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        1056 Descripción archivística resultados para Asociación

        1054 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
        GB 0074 CLC/B/017-26 · Colección · 1842-1975

        Records of the London Wharf and Warehouse Committee, including minute books; surveyors' reports; and plans of wharfs, warehouses and docks.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/017-29 · Colección · 1898-1975

        The surviving records of the Printers and Theatres Rating Committee (Southern Committee) are incomplete. They mostly concern the rating of individual risks. As a result, they contain much information about particular theatres, music halls, cinemas, film production studios, publishers, printers and allied trades (including papermakers), and associated processes and products. Some of the records are indexed by name and/or place. The whereabouts of the records of the Northern and Scottish Rating Committees is unknown.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/018 · Colección · 1926-1996

        Records of the Association of Investment Trusts, later the Association of Investment Trust Companies and then the Association of Investment Companies. The records comprise some constitutional documents, minutes of the various committees, annual reports and accounts and supporting papers, financial material, along with many files of correspondence on particular topics, as well as a large serie of files relating to members of the Association. These records are all held off-site and require 24 hours notice for access.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/029-05 · Colección · 1853-1900

        Papers of the London Joint Stock Banks Committee comprising signed minute books.

        Restricted access to later records.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/030 · Colección · 1917-1949

        Records of the British Funeral Workers' Association, comprising minute books of the Executive Committee and the Cemetery Committee; and minutes of the Southampton Branch.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/037 · Colección · 1824-1932

        Records of the Canada Company, comprising constitutional documents, minutes, share records, bills of exchange and deeds.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/052 · Colección · 1702-1990

        Papers of the Coal Meters' Committee, including minutes, letter books, cash books, ledgers, books of notices and orders, ships' registers, records of coal exports and imports, and papers relating to the reorganisation of the Coal Meters' Office.

        The records of the Coal Meters' Benefit Society, the Coal Meters' Provident Club and the Coal Meters' Office Protection Branch also form part of the archives of the Coal Meters' Committee. The Benefit Society records consist chiefly of minutes, resolutions touching amendments to the constitution, statements of account and correspondence relating to the Coal Meters' Benefit Society and Widows' Aid Fund. The Provident Club records contain a copy of rules, nomination form counterfoil book and account book. The Protection Branch records consist of annual reports, ledger accounts and cash books.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2793 · Colección · 1933-2004

        Records of the Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief, predecessor organisations and associated organisations. The archive details the work of the Fund in shelters, hostels, internment camps, schools and foster homes.

        Records include correspondence; reports; appeals; records relating to relief organisations including the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad, the Pioneer Welfare Fund; the Medical Committee for Relief Abroad and the Jewish Board of Guardians; records relating to refugee organisations including the Central Committee for Refugees; the Central Office for Refugees; Jewish Refugees Committee and Children's Refugee Movements; records relating to the Agudas Israel World Organisation and the Israel Colonisation Organisation; administrative papers including Committee minutes and papers; and case files for Afghan, Argentine, Austrian, Belgian, British, Czech, Egyptian, Ethiopian, German, Hungarian, Iranian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Polish, Rumanian, Russian, South African, Syrian, American and Yugoslavian cases.

        LMA also holds case files for the "Kindertransporte" through which children were evacuated from Germany and Austria in 1938 and 1939. PLEASE NOTE: These case files are only accessible in digital form and by application to World Jewish Relief.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2805/02 · Colección · 1868-1901

        Correspondence of Chief Rabbi Nathan Adler, 1868-1901. A small number of records survive from around 1868 for the Chief Rabbinate of Nathan Adler and more from the late 1870s onwards - around the time Hermann Adler began to undertake many of his father's duties for him. The records consist of bundles of letters to the Chief Rabbi from communal organisations and individuals in Britain and overseas.

        PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2805/08 · Colección · 1988-1999

        Records of Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, 1988-1999, including correspondence and publications predating Sacks' election as Chief Rabbi; correspondence; administrative files; papers relating to the United Synagogue; papers relating to organisations including the Jewish Memorial Council, the Jewish National Fund, the Joint Israel Appeal, the Zionist Association, the Jewish Marriage Council, and provincial organisations; correspondence relating to the patronage of the Chief Rabbi; papers relating to education including papers of the Jewish Educational Development Trust, correspondence with various schools and universities including the Jews' Free School, Immanuel College, Jews College, Anglo-Jewish Youth, and the Union of Jewish Students; correspondence with welfare organisations including Jewish Care and the Central Council for Jewish Community Services.

        Papers relating to political issues including community relations, medical ethics, shechita [slaughtering practices], kosher foods, kashrut [food laws], women in the community, Soviet Jewry, circumcision, Middle East peace talks, anti-Semitism and racism, the Shoah and the Holocaust, business ethics and inner cities; papers relating to overseas congregations including Israel, United States of America, Australia, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and Russia; papers relating to the media including correspondence with journalists and broadcasters, copies of articles, interviews, press cuttings, addresses, speeches and lectures, broadcasts, and press statements; papers relating to interfaith organisations including the Council of Christians and Jews, and correspondence with Lambeth Palace, the Islamic community and the Vatican; papers relating to campaigns organised by the Chief Rabbi including the Community Walk for Charity, Jewish Continuity, the Initiative for Developing Education in Adults and the Chief Rabbinate Awards for Excellence; and newsletters from the office of the Chief Rabbi.

        PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2863 · Colección · 1922-1990

        Records of the Great Western (London) Housing Association, covering the association's creation in 1923 to its dissolution in 1990. They include a complete run of forty two volumes of minute books and annual reports.

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        GB 0074 ACC/3445 · Colección · 1795-1990s

        Records of the Peabody Trust, including corporate records, financial accounts, personnel records, property records, estate management, plans, photographs, publications, artefacts, seal books, clasp books and legal papers.

        Records of the Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes, including corporate records; financial records; correspondence; property records; tenants' records; plans; photographs; publications and artefacts.

        Records of the Westminster Housing Trust including corporate records; financial accounts; administrative records; legal records; personnel papers; estate management papers; tenants' records; plans; photographs and publications.

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        GB 0074 CLC/001 · Colección · 1637-1974

        Records of the Ancient Society of College Youths, including membership books, peal books, minutes, and notes on the history of the Society.

        The records were microfilmed in 1985 and 2003. Mss 21656-7A and 33992 are positive copy microfilms and microfiche presented to the Archive by the Society, which has retained the master negatives and the original manuscripts. Permission to take reproductions from the films or to publish extracts from the records should be sought from the Society's Hon. Secretary (please ask staff for further information).

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        GB 0074 ACC/2655 · Colección · 1837-1981

        Records of the Tailors Benevolent Institution. Despite a few gaps in the minute books, the most regrettable being the absence of the first minute book, the records give a clear picture of the development of a trade benevolent enterprise. The gaps are in part compensated for by the survival of accounts and cash books from the foundation of the institution and by a diary for 1837 belonging probably to the first secretary. The records are in good condition.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2706 · Colección · 1946-1980

        Records of the Business Equipment Trade Association (BETA) and related organisations. The collection includes a complete run of 27 volumes of council minutes, from July 1951 to December 1980. The minutes reflect the association's preoccupation with its role as a public relations body, and with issues affecting its membership, such as VAT or decimalisation. Issues discussed reflect the changing commercial climate, illustrating the increased use of microelectronic technology, although individual products are seldom mentioned unless they are the subject of a dispute. Considerable time is also given over to general internal and administrative matters, and to the continued examination of BETA's aims and activities. Two divisional minute books provide a taste of the activities of the association's sections. Council working papers and correspondence include duplicate minutes of council meetings, reports to council on executive committee meetings, press cuttings, and correspondence relating to association luncheons. A sample of the association's journal is also included.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2712/EWC · Colección · 1830-1870

        Records of the Ellis Wolfe Charity, consisting of minutes and a cash book.

        PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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        GB 0074 ACC/1195 · Colección · 1901-1971

        Minute book and an account book for the Poors Piece Charity, Hanwell.

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        Sydenham Medical Club
        GB 0120 MSS.6208-6215 · 1796-1928

        Records of the Sydenham Medical Club includign treasurer's books, 1796-1923; list of members, 1791-1928 and photograph album, c 1900.

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        Medico-Botanical Society of London
        GB 0120 MSS.6824, 7148 & 7691 · 1815-1852

        Papers of the Medico-Botanical Society of London, 1815-1852, including correspondence letters and administrative papers of the Society, primarily relating to membership issues. In addition there are papers of John Frost (1803-1840), MS.7691 (4 items), relating either to botanical interests or the Medico-Botanical Society .

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        Chain, Sir Ernst Boris (1906-1979)
        GB 0120 PP/EBC · 1906-1980

        The papers are very extensive though there are some lacunae, probably attributable to Chain's many changes of workplace. The early biographical period is sparsely documented, there are sporadic gaps in the correspondence files, and there is no original documentation of the penicillin research at Oxford (although there are many historical accounts and much correspondence about the history of penicillin). The surviving biographical material provides documentation of the arrangements for Chain to live and work in Britain, later honours and awards and his musical interests, and family correspondence, photographs and press-cuttings. There are very substantial records of his later career at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and Imperial College, London, including his continuing contributions to biochemical problems such as carbohydrate metabolism, ergot alkaloids, edible proteins and aeration studies. The Imperial College material also contains records of the creation, administration, finance and architectural design of the Biochemistry Department, and developments in the Department after Chain's statutory retirement in 1973. Additional information about Chain's research is available in the documentation of his very extensive consultancy agreements and collaborative work with industrial firms such as Astra, Beechams and Rank Hovis McDougall, and records relating to government, grant-giving and charitable bodies such as the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research Campaign and Medical Research Council which contributed to the funding of his research. There is much material on Chain's lectures, addresses and broadcasts, and on his extensive travel on visits and conferences, which includes a substantial number of unpublished talks.

        An exceptional feature of the Chain papers is the documentation of the large number of Israel and Jewish organisations with which he was associated, especially the Weizmann Institute of Science, where he was a governor for many years and had at one time considered taking up an appointment.

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        GB 0120 PP/ESS · 1836-1967

        Sharpey-Schafer's correspondence is extensive. In addition to his own correspondence it includes papers of William Sharpey, saved by Sharpey-Schafer after his death, 1836-70 and n.d. There are significant numbers of letters from William Sharpey himself, Sir Michael Foster, Sir John Burdon-Sanderson, Sir William Osler, George John Romanes, Sir Victor Horsley, Sir James Paget, Lord Lister, Sir Charles Sherrington, Sir William Gowers, Thomas Henry Huxley, John Newport Langley, Sir Edwin Ray Lankester, Ernest Henry Starling, Allen Thomson, Sanger Monroe Brown, Sutherland Simpson, Francis Gano Benedict, Harvey Cushing, Albrecht Kossel, Karl Hugo Kronecker, Carl Ludwig, Charles Robert Richet, and Masaharu Kohima.

        Material relating to Sharpey-Schafer's career at UCL includes correspondence on his controversy in the Neurological Society with Sir David Ferrier, 1887-88, and papers relating to the rebuilding of University College Hospital in 1895.

        Material relating to Sharpey-Schafer's career at Edinburgh University includes correspondence on the forced resignation of William Cramer from the department of Physiology on grounds of German nationality, 1914, and papers on the opening of the department of Animal Genetics in 1930.

