Activité de loisir

Zone des éléments



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

    Note(s) sur la source


    Note(s) d'affichage

      Termes hiérarchiques

      Activité de loisir

      Termes équivalents

      Activité de loisir

      • Employé pour Actividad de ocio

      Termes associés

      Activité de loisir

      299 Description archivistique résultats pour Activité de loisir

      298 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
      GB 0074 LMA/4179 · Collection · 1725-1992

      Records of the Army and Navy Club, including Committee and Annual General Meeting minutes; annual reports with printed members lists (1847-1933); annual statements of accounts and other finance; Members admissions, deaths and resignations, members accounts and payments, candidate books, and newsletters.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 LMA/4286 · Collection · 1943-2008

      Records of the Maccabi Union of Great Britain, 1943-2002. Please note written permission from the depositors is required to access these records.

      This collection reflects how the Maccabi organisation functions on an international, European and national level. The hierarchy of authority is evident in the way the series of records have been organised. The Maccabi World Union, International Maccabiah Committee and European Maccabi Confederation are represented in the holdings mostly through official reports. However, although the records for the Maccabi Union of Great Britain start with the official minutes of what was to become the National Executive Committee, it is the personal correspondence from key figures in the Union, for example Eric and Beryl Rayman, which greatly enhance our understanding of this organisation.

      It is apparent from the records that the Maccabi Union GB has many related parts to it. This demonstrates the level of organisation involved and fund raising necessary to run a major youth movement. The Maccabi Foundation, an independant body, has, as its main purpose, a funding function for Maccabi activities. This itself was previously linked to a company called Maccabi Stadium Limited. The Maccad Agency Limited, also no longer functioning, charged commission from companies to advertise in Maccabi Union publications. This commission was most likely ploughed back into the Union's activities.

      The Maccabi Century Club took over the activities of the Sportsmen's Century Club in 1992. This club was founded by generous, wealthy men who ran one fundraising event per year at the Dorchester Hotel. The "Century" referred to the fact that this stag dinner function cost 100 pounds per head for 100 people. By 1992 the cost of the ticket had risen to 500 pounds and the number of attendees increased. Fine speakers, fine food and wine and top names in cabaret ensured a memorable evening. Over 33 years these dinners raised over 1,000,000 pounds to keep the Maccabi movement alive. The Maccabi Century Club continued this work with a slightly altered structure, that is, that the fundraising work is shared with the Maccabi Centurions. This Club is no longer operating.

      By far the most comprehensive series of records is that of sports events and games. The Maccabiah is covered from the 3rd to the 16th Games. A set of photographs of the 1950 Games is of particular interest as it shows not only the opening cermonies in Israel but members of the team from Great Britain and the competitors as they take part.

      The involvement of the Maccabi Union Great Britain in the Maccabiah, European and North American Games is known to us mainly through the personal papers of Ken Gradon who served the Union in many capacities. Ken Gradon was a key figure in the development of the Maccabi Union because he has served at all levels. He was, among other roles, President of the Maccabi Union Great Britain, Honorary President of the European Maccabi Games, a member of the International Maccabiah Committee on a personal basis, nominated to stand for committees of the Maccabi World Union and standing on the British Maccabiah Organising Committee.

      The photographic collection includes meetings, conferences, dinners and other events held between the 1940s and 1960s with particular reference to Maccabi Association London depicting speakers, audiences and assembled groups, the Jewish Welfare Unit ambulances, and the opening of the Maccabi running track at Hendon Stadium in 1953. Among the ephemera there are football league trophies, sports caps and T-shirts, commemorative pennants, banners and plaques.

      Besides the Maccabiah, individual sports are represented through the files of affiliated sports groups such as the Maccabi Southern Football League and Wingate Football Club, as well as the Union's own records of certain sports and their annual tournaments, such as table tennis, athletics and cricket.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 LMA/4304 · Collection · 1975-2001

      Records of London Youth Matters, consisting primarily of administrative papers including committee minutes and reports; general filing on a variety of topics; financial papers and a small number of publications.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 LMA/4644 · Collection · 1895-2006

      Records of the Samuel Pepys Club, including Administration records (1895-20--), including meeting minutes and agendas, unpublished papers, correspondence, and records relating to club events; Membership records (1903-2003), including lists of members and club rules; Finance records (1910-1991), including annual accounts; Historical notes (19--) including notes on Samuel Pepys and the formation of the club; Photographs (1950-1983) relating to club outings.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/1384 · Collection · 1933-1968

      Records of the Mayfield Athletic Club, Edmonton, including Executive Committee annual reports, correspondence and financial papers.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 O/401 · Collection · [1906-1939]

      Plans of the New University Club, St James's Street, by Richardson and Gill, architects. While the plans are not dated, it is possible to estimate that they were produced between 1906 and 1938 as the architectural partnership of Richardson and Gill were in operation between these dates.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 O/453 · Collection · 1843

      Specification of Works to be contracted for in Building the Conservative Club House in St. James Street, May 1843, formed of 20 large parchment membranes taped together.

      The Specification commences with 74 articles dealing with the structure, the site, and general conditions for the performance of the work; these fill rather more than five membranes. The rest of the Specification is headed "Description of inside Work and Finishings" and deals with the interior of the intended building, room by room, and staircases, passages, etc. There are ten small marginal drawings of mouldings, fitments, etc.

      The signatories are:

      Boston W. Ormsby Gore J.M. Fector Geo.Baker Castlereagh Geo.W.Baker

      The place of Lord Boston and Viscount Castlereagh and W. Ormsby Gore, as Conservative peers and Conservative M.P. respectively, is obvious. The function of John Minet Fector in this transaction is as yet unascertained; he was a collateral descendant of the well-known Minet family. The two Bakers doubtless represent the firm of George Baker and Son, builders, of Palace New Road, Lambeth.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 O/522 · Collection · 1884-1887

      Records of the Albert Palace Association Ltd, consisting of a prospectus for purchase of debentures and two newspaper cuttings relating to entertainment, 1884-1887.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/2527 · Collection · 1930-1980

      Records of the Central Women's Section of the Ilford South Labour Party, comprising minutes and a register of members.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/2558/LC · Collection · 1881-1984

      Records of the Lee Conservancy Catchment Board, including minutes of Board meetings; papers relating to staff including wages and superannuation; papers regarding the Sadler's Mill stream diversion; papers regarding flood relief and defences; correspondence and papers of the Association of River Authorities; papers relating to clearing the river; petitions; rainfall statistics; fishing rights; papers regarding members of the Board; drainage schemes; public relations files; papers regarding the Water Resources Act 1973; reports; papers regarding the acquisition of properties; and agreements for works, clearing, drainage, diversions, improvements, flood prevention, land sales and so on.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/2712/JFC · Collection · 1949-2005

      Records of the Association of Jewish Friendship Clubs, consisting of administrative and financial records (including minutes, enquiries and reports) for the association itself, and for specific areas and clubs. Also correspondence files for individual clubs, both overseas and in Britain.

