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        278 Descripción archivística resultados para Geografía

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        O/516 · Colección · 1914

        London County Council circulars 'Notes on Allowances to Soldiers' Wives' and 'Notes on Allowances to Sailors' Wives', 1914.

        Sin título
        Franklin, Captain Sir John (1786-1847)
        GB 0064 FRN · Colección · 1819-1845

        Papers of Sir John Franklin. They consist of a volume of bound letters written by Sir John Franklin between 1820 and 1845 to his niece Mary Anne Kay and to Lieutenant Edward Kendall, R.N., whom she later married. Several letters refer to Franklin's second overland expedition. His last letter was written in 1845 at the Whale Fish Islands. There are other letters relating to exploration and some Arctic material including prints and manuscript copies of the New Georgia Gazette of 1819.

        Sin título
        Navigation: Theory
        GB 0064 NVT · Colección · 15th century - 19th century

        This class contains thirty-two volumes relating to the theory of navigation, mathematics and astronomy, fifteenth to nineteenth centuries. The earliest is Italian, written between 1470 and 1529, entitled 'Ragioni Antique Spettanti all Arte del Mare et Fabriche de Vaselli', which includes entries in many hands on navigational calculations, astronomy, astrology, sailing directions for the Mediterranean and the building and fitting of galleys. Chronologically, the next volume is the 'Regimento de la Declinacion del Sol', a Spanish navigator's manual, c 1500; the next is English, containing mathematical rules for measuring height and length, 1557; then follows 'L'Arte della Navigatione', Italian, with tables and moveable dials, 1567; and the last of the sixteenth century is by a Jesuit, Francisco da Costa (1567-1604). 'Arte de Navegar', written between 1596 and 1598 and illustrated with sketches of the astrolabe and compass. There are three seventeenth-century volumes; a treatise on astronomy by Thomas Willford entitled 'A genuine description and use of the perpetual calendar', 1654, which also contains a description of measures and of 'moveable fairs' around the country; a volume containing navigational exercises, often illustrated, by William Downman, written between 1685 and 1686, with a large amount of other information, including lists of ships, drawings of flags. poems, victualling and measures; and a workbook by Edward Ward, 1698, containing execises in navigation, astronomy and mathematics. The eleven eighteenth-century volumes include a copy of Robert Wright's 'Treatise on finding longitude at sea', 1726; a volume of lecture notes on navigation and astronomy given in Naples, 1755; and a volume in Turkish by Ibrahim Haggi, ca.1800, entitled 'Marifet Nameh' ('Encyclopedia of Knowledge'), on astronomy, architecture and geography. There are twelve nineteenth-century volumes dating between 1804 and 1883, all of which contain navigational and astonomical exercises transcribed by British seamen.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 TRN · Colección

        These include transcripts of documents dating from the sixteenth century: the earliest is a description of Drake's preparations for his expedition in 1585. There are also transcripts of official letters, 1718 to 1720 to Admiral Sir George Byng, 1st Viscount Torrington (1663-1733), when he was in command of the British fleet in the Mediterranean; a copy of a letter describing the sinking of the GREAT BRITAIN in the St Lawrence River, 1842; and transcripts of letters from the Duke of Windsor and Prince Albert (later King George VI) to Admiral Sir Campbell Tait (1886-1946), 1913 to 1919.

        Sin título
        Beke, Charles Tilstone (1800-1874)
        GB 0120 MSS.6833-6856 · 1824-1910

        Correspondence, papers and journals of Charles Tilstone Beke, 1824-1910, principally relating to Abyssinia and the Middle East, with papers of his wife Emily Beke (née Alston). The collection holds information on all aspects of Beke's career, from his early legal training to the search for employment and financial security of his final years. His intervening travels, geographical and biblical studies and resulting publications are documented by journals, notebooks and printed material. Correspondence includes that generated during Beke's secretaryship of the National Association for the Protection of Industry and Capital throughout the British Empire; and generally reflects a wide range of scholarly acquaintance and interests. Supplementary papers of Emily Beke record her championing of C.T. Beke's posthumous reputation, and her attempts to gain recompense for his occasional government service.

        Sin título
        Gordon, Charles George (1833-1885)
        GB 0120 MSS.6894-6901 · 1856-1884

        Letters and papers of Charles George Gordon, known as 'Chinese Gordon' and later 'Gordon of Khartoum', with related letters by his brother, Colonel S.E. Gordon, and Captain C Orde Browne, 1856-1884.

