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        46 Descripción archivística resultados para Grabación

        GB 0074 LMA/4256 · Colección · 1999-2001

        Video of the porters route from Hackney to The City of London, 1999, and video Church Street: The Narrow Way. The story of Church Street from 1500 to the present, 2001.

        Sin título
        BROOKE, Lt Col Kenneth Read (1907-1998)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Brooke K R · Created 1988

        One promotional videotape relating to The Scinde Horse (14th Prince of Wales's Own Cavalry), Indian Army, with items entitled 'The Scinde Horse sesquintennial', dated 16 Oct 1988, and 'Defenders of the dawn', dated 17 Nov 1988.

        Sin título
        GB 0120 SA/GMR · 1957-1993

        Files, catalogues and one minute book of the Medical Recording Services Foundation and Graves Medical Audiovisual Library, documenting its activities from 1957 to 1993. Also one file on the Medical Audiotape Slide Producers Association (MASPA) set up by the Graves in 1974.

        Sin título
        GB 0099 KCLMA Sandline · 1996-1998

        Papers and supporting materials used in a Sunday Times article by Michael Bilton on the role of Sandline International in precipitating a coup in Papua New Guinea, 1996-2002; including Commission of Enquiry minutes of evidence and report, interview notes, and background information on Sandline, 1997; correspondence on Sandline, 1996; copy of the initial report of the Commission of Inquiry into transparency in government dealings and accountability of public office holders in Papua New Guinea, Aug 1998; three floppy disks covering the proceedings of the First Commission of Enquiry, Papua New Guinea, 1997; two video tapes entitled Dispatches - the war business and The cocanut [sic] revoluion.

        Sin título
        GB 0100 KCLCA C/PH · 1891-1986

        South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, and Chelsea College Photographs and Illustrations, 1891-1986. These comprise photographs of interiors of the Manresa Road buildings including chemistry and biology laboratories, library, gymnasium, cookery classroom and engineering workshops, [1895-1985]; exteriors of Chelsea buildings, 1891-[1985]; College events and student activities including outings, theatre productions, geology field trips, opening ceremonies, retirement drinks and sporting fixtures, [1920]-1986; portraits and group photographs of students and staff, notably departmental group photographs, photographs of successive Principals and other senior staff, sporting teams, 1900-[1985]; 12 boxes of 16mm film loops of electronics-related lecture material, [1970].

        Sin título
        WHILE, Alison (fl 1995)
        GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP86 · 1995

        The collection comprises 44 audio tapes of interviews with the bereaved parents of children with life limiting illnesses, 1995; including a bundle of record cards indexing the tapes with the names of the children, their ages and notes on individual cases.

        Sin título
        GB 0100 KCLCA C/LEC, C/LECT, C/PRG · 1905-1983

        South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, and Chelsea College Lectures, Programmes and other Events Literature, 1905-1983. This collection of ephemera provides an insight into the academic and social events that took place at Chelsea from the early years until the merger of Chelsea with King's in 1985. It notably includes copies of inaugural lectures by newly appointed professors on subjects as diverse as science education, physics in a social context and the science of botany, 1969-1980; public lecture texts on occasions ranging from memorial speeches to the award of prizes, 1905-1974; audio tape recordings of lectures and addresses including on the history of the College and of various inaugural lectures, 1965-1973 (Ref: C/LEC, C/LECT); programmes of events and orders of service covering advertisements for exhibitions, the opening of new buildings, the visit of royalty and open days, 1926-1983; prize-giving programmes, 1930-1976; sporting fixtures and entertainments programmes, 1936-1985 (Ref: C/PRG).

        Sin título
        Seager, Rev Cecil Edward
        GB 0102 MS 380675 · Created 1930s-1990s

        Material, 1930s-1990s, relating to southern Africa and the work of Cecil Edward Seager. Includes a video and transcript of early cine-film from the period in which Seager was stationed at Dombodema and Tjimali (1930s-1940s); correspondence (1933-1994); press cuttings; and typescripts of a play written by Seager entitled A Christian Cavalcade (1948).

        Sin título
        GB 0102 OA2 · 1975-1987

        Cassette copies and transcripts of sound recordings of over 80 interviews with British and indigenous inhabitants of India, covering the pre- and post-Independence periods, made for the British in India Oral Archive Project, 1975-1976, 1984, 1987.

