Information/library planning

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Source note(s)


Equivalent terms

Information/library planning

  • UF Library planning
  • UF Planification des bibliothèques
  • UF Planification du service de la bibliothèque
  • UF Planificación de las bibliotecas

9 Archival description results for Information/library planning

9 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Accounting Records
GB 1697 A.IALS 7 · 1947-1950

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies accounting records, 1947-1950, comprising accounts book, Oct 1947-Jan 1949; Library accounts book, Feb 1949-Jan 1950; monthly accounts other than Library, Feb 1949-Jan 1950; petty cash accounts and credits, Feb 1949-Jan 1950.

University of London , School of Advanced Study , Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
GB 0102 MS 380592 · 1982-1991

Papers relating to the Advisory Committee on Oriental Materials (ACOOM), 1982-1991, comprising Committee minutes and papers, 1988-1991; Annual Meetings minutes, 1988-1991; correspondence, 1987-1990, including administrative matters; Chairman's working papers, 1988-1991, including administrative arrangements and policy; Officers' correspondence and papers, 1982-1989; miscellaneous papers, 1987-1989, including papers relating to rules concerning ACOOM administration, answers to a questionnaire relating to conservation facilities for Oriental materials, and papers relating to the Union Catalogue of Asian Publications. Subjects covered by the papers also include a project on romanization systems and the future of SCONUL.

Standing Committee on National and University Libraries , Advisory Committee on Oriental Materials
GB 0100 KCLCA 1986/CAL, 1992/CAL, CAL/H, CAL/FP, CAL/RG, CAL/CB, CAL/RJ · 1895-1987

Chelsea College Library records, 1895-1987, comprise papers collected by the College Library or describing the work of the Library on the Chelsea campus following the merger with King's College in 1985, notably correspondence with the College Secretary and departments, 1974-1980; papers relating to Library computerisation, 1979-1987; staffing and salary matters, 1978-1985; University Grants Committee papers on libraries, 1974-1982; History and Philosophy of Science Library correspondence and bibliography, 1964-1987; Chelsea Campus Libraries Users Committee notes, 1985-1987; finance, 1975-1977; concerning the College History Collection, 1965-1974; notes relating to building and planning at the King's Road site, 1971-1987; University of London merger and other papers, 1978-1983; reports on medical education in London, 1980; concerning Library private papers, 1949-1970; Library Annual Reports, 1963-1987 (1992/CAL, CAL/1986); correspondence concerning Library donors and Zoology reprints, 1967-1985 (Ref: 1986/CAL); accessions registers, 1921-1975 (Ref: CAL/RG); lists of current periodicals, 1960-1974 (Ref: CAL/RGJ); payments books for stock, equipment and expenses, 1960-1973 (Ref: CAL/CB); Library staff personnel files for leavers between 1970-1976 (Ref: CAL/FP); material concerning the history of the College accumulated by the Library, including charters, official reports, with some press cuttings, 1914-1981 (Ref: CAL/H).

South-Western Polytechnic Chelsea Polytechnic Chelsea College of Science and Technology Chelsea College
Library of Bedford College
GB 0505 BC AL900-990 · 1886-1974

Material relating to Bedford College Library, 1849-85, notably Minutes of the Library Committee, 1886-1983; Library working files, 1918-1985, on subjects including war arrangements, grant, University libraries, estimates and expenditure, staff and salaries and departmental matters; correspondence between the Librarian and the Secretary of the Council, 1889-1950; Library correspondence relating to alterations and repairs, 1932-1954; Library lists and registers, 1849-1985, including a Visitors' Book, 1953-1985, and Withdrawals Registers, 1917-1922 and 1954-1974; papers relating to insect problems in the Library, 1951; Doris Bains's statistics book and Library Staff Book; miscellaneous literary works, [1940-1959]; University Grants Committee (UGC) liaison reports, 1964; papers relating to the reclassification of the Library stock, 1969-1970; Library Accessions Register, 1897-1971; Pamphlet Accessions Register, 1921-1971; Donations Register, 1963-1970; plans by Maxwell Ayrton relating to the Tate Library extension, 1932-1950; plans by Easton and Robertson relating to the Tate and Herringham Library extension, 1961-1963.

Bedford College , Library
GB 1697 A.IALS 10 · 1960-1995

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) Library samples of working records, 1960-1995, comprising: IALS: Notes for Readers, 1960, 1972; sample gate signing-in books, 1975, 1985, 1995; index to foreign periodicals - payments record, 1979-1984.