        The letters and papers document many aspects of Gordon's career, including his service in China and the Sudan. They shed light on his political views, religious faith and personal ambitions and are especially important in showing his interest in biblical history and archaeology.

        The letters were largely addressed to fellow officers in the Royal Engineers.

        Sin título
        GB 0120 MSS.1140-1142 · 1748-1757

        Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Berlin, avec des Mémoires: Classe de Philosophie Expérimentale. Illustrated with folding and other pen and wash drawings. Produced in Berlin, 1748-1757.

        Sin título
        Bruin, Cornelis de (1652-1719)
        GB 0120 MSS.1378-1379 · c.1750

        The main part of these manuscripts is a translation into English of part of the published account of de Bruin's travels. There is also a transcription of a small portion of Sir John Chardin's travels. The first volume is signed by Joseph Smith, probably Joseph Smith whose biographical details are noted under the appropriate heading, and some of the manuscripts are in his hand.

        Sin título
        Coppieters, Carel
        GB 0120 MSS.1872-1876 · 1795

        Notes of lectures in Latin at the University of Louvain on Astronomy, Physics, Metaphysics, and Ethics: taken down by Carel Coppieters. The first three volumes are extra-illustrated with engraved folding plates of scientific diagrams, figures, etc.: there are also a few pen-drawn figures. Vol. I Tractatus de Astronomia Sphaerica et theoretica, nec non de Geographia (1 l. + 131 pp. + 49 ll.). II Tractatus de motu, dictante pro parte Domino parte Domino Wittenbercq (i.e. Louis Joseph Wittenbercq [1767-1798]) (121 pp. + lxiv pp.). III Tractatus de elementis, igne, aëre et acqua (50 pp. + 6 ll. + 64 pp. + 11 ll. + 37 pp. + xxiv pp.). IV Tractatus de metaphysica, dictante D. Verrueghen (45 pp. + 55 pp. + 60 pp. + lxiv pp.). V Philosophia moralis (59 pp. + xviii pp.). Produced in Louvain.

        Sin título
        Ross, Sir James Paterson (1895-1980)
        GB 0114 MS0164 · Mid 20th century

        Papers of Sir James Paterson Ross, mid 20th century, comprising a St Barthlomew's Hospital notebook [?], containg addresses; information relating to the rebuilding of the Royal College of Surgeons of England after World War Two bomb damage; a card allowing Ross to remove packages without inspection, 1941; a letter thanking Ross for his lectures on the Nervous System, 15 Jul 1942; printed notes on 'Enemy Gas Attacks'; and a reprint of The Physician's Testimony for Christ by Andrew Clark, an address originally delivered in 1890.

        Sin título
        GB 0117 MS 622 · sub-fonds · [1901-1904]

        Horizontal pendulum records from the British National Antarctic Expedition 1901-1904.

        Sin título
        Royal Society Kinabalu Expeditions
        GB 0117 MS 778 · sub-fonds · 1961-1965

        Identifications and field notes by Edred John Henry Corner and Wee Lek Chew from the Royal Society's expeditions to Kinabalu, North Borneo, 1961 and 1964; with a preliminary report on the Cambridge expedition to Mount Kinabalu, 1965.

        Sin título
        Mato Grosso: the last virgin land
        GB 0117 MS 793 · sub-fonds · 1967-1969

        An account of the Mato Grosso based on the Royal Society and Royal Geographical Society expedition to central Brazil in 1967-1969 by Anthony Smith. Typescript marked 'First draft'.

        Sin título
        Grant, James Andrew (1935-1990)
        GB 0117 MS 856 · sub-fonds · 1965

        Expedition papers of James Andrew Grant relating to the Royal Society expedition to the Solomon Islands in 1965 and to subsequent work in Australia. Includes a large number of photographic slides.