        Other papers reflect various aspects of Sharpey-Schafer's scientific interests, including the history of the Physiological Society (with several letters from Archibald Vivian Hill), artificial respiration and bird migration. There are also numerous letters in response to his controversial address to the British Association in Dundee in 1912, and correspondence on the position of scientists in post-Revolutionary Russia, 1918-21.

        There is a substantial correspondence on the various textbooks Sharpey-Schafer wrote or to which he contributed, 1910-34.

        Sharpey-Schafer's personal papers include correspondence with his wives and children, 1876-1935, scrapbooks of press cuttings, c. 1899-1930, and a large collection of photographs, mainly portraits.

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        Macdonald, Professor George
        GB 0120 PP/MAC · 1938-1977

        Papers of George Macdonald dealing predominantly with the later stages of his career, 1938-1977, although there is some material relating to his pre-war activities. They reflect his work as an international figure in the prevention and control of malaria, his involvement with numerous governmental and non-governmental bodies, his relationship with colleagues, his numerous tours on professional business, and his research and writing.

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        GB 0120 PP/RKF · 1900-1984

        Papers of Rudolph Karl Freudenberg and Gerda Freudenberg relating to psychiatric practice at Netherne Hospital, Freudenberg's involvement with various professional bodies, and his writings on psychiatry, 1930s-1970s.

        A. Rudolph Karl Freudenberg's Personalia

        1 Personal papers and correspondence; 2 Offprints and publications; 3 Unpublished general papers; 4 Conferences; 5 Files of rough notes; 6 Films

        B Netherne Hospital

        1 Published articles and reports; 2 External reports on Netherne; 3 Unpublished articles on Netherne (excluding training); 4 Material for training; 5 Netherne Magazines; 6 Committees and meetings; 7 Printed guides; 8 League of Friends and other voluntary help; 9 General planning and memoranda; 10 Day hospitals and hostels; 11 Occupational and industrial therapy; 12 Rehabilitation (wider than purely industrial); 13 Questionnaires and forms; 14 Censuses; 15 Art; 16 Other directly Netherne material; 17 Photographs and slides; 18 Audio tapes; 19 Films; 20 Related material - not specifically Netherne

        C Department of Health and Social Security

        D Local related bodies

        1 Cheshire Home, Wimbledon; 2 Schizophrenia Research Fund; 3 Surrey Council for Mental health; 4 Surrey Group of National Schizophrenia Fellowship; 5 Reigate and District Association for Mental Health; 6 National Association of League of Hospital Friends; 7 Disablement Income Group, Godalming; 8 Share Community Ltd; 9 Surrey Resettlement Ltd; 10 West Lambeth Community Health Council; 11 Industrial Therapy Organisation (Epsom) Ltd; 12 London Borough of Sutton: review of Health and Welfare Services; 13 Orpington Mental Health Association

        E Other bodies

        1 King Edward's Hospital Fund; 2 Mental Health Research Fund; 3 National Association for Mental Health; 4 Royal Medico-Psychological Association later Royal College of Psychiatrists; 5 Medical Research Council; 6 General Nursing Council 7 The Council for Music in Schools; 8 Council of Europe; 9 World Health Organisation

        F General offprints

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        GB 0120 SA/BAC · 1976-1993

        The records cover the period 1976-1993, although the majority of the records date from 1985-1993. Many sections of the archive are complete - minutes of the Executive Committee, 1985-1993; annual reports, 1986-1993 and newsletters, 1986-1993. The archive also contains a great deal of information relating to other cancer organisations, both in this country and abroad.

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        British Microcirculation Society
        GB 0120 SA/BMS · 1963-1990

        Papers of the British Microcirculation Society including the files kept by the Secretary; signed minutes of Annual General Meetings and of committee meetings (1963-1990) together with accounts, correspondence files and copies of printed booklets about the Society and the scientific meetings which it organised. There are also copies of photographs and films about microcirculation, given by the former secretary.

