Ethnic groups

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Scope note(s)

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      Equivalent terms

      Ethnic groups

      • UF Ethnic minorities
      • UF Ethnicity
      • UF National minorities
      • UF Race
      • UF Racial groups
      • UF Racial minorities
      • UF Appartenance ethnique
      • UF Ethnisme
      • UF Groupe racial
      • UF Minorité ethnique
      • UF Minorité nationale
      • UF Minorité raciale
      • UF Origine ethnique
      • UF Race
      • UF Minoría étnica
      • UF Minoría racial
      • UF Minoría nacional
      • UF Raza

      147 Archival description results for Ethnic groups

      Zambia missions
      GB 0102 MS 380602 · 1933 [1930s]

      Papers relating to missionary work in Zambia (northern Rhodesia), comprising a printed edition of Bemba hymns (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1933), including introduction by A R Godfrey, with manuscript scores added; two undated notebooks containing manuscript scores, one belonging to A R Godfrey and containing songs in African languages [1930s]; undated manuscript account of the history of the Tonga tribe, written for educational use [1930s].

      GB 1556 WL MF 56 · 1919-1976

      World Jewish Congress Central files on microfilm, 1919-1976, comprising Sub-series 1: Organisational History and Activities, 1919-1970, includes correspondence, minutes and publications and reports related to the organisational and political activities of the WJC and its forerunner, the Committee of Jewish Delegations. Reports on the history and activities of the WJC from before its inception through to the 1960s are also included in this sub-series. Significant subjects covered include anti-Semitism, relief for refugees, and relations with the League of Nations. More material dealing with WJC activities in Europe during the 1930s can be found in Sub-series 2 under the Stephen S. Wise/Lillie Shultz and Nahum Goldmann papers, and under Pre-WJC Conferences and the First Plenary Assembly (1936) in Sub-series 3.

      Sub-series 2. Executive Correspondence and Project Files, 1920, 1931-1975, includes records and reports from the files of WJC presidents (Stephen S. Wise, Nahum Goldmann); chairmen of the Executive Committee (Nahum Goldmann, Israel Goldstein); followed by the administrative/executive directors of the New York office (Abraham S. Hyman, Monty Jacobs, Yehuda Ebstein, Greta Beigel). The sub-series contains general correspondence arranged chronologically, individual and departmental correspondence, country files, subject files, speeches, and publications.

      Sub-series 3: Plenary Assemblies, pre-1936 conferences, and special conferences, 1932-1975, contains minutes, proceedings, reports, and other materials dealing with three pre-WJC conferences together with extensive files for the first six WJC Plenary Assemblies (1936-1975). Also included are materials pertaining to the War Emergency Conference (1944) and the Inter-American Jewish Conference (1941).

      Sub-series 4: Committees, 1940-1976, consists of 33 boxes in its original format. This sub-series contains materials pertaining to committee meetings (Office, Administrative, Executive). The Executive Committee files include material from the South American, European, and Israeli Branches of the Executive. Within the files for each committee/branch, materials are arranged chronologically.

      World Jewish Congress
      Whitehouse, Leslie
      GB 0102 MS 380646 · 1933-1955

      Papers, 1933-1955, of Leslie Whitehouse, relating to the language and customs of the Masai, comprising a letter to Whitehouse concerning the proof of 'Masai Social Customs', synopsis of a chapter on the Masai by Whitehouse, and typescript notes, 1933; undated typescripts on Masai grammar and vocabulary; manuscripts on Masai vocabulary and grammar, c1953-1955.

      Whitehouse , Leslie , 1901-1989 , colonial administrator , known as Wouse
      GB 0074 LMA/4666 · Collection · 1970s

      Records of Westways Greetings including sale catalogues and unused greeting cards published by Lip Productions Limited, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America and imported by Westways Greetings for sale in the United Kingdom. The cards depict gay and Christmas themes mainly marketed to the gay and lesbian community. Some of the cards depict Black people / people of African descent and other ethnic origin.

      No administrative records of the firm are known to survive.

      This collection was catalogued by Ros Hamner, volunteer, as part of Speakout London project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, supervised by Sally Bevan and Richard Wiltshire, Senior Archivists.

      Westways Greetings , Importer of greetings cards xx Westways Import-Export
      GB 0402 RSW · Collection · 1916-1964

      Papers of R S Webb, chiefly relating to Basutoland, 1916-1964, including two large sheets of photostats: genealogy; brief notes about the Bakubung Lihoja tribe, from the reminisces of Morena Ramakabane, arranged by Webb, 1964; copies of the Gazetteer of Basutoland including drafts with annotations by Webb; notebooks containing photographs and notes from letters and maps; letters relating to Father Francois Laydevant, a Catholic missionary among the Basotho people; maps, including of Basutoland, Griqualand and Southern Transvaal; papers relating to and copies of a book published by Webb, An account of the autobiographical memoir of A A Moletsane, 1967, on Morena Abraham Aaron Moletsane; letters and papers of Moletsane, 1957-1972; photographs and negatives including of people and places in Basutoland; translation of a report by Commandant G J Joubert, 1845; reprints of journals and articles relating to Africa; papers relating to Webb's translation of F S Ramakabane's Sotho manuscripts, 1960-1961; notebooks relating to Morena Felix Makelikte Sekonyela and ledger of indices relating to the affairs of the indigenous people of Basutoland.

