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        624 Archival description results for Pathology

        624 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        GB 0096 AL389 · Fonds · 1801

        Letter from Mordaunt Martin of 'Burnham' to Dr [John Coakley] Lettsom, Sambrook House, London, 8 Mar 1801. Stating that he has despatched to Lettsom a parcel of mangelwurzel seeds. Explaining that he was prevented from answering Lettsom's letter of 3 Jan by an attack of gallstones, since relieved by pills of soap and rhubarb. Discussing the 'Brown Bread Act' [probably 41 Geo.3.c.16] to which, he says, Lettsom was in some degree accessory; quoting Lettsom and Horne Tooke on the Act; Martin prefers brown bread for his breakfast, using his own wheat 'sifted in the coarsest hair sieve', but deprecates the 'indiscriminate use of it'. Attacking at length the Potato Premium Bill, which had just been rejected, according to 'the paper of this night'; claiming that such a bill would force by premiums an unnatural produce on land which the occupiers could use for more profitable crops. Adding that his and Lettsom's 'hearts will beat in unison' on reading pages 109-110 of the 2nd edition of [Robert] Fellowes's Christian Philosophy [1799].

        Autograph, with signature.

        Martin , Mordaunt , fl 1801 , correspondent of John Coakley Lettsom
        GB 0120 MSS.3466 and 6886 · Collection · 1887-1930

        Collection of papers chiefly on gynaecology, plus file of documents relating to the surgeon, Christopher Martin (certificates, letters, biographical information), 1887-1930.

        Martin , Christopher , 1866-1933 , surgeon
        GB 0809 Marshall · 1920-1965

        Papers of John Frederick Marshall, 1920-1965, mainly relating to his establishment of the British Mosquito Control Institute on Hayling Island in 1925 with associated papers concerning its work and administration; programmes, addresses and reports of meetings and conferences concerned with mosquito and malaria research; Reports of the Proceedings of the Institute; articles and pamphlets by Marshall on mosquitoes and malaria; press cuttings relating to mosquitoes and malaria in Britain, and to the malaria outbreak of 1927; sale particulars of the Institute as part of Marshall's estate.

        Marshall , John Frederick , 1874-1949 , parasitologist
        GB 0120 MSS.3443, 5652, 7061 & 7310 · 1849-1894

        Papers of Jean Nicholas Marjolin and his son René Marjolin, 1849-1894, including notes of Jean Nicolas Marjolin's lectures, by a medical student; letters from René Marjolin to his friend Edmond Dascols relating mainly to personal affairs, and the health of the Dascols family (with advice on cholera and other maladies) and letters from Paris at the time of the siege and the Commune, 1870-1871, when René Marjolin was active in treating the wounded prior to his arrest as a Bonapartist agent.

        Marjolin , Jean Nicolas , 1780-1850 , surgeon and morbid anatomist Marjolin , Nicolas Rene , 1812-1895 , surgeon and morbid anatomist
        GB 0114 MS0129 · 1804-1817

        Papers of Alexander John Gaspard Marcet, 1804-1817, comprising a volume containing case notes and observations on topics such as herpes, aneurisms, apoplexy, and typhus. Including manuscript copies of papers Marcet read at the Medico Chirurgical Society, which were not published, titled Two cases of visceral disease, with dissection, and Account of a case in which death was preceeded by a dose of arsenic and corrosive sublimate, with dissection, 1806.

        Marcet , Alexander John Gaspard , 1770-1822 , physician
        GB 0120 GC/66 · 1959

        Papers of Sir Philip Manson-Bahr, 1959, including 'Whole original handwritten manuscript of 'The Story of Filaria''. This is the original text of 'The Story of Filaria bancrofti: A Critical review' published in Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1959, 62, pp53-61, 85-94, 106-117, 138-145, 160-173. This was divided up into five parts: I Early history; II Metamorphosis of W bancrofti, in the mosquito and filarial periodicity; III Advances in the 20th century; IV Mosquito intermediaries of W bancrofti; V Description of W bancrofti and pathology of filiariasis. Also watercolours illustrations of parasites, etc; photographs and charts re amoebiasis.

