Medical sciences

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      Medical sciences

      • UF Biomedical sciences
      • UF Medicine
      • UF Médecine
      • UF Sciences biomédicales
      • UF Ciencias biomedicales
      • UF Ciencias de la salud
      • UF Medicina

      1399 Archival description results for Medical sciences

      1399 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      Daily Advertiser
      GB 1538 S22 · 1746

      Copy of The Daily Advertiser, 8 Oct 1746, including advertisements for a course of lectures on midwifery by William Smellie, lectures in physic and midwifery by Sir Richard Manningham, and lectures in anatomy by William Hunter. It comprises an original copy and photocopies.

      The Daily Advertiser
      GB 0116 Henry Hallett Dale Collection · 1942-1965

      Papers of Sir Henry Hallett Dale include three photographs of Sir Henry Hallett Dale; correspondence and papers to and from various recipients, relating to topics such as lectures, students and meetings at the Royal Institution of Great Britain (RI), 1942-1945; correspondence and papers to and from various recipients, relating to topics such as apparatus for the Davy Faraday Research Laboratory at the RI, 1945-1946; volume containing various aspects of RI accounts such as petty cash and catering supplies, some correspondence is also included, 1943-1965.

      Dale, Sir Henry Hallett, 1875-1968. Knight. Physiologist. Pharmacologist. Physician.
      GB 0120 PP/AWD · 1900-1969

      Papers of Allen Daley, mainly from the period after Daley's retirement in 1952 until his death in 1969. They comprise correspondence, committee papers, reports, lecture notes and photographs relating to many aspects of public health and community medicine, including other professions in the public health field and health education. Of particular note is the almost complete set of his lecture notes, articles and speeches spanning his career and retirement (see C.3), many of which include other information relating to public health gathered by Daley for the purposes of writing the speech or article. Also, after his retirement he reviewed nearly 600 book and journal articles (see C.7).

      Daley , Sir , William Allen , 1887-1969 , Knight , public health officer
      GB 0809 Daley · 1903-1913

      Papers of William Allen Daley, 1903-1913, comprise awards and photographs relating to Daley's medical career and achievements. The collection contains medals awarded to Daley, relating to his medical achievements, notably the George Holt Medal, Physiology, University of Liverpool, 1907 (Daley/01/03); photographs and illustrations, including images of staff within various institutions, notably including a photograph of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth with a small party including Daley, 1940s (Daley/02/05) and certificates, acknowledging his professional qualifications and additional achievements including his Fellowship of Royal Society of Health, 1926 (Daley/03/06).

      Daley , Sir , William Allen , 1887-1969 , Knight , Medical Officer of Health
      GB 0120 PP/DAL · 1953-1991

      Papers of Ann Gwendolen Dally and Peter John Dally, 1953-1991 including patient and other records of their joint private practice, plus Dr Ann Dally's correspondence with General Medical Council and writings relating to drug addiction.

      Dally , Ann Gwendolen , 1926-2007 , psychiatrist Dally , Peter John , b 1923 , psychiatrist
      GB 0120 GC/139 · Collection · [1865-1980 ]

      The bulk of the papers are reports and talks reflecting Sir Weldon Dalrymple-Champneys' interests as a physician and wide range of duties as Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health at the Ministry of Health. The subject files (section H) contain details, including some manuscript diaries, of work in which he was particularly closely involved, such as snake venom and brucellosis. Texts of talks and broadcasts, some extracted from those subject files, are brought together in section F. Section D includes personal letters from distinguished colleagues. Sections A-C include mementos of Sir Weldon's father, Sir Francis Henry Champneys (1848-1930), a pioneer of modern midwifery who was Physician-Accoucheur at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London (1891-1913).

      Champneys , Sir , Francis Henry , 1848-1930 , Knight , obstetric physician Champneys , Sir , Weldon , Dalrymple- , 1892-1980 , 2nd Baronet Physician , public servant
      Daniel, George
      GB 0096 MS 972 · c1797-1900

      Personal papers, correspondence, news-cuttings and pamphlets concerned mainly with various literary societies. This collection also comprises correspondence of the Daniel family, including that of George Daniel's son, Jesse Cato Daniel (1825-1876), Jesse's wife Elizabeth (1825-1900), and his grandson, George B. Daniel (1863-1897) who emigrated to Argentina. The Daniel papers include a letter from the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge to "my very dear Cottie" in 1797.