      Webb , Ronald Stretton , b 1892 , surveyor , Captain
      GB 0074 LMA/4462/R · Collection · 1980-2010

      Records of the Walter Rodney Memorial Trust, including correspondence; publicity material; receipt books; and papers relating to events including photographs and programmes. Also DVD "Remembering Walter Rodney", research and commentary by Dr Margaret Andrews with contributions from Eric and Jessica Huntley, 2010.

      Walter Rodney Memorial Trust
      GB 0101 ICS 105 · 1958 (covers 1901-1958)

      Memoir dictated by Philip Qipu Vundla, trade unionist and political activist in South Africa, 1958: covering his childhood and family background and details on South African politics, trade unions and moral rearmament, 1901-1958; including account of strike by African mineworkers in 1946, the tram boycott in the native townships of Johannesburg, in 1948, a demonstration by African teachers for higher wages and better working conditions, the School Boycott and protests against the Bantu Education Act, 1953-1955, and the bus boycott by Africans in Johannesburg in 1957.

      Vundla , Philip Qipu , 1901-1969 , journalist, trade unionist and political activist in South Africa
      Tucker, Archibald Norman
      GB 0102 PP MS 43 · Created 1898-1970s

      Papers, 1898-1970s, of Archibald Tucker, chiefly relating to his language work on both East African and Bantu languages. Miscellaneous material includes press cuttings (1898-1902) chronicling the Boer War and papers on the Ozuitem Ibo people of Owerri Province.

      Tucker , Archibald Norman , 1904-1980 , linguist
      TORDAY, Emil (1875-1931)
      GB 1446 MS 192-198 and 424-425 · [1908-1931]

      Papers of Emil Torday, [1908-1931], including:

      MS 192

      Typescript notes for 'African races', published as Division I, no. 4 of Descriptive sociology, edited by H. Spencer, London, 1930, including notes on a number of African peoples including Bantu, Khoikhoi and Bushmen.

      MS 193

      Typescript notes on Loango, Angola.

      MS 194

      Questionnaires, papers and letters in connection with the Union Internationale de Secours aux Enfants, 1930-1931.

      MS 195

      Translation of Bacongo incantations and prayers, by J. van Wing, S.J.; translated by E. Torday. (London, 1930) and related correspondence.

      MS 196

      Draft of a book entitled Yarns from the West coast: being the diary of Mr Hilary Jones, edited by F.R.G.S., c. 1908, annotated with corrections.

      MS 197

      Typescript papers and lectures, [c 1930], including lectures on Hungary to Rotarians; lecture 'On some oddities of the Congo people'; lecture on West Africa, [1931] and lecture on female initiation in Africa.

      MS 198

      Typescript articles and African folk stories, annotated corrections, mostly in Hungarian.

      MS 424
      Notes ethnographiques sur les peoples communément appelés Bakuba, by Torday and Thomas Athol Joyce, 1911 (3 copies).

      MS 425

      Index cards from Torday's library.

      Torday , Emil , 1875-1931 , anthropologist
      GB 0074 LMA/4462/O · Collection · 1986-1997

      Records of the Torch Publishing Co-operative, including three editions of the newspaper Torch produced by the cooperative; and letters of support from members of the public including Linda Bellos, Council member of Lambeth LB.

      Torch Publishing Co-op
      THOMAS, Dr David J
      GB 0402 LMS · 1970-1982

      A collection of anthropological field notes from work among the Pemon (Arecuna) Indians in south-east Venezuela (notes, field books and tapes), 1970-1971, and 1975. Comprising two small field notebooks with semi-processed field data and two surveyor's notebooks; five field notebooks and one sketchbook containing genealogical schedules and computer coding forms with census data encoded on them; nine tapes (reel to reel); 13 cassettes and 7 packets of census cards (cassette tapes recorded in 1971 and 1975, containing life histories, religious ceremonies, and interviews; census cards and census photos.); envelope of maps and sketch diagrams, Venezuela and copies of depositor's correspondence, Mar 1982.

      Thomas , Dr , David J , fl 1960-1982 , anthropologist
      Thane (Sir George) Papers
      GB 0103 MS ADD 282 · 1860-1944

      Papers and correspondence, 1860-1944 and undated, of and relating to Sir George Dancer Thane, largely concerning his career, comprising papers on lectures, 1879-1918, including drafts and newspaper reports of his introductory address at the opening of the Medical School at University College London, 1879, and various lectures on anatomy, 1899-1918; notes, 1872-[1911], 1923-1929, on various subjects including dissection, racial characteristics, and other aspects of anatomy, and a list of books to the Anatomical Library of University College London; ten scrapbooks of anatomical drawings, 1867-1913, and undated loose anatomical drawings and medical photographs; other medical papers, 1878-[1926] and undated, including scrapbooks of medical press cuttings, 1878-1914, dates and subjects of dissection classes, 1885-1900, printed papers of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1887-1897, announcements of lectures, including some by Francis Galton, 1873-1912, papers on University reform in London, 1919, and miscellaneous others; correspondence, 1880-1930 and undated, from over 110 correspondents; personalia and ephemera, 1860-1930 and undated, including certificates, invitations and programmes, papers concerning honours including Thane's knighthood, papers relating to his death, and genealogical notes relating to the Thanes and others, and also papers concerning Lady Thane, 1884-1944; photographs, 1883-1920 and undated, including eleven photographs of Thane, 1883-1920, an undated photograph of Lady Thane, an album of photographs of their honeymoon, 1884, and a photograph of the dissecting room of University College London [1918]; box of bones and fossils.

