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1612 Archival description results for Christianity

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GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP44 · Created 1946-1995

Papers of Abbott, 1946-1995, mainly relating to theological training and including notes for lectures, [1946-1948, 1957, 1964], mainly given by Abbott at King's College London, on moral and pastoral theology; texts of broadcast sermons, 1947-1958, mainly on the BBC Third Programme, including three sermons broadcast from the Chapel of King's College in Lent 1958; texts of sermons, 1959-1974, delivered at Westminster Abbey, including a sermon on the occasion of Abbott's installation as Dean of Westminster, 30 Nov 1959; texts of discussion notes, meditations and lectures, 1960-1976, relating to discussions of the St Faith's Fellowship, Westminster, and other schools of prayer, including notes on forgiveness, Christ and the permissive society, the prayers of reparation and the Holy Spirit, atheists and agnostics; manuscript notes, [1959-1966], relating to discussions held by a group at occasional weekend retreats, on subjects including The life of prayer (J.M.Dent and Sons, London and Toronto, 1927) by Baron Friedrich von Huegel, The four loves (Geoffrey Bles, London, 1960) by Clive Staples Lewis, spiritual direction, pain, temptation and intercession; papers, 1946-1965, relating to a retreat at Pleshey, Essex, mainly comprising manuscript notes; miscellaneous published and unpublished texts of lectures, broadcasts and sermons, [1947-1975], including notes for lectures on the theology of the Eucharist, given at King's College London in [1950], on the meaning of ordination, given to students at Gilmore House in [1955], on the problem of suffering, given to London Women Workers in 1964, and the dilemma of contemporary spirituality, given to Sion College in 1964; schedule of notes for classes, for use by clergy preparing young people for Confirmation, [1960-1969]; text of sermon by Canon Eric Arthur James at the Memorial Eucharist for Abbott at Lincoln Theological College in 1985, and correspondence, 1985-1987, of Dean Sydney Evans, King's College London, in preparation for the writing of an entry about Abbott for the Dictionary of National Biography including a draft entry and a copy of entries concerning Abbott in the Keble College Record; list of Canon Abbott's papers compiled by Ursula Grundy, 1995.

Abbott , Eric Symes , 1906-1983 , Very Reverend , Anglican Clergyman , Dean of Westminster
ACC/1388-27 · Collection · 1934-1935

Register of marriages, 1934-1935.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
GB 0074 CLC/323 · Collection · 1937-1972

Registers of services at the Adelboden Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.

Adelboden Anglican Chaplaincy , Switzerland
GB 0074 CLC/325 · Collection · 1885-1938

Register of baptisms, marriages and burials for the Aix-les-Bains Anglican Chaplaincy, France.

Aix-les-Bains Anglican Chaplaincy , France
LMA/4334 · Collection · 1800-1875

Records of the Albion Chapel including Congregation minute books, 1842-1874; Court of Session minute book, 1825-1875; register of baptisms, 1817-1875 and Deed of Settlement, 1800, between Wells Street and Miles Lane congregations.

Presbyterian Church of England
LMA/4384 · Collection · 1861-1976

Records of Aldershot Presbyterian Church comprising Court of Session minute books, 1951-1976; Manager's Committee minute books, 1861-1900; Board of Managers minute books, 1900-1972; Choir Committee minute book, 1933-1940; Sunday School Teachers' minute book, 1916-1942; Communicants' roll book, 1865-1976; alphabetical index of membership, 1862-1922; register of baptisms, 1865-1974 and record of gifts donated to the church, 1948-1954.

Presbyterian Church of England
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP126 · [1883-1901]

Manuscript notes on divorce, and the doctrine of predestination, [1883-1901].

Algar , Henry , d 1901 , Reverend , Curate of Butterton and Yatesbury
GB 0074 P69/ALH7 · Collection · 1574-1954

Records of the parish of All Hallows the Great, Upper Thames Street, City of London, including vestry minutes from 1574 and rate assessments from 1586. Other records include registers of baptisms, burials, banns and marriages; Churchwarden's papers; papers relating to charities; and Overseers' receipts and payments relating to the poor rate.

Parish of All Hallows the Great, City of London , Church of England
GB 0074 P69/ALH8 · Collection · 1558-1954

Records of the parish of All Hallows the Less, Upper Thames Street, City of London, including parish registers (baptisms, marriages and burials) from 1558; Vestry minute books; Churchwardens' accounts; Overseers' book of receipts and payments; apportionment of tithe rent charges and poor rate assessment books. Some of these records are for joint meetings with the Vestry of All Hallows the Great.