      Daniel , George , 1789-1864 , businessman, writer and book collector; Daniel , Jesse Cato , 1825-1876 , lecturer
      GB 0120 PP/DNL · 1971-1990

      Papers of Peter Daniel, 1971-1990, including correspondence concerning the Jenner Trust and Appeal, Physiological Society, William Gibson, and the Sir Hugh Cairns memorial, plus some notes on medical cases and Daniel's research grant applications.

      Daniel , Peter Maxwell , 1910-1998 , neuropathologist
      H61/DA · Collection · 1875 - 1988

      Records of Darenth Adult Asylum, comprising Medical Superintendent's instructions, visitor's book, correspondence, weekly wage books, monthly salaries books, admission, discharge, transfer and death registers, Chaplain's interment registers, plans of the hospital buildings, photographs of officers and staff, documentation of entertainments laid on by patients and staff and an oral history of the visit of a former patient to the hospital.

      Darenth Adult Asylum
      GB 0120 MSS.2038-2042 · 1931

      Collection of alchemical, chemical, medical and scientific works entitled 'Bibliothek Ernst Darmstaeder; Aeltere Wissenschaften', in typescript, with numerous holograph notes and additions. Inserted are three typescript lists with pencilled valuations, etc. by the Librarian. List A. Books at first missing from the main Collection (5 ff.). B. Books offered in replacement: with pencilled valuations by the Librarian (11 ff.). C. Books from the original Collection found later (1 f.). Checked copy of the original typescript Catalogue, with notes etc. by the Librarian (MS. 2039). Another copy with valuations by the Librarian (MS. 2040). Copy checked against the books received (MS. 2041). Second copy (MS. 2042). Produced in Munich.

      Darmstaedter , Ernst , 1877-1938 , historian of science
      GB 0120 MSS.2046 and 5677 · 1944-c.1950

      The collection comprises lectures and papers by Davey on administration and health issues as they relate to East Africa

      Davey , John Bernard , 1875-1967 , colonial medical officer
      GB 0120 GC/169 · Collection · 1975-1977

      Transcripts of discussions between paediatricians and psychoanalysts from various London hospitals, 1975-1977, with memorabilia of David Morris, FRCP (1915-1989).

      Morris , David , fl 1970 , paediatrician
      GB 0099 KCLMA Davidson T W · Created [1950]

      Copy of account of his service with the Royal Army Medical Corps in the Sudan, 1924-1931, written for [The Sudan Society].

      GB 0114 MS0206 · 1778

      Papers of David Saunders-Davies, 1778, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Saunders-Davies, titled Some Notes of Anatomical Lectures, Delivered by Dr Hunter, November 1778.

      Davies , David Saunders- , d 1829 , landowner of Pentre, Pembrokeshire x Saunders-Davies , David
      GB 0100 TH/PP19 · 1808

      Papers of George William Davies comprising his notes on lectures on surgery delivered Sir Astley Paston Cooper, 1808.

      Davies , George William , fl 1808 , medical student Cooper , Sir , Astley , Paston , 1768-1841 , 1st Baronet , surgeon
      GB 0114 MS0278 · 1932

      Papers of Eleanor Davies-Colley, 1932, comprising a letter of reference by Davies-Colley, written on the headed paper of 16 Harley Street, 23 Mar 1932. Recommending Sister Perry, who worked at the South London Hospital for Women, 1929-1930. Including a note by Perry.

      Colley , Eleanor Davies- , 1874-1934 , surgeon x Davies-Colley , Eleanor
      GB 0120 GC/92 · Collection · 1908

      Translation of Alfred Denker's 1904 monograph Die Otosklerose (Otosclerosis) into English by Alexander Robert Tweedie (d 1936).

      Denker , Alfred Friedrich Amandus , b 1863
      DENMAN, Thomas (1733-1815)
      GB 0100 TH/PP21 · 1782

      Papers relating to Thomas Denman, comprising notes on his lectures on midwifery, 1782, taken by an unidentified student.