        Sin título
        JONES, A G E
        GB 0402 AGJ · 1967-1984

        Papers of A G E Jones including biographical notes on Sir Allen Young, 1981; biographical notes on John L Cope, 1982; lists of ships leaving London for New South Wales and Van Diemans Land, 1786-1825; copies of press cuttings relating to finding the grave of one of Franklin's men in North Canada, 1984; copies of two letters on the loss of the log book of the DISCOVERY, 1904; copy of an article by Jaones in 'Notes and Queries' Dec 1984 on the crew of the TERROR and Franklin's last voyage; copies of two pages from the log of the SOUTHERN CROSS; typescripts of 'The Southern whale fishery' and 'Danial Bennett and Company', 1968.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 ALM · 1908-1915

        Papers of Aeneas Lionel Acton Mackintosh comprising copy in Mackintosh's hand of his journal of a sledge journey from SS AURORA laying relief depots for Shackleton's party on the Trans-Antarctic expedition, 25 Jan 1915-15 Apr 1915 and copy of a typescript diary by Mackintosh during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1 Jan 1908-4 Mar 1909.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 AP/49-53 · sub-fonds · 1830-1938

        Papers relating to the work of the Royal Geographical Society, cientific enquiries, instruments and instruction, 1830-1938, including rough minutes of the Scientific Committee, 1830; note on the potential effects of the projected magnetic expedition, 1842; draft letter to Sir Robert Peel, 1843; plan for correcting and extending knowledge of the Chinese Empire; suggestions for the captains of vessels proceeding to the Antarctic seas, 1892; notes on instruments including of the Instruments Committee, 1857-1860; memorandum on training travellers to make useful scientific observations, by Clements Markham, 1879; draft of proposed arrangement with Mr Coles for instruction, 1879; rough minutes of Scientific Purposes Committee, 1879; instruction and instrument report, 1881; list of instruments lent to travellers, 1877-1883; proposals for instruments, 1884; report on instruments, 1894; prospectus for a 'Course of Instruction in Practical Astronomy and Surveying…' as given by E A Reeves, 1922; 'Course of instruction in exploratory survey and field astronomy', by Col C F Close, 1931; minutes, notes and correspondence of the Committee of Supervision of Instruction, 1936-1938 and instruments catalogues, 1862-1941.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 CB11 · 1941-1946

        Royal Geographical Society Correspondence Block, 1941-1946, consists of correspondence with the Society covering administrative matters as well as all aspects of geography and exploration throughout the world. These files contain incoming letters only, replies are held separately in the out-letter books. Authors include Prof Hans Ahlmann, William G V Balchin, Miss Lucy Evelyn Cheesman, Francis Chichester, Augustine Courtauld, Charles Frederick Arden-Close, Thomas Walter Freeman, Rupert Thomas Gould, Edward Heawood, Arthur R Hinks, Thomas Henry Manning, Einar Mikkelsen, Prof Eva Germaine Rimington Taylor, Prof James Alfred Steers, Sir Mark Aurel Stein, Frank Sydney Smythe, James Mann Wordie, the War Office, United Nations, K S Sandford, Scott Polar Research Institute, Wilfred Thesiger and the Ordnance Survey.

        Sin título
        RAE, Dr John (1813-1893)
        GB 0402 DJR · 1852-1883

        Papers of Dr John Rae, 1852-1883, including drafts of eleven letters, 1852-1856, addressed to the Admiralty and others on Arctic exploration; letter to H W Feilden, 19 Apri 1878; six short essays on Arctic subjects including 'On certain phenomena observed on the Arctic coast', and on treatment of frostbite; nine letters to Rae from various correspondents, 1855-1883 and diary on board the screw yacht FOX on a north Atlantic voyage, Jul-Nov 1860.

        Sin título
        FLOYER, Ernest Ayscoghe (1852-1903)
        GB 0402 EAF · [1880-1900]

        Papers of Ernest Ayscoghe Floyer comprising computations of positions, Egypt, 1892 and other papers relating to Egypt, the Nile valley and Sinai.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 EE · 1918-present day

        Papers of the Mount Everest Committee and the Joint Himalayan Committee, 1918-1953, including correspondence, minute books, reports, lectures, publications, films, photographs, papers relating to stores and equipment, press cuttings, papers relating to personnel, financial papers relating to the 1921, 1922, 1924, 1933, 1935, 1938 and 1953 expeditions to Mount Everest.

        Papers of the Mount Everest Foundation including correspondence and printed material relating to expeditions, minutes, annual reports, audit papers and applications for expeditions, 1953 onwards.

        Sin título
        NOEL, Emilia (d 1950)
        GB 0402 EFN · 1892-1937

        Notebooks of Emilia Noel, comprising 57 travel journals, 1892-1937, together with a manuscript volume of 'Indian Notes' and two small notebooks with named specimens of seaweeds and British mosses. Journals are quarto manuscript or typescript with many small watercolours, photographs, picture postcards, etc, within the text - they cover Noel's travels throughout the world.