        Sin título
        Hughes, Henry Goronwy Alun
        GB 0102 PP MS 29 · Created 1912-1997

        Papers, 1912-1997, of H G A Hughes, comprising his papers and research notes, in addition to microfilms and audiotapes relating chiefly to the Pacific region and its languages. There is also some material relating to Wales.

        Sin título
        Robinson, Sir Robert (1886-1975)
        GB 0117 Robinson papers · c1902-1983

        Robinson's volatile temperament and his impatience with administration and routine have seriously affected the survival of material. Thus little survives of his correspondence which he usually wrote in longhand and without copies, or of his public life, service on committees, advisory boards, learned societies, and in the launching of new journals. There are, however, many manuscript notes in varying lengths of sequence and a few notebooks relating to research topics. Examples are a sequence of ideas on the possible structure of strychnine, tentatively dated 1945-1947 by J.W. Cornforth, and from a later period two relatively extensive sequences of research and correspondence, on the origins of petroleum and on drug research. Lacunae in the collection are to some extent compensated for by the autobiographical material. There are the background material and corrected proofs for the first volume of his memoirs published in 1976, and substantial typescript drafts of the second volume which was unfinished at his death together with narratives, correspondence and photographs sent to him by colleagues. There are also tape-recordings of conversations with colleagues covering similar types of recollections.

        Sin título
        HANDS Family
        GB 0366 WH · Colección · 1876-1949

        This collection mainly consists of personalia including educational certificates, school reports, examination papers, and notebooks of William Joseph George Hands' mathematical studies at Cambridge. It includes a small amount of ephemera relating to the Board of Education Exhibition which took place in connection with the Imperial Education Conference, 1923 and to the activities of the International Educational Society. Also included are a paper by Hands on 'A simplified curriculum based on occupations', 1925, and papers on experiments with English composition at St Mary's Boys' School, Weymouth and with the topical treatment of history and geography at S. Aldhelm's Girls' School, Branksome, c.1910.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 LMA/4231 · Colección · 1935-1985

        Collection of material relating to the singer and civil rights activist Paul Robeson, including a large number of recordings on tape and vinyl of Paul Robesons' wide repertoire of songs and a series of reel-to-reel tapes including interviews and radio programmes made with Robeson; and letters and photographs and a series of scrapbooks (put together by Ken Goodland) of newspaper cuttings charting the life and career of Paul Robeson.

        Sin título
        GB 0120 SA/PHC · 1910-1999

        Minute books, 1926-1927, and Annual reports, 1926-1938, of the Pioneer Health Centre Peckham, and volumes of press-cuttings about the Centre 1929-1961; files, publications and ephemera relating to the activities of the Centre, 1925-1952; files of the Pioneer Health Centre Ltd following the closure of the Centre, 1950-1999; books about the Centre; photographs, films and videos; papers of George Scott Williamson, 1910-1991, including personalia, correspondence, lectures, drafts of articles and books, notes; papers of Innes Hope Pearse, including personalia, correspondence, notes, manuscripts, drafts of The Quality of Life, reprints; materials relating to Scott Williamson and Pearse's research on pathology and the thyroid, including notes, lectures, manuscripts, correspondence, and reprints.

        Sin título
        GB 0120 GC/248 · 1981-1985

        The study was based on meetings and taped interviews with consultants, junior doctors and nursing staff, plus documentary evidence. The latter is not included in the records given to the Contemporary Medical Archives Centre, nor (with one exception) are the records of meetings, but the taped interviews have been deposited in full. The interviewees give pseudonyms rather than their actual names.

        Sin título
        Adam International Review
        GB 0100 KCLCA KC/ADAM, Adam International Review · c1903-1995