      A further deposit included an extensive run of office files regarding both the administration of the AJFC and relations with affiliated clubs; a large number of photographs of AJFC events such as a handicrafts exhibition, talent competitions, holidays, celebrations and meetings; copies of the "Friendship Club Magazine"; circular letters; club programmes; press cuttings; obituaries and club badges.

      PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/3234 · Collection · 1974-1983

      Programmes, schedules and certificates from various horticultural shows, 1974-1983; including Middlesex County Shows, local horticultural and allotment society shows, local garden guild shows and the City of London Flower Show.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/004 · Collection · 1739-1997

      Records of the Candlewick Ward Club, comprising: minutes, 1739-1990 (Ms 02641, 32757); membership records, 1876-1914, 1958-89 (Ms 08538, 32758); financial records, 1933-97 (Ms 32759-62); and correspondence and other papers, 1968-88 (Ms 32763-8).

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/008 · Collection · 1844-1991

      Records of the Gresham Club, a City of London dining club. The majority of the records presented to Guildhall Library on the liquidation of the Club in 1991/2 (catalogued as Mss 28834-28864) relate to the Club's time at Abchurch Lane. All Victorian records of the Club, excluding the deed of settlement of 1844 (Ms 28834) and a single notice of annual general meeting of 1845 (Ms 28837), appear not to have survived. The records include constitutional documents, minutes, accounts, records of membership, legal papers, photographs and miscellaneous administrative papers.

      The Club's archives also include records of Gresham Club Trustees Ltd (Mss 28861-864), formed in 1915 to administer the lease of the premises at 15-17 Abchurch Lane. It was created to deal with all subsequent property transactions entered into by the Club, and enabled to borrow money, where appropriate, on the strength of the Club's property holdings. For a short history of the Club, written in 1943 for its centenary, see Ms 28856. The background papers used for this history have been catalogued as Ms 28857.

      Most of the records are subject to a 30 year closure rule.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/029 · Collection · 1859-1939

      Minutes books of the Bartholomew Club, discussion group.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/040 · Collection · 1695-1872

      Registers of members of the Centenary Club dining society, 1695-1872.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/046 · Collection · 1853-1856

      Minute book of the City Clerical Society.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/049 · Collection · 1853-1862

      Minute books of the City of London Elocution Society and the City of London Discussion Society, later merged as the City of London Discussion and Literary Society.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/053 · Collection · 1856-1877

      Cash book of the Civil Club social club.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/071 · Collection · 1860-1873

      Minute books of the Gleaners Literary Club.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/308 · Collection · 164--1854

      Records relating to Bartholomew Fair, inclduing pie powder court book, 1790-1854; historical notes, press cuttings and other notes, ca. 1641-ca. 1848; and accounts of receipts and expenditure for Bartholomew Fair, 1671. They were catalogued at various dates by members of Guildhall Library staff.

      Sans titre
      GB 2108 KUAS85 · 1979-1982

      Items relating to Kingston Polytechnic's Rams Rugby Football Club. Includes 2 rugby jerseys (one touring, one standard), three copies of Jersey tour 1981 booklet, and 3 membership cards with year fixtures for the clubs for years 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982. Items collected by John Shepherd, former Kingston Polytechnic student and Rams team member.

      Sans titre
      GB 2812 H · 1909-1975

      Records of Associated Organisations of the Carpenters' Company, comprising records of the Old Carpentarians, 1909-1975, namely minutes of the committee, 1909-1972, including the inaugural working committee, menus, newspaper reports, balance sheets and annual reports to the membership; address books with members details, 1910, 1922-1974; annual reports, 1960-1970, compiled by the Honorary Secretary giving an account of the annual reunion and containing members' greetings and correspondence; correspondence to and from the Honorary Secretary, 1974-1975, relating to annual reunions and prizegivings; The Story of the Carpenters' Company's Technical School (1891-1905) and of The Old Carpentarians, published by the Committee of the Old Carpentarians' Association, 1964; scrapbook, [1950]; menu for the Jubilee Reunion, 1955; sound recordings of annual dinners held at Carpenters' Hall, 1961-1964.

      Sans titre
      Irving Rosenwater Collection
      IR · Fonds · 1923-2005

      Documents relating to World Series Cricket: player plaintiffs, scoresheets, newspaper cuttings, sponsorships, affidavits, pens, t-shirts, posters, match tickets, seat reservations, correspondence, minutes, emblems, souvenir cards, digital clocks, cassettes, caricatures, iron-on transfers, clothing caps, teaspoons. Ball used during Australia vs. India Test Match in Melbourne, February 1981; Scorecards, reports and statistics from internationals played in Australia, 1980-1987; MCC Receipts at the Pavilion, 1933; letters from the MCC Secretary, 1923-1930; hospitality boxes; copy of the Clark Committee Report and newspaper cuttings, 1966; takings sheets from the Warner Stand and Mezzanine Bar in 1995; dinner menu cards, 1989-2005; receipts; correspondence on laws, 1929, annual reports, newsletters, members catalogues; fixture cards, 1949-2003; tickets, application brochures, pamphlets; MCC rules; membership correspondence 1987-1990; Scoresheets from first-class cricket played in England, c 1970; World Cup 2003 Playing Conditions posters, c 1970-2005

