Higher science education

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        662 Descrição arquivística resultados para Higher science education

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        Brixton School of Building
        GB 2110 BSB · 1902-1979

        Contains the records of the Brixton School of Building. The collection has been arranged into the following categories:

        BSB/1 Works in Converting the Baths in Ferndale Road into a Technical Institute, 1902;

        BSB/2 Prospectuses, 1936-1971;

        BSB/3 Historical Publications: three publications charting the history of the School, 1955-1979;

        BSB/4 Magazines: issues of the School's in-house magazine, 1955-1958;

        BSB/5 Distribution of Prizes and Exhibition Work: programmes listing the students receiving awards in different categories of study, 1948-1960;

        BSB/6 Syllabuses, Course Notes and Examination Papers: syllabus information for courses in Public Health Engineering, course notes for teachers on a variety of subjects and exam papers for internal and external examination, 1953-1970;

        BSB/7 Administration: papers on various courses provided by the School, 1960s;

        BSB/8 Professional Publications: a booklet regarding metrication of the UK construction industry and journal articles regarding Public Health Engineering written by a staff member 1963-1977;

        BSB/9 Photographs, c.1910-1930s.

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        London South Bank University
        GB 2110 LSBU · 1892-present

        Contains the records of London South Bank University and its former institutions, comprising:

        LSBU/1 Governance records, including the Board of Governors and the major committees which have shaped policy;

        LSBU/2 Administrative records, containing the records created by support services and departments;

        LSBU/3 Academic records, containing records related to the implementation of teaching within the university, including the Academic Board;

        LSBU/4 Staff records and personal papers;

        LSBU/5 Student Activities, containing records related to the activities of students within clubs, societies and the Student Union;

        LSBU/6 Published Sources, including staff and student magazines, prospectuses and annual reports;

        LSBU/7 Photographs

        LSBU/8 Ephemera, including posters and trophies

        LSBU/9 External publications, consisting of material about, but not produced by, the University.

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        Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London
        GB 2130 · 1617 to present day

        Papers of The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London, 1617 to present day, chart the history of its development and its changing roles and activities and notably comprise constitutional records, 1617 to present day, including charters, grants of arms, rules and ordinances, and bye-laws; records of governance, 1617 to present day, including Court and committees' minutes and standing orders; membership records, c 1670s- present day, including Yeomanry and Livery lists, freedom admission registers, quarterage books and apprenticeship bindings, and financial records, 1626 to present day, including Wardens' accounts, ledgers, bonds and annual accounts.

        The collection also includes records concerning associated trade/professional organisations including the Royal College of Physicians of London, Royal College of Surgeons of England, Royal College of General Practitioners, University of London, Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and British Medical Association. Also those of specialist interest bodies of the Society, including The Friendly Medical Society, The Association of Physicians and Surgeons of the Society of Apothecaries Limited, The Association of Certificated Dispensers; the Society's educational charities The Faculty of History and Philosophy of Medicine and Pharmacy and The Faculty of Conflict and Catastrophe Medicine; The Court of Examiners and Examinations Committee, including minutes, correspondence, lists of Licentiates including Elizabeth Garrett and Ronald Ross, lists of 'Assistants to an Apothecary', candidates' entry books, questions papers and marking sheets; Chelsea Physic Garden, including Garden Committee minutes, account books, catalogues of plants, deeds and photographs; the pharmaceutical manufacturing and retailing businesses including the Laboratory, Navy and United Stock companies; Society's awards and lectures including the Rogers Prize, Gillson Scholarship in Pathology, Galen Medal, Strickland Goodall Memorial Lecture and Gold Medal and the Keats Lecture.

        Papers include administrative and legal records, including those of the Clerk's office, Counsels' opinions, those concerning hospitality and ceremonial events, year books, Royal Addresses, Royal Commissions of Enquiry and staff records. Records of gifts and charities including Distressed Members' Fund, Widows' Fund, donations and bequests, and records of the Hall including deeds, plans, inventories, rentals, records of building works and photographs.

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        GB 2130 E/8/1/2 · sub-series · 1830-1894

        Society of Apothecaries of London: Prizemen in Botany and in Materia Medica and Pharmaceutical Chemistry collection, 1830-1894, comprises records relating to the two prizes offered to male medical students by the Society of Apothecaries and include various registers detailing entrants and prizewinners, press notices, the Clerk Robert Brotherson Upton's letter to the Royal College of Physicians regarding Willam Wyon's design for the Galen Medal and his letter to Joseph Hooker at the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew requesting his assistance in editing a press notice and Hooker's reply, 1862, prizewinners' bookplates (blank) and copies of examination papers, 1893 and 1894.

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        RCGP English Faculties Records
        GB 2134 AFE · Arquivo · 1953-2001

        Records generated by faculties in English regions, including correspondence with central departments.

        A FE A Midland
        Records of Midland Faculty. [Existing faculty, 1998]

        A FE B North Midlands
        Records of North Midlands Faculty.
        The North Midlands Faculty, based in Sheffield, was renamed the Trent Faculty in 1975. At some date after this a subfaculty in Leicester was created. Trent Faculty ceased to exist in October 1983, when the area was divided between three faculties, Sheffield, Leicester and Vale.

        A FE C Sheffield
        Records of Sheffield Faculty.
        [Existing faculty, 1998]. The Sheffield Faculty was one of three faculties which replaced the Trent Faculty in 1983. See AFE B (North Midlands, Trent Faculty).

        A FE D Leicester
        Records of Leicester Faculty.
        The Leicester Faculty was one of three faculties which replaced the Trent Faculty in 1983. A Leicester subfaculty existed previously.
        (See AFE B (North Midlands, Trent Faculty) for other documents relating to this area before 1983.)

        A FE E Vale of Trent
        Records of Vale of Trent Faculty.
        The Vale of Trent Faculty (Nottingham) was one of three faculties which replaced the Trent Faculty in 1983.
        See AFE B (North Midlands, Trent Faculty) for documents relating to this area before 1983.

        A FE F East Anglia
        Records of East Anglia Faculty.

        A FE G Wessex
        Records of Wessex Faculty.
        This faculty was established in 1964, covering the counties of Dorset, Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands and southern part of Wiltshire (these areas previously being parts of the South East England and South West England faculties).

        A FE H South West England
        Records of South West England Faculty.
        Part of the faculty merged with part of South East England Faculty toform the Wessex Faculty in 1964.

        A FE J Tamar
        Records of Tamar Faculty.
        The Tamar Faculty was formed in 1980

        A FE K Severn
        Records of Severn Faculty.
        Severn Faculty was formed in 1980.

        A FE L North West England
        Records of North West England Faculty.

        A FE M Yorkshire
        Records of Yorkshire Faculty.
        The Humberside (previously Hull and East Yorkshire) Subfaculty of the Yorkshire Faculty became a separate faculty in 1988.

        A FE N North East, North England
        Records of North East England, later North of England Faculty.
        [Existing faculty, 1998]. The North East England became the North ofEngland Faculty in November 1973. A subfaculty was formed in Cumbria in 1976, which became a faculty in 1984.

        A FE P Cumbria
        Records of Cumbria faculty
        Cumbria was formed as a subfaculty of the North of England Faculty in 1976. It became a faculty in 1984. See A FE N. A FE Q Merseyside and North Wales, Mersey
        Records of Merseyside and North Wales Faculty, subsequently the Mersey faculty. [Existing faculty, 1998]. The Merseyside and North Wales Faculty was founded in 1954. From November 1987 when the North Wales subfaculty achieved full faculty status, it became the Mersey Faculty.

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        South East Essex Technical College
        GB 2381 SEET · 1936-1970

        Records of the South East Essex Technical College, later Barking Regional College of Technology, 1936-1970, comprising:

        Prospectuses, 1936-1969 [incomplete]; records of the Social and General Studies, Commercial and Science Departments, 1949-1970, notably manuscript lecture notes of Frederick A Filby, lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and Biology, [1954-1965]; joint reports of the Association of Technical Institutions, the Association of Principals of Technical Institutions and the Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions, relating to the design of technical colleges, 1935,1938; programmes for opening ceremonies and prize giving, 1936-1966; photographs mostly of the exterior of South East Essex Technical College, [1940s-1960s]; press cuttings, [1947-1970]; reports and histories relating to the formation of North East London Polytechnic, 1962-1969; Borough of Barking Council minutes, 1938-1965; County Council of Essex Health Committee minutes, 1952.

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        PERCY, John (1817-1889)
        GB 378 LDGSL/914 · Item · 1864-1888

        Scrapbook of cuttings collected and notes made by Dr John Percy between 1864 and 1888, including transciptions of a series of twelve lectures given at the Royal School of Mines in December 1863 and January 1864, as published in 'Chemical News' between January and August 1864. The lectures, entitled 'Chemical Geology', are annotated and cover subjects such as silicon, alumina, sulphur and diamond.

        These cuttings from 'Chemical News' are interspersed with those from several other publications, primarily the 'Engineering and Mining Journal', 'Mining Journal', and 'The Times' newspaper, as well as handwritten notes by Percy. Content mostly involves diamonds, diamond mining, and other mining activities.

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        GB CR/1906/2 JSCSC · 1906

        Staff College 1906. Schemes, Indoor and Outdoor, and Notes issued: Senior Division.: 1 Position of both armies 31st July 1870, Col Kiggell. 2 Rough sketch, Central Europe, Col Kiggell. 3 State knowledge of foreign places visited, Col Aston. 4 Discuss the best course of action for the French on 31st July 1870, Col Kiggell. 5 March of the IIIrd German army, 4th Aug 1870, Col Kiggell. 6 Railways of South Africa, Lt Col Stopford. 7 List of books etc best suited for study of Imperial strategy, Col Aston. 8 Imperial strategy scheme 1 (preliminary). Study of Hampshire, especially ground near Blackwater, Col Aston. 9 Draw up distribution of German cavalry throughout German armies for 1870 war, Lt Col Gough. 10 Employment of population of the United Kingdom, Col Aston. 11 Seizure of harbour to be used as fortified base, Col Aston. 12 Prepare railway station for reception of troops, Lt Col Stopford. 13 Battle of Weissenburg, Col Kiggell.