        Sin título
        STIRLING, Edward (1797-1873)
        GB 0402 EST · 1828-1829

        Papers of Edward Stirling, 1828-1829, comprising journal of a voyage in the Persian Gulf, departed from Bombay, 1828; description of Khorassan [Khorasan], 1830; journal of a journey from Tehran to Meshed, 1828 and a journey from Meshed to Balkh-Kabul, 1828; volume containing botanical observations begun in Sept, 1828, in Meshed, and copies of letters from William Moorcroft, 1821 and 1823 and 'an account of the accidents which befell Mr Moorcroft and the party with him in Turkestan as given by Luskeree Khan one of his servants.'

        Sin título
        SKEAD, Francis
        GB 0402 FSK · 1858-1861

        Photocopies of papers relating to Francis Skead, 1858-1861, including notes by Skead on the Zambesi delta, May-June, 1858; positions on the Zambesi river observed by Young and [Skead] and an edited version of the journal of Lieut. R W Brigstock, Jan-Feb 1861, referring to his meeting with the Livingstone party.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 GFY · Colección · 1884-1981

        Papers of Sir Francis Younghusband and Sir George Younghusband, 1884-1981, including papers relating to the travels of Sir Francis Younghusband including his copy of 'Hints to Travellers'; two volumes of his travel journal, 'Kashmir to Sinkiang'; 'Leh to Yarkand and Khain to Akzai'; illustrated notebook kept by Sir George of his journey in Burma, 1887; correspondence and press cuttings.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 HHJ · 1887-1926

        Papers of Sir Harry Johnston including diary of an expedition, Rio del Ray, Cameroon, 1887, with four printed maps of the region attached; sketch and notebook, Nyasaland, 1893; sketch book, North Africa and photocopied correspondence of Johnston with members of his family, 1866-1926 and copies of six portrait photographs of Johnston.

        Sin título
        PERKINS, Hayes
        GB 0402 HHP · 1904-1957

        Papers of H Hayes Perkins, 1904-1957, including an account of some of Perkins' periods of residence and travel in the Belgian Congo, South and East Africa entitled 'The African experiences of H Hayes Perkins, 1906-53'; three volumes of personal journals in North and South America, entitled 'Here and there', 1904-1936; typescript entitled 'Alaska and the Yukon, 50 years ago', 1956; pages from Perkins' diary entitled 'The diamond fields of Kasai', 1918-1920 and typescript of Perkins' last journeys across the Sahara, 1952 and South America, 1957.

        Sin título
        STANLEY, Sir Henry Morton (1841-1904)
        GB 0402 HMS · 1871-1936

        Correspondence, newspaper cuttings and papers of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, 1871-1936, including papers relating to Stanley in the period prior to his return from Africa, 1884; correspondence of Stanley and Lady Stanley with correspondents including the Royal Geographical Society, 1878-1909, Henry Wellcome, 1885-1909; Mr and Mrs French Sheldon, 1884-1891 and Herbert Ward, 1889-1895; papers relating to the Emin Pasha Relief expedition; personal papers; papers relating to the American Testimonial Banquet, 1890, including committee minutes, correspondence and printed material; press cuttings, 1885-1933; papers relating to a Livingstone Memorial, 1894-1901 and papers relating to the death, funeral and biographies of Stanley.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 HSP · 1918-1955

        Papers of Harry St John Bridger Philby, 1918-1955, including notebooks, journals, observations, letters and annotated typescript of Arabian Highlands. The journal and notebooks cover his journey across the Empty Quarter (Al Rub al Khali) in 1932. Typewritten reports cover his motorised journeys around Saudi Arabia from 1946-1955. His observations formed the basis for maps of Arabia prepared and published by the Royal Geographical Society.

        Sin título
        FEILDEN, Col Henry Wemyss (1838-1921)
        GB 0402 HWF · 1875-1876

        Journal of Henry Wemyss Feildon entitled 'Journal of a voyage to Smith Sound in the years 1875-76 on board HMS ALERT by HWF naturalist to the expedition'; sketches, engravings, notes and press cuttings enclosed.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 HWT · 1919-1979

        Papers of Maj Harold William Tilman, 1919-1979, including logs, notebooks, journals, photographs, slides and correspondence relating to his travels by boat, and material relating to his wartime service.

