of diagrams for lectures by Sir Charles Bell and Joseph Henry Green; notes by Clift titled Lectures 1832. Mr Guthrie and Sir Charles Bell. Commenced Tuesday February 28th, Terminated Saturday May 5th. WH Clift; reports by Clift to the Board of Curators, on the progress of the catalogue of monsters and osteological items, and other activities in the museum, 1829-1831; and colour drawings of fish by Clift, 10 Jun 1825.

      Zonder titel
      Johnson, George Lindsay
      GB 0117 MS 697 · sub-fonds · c 1900-1927

      Original Drawings of the Mammalian Eye by George Lindsay Johnson created for paper in 'Philosophical Transactions' B Volume 194, 1 and Volume 254, 207.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0100 G/PP1/41 · [1793]

      Bound volume containing 295 colour illustrations of flies (diptera) with Latin descriptions, with the manuscript inscription 'Diptera selected from a larger work published by G W Panzer, Nurnberg, 1793'. Probably extracts from Faunae Insectorum Germanicae Initia [Elements of the German insect fauna], Nuremburg, [1792-] 1793-1813, containing Panzer's short textual descriptions and individual hand-coloured engravings by Jakob Sturm.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0114 MS0144 · c 1795 - early 19th century

      Papers relating to Gotthelf Fischer von Waldheim, c 1795 - early 19th century, comprising a volume titled Experiments on the Swimming Bladder of Fishes. Translation from the German of Gotthelf Fischer, containing an English trranslation of Versuch uber die Schwimmblase der Fische (Leipzig 1795) by Gotthelf Fischer von Waldheim. The translator is not known.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0100 KCLCA C/PP1 · [1917-1972]

      The papers of Professor Sir Gavin Rylands De Beer comprise notebooks, typescript lecture texts and photographs, [1917-1947]; notably including four manuscript notebooks containing summaries of lectures attended by De Beer when he was an undergraduate and fellow at Oxford, consisting of notes on rudimentary embryology and zoology with sketches and bibliographies, [1917-1938]; proofs and fair copies of the text of De Beer's anniversary lecture as President of the Linnean Society on animal posture and morphology with photographs and drawings, [1947]; transparencies used in a talk on evolution, [1947]; microscopy photographs of the embryonic development of monotremes and marsupials and, at the cellular level, of the salamander, [1945-1972]; photographs and plaster casts of the brain case and other parts of a fossilised specimen of the bird-like Archaeopteryx, [1950-1960]; photographs of cross sections through a mature tree showing growth rings, [1950-1960].

      Zonder titel
      GB 0100 KCLCA C/PP2 · 1932

      The collection consists of two mounted pencil sketches of nesting birds and a moth presented to Herwald Ramsbotham, Parliamentary Secretary, Board of Education, by the Governors, Staff and Students of Chelsea Polytechnic at the opening of building extensions to the Modern Art and Biology classrooms at Chelsea Polytechnic, 4 November 1932.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0100 TH/PP12 · Collectie · [1895-1904]

      Register, [1895-1904], entitled 'Rabies Investigations' of tests on the bodies of dogs sent to the Brown Institution for suspected rabies. Descriptions and results of the tests are given, with some related correspondence pasted into the register. Cases were investigated by Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, Sir John Rose Bradford and Frederick William Twort, Professor-Superintendents of the Institution.

      Zonder titel