        Records of the magazine Adam International Review and its editor, Miron Grindea, 1941-1995, and associated papers dating back to c1903, consisting of a wide range of material dealing with aspects of British and European cultural activity, particularly since the 1930s, and relating to art, literature, music, literary criticism, and the history of ideas. The archive includes the Adam International Review, issues 152-499 (wanting 186, 210-211, 218, 224-228, 331-54), 1941, 1946-1988, and indexes; microfilm copies of nos 13-14, 65, 148-149, 151, and issues dating from 1936 and 1938; and published copies of Christopher Fry, 'Genius, Talent and Failure: the Brontes' (The Adam Lecture 1986); Yehudi Menuhin, 'Tolerance' (The Adam Lecture 1987); Frances Stern, 'A Concordance to Proust' (Adam Books, 1987); 'Miron Grindea 1909-1995: a Celebration'. Unpublished papers of the Review were created by or relate to many prominent writers, artists and musicians of the 20th century including Natalie Clifford Barney, Samuel Beckett, Max Beerbohm, Nicolas Bentley, Isaiah Berlin, Edmund Blunden, Agatha Christie, Jean Cocteau, Ivy Compton Burnett, Cyril Connolly, Benedetto Croce, Cecil Day-Lewis, Lawrence Durrell, T S Eliot, George Enescu, E M Forster, Christopher Fry, William Golding, Duncan Grant, Robert Graves, Graham Greene, L P Hartley, Storm Jameson, Augustus John, Arthur Koestler, F R Leavis, Rose Macaulay, Compton Mackenzie, Thomas Mann, Katherine Mansfield, Walter de la Mare, John Masefield, Somerset Maugham, Yehudi Menuhin, Arthur Miller, Henry Miller, Joan Miro, Henry Moore, Iris Murdoch, Pablo Picasso, Anthony Powell, J B Priestley, Marcel Proust, Herbert Read, Jean Rhys, Ralph Richardson, Vita Sackville-West, Jean Paul Sartre, Siegfried Sassoon, Ronald Searle, George Bernard Shaw, Georges Simenon, the Sitwell family, C P Snow, Stephen Spender, Frances Stern, August Strindberg, Dylan Thomas, Arnold Wesker, Angus Wilson, Stefan Zweig, and others. Other material relates to the management of the magazine and includes editorial material (notes, proofs, preparatory research material, and correspondence required for production of an issue) and papers relating to circulation. The material is varied in form and comprises correspondence, manuscripts, typescripts, proofs with author's and editor's corrections and printed documents, including poems, stories, and criticism, both published and rejected for publication; photographs; original drawings and illustrations; news cuttings and other ephemera such as programmes for events; tape recordings including the Adam lectures, 1985-1987; and interview transcripts.

        Sin título
        GB 0100 KCLCA MOTTRAM · 1935-1994

        The archive includes the papers, correspondence, diaries and manuscripts, recordings, research material and publications of Professor Eric Mottram and spans the period 1928-1995. Covering his own creative work and academic publications, it also reflects his wide-ranging cultural investigations in the field of twentieth century American and English literature, film, music, art, theatre and popular and material culture. A major series of files about named authors and poets covers figures as diverse as Robert Creeley, Robert Duncan, Allen Ginsberg, Michael McClure, Charles Olson, Ezra Pound, Jerome Rothenberg, Muriel Rukeyser, William Burroughs, Basil Bunting, Bob Cobbing, Roy Fisher, Bill Griffiths and Tom Raworth. Also of particular importance are a series of original tape recordings, mainly made by Mottram, of poets reading their work. Linked to this material is a rich series of little press publications and little magazines. The two chief aspects of Mottram's own work are reflected in his artist notebooks and essays. The former run from 1979-1988 and contain draft poems, notes on a whole range of research topics, with inserts of postcards, press-cuttings, photographs, cartoons, artworks and postage stamps to create a rich wallet of collage effects. The essay series, including published and unpublished material and supporting notes, reflects his wide-ranging contribution over nearly half a century to the teaching of American and English literature. Major groupings within the archive are as follows: personal papers including appointment diaries, 1951-1995, and correspondence with Ted and Joan Wilentz, 1963-1994; papers reflecting Mottram's own poetry including notebooks, and manuscripts, 1956-1995; papers reflecting his publications including reviews and collaborations, 1952-1988; editorial papers notably for The Poetry Review; correspondence with and/or papers relating to twentieth century creative writers, 1928-1998; little press publications, 1954-1998;little magazines, 1942-1998; papers relating to academic teaching, research and administration, [1952]-1994; Mottram's essay texts and associated material, 1947-1995; promotional material for literary events and from publishers, 1945-1958; artworks and posters, 1953-1994; photographs by Mottram, 1950-1995; and recorded material notably including original recordings of poets from both sides of theAtlantic reading their material, 1950-1998.

