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        240 Descrição arquivística resultados para Books

        238 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
        Hamilton, George Rostrevor: letters (1932-1934)
        GB 0096 AL312 · Arquivo · 1932-1934

        Letters, notes and poems from George Rostrevor Hamilton to Thomas Sturge Moore and his wife Marie, 1932-1934. Topics covered include Hamilton's poems and other books, about which he solicits Sturge Moore's opinions.

        All items are autograph or typescript, with signatures.

        Sem título
        Cobden, Richard: letter, 2 Aug 1842
        GB 0096 AL33 · Arquivo · 1842

        Letter from Richard Cobden to Dr W C Taylor, 2 Aug 1842. Thanking him for the gift of 'your little vol' [possibly Notes on a Tour in the Manufacturing Districts of Lancashire]. 'The best thing that could happen wd be to see it well abused in the Morning Post and Standard.'

        Autograph, with signature.

        Sem título
        Ogden, Charles Kay: letter
        GB 0096 AL448 · Arquivo · [1924]

        2 Letters from Charles Kay Ogden of the Royal Societies Club, St James's Street, London SW1, to Montague Summers, 14 Oct and 27 [Oct] [1924]. Discussing books being prepared by Summers: Witchcraft, Restoration Drama and Physical Phenomena of Mysticism.

        Autograph, with signature.

        Sem título
        Marsh, Sir Edward Howard: letter (1940)
        GB 0096 AL502 · Arquivo · 1940

        Letter from Edward Howard Marsh of Churchdale Hall, near Bakewell, Derbyshire to George K A Bell, Bishop of Chichester, 27 Dec 1940. Covering note for a copy of Christopher Hassall's new book [S.O.S. … 'Ludlow' (1940)]; including Hassall's address.

        Sem título
        Brougham, Henry Peter: letter, 4 Dec [1851]
        GB 0096 AL508 · Arquivo · [1851]

        Letter from Henry Peter Brougham of Château Eleanor Louise, Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, [France] to J M [John Murray] of Albermarle Street, London, 4 Dec [1851]. Concerning the proofs of his book The History of England and France under the House of Lancaster. Comments on the coup d'état [of Napoléon III] in Paris.

        Sem título
        Smith, George
        GB 0096 MS 660 · 1891-1963

        Manuscript and printed items, 1891-1963, of a personal and business nature relating to George Smith.

        Sem título
        Longley, Katharine (b 1920)
        GB 0096 MS1003 · Arquivo · 1812-1993

        Papers of Katharine Longley, 1812-1993, comprising research notebooks; correspondence files; material associated with the Wickham and Ternan families; photocopies of manuscript material; photocopies from periodicals; a copy of The Charles Dickens Birthday Book; material on The Mystery of Edwin Drood; typescript of A Singular Light; typescript of A Pardoner's Tale; typescripts of Charles Dickens: Towards the Truth; typescript essays; printed books; and photographs and negatives.

        Sem título
        Foxwell, Herbert - invoices, reviews, accounts
        GB 0096 MS1166 · Arquivo · [1880-1925]

        Invoices, reviews and accounts including manuscript reviews by Herbert Foxwell of works by the historian William Arthur Shaw; details of Foxwell's monthly expenditure on books, sorted by location; invoices from bookshops, [1880-1925].

        Sem título
        GB 0100 KCLCA C/LEC, C/LECT, C/PRG · 1905-1983

        South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, and Chelsea College Lectures, Programmes and other Events Literature, 1905-1983. This collection of ephemera provides an insight into the academic and social events that took place at Chelsea from the early years until the merger of Chelsea with King's in 1985. It notably includes copies of inaugural lectures by newly appointed professors on subjects as diverse as science education, physics in a social context and the science of botany, 1969-1980; public lecture texts on occasions ranging from memorial speeches to the award of prizes, 1905-1974; audio tape recordings of lectures and addresses including on the history of the College and of various inaugural lectures, 1965-1973 (Ref: C/LEC, C/LECT); programmes of events and orders of service covering advertisements for exhibitions, the opening of new buildings, the visit of royalty and open days, 1926-1983; prize-giving programmes, 1930-1976; sporting fixtures and entertainments programmes, 1936-1985 (Ref: C/PRG).