      Thane , Sir , George Dancer , 1850-1930 , Knight , Professor of Anatomy
      Taylor, Frederick Howard
      GB 0102 CIM/PP 119-157 · [1853], 1907-1940

      Papers, [1853], 1907-1940, of Frederick Howard Taylor: research notes on Chinese tribes, [1853], 1907-1940, comprising correspondence, articles, notes, maps, and many photographs of China and its inhabitants; typescripts [after 1905, before 1946] on the life of James Hudson Taylor between 1854 and 1905.

      Taylor , Frederick Howard , 1862-1946 , medical missionary
      GB 0101 PG.CE · 1979-

      Pamphlets, press releases, conference reports and declarations, 1979 onwards, issued by the Association of Tamils for a United Sri Lanka, the Movement for Inter Racial Justice and Equality (Sri Lanka), the National Peace Council of Sri Lanka and the Sri Lanka Foundation.

      Institute of Commonwealth Studies
      GB 0101 PP.CE · 1944-

      Constitutions, speeches, manifestos, pamphlets, conference reports and instructions, histories, programmes, newspaper cuttings and letters, 1944 onwards, issued by the All Ceylon Tamil Congress, the Communist Party of Sri Lanka, Eksat Jatika Paksaya (Sri Lanka) or United National Party, Janata Vimukti Peramuna, Lanka Sama Samaja Party, Lanka Sama Samaja Party (Revolutionary), Nava Samasamaja Paksaya, Nava Samasamaja Paksaya (UK Branch), Sri Lanka Nidahas Paksaya or Sri Lankan Freedom Party, the United Front (Sri Lanka), the United Left Front (Sri Lanka) and other miscellaneous groups.

      Institute of Commonwealth Studies
      Spruce, Richard (1817-1893)
      GB 0117 MS/236 · sub-fonds · 1850-1863
      Part of Manuscripts General

      Drawings from Richard Spruce's travels across Northern South America, primarily the Amazon and Orinoco river systems, throughout Brazil, Peru, Columbia, Venezeuela and the Guyana highlands. Included are several renderings of indigenous picture-writing figures Spruce found in the Guyana Highlands, with notes on their possible origin and meaning, portraits of local people from nine different nations of the Orinoco and Rio Negro with notes thereon, drawings of notable landscapes in the region, vegetation and sundry objects from local villages.
      Drawn on for 'Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes' (1908).

      Spruce , Richard , 1817-1893 , botanist
      GB 0101 ICS 76 · 1917-1922

      Photocopies of papers of the South African Police on native meetings and affairs, 1917-1922: comprising file of reports of meetings of International Socialist League, the Bantu Womens' National League, the Transvaal Native National Congress and Industrial Workers of Africa, 1917-1918; file of correspondence on meetings of Africans organised by the International Socialist League, and on Native unrest and opposition to the Native Land Act Bill, 1917-1922; file of miscellaneous papers, including report of Inquiry into ill-treatment of natives by Police officers in Johannesburg, 1919 and inquest report on 11 Africans killed during a riot at Vrededorp, Feb 1920; file of papers on strike at the Meyer and Charlton mine, 1917; file of press cuttings relating to the International Socialist League, 1917-1920.

      South African Police
      South African Police
      GB 0102 MS 380609 · 1930-1931

      Typescript papers, 1930-1931, on the court case Rex v C Diedericks and others, concerning alleged unrest between Europeans and coloured people and a supposed meeting by the Plaatjes in the coloured township of Bulawayo, Swellendam, South Africa, including police witness statements, and correspondence between the police and the magistrate relating to alleged inconsistencies between the statements.

      South African Police Union of South Africa , Magistrate's Office
      GB 0101 ICS 95 · 1961-1962

      Photocopies of minutes and reports of the South African Institute of Race Relations: Natal Region, 1961-1962; comprising minutes and papers of Regional Committee meetings; Natal Regional Organiser's Reports, with account of financing of Non-European Educational Fund; African Affairs Sub-Committee minutes and African Fact-Finding Sub-Committee minutes.

      South African Institute of Race Relation: Natal Region
      GB 0101 ICS 94 · 1946

      Photocopies of documents concerning the squatter problem at Orlando, [Soweto], 1946 including records of meetings between the Department of Non European Affairs and deputation from Orlando Advisory Board; record of joint meeting of General Purposes, Non European Affairs and Special Housing Committees; minutes of Sub-Committee on squatter movements, and minutes of meeting of Native Advisory Boards with Non European Affairs Committee.

      Johannesburg City Council , Department of Non European Affairs
      Smith, Edwin
      GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/Central Africa/FBN 13-14 & MMS Boxes 611B-C · 1877-1949

      Papers, 1877-1949, of Edwin Smith, comprising Smith's typescript and manuscript translations from religious texts into the Ila language, 1905-c1915, manuscript account of Ila, 1902, and manuscript account of Primitive Methodist missions in Africa, c1929; Smith's general official correspondence files, 1901-1913, the subjects including mission activities and finance; press cuttings, notes, and manuscript by Smith on the Baila-Batonga mission, 1890s-1900s; press cuttings on African, missionary, and Methodist affairs, 1897-1907, Smith's journal, 1898-1901, notes, typescripts and printed material, 1877-1924 and undated, by Smith and others on Ila and missionary work, and two manuscripts in Afrikaans, 1877 and undated (copy letters of the Rev John Smith, 1885-1886); undated photographs of Aliwal North, Basutoland, Nanzela and Kasenga missions (Ref: Box 611B); a letter from Smith in Aliwal North to his mother, 1900 (Ref: Box 611C/1); diary and pamphlet concerning Smith's journey to Nanzela, 1909 (Ref: Box 611C/2); Smith's diaries of trips to Egypt, Palestine, the Sudan, USA, Canada, and South Africa, 1929-1949 (Ref: Box 611C/3).