Parish of All Hallows the Less, City of London , Church of England
GB 0074 P69/ALH1 · Collection · [1400]-1995

Records of the parish of All Hallows, Barking by the Tower, City of London comprising baptisms (1558 - 1937), marriages (1564 - 1995), burials (1558 - 1853), banns of marriage, confirmations, preachers' books, parish visitors' books, lists of inhabitants who have served parish offices, benefice papers, vestry minutes, parochial church council minutes, administration and finance committee minutes, muniments, papers and correspondence relating to administrative issues, annual accounts, ledgers, journals, treasurers' accounts, churchwardens' accounts, church rate and rent roll accounts, tithe rate accounts, church rate assessment books, tithe rate assessment books, wills and leases, rent rolls, registers of recipients of charitable gifts, overseers' accounts, poor rate assessment books, general rate assessment books, valuations of property, lists of inmates at the parish workhouse.

Parish of All Hallows, Barking by the Tower, City of London , Church of England
GB 0074 P69/ALH2 · Collection · 1538-1947

Records of the parish of All Hallows, Bread Street, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; Vestry minutes; Churchwardens' financial accounts; poor rate assessments and tithe rate assessments. Some records relate to the united parishes of All Hallows Bread Street with Saint John the Evangelist Friday Street.

Parish of All Hallows, Bread Street, City of London , Church of England Parish of All Hallows Bread Street with Saint John the Evangelist Friday Street , Church of England
GB 0074 P88/ALH2 · Collection · 1875-1971

Records of the parish of All Hallows, Devons Road, Bromley by Bow, including parish magazines; registers of baptisms, marriages and church services; event programmes; Parochial Church Council minutes, reports and other papers; and financial records.

Parish of All Hallows, Bromley-by-Bow , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/187 · Collection · 1930-200-

Records of the parish of All Hallows, Greenford, including baptism registers (1932-1952); marriage registers (1942-1968); banns of marriage registers (1942-1971); service registers; correspondence and photographs relating to the vicarage; licences for music and dancing in church hall; vestry minutes; parochial church council minutes; magazine committee minutes; guild of the sanctuary minutes; finance committee minutes; photographs of church events, clergy and parishioners; parish magazines; papers, correspondence, photographs and printed material relating to church and church hall.

Parish of All Hallows , Greenford , Church of England
GB 0074 P69/ALH3 · Collection · 1618-1948

Records of the parish of All Hallows, Honey Lane, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; Vestry minutes; Churchwardens' financial accounts; and poor rate assessment books.

Parish of All Hallows, Honey Lane, City of London , Church of England
GB 0074 P69/ALH4 · Collection · 1549-1949

Records of the parish of All Hallows, Lombard Street, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and banns; preachers' books; registers of church services; Vestry minute books; papers of the Churchwardens; accounts, correspondence and papers relating to sequestrations; papers relating to poor relief; church rate assessments; poor rate assessments; tithe rate assessments; Vestry clerk's annual parish accounts; and other papers relating to parochial charities.

Parish of All Hallows, Lombard Street, City of London , Church of England
GB 0074 P69/ALH5 · Collection · 1455-1967

Records of the parish of All Hallows, London Wall, City of London. The earliest records are churchwardens' accounts, which date from 1455. There are parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials, banns, church services) from 1559, and vestry minutes from 1700. However, most of the records date from the 18th century or later, including poor rate assessments and tithe rate assessments.

Parish of All Hallows, London Wall, City of London , Church of England
GB 0074 P88/ALH1 · Collection · 1880-1947

Records of the parish of All Hallows, East India Dock Road, Poplar, comprising registers of baptisms and marriages; register of confirmation and register of banns of marriage.

Parish of All Hallows, Poplar , Church of England
GB 0074 P92/ALH · Collection · 1876-1971

Records of the parish of All Hallows, Copperfield Street, Southwark, including registers of baptisms and marriages; church services registers; and Parochial Church Council minute books. The first baptism register includes a description of the parish and a list of streets is included in the first Banns book.

Parish of All Hallows, Southwark , Church of England
GB 0074 P69/ALH6 · Collection · 1491-1968

Records of the parish of All Hallows Staining, Mark Lane, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and banns; Vestry minute books; Churchwarden's financial accounts; poor rate assessment books; tithe rate assessment books; and papers relating to parish poor relief.

The collection includes records of the Society for the Commemoration of the accession of Queen Elizabeth I comprising: minutes, 1683-1787; copy of annual address and rules, 1787; registers of subscribers to the annual dinners, 1766-8; and notes extracted from the minutes, 20th century.

Parish of All Hallows Staining, Mark Lane, City of London , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/015 · Collection · 1557-1901

Records of the Parish of All Hallows, Tottenham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, and burials; registers of services; and legal papers relating to the National School.