        Sin título
        GB 0096 UoL/AV · 1930-2002
        Parte de University of London

        The collection comprises minutes and supporting paperwork for meetings of the Committee of Management of the Audio-Visual Centre; teaching and training notes including lecture notes and questionnaires; production accounts and financial papers; shooting and activity logs and production notes; video tapes of events at the University of London; a photograph album; audio-visual reels (NOT YET CATALOGUED); annual reports and printed material including workshop handbooks, catalogues, newsletters and a review of the Audio-Visual Centre.

        Sin título
        GB 2127 AAGBI AUDIO-VISUAL · (1916-1998) 1982-2000

        Video cassette tapes accumulated by the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, relating to the history of anaesthesia in the 20th century. The tapes, made between 1982-2000, with the original films dating from 1916 to 1998, include some compilations, and comprise some black and white and silent material but focus predominantly on the latter part of the period. The subjects cover various anaesthetic drugs, equipment and techniques, and related subjects including midwifery, dentistry, paediatrics, emergency medicine, resuscitation, artificial respiration and intensive care, and the locations include various hospitals, and military situations. A series of oral history interviews feature eminent anaesthetists talking about their work. Some of the videos were made for conferences or training purposes, and some relate to the Association of Anaesthetists itself, including a video of the opening ceremony of no 9 Bedford Square.

        Sin título
        GB 0102 AFRICA95 · [1957]-1996

        Archives, [1957]-1996, of Africa95, including material from the festival administrators, producers and participants.

        Various deposits, c1980-1996, on individual artists or on planning Africa95 include correspondence, printed material, photographs, and slides of the work of artists from Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Tunisia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and the USA.

        Records of the central administration, 1991-1996, comprise planning papers and correspondence, 1991-1993; minutes of the Executive Committee, 1993-1995, Board of Trustees, 1995-1996, Funding Committee, 1993-1994, and Annual General Meeting, 1995; Chairman's correspondence, 1993-1996; research materials on non-western arts in Europe; Executive Council records, comprising correspondence, 1992-1995, reports received, 1993, 1995, and Trustees' report and financial statements, 1995; contracts, information and correspondence of the Co-ordinator, 1993-1994; International Council of Artists proposals, contact lists and correspondence, 1993-1994; brochures, 1993-1995; legal papers concerning incorporation, lease of premises, and charitable status, 1993-1995.

        Records relating to arts management, 1980-1996, cover funding and sponsorship, 1993-1995; publicity, 1994-1995; press activity, 1994-1996, including cuttings; posters, 1993-1995; general administration, including personnel and finance, 1994-1995; arts organisations and other festivals, 1991-1995; subject files, 1985-1996, including exhibition catalogues on people and places including Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, the USA, and Zimbabwe; videos, 1980-1995, including artists and their work; publications and exhibition catalogues, 1980-1995, for Algeria, Angola, France, Korea, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and the UK.

        Records relating to finance and development, 1991-1996, cover budgets and funding, companies and sponsorship, and Trusts.

        Records on receptions and launches, 1993-1995, relate to events in various locations.

        Records relating to Africa95 Nigeria, 1994-1995, include correspondence and photographs.

        Records relating to arts events across the UK cover visual arts (photography, fine art, sculpture, calligraphy, metalwork, textiles, and architecture), 1991-1996; cinema, 1993-1995; music, including classical, traditional, gospel, world, jazz, reggae, and popular music [1957]-1996 (including videos, sound recordings and scores); performing arts, including dance, theatre, and puppetry, 1989-1996 (including videos); literature, including poetry, 1993-1995.

        Records relating to other activities cover conferences on African arts, including events at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Royal African Society, and Courtauld Institute of Art, 1993-1996; education and young peoples' events, 1993-1996; international workshops and residencies, including events in Senegal, Zimbabwe, London, and Yorkshire, 1990-1996; television and radio, 1992-1995 (including sound recordings of programmes on Radios 1, 3 and 4).

        Records relating to post-festival administration, 1994-1996, cover evaluation, celebratory concert, finance, and archive arrangements.

