Agricultural chemistry

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      Agricultural chemistry

      Agricultural chemistry

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        Agricultural chemistry

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          1 Descrição arquivística resultados para Agricultural chemistry

          Chemistry Department of Imperial College
          GB 0098 KC · Created 1880-1991 (ongoing)

          Records of the Department of Chemistry of Imperial College, 1880-1991, including articles, press cuttings, reminiscences of old students, 1912-1991; regulations, 1901-1925; examination papers, 1886-1972; correspondence concerning equipment and test certificates, 1905-1933; notebooks of students' laboratory work, 1890-1903; notes on advanced organic chemistry lectures, 1914-1915; practical chemistry, 1894-1896; physical chemistry lectures, 1905; inorganic chemistry, 1894-1895; correspondence of staff, including Professor Sir William Augustus Tilden, 1907-1909; Professor James Charles Philip, 1909-1934; Professor Sir Thomas Edward Thorpe, 1909-1921; Professor H B Baker, 1912-1932; Martha Annie Whiteley, 1918-1934; Professor Friedrich Adolf Paneth, 1933-1939; correspondence relating to departmental reorganisation, 1939, and reconstruction of advanced analytical laboratory, 1938-1939; papers relating to laboratory work, 1925-1963, including sample analysis, 1925-1963; Rectors' papers relating to the department, 1950-1981, including correspondence relating to a Rockefeller grant, 1950-1957; appointments and future of the department, 1975-1981; staff attendance book, 1909; correspondence relating to war emergencies, 1938-1961; papers, including minutes, relating to the National Joint Committee on recruitment and training of science laboratory technicians, 1951-1957; papers of the Organic Chemistry Laboratory, 1907-1921; examination lists and results, 1907-1924; annual dinner menu, 1931, and list of members, 1947, of the 31 Club; analytical laboratory students records, 1910-1925; inventories of platinum apparatus and platinum, 1920-[1967]; second and third year student records and reports, 1939, 1940 (KC);
          papers relating to Agricultural Chemistry, 1880-1955, including notes on Henry Tanner's lectures, 1880; correspondence concerning the course, 1935-1955 (KCA);
          papers relating to the Chemical Engineering Department, 1910-1985, including press cuttings and departmental history from 1912-1939, [1960]; departmental annual and research reports, 1926-1991; postgraduate courses, 1910-1991; Professors' records, 1945-1956; students' records, 1919-1945; lists of students, 1936-1944, 1947-1950; research assistants, 1939-1941; correspondence of staff notably Professor William Arthur Bone, 1911-1936; Professor John William Hinchley, 1919-1932; Professor Sir Alfred Egerton, 1936-1946; correspondence relating to the establishment and organisation of the department, 1911-1942; papers relating to the department building, 1911-1935, including correspondence with the architect, 1911-1914; specifications and agreements, 1913-1930; estimates and expenditure for equipment, 1911-1950; correspondence relating to the Courtauld Trust endowment for a Chair of Chemical Engineering, 1944-1959; with Radiation House relating to a fellowship, 1938-1961; Rectors' correspondence with Heads of the Department, 1957-1981; British Iron and Steel Research Association research plans and press cuttings, 1947-1966; papers relating to Health Physics (Radiation Protection) summer schools, 1960-1980 (KCT).

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