        Sem título
        American theatre and opera scrapbooks
        GB 0096 MS 1088 · Coleção · 1875-1892

        Papers concerning American theatre and opera scrapbooks, 1875-1892, comprise to scrapbooks containing programmes of plays, concerts and operas performed in the USA, with particular reference to New York and the Metropolitan Opera House, from 1875 to 1892. MS1088/2 includes postcards of members of singers performing in the Metropolitan Opera 1890 to 1891 season, posing in some of their operatic roles. The volumes contained two loose inserts, which have now become MS1088/3 and MS1088/4.

        Sem título
        Bradley, John William
        GB 0096 MS 415 · 1874

        Notes from 1874 on the Woodcuts, Initials and other ornaments of early printed books with reference to the Italian and French renaissance.

        Sem título
        Scattergood, Bernard Page
        GB 0096 AL 282 · Coleção · 1931 and 1935

        Papers of Bernard Page Scattergood, 1931 and 1935, comprise two letters to Mr [A Y] Ali notably a covering letter enclosing an off-print [wanting] of part of 'The Scattergoods and the East India Company', co-written by Scattergood [with Sir Richard Carnac Temple and Lavinia M Anstey]; written to Ali in England (5 January 1931) and a covering letter enclosing a copy of the completed book.

        Sem título
        Sinclair, Sir John: letter, 15 Jun 1795
        GB 0096 AL106 · Arquivo · 1795

        Letter from Sir John Sinclair of Whitehall to Messrs Cadell and Davies, booksellers, Strand, 15 Jun 1795. Asking whether the octavo or quarto size would be the more convenient for reprinting the Agricultural reports of 1794.

        Written in another hand with Sir John Sinclair's own signature. With a black seal bearing Sinclair's coat of arms.

        A draft reply (dated [16] Jun 1795) is written on the second leaf.

        Sem título
        GB 1538 P · 1993-2002

        Copies of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Press Publications, 1993-2002, comprising publications and serials produced since 1993, namely RCOG Press miscellaneous publications, 1994-2002, including information pamphlets; The Yearbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1993-2001; The Diplomate, 1994-1999; RCOG Guidelines ("Green Top" Guidelines), 1994-1999; Evidence-based Clinical Guidelines, 1998-2001; Personal Assessment in Continuing Education (PACE) Reviews, 1997-1999; The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist,1999-2002.

        Sem título
        GB 0114 MS0188 · [1938]

        Papers relating to the Krishnarajendra Hospital and the University Medical College, Mysore (now Mysuru), India, c1938, comprising an album containing photographs by G Shankar, of the Krishnarajendra Hospital and the University Medical College; manuscript captions; short histories of the Krishnarajendra Hospital and the University Medical College; and a list of staff.

        Sem título
        Clift, William: Scrappiana or Extracts Various
        GB 0114 MS0237 · 1802-1817

        Papers of William Clift, 1802-1817, comprising a volume titled Scrappiana or Extracts various, containing notes, poetry, thoughts and maxims, and extracts from publications including Erasmus Darwin's Zoonomia.

        Sem título
        Martin, Henry Victor: Scrapbook of songs and poems
        GB 0114 MS0263 · c1842-1873

        Papers of Henry Victor Martin, c 1842-1873, comprising a scrapbook containing songs, poems, short plays, and letters written by Martin. Also including photographs, covers of published works, an epitaph and a plan of the Bois de Boulogne.

        Sem título
        Sinhalese Ola
        GB 0114 MS0271 · c1760

        Sinhalese ola, c 1760, comprising a volume of palm leaves, containing a manuscript treatise on diseases, symptoms and treatments.

