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      • Employé pour Biological sciences
      • Employé pour Sciences biologiques
      • Employé pour Ciencias biológicas

      Termes associés


      380 Description archivistique résultats pour Biologie

      380 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
      CULLEN, William (1710-1790)
      GB 0100 TH/PP18 · 1771

      Papers of William Cullen, comprising notes of his lectures, taken by an unidentified student, 1771, entitled 'Methodus medendi febrium', including lectures on arthritis and gout, malaria and measles.

      Sans titre
      GREEN, Joseph Henry (1791-1863)
      GB 0100 TH/PP26 · 1825

      Papers of Joseph Henry Green, comprising notes of his lectures on anatomy, physiology and surgery, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, taken by an unidentified student, 1825;
      clinical reports of cases in St Thomas's Hospital under Mr Green, 1824-1826, prepared by one of his dressers for a prize;
      clinical reports of cases in St Thomas's Hospital under Mr Green, 1832-1836, probably prepared by John Simon (Sir John Simon was an apprentice of Green at this time);
      incomplete report of a medical case, possibly by Green, undated [mid 19th century].

      Sans titre
      BARBER, Edward (fl 1828-1830)
      GB 0100 TH/PP4 · 1829-1830

      Papers of Edward Barber comprising his notes on Joseph Henry Green's lectures on the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye and ear, and anatomy and physiology of the larynx, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, 1829-1830.

      Sans titre
      RAYNER, Charles (fl 1800-1810)
      GB 0100 TH/PP48 · [1800-1810]

      Papers of Charles Rayner comprising his notes on lectures on anatomy by Sir Astley Cooper and Henry Cline, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, [1800-1810].

      Sans titre
      GB 0100 TH/PP53 · 1917-1935

      Papers of Ronald Henry Ottywell Betham Robinson including notebook containing loose typescript and manuscript notes on botany and anatomy, some appear to be of lectures given by Robinson;
      copy of the Ridgeway Trimble lecture by Robinson;
      Robinson's St Thomas's Hospital Medical College certificate of honour with the University Scholarship, 1917;
      two letters addressed to Joey' fromPasty' - apparently letters from Mr Barnett to Robinson, 1935, concerning various medical cases;
      letters from S G Shattock (1852-1924), 1920, (undated) related to various specimens; also letter form G D Thane (1850-1930), concerning a licence for experimentation on animals (undated).

      Sans titre
      SIMON, Sir John (1816-1904)
      GB 0100 TH/PP56 · [1850], 1866

      Letters to John Simon, from Joseph Henry Green, [1850]; and letter from E Headlam Greenhow (1814-1888), Apr 1866 relating to a 1849 report on cholera.

      Sans titre
      SOLLY, Samuel (1805-1871)
      GB 0100 TH/PP59 · [1828-1856]

      Papers of Samuel Solly, [1826-1856] comprising surgical casebook containing notes on patients examined by him at St Thomas's Hospital, privately, and at Hanwell, including operative details and post mortem findings, [1828-1846], with some water colour sketches, mostly of the brain; letter to Solly from Sydney Jones, 1856; and two letters from John Sharpe (undated).

      Sans titre
      VALANTINES, J William (fl 1802)
      GB 0100 TH/PP75 · [1783]-1802

      Manuscript volume comprising J William Valantines' 'fugitive extracts' and 'practical remarks' from Henry Cline's lectures on anatomy and surgery, 1802, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, 1783.

      Sans titre
      Hacker Papers
      GB 0103 HACKER · 1859-1975

      Papers of Helga Hacker created while writing a biography of her father, Karl Pearson, [1920-1974]. Chiefly comprising transcripts of material in the Pearson papers held by University College London (UCL), notably on the 'Men and Women's Club' but also comprising original material including: press cuttings; notes from the Galton papers and on Galton's anthropometrical data; notes on Olive Schreiner transcripts; notes on 'Heritage' and 'Fanny and William'; notes on Karl Pearson's activities, 1881-1890; notes on Kasmiri language; notes on snails; manuscripts of essays of R J Parker; correspondence between Hacker and UCL Library; letters to Hacker on Olive Screiner; description of Dr Kahn's anatomical museum and photograph of a graph of 'Curve of fertility in man'.