        Sin título
        Liberty, Eric and Edith
        GB 0102 CIM/PP 38-92 · 1887, 1920-1980s

        Papers, 1887, 1920-1980s, of Eric and Edith Liberty, comprising letters received, 1947-1978; papers relating to Eric Liberty's funeral, 1971; notes, 1920-1979 and undated, including Bible and devotional notes, sermons, and autobiographical notes; articles, 1887, 1950-1952 and undated, including The Gospel Magazine; undated book of Chinese characters; three audio tapes, [1967], 1973 and undated, including a church service and sermons; China Inland Mission badge; undated chart comparing religious and agricultural calendars; undated posters and painted cloths, including Christian subjects; papers relating to Edith Liberty and her estate, 1980s; ten photograph albums and over 400 loose photographs, 1923-1973 and undated, the subjects including the Libertys and their family, congregations and churches, and places in Taiwan, the Philippines, China and Singapore.

        Sin título
        GB 0102 JEB · 1905-1987

        Records, 1905-1987, of the Japan Evangelistic Band (JEB), relating to its structure and administration and its missionary activity, mainly to the British Home Council and its sub-committees, comprising British Home Council minutes, 1905-1961, and correspondence, 1921-1987; Sunrise Band minutes, correspondence, publications, photograph albums and artefacts, 1935-1980; Literature Committee minutes, correspondence, manuscripts and art work, c1947-1982; evangelical promotional material including tracts and hymn sheets; publications including JEB magazines, newsletters and promotional leaflets and histories of the JEB; newspaper cuttings; reference books; photographs and cine films; and personal papers of Janet Dann, including incoming and outgoing correspondence, 1950-1986, notebooks, 1956-1969, photographs, 1920s-1980s, and audio tapes of interviews with Dann.

        Sin título
        Hodson, Henry Vincent
        GB 0102 PP MS 39 · Created 1947-1974

        Papers, 1947-1974, of Henry Vincent Hodson, comprising his correspondence and research materials relating to his book The Great Divide: Britain-India-Pakistan (1969) on the partition of India, including oral recordings, 1964-1965.

        Sin título
        BURRA, Edward (1905-1976)
        GB 0070 TGA 771 · Fondo · 1901-1970s

        Edward Burra was an English painter, illustrator and stage designer. This collection includes a wide variety of material reflecting Burra's eclectic interests. There is a small amount of correspondence; artwork including sketchbooks and mounted pages from sketchbooks; and proof illustrations for Humbert Woolfe's 'ABC of Theatre'. There are photographs of some of Burra's stage designs; material sent to Burra by Paul Nash; and a wide range of presscuttings, some relating to Burra, others collected out of interest. The two card indexes of books were made at the time of the inventory of his possessions at his home, soon after his death. Many of the books and other printed items are stored in the Tate Library. There is also a collection of Burra's 78s, jazz, blues, swing, Latin American and Spanish records. There is a further collection of Burra's papers, notebooks, diaries, artworks, photographs, exhibition catalogues, sound recordings and postcards at TGA 939.

        Sin título
        GB 2127 AAGBI · 1848-2002

        Archive, 1932-2002, of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI), also including some material relating to the history of anaesthesia dating back to 1848:

        Council minutes, 1932-1995; Annual General Meeting minutes, 1932-1988, 1997, and various other papers, 1934-1995 (with gaps); Advisory Committee minutes, 1978-1984, and papers, 1987; papers of various other committees, including the Safety Committee, Education and Research Committee, Archives, Library and Museum Committee, International Relations Committee, and Finance Committee.

        Records of the Group of Anaesthetists in Training (GAT), including yearbook, 1993, 1995, 1997; GAT committee election papers, 1998-1999; circulated papers concerning 'New Deal Working Patterns', 1997.

        List of Linkmen, 1995-1997; Linkmen's newsletter, 1995-1997, 1999.

        Papers on constitutional matters, including transcript of grant of arms, 1945; constitution, 1962; amendments to rules, 1971 and undated; report on the constitution of the Council, 1974; printed Memorandum of Association [after 1981] and Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1985; copy of coat of arms, 1991; papers on composition of Council, its sub-committees and working parties, 1992-1993; Standing Committee in the Republic of Ireland constitution, 1997.

        Album containing photographs and obituaries of Presidents, 1932-2002; Presidents' newsletters, 1970-1971, 1978; miscellaneous Presidential correspondence, including letters from HRH Princess Margaret (Patron of AAGBI), 1990-1998; list of Presidents (1932-1992), 1993; undated album containing photographs and biographies of officers; papers relating to elections, 1984-1998.