        Sem título
        Campbell, John Menzies (1887-1974)
        GB 0114 MS0286 · 1709-1971

        Papers of John Menzies Campbell, 1709-1971, comprising a typescript catalogue of books given to the Royal College of Surgeons of England; an album of press cuttings, 1930-1931; a photograph album; a personal scrap book, 1911-1981; odontological advertisements, 1709-1850; scrap book of historical dental items, 1807-1971; Glasgow directory lists of dentists [missing - May 2008]; Edinburgh directory lists of dentists, 1773-1850 [missing - May 2008]; copy of notes taken at the first known British trial where dental surgeons gave evidence, 1814; and a certifcate awarded to Menzies Campbell on becoming a corresponding member of the Swedish Dentists Society, 1965 [missing - May 2008].

        Sem título
        Italian Proverbs
        GB 0117 MS 56 · sub-fonds · nd

        A dictionary (Italian/English) of Italian proverbs rendered into English, by Benjamin Polsted. A-I only.

        Sem título
        Broadbent, Samuel
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Africa/FBN 10 ( Box 604) · 1815-1894

        Papers, 1815-1894, of and relating to Samuel Broadbent, comprising his ordination certificate, 1815; notes for a sermon preached in Greetland before leaving for Ceylon, 1815; family letters, 1818-1872; printed Encyclopaedia of Knowledge [before 1826] belonging to Broadbent, vestige of his possessions destroyed at Maquassie in 1826, with a manuscript note by him [after 1826] concerning its history; volume containing manuscript English-Bechuana vocabulary and Lord's Prayer, undated, and other loose Bechuana texts; South African scalping knife; account [after 1832] of the life of Louisa Frances Broadbent; notes of Broadbent's journey to southern Ireland on missionary deputation with the Rev W Toase, 1833; printed article by Broadbent on agriculture in South Africa, 'Incidental results of Christian Missions', 1850; printed map of south-eastern Africa, 1857; various manuscript reminiscences by Broadbent, undated; photograph of Samuel Broadbent, unframed, and another, framed (with copy negative), both undated; manuscript copies [19th century] from letters of Miss Broadbent concerning the last hours of Samuel Broadbent, 1867; the Rev T A Chalker's 'The Story of an African Mission', from the Methodist Record (1894), mentioning Broadbent; undated photograph of the gravestone of Samuel and Sarah Broadbent; manuscript transcript [19th century] of the epitaph on the gravestone of Louisa Frances Broadbent.

        Sem título
        Martin, J
        GB 0102 MS 380694 · 1925-1930s

        Printed papers of the Rev J Martin relating to China, 1925-1929 and undated [1930s], including Japan tourist board brochure on Mukden (Shenyang), 1925, newspaper on the burial of Sun Yat-Sen, 1929, undated hymn music published for the Hangchow Choral Union, undated Shopping Guide to Shanghai, and undated ephemera including Christmas cards.

        Sem título
        Arnott, David Whitehorn
        GB 0102 PP MS 73 · 1950s-1980s

        Papers, 1950s-1980s, of Professor David W Arnott on West African languages, comprising papers, including notes and questionnaires, from his study leave (1955-1956) spent travelling from Nigeria through Niger, Dahomey (Benin), Upper Volta (Burkina Faso), French Sudan (Mali), Senegal and Gambia to Guinea and Sierra Leone; copies (photocopied and photographic) of manuscripts; translations and transcriptions; transcriptions of language recordings; seminar and conference papers; teaching material; offprints of articles by Arnott; typescripts or corrected proofs of articles; and reviews of books by other authors. The papers relate largely to Nigeria but also to Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Niger and Senegal, relating mainly to Fulfulde, Fula and Fulani (language of the Fulani people of West Africa), and also to Tiv and to Hausa poetry and songs. The subjects include literature, including poetry (religious and non-religious), oral literature and folklore, proverbial lore, Islamic influences on African literary cultures, grammar, including morphology, verbal and nominal systems, nouns, vocabulary, and the distribution of dialects.

        Sem título
        LMA/4619 · Coleção · 2006

        Records of Incisive Media Limited, 2006, including awards programme and guest list for the Professional Pensions' Pension Scheme of the Year Awards.