      Sans titre
      Young (John Zachary) Papers
      GB 0103 J Z YOUNG · [1920-1997]

      Papers and correspondence of J Z Young including papers from Marlborough College and Magdalen College, Oxford, 1920-1931; lectures drafts for students, medical professional societies and school sixth forms, 1945-1984; transcripts for public lectures, 1941-1977; papers relating to teaching at Magdalen College, Oxford and University College London; papers relating to Young's research both published and unpublished including on nerves and nervous systems, flying spot microscope, cephalopods, memory and learning, evolution, structures and functions of brains and philosophy; papers relating to field research in Naples Zoological Station, 1928-1981, and Duke University, North Carolina, 1970-1983; conference , seminar and symposia papers, 1952-1984; drafts of books by Young, 1950-1987; papers relating to reviews, other published articles, literary refereeing and editing; professional correspondence and papers relating to overseas visits including to the 'Gold Coast' and the USA and research, correspondence and drafts of Young's publication and lecturing activity undertaken during his retirement including research at the Wellcome Trust and the Wolfson Foundation, 1974-1997.

      Sans titre
      GB 0103 MS ADD 261 · 1744-1931

      Collection of miscellaneous medical material, 1744-1931, including 14 notebooks, comprising anatomical notes taken from a course of Dr John Hunter's lectures in 1774; a commentary, 1857, on Dr Alexander Munro's Osteology; notes by J Talfourd Jones on lectures on medical subjects, 1860-1863; notes on experiments in physiology by E H Starling, 1892; miscellaneous other notes, 1744-c1910 and undated. There are also printed reports of Manchester Public Infirmary and Lunatic Hospital, 1779-1780, 1786-1787, and of Manchester Lying-In Hospital, Salford, 1807-1812 (14 items, including some duplicates); miscellaneous photographs and negatives, 1889-1931 and undated, including some of tourist spots.

      Sans titre
      Letter concerning Merino sheep
      GB 0096 MS 765 · [1810-1812]

      Copy of 'A letter to the most noble the Marquis of Titchfield [William Henry Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, later 4th Duke of Portland], President of the Newark Agricultural Society, on the practability [sic] and importance of introducing the merino breed of sheep extensively, upon the forrest farms of Nottinghamshire, by Benjamin Thompson' [the dramatist, [1776] - 1816]. This letter, dated from Redhill Lodge near Northampton on 20 Jun 1808, was read at a meeting of the Society held at Newark, Nottinghamshire, on 5 Jul 1808. It is followed by an extract in the same hand from The Boston Gazzette and Lincoln Shire Advertiser of 21 Jan 1812, about Thompson and his breeding of Merino sheep.

      Sans titre
      GB 0098 KZB MUNRO · Created 1931-1961

      Papers of Professor James Watson Munro, 1931-1961, comprising records relating to Imperial College, notably Departmental reports for Zoology and Applied Entomology, 1936-1961, papers on the establishment of the Biological Field Station, Slough, 1931-1938, correspondence concerning administration, 1940-1942, staff, 1937-1954, air raid precautions, 1940-1942 (A);

      papers relating to committees, including Biology War Committee, 1942-1945, Empire Marketing Board Advisory Committee, 1930-1934, Forestry Commission Committee on Ecological Reserves, 1939-1946, Pest Control Research Committee, 1938-1942 (B);

      papers relating to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, notably correspondence relating to the Forest Products Research Laboratory, 1928-1941, student grants, 1931-1940, pest infestation and food storage, 1936-1943, staff, 1939-1944, relationship to the Department, 1938-1945 (C);

      general correspondence, notably relating to committees, courses, staff appointments and testimonials, research, principally pest infestation and food storage including for the war effort, job vacancies, Slough Biological Field Station, Ministry of Food, 1932-1947 (D).