      Sans titre
      GB 1370 WIA, Aby M Warburg · Collection · 1866-2000

      Papers created and collected privately by Aby Moritz Warburg and members of his family, and administrative records of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg and its successor institution, the Warburg Institute, 1866-2000. Including records of the history of the Warburg Institute from the beginnings of Aby Warburg's private library to the present day in sections under the following headings: Buildings; Administration; Organization and Activities of the Library / Institute; Annual Reports; Visitors' and Address Books; Accession Books; Account Books and 'Scrap' Book. Personal documents and working papers of Aby Warburg, including his bibliographical notes, notebooks, diaries and journals, drafts of lectures and articles; poems and dramatic sketches. Topics covered include: Contemporary Art; Hamburg University; Early Renaissance and Florentine Art and Patronage: Botticelli, Leonardo, Ghirlandaio, Sassetti; Flemish Art; Transformation of Style; Festivals; Psychology of Art; Pueblo Indians; Art and Astrology in Italy and the North: Palazzo Schifanoia, Luther and the Art of the Reformation, Dürer; Rembrandt; Cosmology; Postage Stamps; 'Mnemosyne-Atlas'. Papers collected by Aby Warburg on the following topics: Hamburg University; Hamburg City Affairs; Hamburg Institutions; Art Historical and other Congresses; Kunsthistorisches Institut (Florenz); First World War and Aftermath and Universities. Photographic Material including negatives and prints.

      Sans titre
      The Athenaeum
      GB 1969 · 1824-2015

      The Archive has a rich collection of early building, financial and library records together with unbroken sequences of committee minutes, annual reports and membership records from foundation to present day. As well as information about the formation and development of the Club and the Club building, the Archive gives an insight into the election of Members; Members' experiences of dining in the Club; staff and their relationship with the Athenaeum; how major changes to the Club came about; and how events outside the Athenaeum have affected the Club. There are records relating to the celebration of Royal events and the viewing of Royal processions from the Club. Records for other special events, such as the Order of Merit Dinner held in 1902, have also been kept. Deserving of special mention is the collection of letters from staff serving in the First World War.

      Among the building records are Decimus Burton's original drawings showing designs for the interior of the Club. There are also later architectural drawings by Decimus Burton, Charles Barry and T E Collcutt. The Archive holds inventories dating back to 1830.

      The Herbert Spencer papers, which are owned by the Club, are on deposit with the University of London at Senate House Library, where they may be consulted by scholars.

      Sans titre
      GB 2108 KUAS4 · [1490-1980]

      Circa 5000 books collected by Vane Ivanovic. The strength of the library is books on 20th Century Balkan history and books on the Second World War, although there are books on a number of other subjects including the history of the Olympic Games and Spear-fishing. There are also a small number of books pre-dating 1900, going back to the 1490s. The vast majority of books are in English, although a small number are in other Western European languages or Serbo-Croat.

      Sans titre
      Publishing News Archive
      GB 2108 KUAS67 · [1950]- 2008

      Documents created during the publication of Publishing News magazine. This includes a complete run of the magazine, copies of other publications by Publishing News, research files on companies and individuals associated with the book trade pulled together by the editors of the magazine, photographs used in the magazine, documents relating to the British Book Awards, reference books on the book trade, and some digital records. Publishing New's website has also been archived and can be searched at .

      Sans titre
      Cobden, Richard: letter, 12 May 1845
      GB 0096 AL35 · Fonds · 1845

      Letter from Richard Cobden to Mrs Drummond, 16 Shamrock Place, Edinburgh, 12 May 1845. Thanking her for a present to his young daughter. Referring to [Thomas Babington] Macaulay, who 'is now I fear a little under the shade, in consequence of his Maynooth vote, with some of his constitutents', and to the bazaar given by the National Anti-Corn Law League at Covent Garden.

      Autograph, with signature. With the original envelope (with a decorative border in the form of wheat ears), bearing the seal of the National Anti-Corn Law League.

      Sans titre
      Bishopsgate Ward Club
      GB 0372 BISHOPSGATE WARD CLUB · Fonds · 1943-2005

      Records of the Bishopsgate Ward Club (1965-2005), including minute book, 1965-1986; cash book, 1976-1987; heraldic shields, n.d.; correspondence, financial statements, bank statements, subscriptions, receipts and minutes, 1999-2005; general papers, correspondence and information regarding visits and events, 1998-2003; committee attendance register, 1943-1988; dinner programmes and rulebooks, 1954-2010; photograph of the Bishopsgate Ward Club Committee, 1962.

      Sans titre
      SARGEANT, Jean (1933-2011)
      GB 0372 SARGEANT · Fonds · 1950-2011

      Papers of writer and political activist Jean Sargeant (1933-2011), including: correspondence, papers and cuttings regarding involvement with various political campaigns, including the Stop the Seventy Tour, Labour Party and anti-fascist activities, 1964-2008; typescripts and papers regarding Sargeant's publications 'Sign of the times - Woman in the Wapping Dispute' and 'Liberation Christianity on the Wapping Picket Line', including transcripts of interviews, 1986-1992; publications by Sargeant, including typescript of autobiography 'The Turning Point', cuttings of published journalism and various press cuttings, 1970-2003; personal papers, including scrapbook from a visit to London, photograph albums, correspondence with Ray Fletcher MP and order or service for Sargeant's funeral, 1950-2011.

      Sans titre
      GB 0098 GJ · Created 1908-1988 (ongoing)

      Records of Imperial College Anniversaries and visits, 1908-1988, namely relating to the College centenary celebrations, 1945, comprising papers relating to the celebrations at the Albert Hall, including guest lists; minutes of the Centenary Committee; correspondence, 1944-1945; speeches by George VI, Lord Rayleigh, Sir Richard Southwell, 1945; minutes and correspondence relating to Commemoration Day lectures, 1946-1948; Commemoration Day sub-committee minutes and correspondence, 1948-1956; centenary appeal fund papers, 1944-1949; correspondence relating to the Memorial volume, 1944-1950; papers of Charter Day celebrations, 1943-1982, including correspondence concerning dinners; opening of the Roderic Hill building by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, 1957; Charter Day parties, 1958-1968; 75th anniversary dinner of the College Charter, 1982;
      papers relating to official visits, 1916-1988, notably Commercial Committee of the House of Commons, 1916; Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1953, 1962; Parliamentary Committees, 1953 -1981; Princess Margaret, 1980; Princess Anne, 1981; messages to the Royal Family on royal events, 1910-1952; papers relating to congresses and conferences, 1931-1958, 1970-1971; annual dinner correspondence, 1924-1936; Open Days, 1961, 1969; prizes, 1908-1909; receptions, 1960-1973;
      correspondence relating to the Bursar's office, 1955-1975; papers of the Bookings Committee, 1964-1985, including minutes, 1964-1975, correspondence, 1973-1978; papers of the working party on the use of college facilities, 1974-1975; papers relating to marketing, press and public relations, 1969-1991, including visit of the Queen, 1969, working party on women students, 1986-1988.