      Denman , Thomas , 1733-1815 , physician
      GB 0120 PP/CED · c.1940-1977

      The vast majority of the material relates to Dent's research and clinical interests and falls into four main categories: correspondence files; files created around the publication of papers; lecture notes and symposium papers; and case/research notes. There are also smaller quantities dealing with other aspects of his career, such as the administration of UCH Metabolic Ward. The papers thus reflect most of Dent's scientific and clinical interests. This research is mainly represented by the abstracted documentation which he kept with drafts of his published papers (see section E.1) and also by correspondence about cases and clinical case notes (see section C.5). To a lesser degree they also illustrate the work at the laboratory bench which underpinned much of this research. For example, a file of unidentified paper chromatograms has been preserved (C.2/10) to illustrate one of Dent's methods of working, as described by his colleague, Heathcote, and quoted in the Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 1978: 'Paper chromatograms were not to be thrown away. They were filed and, since the colours faded, the outline of each spot was drawn in and the intensity of the colour was indicated by a number.' The way in which Dent compiled a large series of files around drafts of scientific papers also illustrates the importance of the published paper to him as a stage in the research process. An incomplete collection of reprints of Dent's published papers may be found in section E.2 of the collection.

      Dent , Charles Enrique , 1911-1976 , biochemist
      GB 0120 MSS.2103-2104 · 1791

      Traité d'opérations de Chirurgie. Rédigé d'après les Leçons de Mr. Desault, chirurgien en chef de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Paris. Revu et corrigé par lui-même. Manuscrit par Victor Gueudeville, l'un de ses Élèves. Vol. I. Opérations de la tête, du col, et de la poitrine (436 pp.); II. Maladies des voyes urinaires, de la verge, des bourses, et de l'anus, aneurisme, amputation (375 pp.). Produced in Paris.

      Desault , Pierre Joseph , 1744-1795 , surgeon
      Desbout, Louis (fl 1796)
      GB 0117 MS/60 · sub-fonds · 1796
      Part of Manuscripts General

      'Memoir au College Royal de Medecine sur l'utilite d'un Tratement simple pour les Maladies Chirurgicales en genral, etc', by Louis Desbout MD. Contains 7 sheets of drawings of instruments and appliances and illustrations of how they are used.

      Desbout , Louis , fl 1796 , physician
      GB 0120 MSS.7034-7035 · 1793-1813

      Letters and papers of René Desgenettes, 1793-1813, mainly official orders relating to medical services in the French army in Egypt, of which he was physician in chief. With a few letters from Desgenettes to his wife. The letters and papers concerning the Egyptian campaign complement Desgenettes' own published account, Histoire médicale de l'Armée d'Orient (Paris, 1802), which was largely compiled from copies of his out-letters.

      Desgenettes , Rene Nicolas Dufriche , 1762-1837 , Baron Desgenettes , physician
      GB 0120 MSS.2112-2113 · 1807-1836

      Two notebooks of Claude François Déveille, 1807-1836, one recording pharmacy in use in military hospitals (plus some erotic poems) and the other a commonplace book.

      Déveille , Claude François , b 1770 , army surgeon
      Dick-Read, Grantly
      GB 0120 PP/GDR · c 1906-1971

      Papers of Grantly Dick-Read, c 1906-1971 including family correspondence and papers, letters from mothers and doctors, papers relating to dissemination of doctrine, personal material.

      Read , Grantly , Dick- , 1890-1959 , exponent of natural childbirth
      Dionis, Pierre (1645-1718)
      GB 0120 MSS.2128-2129 · 1723-c 1730

      Two abridgements of Pierre Dionis's 'Cours d'opérations de chirurgie', in Italian.

      Dionis , Pierre , 1645-1718 , anatomist
      Division of Simple Vices
      GB 0114 MS0183 · Mid 18th century

      2 manuscript volumes by unknown authors, mid 18th century, comprising a volume titled Division of Simple Vices containing notes on topics including 'On Medicaments', 'An Introduction to Physick', and detailed descriptions of diseases; and a volume bearing the name 'William [...] 1750', containing notes on topics including 'Of the Gout', and references to and extracts from publications including the London Practice of Physick, which was originally published in 1685. 'Fordyce' is written at the top of several pages, possibly referring to George Fordyce (1736-1802) who lectured on the practice of physick from 1764.

      Dixon, John (1832-1930)
      GB 0120 MSS.2135-2195, 5191, 5950 and 6794 · 1848-1903

      Notes by John Dixon on medical matters and on things of personal interest to him such as astrology and photography spanning his entire career, 1848-1903. MS.5191 comprises more formal material, namely certificates and indentures.