        14 As officer of HQ French staff, draft instructions for Emperor and MacMahon on information received up to 30-7-1870, Col Kiggell. 15 As C of S Prussian HQ in 1870, draw up dispositions of covering force of VII and VIII Corps and Cavalry to cover concentration of IInd army, Lt Col Gough. 16 Proportional annual values of United Kingdom trade routes, Col Aston. 17 Raily. Exercise. Report on stations for entraining, Lt Col Stopford. 18 Financial aspects of the Franco-Prussian War, Col Aston. 19 Arrangements for battlefield tours, April and May, Col Kiggell. 20 The difficulties and cost of sea transport during war, Col Aston. 21 British vessels suitable for infantry transport, Col Aston. 22 Large general map of 1870 campaign showing positions of armies on 5th August, Col Kiggell. 23 Annual coal production of the world, Col Aston. 24 Disembarkation (preliminary) appreciation of the situation as member of Committee of Imperial Defence, Col Aston. 24a Problem No 3. 25 List of ships that can be used as transports, Col Aston. 26 Embarkation and disembarkation, capture of Blackwater, landing in Stratfieldsaye Bay, Col Aston and Lt Col Stopford. 27 French positions at Woerth about 8.15am, Col Kiggell. 28 Operations of 5th German cavalry 11th to 14th Aug 1870, Lt Col Gough. 29 Attack of the XIth German corps on Lartigue's divn at Woerth, Col Kiggell. 30 Joint naval and military staff tour. Four parties with directing staff, the Commandant. 31 Battle of Spicheren about 12.30pm, Col Kiggell. 32 Sketch showing positions of both armies 5th August 1870, Col Kiggell. 33 List of lectures on 1870 campaign to end term, Col Kiggell. 34 Sketch of positions night of 13th Aug 1870, Col Kiggell. 35 Rough notes on Battle of Rezonville from French official account, Vol "Metz 2", Lt Col Gough.

        36 Railway exercise No 3, concentration of invading army from south at Guildford, Lt Col Stopford. 37 Two sketches: 1. showing positions on 18th August 1870. 2. showing 1st attack of IXth corps on 18th Aug, Col Kiggell. 38 Cavalry problem No 3. As Bazine about 2pm on 16th Aug, draw up plan of attack on Germans, Lt Col Gough. 39 Positions of armies on 24th and 28th Aug 1870, Col Kiggell. 40 British and Foreign Mercantile Marine (E), Col Aston. 41 Battle of Beaumonth (30th Aug 1870), Col Kiggell. 42 Semene [sp? Meant to be "scheme"?] I embarkation at Southampton, The Commandant. 42a Scheme II raid on Portsmouth and Reconnce, Cols Aston and Stopford. 43 Positions evening of 31st Aug 1870. 44 British vessels suitable for transports (E1), Col Aston. 45 Principles of Imperial strategy applicable to the British Empire (K), Col Aston. 46 Naval and military strategy compared (D), Col Aston. 47 Notes on telegraph cables (E), Col Aston. 48 Special idea No 1 and special idea no 2} Staff tour with opposing forces 21st to 24th May: Red - Marlborough; Blue - Winchester, The Commandant.

        49 List of NID books, Col Aston. 50 Distribution of 1st class battleships on 15-4-1906, Col Aston. 51 General idea of permanent scheme for summer term, the Commandant. Appreciation etc from French side. 9 syndicates of 3 (K.L), Col Kiggell. Prepare army order giving effect to "linked county" Bde: system. 4 syndicated of 3 (S.1), Lt Col Stopford. 52 Contn. of no 51. Units composing 1st, 2nd and 3rd cav: bde and 1st IInd and IIIrd Army Corps, Lt Col Stopford. 53 Cont. of no 48. Map showing positions of Red and Blue just N of Winchester, Col Kiggell. 54 Imperial strategy no IV. Ascertain how far desirable to employ raiding forces in case of war, Col Aston. 55 Lines of communication of a fleet (D.2), Col Aston. 56 List of lectures given in a preliminary course of imperial strategy, Col Aston. 57 Narrative of field operations, Col Kiggell. 58 List of parties, Red and Blue, Col Kiggell. 59 Permt. Scheme, work for 11th June. Reconnaissance. Red with view to offensive operations. Blue for defensive position, Col Kiggell.

        60 General idea and Part I Wales staff tour 25th to 30th June. Description of proposed operations &c. Plan of campaign and exercise no 11. Intelligence report of country, composition of columns etc, the Commandant. 61 Offensive action by the British Army in war (M), Col Aston. 62 Permt. scheme. Narrative to 7th day. Work for 2nd July. Red & blue. Reconnaissance for 8th day. Force orders and sketch showing dispositions, Col Kiggell. 63 Amplify and criticise paper (M) no 61, Col Aston. 64 Instructions re visit of portion of division to Channel Fleet at Weymouth, the Commandant. 65 Frame 4 day's staff ride scheme, the Commandant. 66 Instructions re writing report while attached to other arms during August, the Commandant. 67 Narrative of supply arrangements up to 3rd day, Lt Col Stopford. 68 Work for Monday, "8th day", Col Kiggell. 69 General situation 8th day, conference with sketch and dispositions of red and blue, Col Kiggell. 70 Work of red and blue for 12th day, Col Kiggell. 71 Positions of both forces at dusk 8th day. Work for 16th and 18th July, Col Kiggell. 72 Staff duties required in carrying out withdrawal in face of enemy, Col Kiggell. 73 Red - General dispositions of troops during 9th day. Blue - reconnoitre red position with view to attach, Col Kiggell. 74 Issue of verbal orders in attack by commanders of divns, bdes and battns, Col Kiggell.

        75 Discuss in syndicates of 3, best course of action for red and blue. Work for Thursday (9th day), Col Kiggell. 76 Work for Friday 27th, Col Kiggell. 77 Precise of solutions of scheme IV, Col Aston. 78 Inspection staff tour 8th to 11th October, the Commandant. 79 Imperial strategy. Scheme VI. Report conditions under which force not exceeding 4 cav: bdes: and 6 infty: divns: would be likely to be required, Col Aston. 80 Frame schemes and make arrangements for examination of officers for tactical fitness, Col Kiggell. 81 Opposing forces cavalry Gettysburg campaign, Col Gough. 82 Study of a possible campaign in Abyssinia, the Commandant. 83 Comparative statement of war vessels in principal foreign powers, Col Aston. 84 Japanese lines of advance to Liao Yang, Col Kiggell. 85 Brandy Station, showing battle of 9.6.1863, Col Gough. 86 Distribution of the British Fleet, Col Aston. 87 Sketch of Liao Yang operations up to 31st August 1904, Col Kiggell. 88 Draw up scheme for propose manoeuvres in 1902. 8 parties, Lt Col Stopford. 89 Outline of events of China-Japanese war 1894-5, Col Aston. 90 Study of possible operations of British force on the continent in case of violation of Belgium neutrality, Col Kiggell. 91 Papers to be read in connection with lecture "Regtl tactical exercise" on 14th inst, Lt Col Du Cane. 92 Outline of events of Spanish-American war of 1898, Col Aston. 93 Belgian scheme part II (contn of no 90). New appreciation of situation &c. Syndicates as before, Col Kiggell. 94 Certain officers of division only. "Tactical fitness" scheme no 1, Col Kiggell. 95 Imperial strategy scheme VII. Part I. Raiding forces reaching shores of U Kingdom in war. Outline map with objectives, Col Aston. 96 Precis of solutions of scheme VI (no 79), Col Aston. 97 Scheme for the defence of India. 10 syndicates, the Commandant. 98 Cont. of no 94. Certain officers of divisions. Exercise in "tactical fitness", Col Kiggell. 99 List of lectures in Imperial strategy II, Col Aston. 100 Contn of nos 90 and 93. Positions of Germans and Dutch and French and Belgians, Col Kiggell. 101 "Tactical fitness" problem no 3, Col Kiggell. 102 Heads of syndicates to draw up brief summary of conclusions arrived at. Cont of nos 90 and 93, Col Kiggell. 103 Austro-Italian war 1866, events up to battle of Lissa, Col Aston. 104 Sketch of positions of Grant and Lee in 1864, Col Kiggell. 105 "Tactical Fitness" scheme no 4. Action between opposing advanced guards, Col Kiggell. 106 5 maps to illustrate lectures of "cavalry and horse artillery", Lt Col Du Cane. 107 Precise and comment of Royal Commission of 1859 on stationery defences, Col Aston. 108 Abyssinian scheme. Summary of work submitted by parties, Lt Col Stopford. 109 Precise of work. NW frontier scheme, the Commandant. 110 Maps re issues for students lectures, the Students.

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        GB CR/1908/1 JSCSC · 1908