      Sans titre
      GB 0098 S · Created 1846-1998 (ongoing)

      Records relating to Student Unions and Associations of Imperial College, 1846-1998, comprising Rector's correspondence on student matters, 1968-1972; Old Students' Associations, 1964-1972 (SA);
      records of the Royal College of Chemistry, comprising Laboratory Library Committee minutes, 1846-1851; Discussion Society minutes, 1859-1869 (SC);
      records of the Royal College of Science and Royal School of Mines Students' Union, 1889-1913, including minutes of the committee, 1890-1900, 1911-1913; cash book and balance sheets, 1899-1904; printed rules, 1889-1901; records of the Royal School of Mines Student's Union, 1905-1973, notably accounts, 1926-1960; minutes of committees, 1905-1971; general meetings, 1912-1973; handbook, bookstall lists, 1948-1960 (SD); records of the Royal School of Mines Old Students' Association, 1912-1984, including annual dinners, 1907-1984; correspondence, 1912-1947 (SDA); Chaps Club, 1923-1973, comprising annual booklets, 1923-1970; awards of the Club tie, 1962-1973 (SDC);
      records of the Royal College of Science Student Union records, 1909-1981, notably minutes, 1909-1979; annual reports, 1926-1933; correspondence, 1901-1956; rules and handbook, 1931, 1967; Joint Publications Board minutes and correspondence, 1931-1981; correspondence concerning colours, 1926-1937 (SE); Royal College of Science Old Students' Association records, 1907-1990, including minutes of Committee meetings, 1908-1976, 1990; rules, 1909; correspondence, 1907-1975; attendance book, 1950-1970 (SEA);
      records of the City and Guilds Union, 1895-1984, including committee minutes, 1902-1983; Union Executive minutes, 1976-1984; accounts, 1909-1976; committees, correspondence, 1911-1969; records of the Engineering Society, 1895-1972, including minutes, accounts, letter books, photograph album, Athletic Club minutes and papers, 1912-1969; Boat Club accounts, 1921-1948, 1983; Boxing Club minutes, 1958-1962; Dancing Club accounts, 1945-1948; Football Club accounts, minutes, 1909-1974; Rugby Club minutes, 1899-1964; Radio Society log books, minutes, 1927-1990; Swimming and Water Polo Club minutes, 1977-1982 (SF); records of the Old Centralians, 1897-1998, including rules, 1903; correspondence, 1899-1938; subscriptions, 1897-1906, 1951-1961; accounts, 1897-1959; minutes, 1897-1903, 1968-1979; attendance registers, 1938-1973; annual dinners, 1907-1998 (SFA); records of the Twentyone Club, 1928-1983, including history, 1968; minutes, 1928-1975; papers of chairmen, subscriptions, 1930-1976 (SFAA); batches and bulletins, 1923-1983 (SFAB); The Links Club magazine, 1945-1948, 1965 (SFL);
      records of Imperial College Students' Union, 1911-1985, notably secretaries' correspondence, 1911-1979; handbooks, 1966-1985; policy statements, minutes of the Committee and Council, 1920-1981; Social Clubs Committee, 1935-1987; Athletic Clubs Committee, 1925-1976; Cricket Club, 1958-1976; Finance Committee, 1923-1938; general meetings, 1937-1981; Entertainments Committee, 1945-1959; accounts, 1946-1959; awards of colours, 1921-1968; list of union members, 1911-1947; Rectors' correspondence concerning student matters, including admission, complaints, accidents, deaths, 1958-1979 (SG/SGA);
      records of Imperial College Boathouse and Boatclub, notably opening, 1938; correspondence with the architect, 1936-1938; Rectors' correspondence, 1949-1963; purchase of site, 1933-1937; Boathouse Committee minutes, correspondence, 1938-1977; rules and constitution, 1921-1947; flood prevention scheme, 1936-1952 (SGDB);
      papers concerning Wembley Sportsground, comprising minutes of the Imperial College Athletic Ground Committee, 1932-1939; correspondence on the sale of the ground, 1922-1939; evidence of the Rector, 1936 (SGC); correspondence concerning the purchase, construction and military requisition of the Harlington Sports Pavilion, 1936-1946; Finance Committee papers, 1923-1952; Athletic Committee minutes, 1938-1981; Athletic Ground Committee minutes, 1945-1980; papers relating to the Sports Centre, 1965-1986, including South Kensington Sports Committee reports, 1968-1971; correspondence concerning the boats Olympic IV and VIII, 1975-1980; rifle range, 1947-1962; Gliding Committee correspondence and papers, 1930-1981, concerning foundation, grants, equipment, (SGD); Boxing Club minutes, 1950-1960 (SGE);
      Imperial College Chemical Engineering Society, proceedings of meetings, 1946-1958 (SGFC); Royal College of Science Entomological Society minutes, 1925-1938 (SGFE); Debating Society reports, 1963-1970 (SGFF); Hofmann Society minutes, 1933-1951, cashbook, 1933-1951, including the Hofmann prize to 1961 (SGFH); Imperial College Industrial Society magazine, 1986 (SGFI); Royal College of Science Mathematical and Physical Society minutes, 1923-1968 (SGFM); Imperial College Students' Union Overseas Societies, including the Chinese Society magazine, 1984-1985 (SGFO); Imperial College Students' Union Rugby Football Club minutes, 1934-1963 (SGFR); Imperial College Students' Union Social Clubs, including Exploration Society papers, 1961-1963, (SGFX); H G Wells Society correspondence, magazines, 1963-1984 (SGFW), G Wing Club (SGG); Imperial College Liberal Club newspaper, 1978 (SGGL); Imperial College Music Society, notably minutes 1984-1986, programmes, 1950-1985, Folk Club members, 1979-1981, Imperial College Sinfonietta programme (SGM); Imperial College Operatic Society programmes, 1977 (SGO); Imperial College Students' Union Radio Service papers, 1974-1979 (SGRS); Imperial College Womens' Association minutes, 1951-1967, accounts, 1975-1980 (SGW);
      papers relating to Imperial College Hostel and Halls of Residence, 1918-1983, notably Hostel Committee minutes, 1918-1950, regulations, 1926, Residents' Committee minutes, 1945-1959, Residential Amenities Committee correspondence, 1944-1961, Combined Colleges Housing Association papers, 1946-1975, Rectors' papers, 1965-1971, report and papers, 1983 (SH);
      papers relating to Imperial College Union Bookshop, notably Committee minutes, and regulations, 1926-1973, ledger, 1966-1990, correspondence, annual reports, 1922-1973, balance sheets, 1925-1971, papers concerning staff, 1949-1973, premises, 1955-1969 (SJ);
      Imperial College Refectory Committee minutes, 1930-1990, expenditure, 1930-1940, Hall Dinner Committee minutes, 1947-1962, menus (SK); Wine Committee minutes, 1954-1978, annual reports, 1954-1967, correspondence, 1954-1973 (SKW);
      papers relating to student discipline, 1945-1978, Imperial College Carnival, 1960-1966, including Rag magazines, International Conference of Students of Technology report, 1981 (SM);
      Imperial College Representative Council correspondence, 1969-1971 (SNA).