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Library

Records, 1905-1988, of Queen Elizabeth College, its predecessors at King's College London and King's College for Women, and King's College of Household and Social Science. They comprise Bursar's Records, consisting of correspondence, 1946-1977, and papers, 1966-1979, on subjects including safety, estates and accommodation, sports facilities, refectory, students' union, and hall fees (Ref: QAB); council and committee members' correspondence files, 1908-1957 (Ref: QA/CC); Principal's records, 1908-1985 (Ref: QAP); records relating to the Library, 1905-1986 and undated, comprising minutes of the Library committee, 1905-1977, published material on physiology, medicine, housing, cookery and domestic applications, 1912-1975, and on nutrition and health in Malawi, 1969-1973, Rhodesia, 1963-1965, and Nigeria, 1972, papers on administration, finance and accessions, 1962-1986, and a design report on the proposed new library, 1979 (Ref: QAL/PUB, 1992/QAL/F, QAL/M, QAL/F); minutes, 1911-1985, of the Executive Committee and Council and other College bodies (Ref: QA/C/M, QA/CS/M, QA/F/M, QA/FS/M, QA/AB/M, QA/TC/M, QA/CB/M, QA/LC/M, QA/AM/M, QA/TF/M, QA/OC/M, QA/HC/M, QA/MP, Q/AUT); Registrar's records, 1967-1988, on academic subjects, computing, timetabling, accommodation, curricula, award of degrees, constitutional matters, admissions and fees (Ref: 1989/QAR); Secretary's records, 1914-1985 (Ref: QAS/GPF, 1987/QAS, QAS/FP/II-III); various title deeds and other formal legal documents, 1911-1985 (Ref: QA/T); financial records, 1913-1985 (Ref: QA/L, QA/J, QA/CB, QA/PCB, QA/WB, QA/SAB, QA/SFB, QA/ACC, QAF); personnel records (Ref: QA/FP, QA/RC).

King's College London , Women's Department King's College for Women , London King's College for Women , Household and Social Science Department , Kensington King's College of Household and Social Science , Kensington Queen Elizabeth College , Kensington
GB 0100 KCLCA QAL/PUB, QAL/M, 1992/QAL, 1999/QAL · 1905-1986

The records of Queen Elizabeth College Library include minutes, correspondence and publications, 1905-1986; notably an incomplete series of Library Committee minute books, 1905-1977 (Ref: QAL/M); loose minutes, correspondence and other papers concerned with the management and operation of the Library, in particular working party notes, policy documents, Library Committee papers, donations, accessions lists, finance, redevelopment, computing, and relating to the teaching of physics and social studies, 1962-1986 (Ref: 1992/QAL/F, QAL/F1); correspondence and architectural plans relating to the planning and development of a proposed new library, statistics and inspections, 1971-1979 (Ref: 1999/QAL); publications including copies of articles from a wide range of physiological and medical journals, mainly concerning obesity, hormonal and metabolic balance with the results of studies carried out on humans and rodents, 1912-1975 (Ref: QAL/PUB1); papers relating to catering, domestic planning and appliances, including on electric cookers and refrigerators, [1963-1970] (Ref: QAL/PUB2); Harrow Consumer Group publications including its magazine, Query, 1967-1971 (Ref: QAL/PUB3); publications concerned with recipes and diet and kitchen hygiene [1915-1960] (Ref: QAL/PUB4); pamphlets, brochures and other publications issued by the Government of Malawi and organisations in Rhodesia and Nigeria, on nutrition, health education, agricultural development and farming practices, 1969-1973 (QAL/PUB5).

King's College London , Women's Department King's College for Women , Household and Social Science Department , 1915-1928 King's College of Household and Social Science , 1928-1953 Queen Elizabeth College , 1953-1985
GB 0101 ICS 134 · 1974-1978

Papers of Kenneth Robinson as Director of the Survey of Library Resources for Commonwealth Studies, University of London, 1974-1978; mainly comprising correspondence with institutions regarding their relevant holdings correspondents include the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, the University of London Library; the University of Durham; the University of Hull; the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex; the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; Birkbeck College; the University of Cambridge; the Royal Commonwealth Society; the University of Oxford; the India Office Library and Records; working papers and drafts of final report.

Robinson , Kenneth Ernest , b 1914 , historian Survey of Library Resources for Commonwealth Studies
Secretary/Librarian papers
GB 1697 A.IALS 3 · 1946-1984

Correspondence and papers of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) Secretary/Librarian, 1946-1984, primarily comprise a selection of the general and administrative files of K Howard Drake, with a small amount of correspondence of W A F P Steiner and J A Boxhall. 'British Museum' file, holding correspondence of Drake and Steiner, 1947-1972; 'General correspondence' file relating to Library acquisitions and binding, 1956-1967; 'General correspondence' file on cataloguing and indexing procedures, 1965-1967; 'International Association of Law Libraries: course in law librarianship, Luxembourg, 1966', Drake's file as President of the IALL, 1965-1966; 'International Association of Law Libraries: Uppsala, 1966', Drake's file as President of the IALL, 1965-1966; correspondence between Drake and Elizabeth Moys, Acting Librarian, University of Lagos and later of Glasgow University Library, 1962-1968; 'Nuffield Foundation', correspondence and papers relating to grants to the IALS Library, 1946-1970; 'Standing conference of librarians of the libraries of the University of London', correspondence, 1954-1969; 'University Grants Commission: annual returns', 1948-1965; 'Library policy', draft policy statements, background papers, Library Committee minutes, 1947-1984; correspondence with the Library, Osgoode Hall Law School, Canada, 1949-1961; lists of current legal research topics, 1949-1966; correspondence and papers relating to the K Howard Drake memorial fund, 1968-1975; Secretary/Librarian's telephone directory; printed Finding list of primary source materials for British and Irish Law held by London libraries compiled by W A Steiner (IALS, 1974).

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies , Secretary and Librarian
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies , Librarian
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies , Secretary