        1 Enlarge specimen sketch, Lt Col Banon. 2 1st lecture. Artillery, Lt Col Furse. 3 On writing papers connected with mil subjects, :t Col Sackville-West. 4 Marches, Lt Col Sackville-West. 5 2nd lecture - artillery, Lt Col Furse. 6 [Map of] Waterloo campaign - theatre of war, Lt Col Sackville-West. 7 Waterloo campaign, no 1, Lt Col Sackville-West. 8 Discuss offensive v defensive strategy with reference to Napoleon's decision in June, 1815, Lt Col Sackville-West. 9 Paper on comparative advantages of division and mixed brigade as peace and war organization in British Army, Lt Col Furse. 10 No 2 combined training, operation orders, Lt Col Sackville-West. 11 IVth lecture. Artillery in attack, Lt Col Furse. 12 No 2 Waterloo campaign. Positions night of 15th and 16th June, 1815, Lt Col Sackville-West. 13 Vth lecture. Artillery in defence, Lt Col Furse. 14 Memory sketch, Lt Col Banon. 15 Plot field-book traverse, Lt Col Banon. 16 IVth lecture. Fire tactics, Lt Col Furse. 17 Explain teaching of C.T re reconnaissance of hostile position, and suggest means of overcoming difficulties, Lt Col Sackville-West. 18 C.T operation orders, No 3, Lt Col Sackville-West. 19 No 3, Waterloo campaign, Lt Col Sackville-West. 20 W.O administration 1856 to 1904, Lt Col Banon. 21 VIIth lecture. Fire discipline, Lt Col Furse. 22 No 4 Waterloo campaign, Lt Col Sackville-West. 23 Attack of position with special reference to role of artillery. Map - 6 syndicates, Lt Col Furse. 24 Marching by compass bearing, Mt Col Banon. 23a VIIIth lecture - manoeuvre, Lt Col Furse. 25 Notes on formation of committee of Imp.Def, Lt Col Banon. 26 Precis certain correspondence, Lt Col Banon. 27 IXth lecture - heavy artillery and howitzers, Lt Col Furse. 28 Defence of positions. Opposite to scheme 2 (no 23). Map. 6 syndicates, Lt Col Furse. 29 i. Advanced, flank and rear guards. ii. No 5, Waterloo campaign, Lt Col Sackville-West. 30 Tactical occupation of a position - re. battle of Ligny, Lt Col Sackville-West. 31 Xth lecture. Horse artillery, Lt Col Furse. 32 XIth lecture. Mountain artillery, Lt Col Furse. 33 Memo re ammunition supply of territorial division in the field. 8 syndicates, Lt Col Furse. 34 No 6 Waterloo campaign. Quatra Bras, Lt Col Sackville-West. 35 March orders for mixed brigade, Lt Col Sackville-West. 36 Appreciation of a situation, Lt Col Sackville-West. 37 XIIth lecture. Organization, Lt Col Furse. 38 Army administration & HQ staff in India, Lt Col Banon. 39 Instructions for finishing sketches, Lt Col Banon. 40 Outposts, Lt Col Sackville-West. 41 Road sketch, Lt Col Banon. 42 Memo describing and discussing former and present systems of military administration in India, Lt Col Banon. 43 As Napoleon's CGS appreciate situation, 8am 17.6.1815, Lt Col Sackville-West. 44 i. No 7 Waterloo campaign. ii. Map of field of Waterloo. iii. Positions of Wellington's army 16, 17th & 18th June, Lt Col Sackville-West. 45 XIIIth lecture. Ammunition supply, Lt Col Furse. 46 Selection of defensive position for divn, Lt Col Furse. 47 No 8 Waterloo campaign, Lt Col Sackville-West. 48 Constitution and work of Colonial Defence Committee, Lt Col Banon. 49 Preparations necessary before night march, Rough sketch - orders for march, 8 Synds, Lt Col Sackville-West. 50 Re report while attached to other arms, The Commandant. 51 Appreciation as CGS to Duke of Wellington beginning of 1815. 8 Syndicates, Lt Col Sackville-West. 52 XIVth lecture. Coast defence i, Lt Col Furse. 53 What lessons of Waterloo campaign most valuable for modern war? Lt Col Sackville-West. 54 XVth lecture. Coast defence ii, Lt Col Furse. 55 Panoramic sketch, Lt Col Banon. 56 XVIth lecture. Coast defence iii, Lt Col Furse. 57 Continuation of no 46 - sketch and range-taker's card for brigade of 18prs, Lt Col Furse. 58 Memo explaining system of providing foreign drafts, Lt Col Banon. 59 Outpost scheme. 8 syndicates, Lt Col Sackville-West. 60 Plane-table sketch, Lt Col Banon. 61 XVIIth lecture. Coast defence iv, Lt Col Furse. 62 March orders for division. 8 syndicates, Lt Col Sackville-West. 63 XVIIIth lecture. Coast defence v, Lt Col Furse. 64 XIXth lecture. Coast defence vi, Lt Col Furse. 65 Course of instruction in artillery, Lt Col Furse. 66 Horseback sketch, Lt Col Barrow. 67 2 maps 1862, general and Virginia, Lt Col Braithwaite. 68 Reconnaissance (with reference to artillery) for attack on enemy's rear guard, Lt Col Furse. 69 No 1 campaign in E Virginia, Lt Col Sackville-West. 70 Outposts (newly joined officers), Lt Col Hon G Morris. 71 Operation orders (1st lecture) with examples, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 72 Outpost scheme - report & sketch. Work in pairs, Lt Col Sackville-West. 73 Operation orders (2nd lecture), Lt Col Hon G Morris. 74 No 2 American war, 1862, Lt Col Sackville-West. 75 Billeting and camping scheme. 11 syndicates, Lt Col Perceval. 76 Appreciation of situation E Virginia, Feb '62, Lt Col Sackville-West. 77 Attack and defence, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 78 Attack on a position. 1st day, reconnaissance. 2nd day, orders for attack. 8 syndicates, Lt Col Banon & Lt Col Sackville-West. 79 XXth lecture. Siege artillery, Lt Col Furse. 80 Battle of Kernstown 23/3/62, Lt Col Sackville-West. 81 River reconnaissance, Lt Col Barrow. 82 Reconnoitre and select position for defence, writer orders for occupation &c. 8 syndicates, Lt Col Braithwaite. 83 Battle of Bull Run 21.7.61, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 84 Compare Bull Run operations with Rappahannock & Rapidan, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 85 No 4 campaign in E Virginia, 1862, Lt Col Sackville-West. 86 Camping scheme for a division, Lt Col Perceval. 87 Lecture on reconnaissance, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 88 Operation orders. Retirement of Red force, northwards across Blackwater. 14 syndicates, Lt Col Sackville-West. 89 No 5 1862, Battle of McDowell, Lt Col Sackville-West. 90 Battlefield of Gettysburg, Lt Col Furse. 91 No 6 1862, Battle of Winchester, Lt Col Sackville-West. 92 Mounted sketch, Lt Col Barrow. 93 Panorama sketching by Captain Moberly, Lt Col Banon. 94 Fortified post on L of C, Lt Col Harper. 95 No 7 1862, Cross Keys - Port Republic, Lt Col Sackville-West. 96 Organization & mobilization of foreign armies, Lt Col Barrow. 97 Cavalry No 1, Lt Col Furse. 98 Defensive position covering town & arsenal, Lt Col Harper. 99 No 8 1862, Stuart's Raid, Lt Col Sackville-West. 100 Cavalry No 2, Lt Col Furse. 101Select positions for rear guard, writer orders for occupation, &c, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 102 Supply & transport No 1. 8 syndicates, Lt Col Banon. 103 Cavalry no 3, Lt Col Furse. 104 Discuss 4 principal strategical lessons of 1862 campaign between 24th Mar and 17th June, Lt Col Braithwaite. 105 Ammunition supply of a division, Lt Col Sackville-West. 106 Continuation of No 96, Lt Col Barrow. 107 List of parties (5) for Staff Tour 22nd-24th. Draw up schemes &c, The Commandant. 108 Reconnaissance of area of country, Lt Col Barrow. 109 Cavalry No 4, Lt Col Furse. 110 Specimen operation orders, see no 101, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 111 Tactical exercise with historical parallels. 4 parties. 5 situations, Lt Col Sackville-West. 112 General & special ideas for 5 parties. Appreciations to be in by 7pm 20/7, Directing Staff. 113 Cavalry No 5, Lt Col Furse. 114 Syllabus of examn: fd sketching and reconsnce, Lt Col Barrow. 115 Continuation of No 106, Lt Col Barrow. 116 Syllabus for examination in military history & geography, strategy & tactics, Lt Col Sackville-West. 117 No 1 1866 campaign & map of Germanic confederation, Lt Col Sackville-West. 118 Reconnaissance & sketch, Lt Col Barrow. 119 General map 1866 (mounted - to be returned), Lt Col Sackville-West. 120 No 2 1866 campaign, and 2 small maps. i general. ii strategical. iii the quadrilaterals, The Commandant. 121 No 3 1866 campaign, Lt Col Sackville-West. 122 Supply scheme. 4 parties, Lt Col Banon. 123 On Moltke's projects for the campaign of '66, Lt Col Braithwaite. 124 No 5 1866 campaign, Lt Col Sackville-West. 125 Austerlitz. Notes of 1st & 2nd lectures, composition of "Grande Armee" and 2 maps, i. general. ii. Battlefield, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 126 Showing positions of forces, Nov 25th '05, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 127 Paper on points most worthy of note in operations in Valley of Danube Lintz to Austerlitz, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 128 Tactical exercise, night operations, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 129 Infantry No 1, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 130 Syllabus of work - staff duties, supply, transport and remounts and military law, Lt Col Banon. 131 Syllabus of military engineering, Lt Col Harper. 132 Infantry No 2, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 133 No 6 1866, campaign & map of deployment and operations up to 3rd July 1866, Lt Col Sackville-West. 134 Paper on criticism of deployment and movements of Prussian forces May 15th to June 15th 1866, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 135 Imperial organization, Lt Col Barrow. 136 Tactical exercise. Advance of invading red army. 4 exercises as OC advanced guard, GOPC division &c; 5 parties, Lt Col Sackville-West. 137 No 7 1866 campaign, Lt Col Sackville-West. 138 Two general maps to illustrated "cavalry studies", Lt Col Furse. 139 No 8 1866 campaign, Lt Col Sackville-West. 140 No 9 1866 campaign and map of operations on the Iser, Lt Col Sackville-West. 141 Austerlitz. Notes of 3rd and 4th lectures, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 142 Foreign armies, no 4 Switzerland & Norway, Lt Col Barrow. 143 Two maps to illustrate "cavalry studies", Lt Col Furse. 144 Chain of supply from WO to units in field, Lt Col Banon. 145 Salamanca. Lecture notes and 3 maps to illustrate campaign, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 146 Torres Vedras & Sebastopol, Lt Col Harper. 147 No 10 1866 campaign, Lt Col Sackville-West. 148 Frame exercise upon historical example (Salamanca). 14 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 149 No 11 1866 campaign & sketch of billets &c of VI Austrian corps, 27.6.1866, Lt Col Sackville-West. 150 Mobilization of expeditionary force. Syndcs, Lt Col Barrow. 151 Night operations with plate of explanatory sketches, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 152 Infantry formations for artillery fire, with set of examples of actual QF practise, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 153 No 12 1866 campaign, Lt Col Sackville-West. 154 Criticise criticism on generalship of Prince Fk. Charles up to action of Jicin, Lt Col Sackville-West. 155 No 13 1866 campaign & map of positions, 2nd July, Lt Col Sackville-West. 156 Organization of colonial forces, Lt Col Barrow. 157 No 14 1866 campaign, Lt Col Sackville-West. 158 Intelligence scheme, obtaining certain information while attaché incontinental state, Lt Col Banon. 159 Certain correspondence between Benedek, CP of Saxony and Clam Gallas, Lt Col Sackville-West. 160 1866 campaign. Sadowa, 1st and 2nd lectures and map, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 161 Comment on salient features of Battle of Sadowa, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 162 Port Arthur, Lt Col Harper. 163 1866 campaign. Sadowa, 3rd lecture, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 164 Port Arthur, Eastern defences & Fort Kuropatkin, Lt Col Harper. 165 North Keikwansan Fort, Lt Col Harper. 166 Chain of command, territorial forces, Lt Col Banon. 167 Lectures of military law by Colonel Pemberton, Lt Col Banon.

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        GB CR/1911/2 JSCSC · 1911

        1 Railways in 1870-71, Lt Col Bols. 2 1870 campaign. Notes and exercises. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Ross. 3 1870 campaign. Exercise. 13 syndicates, Col Perceval. 4 Organization of German Army Corps, Lt Col Hoskins. 5 1870 campaign. Exercise, Lt Col Furse. 6 Four maps illustrating cavalry actions, Lt Col Greenly. 7 South African railway map, Lt Col Bols. 8 1870 (Woerth), Col Perceval. 9 1870. Exercise no 4. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Ross. 10 1870 (Gravalotte), Lt Col Furse. 11 Battlefield tour, April-May; instructions re, Col Perceval. 12 Cavalry scheme (outdoor) - 17 syndicates, Lt Col Greenly.

        13 Overseas expeditions - disembarkation on open beach, etc, Col Gough. 14 Tactical exercise (under Directing Staff), Lt Col Furse. 15 Problem - Canadian Frontier (confidential), The Commandant. 16 Hints on writing an appreciation of a situation, The Commandant. 17 Instructions on writing 'papers on military subjects', The Commandant. 18 Reorganization of T&S, Colonel Foster. 19 Manchurian campaign (Yalu), Lt Col Fuse. 20 Manchurian campaign Exercise A. 13 syndicates, Lt Col Furse. 21 Manchurian campaign (Te-li-ssu), Lt Col Furse. 22 Manchurian campaign exercise B, Lt Col Ross. 23 Japanese divisions of service, Lt Col Hoskins. 24 Japanese system of conscription and training, Lt Col Hoskins. 25 Exercise in reconnaissance work, 7/8th March, Col Gough. 26 Cavalry scheme for 9th. 6 syndicates under Directing staff, Lt Col Greenly. 27 Paper required on 'foreign armies', Lt Col Hoskins. 28 R-J War: 1) Judsiatan, 2) Cavalry 29th May '04, 3) Protection Stackelberg's Corps 10/13.04, Lt Col Greenly. 29 Suggestions required re co-operation with other arms, The Commandant.