        Bahr , Sir , Philip , Manson- , 1881-1966 , Knight , Medical Researcher x Manson-Bahr
        GB 0809 Manson-Bahr · Collection · 1925-1966

        Papers of Sir Philip Henry Manson-Bahr, 1925-1966, comprise correspondence relating to the 17th edition of Manson's Tropical Diseases, an important textbook on the subject, with Charles Wilcocks, President of Royal Society of Tropical Hygiene and Medicine, and relating to various matters including his retirement, the Manson lecture, the memorial to Sir Patrick Manson in Aberdeenshire; personal file including information on his work at the School and retirement and a copy of the publication The story of malaria: the drama and actors.

        Bahr , Sir , Philip Manson- , 1881-1966 , Knight , Medical Researcher x Manson-Bahr
        GB 0120 MSS.3417, 6129-6132 and 7245 · 1856-1922

        The collection comprises case notes of patients in Amoy and Hong Kong, correspondence, including a typed copy of one to Sir David Bruce (1855-1931) and some miscellaneous papers; the correspondence includes some letters neither to nor from Manson but kept by him, including one from David Livingstone (1813-1873) to his family. Particularly noteworthy is MS.6133, typescript copies of letters from Ronald Ross to Manson written during the former's period of malaria research in India (1897-1899).

        Manson , Sir , Patrick , 1844-1922 , Knight , physician, parasitologist, tropical medicine specialist
        GB 0102 MS 380302 · Created 1913-1938, c1967

        Papers, 1913-1938, c1967, some undated, of the Rev Ebenezer Mann and his wife Mabel Mann. They include published newsletters (1913-1938) from Ebenezer and Mabel Mann, detailing their work in Kansu province, China; parts of a typescript work by Ebenezer Mann relating to his years in China; autobiographical notes made by Mabel Mann; and a small collection of photographs of China including photographs (1920-1921) of the aftermath of the earthquake in Lanchow, Kansu province. Also included is a list (1934) of missions and workers in China with the China Inland Mission, prepared by Ebenezer Mann.

        Mann , Ebenezer John , 1881-1957 , missionary Mann , Mabel , 1883-1977 , missionary
        GB 0096 AL503 · Fonds · 1967

        Letter from William Miles Malleson of 14 Rugby Street, London to [Dr John Henry Pyle Pafford], 2 Aug 1967. Mentioning 'these cataracts on my eyes'.

        Malleson , William Miles , 1888-1969 , actor and playwright x Malleson , Miles
        Malleson, Joan
        GB 0120 PP/MAL · c 1950-1956

        10 reel to reel tape recordings relating to Joan Malleson's sex therapy, c early 1950s. These tapes relate to her pioneering early work in sex counselling. There are no identifying details of the individuals interviewed. The detailed descriptions are based on her annotations made on the boxes of the original reel-to-reel-tapes.

        Malleson , Joan , d 1956 , sex counselor
        Malaria Research Laboratory
        GB 0809 MRL · 1939-1967

        Papers of the Malaria Research Laboratory, 1939-1967, relate to the work of the laboratory and the collation of data concerning documented cases of malaria within Britain. The collection notably includes correspondence and other documentation between P G Shute and G Covell, Assistant Director and Director of the Laboratory, and various hospitals and other medical institutions regarding blood films examined by the Laboratory for malarial parasites, 1939-1963; Public Health Laboratory Service yearly reports of malaria cases, 1954-1966 and annual reports of the Malaria Research Laboratory, 1957-1967.

        Malaria Research Laboratory
        GB 0120 GC/117 · Collection · 1912

        Copy of 'Government of India: Department of Education: Sanitary-A. Proceedings, Jan 1912', relating to the views of Sir R Ross and Col W G King on malaria prevention in India (the 'Mian Mir' Controversy). Contains despatch from the Secretary of State to the Government of India, 5 May 1911, enclosing letters to and from Professor Ross, 1910-1911, and Memorandum by Ross and Col W G King; and despatch to the Secretary of State in response, 25 Jan 1912, enclosing address by Surgeon-General Sir C P Lukis, President of the Bombay Malaria Conference, and resolutions passed at the Bombay Malaria Conference.