        Sin título
        STEERS, James Alfred (1899-1987)
        GB 0402 JAS · 1921-1970

        Papers of James Alfred Steers, 1928-1970, including diary of voyage to Australia and Great Barrier Reef Expedition, 14 Jun 1928-11 Jan 1929; reports prepared for the Ministry of Town and Country Planning on coasts of England, Scotland and Wales, 1943-1949; report and recommendations by Steers on the conservation of coasts in certain countries of Europe, 1969 and 'Protection of coastal areas', a paper by Steers prepared for the European Committee for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, May, 1970.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 JCR · 1819-1842

        Papers of Sir James Clark Ross, 1819-1875, including log as sub-lieutenant on HMS HECLA, on W E Parry's first expedition on search of the North-West Passage, 1819-1920; letter, letter-draft and memorandum, 1838, containing proposals for an expedition in search of the North-West Passage; letter from Ross on the HMS EREBUS to the Royal Geographical Society reporting on his Antarctic voyage, 1842; and copy, made by Allen Young in 1875, of a message left by Ross at Cape Coulman, 7 Jun 1849.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 JMS · 1830-1997

        A collection of articles and letters sent to the Royal Geographical Society for publication in its Journals. This material covers all aspects of geography and exploration across the globe. This includes material from some of the most celebrated 19th and early 20th Century explorations, throughout the World. The articles were often sent to referees and their reports are often to be found with the article, in some cases the referee report has been retained even though the article has been returned to the author.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 JMS/13 · sub-fonds · 1830-1952

        Articles and letters by various authors relating to Australlia, including Papua New Guinea, sent to the Royal Geographical Society for publication in its Journals, 1830-1952. The articles were often sent to referees and their reports are often to be found with the article, in some cases the referee report has been retained even though the article has been returned to the author.

        Sin título
        RGS JOURNAL MANUSCRIPTS: America: North
        GB 0402 JMS/4 · sub-fonds · 1830-1952

        Articles and letters by various authors relating to North America, sent to the Royal Geographical Society for publication in its Journals, 1830-1952. The articles were often sent to referees and their reports are often to be found with the article, in some cases the referee report has been retained even though the article has been returned to the author.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 JMS/5 · sub-fonds · 1833-1944

        Articles and letters by various authors relating to Central America, including the Caribbean, sent to the Royal Geographical Society for publication in its Journals, 1833-1944. The articles were often sent to referees and their reports are often to be found with the article, in some cases the referee report has been retained even though the article has been returned to the author.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 JMS/9 · sub-fonds · 1830-1958

        Articles and letters by various authors relating to the Near and Middle East including Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan and Turkey, sent to the Royal Geographical Society for publication in its Journals, 1830-1958. The articles were often sent to referees and their reports are often to be found with the article, in some cases the referee report has been retained even though the article has been returned to the author.

        Sin título
        PALLISER, John (1817-1887)
        GB 0402 JPA · 1856-1942

        Correspondence of John Palliser comprising letter to Dr Norton Shaw, 1856; letter to Charles Vaux, 1857; letter to W S W Vaux, 1863; copy of a letter to Charles Vaux, 1857; printed copy of a letter to his father, 17 Jul 1857; correspondence on Palliser including from Purser, Fairholme and Paterson; two photographs and Passes of the Rocky Mountains by J N Wallace, (1927).

        Sin título
        ROSE-TROUP, Frances
        GB 0402 JRT · 1889-1919

        Collection of news cuttings from American and English newspapers on African subjects, especially the Emin Pasha Expedition, made by Mrs Rose-Troup, 1889-1896.

        Sin título
        BAINES, John Thomas (1822-1875)
        GB 0402 JTB · 1857-1870

        Papers of John Thomas Baines including manuscript descriptions of four lithographs of South Africa; photocopies of two letters to Thornton, one dated 1859; typed list of 288 paintings owned by the RGS; catalogue and booklet of exhibitions of 1975; topographical notes of journey west from Zambesi and diary, May 1869-April 1870, missing since 1968.