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        British Pharmacological Society
        GB 0120 SA/BPS · 1914-1988

        Papers of the British Pharmacological Society including minutes of General Meetings, 1931-1988, Committee Meetings, 1953-1988, and Clinical Section, 1970-1988; attendance books, 1948-1965. As frequently happens with societies which have no fixed address or paid secretariat, the archives of the British Pharmacological Society are not complete. There are, however, a complete set of minutes and full committee minutes from 1953, the date when committees appear to have started to keep minutes. There remain gaps in the handbooks (notably between 1931-1955, although it is not clear whether they were published during this period) and no separate meeting papers before 1955; copies of these may however come to light in due course. The increase in the size and work of the Society in the 1960s and 1970s is reflected in the amount of papers produced for committee and general meetings. The office of a meetings secretary as well as a general secretary was created in 1968, and inevitably additional correspondence and duplicate papers were produced.

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        British Society of Gastroenterology
        GB 0120 SA/BSG · 1937-1987

        Papers of the British Society of Gastroenterology including the minutes of General and Council Meetings, 1937-1966, and a Jubilee History, 1987.

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        GB 0120 SA/CMO · 1902-1974

        These records contain material dealing with all aspects of County Medical Officers' work. The broad categories are: minutes, 1902-1907 and 1918-1974; correspondence, 1939-1974; plus a few photographs and miscellaneous items, 1905-1972.

        Among the papers are several boxes of records generated by Dr Ramage's role as Association of County Medical Officers of Health representative on the Public Health and Housing (subsequently Health and Welfare) Committee of the County Councils Association. These consist of minutes and other circulated papers and subject files of correspondence, etc. As these records are not duplicated in the holdings of the Association of County Councils (formerly the County Councils Association) they have been retained as of considerable interest on local government health matters.

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        Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
        GB 0120 SA/CSP · 1894-1991

        The archive of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy provides a comprehensive record of its activities and development, dating back to its foundation - with two press cuttings books of the 1894 'massage scandals' (P.1), and Council minutes from 1894 onwards (B.1). The core of the collection is formed by complete runs of minute books for the various committees. There are no committee working papers or correspondence files other than those bound with the minutes. Papers relating to education and examination including minutes for all the major committees and sub-committees (C.1), and material relating to the actual administration of examinations: syllabuses, examination papers, result books and reports (C.2). Records relating to membership including membership registers 1895-1975, published lists of members 1920-1986 and minutes and registers of the fund and prize committees 1949-1957 (D). Records of some branches and special interest groups within the CSP can be found in section J.

        Material relating to protecting and improving the status of its members within the medical profession can be found in section F, especially in connection with the debates on the place of physiotherapy within the NHS - training, conditions of service and its existence as a profession distinct from others such as occupational therapy. These topics are also discussed in publications (N). Other publications illustrate specific physiotherapy and lifting techniques and advertise physiotherapy as a career. Section P contains 'historical' material relating to the early years of the Society: the 'massage scandal' press cuttings, and correspondence re the Harley Institute massage school 1912-1914. Section P also contains material relating to the writing of the Society's commissioned histories, and personal papers and reminiscences, including a group of papers and photographs relating to Olive Guthrie-Smith and the Swedish Institute, (later St Mary's Hospital School of Physiotherapy), 1904-1939. There is a substantial photograph collection (Q.1), dating from 1900-1980, illustrating many aspects of the Society's work as well as specific treatments and hospital departments. There are also nine films (Q.5), 1942-1976, illustrating techniques, training and events; sound recordings (Q.3); and a series of tapes of oral history interviews recorded in 1992 (Q.4).

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        GB 0120 SA/GMR · 1957-1993

        Files, catalogues and one minute book of the Medical Recording Services Foundation and Graves Medical Audiovisual Library, documenting its activities from 1957 to 1993. Also one file on the Medical Audiotape Slide Producers Association (MASPA) set up by the Graves in 1974.