        Government of India
        GB 0120 MSS.5713-5724 · 1864-1891

        Correspondence and papers of Sir Morell Mackenzie including on goitre and Mackenzie's treatment of the Emperor Frederick III, 1864-1891.

        Mackenzie , Sir , Morell , 1837-1892 , Knight , physician and laryngologist
        GB 0120 MSS.3393-3395 · 1877-[1885]

        Notes of lectures (on medical jurisprudence), on cases, and on diseases such as material on digestion and on hip disease, 1877-[1885].

        Mackenzie , Sir , James , 1853-1925 , Knight , physician
        MacKeith, Ronald (1908-1977)
        GB 0120 PP/MKH · 1949-1998

        The Ronald MacKeith papers, 1949-1998, include not only MacKeith's own research papers, mainly comprised of reports and published articles, but material relating to the Medical Education Information Unit of The Spastics Society, which he was director of and intimately involved in developing. These files predominately relate to the study groups MacKeith established (programmes, recorders' summaries, typescripts of papers presented and photographs) and Medical Advisory Council and Editorial Board (minutes, memorandum, correspondence). There are also a small number of informational booklets from other medical societies and research material from Martin Bax, who worked closely with MacKeith and succeeded him as senior editor.

        MacKeith , Ronald , 1908-1977 , paediatrician
        Macdonald, Professor George
        GB 0120 PP/MAC · 1938-1977

        Papers of George Macdonald dealing predominantly with the later stages of his career, 1938-1977, although there is some material relating to his pre-war activities. They reflect his work as an international figure in the prevention and control of malaria, his involvement with numerous governmental and non-governmental bodies, his relationship with colleagues, his numerous tours on professional business, and his research and writing.

        Macdonald , George , 1903-1967 , malariologist
        GB 0809 Macdonald · 1937-1940s

        Papers of George Macdonald consist of a diary and photograph albums of malaria eradication work in Malaysia, Singapore and Ceylon with Sir Malcolm Watson, 1937; diaries of his work in Italy and Sicily during World War Two; photographs of malaria control measures during World War Two in the Middle East, Egypt, Algiers, Crete, Sicily, Cyprus and Greece and a personnel file relating to his appointment to the Ross Institute, his overseas visits and his death.

        Macdonald , George , 1903-1967 , Professor, Director of the Ross Institute
        LUSTY, Lillian [1902-1990]
        GB 0100 KCLCA KH/PP10 · 1990-1991

        Correspondence describing the ear operation performed upon Lillian Lusty by Arthur Henry Cheatle, aural surgeon, 1919, following an attack of Scarlet Fever, and of the operation by Cheatle upon her brother to correct a perforated eardrum.

        Lusty , Lillian , [1902-1990]
        LUMSDEN, WH Russell (b 1914)
        GB 0809 Lumsden · 1941-1950

        Papers of W H Russell Lumsden, 1941-1950, comprise material on a Malaria survey of Transjordan in 1941-1942 by No. 3 Malaria Field Laboratory, Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) and a subsequent report.

        Lumsden , W H Russell , b 1914 , scientist
        GB 0120 PP/LOW · 1930s-1970s

        Papers of and relating to Margaret Lowenfeld and the Institute of Child Psychology, London, 1930s-1970s.

        Boxes 1-15 contain material catalogued by the Centre for Family Research, the detailed listing of which is given on the Wellcome Library catalogue and also on the Dr Margaret Lowenfeld Trust website,

        Boxes 16-23 contain uncatalogued material that cannot currently be made accessible; the majority of this material comprises patient case notes and will thus be closed under the Data Protection Act for some years even when catalogued.

        Lowenfeld , Margaret , 1890-1973 , paediatrician
        GB 0120 WTI/ALC · 1930s-1970s

        Photographs and publications relating to surgery, elephantiasis and local customs in Nigeria, 1930s-1940s.