        Sin título
        THOMSON, Joseph (1858-1894)
        GB 0402 JTH · 1878-1901

        Papers of Joseph Thompson, 1878-1901, comprising four observations files, 1879-1888, including: computations of observations made in Morocco, 1883-1884 and 1888; positions, altitudes and temperatures, Tanganyika 1879; barometric observations, Morocco, 1888; barometric and hypsometric observations, Kenya, 1883-1884; computations of observations made in Kenya, 1883-1884; journals: of East Africa, 1881-1893; North Africa, 1889 and the Nile, 1879; correspondence, 1878-1901, (Correspondence Blocks 1871-1880, 1881-1910 and 1911-1920) including 17 letters 1878-1880; printed copies of letters Mar and Nov 1882 and Feb 1883; letters from Taveta 4 Apr 1883 and from Mombasa 5 Jun [1883] on his journey to Kilimanjaro and retreat from Ngara; 8 letters, Dec 1882, from the Foreign Office to Royal Geographical Society (RGS); 21 letters from Thomson 1882-1886 and 1892; 11 telegrams with typescript copies, 1883-1886; statement of financial accounts, John Kirk (Consul General, Zanzibar) in account with RGS for Thomson's expedition; 4p. proofs of 'Hints to Travellers' with corrections by Thomson; nine letters from J H Thomson (nephew) ,1901; three letters from J B Thomson (brother), 1895-1896; letters on a portrait of Thomson; letters to J Scott Keltie and letter to Gilmour (Keltie's son-in-law) nd.

        Sin título
        MASON, Sir Kenneth (1887-1976)
        GB 0402 KMA · 1914-1940

        Papers of Sir Kenneth Mason on the Himalayas including copy of his journal on the Shaksgam expedition, 1926; copy of letter from Mason to F V Thompson, Mussoorie about a stereo plotter used in India, 3 May 1914; correspondence, 1927-1940 on the Karakoram map; calculation of rectangular co-ordinates for Shaksgam stereographic survey by A R Hinks and cuttings from the Geographical Journal relating to the Himalayas, 1927-1935.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 LJH · [1925-1998]

        Papers of Lord Henry Cecil John Hunt, [1925-1998], including Hunt's diary of the Mount Everest expedition, 10 Mar-12 Jun 1953; photographs, transcripts of letters and diaries from the 1953 Mount Everest expedition; papers relating to the administration of the Pamirs Expedition, 1962; climbing journals, 1925-1958; extracts from diaries, 1969-1986; papers relating to the celebratory events following the ascent of Everest and the Pamirs Expedition, 1962; papers relating to expeditions including peak 36, Salturo, 1935, Kangri, Zemu glacier, 1937, Kongor expedition, Caucasus, 1958, North East Greenland, 1960, Pamirs, 1962, Greece, Pindus, 1963, Yukon Alpine centennial expedition, 1967, Nepal, 1970s-1990s, the International Karakoram Project, 1980, China, 1980s, Peru, Andes, 1983 and Kulu-Lahul-Ladakh-Kashmir, 1990; maps of Kashmir, Nepal and Mount Everest; lectures, articles and essays on mountaineering; correspondence on mountaineering; papers on mountaineering training; papers relating to mountaineering organisations including In Search of Adventure, Adventure UK, National Association for Outdoor Education, the Foundation for Outdoor Adventure, Alpine Club, Mount Everest Foundation and the British Mountaineering Council; papers relating to the Royal Geographical Society and papers relating to the Empire and Commonwealth Museum.

        Sin título
        GRAZ, César L M Des
        GB 0402 LMG · 1837-1840

        Papers of César L M Des Graz on the voyage of the ASTROLABE, 1837-1840, including journal entitled 'Impressions et remarques pendant le voyage des corvettes l'ASTROLABE et la ZELEE', 7 Sep 1837-22 Jun 1840, in three volumes; a varient draft of the journal, 7 Sep 1837-6 Feb. 1838, including pen and ink sketches; 'Tableau comparatif des idiomes des disserents peuplades visitees par l'expedition' (French and fifteen native languages of Pacific Islands, Australia and New Zealand); eulogy of Dumont D'Urville, and some account of the expedition and 'Latitudes et longitudes et direction des vents de chaque jour pendant le voyage des corvettes l'ASTROLABE et la ZELEE', 1837-1840.

        Sin título
        GB 0402 LMS · [1691-1994]

        Library Manuscripts comprise manuscript items donated to the Royal Geographical Society. They are chiefly single files or a small number of items which are not large enough to warrant forming a special collection. The papers include, astronomical and meteorological observations, diaries, correspondence, notes, conference papers, reports, articles, photographs, sketches and maps covering all aspects of geography and exploration across the globe and date from 1691 to 1994. Highlights include:

        Memorandum on a map of South America, by John Arrowsmith.