      Smith , Edwin William , 1876-1957 , missionary, anthropologist and linguist
      GB 0097 SELIGMAN · Collection · 1890-1975

      Fieldwork notes of expeditions to Borneo and the Torres Straits, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka and the Sudan along with Brenda Seligman's work on kinship, and both Charles' and Brenda's publications on anthropology; extracts from the work of other anthropologists and correspondence between the Seligman's and other colleagues; notes and photographs by Dr Neil Munro relating to his anthropological work with the Ainu and correspondence relating to the editing by Brenda Seligman of this work; material relating to Charles Seligman's work as a doctor treating shellshock during World War One, noting the patients' symptoms, treatment given and response to treatment; correspondence concerning Jewish identity; and papers relating to Charles and Brenda Seligman's interest in Chinese porcelain, journals of their visits to China and Japan and correspondence with friends and family.

      Seligman, Charles Gabriel, 1873-1940, anthropologist Seligman, Brenda Zara, d 1960, anthropologist
      SCOTT, D N (fl 1979-1980)
      GB 0101 ICS 72 · 1979-1980

      Copies of letters and press cutting written by D N Scott to Lord Carrington and Lord Soames, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, concerning Scott's booklet, 'Rho-Plan 60, or, Guarantees that will work for the whites of Rhodesia' on safeguards for white and other minorities in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. With covering letter to the Librarian, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London, Nov 1979-Mar 1980.

      Scott , D N , fl 1979-1980 , resident of Rhodesia
      GB 0102 PP MS 74 · 1902-1977

      Records, 1902-1977 and undated, of and accumulated by the Restatement of African Law Project (RALP), School of Oriental and African Studies, comprising papers of RALP relating to administration, including minutes; and research material, such as notes, publications, theses, and other collected papers, on tribes and places including Basutoland (Lesotho), Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, Northern Rhodesia and Zambia, Sierra Leone, the Sudan, Tanganyika, Zanzibar and Tanzania, and Uganda, relating to customs, aspects of law including succession, slavery, marriage and divorce, land tenure, legal systems, including customary law, legislation, courts, and particular legal cases.

      School of Oriental and African Studies , Department of Law , Restatement of African Law Project
      GB 0097 SCHAPERA · Collection · c1929-c1982

      Schapera's field notebooks from his work in Botswana (then Bechuanaland), recording work on the Kgatta, Kwena, Ngwato and Ngwakelse tribes; working papers and notes, including genealogies of royal families, correspondence, drafts of an unpublished book on David Livingstone; various printed documents on the subject of Botswana; and books from Schapera's library on the subject of David Livingstone.

      Schapera, Isaac, b 1905, social anthropologist
      GB 0074 LMA/4462/Q · Collection · 1968-1994

      Correspondence with Andrew Salkey, writer and broadcaster. Letters date from prior to Andrew Salkey leaving England to take up a professorship at Amherst College in North America. His continued involvement in the development of Bogle L'Ouverture was achieved through regular correspondence with Eric, Accabre and Jessica Huntley. He helped to create and maintain links to literary organisations and individuals in the States, the Caribbean and South America. The letters offer, advice, encouragement and information.

      The series includes five dated and numbered files. Many of the letters are informal and friendly. Personal and current political issues of the day are commented on as are management, marketing and strategic planning for the development of Bogle-L'Ouverture.

      Salkey , (Felix) Andrew Alexander , 1928-1995 , writer and broadcaster
      GB 0074 LMA/4462/N · Collection · 1991-1995

      Records relating to event 'Salkey's Score', commemorating the life of Andrew Salkey. Includes correspondence and minutes for the setting up of the committee. Biographical information on all participants. Drafts and proof copies for the programmes and letterhead. An original poster of Salkey's poem on the underground, A Song for England and copied pages from the comment book by attendees of the symposium.

      Salkey's Score , cultural symposium
      SAFFERY, A L (fl 1926-1943)
      GB 0101 ICS 69 · 1931-1941

      Photocopies of papers of A L Saffery on the trade union movement in South Africa, particularly the black trade union movement in the 1930s and early 1940s and the internment of Max Gordon, a trade unionist, 1940-1941.

      Saffery , A L , fl 1926-1943 , trade unionist in South Africa
      GB 0097 RICHARDS · Collection · 1902-1984

      Richards' anthropological papers, including very full field notes from her research in Zambia and Uganda, together with a parallel set of field diaries, and a few diaries and notes from her research in South Africa; texts drafts and notes for papers and lectures; correspondence, mainly relating to anthropological subjects; material about Bronislaw Malinowski; letters home from Africa to Richards' mother and sister; testimonials and other material relating to Richards' career; printed material, including offprints and a press cuttings book; and additional material from sources other than Richards.

