1 History of the British army, Lt Col Roper. 2 Diagrams (3): army administration prior to Crimean War; after; arid system introduced by Mr Cardwell, Lt Col Roper. 3 Exercises I, II, III and IV “Marches”, Lt Col Ballard. 4 General syllabus of lectures on artillery, Lt Col Jeudwine. 5 Artillery lecture No 1, Lt Col Jeudwine. 6 Artillery lecture Nos 2 and 3, Lt Col Jeudwine. 7 Artillery lecture No 4, Lt Col Jeudwine. 8 Hints on the writing of an appreciation of a situation, Col Gough. 9 English composition, Lt Col Ballard. 10 Tables 1 to 4, 'organisation and duties of the staff', Lt Col Whigham. 11 Marches and time and space, Lt Col Whigham.
12 Transport for artillery (brigade, howitzer brigade, heavy battery, etc), Lt Col Whigham. 13 Artillery communications, Lt Col Jeudwine. 14 Artillery lecture No 5, Lt Col Jeudwine. 15 1st exercise in writing orders, Lt Col Whigham. 16 Artillery lectures nos 6 and 7, Lt Col Jeudwine.17 Notes on defence, Lt Col Ballard. 18 Tactical problem I, Col Gough. 19 Artillery lecture No 8, Lt Col Jeudwine. 20 Messages and signals, Lt Col Whigham. 21 Notes for lecture on attack, Lt Col Ballard. 22 Artillery, exercise No 1, Lt Col Jeudwine. 23 Field engineering, 'exercise in the strengthening of a position against frontal attack', Lt Col Fowler. 24 Table: liability to service of the various classes German Army, Lt Col Hoskins. 25 Expenditure of ammunition, Lt Col Jeudwine.
26 Appreciation of a situation, Lt Col Ballard. 27 Supply and transport arrangements (tables), Col Foster. 28 Staff duties in connection with marches, Lt Col Whigham. 29 2nd exercise in writing orders, Lt Col Whigham. 30 Indoor exercise – advanced guard, Lt Col Ballard. 31 Artillery exercise no 2 (see also 40 below), Lt Col Jeudwine. 32 Indoor exercise (duties of Brigade Major in the field), Lt Col Roper. 33 3rd exercise in writing orders, Lt Col Whigham. 34 Appreciation of a situation, Lt Col Ballard. 35 Graphs: march and supply of two divisions on one road, Col Foster. 36 Exercise in the defence of a post on the line of communication, Lt Col Fowler. 37 Suggested instructions for Lieut Stumm., Maj Howell. 38 Indoor cavalary scheme – no 1, 12th March, Maj Howell. 39 (See no 36). 40 Artillery exercise No 2 (see no 32 above). Suggested appreciation by CRA 1st division, Lt Col Jeudwine. 41 Artillery exercise no 2 – graphic to show advance of artillery, Lt Col Jeudwine. 42 4th exercise in writing orders, Lt Col Whigham. 43 Transport and supply exercise, 15th March, Col Foster. 44 Notes for lecture on Napoleonic strategy, Lt Col Ballard. 45 Artillery exercise No 3, Lt Col Jeudwine. 46 Marengo, Maj Howell. 47 Road space tables exercise, Lt Col Whigham. 48 Outdoor billeting exercise, Lt Col Roper. 49 Road spaces, Lt Col Whigham. 50 War game (2 parties under Lt Cols Whigham and Ballard), Col Gough. 51 Reconnaissance exercise – 27th March, Lt Col Roper. 52 Paper on staff duties, Maj Davidson.