        Sem título
        CLA/049 · Coleção · 1613-1983

        Records of the Irish Society, 1613-1983, including Court minute books, Court and Committee minutes, rough minutes, records of the committee to consider purchasing estates in Ireland, 1849, letter books, 1664-1913, letter books (secretary duplicates), letter books (general agent), letter books (miscellaneous), letter books (solicitor), declaration books, charters, records concerning history, constitution and powers, appointments, solicitor's papers, case papers, estate management papers, plans and financial accounts.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 CLC/064 · Coleção · 1812-1820

        Eclectic Book Society minute book.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 CLC/078 · Coleção · 1969-1982

        Register of books borrowed from the Library of the International Food and Wine Society.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 CLC/270 · Coleção · 1256-2004

        This collection comprises a variety of unrelated items listed under the fonds 'Small Collections' for convenience. The items include: research notes, transcripts, treatises, reports, surveys, drawings, annals, chronicles, calendars, translations, newspaper cuttings, sermons, scrapbooks, books of hours and gospels, warrants, bills, accounts, sales catalogues, recipes, ships' manifests and lists. Most of the items relate to the history of the City of London or greater London, with subjects including hospitals, shops, churches, street layout, legal matters, government and Mayors, livery companies, markets, the residents of the city, inns and taverns, armorial bearings, law and order, parks, armed forces and war, taxation, monarchs, fires, the river Thames, food, medicine, topography and monumental inscriptions.

        Please note that due to the age and fragility of some of the items access may be restricted. Please consult the catalogue entry for individual items for more information.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 B/SPL · Coleção · 1781-1911

        Records of Spalding and Hodge, stationers, 1781-1911; and subsidiary or merged companies including Busbridge and Hodge, papermakers and Suttaby and Company, booksellers. Also records of the Stationers' Book Society. The records include business agreements, legal documents relating to properties, wages books, cash books, stock books, bills, rules and regulations for staff, letters patent, brochures about Spalding and Hodge and their history, inventories, correspondence and price lists. Stationers' Book Society records comprise minutes, accounts, and an address by Thomas Spalding.

        Sem título
        Scrapbook [of Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence]
        GB 106 10/11 · Arquivo · c 1906-1911

        Scrapbook of press cuttings on a wide range of topics, including divorce law reform, imprisonment for debt, the suffrage campaigns, home work and the sweated trades, 'the white slave traffic', and any others.

        Sem título
        Scrapbook relating to women during the First World War
        GB 106 10/16 · Arquivo · 1907-1921

        Scrapbook of press cuttings on a wide range of issues relating to women's position during and immediately subsequent to the First World War, including employment, venereal disease, women in public life and the activities of the Women's Freedom League. Many of the press cuttings came from a press cuttings agency.

        Sem título
        ANDERSON, Dame Adelaide Anderson (1863-1936): Scrapbooks
        GB 106 10/23 · Arquivo · 1914-1915

        This scrapbook consists of press cuttings, mainly from the national press, concerning the events of the First World War.

        Inscribed on the flyleaf: 'These press cuttings were collected by Dame Adelaide Anderson during the early years of the Great War, 1914-18.'

        Sem título
        Scrapbooks [Second World War]
        GB 106 10/24 · Arquivo · 1939-1940

        This scrapbook consists of general press cuttings about the events of the Second World War.

        Sem título
        Scrapbooks relating to Prostitution
        GB 106 10/50 · Arquivo · 1929-2001

        This scrapbook consists of press cuttings on the subject of prostitution from national and regional newspapers, for the years 1929-2001 (only five cuttings dated before the 1970s).

        Sem título
        Porter, Surgeon-Major J. H. (1831-1880)
        GB 0120 MSS.7841-7843 · 1850-1881

        Papers of Joshua Henry Porter including manuscript draft and published version of The Surgeon's Pocket-book, 2nd edition, 1880 and military scrapbook, 1850-1881.

        Sem título
        Photographs taken by Mr Coverdale
        GB 0347 D171 · Coleção · 1929

        Four photographs albums containing photographs of Putney, Wimbledon Common and other parts of central London. Also includes an album of photographs of a family holiday to Colnebrook, Buckinghamshire in 1929. The photographs were taken by Mr Coverdale who lived in Cromford Road, Wandsworth.