      Richards , Audrey Isabel , 1899-1984 , anthropologist
      GB 0101 ICS 60 · 1972

      Material issued by Rhodesian pressure groups, concerning the Pearce Commission visit, 1972, on the reaction of black africans to the sanctions against Rhhodesia, including article by the Christian Council of Rhodesia and an open letter to the Commission from white Rhodesian citizens living in Britain.

      Pearce Commission
      Refugee Council
      GB 2381 C42396 · Collection · 1951-

      Papers of the Refugee Council relating to all aspects of refugee history, policy and practice, both in the UK and worldwide, from the 1950s to the time of writing. The collection comprises published books and journals, published and unpublished articles and reports; conference papers; pamphlets and leaflets; newsletters, research papers including interviews, questionnaires and case studies; field reports; working papers; statistical data; press cuttings; bibliographies and audio-visual resources including videos, DVDs, tapes, CDs, multi media CD-ROMs, photographs and slides. Topics include conditions in the countries of origin of refugees; causes of flight; migration; asylum; assistance and relief programmes; adaptation and integration of refugees into new communities; groups including ethnic groups, religious groups, gender groups, age groups, social class and family; and organisations including intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations.

      Refugee Council x British Refugee Council
      GB 0074 LMA/4231 · Collection · 1935-1985

      Collection of material relating to the singer and civil rights activist Paul Robeson, including a large number of recordings on tape and vinyl of Paul Robesons' wide repertoire of songs and a series of reel-to-reel tapes including interviews and radio programmes made with Robeson; and letters and photographs and a series of scrapbooks (put together by Ken Goodland) of newspaper cuttings charting the life and career of Paul Robeson.

      Pyne, Thomas
      GB 0102 MS 380668 · 1835-c1975

      Papers, 1835-c1975, of and relating to the Rev Thomas Pyne, comprising correspondence and accounts, 1839-1845 and undated, documenting Pyne's guardianship of (John) Ossoo Ansah and (William) Quanti Massah in England (1840), associated expenses, and aspects of their trip including invitations to dinner, entrance permits to London Zoo and to George Heriot's Hospital [School], Edinburgh, undated plan of a breakwater, Falmouth(?), undated print of Brighton Pavilion and other ephemera relating to places visited, photographs of paintings of the princes, and various visiting cards; other correspondence and papers of Pyne, 1835-1873 and undated, including printed Thanksgiving sermon preached at St Peter's Church, New York, including anti-slavery sentiments, 1835, pamphlets by Pyne on peace, 1844 and undated, and astronomy, 1852, a letter from L'Institut d'Afrique to Pyne concerning honorary membership, 1843, miscellaneous pamphlets relating to African affairs, and a photograph of Pyne, 1870; correspondence, notes, transcripts from original documents, and other papers, 1950-1953, c1975 and undated, concerning Pyne and his papers, and the two princes, including their portraits.

      Pyne , Thomas , 1801-1873 , clergyman
      GB 106 PC/07 · [1970-2009]

      The Women's Library continues to document the development of feminism in the UK, and examples of '3rd wave' activity can be found within our Zine Collection. The Zine Collection began with a donation of 50 zines by Ladyfest London in 2002. This Collection comprises self-published magazines reflecting contemporary feminism and the attitudes and concerns of young women in the UK today. It currently includes over 150 indexed zines on topics ranging from music, feminism, art, fashion, food, politics, sexuality, gender, ethnicity, popular culture, travelling, relationships, parenting and much more. The Women's Library aims to collect and preserve women's zines from the 1970s to the present day.

      GB 106 PC/05 · 1745-[2008]

      Over 3,000 periodical titles are held dating from 1745, some in single issues, but many in complete or representative runs. The Periodicals Collection brings together academic, popular and campaigning women's journals in one location and gives a unique insight into periodicals published about, for and by women. Titles range from commercially-produced popular magazines (Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan), to academic quarterlies (Gender and History, Feminist Review), organisational journals (One Parent Families, National Association of Women Pharmacists), special interest publications (Executive Black Woman), and older titles such as the English Woman's Journal. Many of these titles are not held in other research collections. The non-commercial nature of many of these periodicals with limited self-published print runs, resulted in periodicals that were issued irregularly, on poor quality paper and often only selectively deposited with the main copyright libraries.


      The Library's collection of commercially published magazines, a key resource for research into social history and popular culture, begins with the Ladies' Almanack of the 1740s and documents women's fashion and domestic concerns from runs of the Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, The Queen, Ladies' Magazine, Ladies Monthly Magazine and Lady, Gentlewoman, in the 19th century; Home Chat, Woman's Weekly, Woman, Woman's Own, Honey,, Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire in the 20th century; Grazia, Glamour and Easy Living of more recent years. Also included are some magazines aimed at girls and young women such as The Girls' Own Paper, Petticoat, Just 17 and Jackie.


      At the heart of the Periodical Collection are the women's campaigning journals and feminist periodicals. The collection of feminist periodicals at The Women's Library is unrivalled in its extent and breadth. It begins with the English Woman's Journal of the mid-19th century, and continues with titles such as The Young Women and includes complete runs of titles such as The Women's Penny Paper, the Woman's Herald, Victoria Magazine, the Woman's Signal, the Woman's Leader, Englishwoman's Review, Englishwoman, Freewoman, Time and Tide, Woman's Gazette, and Shafts all of which were key to the development of feminist theory and progressive ideas.


      The Library's extensive collection of suffrage periodicals is central to the study of women's rights in the 20th century, titles including Votes for Women, Common Cause, Woman's Dreadnought, The Vote, the Women's Suffrage Journal, Women's Franchise, the Suffragette Newssheet, the Independent Suffragette, Britannia, and the Suffragette as well as titles such as the Anti-Suffrage Review.