        30 Railway control exercise I. Outdoor, Lt Col Bols. 31 Coast reconnaissance exercise - 8 syndicates, Lt Col Roper. 32 Tactical exercise. 7 syndicates, Col Perceval. 33 Night operations, 18/3. Exercise (8 syndicates), Col Perceval. 34 Organization of staff duties in the field, Lt Col Whigham. 35 Staff tour ("staff duties") 10th-12th April, The Commandant. 36 Railway control exercise. 13 syndicates, Lt Col Bols. 37 Tactical exercise (indoor). 6 parties under Directing Staff, Lt Col Fowler. 38 Combined naval and military exercise, 3/7th April, Col Gough. 39 Eastern counties staff tour - half division, Col Gough. 40 Eastern counties staff tour - half division, Col Perceval. 41 Syllabus training and manoeuvres (3 lectures), Lt Col Whigham. 42 Instructions re messages and signals, Lt Col Whigham. 43 Staff duties exercise (indoors), Lt Col Hull. 44 'Signals' exercise (indoor), Lt Col Fowler.

        45 Railway exercise (3), Lt Col Bols. 46 Tactical exercise - 25/5, Col Perceval. 47 Mars la Tour (cavalry lecture), Lt Col Greenly. 48 Reconnaissance - (29/5 - 2/6), Lt Col Greenly. 49 Lecture "Mars la Tour and Vionville" (cavalry), Lt Col Greenly. 50 Tactical problem (outdoor), Lt Col Ross. 51 Signal exercise (outdoor), Lt Col Fowler. 52 Administrative scheme, 5/6 (indoor), Col Foster. 53 L. of C. exercise, 6/6 (indoor), Lt Col Bols. 54 Tactical ex: staff duties, 7/7 (indoor), Lt Col Hoskins. 55 Preparation of schemes for tactical exercise (1), Lt Col Whigham. 56 Mars la Tour, charge of Bredow's Brigade (lecture), Lt Col Greenly. 57 'Tel el-Kebir' (lecture), Lt Col Furse. 58 Forms for 'reports on resources', Col Foster. 59 Staff duties exercise (writing orders etc) - indoor, Col Gough. 60 NW frontier of India, Lt Col Stewart. 61 Reconnaissance exercise, 21/6, Lt Col Roper. 62 Choice of 3 subjects re memoir 'expeditionary force', The Commandant. 63 Lecture 'Mountain warfare', Lt Col Stewart. 64 Staff tour in Wales, Lt Col Stewart. 65 Reconnaissance of manoeuvre areas, June 27/28, Lt Col Hull.

        66 Tactical day 'defence by night', Lt Col Furse. 67 March and supply of two Divisions (graphic), Col Foster. 68 Staff duties exercise 4/7 (continuation of no 59), Col Gough. 69 Preparation of schemes for field operations (2), Lt Col Whigham. 70 March and supply (graphic exercise), Col Foster. 71 Tactical Ex: 'interfering with march of hostile column', Lt Col Furse. 72 'Cavalry co-operating in attack' (exercise), Lt Col Greenly. 73 Tactical problem 'action of an inferior force', Lt Col Ross. 74 Night operations exercise, July 24th, Lt Col Whigham. 75 Night operations exercise, July 25th, Lt Col Whigham. 76 Night operations exercise, July 24th, Col Gough. 77 Night operations exercise, July 26th, Col Gough. 78 Night operations exercise, July 24th, Col Gough. 79 Night operations exercise, July 26th, Col Gough. 80 Transport and supply services, army manoeuvres, 1911, Col Foster. 81 Example graph "march and supply of 2 divisions", Col Foster. 82 Report on attachment to other arms, The Commandant. 83 Inspection staff tour, The Commandant. 84 India - internal defence. Notes (1), Lt Col Stewart. 85 Railways - designation of railway personnel, Lt Col Bols. 86 Tactical exercise, reconnaissance, etc, Lt Col Furse. 87 Protective cavalry - 6th October, Lt Col Greenly. 88 Preparation of tactical schemes (indoor exercise), Lt Col Whigham. 89 Cavalry scheme - distribution of mounted troops - 10 Oct, Lt Col Greenly. 90 Persia - map of the Baghdad railway, Lt Col Stewart. 91 Preparation f a scheme - inspection of a division, Lt Col Whigham. 92 General paper on Abyssinia, Lt Col Hoskins. 93 Tactical problem, 24th October, Lt Col Ross. 94 L. of C. estbts (lecture on organisation of the administrative services, European warfare), Col Foster. 95 Abyssinia problem, paper 2, Lt Col Hoskins. 96 Corunna - map to illustrate cavalry retreat, Lt Col Greenly. 97 Military aviation - notes, Capt Brooke-Popham. 98 English and German cavalry formations (strength), Lt Col Greenly. 99 Tactical problem - outdoor - 16th November, Lt Col Ross. 100 Franco-German 'conversations'. Utilization, Indian troops, The Commandant. 101 Comparative summary of the fighting fleets (imp. Defence), Lt Col Fowler. 102 Railways of France and Germany, Lt Col Bols. 103 Indoor exercise - Friday, 24th November, Col Gough. 104 Paper on home defence, Lt Col Furse. 105 "1870-1871", Lt Col Ballard. 106 "1870-1871", "operations on the Loire", "organization of the People's army", "German forces on the Loire", Lt Col Ballard. 107 Exercise in control of divisional ammunition columns, Col Foster. 108 Schedule of railway movements, Lt Col Bols. 109 Comments on memoirs (see No 62), The Commandant.

        Sem título
        GB CR/1912/1 JSCSC · 1912

        1 History of the British army, Lt Col Roper. 2 Diagrams (3): army administration prior to Crimean War; after; arid system introduced by Mr Cardwell, Lt Col Roper. 3 Exercises I, II, III and IV “Marches”, Lt Col Ballard. 4 General syllabus of lectures on artillery, Lt Col Jeudwine. 5 Artillery lecture No 1, Lt Col Jeudwine. 6 Artillery lecture Nos 2 and 3, Lt Col Jeudwine. 7 Artillery lecture No 4, Lt Col Jeudwine. 8 Hints on the writing of an appreciation of a situation, Col Gough. 9 English composition, Lt Col Ballard. 10 Tables 1 to 4, 'organisation and duties of the staff', Lt Col Whigham. 11 Marches and time and space, Lt Col Whigham.

        12 Transport for artillery (brigade, howitzer brigade, heavy battery, etc), Lt Col Whigham. 13 Artillery communications, Lt Col Jeudwine. 14 Artillery lecture No 5, Lt Col Jeudwine. 15 1st exercise in writing orders, Lt Col Whigham. 16 Artillery lectures nos 6 and 7, Lt Col Jeudwine.17 Notes on defence, Lt Col Ballard. 18 Tactical problem I, Col Gough. 19 Artillery lecture No 8, Lt Col Jeudwine. 20 Messages and signals, Lt Col Whigham. 21 Notes for lecture on attack, Lt Col Ballard. 22 Artillery, exercise No 1, Lt Col Jeudwine. 23 Field engineering, 'exercise in the strengthening of a position against frontal attack', Lt Col Fowler. 24 Table: liability to service of the various classes German Army, Lt Col Hoskins. 25 Expenditure of ammunition, Lt Col Jeudwine.

        26 Appreciation of a situation, Lt Col Ballard. 27 Supply and transport arrangements (tables), Col Foster. 28 Staff duties in connection with marches, Lt Col Whigham. 29 2nd exercise in writing orders, Lt Col Whigham. 30 Indoor exercise – advanced guard, Lt Col Ballard. 31 Artillery exercise no 2 (see also 40 below), Lt Col Jeudwine. 32 Indoor exercise (duties of Brigade Major in the field), Lt Col Roper. 33 3rd exercise in writing orders, Lt Col Whigham. 34 Appreciation of a situation, Lt Col Ballard. 35 Graphs: march and supply of two divisions on one road, Col Foster. 36 Exercise in the defence of a post on the line of communication, Lt Col Fowler. 37 Suggested instructions for Lieut Stumm., Maj Howell. 38 Indoor cavalary scheme – no 1, 12th March, Maj Howell. 39 (See no 36). 40 Artillery exercise No 2 (see no 32 above). Suggested appreciation by CRA 1st division, Lt Col Jeudwine. 41 Artillery exercise no 2 – graphic to show advance of artillery, Lt Col Jeudwine. 42 4th exercise in writing orders, Lt Col Whigham. 43 Transport and supply exercise, 15th March, Col Foster. 44 Notes for lecture on Napoleonic strategy, Lt Col Ballard. 45 Artillery exercise No 3, Lt Col Jeudwine. 46 Marengo, Maj Howell. 47 Road space tables exercise, Lt Col Whigham. 48 Outdoor billeting exercise, Lt Col Roper. 49 Road spaces, Lt Col Whigham. 50 War game (2 parties under Lt Cols Whigham and Ballard), Col Gough. 51 Reconnaissance exercise – 27th March, Lt Col Roper. 52 Paper on staff duties, Maj Davidson.

        53 Col Henderson’s notes on strategy, Lt Col Ballard. 54 Indoor exercise, Col Gough. 55 Indoor cavalry scheme No 2 – 6th April, Maj Howell. 56 Memoir on 1815 campaign, The Commandant. 57 Night operations – 8th and 9th April, Lt Col Whigham. 58 Training with other arms, Col Gough. 59 Intelligence reconnaissance course, Lt Col Whigham. 60 Reconnaissance, Lt Col Roper. 61 Training with other arms (visit to artillery gun parks, etc), Lt Col Jeudwine. 62 Synopsis of course of instruction in artillery, Lt Col Jeudwine. 63 Reconnaissance, Lt Col Roper. 64 Strengthening of a position by military engineering, Lt Col Fowler. 65 Supply problem, Col Foster. 66 Exercise in delaying action & night withdrawal, Lt Col Ballard. 67 Reconnaissance (mounted) – 28th May, Lt Col Roper. 68 Exercise in the employment of signal service units, Lt Col Fowler. 69 Conduct of a cavalry reconnoitring detachment, Maj Howell. 70 Continuation of tactical problem no 1 (10th Feb), Col Gough. 71 Organisation by sections and sub-section of Brigade and divisional ammunition columns, Col Gough. 72 1st paper – American civil war, Lt Col Ballard. 73 Map to illustrate American Civil War, Col Gough. 74 Area reconnaissance, Lt Col Roper. 75 Outdoor tactical problems 6, 7, 13, 14th June, Lt Col Jeudwine & Maj Davidson. 76 Results of coast artillery practise seen at the Isle of Wight, Lt Col Jeudwine. 77 Effect of depth of quartering on a march, Maj Davidson. 78 Graphic showing relation between march and depth of quarters, Maj Davidson. 79 Problem on grand marches, Maj Davidson. 80 Jackson’s Shendoah campaign, March-June 1862, Lt Col Ballard. 81 Reconnaissance of halting-place for a division during march, 25th June, Lt Col Roper. 82 Exercise on cost fortresses and coast artillery, Lt Col Jeudwine. 83 Exercise in the defence of a locality, Lt Col Fowler.