      Sans titre
      Articles on railway excursions
      GB 0096 MS 853 · 1842-1843

      Transcript of a series of articles that appeared in the Athenaeum, 1842-1843, giving itineraries and descriptions of monuments that could be visited in day excursions by railway from London, the first headed 'The Bye Paths of England' and signed 'M' (Athenaeum, 1842, pp.634-5), the others headed 'Days' Excursions out of London' (Athenaeum, 1843, pp.715-7, 736-7, 754-6, 819-20, 882-4, 904-6).

      Sans titre
      Chelsea College Serial Publications
      GB 0100 KCLCA C/SER · 1904-1983

      South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, and Chelsea College Serial Publications, 1904-1983. This class of material comprises College magazine and journal periodicals, and provides a snapshot of the academic and social life of students and staff from the early phase of the Polytechnic until shortly before the merger with King's in 1985, and includes the South Western Polytechnic Journal, 1904-1906; The Magazine of the Chelsea Polytechnic, 1929-1939; Chelsea College of Science and Technology Gazette, 1962-1969; The Bell, the magazine of the Chelsea Pharmacy Association, 1953-1968; and New Leaf, the Humanities Society journal, 1973-1982.

      Sans titre
      GB 0100 KCLCA C/SU, C/SAC · 1908-1980

      The records of the South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology and Chelsea College Students Union and social clubs, 1908-1980. These notably consist of Social Council and Students' Union Society minute books, 1908-1980 (Ref: C/SU/M1-5); Student Debating Society minute book, 1931-1936 (Ref: C/SU/M6); Chemical Society minutes of meetings, 1947-1977 (Ref: C/SU/M7); Chelsea Polytechnic/College Social and Athletic Council ledger and journal, record of athletics distinctions and the award of colours, 1936-1963 (Ref: C/SAC).

      Sans titre
      Dulwich Hospital, Private Papers
      GB 0100 KCLCA DH/PP1 · 1944-1987

      Dr Freedman's research papers for the opening historical talk at a symposium held to mark Dulwich Hospital's centenary celebration in 1985. Includes correspondence; drafts and text of final version of the talk; plans of the hospital; some 1940s and 1950s electrocardiograms (ECGs) 'on Eindovers string galvanometer' [possibly made at Dulwich Hospital], and programmes for the opening of the operating theatre suite, 1958 and the opening of a new ward in the renal unit, [mid 1980s]. (Note: the talk was never given as the celebration was cancelled.)

      Sans titre
      FEREDAY, Edmund James (b 1959)
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP14 · Created 1985

      An account of a cycle tour of Jordan (8 Sep-6 Oct 1985), funded by a Convocation Trust Vacation Award; travelled mainly through Jordan, but also visited Israel and Egypt; an educational trip to find out about life in these countries; travelled away from the main routes but did see some important sights; visited archaeological sites, and participated in a dig in Jordan.

      Sans titre
      Woodcraft Folk
      GB 0097 WF · Collection · 1910-1989

      YMA/WF: papers of the Woodcraft Folk, 1910-1975, including yearbooks and annual reports, 1928-1973; administrative material, 1930-1972, notably agenda and minutes of National Delegate Conferences, the National Folk Council and its various committees, membership details, and financial papers such as account books, paysheets and correspondence; general correspondence, 1929-1972, on subjects including the Public Order Act, Folk organisation during World War Two, conscientious objection, and the organisation of campsites; material concerning teaching undertaken by the Folk, 1938-1956, notably papers concerning National Training Camps, tests and badges; correspondence and papers concerning the National Folkhouse, 1938-1958; publications and propaganda, [1926-1965], also including song sheets, play scripts, draft articles and newspaper cuttings; correspondence and papers concerning relations with other organisations, 1929-1972, notably the Co-operative Union; material relating to international activities, 1931-1975, including correspondence with international youth groups, participation in international children's camps and European conferences; papers relating to local Woodcraft Folk groups, 1924-1973; papers of individual Folk, [1925-1975]; photographs of Folk activities, 1938-1971; printed materials and periodicals, 1910-1973. (114 boxes).

      YMA/WF/2003 (accessions M3199 and M3204): Additional papers of the Woodcraft Folk, including minutes, annual reports, correspondence, publications, photographs, c 1929-c 1989 (80 boxes).

      YMA/WF/2005 (accession M3293): Papers of the Woodcraft Folk: Mount Pleasant Group, 1970s (1 box).

      Sans titre
      Student Associations of Bedford College
      GB 0505 BC AS120-150 and AS900-910 · 1894-1984

      Papers relating to Bedford College Union Society, 1894-1984, including the Senior Student's Book, 1894-1923; Minutes of the Executive Council of the Bedford College Student's Association, later BCUS, 1894-1983; BCUS general correspondence with College Secretary, 1919-1966; minutes of BCUS General Meetings, 1942-1984; minutes of the Finance Committee of BCUS, 1960-1983; printed draft Constitution of the BCUS, 1966; copies of BCUS publications concerning student activities, [1970-1985]; copies of the Bedford College Student's Handbook, 1966-1982; student ephemera, including sports shields, cups and badges. Papers of the Bedford College Old Student's Association, 1906-1986, including minutes, agendas and papers of the BCOSA, 1911-1974; correspondence and papers of the BCOSA, 1906-1968, and the Bedford College Association, 1969-1974; BCOSA Cash Books, 1920-1951; bound copies of Bedford College Old Student's Reports, 1922-1986, containing reports of meetings and information on former students; BCA Calendars, 1975-1984.