      Sans titre
      GB 0098 L · Created 1948-1991 (ongoing)

      Records relating to Teaching Methods and Equipment at Imperial College, 1948-1991, including papers of Interdisciplinary Research Centres, notably Population Biology, Process Systems Engineering, Semi-Conductor Materials; minutes and inventories of the Audio visual aids working party, 1966-1967; representation on the British Universities Film Council, 1948-1963 (LA);
      Hale Committee Report on teaching methods, 1964-1965 (LB);
      papers of the Educational Technology Committee, 1968-1978, including Rector's correspondence and report on computers (LC);
      Education Forum leaflets; papers relating to Unusual Entry Procedure meeting, 1981 (LD);
      papers concerning English classes, 1972-1974 (LE);
      reports and correspondence of the Postgraduate education working party, 1975-1977 (LF);
      papers relating to the presentation of technical education, 1958-1964 (LL);
      papers concerning Pimlico Connection tutoring schemes, 1981-1991, comprising reports and brochure (LP).

      Sans titre
      ROSS, Donald Nixon (b1922)
      GB 0100 G/PP1/51 · 1966

      Notebook containing annotated galley proofs of A surgeon's guide to cardiac diagnosis, and letters to Donald Ross, Thoracic Surgeon, Guy's Hospital, from Springer-Verlag, scientific publishers, relating to the editing of the volume, 1966.

      Sans titre
      WADDINGTON, Joshua (fl 1815-1817)
      GB 0100 G/PP1/62 · 1815-1817

      Papers of Joshua Waddington, 1815-1817, comprising six manuscript volumes of notes from 'Lectures on midwifery and diseases of women and children, delivered at the theatre, Guy's Hospital, between the 1st of December 1816 and the 1st of March 1817, by John Haighton MD', includes index to subjects covered in lectures in the front of the volume, 275pp; 'Clinical cases and lectures taken by Joshua Waddington at Guy's Hospital between the 1st of Dec 1816 and 1st May 1817', index in the front of the volume listing names of patients and their disease, 372pp; 'Lectures on anatomy and the principal operations of surgery: delivered at the theatre, St Thomas's Hospital by Astley Cooper Esquire, Vol 1, 1 Jan-1 Jun 1816, 555ff; Vol 2, 1 Jan-1 Jun 1816, 545ff; Vol 3, 1 Oct 1815-1 Jun 1916, 673ff, with index to subjects covered, and 'Extracts from Lectures on the practice of medicine, delivered at Guy's Hospital by William Babington, MD FRS, and James Perry, ND, between 1 January and 1 June 1817', 286pp.

      Sans titre
      Chelsea College Library Records
      GB 0100 KCLCA 1986/CAL, 1992/CAL, CAL/H, CAL/FP, CAL/RG, CAL/CB, CAL/RJ · 1895-1987

      Chelsea College Library records, 1895-1987, comprise papers collected by the College Library or describing the work of the Library on the Chelsea campus following the merger with King's College in 1985, notably correspondence with the College Secretary and departments, 1974-1980; papers relating to Library computerisation, 1979-1987; staffing and salary matters, 1978-1985; University Grants Committee papers on libraries, 1974-1982; History and Philosophy of Science Library correspondence and bibliography, 1964-1987; Chelsea Campus Libraries Users Committee notes, 1985-1987; finance, 1975-1977; concerning the College History Collection, 1965-1974; notes relating to building and planning at the King's Road site, 1971-1987; University of London merger and other papers, 1978-1983; reports on medical education in London, 1980; concerning Library private papers, 1949-1970; Library Annual Reports, 1963-1987 (1992/CAL, CAL/1986); correspondence concerning Library donors and Zoology reprints, 1967-1985 (Ref: 1986/CAL); accessions registers, 1921-1975 (Ref: CAL/RG); lists of current periodicals, 1960-1974 (Ref: CAL/RGJ); payments books for stock, equipment and expenses, 1960-1973 (Ref: CAL/CB); Library staff personnel files for leavers between 1970-1976 (Ref: CAL/FP); material concerning the history of the College accumulated by the Library, including charters, official reports, with some press cuttings, 1914-1981 (Ref: CAL/H).