        Campbell , Alexander Cosby Lovett- , 1899-1985 , medical officer
        GB 0120 MS.7974 · 1931-1949

        Journal by Dr Forrest Leon Loveland, general practitioner, Topeka, Kansas, documenting a trip he made to Europe with his wife Helen, 29 Jul 1931-23 Dec 1931. The journal describes the pair's travels through England, Holland, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary and, in particular, Austria and Italy. The main focus of the trip was Vienna, Austria, where the Lovelands stayed from 29 Aug to 27 Nov 1931. Immediately on arrival Dr Loveland joined the American Medical Association of Vienna and began attending medical classes at Vienna University, including Dr Hermann Chiari's pathology class. Numerous photographs, postcards, tickets, newscuttings, maps, souvenirs etc. are pasted into the volume, and loose items were inserted between the pages up to 1949.

        Loveland , Forrest Leon , b 1885 , American general practitioner
        GB 0120 MSS.3328-3330 · 1852-1893

        Daybooks of Friedrich Wilhelm Lorinser containing surgical notes, and a collection of manuscripts, 1852-1893.

        Lorinser , Friedrich Wilhelm , 1817-1895 , physician
        GB 2856 (NEW)LT000492 · Series · 1938-1948

        This series contains reports, memoranda and correspondence including details of the Railway Benevolent Fund, the British Institution of Management, an international congress on Industrial Medicine, a competition to design a bus shelter and a London Transport pageant. Also includes correspondence and invitations to exhibitions and articles for the press by members of staff.

        Stanley , Albert Henry , 1874-1948 , 1st Baron Ashfield , MP and President of the Board of Trade

        Records of the Royal Free Hospital Medical School (RFHSM) (formerly the London School of Medicine for Women (LSMW) and the London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women, 1874-1998, comprising:

        Administrative records, 1874-1998: Annual Reports (printed), 1874-1997; Governing Body minutes 1875-1898; Executive Council minutes 1874-1898; Members of the School minutes 1898-1998, register of Vice Presidents and Members, 1898-1953; Council minutes 1898-1998; Joint meeting between Council and Royal Free Hospital Weekly Board minutes 1928-1943; School Committee [renamed Education Committee in 1930] minutes 1898-1998; Secretary's letter books 1897-1908; volume of letters relating to the foundation and early history of the School and medical education for women, including two letters by Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, 1874-1882; Agenda Books for College Committees, 1933-1985; Attendance Books for College Committees, 1942-1998; minutes and reports of temporary and standing sub-committees of Council and School/Education Committee, 1902-1958; Heads of Department meeting minutes 1966-1998; Pathology Unit Joint Committee minutes 1931-1948; Joint Garden Committee (with University of London School of Pharmacy) minutes 1955-1966; Animal House Committee minutes 1933-1975; Interdepartmental Workshop Sub-Committee minutes 1951-1978; General Staff Meeting minutes 1925-1939.

        Financial records including minutes of meetings minutes of meetings of the four original Trustees of the School, A T Norton, Dr King Chambers, Isabel Thorne and Sophia Louisa Jex-Blake, 1874-1875; selection of audited accounts, 1875-1900; Finance Committee minutes 1910-1978; Gift Books, 1925, 1945-1957.

        Student Records: Prospectus (printed) 1874-1998; Register of Students, 1874-1927; Register of Qualified Students, 1877-1951; Register of Clinical Students, 1877-1948; Register of recipients of the Dr Edith Peachey Phipson Postgraduate Scholarship, 1912-1948; Registers of results of school examinations, 1874-1916; Registers of results of professional examinations, 1890-1920; student files 1874-1949 (records for 1874-1891 are incomplete), containing copy of application form, some files also contain attendance and examination records, correspondence and additional biographical information; Students' Council minutes 1905-1914; Students' Union minutes 1914-1970; Students' Union Committee minutes 1914-1971; Students Union Finance Committee minutes 1917-1959; copies of School/Hospital Magazine 1895-1974; Club and Society records, 1941-1961, including Languages Society, 1941-1942, Natural History Society, 1956-1960, Netball Club 1956-1960, Tennis Club 1956-1960, Table-tennis Club 1950-1961 and Lacrosse Club 1952-1959; Students' Aid Fund papers 1942-1970; Sports Ground Advisory Committee minutes and reports, 1926-1929; Old Students' Association financial records including Annual Accounts and Balance Sheets, 1930-1965.