      Sans titre
      Arden-Clarke, Sir Charles Noble
      GB 0102 MS 380596 · 1949-1957

      Papers, 1949-1957, of Sir Charles Noble Arden-Clarke, giving an insight into events during the transition of the Gold Coast to independent Ghana, including the State of Emergency (1950). The papers comprise typescripts of speeches to local clubs and societies, discussions with the Legislative Council, and some correspondence arranging meetings, 1949-1957, including two congratulatory telegrams received on the independence of Ghana, 1956, and speech when sworn in as Governor-General of Ghana, 1957; text of a radio broadcast on democracy and elections at the General Election, 1956; other papers, 1954-1957, comprising letters received congratulating him on his work, legal documents concerning a libel by the Ghana Nationalist newspaper, articles on Arden-Clarke from The Observer and The Ghana Evening News, and copy letter by Arden-Clarke concerning appointment of the next Governor of Ghana, 1957.

      Sans titre
      Polytechnic Institute
      GB 1753 PIN · Collection · 1880-2002

      Records of the organisation known variously as the Polytechnic Sports Club, the The Institute of the Polytechnic Sports and Social Clubs, and The Polytechnic Sports Club Committee, as well as records of the Polytechnic's Men's and Women's Council, and Joint Council.

      This collection includes all records relating to the organisation of sports and social activities by members of the Polytechnic except for records of the individual clubs themselves, which are catalogued as separate collections. However it does include correspondence with the clubs by the Secretary and Committees. This collection also includes papers relating to the award of Polytechnic-wide medals and trophies, including the Elsie Hoare Trophy, Studd Trophy and Ditchman Trophy.

      Sans titre
      Regent Street Polytechnic
      GB 1753 RSP · Fonds · 1855-1970

      Records, 1891-1970, of Regent Street Polytechnic, comprising:
      Governing Body minutes, 1891-1970, attendance books, 1954-1970, and related papers; Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, 1891-1932, 1951-1960, and attendance books, 1949-1958.

      Deeds, leases, agreements, schedules, licences and correspondence, 1891-1970, concerning Polytechnic affairs and premises, including Langham Place, Riding House Street, Great Portland Street, and other sites, and use of the Polytechnic Theatre (Marlborough Hall), Regent Street, as a cinema;
      papers, 1889-1970, relating to the Charity Commissioners' Scheme for the Polytechnic.

      Financial records, some relating to Trusts and prizes, 1891-1970, including balance sheets, accounts and financial statements, 1891-1895, 1899-1904, balance sheets and accounts, 1939-41, ledgers, 1892, 1902-1970, journals, 1939-1956, various cash books, 1905-1970, invoices, 1905-1911, 1959-1965, correspondence and papers concerning overdrafts, 1927-1954, record books, perhaps recording payments to government-sponsored students, 1919-1923, applications for and papers relating to grants from the City Parochial Foundation and London County Council, 1891-1960, and other papers relating to funding and regulatory bodies, including the Board of Education, papers relating to the Quintin Hogg estate and investments, 1903-1970, and the Kynaston Studd memorial fund, 1940s, and Polytechnic Benevolent Fund minute book, 1938-1965.

      Administrative papers and correspondence of the Polytechnic and its officers, 1902-1964, relating to premises, finance, staff and salaries, library, enrolments, fees and examinations; correspondence and papers on fundraising and rebuilding, 1909-1916, including Building Committee minutes, 1908-1911, and plans, agreements and press cuttings; correspondence and papers on fundraising and extension, 1926-1929; correspondence, plans and other papers, 1911-1946, relating to premises including Cavendish Place and Langham Place; correspondence and papers relating to administration and facilities of the Quintin Hogg Recreation Ground, Chiswick, 1904-1960s, including the Trustees' minute book, 1932-1959; papers relating to proposed re-organisation, 1959-1969.

      Records of the Education Department, including prospectuses, 1892-1970, and records relating to examinations, results, certificates, and medals awarded to students, 1891-1970;
      papers of the Teaching Staff Association, 1963-1970;
      records of the Polytechnic Institute, comprising membership records for men, 1891-1958, and women, 1904-1960, and subscription ledgers for men, 1891-1937, 1952-1963, and women, 1904-1937, 1952-1960; papers relating to World War One, 1914-1915, including three volumes on members on active service.

      Papers, including ephemera, on Polytechnic jubilees, public and social occasions, and official visits, 1904-1964, including the royal visit, 1912, the opening of the stadium at Chiswick, 1938, coronations, 1937, 1953, and Hogg centenary celebrations, 1964.

      Rules, 1913; printed annual reports, 1931-1938, 1952-1970, and typescripts, 1938-1941; staff handbooks [1954], 1964 and undated; student handbooks, 1961-1970; lecture notes and exam papers for the P.O. Workman's course, 1929-1933; class notebook for Electro-Technology, 1930s; lecturer's notebook detailing classroom allocation, staff teaching hours and student enrolment numbers, 1930-1945; The Polytechnic Magazine, 1891-1971, which includes detailed information on Polytechnic business and activities; miscellaneous other publications, including The Polytechnic: its genesis and present status (1892), The Polytechnic Portrait Gallery (1894), comprising portraits of staff and members, an honorary membership ticket, 1895, student magazines, 1936-1969, and miscellaneous articles, typescripts and cuttings on the Polytechnic, 1892-1968; volumes of press cuttings and scrapbooks of ephemera, 1893-1947, including Polytechnic activities, rebuilding, and J E K Studd.