      Sans titre
      HUXLEY, Thomas Henry (1825-1895)
      GB 0098 B/HUXLEY · Created 1839-1931

      Papers of Thomas Henry Huxley, 1839-1931, comprising scientific and general correspondence, 1846-1911; Huxley family letters, 1842-1931; personal papers, 1839-1891; working papers, 1846-1900, largely comprising notes, drawings, lectures and unfinished essays, relating to anthropology and ethnology, 1866-1890, biology, 1846-1900, including voyage of HMS RATTLESNAKE, 1846-1850, education, 1861-1893, geology and palaeontology, 1854-1891, philosophy and ethics, 1871-[1893], theology and biblical criticism, [1859-1895]; papers of the Fisheries Commissions and Scottish Fishery Board, 1858-1864; appointment diaries, 1857-1894; drawings, [1849-1872]; caricatures and cartoons, [1852-1883]; photographs and engravings, [1846-1890]; posthumous papers, [1895-1925];

      scientific papers, 1846-1898, comprising notebooks made whilst with HMS RATTLESNAKE, 1846-1850; scientific notebooks, containing drawings, notes, correspondence and lectures, [1855-1888], principally relating to zoology and largely organised by zoological classification; drawings, [1847-1895], many relating to the notebooks;

      correspondence between Huxley and Henrietta Anne Heathorn, 1847-1854.

      Sans titre
      Anatomical and Pathological Sketches
      GB 0114 MS0101 · Undated

      Undated notes and pencil sketches of anatomical and pathological subjects, including bones and muscles; the face; the spine; the eye; and the heart. Some sketches of the spine are in colour, and one sketch uses the pages as flaps to lift and reveal different layers.

      Sans titre
      Hooper, John (fl 1785-c1790)
      GB 0114 MS0104 · [1786-1790]

      Papers of John Hooper, [1786-1790], comprising manuscript notes taken at on comparative anatomy lectures by Henry Cline (1750-1827), c1790; midwifery lectures by William Lowder (fl 1778-1801), c1790; and clinical lectures by William Saunders (1743-1817), c1786-c1787.

      Sans titre
      Croft, John (1833-1905)
      GB 0114 MS0109 · 1876

      Papers of John Croft, 1876, comprising a manuscript copy (by an unidentified scribe employed by Croft), of a work by Peter Redfern (1821-1912) FRCS, titled A normal nutrition in the human articular cartilages (1850), including an additional section titled Experimental Researches on the Lower Animals.

      Sans titre
      Cornish, Phil[lip] (fl 1773)
      GB 0114 MS0116 · 1773

      Papers of Phil[lip] Cornish, 1773, comprising a manuscript volume titled Lectures on Surgery, taken verbatim as Mr Else (one of the surgeons of St Thomas's and Guy's Hospitals) delivered them, by Phil. Cornish. Surgeon containing notes on surgical lectures. Including notes titled Lectures on Dislocations by Mr Frank, surgeon to Guy's Hospital.

      Sans titre
      Gardiner, Mr (fl 1774-1775)
      GB 0114 MS0118 · 1774-1775

      Papers of Mr Gardiner, 1774-1775, comprising a manuscript volume of lecture notes containing Anatomical Lectures delivered by Mr Joseph Else, Surgeon, from October 1774 to April 1776 at his new anatomical Theatre in St Thomas's Hospital, London, 1774-1776; Question from the Medical Society at Edinburgh to Mr P Owen; Suttons Method of Inoculation; Preparatory Regimen; Mr Joseph Else's Lectures upon Surgery delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, May 1775. Vide Index p448, 1775; Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Physic by Hugh Smith MD; Lectures on Surgery, Continued Vidi Page 217 By Joseph Else; Obstetric Aphorisms and the method of giving assistance in natural, laborious, or preternatural Labours; together with the precise time and most judicious method of applying the Forceps, by Thomas Denman MD in London; Dr McKensie's Maxims to his Pupils; and prescriptions or recipes for various diseases and conditions.

      Sans titre
      Ayres, Philip Burnard (1813-1863)
      GB 0114 MS0119 · c 1860

      Papers of Philip Burnard Ayres, c 1860, comprising a manuscript volume of extracts and translations from various authors (Macellus Malpighi; A Van Leuwenhoek; J Douglas; Lieutenant J P Assolaut; Delasone; Gulliver; Meyer; Vesalius; Laurentius; Sharpey; John Hughes; Cuvier; and Johannes Muller) and publications concerning the structure and functions of the spleen. The date range of the authors is 1535-1857; and a volume titled Ea qua seimus sunt pars minima eorum qua ignoramus, Linnaeuscontaining a collection of 50 plates illustrating the spleen of humans, and various animals and reptiles.