      The collection of journals documenting 'second-wave' feminism in the UK includes complete runs of titles such as Spare Rib and Trouble and Strife and near complete runs of other liberation titles such as Red Rag, Shrew, WIRES, Outwrite and the London Women's Liberation Newsletter. Regional involvement was an integral part of the movement and this is charted through a number of regional titles including Brighton and Hove Women's Liberation Group, Edinburgh Women's Liberation newsletter, Leeds Women's Liberation newsletter, Leicester Women's Liberation newsletter, Manchester Women's Liberation newsletter and Norwich Women's Centre newsletter.


      The periodical holdings continue to document the development of contemporary feminism, sometimes referred to as 'third wave', with titles including Verve and Subtext. Additional contemporary feminist publications can be found within our 'zine' collection (dating from 2002).


      Periodicals created by women's organisations, networks and campaigns. These can include weekly or monthly newsletters and magazines aimed at members, quarterly and annual journals aimed at members and a wider academic audience, and annual reports aimed at a wider audience. Given the short life of many campaigning organisations, their newsletters and bulletins often provide the main record of their activities. Few of these publications are held elsewhere, and they are only selectively deposited with national collections, organisations include: the Fawcett Society, National Council of Women, The National Federation of Women's Institutes (Home and Country), Townswomen's Guilds (The Townswoman), UK Federation of Business and Professional Women, Girls' Friendly Society, Executive Black Woman, Catholic Citizen and National Association of Women Pharmacists document women's efforts to come together to improve the quality of their lives.


      Whilst retaining the collecting focus of women's lives in the UK, there are a number of subject specialist interest areas including:

      • The Arts - titles such as Feminist Arts News, Heresies: a feminist publication on art and politics, n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal, Vogue and Women's Art Magazine.

      • Domestic Violence - titles such as Rights of Women Bulletin, Violence Against Women: an international interdisciplinary journal and Women at War: preventing gun violence, WAVAV - Women Against Violence Against Women.

      • Education - titles such as Gender and Education, The Woman Teacher, Gen: an anti-Sexist Education Journal, British Federation of University Women, and The Parents' Review.

      • Employment - titles such as Work and Leisure, Women's Union Journal, Labour Woman, Women's Trade Union Review, Equality Now: magazine of the Equal Opportunities Commission, Executive Woman, the Woman Worker, The Woman Engineer: journal of the Woman's Engineering Society and Double shift: working women's newsletter.

      • Family and the home - titles such as Women's Weekly, Woman's Own, Family Planning Today and New Home economics.

      • Feminist Theory - titles such as Feminist Studies, Feminist Economics, Feminist Theory, and the International Journal of Feminist Studies.

      • Health - titles such as Women and Health, Top Sante, London Black Women's Health Action project newsletter and Mental Health.

      • Law - titles such as ALRA newsletter: Campaigning for a Woman's Right to Choose on Abortion, Family Law, Individualist: monthly journal of personal rights, Lesbian Employment Rights, and Rights of Women Bulletin, National Abortion Campaign.

      • Literature - titles such as Mslexia, Silver Moon Quarterly and Writing Women.

      • Media - titles such as Feminist Media Studies, The Woman Journalist and Women's Media Action Bulletin.

      • Medicine - titles such as Women in Medicine: newsletter of the Medical Women's Federation and National Association of Women Pharmacists newsletter.

      • Motherhood - titles such as Home and Family: journal of the Mother's Union, Journal of Marriage and Family, Maternity Alliance, Gingerbread, One Parent Families, World Congress of Mothers News and Information.

      • Sexuality - titles such as Sappho, Sex Roles: a journal of research, Journal of the history of sexuality, Chroma, Diva, Arena Three and Dykelife.

      • Women and peace - titles such as Woman today, Greenham Newsletter, Peace and Freedom News: journal of the British Section of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Sellafield Women's Peace Camp Newsletter, Women for a Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Newsletter and WoMenwith Hill: Women's Peace Camp Newsletter.

      • Politics - titles such as Equal Opportunities International, Gender and Society and the NAWO e-bulletin (National Alliance of Women's Organisations).

      • Prostitution - titles such as The Shield: to promote the repeal of Contagious Diseases Act, Network: news from the English Collective of Prostitutes and WHISPER: Women hurt in systems of prostitution engaged in revolt.

      • Ethnicity - titles such as Pride, Race Today and Manushi.

      • Religion - titles such as Church Militant, Jewish Women's Review, Catholic Citizen, Newsheet/Women Living Under Muslim Laws International Solidarity Network, and Movement for the Ordination of Women.

      • Science and Technology are The Woman Engineer, Science for People, Women Chemists Newsletter and Forum: Journal of the Association for Women in Science and Engineering.

      • Sport - titles such as Poise: the Health and beauty magazine, Ladies' Alpine Club, The Dyke: Lesbian Walkers' Magazine, Women in Sport: the Voice of Women's Sport and Outdoor Women.

      GB 0102 MS 380690 · Created 1888-1970

      Correspondence and papers, 1888-1970, of and relating to Samuel Pollard, used by R Elliott Kendall for his work on Pollard, and comprising 12 letters from Pollard, 1888-1915, during his time in China, 11 of them to H W Horwill; four letters concerning Pollard, 1915-1916, 1970; three articles by Pollard on China, c1911-c1913; notes by H W Horwill on Pollard, undated; 50 press cuttings, 1908-1915, including some by Pollard in religious publications; 21 press cuttings, 1915-1921, mainly obituaries and reviews of Pollard's publications.