Parish of All Hallows, Tottenham , Church of England
GB 0074 CLC/326 · Collection · 1868-1982

Records of All Saints Anglican Church, Bordighera, Italy, including registers of baptisms and marriages; register of services; financial accounts; and correspondence.

All Saints Anglican Church , Bordighera, Italy
GB 0074 CLC/327 · Collection · 1903-1963

Records of the Anglican church of All Saints, Cap d'Antibes, France, comprising register of baptisms, 1926-56 (Ms 23619); register of burials, Ms 1926-63 (Ms 23620); and service registers, 1903-28, 1955-6 (Ms 23621).

All Saints Anglican Church , Cap d'Antibes, France
GB 0074 CLC/328 · Collection · 1905-1936

Register of baptisms, marriages and burials in the All Saints Anglican Church, Capri, Italy.

All Saints Anglican Church , Capri, Italy
GB 0074 CLC/322 · Collection · 1849-1999

Records of All Saints Anglican Church, Marseilles, France, including register of baptisms, marriages and burials; service registers and financial accounts.

All Saints Anglican Church , Marseilles, France
GB 0074 P76/ALL · Collection · 1896-1953

Records of All Saints Mission Chapel, Islington, comprising registers of baptisms and a register of services.

All Saints Mission Chapel, Islington , Church of England
GB 0074 P70/ALL · Collection · 1883-1967

Records of the parish of All Saints, Battersea, comprising registers of baptisms; registers of marriages; and registers of church services.

C 1883-1947 M 1884-1961

Parish of All Saints, Battersea , Church of England
GB 0074 P83/ALL1 · Collection · 1839-1979

Records of the parish of All Saints, Caledonian Road, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns, and confirmations; church services registers; papers relating to parish boundaries; financial records; papers relating to the church building and the church hall; Parochial Church Council minutes; papers relating to the parish school; and parish magazine.

Parish of All Saints, Caledonian Road, Islington , Church of England
GB 0074 P90/ALL1 · Collection · 1824-1947

Baptism and marriage registers for the church of All Saints, Camden Street, Camden Town.

Parish of All Saints, Camden Town , Church of England
GB 0074 P95/ALL2 · Collection · 1858-1970

Records of the parish of All Saints, Lyham Road, Clapham Park, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; church services registers; Parochial Church Council and Vestry minutes; papers of parish societies and clubs; and parish magazines.

Parish of All Saints, Clapham Park , Church of England
GB 0074 P79/ALL · Collection · 1873-1972

Records of the parish of All Saints, Clapton Park, comprising registers of baptisms, marriages, banns, and confirmations; and registers of church services, preachers, readers and collections.

Parish of All Saints, Clapton Park , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/039 · Collection · 1887-1978

Records of the parish of All Saints, East Finchley, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and church services; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to endowments; records of the Churchwardens relating to finances, the maintenance of the church fabric and the church site; Vestry minutes; records of the Parochial Church Council relating to the parish hall; and papers of church societies.

Parish of All Saints, East Finchley , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/040 · Collection · 1557-2002

Records of the parish of All Saints, Edmonton, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage and church services; Surveyors of Highways rate books; registers of baptisms, marriages and burials at the Weld Chapel; and parish magazines.

Also register of baptisms for Saint Paul's Chapel, Winchmore Hill; and registers of baptisms for the district of Saint Alphege.

COVERING DATES OF PARISH REGISTERS DEPOSITED Baptisms: 1558 - 2001, Marriages: 1558 - 1993, Burials: 1557 - 1954.

Parish of All Saints, Edmonton , Church of England
GB 0074 P77/ALL · Collection · 1674-2003

Records of the parish of All Saints, Fulham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage, confirmations and church services; orders of service; papers of parish organisations including clubs, societies, charities and schools; papers relating to parish boundaries and the benefice; faculties and other papers relating to the construction of the church and the maintenance of the fixtures and fittings; Churchwardens' financial accounts; general financial accounts; Parochial Church Council minutes; Committee minutes; correspondence and publicity material such as appeals leaflets.

C 1675-1997 M 1674-1994 B 1675-1863

Parish of All Saints, Fulham , Church of England
GB 0074 P91/ALL · Collection · 1856-1983

Records of the parish of All Saints, Haggerston, including registers of baptisms; registers of marriages; registers of church services; registers of banns; faculties and other papers relating to the church fabric; financial accounts; Parochial Church Council minute books; electoral rolls; papers relating to the parish school; and parish magazines.

Parish of All Saints, Haggerston , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/108 · Collection · 1711-1992

Records of the parish of All Saints, Harrow, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage and confirmations; registers of church services; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minute books; financial accounts; papers of Robinson's Charity; papers of Harrow Weald Old Schools; and parish magazines.