      Sans titre
      Monckton, David Henry (1829-1898)
      GB 0114 MS0132 · 1850-1852

      Papers of David Henry Monckton, 1850-1852, comprising a manuscript volume of notes, drawings and sketches titled Diary of Occupation, as Student in Human and Comparative Anatomy to Royal College of Surgeons of England, including topics such as the sorting and cleaning specimens, remounting preparations, writing descriptions of preparations, and carrying out and describing dissections. Monckton's work is countersigned by James Luke (Member of the Court of Examiners 1851-1868) and Frederick Carpenter Skey (Member of Council 1848-1867, and Professor of Anatomy and Surgery from 1852).

      Sans titre
      Hallett, George Henry
      GB 0114 MS0133 · 1848-1849

      Papers of George Henry Hallett, 1848-1849, comprising a manuscript volume of notes taken whilst Hallett was Student of Anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, including topics such as dissections, preparations, and cataloguing. Hallett's work has been countersigned by Caesar Henry Hawkins (Member of the Court of Examiners 1849-1856).

      Sans titre
      Keele, Charles Ferdinand (fl 1860-1929)
      GB 0114 MS0151 · [1865]

      Papers of Charles Ferdinand Keele, c 1865, comprising a volume of notes taken at lectures given by Sydney Jones (1831-1913), and John Flint South (1797-1882), on topics such as comparative anatomy (Jones), and fistula in ano, dislocations, and fractures (South); and case notes, possibly relating to patients of St Thomas' Hospital.

      Sans titre
      Rolleston, Sir Humphrey Davy (1862-1944)
      GB 0114 MS0167 · c1940

      Papers of Sir Humphrey Davy Rolleston, c 1940, comprising 10 files of manuscript material containing notes for articles on subjects such as the thymus, pineal, pancreas, carotid body, diabetes, and tuberculosis; notes for the review of a volume on the Massachusetts General Hospital, 1939; biographical notes on individuals including Caspar Bartholinus, Edmund Dickinson, and Jonathan Goddard; and a list of the biographical notes sent to the Royal College of Physicians in 1945. The notes are written on recycled correspondence and papers dating from the late 1930s to the early 1940s.

      Sans titre
      Burrows, Harold (1875-1955)
      GB 0114 MS0168 · 1914-1918

      Papers of Harold Burrows, 1914-1918, comprising an album of 'before and after' photographs of Burrow's facial repair cases during World War One, 1914-1918.

      Sans titre
      Blizard, Sir William (1743-1835)
      GB 0114 MS0170 · 1785-1826

      Papers of Sir William Blizard, 1785-1826, comprising a volume, possibly by Samuel Helbert Israel, titled Lectures on Anatomy, Phys[iology] and Surgery by Wm Blizard RS-SA, containing manuscript notes of 27 lectures given by Blizard; letters, including a letter to L [?] Hoect, 3 Mar 1785; manuscripts, including a manuscript describing particular cases, Oct 1816; a manuscript titled The dissection of a dislocated thigh with fractures of some parts of the bones of the pelvis and other injury, July 1826. by Blizard; a manuscript copy of correspondence with Mr F C Daniel regarding Blizard's refusal to provide a certificate proving attendance as a pupil at the London Hospital, 27 Jun 1817; and an autograph signature.

      Sans titre
      Hunterian Letters: Grey-Turner Bequest
      GB 0114 MS0191 · 1775-1793

      Hunterian letters, 1775-1793, comprising a photograph of the donor, Professor George Grey Turner (1877-1951); letter from John Hunter of London to Edward Jenner, 24 May [1775], regarding a scheme to teach Natural History including both Human and Comparative anatomy, and requesting Jenner to assist him by coming to London; letter from John Hunter of Leciester Square to Robert Adam, 31 May 1789, concerning a testimonial for his nephew, Dr Baillie, for the position of Physician at St George's Hospital; letter from John Hunter to an unidentified correspondent, 15 Jan 1793, concerning natural history specimens; letter from William Hunter of Windmill Street to an unidentified correspondent, 6 Nov 1779, concerning some coins, and the dissection of a body where death was caused by sudden contraction of the heart; and a letter from Anne Home Hunter of Lower Grosvenor Street, to an unidentified correspondent, regarding collection of a manuscript.