      Pollard , Samuel , 1864-1915 , missionary
      Pollard, Samuel
      GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/China/FBN 29-30 (Boxes 639-640) · 1885-1915

      Papers, 1885-1915, of the Rev Samuel Pollard, comprising 12 diaries, 1885-1915, describing life and work in China; manuscript and typescript accounts and letters by Pollard and cuttings by Pollard and other authors, 1900s-1910s (some undated), describing missionary work and life and customs in China, including remote regions; eight photographs, undated, including local people, Pollard, and Pollard's grave.

      Pollard , Samuel , 1864-1915 , missionary
      GB 0120 MSS.7481-7490 · 1746-1920

      Papers collected by Townsend W Thorndike relating to exploration, chiefly in the Arctic including manuscript material, cuttings from periodicals and printed ephemera, 1746-1920.

      Thorndike , Townsend W , 1872-1929 , dermatologist
      Philippines political papers
      GB 0102 MS 380567 · 1972-1981

      Papers, 1972-1981 (some undated), on the Philippines, including typescripts, correspondence, maps, legal documents, press cuttings and other published material, some of the material produced by the Catholic Church, dealing with affairs in the Philippines, including the work of the Panamin government agency, the Chico River Basin Project (Northern Luzon) to dam the Chico River and submerge tribal villages, attempts to 'modernise' and convert minority ethnic groups to Christianity, including alleged abuses of human rights, and the political situation, including the policies of Ferdinand Marcos.

      GB 0120 WA/HSW · 1800-1985

      Papers of Henry Solomon Wellcome, 1800-1985, comprising articles, publications, financial records, legal records, administrative documents, property details, probate records, marriage and divorce records, diaries, microfiche of letter books, details of events, subscription lists, field and geological reports, press cuttings, photographs, ephemera, objects, and family papers dating back to 1800.

      Wellcome , Sir , Henry Solomon , 1853-1936 , Knight , manufacturing chemist, patron of science and archaeologist
      GB 1556 WL 611 · 1934-1996

      Papers relating to the persecution of Gypsies under the Nazis, 1934-1996, including personal statements of Sinti and Roma on Nazi persecution; interview transcripts; copies of trial documentation; copies of journal articles; essays; photograph; correspondence; summary of a Nuremberg document No. 4037 regarding the registering of Gypsies, 21 May 1943; photograph of an extract from a list of regulations concerning the treatment of Gypsies for the Militärbefehlshaber in Serbien, 30 May 1941; photograph of an extract of a report issued by Der Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und SD in which it is stated that 2100 Jews and gypsies were executed in revenge for the shooting of 21 German soldiers near Topola, Serbia, 9 Oct 1941; transcription of an official circular issued by the ministry of internal affairs, Prague, regarding the restriction of movement for Gypsies in Moravia and Bohemia, Dec 1941; translation of an official circular issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Bratislava, regarding the travel limitations of Gypsies on state railways, 13 Jun 1944 and copy of a map of the Gypsy ghetto in Lodz.

      Donald Kenrick and Grattan Puxon
      GB 0101 ICS 58 · 1974 (covers 1953-1964)

      Transcript of interview by Ian Hancock of Miles Anthony Pedder relating to the United Rhodesia Party (URP) and the Central Africa Party (CAP), 1953-1964; including details of his work as Honorary Secretary of the URP, the organisation of the party, establishment of Branches in Coloured, Asian and African areas from 1955; the reformation of the African National Congress (ANC), 1957; his impressions of Garfield Todd as Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia, 1953-1958; the election of Edgar Whitehead as Prime Minister, 1958; the role of the Central African Party in the Southen Rhodesia Constitutional Conference, and the subsequent referendum on the Constitution, 1960-1961; the victory of the Rhodesia Front Party, 1962, the break-up of the Federation and the Unilateral Declaration of Independence, 1963-1964.

      Hancock , Ian , fl 1974 , political scientist Pedder , Miles Anthony , fl 1953-1974 , political activist in Rhodesia
      GB 0372 PARTIZANS · Fonds · 1976-2010

      Papers of the campaign group PartiZans, including: Research material about mining; Newspaper cuttings about mining and other related industrial activities; Newspaper cuttings and reports on the affect these activities have on local communities (indigenous populations) and environments; and Correspondence, (c 1976-2010).

      Parsons Family
      GB 0102 MS 380686 · (1902-1926), 1951-1998

      Papers, 1902-1998, of the Parsons family, comprising three volumes of typescript copies of letters (1902-1926) written by the Rev and Mrs Parsons from Yunnan, China, the subjects including family matters and mission activities, descriptions of local people and culture, and references to the Miao language; unpublished Hua Miao-English dictionary and phrase book written by P Kenneth and R Keith Parsons, 1998; publications using 'Reformed' Pollard script, 1951-1994, including text books and school primer (some photocopies), collected by them.