53 Col Henderson’s notes on strategy, Lt Col Ballard. 54 Indoor exercise, Col Gough. 55 Indoor cavalry scheme No 2 – 6th April, Maj Howell. 56 Memoir on 1815 campaign, The Commandant. 57 Night operations – 8th and 9th April, Lt Col Whigham. 58 Training with other arms, Col Gough. 59 Intelligence reconnaissance course, Lt Col Whigham. 60 Reconnaissance, Lt Col Roper. 61 Training with other arms (visit to artillery gun parks, etc), Lt Col Jeudwine. 62 Synopsis of course of instruction in artillery, Lt Col Jeudwine. 63 Reconnaissance, Lt Col Roper. 64 Strengthening of a position by military engineering, Lt Col Fowler. 65 Supply problem, Col Foster. 66 Exercise in delaying action & night withdrawal, Lt Col Ballard. 67 Reconnaissance (mounted) – 28th May, Lt Col Roper. 68 Exercise in the employment of signal service units, Lt Col Fowler. 69 Conduct of a cavalry reconnoitring detachment, Maj Howell. 70 Continuation of tactical problem no 1 (10th Feb), Col Gough. 71 Organisation by sections and sub-section of Brigade and divisional ammunition columns, Col Gough. 72 1st paper – American civil war, Lt Col Ballard. 73 Map to illustrate American Civil War, Col Gough. 74 Area reconnaissance, Lt Col Roper. 75 Outdoor tactical problems 6, 7, 13, 14th June, Lt Col Jeudwine & Maj Davidson. 76 Results of coast artillery practise seen at the Isle of Wight, Lt Col Jeudwine. 77 Effect of depth of quartering on a march, Maj Davidson. 78 Graphic showing relation between march and depth of quarters, Maj Davidson. 79 Problem on grand marches, Maj Davidson. 80 Jackson’s Shendoah campaign, March-June 1862, Lt Col Ballard. 81 Reconnaissance of halting-place for a division during march, 25th June, Lt Col Roper. 82 Exercise on cost fortresses and coast artillery, Lt Col Jeudwine. 83 Exercise in the defence of a locality, Lt Col Fowler.
84 Notes on the situation – March 1st, 1862, Lt Col Ballard. 85 River reconnaissance – 2nd July, Lt Col Roper. 86 2nd paper – American Civil War, Lt Col Ballard. 87 Field engineering – demonstration of demolitions, etc, Lt Col Fowler. 88 Exercise; division crossing unbridged river, Lt Col Fowler. 89 Practical examination in military engineering, The Commandant. 90 Map (no 285) to illustrate American war, Col Gough. 91 Maps (nos 290 and 287) to illustrate American war, Col Gough. 92 Map (no 291) to illustrate American war, Col Gough. 93 Reconnaissance (mounted) of a position with a view to attack, Lt Col Roper. 94 Exercise: staff duties in connection with general headquarters in the field, Maj Davidson. 95 Staff tour – in July, Col Gough. 96 Outdoor tactical problem – 11-12/7/12, Maj Davidson. 97 American Civil War. Positions nights 27th, 28th, 28th-29th, Maj Davidson. 98 Outdoor day, 19th July; system of correspondence in the field at general headquarters, Maj Davidson. 99 American Civil war: positions of Federals, midnight 29/30 and midnight 30/1, Col Gough. 100 An appreciation of the situation by an officer of the French staff, '1815', Lt Col Ballard. 101 Reconnaissance of a position to secure the flank of an army, 23rd July, Lt Col Roper. 102 Indoor scheme: action of a covering force, Maj Howell. 103 Reconnaissance of a position to secure the flank of an army, Lt Col Roper. 104 American Civil War: Chancellorsville, showing Federal positions at 8am May 2nd, 1863, Col Gough. 105 American Civil war: Federal right wing at 5am May 3rd, Col Gough. 106 American Civil war: Jackson’s column on May 2nd, Col Gough.