Parish of All Saints, Harrow , Church of England
GB 0074 P75/ALL · Collection · 1868-1952

Records of the parish of All Saints, Hatcham Park, including registers of baptisms and marriages; financial records; registers of church services; Parochial Church Council minutes; administrative files; Churchwardens' reports and accounts; papers of church societies including the Sunday School; papers relating to the maintenance of the church and vicarage including plans and elevations; papers relating to parish boundaries; printed charity appeals; and parish magazines.

Parish of All Saints, Hatcham Park , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/196 · Collection · 1864-2004

The records of the church of All Saints, Highgate, comprises registers of baptisms (1864-1970), marriages (1875-1991), banns of marriage (1915-67) and confirmations (1937-79), as well as a series of service registers (1903-2004). It also includes financial records: signed accounts (1886-1891), and a cash book (1985-90).

Covering dates of registers: Christenings 1864-1970; Marriages 1875-1991; Banns 1915-1967; Confirmations 1937-1979.

Church of England , All Saints Parish , Highgate
GB 0074 DRO/021 · Collection · 1538-1982

Records of the Parish of All Saints, Laleham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage and church services; papers relating to glebe lands, benefices and tithes; Churchwarden's accounts; faculties and other papers relating to the maintenance of the church building, fittings and churchyard; Vestry minute books; Parochial Church Council cash books; papers relating to parish charities; papers relating to Laleham School; financial accounts of the Overseers of the Poor; enclosure awards and maps; and some correspondence.

Parish of All Saints, Laleham , Church of England
GB 0074 P85/ALL2 · Collection · 1847-1940

Records of the parish of All Saints, Lower Marsh, Lambeth, including registers of baptisms and marriages; orders relating to the benefice and a charity cash book.

Parish of All Saints, Lower Marsh , Church of England
GB 0074 P93/ALL1 · Collection · 1840-1951

Records of the parish of All Saints, Buxton Street, Mile End New Town, including registers of baptisms and marriages; banns book; scrapbook; parish magazines; and Church Council minute book.

Parish of All Saints, Mile End , Church of England
GB 0074 P73/ALL1 · Collection · 1866-1949

Records of the parish of All Saints, North Peckham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and confirmations; register of preachers and church services; curates' licences; papers relating to the endowment; minutes of the Easter Vestry and the Parochial Church Council; financial accounts; and faculty for a memorial tablet.

Parish of All Saints, North Peckham , Church of England
GB 0074 P84/ALL · Collection · 1861-1951

Records of the parish of All Saints, Notting Hill, comprising registers of baptisms; registers of marriages and memoirs Thirty Years at All Saints Notting Hill by Reverend JHC Twisaday.

Parish of All Saints, Notting Hill , Church of England
GB 0074 P87/ALL · Collection · 1847-1925

Records of the parish of All Saints, Norfolk Street, Paddington, including registers of baptisms and marriages; Vestry meeting minutes and Parochial Schools Committee minute book.

Parish of All Saints, Paddington , Church of England
GB 0074 P88/ALL1 · Collection · 1711-1992

Records of the parish of All Saints, East India Dock Road, Poplar, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials; registers of church services; correspondence of the Churchwardens; financial records; Vestry meeting minutes; papers relating to parish charities; and parish magazines.

Also papers relating to civil functions of the parish, comprising bills of the Overseers of the Poor and a report book for the Poplar and Blackwall workhouse.

Parish of All Saints, Poplar , Church of England
GB 0074 P95/ALL3 · Collection · 1912-1979

Records of All Saints, Putney Common, comprising faculties relating to building work at the church.

Parish of All Saints, Putney Common , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/145 · Collection · 1933-1979

Records of the parish of All Saints, Queensbury, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and confirmations; church services registers; and Parochial Church Council minutes and financial accounts.

Parish of All Saints, Queensbury , Church of England
GB 0074 P71/ALL · Collection · 1840-1967

Records of the parish of All Saints, Rotherhithe, including registers of baptisms; registers of marriages; register of burials and register of banns.

Parish of All Saints, Rotherhithe , Church of England
GB 0074 P89/ALL1 · Collection · 1845-1978

Records of the parish of All Saints, Finchley Road, Saint John's Wood, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and banns; registers of services and preachers; papers relating to personnel; Parochial Church Council minutes and correspondence; financial records; parish magazines; photographs; citations, faculties, agreements and reports relating to the maintenance of the church building.

Parish of All Saints, St John's Wood , Church of England
GB 0074 P90/ALL2 · Collection · 1843-1909

Baptism and marriage registers for the church of All Saints, Gordon Street, St Pancras.

Parish of All Saints, St Pancras , Church of England