        Sem título
        Murdoch, Iris (1919-1999): Letters to Harry Hofstra
        GB 2108 KUAS11 · Coleção · Mid 20th century- late 20th century

        Papers of Iris Murdoch, comprising letters to Harry Hofstra, thanking him for his letters and for expressing appreciation and understanding of her work.

        Sem título
        GB 2108 KUAS45 · 1960s-1980s

        Assorted documents relating to the Department of Architecture at Kingston College of Art/ Kingston Polytechnic collected by Dennis Berry, who was head of the department from 1966-1987. Includes meeting minutes, staff lists, prospectuses, academic plans, course accreditation submissions, town study reports and programmes from degree ceremonies.

        Sem título
        Murdoch, Iris (1919-1999): Letters to Roly Cochrane
        GB 2108 KUAS7 · Coleção · c1980s-1995

        Papers of Iris Murdoch, c 1980-1995, comprising correspondence addressed to Roly Cochrane from Murdoch including 138 letters and 59 cards and postcards, which demonstrate Murdoch's interest in someone with whom she became fond through correspondence alone. Within the letters Murdoch discusses her work, confiding in Cochrane, who continued to write to her during the onset of Alzheimer's disease. The collection contains a final note from John Bayley referring to her illness. The collection also contains a copy of Facing Reality, 1997, a work by Roly Cochrane.

        Sem título
        Murdoch, Iris (1919-1999): Letters to Cheryl Bove
        GB 2108 KUAS8 · Coleção · 1990-1992

        Papers of Iris Murdoch, 1990-1992, comprising letters from Murdoch to Cheryl Bove, discussing issues including their next meeting and Murdoch's upcoming publications.

        Sem título
        MITCHELL, Charles (1912-1995)
        GB 1370 WIA, Charles Mitchell · Coleção · c 1951-1986

        Notebooks and working papers of the art historian Charles Mitchell, c 1951-1986, on topics including: Ciriaco d'Ancona; Tempio Malatestiano (Temple of the Planets, Rimini, Italy); Antiquarianism and 15th Century Italian Art.

        Sem título
        Blagden, Sir Charles (1748-1820)
        GB 0120 MSS.1234-1252 · 1767-1780

        The collection chiefly comprises material generated whilst Sir Charles Blagden was a student at Edinburgh University: notes of lectures, clinical notes of cases observed at Edinburgh Infirmary, commonplace books, dissertation drafts, lists of materia medica, etc. Also included are two papers addressed to the Royal Society, 1767-1780.

        Sem título
        Black Jack Public House: signature books
        GB 0114 MS0031 · 1854-1892

        Signature books of the Black Jack Public House, 1854-1892, comprising 3 volumes of signatures, comments and illustrations by young surgeons upon becoming members of the Royal College of Surgeons.

        Sem título
        PRESTAGE, Professor Edgar (1869-1951)
        GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP74 · 1881-1949