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        GB 0120 SA/MSS · 1953-1977

        Papers of the Multiple Sclerosis Society (MSS), 1953-1977, comprising general files relating to the MSS headquarters, 1953-1976; medical files relating to the MSS headquarters, 1955-1976; files relating to MSS regional branches, 1954-1977; and records relating to the International Federation of Multiple Sclerosis Societies, 1955-1977.

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        Physiological Society (founded 1876)
        GB 0120 SA/PHY · 1876-1996

        Records of the Physiological Society, including all the minute books from the foundation of the Society in 1876, the proposal books for candidates from 1888, correspondence, histories and photographs. The bulk of the material dates from after 1939.

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        Society of Medical Officers of Health
        GB 0120 SA/SMO · 1856-1998

        Papers of The Society of Medical Officers of Health, 1856-1998, comprising the constitution, 1892-1993; council records, 1856-1997; records of the general purpose committee, 1937-1981; records of the standing and temporary committees, and working parties and joint meetings, 1892-1996; general meeting records, 1856-1997; attendance books, 1872-1965; financial records, 1892-1996; members lists, 1895-1997; publications and official publicity, 1856-1997; historical material, 1866-1908; comments and evidence c 1879-1998; miscellaneous files, c 1879-1998; records of special interest groups, 1920-1997; papers, minutes and publications relating to the Society's Faculty of Community Health, 1988-1998; public health literature and sources, 1902-1997; files relating to the journal The Medical Officer, 1897-1973; non-Society records documenting public health measures, policies and issues in the first half of the 20th century; and minutes, files, transcripts of papers, correspondence, photographs, and ephemera relating to the regional Branches and Groups of the Society, 1875-1997.

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        GB 0120 WTI/RST · 1866-2002

        Administrative records relating to the foundation of the Society, its premises and individual members, 1906-1979, including correspondence, diaries, notebooks, obituaries and photographs.

        Papers of members, formerly held by the Society, including Sir Patrick Manson (1844-1922), Sir David Bruce (1855-1931), and Sir Philip Manson-Bahr (1881-1966).

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        Putney Society
        GB 0347 D149 · Colección · 1960-2007

        Records of the Putney Society's actions, decisions, and finances, including: financial records and minutes, agendas, reports, and notes for meetings of the society and its executive committee, subcommittees, and panels. There are also Society publications and mailings, including the Putney Society Bulletin and the Putney Society Review, photographs, scrapbooks and newspaper cuttings, working files and subject files. External research documents include documents produced by outside organisations and used or consulted by members of the Putney Society; most are consultation documents produced by the London Borough of Wandsworth, the Greater London Council, or central government, but there are flyers, leaflets, and other items produced by pressure groups.

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        Battersea Field Club
        GB 0347 D51 · Colección · 1893-1944

        The collection consists of minutes, lists of members and lecturers, press cuttings, notes, programmes and balance sheets.

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        Actresses' Franchise League
        GB 106 2AFL · Fondo · 1909-1916

        Papers of the Actresses' Franchise League including annual reports 1909-1914; annual statements of accounts; leaflets including lists of officers and league's objects and list of members and programme.

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        Artists' Suffrage League
        GB 106 2ASL · Fondo · 1905-1912

        Papers of the Artists' Suffrage League, 1905-1912, including correspondence, drawings, cartoons, prints, poster, postcard, programmes and their covers, notices press clippings, album of designs by Mary Lowndes.

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        British Vigilance Association
        GB 106 4BVA · Fondo · 1923-1971

        The archive consists of records, mostly originating from the General Secretary, of the British Vigilance Association, 1923-1971. These include campaign and resource files (prostitution, immoral earnings, and conditions of employment for au pair girls), correspondence with individuals and organisations, fragments of other administrative series and files relating to the final winding up of the British Vigilance Association (BVA), International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons (IBS) and their associated organisations in 1971.