        Annual reports, 1933-1999 (with gaps), including lists of members to 1969.

        Papers relating to membership, including material on Fellowships, 1946-1949, 1953, honorary membership, 1987-1996, and subscription rates, [1991]-1995; lists of members, 1976-1995 (with gaps).

        Accounts, 1983; directors' report and accounts, 1987-1995 (with gaps); financial papers, including charitable donations, 1991, 1995-1996.

        Printed or typescript reports of the AAGBI, its Working Parties, or Irish Standing Committee, 1963-1997, on subjects including staffing and manpower, anaesthetists' workload, stress, the Lewin Report (1970) on the organisation and staffing of operating departments, provision of anaesthetic services and accommodation, private fees, dental anaesthetics and anaesthesia in general practice, day case anaesthesia, paediatric anaesthetic practice, management of trauma, intensive care, management of pain, use of drugs, anaphylactic shock, HIV and other viruses, anaesthetic equipment, recovery facilities, standards of monitoring, and other professional techniques and practices.

        Publications of AAGBI, comprising guidelines, booklets and leaflets (largely aimed at Anaesthetists), 1975-1998, on subjects including anaesthetists' workloads, career appointments, professional references, fees for and conduct of private anaesthetic practice, anaphylaxis under general anaesthesia, prescription of Noscapine, consent forms, checklist for anaesthetic machines, standards of monitoring, obstetrics, intensive care, AIDS and Hepatitis B, and other professional matters; also including some information leaflets on anaesthesia aimed at the general public.

        Programme of the first Scientific Meeting, 1957; papers on the Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), 1991-1997; papers on the Winter Scientific Meeting (WSM), 1992-1997; papers, including programmes and minutes, relating to various other AAGBI meetings, seminars, training events, lectures, dinners and other events, 1958-1998, including some joint events with other bodies, and some events relating to the history of anaesthesia rather than its current practice. Papers of the GAT ASM and annual Linkman Conference, 1995-1998, including some sound and video recordings, 1997. Ephemera and other material relating to events, including congratulatory address on the silver jubilee from the Finnish Society of Anaesthetists, 1957; historical note on AAGBI for the golden jubilee, 1982; diamond jubilee flag, 1992; ephemera relating to various social events, 1967-1998; menus for AAGBI Ancient Brethren Luncheon, 1995-1997; visitors' books, 1951-1972, 1984.

        Various papers relating to honours and prizes awarded by the AAGBI, 1946-1998, including the Sir Ivan Magill Gold Medal and John Snow Silver Medal, John Snow lecture, and Pask Certificate of Honour; undergraduate prize essays, 1987-1997 (with gaps); entries for the AAGBI Safety Prize, 1995, 1997; reports and papers of recipients of travel grants and scholarships, 1997-1998.

        Papers, 1984-1987, including correspondence, plans, press cuttings and other printed material, relating to the appeal for funds, acquisition and opening of the new AAGBI headquarters at no 9 Bedford Square, London, including material relating to the earlier history of the premises.

        Papers, 1953-1995, relating to the King collection of historic apparatus, including its acquisition, and to the administration of the AAGBI museum, archives and library, including advertisements for museum exhibitions on the history of anaesthesia, 1991-1997 (with gaps), and offprint of K Bryn Thomas's 'The A Charles King collection of early anaesthetic apparatus', Anaesthesia, vol 25 no 4, October 1970.

        Papers, 1947-1999, on professional issues accumulated by the AAGBI, relating to anaesthetics but also touching on wider medical issues, including papers of AAGBI working parties on professional topics, and also papers and publications, for instance reports and discussion documents, produced by government bodies (e.g. NHS Executive and Audit Commission) and by other medical organisations, including other professional bodies representing anaesthetists in the UK and overseas, among them papers relating to the implications of the creation of a College of Anaesthetists and the structure of anaesthetic organisation, 1974-1979.

        Various papers relating to international conferences, 1978-1999, including joint meetings of the AAGBI.