      Dixon , John , 1832-1930 , physician
      GB 1538 S6 · 1676-1901

      Letter from Eliab Harvey, later Sir Eliab Harvey, nephew of William Harvey, to William Garnay, 28 Apr 1676; correspondence between Wertheim Williams and Probyn Williams regarding anaesthetics, Nov 1900-Jan 1901; letter from Edward Jenner to Mr Hulme concerning vaccination, 26 Oct 1812; correspondence between James Matthews Duncan and Joseph Lister concerning the use of chloroform, 6 Mar 1875-18 Aug 1877; lease of rooms to British Gynaecological Society by the Medical and Chirurgical Society of London., Feb 1890; gift of Edward Protheroe-Smith; letter of Florence Nightingale to Heywood Smith concerning lying-in institutions, 10 May 1876.

      Dobbin , Roy Samuel , 1873-1939 , Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Smith , Edward , Protheroe- , fl 1933
      GB 0120 GC/249 · 1989-1990

      Transcripts of 162 interviews with medical and nursing staff for a study on inter-professional relations between doctors and nurses (covering attitudes to patients, characteristics of good/bad staff, responsibility for medical decisions, training, etc.), 1989-1990.

      Soothill , Keith Mackay , Lesley
      GB 0120 GC/248 · 1981-1985

      The study was based on meetings and taped interviews with consultants, junior doctors and nursing staff, plus documentary evidence. The latter is not included in the records given to the Contemporary Medical Archives Centre, nor (with one exception) are the records of meetings, but the taped interviews have been deposited in full. The interviewees give pseudonyms rather than their actual names.

      Dent , Michael P , fl 1982-1985 , academic
      GB 0120 PP/DOL · 1943-1998

      Papers of Sir Richard Doll arranged as follows: Section A. Correspondence and papers from Doll's period as Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Oxford (1969-1979). Includes the administration papers of medical departments. During Doll's professorship, most of the planning and development of the John Radcliffe Hospital complex was undertaken, and many of the papers relate to this project, including building specifications and architect's plans as well as numerous reports prepared for committees on which Doll served, including those concerned with the re-organization of Oxford hospital services.

      Section B. Papers deriving from the conduct of trials and other epidemiological research. The collection contains material from a range of clinical trials in the field of gastroenterology, conducted initially under Francis Avery Jones at Central Middlesex Hospital. The trials investigated a variety of treatments of ulcers: from an investigation of the influence of smoking, to the role of blood group distribution and family history, from the efficacy of liquorice treatment to the efficacy of intragastric milk drips in uncomplicated gastric ulcer, and from comparative trials to determine rates of healing, to investigating cortisone in ulcerative colitis. Occupational epidemiology is well-represented, including material on both vinyl chloride and asbestos. The latter incremental research into the link between asbestos exposure and lung cancer (at the Turner and Newall factory in Rochdale) includes related correspondence, draft papers and original data, beginning with Doll's landmark paper of 1955. Other research-based material includes papers relating to a Medical Research Council trial of mild hypertension (completed in 1985), for which Doll acted as Chair of the Ethical Committee. Papers on smoking and lung cancer are less well-represented: spanning the period 1956-1972, they do not, unfortunately, include papers from formative research conducted with Bradford Hill. Correspondence relating to ISIS-3: Third International Study of Infarct Survival (for which, Doll acted as Chair of the Data Monitoring Committee) can be found at D/3/82, amongst the lecture papers where it was originally filed.

      Section C. Doll's international reputation prompted a number of requests for his professional assistance, from both private and public sectors. In addition to formal consultancy conducted in America and Europe, Doll's international lecturing itinerary sometimes incorporated local consultancy - see, for example, D/3/41 (Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Study), D/3/42 (correspondence with Shell Oil, Houston, concerning peer-review of a case-control study of fourteen leukaemia deaths at an oil-refinery), or D/3/54 (a new Centre for population health studies in Tasmania). More extensive consultancy is represented by papers concerning the Spanish Toxic Oil Syndrome: the WHO invited Doll to weigh evidence gathered to determine the cause of the epidemic and prepare an expert report.