        84 Notes on the situation – March 1st, 1862, Lt Col Ballard. 85 River reconnaissance – 2nd July, Lt Col Roper. 86 2nd paper – American Civil War, Lt Col Ballard. 87 Field engineering – demonstration of demolitions, etc, Lt Col Fowler. 88 Exercise; division crossing unbridged river, Lt Col Fowler. 89 Practical examination in military engineering, The Commandant. 90 Map (no 285) to illustrate American war, Col Gough. 91 Maps (nos 290 and 287) to illustrate American war, Col Gough. 92 Map (no 291) to illustrate American war, Col Gough. 93 Reconnaissance (mounted) of a position with a view to attack, Lt Col Roper. 94 Exercise: staff duties in connection with general headquarters in the field, Maj Davidson. 95 Staff tour – in July, Col Gough. 96 Outdoor tactical problem – 11-12/7/12, Maj Davidson. 97 American Civil War. Positions nights 27th, 28th, 28th-29th, Maj Davidson. 98 Outdoor day, 19th July; system of correspondence in the field at general headquarters, Maj Davidson. 99 American Civil war: positions of Federals, midnight 29/30 and midnight 30/1, Col Gough. 100 An appreciation of the situation by an officer of the French staff, '1815', Lt Col Ballard. 101 Reconnaissance of a position to secure the flank of an army, 23rd July, Lt Col Roper. 102 Indoor scheme: action of a covering force, Maj Howell. 103 Reconnaissance of a position to secure the flank of an army, Lt Col Roper. 104 American Civil War: Chancellorsville, showing Federal positions at 8am May 2nd, 1863, Col Gough. 105 American Civil war: Federal right wing at 5am May 3rd, Col Gough. 106 American Civil war: Jackson’s column on May 2nd, Col Gough.

        107 American Civil war: Stoneman’s Raid, 29th April-7th May, Col Gough. 108 American Civil war: Stuart’s cavalary before the battle of Gettysburg, Col Gough. 109 American Civil war: positions – June 13th, Col Gough. 110 American Civil war: situation on June 24th (evening), Col Gough. 111 American Civil war: positions on June 27th (evening), Col Gough. 112 Campaign 1866 – subjects of lectures, Lt Col Jeudwine. 113 American Civil war: notes to Major-General Stuart, from General Lee, Col Gough. 114 Reconnaissance of ground for bivouacs of a division, Lt Col Roper. 115 Outdoor tactical problem. Brigade in rearguard action, Maj Davidson. 116 General map to illustrate Austro-Prussian war of 1866, Lt Col Jeudwine. 117 Frontiers, mountains, rivers and railways (1866), Lt Col Jeudwine. 118 Northern Bohemia (1866), Lt Col Jeudwine. 119 Deployment and operations up to 3rd July (1866), Lt Col Jeudwine. 120 Outdoor tactical problem – defence and counter attack, Lt Col Jeudwine. 121 Important dates in connection with Moltke’s projects(1886), Lt Col Jeudwine. 122 Notes on opposing armies (1866), Lt Col Jeudwine. 123 1866 campaign, Exercise no 1, Lt Col Jeudwine. 124 Notes on the Balkan armies, Maj Howell. 125 Reconnaissance of a rearguard position, Lt Col Roper. 126 Reconnaissance exercise – 14th October, Col Gough. 127 Tactical problem in continuation of reconnaissance exercise of 14th October, Col Gough. 128 Initial positions of assembly of the Prussian armies (frontiers of Saxony and Bohemia), Lt Col Jeudwine. 129 Problem (no 2) on marches, Maj Davidson.

        130 Campaign, 1866. Situation of armies on the outbreak of war (15th June), Lt Col Jeudwine. 131 Moltke’s orders, 1866, Lt Col Jeudwine. 132 Organisation and administration of remount services. Channels of replacement and evacuation of remounts of expeditionary force, Maj Perceval. 133 Syllabus for examination in field sketching for reconnaissance, Col Gough. 134 Notes on the Balkans, Maj Howell. 135 1866 – correspondence, etc, Von Benedek, Lt Col Jeudwine. 136 Syllabus of examination in supply, transport and remounts, Col Gough. 137 Syllabus of examination in military engineering, Col Gough. 138 Syllabus of examination in military history and geography, Col Gough. 139 Syllabus of examination in military, martial and international law, Col Gough. 140 Syllabus of examination in strategy and tactics, Col Gough. 141 March of the 4th German division, Soultz to Steinbourg, 7-9-70, Maj Howell. 142 Syllabus of examination in staff duties, organisation and administration, Col Gough. 143 Outdoor (day) – systems of dealing with correspondence in the field, Maj Davidson. 144 Siege operations, Lt Col Fowler. 145 1866 – positions evening of 25th, 26th and 27th – operations on the Iser, Lt Col Jeudwine. 146 1866 – exercise No 2, Lt Col Jeudwine. 147 Supply and transport in India, Maj Perceval. 148 1866 – positions June 29, 30; July 1, 2 and 3 (3 pos), Lt Col Jeudwine. 149 Indoor problem; 'resumption of march', Maj Davidson. 150 Operation orders (sample of), Maj Howell. 151 Paper on education of officers, Lt Col Roper. 152 Night operations (6t and 7th November), Maj Davidson. 153 Astronomy, Lt Col Fowler. 154 WO Letters on courts martial proceedings, Maj Percival. 155 1st exercise on the war of 1870, Lt Col Ballard. 156 2nd exercise on the war of 1870, Lt Col Ballard. 157 Notes on a lecture on evidence, Col Gough. 158 Wood fighting (sketch map of wilderness), Lt Col Roper. 159 Diagram (mobilization), Lt Col Jeudwine. 160 Diagram (mobilisation) – responsibility for ditto, Lt Col Jeudwine. 161 Re-allotment of ASC Transport Units – 1st October, Maj Perceval. 162 Indoor tactical problem, 'Writing orders and messages', Maj Davidson. 163 Diagram to show organisation of Army Reserve, Lt Col Jeudwine. 164 Diagram to show organisation for recruiting, Lt Col Jeudwine. 165 Notes on recruiting problem, Lt Col Jeudwine. 166 1870 campaign. Notes from French official account, Lt Col Ballard.

        Sem título
        GB CR/1919/3 JSCSC · 1919

        201 Precis of lecture: administrative arrangements in open warfare, A Div, Maj Tomes. 202 Precis of lecture No. 8: staff duties “preparation of schemes for tactical exercises”, A & B Div, Lt Col Collins. 203 Precis of lecture Q2 (light railways”, A Div, Br Gen Anderson. 204 Precis of lecture; submarines, A&B Div, Comdr. Hall RN. 205 Precis of 5th lecture; strategy & military history, A&B Div, Col Anley. 206 Special paper on war; war establishments, Cav signals, etc, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 207 Precis of lecture; A5 manpower, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 208 Instruction re visit Tank Centre, WOOL, A&B Div, Lt Col Neame. 209 Precis of artillery lecture no 9: development of artillery tactics no 3, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 210 Precis of lecture : counter intelligence, A Div, Maj Grubb. 211 Precis of cavalry lecture (4), Corps cavalry, B Div, Lt Col Osborne. 212 Precis of lecture; Russo-Japanese war, B Div, Maj Platt. 213 Outdoor exercise No 13; conduct of the battle, A Div, Col Anley. 214 Outdoor exercise No 15; preparation of a scheme for a tactical exercise, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 215 Outdoor exercise No 16, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 216 Outdoor exercise No 17; maintenance of pressure on an enemy, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 217 Indoor exercise no 18: supply, Lt Col Grubb. 218 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (I) The escape from Elba, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 219 Precis of lecture: convening and checking courts martial, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 220 Precis of lecture: strategy & military history, A &B Div, Col Anley. 221 Precis of lecture: artillery No 10, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 222 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (II) The opposing armies, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 223 Outdoor exercise No 17, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 224 Administrative problems, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 225 Cav Lecture (IV) Corps cavalry, A Div, Lt Col Osborne. 226 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (III) Plans, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 227 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (IV) Crossing of the Sambre, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 228 Precis of lecture: imperial strategy, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 229 Indoor exercise No 13: preparation of a scheme for administrative arrangements without troops, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 230 Special paper on war establishments: organization Cav. Div, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 231 Special paper on war establishments: Cav Div Engineers, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 232 Special paper on war establishments: Art. Bde. Hd. Qrs, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 233 Special paper on war establishments: Art. Bde. Hd. Qrs, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 234 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (V) Ligny, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 235 Conference agenda, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 236 Precis of lecture: war office, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 237 Precis of lecture re work in stationary warfare, B Div, Lt Col Neame. 238 Precis of lecture: Salamanca campaign (I), A Div, Lt Col Haskard. 239 Outdoor exercise No 16: reconnaissance, B Div, Br Gen Farmar. 240 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (VI) Quatre Bras, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 241 Notes indoor exercise No 12, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 242 Outdoor exercise No 17. Tactical exercise with troops, A Div, Col Anley. 243 Outdoor exercise No 15: administrative arrangements in open warfare, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 244 Precis of lecture: Art. No 11: forecasts of ammn. Expenditures, a Div, Lt Col Broad. 245 Precis of lecture; railway artillery, A Div, Lt Col Brooke. 246 Precis of lecture No 1 India, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 247 Outdoor exercise No 18: machine guns for defence, A Div, Col Anley. 248 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (VII) Events of the 17th, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 249 Indoor exercise No 14, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 250 Precis of lecture: Salamanca campaign (II), A Div, Lt Col Haskard. 251 Lecture A&Q, B Div, Lt Col Liddell. 252 Precis of lecture: Australian military organization, B Div, Maj Hutchins. 253 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (IX), B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 254 Outdoor exercise No 19: Mailheads, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 255 Precis of lecture: Salamanca campaign (III), A Div, Lt Col Haskard. 256 Precis of lecture: Salamanca campaign (IV), A Div, Lt Col Haskard. 257 Precis of lecture: RE (4) RE duties in war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 258 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (VIII), B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 259 Precis of lecture: RA (6) Counter battery work, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 260 Precis of lecture: Infy tactics and formations, B Div, Maj Visct Gort. 261 Precis of lecture: India II: internal security, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 262 Precis of lecture: India III: strategical geography of NW frontier, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 263 Conference notes 4th Oct: Infy. dispositions and action plans, defensive position, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 264 Conference notes 18th Oct: battle order for the infy. soldier etc, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 265 Notes on indoor exercise No 14: ammunition supply in attacks, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 266 Art. Amm. Tables expenditure etc, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 267 Outdoor exercise No 19: ceremonial, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 268 Precis of lecture: manoeuvres and training grant, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 269 Outdoor exercise ceremonial, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 270 Precis of lecture: list of duties at the Gen. Staff office at Command Hd. Qrs, A&B Div, Commandant. 271 Precis of lecture: machine guns in defence, A Div, Col Anley. 272 Conference 25th Oct: replacing of horse transport by mechanical etc, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 273 Precis of lecture: transportation with special reference to railways and railheads, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 274 Programme of field artillery demonstration, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 275 War Game Oct 23rd, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 276 War Game, Oct 23rd, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 277 Attack Vimy Ridge, B Div, Capt. Foss. 278 Precis of lecture: pay staff duties, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 279 Precis of lecture: India (IV) continued: strategic geography NW frontier, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 280 Precis of lecture: discipline excluding court martial, A&B Div, Lt Col Venning. 281 War game Oct 27th, B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 282 Paper on formation of citizen guards, A&B Div, Lt Col Collins. 283 Indoor exercise No 13: continuation of indoor exercise No 12 & outdoor exercise No 13: conduct of battle, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 284 War Game Oct 20th, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 285 Precis of lecture (9) General staff duties in peace, A&B Div, Lt Col Collins. 286 Special paper re manual map reading, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 287 Conference notes: battle order of infantry soldier, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 288 Outdoor exercise No 18: preparation of a scheme for an administrative exercise, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 289 Precis of lecture: Schleswig Holstein question, A Div, Maj Hansen. 290 Precis of lecture (RA7) (RA staff work and training, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 291 Outdoor exercise No 21. Reconnaissance, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 292 Agenda for conference: anti tank defence etc, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 293 Precis of lecture: cooperation between RE and infantry, A Div. 294 Conference on outdoor exercise No 19 “railheads”, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 295 Administrative problems, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 296 Administrative problems solution, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 297 Outdoor exercise No 19 (notes on), A&B Div, Lt Col Liddell. 298 Indoor exercise No 14: artillery I, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 299 Precis of lecture: L of C for 6 Divs (Italy), A&B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 300 Conference notes on Div. transport, A Div, Lt Col Neame.