        Papers, 1857-1998, relating to the history of anaesthetics, including material on eminent anaesthetists, such as Sir Ivan Magill, John Snow and Sir Robert Macintosh, and the restoration of graves of some eminent anaesthetists; anniversaries in the history of anaesthesia including the 150th anniversary of the first public administration of ether at Massachusetts General Hospital (1846); the history of anaesthetic apparatus; a letter written at Lucknow, India, concerning an amputation, 1857; memoirs including Vernon Hall's Reminiscences and Anaesthesia in India 1939-1946 (privately published, 1997); published items including copies of articles on chloroform and vinic ether, 1875, and vapour of aether, 1933, and a facsimile edition, 1996, of Allen & Hanburys Ltd catalogue of anaesthetic and oxygen apparatus (1938); material relating to the history of the AAGBI, including its coat of arms.

        Miscellaneous printed items relating to other organisations, 1987-1997, including the Pain Society.

        Sin título
        North London Collegiate School
        GB 2457 · 1850-2003

        Archives of the North London Collegiate School (NLCS) comprising:

        records of governance including rough Governors Meeting minutes 1898-1919; signed minutes of the Governors of North London Collegiate School and Camden School for Girls (Frances Mary Buss Foundation), 1870-1992; Governors meeting attendance book 1910-1940; Governors meetings and Finance Committee attendance book, 1949-1958, 1975-1994; NLCS Trustees attendance book 1871-1875; record of Appointment of Governors 1875-1910, 1958-1977; Governors agenda book 1873-1875, also containing Reception Committee minutes 1879; Governors agenda books 1910-1914, 1927-1959; Governors agenda book 1910-1913 also containing Finance and General Purposes Committee agendas 1958-1959; Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, 1970-1982; Finance Reports NLCS and CSFG 1875-1890, 1921-1933; Treasurers meetings minutes 1895-1910; Schools Committee minutes 1910-1913; Schools Committee attendance book, 1910-1914; Memorial Committee minutes 1871; Building Committee minutes 1875; minutes of the Trustees of the Frances Mary Buss Memorial Scholarship Fund, 1897-1937; minutes of the Frances Mary Buss Memorial Travelling Scholarship 1964-1965 and 1969;

        NLCS correspondence 1871-1883; NLCS Secretary's reports 1871-1875; Headmistresses report to Governors, 1871-1920;

        administrative records including inventory of equipment and furniture Sep 1875-1904; NLCS Dates of Terms, 1877-1939; Timetable analysis 1947-1966; Billetting addresses in Luton; Secretary's information notebook; NLCS Visitors books 1884-1917, 1949-1965; Examiners reports 1891-1903;

        records relating to school staff including Staff Meetings minutes 1885-1894, 1912-1986; Staff meetings attendance book 1874-1913; Staff register 1883-1927; Staff register of appointments 1893-1932; Register of mistresses and administrative staff 1909-1938; Teachers agreement book; Staff attendance register 1882-1886, 1933-1958; Staff address books, 1917-1956; Staff Dramatic Club minutes, [1965]-1970; Staff log book (scrap book) 1937-1955; rough notes of lectures on English composition 1860-1876; Camden School for Girls (staff) salaries book 1909-1914;

        student records including admission books, 1850-1911; Admission register index 1925-1938, with index 1935-1938; Admissions application forms, 1871-present; Register of applications 1874-1942; Register of pupils 1875-1878; New entrants to school, 1942-1978; Withdrawal books 1871-1906; Camden and NLCS register of [withdrawn] pupils, 1871-1878; Leaving lists 1939-1979;

        scholarships register 1894-1941; Scholarships, exhibitions and prizes register 1873-1918; Register of London County Council Scholars at NLCS 1910-1930;

        medical record register 1882-1884; Miss Buss Gymnasium medical notes 1882-1886; Gymnasium medical reports 1885; Mrs Hoggan's private (medical) notes 1882-1885; Mrs Hoggan's medical notes to Miss Buss 1882-1885;

        records of pupils' examinations including NLCS external examinations results 1873 - 1890; NLCS Special Examinations results 1874-1887, containing copies of some question papers; Register of external examinations results 1890-1930; University of London examinations results including general school examination, higher school examinations, Oxford and Cambridge examinations, general certificate of education, and O levels, 1931-1979; Record of GCSE certificates sent to girls who have left, 1952-1970; Register of honours gained chiefly by old pupils, 1911-1936; Class reports 1874-1876; Summary of old pupil reports 1884-1914; Holiday work reports 1882-1919; Results of school sports competitions 1890-1920, 1926-1938; Prize day reports and lists, 1850-1909; Printed prize lists 1874-1909; Upper V examination totals 1931-1976;