        The minutes of the British Vigilance Association, including those of the Sub-Committee on the Welfare of Irish Girls in England (renamed the Irish Girls' & Related Problems Sub-Committee) are also held by the Women's Library but within the National Vigilance Association Archive (see 4NVA).

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        National Vigilance Association
        GB 106 4NVA · Fondo · 1885-1971

        The archive consists of minutes (including those of the British Vigilance Association (BVA)), annual reports, and publications. Correspondence and campaigning files on issues of public morality, sexual morality, traffic in women, the armed forces, obscenity, prostitution, entertainment and employment. Case files (including some individuals) including regional cases from Wales and North-East England. Administration in connection with British National Council, International Bureau, Travellers' Aid Society (TAS); also the Public Morality Council; and miscellaneous papers including campaign, resource and administrative files about various issues connected with social morality and public morality.

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        GB 106 5CHE · Fondo · 1869-1871

        The archive consists of minutes of a working committee to arrange courses of lectures on academic subjects. [Chairman - Lady Monteagle. Treasurer - Revd. George B Legge]. With card noting addresses of Revd. Warlow and Octavia Wilberforce. Also in volume: List of characters and title of a play 'The Sneezer'; Pencil sketch of knight on horseback.

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        Miss Great Britain
        GB 106 5MGB · Fondo · 1945-1982

        The archive consists of a variety of material including correspondence, photographic material, publicity material such as posters, and legal documents. The archive also includes information about similar competitions. It contains information on events and activities organised by Morecambe and Heysham Borough Council, such as the illuminations.

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        Open Door Council
        GB 106 5ODC · Fondo · 1926-1965

        This archive consists of annual reports (1926-1938, 1941, 1947-1956, 1959, 1961, 1963-5); agendas and resolutions of Annual Meetings (1948-1963); memoranda (1929-1957); printed leaflets and pamphlets (1926-c.1947)

        Abbreviations used include:

        Cmd - Command Paper;

        ILO - International Labour Organisation (United Nations);

        ODC - Open Door Council;

        ODI - Open Door International;

        UNESCO - United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

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        Council of Women Civil Servants
        GB 106 6CCS · Fondo · 1920-1959

        The archive consists of minutes of the Council of Women Civil Servants (CWCS) Executive Committee (1920-1959), Standing Joint Committee of Women in the Civil service (1920-1924), Committee of Representatives (1932-1952) and Equal Opportunity Sub Committee (1951,1955-6); Annual General Meetings papers (1923-1958); annual reports (1940-54); subject and correspondence files (1925-1957), publications (1935-1958); membership documents; circular letters of the British Federation of Business & Professional Women (1948-1955); Administrative papers including Parliamentary reports, memoranda and Whitley Council papers.

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        GB 106 6WEF · Fondo · 1910-1983

        The archive consists of minutes and papers of the Executive Committee, the Advisory Committee, the Employment Committee and the Annual General Meeting; annual reports and reports of the Women's service Bureau; Financial Committee minutes, papers and accounts; Advisory Department agendas and reports; correspondence; circular letters.

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        Women in Libraries
        GB 106 6WIL · Fondo · 1973-1987

        The archive consists of working papers, leaflets, articles (1973-1987) and a photocopy of a periodical 'Women and Librarianship', volume 5 number 4 1984.

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        GB 106 7NOR · Fondo · 1871-1922

        The archive consists of Priscilla Norman's personal collection of pamphlets, publications and propaganda material relating to the suffrage campaigns. There was a strong tradition of Liberal support in Lady Norman's family, and some of the material is concerned with their activities. The archive includes circular letters and memoranda from the Workers' Suffrage Federation, the National League for Opposing Woman Suffrage and the Men's Liberal Suffrage Union. Also included are pamphlets dating from the late 1870s, a series of annual reports of the Edinburgh National Society for Women's Suffrage (1875-1883), and some anti-suffrage material sent to Sir Henry Norman as a Member of Parliament.

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