        Sem título
        DAWSON, Gp Capt Montagu Ellis Hawkins (1919-2003)
        GB0099 KCLMA Dawson · Coleção · 1940-2003

        Papers relating to the military career of Gp Capt Montague Ellis Dawson, 1940-2003, including copies of three letters home describing bombing raids, 1940; account, 'The raid on the SCHARNHORST, La Pallice, 24th July 1941', describing a daylight bomb attack on the German cruiser SCHARNHORST for which Dawson was awarded the DFM, with annotated sketch map and navigation log relating to the raid, Jul 1941, and two letters from Harry Drummond, the pilot of the raid, 1970; essay 'An outline of my service experience and some lessons from it', prepared for a course at RAF Staff College, Bracknell, 1950; reminiscences for Dawson's 50th wedding anniversary, including list of Dawson's various postings; copy of obituary, 2003. Also typescript memoir by J Ralph Wood: 'My War Memories', detailing career in the Royal Canadian Air Force, 1939-1944.

        Sem título
        Cornish, Phil[lip] (fl 1773)
        GB 0114 MS0116 · 1773

        Papers of Phil[lip] Cornish, 1773, comprising a manuscript volume titled Lectures on Surgery, taken verbatim as Mr Else (one of the surgeons of St Thomas's and Guy's Hospitals) delivered them, by Phil. Cornish. Surgeon containing notes on surgical lectures. Including notes titled Lectures on Dislocations by Mr Frank, surgeon to Guy's Hospital.

        Sem título
        Gardiner, Mr (fl 1774-1775)
        GB 0114 MS0118 · 1774-1775

        Papers of Mr Gardiner, 1774-1775, comprising a manuscript volume of lecture notes containing Anatomical Lectures delivered by Mr Joseph Else, Surgeon, from October 1774 to April 1776 at his new anatomical Theatre in St Thomas's Hospital, London, 1774-1776; Question from the Medical Society at Edinburgh to Mr P Owen; Suttons Method of Inoculation; Preparatory Regimen; Mr Joseph Else's Lectures upon Surgery delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, May 1775. Vide Index p448, 1775; Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Physic by Hugh Smith MD; Lectures on Surgery, Continued Vidi Page 217 By Joseph Else; Obstetric Aphorisms and the method of giving assistance in natural, laborious, or preternatural Labours; together with the precise time and most judicious method of applying the Forceps, by Thomas Denman MD in London; Dr McKensie's Maxims to his Pupils; and prescriptions or recipes for various diseases and conditions.

        Sem título
        Monckton, David Henry (1829-1898)
        GB 0114 MS0132 · 1850-1852

        Papers of David Henry Monckton, 1850-1852, comprising a manuscript volume of notes, drawings and sketches titled Diary of Occupation, as Student in Human and Comparative Anatomy to Royal College of Surgeons of England, including topics such as the sorting and cleaning specimens, remounting preparations, writing descriptions of preparations, and carrying out and describing dissections. Monckton's work is countersigned by James Luke (Member of the Court of Examiners 1851-1868) and Frederick Carpenter Skey (Member of Council 1848-1867, and Professor of Anatomy and Surgery from 1852).

        Sem título
        Hallett, George Henry
        GB 0114 MS0133 · 1848-1849

        Papers of George Henry Hallett, 1848-1849, comprising a manuscript volume of notes taken whilst Hallett was Student of Anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, including topics such as dissections, preparations, and cataloguing. Hallett's work has been countersigned by Caesar Henry Hawkins (Member of the Court of Examiners 1849-1856).

        Sem título
        Evans, Arthur Geoffrey (1886-1951)
        GB 0114 MS0140 · 1920-1949

        Papers of Arthur Geoffrey Evans, 1920-1949, comprising a volume titled Illustrations belonging to the text of my thesis for the MD degree entitled:- A contribution to the study of Arteriosclerosis, with special reference to its relation to chronic Nephritis - Dec 10th 1920, containing illustrations drawn by John R Ford, of Shiells and Ford. Illustrations numbered 14, 15, 21, 22 and 23 are missing; a letter from Ford to Evans, 23 Aug 1920, concerning the magnification of the illustrations; 2 lists of the illustrations; and 2 optical drawings drawn by Theodore Hamblin Ltd, 15 Wigmore Street, London, 8 Apr 1949.

        Sem título
        Keele, Charles Ferdinand (fl 1860-1929)
        GB 0114 MS0151 · [1865]

        Papers of Charles Ferdinand Keele, c 1865, comprising a volume of notes taken at lectures given by Sydney Jones (1831-1913), and John Flint South (1797-1882), on topics such as comparative anatomy (Jones), and fistula in ano, dislocations, and fractures (South); and case notes, possibly relating to patients of St Thomas' Hospital.

        Sem título
        Costello, William Birmingham (1800-1867)
        GB 0114 MS0169 · 1779-1849

        Papers of William Birmingham Costello, 1779-1849, comprising information mostly relating to his publication The cyclopedia of practical surgery, including an etymological and critical terminology; detailed descriptions of instruments and apparatus; a copius bibliography; and an historical view of the progress of the science to the present day: ... a complete digest, alphabetically distributed, of the doctrines and practice of surgery/ conducted by William B Costello; assisted by numerous distinguished writers; illustrated with numerous engravings and wood-cuts. Volume 1: ABD-DYS (Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper: London, 1841) containing correspondence, 1829-1849; drafts, proofs and publication details, 1837-1841; and personal notes and papers, 1779-1844.

        Sem título
        Blizard, Sir William (1743-1835)
        GB 0114 MS0170 · 1785-1826

        Papers of Sir William Blizard, 1785-1826, comprising a volume, possibly by Samuel Helbert Israel, titled Lectures on Anatomy, Phys[iology] and Surgery by Wm Blizard RS-SA, containing manuscript notes of 27 lectures given by Blizard; letters, including a letter to L [?] Hoect, 3 Mar 1785; manuscripts, including a manuscript describing particular cases, Oct 1816; a manuscript titled The dissection of a dislocated thigh with fractures of some parts of the bones of the pelvis and other injury, July 1826. by Blizard; a manuscript copy of correspondence with Mr F C Daniel regarding Blizard's refusal to provide a certificate proving attendance as a pupil at the London Hospital, 27 Jun 1817; and an autograph signature.

        Sem título
        Hunterian Letters: Grey-Turner Bequest
        GB 0114 MS0191 · 1775-1793

        Hunterian letters, 1775-1793, comprising a photograph of the donor, Professor George Grey Turner (1877-1951); letter from John Hunter of London to Edward Jenner, 24 May [1775], regarding a scheme to teach Natural History including both Human and Comparative anatomy, and requesting Jenner to assist him by coming to London; letter from John Hunter of Leciester Square to Robert Adam, 31 May 1789, concerning a testimonial for his nephew, Dr Baillie, for the position of Physician at St George's Hospital; letter from John Hunter to an unidentified correspondent, 15 Jan 1793, concerning natural history specimens; letter from William Hunter of Windmill Street to an unidentified correspondent, 6 Nov 1779, concerning some coins, and the dissection of a body where death was caused by sudden contraction of the heart; and a letter from Anne Home Hunter of Lower Grosvenor Street, to an unidentified correspondent, regarding collection of a manuscript.

        Sem título
        Keate, Thomas (1745-1821)
        GB 0114 MS0195 · 1776-1816

        Papers of Thomas Keate, 1776-1816, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Keate, taken at lectures on surgery by John Hunter, 1776; lectures by Thomas Keate, 1776-1777; and a letter from Keate of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, to George Chandler, Chairman of the Board of Curators, 23 Oct 1816, describing the presentation of the volume to the College, upon the request of the Court of Assistants. The letter explains that the notes were taken over a period of years, and that afterwards, after consulting with the notes of a friend, Dr John Jebb, they were collated and improved. He also notes that he tried to convey the sentiments of the lectures by verbatim quotation from Hunter.

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        Wilkinson, Charles (fl 1791-1849)
        GB 0114 MS0200 · 1787-1788

        Papers of Charles Wilkinson, 1787-1788, comprising a volume containing manuscript notes by Wilkinson, of lectures given by John Hunter. Including a note by William White Cooper written in 1838, containing information about the author, the lectures, and how he located the manuscript.