        Papers of Edgar Prestage, 1881-1949, largely relating to his work on the history of Portugal, 16th-19th centuries. Letters to Prestage from various correspondents, 1886-1948 and undated, relate to a variety of subjects pertaining to his work, publications and translations, sources and interpretation, and also to acquaintances and contemporaries, other publications, and some personal matters such as correspondents' health and families, and include six letters from Fortunato de Almeida, 1917-1933 and undated; 24 letters from Joao Lucio de Azevedo, 1914-1933 and undated; 13 letters from Pedro Augusto de S Bartolomeu de Azevedo, 1910-1927 and undated; six letters from Henrique de Gama Barros, 1908-1925; five letters from Carlos Roma du Bocage, 1915-1918; three letters from Sir Richard Francis Burton, 1888-1889, and 12 letters from Lady Isabel Burton, 1894-1896, relating to Sir Richard's translation of Camoens; 22 letters from Julio de Castilho, 1908-1918; nine letters from Harold Castle, 1903-1906; six letters from Fidelino de Figueiredo, 1911-1918 and undated; eight letters from James Fitzmaurice-Kelly, 1905-1919; five letters from Anselmo Braamcamp Freire, 1905-1919; two letters from Pieter Geyl, 1923, 1926; letter from William Ewart Gladstone, 1893, congratulating Prestage on Letters of a Portuguese nun; ten letters from Edward Heawood, 1922-1933; letter from Benjamin Jowett, 1887, explaining entrance examinations at Oxford; five letters from Margery Lane, 1927 and undated; six letters from Manuel de Oliveira Lima, 1910-1927; two letters, 1928, 1932, from Manuel II, King of Portugal, concerning the monarch's bibliography of early Portuguese books; eight letters from Jacinto Octavio Picon, 1911-1920; seven letters from Jacinto Inacio de Brito Rebelo, 1895-1908; eight letters from Jaime Batalha Reis, 1894-1896, 1904-1905, 1922; 12 letters from Francisco Rodrigues, 1913-1918, 1930 and undated; two letters from John Ruskin, 1886 and undated, on the study of architecture; seven letters from Antonio Maria Jose de Melo Cesar e Meneses, 5th Conde de Sabugosa, 1905-1913; five letters from Luis Teixeira de Sampayo, 1921-1928; letter from Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel, 1905, congratulating Prestage on Eca de Queiroz's The sweet miracle; five letters from Georg Schurhammer, 1930-1936; five letters from Wilhelm Storck, 1894-1895; five letters from Herbert Thurston, 1905-1913; ten letters from Pedro Tovar de Lemos, 2nd Conde de Tovar, 1916-1927 and undated; 13 letters from Carolina Michaelis de Vasconcellos, 1895-1896, 1907-1922, and 11 letters from her husband, Joaquim de Vasconcellos, 1897, 1908-1925; six letters from Afonso Lopes Vieira, 1910, 1914, 1927 and undated; five letters from Tomas Maria de Almeida Manuel de Vilhena, 8th Conde de Vila Flor, 1925-1929 and undated; letter from Oscar O'Flahertie Wills Wilde, [1892], regretting he cannot send a copy of his unnamed play (perhaps Lady Windermere's Fan) as it has not yet been published. There is also a letter of 1881 from Antonio Candido Goncalves Crespo to Maria Amalia Vaz de Carvalho (father and mother of Prestage's wife). Ephemera includes signatures of Gomes Eannes Azurara, William Wordsworth, [? Isaac] Disraeli and Samuel Wilberforce; Christmas cards; the visiting card of S T P Kruger, President of the Transvaal Republic, 1903; menus, including the House of Commons Coronation luncheon in Westminster Hall, 1902; a ticket to the coronation of Edward VII, 1902; and an invitation to a party at Windsor Castle, 1912. Otherwise the collection comprises research notes and transcriptions on various subjects and sources, including Restoration period Portugal; Sousa Coutinho; Portuguese in Africa, Brazil and Asia; the War of the Spanish Succession; 17th century Portuguese history, including diplomacy; the sermons of Father Antonio Vieira SJ; Portuguese bibliographies prepared by Prestage; annotated typescripts on the Portuguese in Abyssinia down to 1543, aspects and results of Portuguese colonisation, and Portuguese reminiscences (1948); Prestage's 'The Mode of Government in Portugal during the Restoration Period'; photographs of Portuguese fortresses in Morocco; notebook on 'Analyse das "Cartas Familiares" '; copies of letters of F de Sousa, including his embassies to France and Rome; copies of letters of Sir R Southwell, English ambassador to Lisbon; material relating to relations between Spain and Portugal; pamphlets and articles of Prestage; proofs for a chapter entitled 'L'Intevention Anglaise dans la Peninsule Iberique', in an envelope addressed to Prestage and labelled 'D Fernando & the Holy See by E Perroy'.

        Sem título
        MILLER, Ada M (fl 1901)
        GB 0100 KCLCA Miller · 1901

        Photograph album of Spain and Tangier (Tanger, Morocco), 1901.

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