        Library records including Library Sub-Committee minutes 1894-1979; account books 1932-1983; acquisition lists 1901-1932; copy of Library Rules [c1894].

        Legal and Estates papers including Memorandum and Articles of Association of the School of Medicine, 1898, with related correspondence, 1918-1939, copies of Constitution of the School, 1878, 1890, 1908, with related correspondence, 1926-1931; petitions, drafts and final versions of Charter and Statutes, 1938, and revisions, 1947, 1961), with related correspondence, 1925-1976 and copies of the University of London Act and Statutes, 1959, 1978; Agreements made between the Royal Free Hospital and School of Medicine, 1877, 1883, 1887, 1893, 1898, 1904, 1911, and 1931, with related correspondence, 1892-1936; Correspondence relating to the attempt by the School to purchase the freehold of the land of the School buildings from Foundling Estates, 1925-1927; correspondence relating to the purchase of 72-84 Tavistock Place, and to the construction of an extension to the School, 1938-1953; inventory of fixtures etc at the Pavilion (30 Henrietta St), 1874; inventory and insurance valuation of furniture and effects at the School, 1941.

        Correspondence and papers on School Centenary celebrations, 1973-1975.

        Photographs of school buildings, staff and students, 1874-1998.

        Ephemera, including photographs, papers, medals, prizes and biographical information relating to former staff and students of the School, 1874-1998, mainly donated by alumni and their families or collected by the Honorary Archivists.

        Publications and press cuttings on the history of medical education for women, 1869-2001.

        London School of Medicine for Women London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine
        London Lock Hospital records
        GB 0114 MS0022 · 1746-1948

        Records of the London Lock Hospital, 1746-1948, including administrative records detailing patient admissions and treatment. Board Minutes 1755-1948 (neat), 1761-1857 (rough); Asylum Minutes - general & special & annual, 1746-1948; Asylum Committees 1787-1842; Building Committee 1839-1849 including Chapel building fund 1845; Chapel Committee 1809-1877; Hospital Committee 1781-1870; Financial records 1787-1877; Annual Reports 1818-1945; Bye- laws 1890's; Annual Statistics 1870-1877; Dinners 1846-1864; Drug registers and case notes 1813-1814 and John Pearson (Assistant Surgeon) - clinical notes 1798-1799.

        London Lock Hospital
        RLHPI · Fonds · 1907-2004

        The Institute's records are arranged as follows: Director's books and associated records of post mortem examinations, 1907-200, including Bethnal Green and Mile End Hospitals autopsies, 1969 - 1978 and indexes 1907 - 1967; Surgical Department Director's books 1909 - 1995, including indexes 1909 - 1982; Cytology Department registers, 1966-1982; Bethnal Green Hospital Surgical Department records, 1972-1976; Mile End Hospital Surgical Department records, 1972-1982; Mile End Hospital Cytology Department records, 1969-1981; Specimen books, 1923-1934; Photographs and slides, 1959 - 1980; Classification schemes and indexes, 1907-1981; Publications, 1906 - 1979.

        Royal London Hospital Institute of Pathology
        RLHMC · Fonds · 1752-1996

        Administrative records, records of the Anatomy Department, Students' Club records, title Deeds, financial records, records of the Department of Forensic Medicine, the London Hospital Students Hostel records, records of the Library, Neonatal Research Unit records, photographs, records of the Photographic Department, records of the Physiological Laboratory, records of the Pathological Museum, plans of College buildings, student records, records of the London Hospital Clubs Union and miscellaneous records.