        Sem título
        Clough, Henry Gore (fl 1779-1820)
        GB 0114 MS0207 · 1779-1792

        Papers of Henry Gore Clough, 1779-1792, comprising a volume titled Lectures Anatomical and Chirurgical by William Hunter, Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty, Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. 1779. Volume 1st, containing manuscript notes by Clough of lectures by Hunter, including a copy of a portrait of Hunter by J Thornwaite; a volume titled Lectures Anatomical and Chirurgical by William Hunter, Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty, Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. 1779. Volume 2nd, containing manuscript notes by Clough of lectures by Hunter, covering topics such as embalming, c 1779. Including patient case notes, 1779-1792, and a letter from Mr Wyatt to Clough, 14 Apr 1792, regarding publishing a case; and a volume titled Lectures Anatomical and Chirurgical by William Hunter, Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty, Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. 1779. Volume 3rd and sub-titled Lectures on the Gravid Uterus by William Hunter, MD and FRS, 1779, containing manuscript notes by Clough of lectures by Hunter.

        Sem título
        GB 0114 MS0218 · 1811-1812

        Papers relating to Sir Everard Home and John Abernethy, 1811-1812, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by an unknown hand, titled Notes taken at Mr Home's Lectures on the principle operations in surgery, October 1811 and Notes taken at Mr Abernethy's Lectures on Surgery, 1812.

        Sem título
        Appleby, Thomas (fl 1814-1815)
        GB 0114 MS0225 · 1814-1815

        Papers of Thomas Appleby, 1814-1815, comprising a volume of manuscript notes taken by Appleby at lectures by Sir Astley Cooper, titled Mr Astley Cooper's Surgical Lectures Continued 1814-1815, Vol II. Including a contents list for volumes 1 [not located at the College] and 2, and notes on Henry Cline's lectures on operations, and topics such as kidney disease.

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        Blackman, John (fl 1822)
        GB 0114 MS0230 · 1822

        Papers of John Blackman, 1822, comprising a volume of manuscript notes written by Blackman, in a printed volume outlining the lectures of Sir Astley Cooper titled Outlines of the Lectures on Surgery delivered by Sir Astley Cooper, Bart. at St Thomas's and Guy's Hospitals. Printed for the use of students. London 1822 .

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        Blagden, Sir Charles (1748-1820)
        GB 0117 CB · 1771-1820

        The correspondence, papers and diaries of Sir Charles Blagden. Blagden's papers are interesting on several levels, generally for his close contact with European men of learning, and his relationship with Sir Joseph Banks. Blagden's professional researches are represented by medical notes in the boxed sequence. These are grouped with papers on other subject interests, including linguistics, e.g. a draft Tahitian-English dictionary, compiled from conversations with Omai, whom Blagden inoculated after Omai's voyage to England with James Cook. Blagden's interest in antiquities and travel is documented by diary entries, as is his intercourse with fellow scientists, particularly those associated with the founding of the Royal Institution.

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        Sub-specialisation Advisory Group
        GB 1538 M17 · 1980-1984

        Papers of the RCOG Sub-specialisation advisory group, including agenda, minutes, correspondence and other records of the advisory groups into fetal medicine, gynaecological oncology, and reproductive medicine, 1984; correspondence with senior British obstetricians and gynaecologists concerning further sub-specialisation within obstetrics and gynaecology, 1983; proposed curriculum and special requirements for sub-specialisation in gynaecological oncology, undated; curriculum for specialisation in fetal medicine and proposals for learning and training in maternal-fetal medicine, undated; training programme for gynaecological urology, undated; guide to learning in reproductive medicine, undated; papers of T L T Lewis, chairman, 1983-1984; correspondence of Professor Richard Beard, chairman, Scientific Advisory and Pathology Committee (SAPC), concerning the sub-specialisation advisory group, 1983-1984; draft copy of final report, with amendments, 1984; copies of the report of the working party on further specialisation within obstetrics and gynaecology; report of the manpower advisory sub-committee of the RCOG and RCOG Regulations for Accreditation of Completion of Higher Training of Members of the College, 1980-1983.

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        Manpower Working Party
        GB 1538 M31 · 1967-1980

        Correspondence of E A J Alment, papers and background material, 1967-1980, of the RCOG working party on manpower in obstetrics and gynaecology, including survey papers on London, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and papers on the employment of junior staff from overseas and a survey of North East Thames region.

        Sem título
        Trainees Committee
        GB 1538 RCOG/B19 · Arquivo · 1991-2008

        Records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Trainees Committee comprising correspondence and papers, including relating to the establishment of the committee, 1991-2002; agenda, minutes and meetings papers, 1991-2008; papers relating to surveys, 1991-2003.

        Sem título
        Education Board
        GB 1538 RCOG/B24 · Arquivo · 1992-2007

        Records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Education Board, 1992-2007, comprising agenda, minutes and papers, 1992-2007; correspondence of the Secretary to the Board, 2001-2007; records of the Implementation Group to Audit Structured Training, 1993-1998.

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        Hospital Recognition Committee
        GB 1538 RCOG/B4 · Arquivo · 1936-2007

        Records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Hospital Recognition Committee, 1936-2007, comprising correspondence and papers (1936-1994); committee agenda, minutes and papers (1947-2004); files on individual hospitals inspected (1937-2003); lists of recognised hospital appointments for trainees for Membership and Diploma (1975-1999, 2001); guidelines for recognition of hospital appointments (1988-2000); minute books (1951-2007).

        Sem título
        LOWTHER, Dr: notes from his lectures on midwifery
        GB 1538 S91 · 1773

        Manuscript notes taken from a course of lectures on midwifery by Dr Lowther, Nov-Dec 1773 entitled 'Heads of a course of lectures on midwifery delivered at Dr Orm's Theatre by (the now) Doctor Lowther, in the months of Nov and Dec 1773 taken down in common running hand by his pupil, I Knolton'.

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        Royal Polytechnic Institution
        GB 1753 RPI · Arquivo · 1837-1881

        Records of the Royal Polytechnic Institution (RPI), 1837-1881 and undated, comprising:

        Leases of premises, 1838-1876, including no 5 Cavendish Square; prospectus, 1837; correspondence and papers concerning the foundation of the Institution, its provisional committee, shares, status and affairs, 1837-1839 and undated, including its charter, 1839, and papers on arbitration on a dispute between W M Nurse and the Institution; correspondence and papers relating to activities and affairs of the Institution, 1838-1842 and undated, including documents on the alleged infringement by the Institution of a patent for a diving dress, 1838, and an agreement with W H F Talbot permitting the use of his patented photographic process, 1841; photocopy of a letter from Robert Longbottom, RPI Secretary, to Samuel Morse, 1846; copy of charter, 1852; letter concerning a school visit to the RPI, 1858;

        Catalogues of the Polytechnic Institution (copies), 1838-1840, and Royal Polytechnic Institution, 1844-1845; programmes for 1861, 1876, 1878 and 1881; bound volumes of RPI programmes, 1873-1878; reports, 1879-1880; particulars and conditions of sale of the RPI premises, 1881;

        Books by authors associated with the RPI, including various publications by John Henry Pepper: The Boy's Playbook of Science, 2nd edition, 1860.; Popular Lectures for Young People and Half Hours with the Alchemists, 1st edition, 1855; The Playbook of Metals, 1st edition, 1869 and Cyclopaedic Science Simplified, 1st edition, 1869; The Book of The Lantern by T C Hepworth, 2nd edition, 1889; Memory by William Stokes, 2nd edition, 1888 and Rapid Writing by William Stokes, 4th edition, 1873; issues of various contemporary journals containing information on or advertisements for the Institution [1839]-1845, some with illustrations, among them scientific equipment, including four parts of the London Polytechnic Magazine, 1844, six parts of its continuation, The Polytechnic Review and Magazine, 1844, and five parts, 1845; advertising poster, 1840;

        Book of press cuttings relating to the Institution from 1842, many lacking details of their source; five tokens bearing the name of the Institution, 1840; photogenic transfer made at the Institution, 1840; a ceramic plate fired at the RPI, 1866;

        Illustrations and photographs of illustrations from 1840, some undated, including the great hall and other shots of the interior and exterior, 1843, and demonstrations, including the diving bell.

        Sem título
        Stephenson, Gladys
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/China/FBN 31-32 (Boxes 642-643) · c1909-1976

        Papers, c1909-1976, of Sister Gladys Stephenson, comprising diary of journey to China, 1915; journals of visits to Korea and Peking, 1926, 1936 and undated; journal of her time in the internment camp, 1942-1945; diaries recording daily events, 1946-1971; long letter from Gladys Stephenson, 1945, from the Shanghai internment camp recounting her experiences, and typescript copies; manuscript and typescript accounts of a journey to Hong Kong, Malaya and the Holy Land, 1961; other typescript and manuscript notes, accounts, or addresses by Gladys Stephenson recounting her experiences, largely undated, including one relating to the great floods (1931); two photographs of a chapel used by the Methodist hospital, Hankow, and papers relating to a stained glass window, 1940; printed material on Christianity, missionary work and missionaries, nursing and training, and other aspects of life in China, including hospitals in Hankow, 1909-1976, largely dating, 1920s-1960s.

        Sem título
        Academic Departments of Bedford College
        GB 0505 BC AL200-900 · 1849-1985

        Material relating to Academic Departments of Bedford College, including papers of the German Department, 1973-1983; recollections of the Dutch Studies Department by Professor Theodore Weevers, 1985; Departmental files of the History Department, 1958-1985; papers of Professor C H Lawrence, History Department, 1970-1985; Departmental files of the Sociology Department, 1930-1984; papers relating to Nursing Studies Courses, 1896-1985, including the Public Hygiene Course; papers relating to the Bedford College Art School, 1900-1913; papers relating to the Training Department, 1902-1922, including reports, registers, correspondence relating to scholarships and Council grants, accounts and Board of Education papers; papers of the Mathematics Department, 1978-1982; papers of the Biochemistry Department, 1964-1978; papers of the Botany Department, 1908-1985, including material relating to the E N Thomas affair, 1908-1916, and papers collected by Dr Linna Bentley, 1918-1984; building plans for the Zoology Department, 1970. Papers relating to Staff Publications, 1926-[1969], including Minutes and papers of the Research and Publications Fund Committee.

        Sem título
        University of Surrey Archives, Guildford
        GB 2109 University of Surrey Archives, Guildford · 1890-2003

        Archives of the University of Surrey and its predecessor institutions, 1890-2003. The archives include papers connected with the original foundation, 1890-1894; minutes of Governing Body, Council, Senate, and their Committees, 1891-2003; reports of the Governing body, 1893-1926; of the Principal, 1910-1965, and of the Vice Chancellor, 1966-2003; building and accommodation papers and plans, 1960s-2003; records of academic departments and research institutes, including electronic and environmental engineering, education, languages and law, health, human sciences and the performing arts; prospectuses and calendars, 1894-2003, and details of postgraduate courses and research studies, 1968-2003; Students' Union records; financial records including accounts and funding bodies; legal and property records; schemes of government; staffing records and biographical notes of some members of staff; student and university magazines, 1908-2003, including Battersea Polytechnic Magazine, 1908-1930; Polygon, 1931-1963; and Battersea College of Technology Magazine, 1964-1966; Battersea Polytechnic student cards, c1894-1957 (microfiche); photographic collection covering buildings, events and people,1889-2000.