        Papers of Maj R A Bagnold, 1929-1933, comprising positions, routes and heights in Egypt and letters from Bagnold.

        Letters from Sir John Barrow to Lord Melville, 1935-1945 and letters to Barrow from Murzuq, 1822 and J D Dundas, 1818.

        Papers of Dr Heinrich Barth, 1846-1952, letters and copy of a sketch map of Timbuktu.

        Notes on heights of mountains in America by Capt F W Beechey, 1826.

        Letters from the King of Siam to Sir John Bowring, 1855.

        Letters relating to the British Arctic Air Route Expedition, 1928-1932.

        Correspondence and reports of the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition to New Guinea, 1908-1911.

        Papers of G Wyman Bury, 1913-1918.

        Papers of Capt R F M Crozier, 1836-1906.

        Account of a journey to Lhasa and central Tibet by Sarat Chandra Das, 1902.

        Papers of Lt James Barker Emery, chiefly relating to Mombassa, 1822-1835.

        Plan and elevation of the Screw Yacht FRAM as reconstructed in 1898.

        'Narrative of a small party of HMS LEVEN under command of Lt C W Browns sent to explore the Zambesi by one of the survivors, a native of Angola', by Antonio Jozi, 1823.

        Journal of Joseph Kaye's voyage from London to Genoa.

        Papers and maps relating to William Kennish's exploration in South America for a canal route.

        Papers relating to the Kufara expedition led by H W C J Penderel and P A Clayton to Gilf Kebir, 1933.

        Papers relating to the Livingstone Award, 1875-1970.

        H B Molesworth's diary of a journey to Mokalla (Mukalla), 1893.

        Letters from Sir John Morrison to Henry Dundas and others concerning Persia and trade with Persia, 1783-1792.

        Narrative of a shipwreck on the southern shores of Arabia by B A R Nicholson, 1836.
        Correspondence of Walter Oudney, 1821-1823.

        Papers of Adm Sir W E Parry, relating to the Arctic, 1819-1823.

        Papers relating to the Pitcairn Islands, 1831-1885.

        Annotated 'Code of Naval Signals' belonging to Adm Sir Home Popham, 1799.

        Letter from Sultan Husain Sufrari, 1708.

        Account of explorations on the coast of Patagonia by B Villarino, 1782.

        Travel journals of J Washington, chiefly in South America, 1822-1829.

        Letters to A F R Wollaston, 1896-1926.

        Sin título
        PRICE, Morgan Philips (1885-1973)
        GB 0402 MPP · 1910-1954

        Papers of Morgan Philips Price, 1910-1954, including letters and transcripts of letters (where the original has been destroyed), corrected typescript for an unpublished book on Russian Central Asia and the typescript of two unpublished chapters of an autobiography, (subsequently published as My Three Revolutions, 1969) and photostats and press cutting of obituaries. The papers chiefly refer to an expedition to Russian Central Asia and Chinese Turkestan undertaken with Douglas Carruthers and J.H. Millar, 1910-1911, and his return journey home from Kuldja after separating from Carruthers and Millar.

        Sin título
        ELIAS, Ney (1844-1897)
        GB 0402 NE · 1857-1890

        Papers of Ney Elias, 1857-1890, chiefly referring to Elias' career in China, Kashmir, Chinese Turkestan and with the Siamese Boundary Commission together with personal journals and drafts and the manuscripts and proofs of his book Tarikh-I-Rashidi. Nos. 1-12, 1873-1890; Nos. 13-23, drafts of letters and reports to the Government of India; Nos. 24-35, personal journals while at school in Dresden 1857-1860, 1867 and 1868 in China, 1880 Yarkand, 1885-1886 Pamir journey, and 1889-1890 as a member of the Siamese Boundary Commission; Nos. 36-48, miscellaneous notes and drafts; Nos. 48-54, rough notes and correspondence; Nos. 55-56, drafts and notes relating to a book The History of the Khojas of Eastern Turkistan; calculations of altitudes, Sinkiang, 1887 and reductions of observations made in the Mongolian Republic, 1872-1873.

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        ALDRICH, Pelham (1825-1875)
        GB 0402 PEA · 1872-1875

        Journal of the scientific research voyage of HMS Challenger from 1872-1875. Illustrated with watercolours and line drawings. The typescript contains the text of the journal.

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