        London Hospital Medical College
        London Fever Hospital
        GB 0074 H71/LF · 1801-1975

        Records of the London Fever Hospital, Islington, latterly the Liverpool Road branch of the Royal Free Hospital, 1801-1975 comprising:

        Administrative records, 1801-1948; notably Annual Reports, 1815-1931; Committee Minutes, 1801-1947 (volume for 1815-1818 lost); Sub-Committee minutes, 1835-1847, 1880-1929; Secretary's letter books, 1914-1920 and correspondence files, 1937-1956, register of employees, 1917-1924, 1936-1939; House Director's minutes, 1858-1940; Visitor's Book, 1928-1940.

        Financial records, including Capital Dividend Accounts, 1887-1921; records of Monthly expenditure, 1918-1949; salaries, 1932-1944; papers on legacies and bequests to LFH, 1880-1947, including copies of wills in which there were bequests to the Hospital; Subscriptions and Donations Register, 1932-1937 and papers of Development Committee on appeal for funds, 1936-1939

        Nursing records, including Trained Nurses Registers, 1920-1945; Register of Probationers, 1920-1939; Register of voluntary and part-time staff, 1939-1945; inventory of linen and bedding, 1881-1907

        Patient records including reports of Resident Medical Officer, 1824-1825, 1875-1886, 1928-1934; Patients Admission and Discharge Registers, 1837-1874, 1880-1888, 1896-1911, 1916-1938; Death Registers, 1849-1853, 1864, 1867-1869; Consultant's books, 1921-1938, containing patient notes organised by Consultant, Dr Charles Box, Sir John Broadbent, Dr William Hunter, Dr C Lakin, and Sir William Willcox; Anaesthetic registers, 1955-1975

        World War Two records including Air Raid Casualty Records, 1943-1944; Casualty List, 1940; Operating Theatre Record Books (air raid casualties), 1940-1944

        Press Cuttings, 1882-1948 (4 vols)

        Albums (2 vols) containing blocks and photographs, 1934-1942;

        City of London Maternity Hospital: correspondence, accounts, minutes of finance committee and weekly board, including details of proposed 'regionalisation' of London maternity services, 1941-1948.

        The Institution for the Cure and Prevention of Contagious Fevers London Fever Hospital Royal Free Hospital, Liverpool Road Branch
        London Chest Hospital
        RLHLC · Fonds · 1848-2009

        Administrative records, deeds, financial records, patient records, nursing records, photographs, pharmacy records, surveyor's records and papers, photographs and paintings from unofficial sources.

        London Chest Hospital
        GB 0074 LMA/4713 · Collection · 1986-1994

        Records of the London Boroughs Disability Resource Team including documents relating to training courses, publications, administration. Also includes an annual report of the London Boroughs Disability Committee.

        London Boroughs Disability Resource Team x London Boroughs Disability Committee
        GB 1538 S19 · 1939

        Original drawings, published by William A Liston and William Glen Liston, in "A Study of Trichomonas Vaginitis in Hospital Practice in Edinburgh", in Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire, 46 (1939), pp 474 -502 , 1939; letter from W G Liston to Aleck Bourne, Museum Curator, dated 6 Aug 1939, describing the drawings, 1939.

        Liston , William Alexander , 1908-1962 , Doctor of Medicine Liston , William Glen , fl 1939 , gynaecologist
        GB 1538 S67 · 1960s-1980s

        Papers of Thomas Lewis, 1960s-1980s, including papers relating to Lewis' tour of the Soviet Union visiting obstetric and gynaecological facilities, including the Moscow and Leningrad Institutes of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Leningrad Medical School, Feb 1978; papers relating to abortion law reform including correspondence, press-cuttings and other papers, including on the views of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; lectures; speeches; unpublished papers; offprints and myomectomy films.

        Lewis , Thomas Lofthus Townshend , 1918-2004 , obstetrician and gynaecologist
        GB 0809 Leiper · 1880s-1960s

        Papers of Robert Thomson Leiper, [1880-1960] contain material concerning an expedition by Leiper to British Guiana and the West Indies; a commission from the London School of Tropical Medicine to study filariasis and material relating to Leiper, his work at the School and his family including photographs, postcards from West Africa, autograph book, reports as an helminthologist, material on the Peking Union Medical College and family history research.