107 American Civil war: Stoneman’s Raid, 29th April-7th May, Col Gough. 108 American Civil war: Stuart’s cavalary before the battle of Gettysburg, Col Gough. 109 American Civil war: positions – June 13th, Col Gough. 110 American Civil war: situation on June 24th (evening), Col Gough. 111 American Civil war: positions on June 27th (evening), Col Gough. 112 Campaign 1866 – subjects of lectures, Lt Col Jeudwine. 113 American Civil war: notes to Major-General Stuart, from General Lee, Col Gough. 114 Reconnaissance of ground for bivouacs of a division, Lt Col Roper. 115 Outdoor tactical problem. Brigade in rearguard action, Maj Davidson. 116 General map to illustrate Austro-Prussian war of 1866, Lt Col Jeudwine. 117 Frontiers, mountains, rivers and railways (1866), Lt Col Jeudwine. 118 Northern Bohemia (1866), Lt Col Jeudwine. 119 Deployment and operations up to 3rd July (1866), Lt Col Jeudwine. 120 Outdoor tactical problem – defence and counter attack, Lt Col Jeudwine. 121 Important dates in connection with Moltke’s projects(1886), Lt Col Jeudwine. 122 Notes on opposing armies (1866), Lt Col Jeudwine. 123 1866 campaign, Exercise no 1, Lt Col Jeudwine. 124 Notes on the Balkan armies, Maj Howell. 125 Reconnaissance of a rearguard position, Lt Col Roper. 126 Reconnaissance exercise – 14th October, Col Gough. 127 Tactical problem in continuation of reconnaissance exercise of 14th October, Col Gough. 128 Initial positions of assembly of the Prussian armies (frontiers of Saxony and Bohemia), Lt Col Jeudwine. 129 Problem (no 2) on marches, Maj Davidson.
130 Campaign, 1866. Situation of armies on the outbreak of war (15th June), Lt Col Jeudwine. 131 Moltke’s orders, 1866, Lt Col Jeudwine. 132 Organisation and administration of remount services. Channels of replacement and evacuation of remounts of expeditionary force, Maj Perceval. 133 Syllabus for examination in field sketching for reconnaissance, Col Gough. 134 Notes on the Balkans, Maj Howell. 135 1866 – correspondence, etc, Von Benedek, Lt Col Jeudwine. 136 Syllabus of examination in supply, transport and remounts, Col Gough. 137 Syllabus of examination in military engineering, Col Gough. 138 Syllabus of examination in military history and geography, Col Gough. 139 Syllabus of examination in military, martial and international law, Col Gough. 140 Syllabus of examination in strategy and tactics, Col Gough. 141 March of the 4th German division, Soultz to Steinbourg, 7-9-70, Maj Howell. 142 Syllabus of examination in staff duties, organisation and administration, Col Gough. 143 Outdoor (day) – systems of dealing with correspondence in the field, Maj Davidson. 144 Siege operations, Lt Col Fowler. 145 1866 – positions evening of 25th, 26th and 27th – operations on the Iser, Lt Col Jeudwine. 146 1866 – exercise No 2, Lt Col Jeudwine. 147 Supply and transport in India, Maj Perceval. 148 1866 – positions June 29, 30; July 1, 2 and 3 (3 pos), Lt Col Jeudwine. 149 Indoor problem; 'resumption of march', Maj Davidson. 150 Operation orders (sample of), Maj Howell. 151 Paper on education of officers, Lt Col Roper. 152 Night operations (6t and 7th November), Maj Davidson. 153 Astronomy, Lt Col Fowler. 154 WO Letters on courts martial proceedings, Maj Percival. 155 1st exercise on the war of 1870, Lt Col Ballard. 156 2nd exercise on the war of 1870, Lt Col Ballard. 157 Notes on a lecture on evidence, Col Gough. 158 Wood fighting (sketch map of wilderness), Lt Col Roper. 159 Diagram (mobilization), Lt Col Jeudwine. 160 Diagram (mobilisation) – responsibility for ditto, Lt Col Jeudwine. 161 Re-allotment of ASC Transport Units – 1st October, Maj Perceval. 162 Indoor tactical problem, 'Writing orders and messages', Maj Davidson. 163 Diagram to show organisation of Army Reserve, Lt Col Jeudwine. 164 Diagram to show organisation for recruiting, Lt Col Jeudwine. 165 Notes on recruiting problem, Lt Col Jeudwine. 166 1870 campaign. Notes from French official account, Lt Col Ballard.