      Sans titre
      Wilkinson, Charles (fl 1791-1849)
      GB 0114 MS0200 · 1787-1788

      Papers of Charles Wilkinson, 1787-1788, comprising a volume containing manuscript notes by Wilkinson, of lectures given by John Hunter. Including a note by William White Cooper written in 1838, containing information about the author, the lectures, and how he located the manuscript.

      Sans titre
      Hunter, William (1718-1783)
      GB 0114 MS0204 · Mid to late 18th century

      Papers of William Hunter, mid to late 18th century, comprising notes taken by unidentified authors, of lectures by William Hunter; and notes taken by unidentified authors, of lectures by William Hunter and William Hewson, c 1772.

      Sans titre
      Clough, Henry Gore (fl 1779-1820)
      GB 0114 MS0207 · 1779-1792

      Papers of Henry Gore Clough, 1779-1792, comprising a volume titled Lectures Anatomical and Chirurgical by William Hunter, Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty, Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. 1779. Volume 1st, containing manuscript notes by Clough of lectures by Hunter, including a copy of a portrait of Hunter by J Thornwaite; a volume titled Lectures Anatomical and Chirurgical by William Hunter, Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty, Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. 1779. Volume 2nd, containing manuscript notes by Clough of lectures by Hunter, covering topics such as embalming, c 1779. Including patient case notes, 1779-1792, and a letter from Mr Wyatt to Clough, 14 Apr 1792, regarding publishing a case; and a volume titled Lectures Anatomical and Chirurgical by William Hunter, Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty, Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. 1779. Volume 3rd and sub-titled Lectures on the Gravid Uterus by William Hunter, MD and FRS, 1779, containing manuscript notes by Clough of lectures by Hunter.

      Sans titre
      Cheselden, William (1688-1752)
      GB 0114 MS0221 · 1749-c 1990

      Papers of William Cheselden, 1749-c 1990, comprising a deed of sale for the copyright of Anatomy of the Human Body by William Cheselden, to the publishers, Charles Hitch and Robert Dodsley for £200, dated 8 Apr 1749; two receipts for shares, dated 19 Oct 1771 by W Woodfall, for one 16th share in Cheselden's Anatomy to Mr Dodsley, and dated 22 Oct - 25 Nov 1778 by the trustees of Mr William Nicoll, also for one 16th share of Cheselden's Anatomy to James Dodsley; and photographs of the original drawings for Cheselden's Osteographia, 1733. The drawings for the vignettes in the Osteographia were by Jacobus Schijnvoet of Amsterdam, and the drawings for the plates were by Gerard van der Gucht. The photographs are mounted on card and numbered on the back.

      Sans titre
      Drawings of North American Indian Crania
      GB 0114 MS0243 · Early 19th century

      Papers relating to North American Indian Crania, early 19th century, comprising a drawing titled 'North American Savage Wabash Nation. Female. Drawn by Charles Alexandre Lesueur'; a drawing titled 'North American Indian Wabash nation. Male. Drawn by Charles Alexandre Lesueur'; a drawing titled 'North American Indian. Paunee tribe. Missouri. Drawn by Charles Alexandre Lesueur'; a drawing titled 'Jack Snake. Cherokee Chief, aged about 23. (side view) Drawn by Charles Alexandre Lesueur'; a drawing titled 'Jack Snake. Cherokee Chief. (front view) Drawn by Charles Alexandre Lesueur'; a drawing titled 'Head of a Carib. Drawn by F C Lewis from the skull in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons'; a drawing titled 'Head of a Carib of the Island of St Vincent. Drawn from the original' (in the museum of St Thomas's Hospital), by FC Lewis; a drawing titled 'Head of a negro, drawn from the original in the museum of St Bartholomew's Hospital by F C Lewis'; a drawing titled 'North American Indian from Columbia River, N. West Coast' by B A Vitry; and a drawing titled 'North American Indian from Columbia River, North West Coast' by B A V[itry].