      Parsons , Harry , 1878-1952 , missionary Parsons , Edith Annie Kate , b 1876 , missionary Parsons , Richard Keith , b 1916 , Methodist minister Parsons , Philip Kenneth , b 1916 , Methodist minister
      GB 3032 P 320 PAM · 1964-

      Press cuttings, reports, project reports, pamphlets, manuals, presidential pronouncements, and pamphlets issued by Anglican Council of South America, Asociacion Indigenista del Paraguay, Centro de Investigación y Planes, Comité de Iglesias (Asunción, Paraguay), Conferencia Episcopal Paraguaya, Equipo de Pastoral de los Paraguayos en la Argentina, Instituto de Bienestar Rural, International League for Human Rights, Ligia Bolivar O, Misión de Amistad, Movimiento Argentino Contra el Sistema de Represión del Gobierno Paraguayo, Movimiento Argentino por la Liberación de los Presos Políticos del Paraguay, Patria (Asunción), President (Paraguay), Pro Mundi Vita (Society), PROMURI, Proyecto Educación Sanitaria, Proyecto Guarani, Proyecto Paí-Tavyterã, Proyecto Urbano, Servicio Ecuménico para Migraciones, United Nations Development Programme.

      Institute for the Study of the Americas
      Panama: Political Pamphlets
      GB 3032 EV 320 PAM · 1972-

      Pamphlets, reports, analyses, histories, letters from 1972 issued by Bishops' Conference of Panama, CEASPA, Centro de Estudios Económico-Sociales(CEES), Congreso General Extraordinario Guaymí de Soloy, Chiriquí (1980), Congreso General Guaymí de Kankintú, Bocas del Toro (1st : 1979), Congreso Interamericano de Planification (10th : 1974 : Panama), Diálogo Social, Ecumenical Program for Inter-American Communication and Action, Equipo Promoción de la Mujer, Fe y Alegría (Organization), Instituto Cooperativo Interamericano. Seminar (25th : 1978 : Panamá), Institute of Torrijista Studies, Junta Militar de Gobierno (Panama), Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario (Panama), Movimiento Campesino de Panama, Survival International, United States Dept. of Defense.

      Institute for the Study of the Americas
      GB 0102 OA1 · (1876-1949) 1972-1974

      Cassette copies and transcripts of recordings of unedited interviews assembled, 1972-1974, for the radio series 'Plain Tales from the Raj', including material not included in the broadcast programmes, and comprising c200 hours of material. The 82 subjects interviewed, including men, women, adults and children, lived and worked in India from the late 19th century to Independence (1947) and the interviews cover a wide range of civilian and military experience between 1876 and 1949. Military personnel range from the Commander in Chief of the Army in India to Army privates. Civil servants of various ranks and members of the business and commercial world, for example tea planters, are also included. Women mainly comprise wives and daughters, but also include a few nurses and governesses. The project covered the lives of the British in India and, although the material touches upon the effect of the Raj on India and its indigenous inhabitants, only a small number of Indians and Eurasians were interviewed. Subjects covered include accommodation and living conditions; daily routine; social life and recreation; health and sanitation; the effects of India postings on family life; relations between the British, other Europeans, Indians and Eurasians in social and work environments; events such as riots and earthquakes; the fauna and landscape of India; and political events. Full typescript transcripts (including inaccuracies in some cases) exist for most, but not all, of the recordings.

      British Broadcasting Corporation , Radio 4
      GB 0102 OA2 · 1975-1987

      Cassette copies and transcripts of sound recordings of over 80 interviews with British and indigenous inhabitants of India, covering the pre- and post-Independence periods, made for the British in India Oral Archive Project, 1975-1976, 1984, 1987.

      School of Oriental and African Studies , British in India Oral Archive Committee
      GB 1556 WL 841 · Collection · 1941

      Information sheets and circulars disseminating information and instructions from the Nazi party hierarchy, via the regional offices of the NSDAP Gauleitung Westfalen-Nord (North Rhine-Westphalia) to lower level officials, 2 Apr 1941-25 Aug 1941. Topics include orders on the evacuation of women and children; instructions regarding restrictions of Mischlinge and Gypsies and advice on how to deal with enemy propaganda.

      National Socialist German Workers Party x Nazi Party
      GB 0074 CLC/540 · Collection · 1543-1987

      Records of the New England Company, missionary society. The majority of the collection dates from 1649, with deeds from 1543-1979. Some records are held only in the form of microfilms or xerox copies of originals held locally in North America.

      The records comprise: Charters 1662-196; Court and committee minutes 1655-1987; copy minutes of Commissioners for Indian Affairs 1699-1818; and court attendance books 1937-63 and 1970-1. Financial records 1649-1979.

      Correspondence and papers about Indians and Indian affairs in New England 1657-1764; papers relating to the proceedings of the Company 1649-56; reports on Company affairs and undertakings 1822-6; deeds and papers concerning missions in Canada 1828-1934; papers about support for missionary activity in West Indies and Canada 1961-76; and papers about the sale of the Mohawk Institute 1961-7.

      Letter books 1688-1772, 1872-1919; general correspondence 1664-1818; papers relating to supplemental charters 1898 and 1959-60; papers about the history of Company 1700-1913 and tercentenary 1949; lists of governors, treasurers, clerks and members of the company, 1668 and 1741-1859; and miscellaneous administrative and legal papers 1688-1839, 1876-7.

      Deeds and papers relating to Company estates, particularly in Essex, 1543-1979; inventories of Company effects in New England 1708, 1714; papers concerning Robert Boyle's annuity 1814-1900; copy will of Rev Daniel Williams 1711-12; and papers relating to William Pennoyer's charity 1670-1902.

      New England Company , missionary society