Gestion du personnel

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Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

  • Refers to all management decisions affecting the nature of the relationship between the organization and its employees, i.e. its human resources.
  • Se réfère à toutes les décisions administratives portant sur la nature des relations entre une organisation et ses employés, c.-à-d., ses ressources humaines.
  • Se refiere a todas las decisiones administrativas sobre la naturaleza de las relaciones entre una organización y sus empleados.

Note(s) sur la source


Note(s) d'affichage

    Termes hiérarchiques

    Gestion du personnel

    Termes équivalents

    Gestion du personnel

    • Employé pour Human resources management
    • Employé pour Personnel administration
    • Employé pour Staff management
    • Employé pour Administration du personnel
    • Employé pour Gestion des ressources humaines
    • Employé pour Administración del personal
    • Employé pour Gestión de los recursos humanos
    • Employé pour Planificación del personal

    Termes associés

    Gestion du personnel

    1 Description archivistique résultats pour Gestion du personnel

    1 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
    GB 0102 MS 380697 · 1919-1990

    Papers, 1919-1990, of and relating to John Emmett Woodall and Tientsin Grammar School (TGS).
    Papers, 1927-1946, of John Emmett Woodall comprise applications for positions at the TGS and contracts of employment, 1927-1937; correspondence and papers, 1941-1943, relating to the occupation of the TGS by the Japanese; correspondence and papers, 1942-1945 and undated, relating to the Woodall's family's case for repatriation after internment; personal correspondence, 1935-1942, including two letters from Woodall to his parents; applications for employment in the UK, 1945-1946.
    Records, 1919-1990, of and relating to Tientsin Grammar School comprise publications, 1919-1938, 1990 and undated, including prospectuses, Speech Day pamphlets, and alumni magazines; school documents, 1926-1942 and undated, relating to student numbers, examinations, finance, school activities, and text books, and including school journal and order of examination of Daphne Payne, 1928; press cuttings on the TGS, 1928-1939, 1982; photographs, 1919-1941, including staff, students, school activities and buildings, and miniature photographs of scenes in Tientsin (Tianjin), including floods and Japanese bombing; miscellaneous papers and ephemera, 1928-1940, 1978-1987 and undated, relating to the TGS and its alumni and to Tientsin, including the flood (1939).

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