      Section D. Lecture texts and papers, published and unpublished from 1968 to 1991. Many files contain germane correspondence, notes and background material. For instance, D/1/20 ("Osler's English School") contains brief correspondence with the Dept of Pathology, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford on Osler's post-mortem record; D/1/32 ("Pott and the path to prevention") contains photocopied medical notes of James Chard, chimney sweep (St Batholomew's Hospital, 1848); D/2/28 ("Avoidable cancer: attribution of risk") contains clinical correspondence on beta-carotene; and D/3/24 ("Medical effects of smoking: problems and perspectives") includes correspondence with Austin Bradford Hill on the origins of the prospective study of doctors and their smoking habits. Some additional papers, prior to 1968, can be found in Section B, where they are filed together with contemporaneous research materials.

      Section E. Audio and video tapes amongst Doll's papers. A small collection of materials drawn from 1981-1984, including an interview on Japanese television.

      Doll , Sir , William Richard Shaboe , 1912-2005 , Knight , epidemiologist and cancer researcher
      GB 0074 CLC/444 · Collection · 1710-1910

      These records of the Dollond family, optical instrument makers, comprise family and estate papers and business records.

      Dollond , family , optical instrument makers
      Dominicetti, Bartholomew di
      GB 0117 MS 63 · sub-fonds · 1764

      A medical tract on a new system of medicinal bathing in the form of a letter addressed to the Royal Society by Bartholomew di Dominicetti, 3 Dec 1764.

      Dominicetti , Bartholomew Joseph Alexander , di , fl. 1735-1782 , physician
      Donovan, Charles (1863-1951)
      GB 0120 MSS.2208-2216 and 5692-5697 · 1889-1921

      MSS.2208-2216 comprise notebooks and essays. MSS.2210-2211 are broader in subject than the rest of this block of material, comprising lectures in physiology; the remainder of the manuscripts in this block focus on issues of specifically tropical medicine. Kala-azar and malaria are particularly featured. MS.2208 also includes a list of birds in Dunduan. MSS.5692-5697 consist of illustrative material (primarily water-colours from microscope slides relating to tropical parasitic diseases), correspondence, cuttings and offprints, and miscellaneous other papers relating to Donovan's work on tropical medicine.

      Donovan , Charles , 1863-1951 , physician and specialist in tropical medicine
      GB 0120 WTI/DON · 1895-1951

      Papers of Colonel Donovan including correspondence with Sir Ronald Ross 1903, Letters and telegram regarding investigation and confirmation of the newly-discovered leishmania donovani 1903-1904, Donovan's published works 1904-1909, later correspondence with Raghavendra Row 1912-1914, material on the subject of herbal medicine 1895-1922 and biographical material.

      Papers of Mrs A A C Skelland including personal certificates, etc, 1909-1934, job references 1910-1928 and drawings and watercolours 1917-1921.

      Donovan , Charles , 1863-1951 , physician and specialist in tropical medicine Skelland , Amy Anna Caroline , 1883-1972 , nurse
      GB 0114 MS0155 · 1877-1927

      Papers of Alban Henry Griffith Doran, 1877-1927, comprising letters to Royal College of Surgeons of England staff, 1882-1927; work at the Samaritan Free Hospital [1877-1897], 1909-c 1924; memoirs, 1923-1924; work for publications including drafts, proofs and original drawings, late 19th to early 20th century; and donations to the Library, early 20th century.

      Doran , Alban Henry Griffith , 1849-1917 , surgeon
      Downes, W (fl 1821)
      GB 0114 MS0053 · 1821

      Papers of W Downes, 1821, comprising 2 volumes of manuscript lecture notes of surgical lectures by John Abernethy, 1821.

      Downes , W , fl 1821 , student of surgery
      Drabble, Mary Louisa
      GB 0120 GC/227 · 1917-1931

      Papers of Mary Louisa Drabble, 1917-1931, comprising notebooks as a medical student at the University of Edinburgh, 1920-1925, testimonials; certificates; photograph; personalia. The collection also contains nursing notebooks of her sister Margery Drabble, was a nurse at Guy's Hospital during early 1920s (notebooks spanning 1922-1925).

      Drabble , Mary Louisa , 1900-1972 , general practitioner
      GB 0809 Draper · 1949-1997

      Papers of Dr Christopher Draper, 1949-1997, includes correspondence, research papers, notebooks, photographs, slides, articles, publications, teaching material, data tables and graphs concerning Christopher Draper's career as a medical officer, researcher and lecturer in tropical medicine. The collection relates to many of Draper's research projects overseas such as malaria studies in East Africa, particularly the Pare-Taveta and Mara regions and material also relates to other short-term projects abroad on behalf of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, World Health Organization or Overseas Development Administration. Research papers concern important work carried out in seroepidemiology, ELISA tests and malaria and teaching material includes slides for lectures, handouts and correspondence with students. Most of the papers stem from Draper's time at the LSHTM although photographs of Draper's posting as medical officer in the Middle East for the Red Cross are included.