        Sem título
        H01/GLI · Subarquivo · 1765-1976

        Records of the General Lying-in Hospital, London, including General Court minute books, 1765-1947; Weekly Board, Committee of Management, and Local Committee minute books, 1776-1955; Committee minute books, 1907-1949; Attendance books, 1889-1953; the Hospital Charter of incorporation, 1830; laws, orders and regulations, 1835-1900; Matron's report books, 1881-1926; Annual Reports, 1879-1947; Annual Medical Reports, 1912 and 1927-1948; Correspondence, 1819-1956; Chaplain's book, 1855-1886; papers regarding the lease and maintenance of the Hospital buildings, including plans and architect's drawings, 1830-1962; papers regarding the maintenance of the Midwives Post-Certificate School at 75/77 Southampton Way and Camden Grove Nurses Home, 1919-1956.

        Patient records including Admission registers, 1767-1944; registers of recommendatory letters, 1892-1939; Discharge registers, 1767-1772 and 1817-1859; Admission and discharge register, 1950-1951; Undertaking books (volumes of completed forms for undertakings to remove patients within one month after delivery or death), 1842-1877; affidavit books for single women, 1815-1858 and affidavit books for married women, 1812-1857 (recording oaths sworn by each woman confirming her marital status and the parish of her legal settlement); Midwives day books, 1824-1880; Delivery books, 1828-1877; Registers of baptisms, 1872-1918; Patient statistics, 1852-1971; Register of bookings and deliveries, 1945-1949; Medical Officers' case books, 1827-1947; Medical registers of In-Patients, 1887-1966; Registers of Out-Patients, 1877-1918; Receiving Room registers, 1907-1950; House Physicians' visits to Out-Patients, 1908-1930; Midwives' case books (In-Patients), 1882-1910; Midwives' registers of cases (In-Patients), 1946-1971; examples of case files, 1953-1962; Midwives' registers of cases (Out-Patients), 1910-1970; Baby Clinic case cards, 1954-1967.

        Also Midwifery Training Certificates, 1784 and 1818; lecture notebook, 1915; prospectus for training of Pupil Midwives at the General Lying-in Hospital, 1955; registers of pupil nurses and midwives, 1879-1970; registers of staff, 1938-1968; interview record book, 1948-1959; financial accounts, 1800-1955; papers relating to donations and subscriptions, 1796-1955; newspaper cuttings, [1880]-1936; historical notes, publications and exhibition materials, 1884-[1975]; prints and photographs, 1776-1971, including the exterior and interior of the hospital buildings, portraits of staff and photographs of fundraising events.

        Sem título
        H02/PY · Subarquivo · 1903 - 1978

        Records of Putney Hospital including Putney Hospital Committee minutes and papers, 1905-1910; Board of Management minutes, 1923-1948; minutes of various other Hospital committees including the House, Finance, Medical, Appeal and Building Committees, 1909-1948; annual reports, 1912-1948; rules and regulations, 1912-1947; correspondence and papers relating to founding of hospital, 1903-1927; papers concerning fundraising, 1925-1945; plans, specifications and drawings for proposed building work, 1910-1962; registers of patients, 1935-1978; admissions registers, 1948-1972; daily and monthly patient statistics, 1964-1974; casualty registers, 1964-1976; ward report books, 1965-1972; Matron's report book, 1959-1968; register of nursing staff and salaries book, 1912-1937; Training school prospectuses and lecture notes, 1958-1959; South West London Area Matron's Committee agendas and minutes, 1948-1955; financial records, 1911-1945; photographs, 1935; histories of the hospital, 1908-1934 and newspaper cuttings, 1930-1935.

        Sem título
        H13/EGA · Coleção · 1861-1974

        Records of the Elizabeth Garret Anderson Hospital, including Annual Reports for 1872-1947; Annual meetings of Governors minutes and papers 1891-1949; Departmental annual reports 1948-1968; Managing Committee minutes 1871-1948; North London Group H.M.C. minutes and papers 1973-1974; House Committee minutes and papers 1890-1961; Building Committees minutes and papers 1888-1939; Maternity Committee minutes 1890-1932; Finance Committee minutes 1892-1948; Drugs, Pathological, and Departmental Committee minutes 1896-1939; Nursing Committee minutes and papers 1898-1913; 1936-1959; Hospital Committee minutes and reports 1948-1966; Medical Council minutes etc. 1935-1967; Rosa Morrison House Committee minutes 1912-1953; Appeals Committees minutes 1916-1929; Coed-Bel Cottage Committee minutes 1898-1932; Various Committees minutes and papers 1922-1967; North London Group H.M.C. minutes and papers 1968-1974; Matron's and Hospital Visitors' report books 1894-1963. Financial Ledgers, 1872-1892; 1922. Papers regarding acquisition of property and extension of hospital 1909-1948; Building of Nurses' House 1936-1940; Oster House, St Albans 1945-1947; Hampstead Children's Hospital 1946-1948; Miscellaneous contracts 1948; Endowments 1885-1954; Centenary celebrations 1964-1967; Complaints 1948-1964; World War II Emergency Hospital Services 1938-1946; Historical papers 1861-1935; Matron's and Secretary's files relating mainly to nursing 1906-1951; World War II Emergency Hospital Services 1939-1950; Formation of National Health Service 1944-1964; Records relating to staff 1955-1966. Registers of nurses 1898-1948; Registers of student nurses 1936-1945; Registers of midwives 1926-1936; Register of sisters and nurses 1941-1946.

        Newspaper cuttings 1871-1968; Printing blocks n.d.; Photographs of hospital [1890s]-1966; Photographs of special occasions 1938-1948; Photographs of patients and staff [1930s]-1962; Photographs of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and her family [1890-1936]; Publications 1890-1926; Papers of Dorothy Merrikin, Matron, mostly relating to fund raising 1888-1977; Guild of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital 1908-1933.

        Patient records for Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital 1912-1922; Coed-Bel House 1906-1925; Rosa Morrison House 1946-1949; Royal Free Hospital District Midwifery Service 1948-1953 Withdrawn; Gordon Pollock and Chadburn Wards 1959-1960.

        Sem título
        H15/RE · Subarquivo · 1857-1980
        Parte de LAMBETH GROUP

        Records of the Royal Eye Hospital, including Committee of Management minutes, 1879-1890; Medical Committee minutes, 1893-1960; School Sub-Committee minutes, 1906-1912; Social Committee minutes, 1936-1956; annual reports, 1858-1948; Articles of Association, 1930-1931; rules and bye-laws, 1930-1937; papers relating to the Richard Minter Mount legacy, 1875-1902; papers relating to the Royal patronage of the Hospital, 1901-1910; papers, reports and correspondence relating to proposed amalgamation with King's College Hospital, 1946-1948; legal papers including agreements and covenants, 1875-1947. Patient records including admission and discharge registers, 1861-1972; in-patients case books, 1893-1958; diagnostic index, 1936-1949; illustrated brochure for nurses wishing to train for the Diploma of the Ophthalmic Nursing Board at the Royal Eye Hospital, [1957]; registers of nursing staff, 1956-1963; research fund petty cash book, 1944-1949; copies of The Royal Eye Hospital 1857-1957 by Arnold Sorsby; papers relating to special events, 1906-1957; papers collected by Arnold Sorsby relating to the life of John Zachariah Laurence, founder of the South London Ophthalmic Hospital; and photographs and prints of the Hospital buildings, staff, patients and special events, 1912 - 1980, including surgeons Carsten Holthouse, Malcolm MacDonald McHardy and Thomas Wilfred Letchworth, and Professor Arnold Sorsby.

        Sem título
        H18 · Coleção · 1935-1974

        Records of the Woolwich Group Hospital Management Committee, comprising correspondence files, 1935-1974, on subjects including the Endowment and Amenities Fund; land and buildings of the British Hospital for Mothers and Babies; the constitution and reorganisation of the National Health Service; maternity services at the British Hospital for Mothers and Babies; the Medical Planning and Joint Health Services Committee; the standardisation of medical records; training schools for nurses; staff appointments and resignations and the Group Officers and Hospital Secretaries' Meeting.

        Sem título
        H36/SMX · Subarquivo · 1899-1982

        Records of the South Middlesex Hospital, including Borough of Richmond (Surrey) and Heston and Isleworth Urban District Joint Isolation Hospital Committee minutes, agendas and reports, 1902-1935; South Middlesex and Richmond Joint Hospital Board annual reports and statements of accounts, 1936-1948; Rules and regulations, 1912-1943; Agreements, 1899-1925. Dockwell Isolation Hospital patient records, 1899-1928; South Middlesex Hospital Emergency Medical Service Hospital patient records, 1939-1945; Infectious Diseases Wards records, 1962-1982. Matron's wages books, 1905-1935; Certificates of training as a fever nurse, 1902-1930; Probationer nurses' articles of agreement, 1900-1934; Recruitment leaflet, [1940].

        Sem título
        GB 0074 H01/WL · Coleção · 1965-1993

        Papers of the West Lambeth Health Authority, including:
        District Management Team minutes, 1974-1991;
        standing orders and provisions in the National Health Service Regulations governing the conduct of meetings and proceedings of the authority, 1982;
        reports and papers relating to planning for healthcare provision, 1974-1986;
        papers regarding the computer policy, 1976-1985;
        general reports and papers relating to the functioning of the hospitals, 1974-1984;
        papers of the Department of Community Medicine, 1973-1979;
        papers relating to Lambeth Hospital and Community Care Centre, 1977-1986;
        papers relating to the South Western Hospital, 1973-1983;
        papers of the Terminal Care Support Team, 1977-1982;
        papers relating to Tooting Bec Hospital, 1975-1985;
        publications, 1975-1988;
        issues of 'Inner Circle', staff newsletter, 1976-1988;
        papers relating to the proposed transfer of the Dreadnought Seamen's Hospital, 1982-1987;
        papers relating to Saint John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, 1981-1985;
        papers relating to other hospitals, including the South Western Hospital, 1979-1981, South London Hospital for Women, 1974-1989, Royal Waterloo Hospital, 1978-1981, Grosvenor Hospital, 1979-1980 and Belgrave Hospital, 1980-1987;
        papers of the Strategies and Resources Advisory Committee, 1987-1990;
        minutes and papers of West Lambeth Health Authority meetings, 1982-1993;
        district reviews, 1983-1987;
        papers of the Resource Allocation Working Party, 1982-1988;
        membership papers, including correspondence, 1987-1999;
        Saint Thomas' Health District (Teaching), District Management Team master papers, 1974-1981;
        West Lambeth Health Authority, District Management Team master papers, 1981-1992;
        District General Managers Advisory Group papers, 1985-1990;
        District Management Board papers, 1986-1990;
        Nursing Policy Group meeting papers, 1976-1982;
        reports and papers of the Chief Nursing Officer, 1965-1987.

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