      Textbooks written by members of the Polytechnic teaching staff, including
      Theory and Analysis of Ornament - Applied to the Work of the Elementary and Technical Schools by Francois Louis Schauermann, 1892; The Polytechnic Coat System by Dr Thomas Darwin Humphreys, 3rd edition, n.d. [1900]; A Manual of Boot and Shoe Manufacture designed for the use of technical students by Herbert Hill and Henry Yeoman, 3rd edition, 1900; Building Construction and Drawing - first stage (or elementary course) by Charles F Mitchell, assisted by George Mitchell, 6th edition, 1902; Engineering Drawing : Principles and Practice of Draughtmanship by W. Weeks, n.d.; Polytechnic Technical Scales by C F Mitchell, n.d.; Hasluck's Recitations volume II: Hasluck's Recitations for Ladies compiled and adapted by Mr and Mrs S L Hasluck, 1903; Indiarubber and Gutta Percha - A Complete Practical Treatise by T Seeligmann, G Lamy Torrilhon and H Falconnet. Translated from the French by John Geddes McIntosh, 1903; Carpentry Workshop Practice by C F and G A Mitchell, 1904; Brickwork and Masonry: A Practical Textbook for students by Charles F Mitchell, 1904; The Polytechnic Cookery Book by M. M. Mitchell, 1907; Pumps - Their Principles and Construction - a series of lectures delivered at the Polytechnic Institute, Regent Street, London by J Wright Clarke, 2nd edition, 1919; Speech Training in the School by Marjorie Gullan, 1929; A Modern French Course for Beginners by A C Clark, 1930; General Electrical Engineering edited by Philip Kemp, 1943; A Modern German Course - Part 1 and Part 2 (2 volumes) by A C Clark and W O Williams, 1947; Fitness for All by Joseph Edmundson, 1953; The Pan Book of Swimming and Water Sports by Joseph Edmundson, 1965.

      Photograph album, c1899, including photographs of activities and buildings; other negatives, prints, and plates, comprising buildings and premises (exterior and interior shots), including Langham Place, Regent Street, Little Titchfield Street, and the Quintin Hogg Recreation Ground, Chiswick; educational aspects, including Polytechnic Schools, libraries and laboratories, and window displays and exhibitions; events, including the royal visit, 1912, Lord Mayor's Show, 1922, 1928, annual fetes, 1927-1932, and Coronation concert and dance, 1953; personalities, including members of the Hogg family, Robert Mitchell, and J E K Studd; photography students' work, 1960-1970. Some earlier photographs were taken by the Polytechnic School of Photography.

      Material relating to the Hogg family, 1855-[1970], includes articles about Quintin Hogg, 1888-1949; miscellaneous of Hogg's letters, mainly copies (originals dated 1882-1903), some relating to the Polytechnic; books by or associated with Hogg, 1855-1900; papers relating to his death, funeral and monument, 1903-1907, including printed material and a volume of press cuttings on his achievements; and information on other family members. Material relating to other Polytechnic notables comprises T H W Pelham's Recollections of the pre-historic days of the Polytechnic (1914); miscellaneous papers relating to Robert Mitchell, comprising a letter to E J Painter, 1929, a cutting on his death and orders of service for memorial services, 1933, and Ethel M Wood's Robert Mitchell (1934); miscellaneous correspondence and papers relating to John Edward Kynaston Studd, including programmes for social events, 1922-1935, his The origin, history, and present work of the Polytechnic [1932], papers relating to his death, 1944-1945, and A L D Hamilton's Kynaston Studd (1953); printed material on other members of the Studd family, 1914-1962.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 BARRY · 1921-1960

      Notebooks of Sir Gerald Barry, record conversations with Carl Goerdeler (a member of the German opposition to Hitler) and notes on British politics before and after World War Two; correspondence concerning editorial responsibilities at the 'News Chronicle'; texts of wartime broadcasts; diaries of Sir Gerald Barry's visits to France, Greece, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland and the United States of America; a small section on the Festival of Britain consisting of a file of correspondence on the setting up of an International Design Centre and a file of correspondence on the redevelopment of Crystal Palace; one file of correspondence on censorship reform; and articles and speeches by Sir Gerald Barry and notes and drafts for his autobiography.

      Sans titre
      Osterberg Collection
      GB 2121 Osterberg Collection · [1885]-1986

      Records of Bergman Osterberg Physical Training College, later Dartford College of Physical Education, comprising meetings of the Committee of Management, [1916-1960]; minutes of Governors meetings, 1962-1965; minutes of the Governing Body, 1970-1976; ?minutes of College Committee meetings, 1927-1937; minutes of College and Council meetings, 1955-1964; minutes of the College Council, 1968-1969; minutes of the Academic Board, 1969, 1972-1975;

      minutes of Library Committee meetings, 1956-1962; minutes of the Games Committee, 1919; minutes of Games meetings, 1949-1955; Games Executive meetings, 1979-1983; minutes of the Bergman Osterberg Union of Trained Gymnastic Teachers, 1916-1917; minutes of staff meetings, 1951-1959, 1969-1973; minutes of the Staff Council, 1972-1977; minutes of Dartford Sports Association, 1980-1981; minutes of the B.Ed Honours (Physical Education) Course Committee, 1980-1985; minutes of the Staff/Student Advisory Committee, 1982;

      students' book, 1900-1914, giving lists and details of students; card indexes recording details of former students; pass lists and examiners reports, 1971-1986; Thames Polytechnic examination papers, 1980-1986; student assessments and reports, 1935-1938, 1946-1962; individual student records, 1915-1921; student entry files, 1921-1947; uniform lists, 1911-1950s; rules of residence at the College, 1947; papers relating to staff appointments;

      papers relating to the College remedial clinic for children, [1900-1964], including details of treatment and exercises, case histories and photographs of patients; patient record cards, 1950s-1960s; record book, containing photographs and clinical details; correspondence; patient case book, 1916-1921;

      volumes recording sports matches, notably lacrosse, cricket, hockey, swimming, netball and tennis, some with photographs, 1904-1985;

      plans, maps and drawings of site buildings, [1895-1995]; letters and plans relating to the site and buildings, 1950s; papers relating to college properties; papers relating to the amalgamation of Dartford College with Thames Polytechnic, [1975-1976]; prospectuses, 1891-1982; programmes, 1891-1977;

      papers relating to the College during the Second World War, [1939-1945]; College papers relating to the removal of the College to Newquay, Cornwall, [1941]; papers relating to establishment of the University of London Diploma in Physical Education, 1930-1939; correspondence, 1945-1948; correspondence and press cuttings relating to proposals on teacher training, 1982; papers relating to proposal to close teacher training courses at Thames Polytechnic, 1982;