      Draper , Dr Christopher Charles Gawler , 1921-2006 , Senior Lecturer in Department of Tropical Hygiene
      GB 0113 MS-DREWF · 1876-1881

      Drewitt's pathological drawings, 1876-1881, both water-colour drawings and pencil sketches, of cases admitted to St George's Hospital, 1876-1878 and undated, and of cases of pharyngoeal diphtheria, made at Great Ormond Street Hospital, 1880, and scurvy, rickets and variola, 1881. Many are labelled and annotated.

      Drewitt , Frederick George Dawtrey , 1848-1942 , pathologist
      GB 0113 MS-DUCKD · Fonds · 1913

      'Some requirements for modern clinical teaching', 1913.

      Duckworth , Sir , Dyce , 1840-1928 , physician
      GB 0064 DUC · Collection · [1779-1813]

      Papers of Sir John Thomas Duckworth, consisting of a log, 1779 to 1780; letterbooks, 1800 to 1807 and 1812; order books, 1800 to 1806; an admiral's journal, 1807 to 1808; two rough journals, 1805 and 1810 to 1812, and correspondence. The loose papers cover the years 1790 to 1813. They consist of official and some private correspondence; reports and orders, including series from Lords Howe (q.v.), 1790, and Collingwood (q.v.), 1805 to 1806; an account of the battle of the First of June 1794; correspondence relating to Duckworth's Mediterranean command, 1799 to 1800, in particular to naval hospitals; correspondence with Sir Robert Calder (1745-1818), 1800 to 1805, mostly on their dispute over prize money, and other papers relating to the West Indies; congratulatory addresses on San Domingo; correspondence relating to the Dardanelles affair and letters and papers received as Governor of Newfoundland.

      Duckworth , Sir , John Thomas , 1748-1817 , Knight , Admiral
      DUDLEY, Hugh (b 1925)
      GB 0098 MS/US · Created 1945-1988

      Papers of Professor Hugh Dudley, 1945-1988, comprising papers relating to the Department of Surgery of the University of Adelaide, 1975-1976; alterations to the Surgical Unit laboratories, 1966-1973; papers relating to the Joint Standing Research Committee, 1971-1978; research projects, 1974-1982; minutes of the Junior Surgical Staffing Committee and Senior House Officer/ Registrar Rotation Committee, 1971-1988; papers relating to the training and research of St Mary's Hospital Medical School students, 1973-1988; minutes of the Clinical Curriculum Committee, 1981-1988; papers of the Development Policy Committee, 1981-1982; papers relating to BSc in Clinical Science, 1982-1986; minutes and papers relating to St Mary's Hospital redevelopment, 1977-1987, including Academic Surgical Unit, Medical School accommodation, working group on bed distribution and theatres; photographs of Professor Learmonth, 1945, and group portrait.

      Dudley , Hugh Arnold Freeman , b 1925 , surgeon
      Dulake, Lawrence (1901-1987)
      GB 0120 GP/1 · 1925-1965

      Patient records and practice and partnership agreements of Dr Lawrence Dulake, c 1926-1965.

      Dulake , Lawrence , 1901-1987 , general practitioner
      Dulwich Hospital Case Notes
      GB 0100 KCLCA DH/CN · 1947-1951

      Dulwich Hospital case notes, consisting of out-patient case notes, 1947-1951, for a named patient suffering from Addison's disease, who was treated at various hospitals and clinics.

      Dulwich Hospital
      GB 0100 KCLCA DH/FP · 1917-1967

      Dulwich Hospital Nursing School registers, 1917-1967 comprising: Sisters' Register, 1920-1961; General Staff Registers, 1930-1967; Male Nurses Registers, 1940-1961; Part-time and Auxiliary Nurses' Register, 1947-1954; Assistant Nurses' Register, 1947-1959; Matron's Log Book, 1945-1948; Student Nurses' Examinations Register, 1938-1947; Student Nurses' Registers, 1943-1967; Probationer Nurses' Registers, 1917-1955; and photographs of the hospital buildings, [1940-1980].

      Dulwich Hospital Nursing School