        Leiper , Robert Thomson , 1881-1969 , Helminthologist
        LEESON, Major H S (fl 1893)
        GB 0809 Leeson · 1924-1957

        Scientific notes, reports, photographs and correspondence, 1924-1957, relating to expeditions to East Africa, 1935-1936, and Southern Rhodesia, 1926-1928 and 1933-1935 to investigate malaria; report by Leeson on mosquito specimens collected by Captain Ward from the Island of Socotra, Yemen; a malaria survey in Arabia; includes scientific notes, tables, graphs, drawings, maps, photographs, correspondence and reports.

        Leeson , Major , H S , fl 1893-1957 , Entomologist
        Lazerme, Jacques (1676-1756)
        GB 0120 MSS.3192-3197 and 3199-3202 · 1729-c 1755

        Notes of lectures of Jacques Lazerme, physician, 1729-c 1755.

        Lazerme , Jacques , 1676-1756 , lecturer and physician
        LAWRENCE, Thomas (1711-1783)
        GB 0113 MS-LAWRT · c.1750-1766

        Papers of Thomas Lawrence, c.1750-1766, consisting of his comment on lectures in the physician Frank Nicholls's Compendium Anatomicum, c.1750; Lawrence's compendium of pathology and therapeutics, in his own hand, c.1750; Lectures on digestion, given at the Royal College of Physicians, in his own hand, c.1750; Course of lectures on pathology and therapeutics, dictated by Lawrence, 1751; Lectures on inflammation, the liver, and the kidneys, given at the Royal College of Physicians, in his own hand, 1766 and c.1766; Unpublished manuscript on human physiology, 'De Natura Animali', in his own hand, with corrections by Samuel Johnson, the lexicographer, mid-18th century.

        Lawrence , Thomas , 1711-1783 , physician
        GB 0113 MS-LATHP · 1838-1871 (1838-1839; 1871)

        Latham's papers, 1838-1871, include his casebook, 1838-39, and his lectures on fever and the pulse, in his hand, 1871.

        Latham , Peter Mere , 1789-1875 , physician
        LATHAM, John (1761-1843)
        GB 0113 MS-LATHJ · [1797]-1811

        Latham's papers, c.1797-1811, include his notebooks on food and digestion, materia medica and therapeutics, c.1797-1811, and his unpublished dissertation on asthma, in his hand, c. 1810.

        Latham , John , 1761-1843 , physician
        GB 106 3LCA · Fonds · 1894-1939

        The archive consists of minutes of the Manchester and District Association committee and executive committee meetings (1894-1921), of the Lancashire and Cheshire Association executive committee (1923-1939) and rough minutes and accounts of joint committee meetings with the Manchester Vigilance Association (1915-1917); accounts including audited annual accounts (1928, 1930), cashbook (1923-1939), receipt book (1931-1939) and receipted accounts (1923-1932); annual reports of the Manchester and District Association (1898-1920) and the Cheshire and Lancashire Association (1924-1931), copies of circular letters on the revival of the latter in 1923 and manuscript notes on the history the Manchester and District Association (1893-1913); membership papers (1900; 1930-1932); correspondence (1926, 1938); publications (1901-1930); list of records (1941).

        Lancashire and Cheshire Association for the Abolition of the State Regulation of Vice
        GB 106 3LNA · Fonds · 1875-1915

        The archive consists of seven volumes of minutes of the Executive Committee (1875-1880) including 2 copies of loose minutes of a meeting at Bristol 1875 and one in 1879; loose leaves of minute books, printed report of conference of Committee and branch representatives (1907), press cuttings, minutes of the conference on amalgamation with the British Branch and joint meeting of their subscribers (1915); 1 volume of Special Sub-committee minute book (1912, 1915), minutes of the council of the London branch (1883-1895).