      financial records, notably staff pay salary books, 1953-1961; Games Association accounts, 1969-1986; Principals' account, 1944-1951; Bergman Osterberg Trust financial records, notably accounts and ledgers, 1922-1960; correspondence of the College Bursar and Treasurer, 1950s-1960s; papers relating to staff salaries and other expenditure, 1946-1960; deeds and correspondence relating to Pauline Ada Starling Memorial Fund, 1928, and the Bergman Osterberg Trust;

      photographs of College life (loose and in albums), including views of College buildings, staff and students, student activities, the remedial clinic, sports and sports teams, classrooms, outdoor activities, dance and gymnastic displays, royal visits, 1890s-1970s; photographs of principals, 1891-1978, including Madame Bergman Osterberg;

      letters to Madame Bergman Osterberg, 1906-1915 (in Swedish); notes by Madame Bergman Osterberg, 1887-1911, including notes on the Theory of Movement; scrapbook of College history compiled by Madame Bergman Osterberg, [1885-1915];

      certificates awarded to students, [1914-1948]; information files, [1902-1985], relating to individual students and staff, College administration and management, buildings, curriculum and syllabuses;

      records relating to the Bergman Osterberg Union, namely Committee Meeting minutes, 1940-1987; magazines, 1917-1996; Bergman Osterberg Trust, anniversaries and celebrations, finance;

      memoirs relating to the College, 1900s-1970s; essays by old students relating to College life between 1892-1914; letters from old students who attended the College between 1891-1981; press cuttings relating to the College, 1932-1975; scrapbook of royal visit, 1918;

      notes by E A Macleod, relating to theory of education and movement, biology, theory of games, practical science, anatomy, physiology, undated; notes (in Swedish) by Miss A Wikner, relating to pedagogical gymnastics, symptamology, gymnastic exercises, history, physiology, [1904]; exercise books of Katharine Lewis, 1930s, relating to various subjects taught at the College; course notes and lesson plans prepared by Margaret E Welch, 1964, on anatomy, physiology, remedial work; student notes by Cath Martineau, 1948-1951, including notes on anatomy, physiology, pathology, theory of movement.

      Sans titre
      GB 2121 Woolwich Polytechnic · Fonds · 1890-1989

      Records of Woolwich Polytechnic, comprising minutes of the Trustees, 1891-1895; minutes of the Governing Body, 1894-1970; minutes of Committees of the Governing Body, 1895-1970; minutes of the Education and Finance, General Purpose Committee, 1896-1941, including sub-committees, building, recreation, schools, equipment; minutes of the Polytechnic Council, 1891-1903; minutes of the Polytechnic Trustees and Friends, 1891-1895; minutes of the Young Man's Christian Institute Social and Recreative Committee, 1895-1901; minutes of the Woolwich Polytechnic Social and Recreative Committee, 1901-1903; minutes of the Technical Board of Studies, 1923-1934; minutes of the Technical and Trade Board, 1937-1945; minutes of the Board of Studies, 1932-1934; minutes of the Academic Board, 1935-1960; registers of members of the Governing Body, 1895-1961; Governors' attendance books, 1935-1989; Governing Body handbooks, 1898-1970;

      Woolwich Polytechnic sundry reports, 1890-1902; Principal's reports, 1900-1903; Principal's Report on the Social Side, 1905; Principals' reports, 1905-1950; reports of the Governing Body, 1905-1970;

      administrative records, comprising Secretary's files, 1907-1973, notably applications for recognition to the Board of Education, 1907-1913; letters to T A Denny concerning buildings for Woolwich Polytechnic, 1890; licences to erect buildings, 1898-1902; minutes of meetings of Secretaries of London Polytechnics, 1939-1960; minutes of Head's meetings, 1953-1963; papers relating to the refectory and Refectory Advisory Sub-committee, 1940-1961; technical education, 1956-1961; teaching staff, 1959-1964; administrative staff, 1962-1972; financial records, comprising report and financial statements, 1892-1969; block grant files, 1911-1971; City Parochial Reports, 1927-1937, on the work of London Polytechnics; papers relating to trusts and prizes, comprising declarations of trusts and trust deeds, 1901-1931, Charity Commissioners order, 1960;

      annual reports, 1904-1925, 1967-1970; prospectuses, 1891-1971, including for schools associated with Woolwich Polytechnic; calendars of classes, 1895-1934; information leaflets, including calendars of dates, 1953-1971; Students' Handbook, 1904-1933; albums of press cuttings, 1894-1907, 1958-1968; photographs of student classes, 1899; photographs for prospectuses, 1901-1905; internal views of the Polytechnic, including cookery school, laundry, club rooms, engineering workshop, ladies tailoring, playing fields; albums of staff photographs, 1950s-1960s, presentations, staff cricket matches, coats of arms; photographs of Governors, 1891-1970; Chairmen of the Governing Body, 1891-1973; Principals, 1893-1970;

      magazines of Woolwich Polytechnic and Day Schools, 1905-1970, comprising The Pom-Pom, 1905-1906; The Polytician; The Probationer; Secondary School magazine, 1923; The Polygon, 1933-1954; Polly, Cycling Club magazine, 1948-1952; Chanticleer, 1948-1959; Proceedings of Woolwich Polytechnic Engineering Society, 1908-1914; Broadsheet, 1965; Principal's newsletter, 1969; staff bulletins, 1934-1953; staff journal, 1970; minutes, 1952-1957, and correspondence, 1950-1957, of the Magazine Board;

      student records, comprising student record cards, 1900-1910; registers of attendances, 1905-1912; students' schedules, 1932-1945; class attendance books, 1908-1912, 1932-1964; student record sheets, 1912-1932; teachers' class reports, 1912-1976; class reports, 1953-1954; course reports, 1957-1961; examination results and reports, 1948-1957; statistics relating to students and student hours, 1946-1967; School of Art student record sheets, 1914-1932; School of Arts and Crafts record sheets, 1941-1943;

      minutes of Woolwich Polytechnic Union of Clubs and Societies, including Woolwich Polytechnic Association, 1891-1903, 1929-1933, 1943-1968; annual accounts, 1960-1970; correspondence, not dated; Woolwich Polytechnic Students' Union handbooks, 1960-1970;

      student theses and dissertations, [1929-1970];

      Woolwich Polytechnic Lodge Ladies Festival programme, 1978.

      Sans titre