      Sans titre
      Howship, John (1781-1841)
      GB 0114 MS0244 · 1799-1805

      Papers of John Howship, 1799-1805, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Howship, titled John Howship March the 8th 1799, taken at physiological lectures by Matthew Baillie, lectures by William Cruikshank, and including notes on dissections and cases, 1799-1805; a volume of manuscript notes by Howship, titled John Howship October 1799, taken at lectures by William Cruikshank, Sir Everard Home, Mr Crichton, and Mr Wilson, including notes of John Heaviside's cases, 1799-1803; a manuscript copy by Howship, of Matthew Baillie's Morbid Anatomy, including detailed drawings of the plates; and a list titled Mr Howship's Preparations, made by William Augustus Hillman of preparations purchased at Howship's museum and descriptions taken from Howship's catalogue.

      Sans titre
      Thomson, Allen: Papers
      GB 0114 MS0292 · 1829-1877

      Papers of Allen Thomson, 1829-1877, comprising a manuscript copy of Thomson's first paper delivered to the Medical Society, titled On the foundation of the egg and the evolution of the chick, c 1829; a volume of manuscript notes, titled Synopsis of Lectures on Physiology; Session 1842-1843 by Allen Thomson; copied from the boards by James Keith; synopsis of 95 physiology lectures by Thomson, taken by D R Haldane, 1844-1845; volume titled Capacity of Crania; Bulk of Skulls, c 1850-1877, including measurements, notes and lists; travel journal kept by Thompson whilst abroad with his father in 1833, including visits to London, Rotterdam, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France. Containing his 'passport' signed by the Lord Provost of Edinburgh; manuscript notes from lectures on animal electricity given to Professor William Thomson's class, 29 Mar 1851, and notes on animal motion given to Dr A Buchanan's [?] class, Apr 1850; manuscript notes on 'electrical fishes', c 1853; manuscript notes of 19 lectures on comparative anatomy of the nervous system [May-Jul 1857]; manuscript notes of 12 lectures on the comparative anatomy of the organs of nutrition in Vertebrata, [May-Jul 1858]; manuscript notes of 15 lectures on the development and comparative anatomy of the brain, [May-Jul 1862]; manuscript notes of 'a few remarks made upon specimens of skulls exhibited at a conversazione of Philos. and Eng. Societies in Queen's Rooms on 11th Feb. 1863. Illustrating the relations between the head of man and that of animals'; manuscript notes of lectures on the nervous system, [1864]; manuscript notes on the nervous system, c 1857-1865; manuscript 'notes and tables connected with the races of mankind'; manuscript 'tables of the animal kingdon and races of man'.

      Sans titre
      Blagden, Sir Charles (1748-1820)
      GB 0117 CB · 1771-1820

      The correspondence, papers and diaries of Sir Charles Blagden. Blagden's papers are interesting on several levels, generally for his close contact with European men of learning, and his relationship with Sir Joseph Banks. Blagden's professional researches are represented by medical notes in the boxed sequence. These are grouped with papers on other subject interests, including linguistics, e.g. a draft Tahitian-English dictionary, compiled from conversations with Omai, whom Blagden inoculated after Omai's voyage to England with James Cook. Blagden's interest in antiquities and travel is documented by diary entries, as is his intercourse with fellow scientists, particularly those associated with the founding of the Royal Institution.

      Sans titre
      Sabine, Sir Edward (1788-1883)
      GB 0117 MS 257 · 1818-1875

      Correspondence of Sir Edward Sabine, together with two volumes of correspondence on Terrestrial Magnetism by Sir Edward Sabine, Reverend Humphrey Lloyd and others.

      Sans titre
      Langrish, Browne ( d 1759)
      GB 0117 MS 66 · sub-fonds · 1747

      The Croonean Lectures on Muscular Motion by Browne Langrish MD, read before the Royal Society in 1747, being a Supplement to the 'Philosophical Transactions' for that year.

      Sans titre
      Wayland, Edward James (1888–1966)
      GB 0117 MS 811 · sub-fonds · 1932

      'The age of the Oldway human skeleton' by E J Waylan, report of 25 pages and 2 blueprints with file of correspondence, 2 September 1932.