        Ladies National Association for the Abolition of the State Regulation of Vice and for the Promotion of Social Purity
        GB 0120 PP/KEB · 1863-1991

        Papers of Richard von Krafft-Ebing, 1863-1991. The papers largely comprise clinical case histories which Krafft-Ebing amassed during his professional career with a view to working on them in retirement. In the event he died very shortly after retiring from practice and resigning his chair of Psychiatry at Vienna. As a result, the case histories remained in an undigested state, and more resemble the raw research materials that they in fact are than an ordered series of cases, although some have been arranged into thematic bundles (neurasthenia, hysteria, mania, dementia etc). Some two-thirds of the histories are in Krafft-Ebing's hand, the remainder written by assistants or other clinicians; many were evidently extracted from hospital case records. There are many subsidiary documents among them, such as referral letters, statistical abstracts and letters and reports from patients themselves, often prompted by reading Psychopathia sexualis. There is also a bundle of patient cards from Kraft-Ebing's sanatorium at Mariagrün, Graz, 1886-92. Many of Krafft-Ebing's manuscript notes are associated with case histories. Others are organised thematically (neurasthenia, hypnosis, electrotherapy etc), or are extracts from works by other specialists.

        Likewise the correspondence in the collection often relates to particular recorded cases, but there are separate groups of letters to and from family, friends, colleagues, publishers and university officials: these include some 43 letters by Krafft-Ebing to his grandfather, Anton Mittermaier, a lawyer, 1864-66, and photocopies of letters to his parents written from Italy, 1869-70. There is also a file of letters from members of the German Imperial family. The collection includes a large quantity of printed material, mainly off-prints of articles by Krafft-Ebing and others in the professional and specialist literature, as well as monographs. Many of the former especially are difficult to find in library collections in the English-speaking world. There are also press cuttings, mainly relating to Krafft-Ebing and his work, apparently collected by his son, Hans, after his death. In addition there are several groups of personal/family items, including carte de visite photographs of colleagues, diplomas and certificates, and other personalia.

        Ebing , Richard Freiherr , von , Krafft- , 1840-1902 , Professor of Psychiatry
        GB 0120 GC/23 · Collection · c 1930s

        Notebooks (in German and Italian) on pharmacology and pathology, c 1930s.

        Kraemer , Wilhelm Guenter Paul , 1911-1983 , analytical psychologist
        GB 0120 GC/85 · 1910-1918

        Papers relating to Montague Knapp's service as Fleet Surgeon, Senior Medical Officer to XI Destroyer Flotilla, HMS Blake, 1915-1917; medical records (largely relating to syphilis), 1910-1917; documents from German naval surgeon; photographs.

        Knapp , Montague Henry , 1867-1952 , Surgeon-Captain
        GB 0120 MSS.3109 & 5801-5808 · 1660-1698

        Correspondence of the Mayor and Aldermen of Kingston-upon-Hull. 1660-1698. Also their meeting book, 1668-1669, containing entries refering to the Plague and quarantine.

        Kingston-upon-Hull Corporation
        GB 0120 PP/ELK · 1899-1957

        Papers of Sir Ernest Kennaway, 1899-1957. Most of the items in this collection appear to relate to the later years of Sir Ernest's career. The collection chiefly comprises notebooks on medical issues such as substance-related illnesses and occupational diseases (chiefly cancers) plus a little material on religious issues.

        Kennaway , Sir , Ernest Laurence , 1881-1958 , Knight , experimental pathologist
        GB 0114 MS0151 · [1865]

        Papers of Charles Ferdinand Keele, c 1865, comprising a volume of notes taken at lectures given by Sydney Jones (1831-1913), and John Flint South (1797-1882), on topics such as comparative anatomy (Jones), and fistula in ano, dislocations, and fractures (South); and case notes, possibly relating to patients of St Thomas' Hospital.

        Keele , Charles Ferdinand , fl 1860-1929 , surgeon
        H48 · Collection · 1873-200-

        Records of the Joyce Green Hospital, 1873-1980, including Visiting committee and Chapel committee minutes; engineer's reports; papers of the Medical Officer; correspondence; administrative files on the River Ambulance service, hospital ships, and the Royal Commission on Vaccinations; case books; operations registers; baptism registers; death registers; cemetery registers; register of staff; nurses records; matron's records; chaplain's reports and journals; plans of hospital buildings; photographs used to aid identification of rashes, glass plate negatives of smallpox patients, stereograph viewer and prints.

        Joyce Green Hospital