Área de identidad
Código de referencia
- 1982-1986 (Creación)
Nivel de descripción
Volumen y soporte
0.01 linear metres
Área de contexto
Nombre del productor
Historia biográfica
The Barbican Contracts Working Party arose from a conference of deputations of the Policy and Resources Committee, the Coal, Corn and Rates Finance Committee, and the Barbican Development Committee in 1981, which met to consider aspects of the development of Barbican Phase V (including the Barbican Centre). Authority was subsequently sought from the Grand Committees for the Conference to be constituted as a Working Party, with the Chairman of the Barbican Centre Committee added as a member.
On 15 April 1982 the Committee of the Whole Court of Common Council agreed to the Barbican Development Committee's report and authorised the Barbican Contracts Working Party to act in all matters respecting litigation and the Barbican. The Working Party was also empowered to reach and accept the best available settlement in respect of the then current legal actions relating to Barbican Phases I-IV and V (A) and in respect of the withheld fees on Barbican Phase V. By resolution of Common Council of 3 November 1983, the Barbican Development Committee was abolished as from January 1984, and certain of its responsibilities were transferred to the Working Party. It was authorised to take reports to Common Council respecting the final accounts relating to Barbican Phase V and such other unresolved building contracts as had previously been dealt with by the Barbican Development Committee. On 24 May 1984, Common Council agreed to a report of the Policy and Resources Committee recommending that the Barbican Contracts Working Party be re-named the Barbican Contracts Joint Sub-Committee of the Policy and Resources Committee and its delegated powers were assigned to the Joint Sub Committee (this was done because powers could be delegated to a sub-committee, but not a working party, under Standing Order 47(A)). To maintain confidentiality, its work was to be excluded from Standing Orders 63 (A), which permitted all Corporation Members to attend any Committee or Sub-Committee meeting of the Corporation, whether they were members of them or not, and Standing Order 63, which ordered all agendas to be available in the Members' Room at Guildhall.
The Barbican Contracts Joint Sub-Committee was disbanded by Common Council on 17 July 1986 as it had discharged its responsibilities. Any future matters fitting the Sub Committee's terms of reference were to be referred to the Policy and Resources Committee.
Institución archivística
Historia archivística
COL/CC/BRW 1982-1986 subfonds 0.01 linear metres Corporation of London
The Barbican Contracts Working Party arose from a conference of deputations of the Policy and Resources Committee, the Coal, Corn and Rates Finance Committee, and the Barbican Development Committee in 1981, which met to consider aspects of the development of Barbican Phase V (including the Barbican Centre). Authority was subsequently sought from the Grand Committees for the Conference to be constituted as a Working Party, with the Chairman of the Barbican Centre Committee added as a member.
On 15 April 1982 the Committee of the Whole Court of Common Council agreed to the Barbican Development Committee's report and authorised the Barbican Contracts Working Party to act in all matters respecting litigation and the Barbican. The Working Party was also empowered to reach and accept the best available settlement in respect of the then current legal actions relating to Barbican Phases I-IV and V (A) and in respect of the withheld fees on Barbican Phase V. By resolution of Common Council of 3 November 1983, the Barbican Development Committee was abolished as from January 1984, and certain of its responsibilities were transferred to the Working Party. It was authorised to take reports to Common Council respecting the final accounts relating to Barbican Phase V and such other unresolved building contracts as had previously been dealt with by the Barbican Development Committee. On 24 May 1984, Common Council agreed to a report of the Policy and Resources Committee recommending that the Barbican Contracts Working Party be re-named the Barbican Contracts Joint Sub-Committee of the Policy and Resources Committee and its delegated powers were assigned to the Joint Sub Committee (this was done because powers could be delegated to a sub-committee, but not a working party, under Standing Order 47(A)). To maintain confidentiality, its work was to be excluded from Standing Orders 63 (A), which permitted all Corporation Members to attend any Committee or Sub-Committee meeting of the Corporation, whether they were members of them or not, and Standing Order 63, which ordered all agendas to be available in the Members' Room at Guildhall.
The Barbican Contracts Joint Sub-Committee was disbanded by Common Council on 17 July 1986 as it had discharged its responsibilities. Any future matters fitting the Sub Committee's terms of reference were to be referred to the Policy and Resources Committee.
Corporation of London Records Office.
Rough minute books of the Barbican Contracts Working Party, Court of Common Council, 1982-1986. The minute books are closed until 2017.
The Working Party and then the Sub Committee administered the litigation relating to the Corporation's post-Second World War redevelopment of the Barbican Estate in the City of London 1981-1986, and in particular dealt with litigation and accounts for Phase V of the scheme (the Barbican Arts Centre).
In sections according to catalogue.
Not available for general access.
Copyright: City of London.
Please see online catalogues at: http://search.lma.gov.uk/opac_lma/index.htm
For material relating to the Barbican, see COL/CC/BRA, BRC, BRD, BRR, BRV, BRW and CLA/072.
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. February 2009 The Barbican , Corporation of London Law Barbican Contracts Working Party , Court of Common Council , Corporation of London Legal advice Cultural resources Cultural facilities Music Musical performances Concert performances Performing arts Theatre Construction engineering Building operations Building construction Barbican London England UK Western Europe Europe City of London
Origen del ingreso o transferencia
Corporation of London Records Office.
Área de contenido y estructura
Alcance y contenido
Rough minute books of the Barbican Contracts Working Party, Court of Common Council, 1982-1986. The minute books are closed until 2017.
The Working Party and then the Sub Committee administered the litigation relating to the Corporation's post-Second World War redevelopment of the Barbican Estate in the City of London 1981-1986, and in particular dealt with litigation and accounts for Phase V of the scheme (the Barbican Arts Centre).
Sistema de arreglo
In sections according to catalogue.
Área de condiciones de acceso y uso
Condiciones de acceso
Not available for general access.
Copyright: City of London.
Idioma del material
- inglés
Escritura del material
- latín
Notas sobre las lenguas y escrituras
Características físicas y requisitos técnicos
For material relating to the Barbican, see COL/CC/BRA, BRC, BRD, BRR, BRV, BRW and CLA/072.
Instrumentos de descripción
Please see online catalogues at: http://search.lma.gov.uk/opac_lma/index.htm
Puntos de acceso
Área de control de la descripción
Identificador de la institución
Reglas y/o convenciones usadas
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
- inglés