      Sans titre
      BERRIDGE, Emily Mary (1872-1947)
      GB 0505 PP27 · 1904-1948

      Papers relating to her life and career, 1904-1948, including correspondence and notes, 1904-1906, mainly relating to experiments by Berridge on the fertilisation of Carpinus Betulus (European Hornbeam), and the publication of a paper on the subject by the Linnean Society, notably including correspondence with Professor Margaret Jane Benson, Head of the Botany Department at Royal Holloway College, and a copy of 'Contributions to the embryology of the Amentiferae part II: Carpinus Betulus' by Berridge, Benson and Elizabeth Sanday, [1905]; correspondence, 1912, between Berridge and Professor Margaret Jane Benson, on the collection of new flower samples and the prospective reading of their Amentiferae paper in Dundee; research notes by Berridge, 1910-1948, on a variety of botanical subjects including Carpinus and agglutination, mainly comprising notebooks, notes on articles and experiment notes; notebook, 1948, belonging to Professor Elizabeth Marianne Blackwell, Head of the Botany Department at Royal Holloway College, containing obituaries of Berridge from the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, 26 Nov 1948, and Nature vol 161, 17 Jan 1948, with a list of Berridge's papers.

      Sans titre
      Nutrition Committee
      GB 1538 M37 · 1944-1947

      Correspondence, minutes and papers relating to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Nutrition Committee, 1944-1947.

      Sans titre
      Daily Advertiser
      GB 1538 S22 · 1746

      Copy of The Daily Advertiser, 8 Oct 1746, including advertisements for a course of lectures on midwifery by William Smellie, lectures in physic and midwifery by Sir Richard Manningham, and lectures in anatomy by William Hunter. It comprises an original copy and photocopies.

      Sans titre
      GB 0102 PP MS 66 · Created c1906-1948

      Papers of Lt-Col David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer, c1906-1948, comprising linguistic papers relating to his work on Burushaski, Khowar, Shina, Bakhtiari, Kermani Persian, and Gabri; photographs and 22 reels of cinefilm of a field trip to the Hunza Valley (north west Pakistan), 1934-1935; other photographs and glass plate negatives, including Persia, among them images of people, buildings and places; Hunza rock and seed samples.

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      Blood Transfusion Donor Records
      GB 0120 GC/261 · 1926-1973

      Blood transfusion certificates and reports issued by the British Red Cross Society Blood Transfusion Service, 1926-1939. Also some papers relating to South East London Mass X-Ray Service, 1960-1973.

      Sans titre
      Burkitt, Frederick Thomas (1891-1961)
      GB 0120 GC/58 · Collection · 1923-1959

      Registers of patients treated by Frederick Burkitt in private practice, 1923-1959.

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      GB 0120 GC/97 · Collection · 1929-1993

      The collection includes material on several research projects undertaken by McCance and Widdowson, 1929-1993, as well as a small amount of personalia. There are notebooks recording the first research on analysis of foodstuffs carried out in the UK, started by McCance when at the Diabetes Department of King's College Hospital, after R D Lawrence asked him to analyse cooked foods. Widdowson joined him in 1933 and together they devised the separate methods for estimating different carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch and dextrose). In 1940 their findings were published as Chemical composition of foods, the first of now regularly produced Standard Food Composition publications. There are notebooks and photographs of self-experimentation undertaken within the department, on salt-deficiency, conducted by McCance on himself, colleagues and medical students, involving not only a salt-free diet, but exposure to a hot air bath to sweat the salt out of the body, and also on absorption and excretion of iron. There is also his diary of the experimental study of rationing undertaken in 1939. There are 220 complete questionnaires from their survey of female colleagues and acquaintances for a study of physical and emotional periodicity in women, undertaken 1929-1930. There are experimental notebooks and files relating to research into body composition and development from 1944 onwards. This collection represents only a part of the diversity of research undertaken during the course of their long careers.

      Sans titre
      Mackintosh, John Stewart (1870-1939)
      GB 0120 GP/42 · c1899-1900

      66 Ear, Nose and Throat pathology illustrations, in pencil, ink and watercolour, by Dr John Stewart Mackintosh, c 1899-1900.

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