        records of pupils meetings and societies including Prefects and monitors meetings minutes, 1880-1970 (incomplete); Form minute books including third to sixth forms 1948-1957; Lower Fifth form imposition book 1937-1939; Upper Fifth form after-school fixture book; Botanical Club minutes 1885-1891; Debating Society minutes 1887-1913; Sunshine League minutes 1904-1920; Science Club notes and queries 1909-1930, Science Club Committee minutes 1931-1937, Science Club General Meeting minutes 1932-1936, Science Club Photographic section and General meeting minutes 1961-1970; Classical Society minutes 1914-1927; Sketch Club minutes 1928-1936; Current Affairs Club news cuttings, 1942-1947;

        certificates of NLCS students 1882-1914, 1936-1946;

        examples of pupils work including Log book of Bromley Camp 1927, 1928, 1934, 1929; Writing book 1955-1956; Housewifery notes, with sewing samples, 1904; geography project, 1921, Dame Kitty's book - 1966 contains copies of poems by junior students; Cookery notes, (with recipes) 1904; compositions 1899; The Searchlight, manuscript magazine Vol 1 - 1912, Vol 2 1913, Vol 3, mss, 1914; photographs 1920s in student workbook titled Hygiene; displays 1947, 2000, 2002; journal of exchange visit 1967;

        personal papers including Miriam Shillito's (English teacher) letters and papers 1935-1949, and photograph album 1919-1935; Monkhouse sketch books, [1935-1937]; Hill family - Gladys, Kathleen and Lucy - NLCS, student exercise books, notebooks, photos, letters, 1905-1919 (1 box);

        personal papers of Dame Kitty Anderson (1903-1979), Headmistress from 1944 - 1965, comprising Founders Day address (undated), certificates to 1924-1971, greeting cards 1956; log book, 1943-1944 and Bath High School photos, 1973; thesis 'The treatment of vagrancy and the relief of the poor and destitute in the Tudor period, based upon the local records of London to 1552 and then to 1576', Submitted for PhD, University London, 1933; letters of congratulation on her DBE award; and related papers;

        material relating to Madeleine McLauchlan, Headmistress from 1965-1985, comprising photographs, mainly speeches, invitations, and school files, [1965-1985]; and papers of Joan Clanchy, Headmistress from 1986-1997, comprising photographs, news cuttings, letters and school files [1985-1997];

        records relating to the Association of former pupils of NLCS including reports of the Old Pupils Association, 1874-1901; minutes of Old Girls Association general meetings 1916-1939; Old Girls Association attendance book (with addresses) 1916-1953; minutes of Old North Londoners Association Committee 1916-1956; minutes of Old North Londoners Association Annual Business meetings 1941-1979;

        records of the Parents Guild including minutes of the Parents Guild Committee 1928-1973, Parents Guild cash book 1928-1940;

        financial records of the school including Registration fees, 1963-1972; Fees ledgers 1879, 1939-1943, 1945-1956; Fee books 1872-1976 (incomplete); Ledgers, 1854-1858, 1872-1907, 1910-1982; Day book 1872-1875; Cash books 1872-1907, 1924-1926, 1938-1986; Cash journal 1910-1952; Cash payments 1952-1964; Petty cash books 1921-1926, 1930-1941, 1963-1974; Cash book (House) 1905-1910, 1910-1924; House Keeping petty cash book 1911-1915; Botany and Chemistry cash book, 1914-1961; Physics petty cash book 1917-1975; Staff Committee accounts 1937-1968; Staff salaries books 1875-1923, 1932-1950; NLCS superannuation book 1922-1950; Vouchers II (bills) 1899-1912 ; House receipts 1895-1915; and printed copies of audited accounts;

        scrap books and news cuttings collections including scrapbook titled 'Edinburgh Schools' containing pamphlets and notes on schools in Edinburgh, [1871-1872]; newspaper cuttings 1871-1892 relating to NLCS, Camden School, and women's education; general newspaper cuttings 1883-1892; news cutting relating to the School, 1899-1900; news cuttings relating to Frances Mary Buss, 1894-1900; Scrap book of printed critiques of 'Our Magazine, 1883-1893; and two albums containing pamphlets and press cuttings 1850-1876, 1877-1914; Elizabeth II Coronation cuttings; press cuttings relating to former pupils (undated);

        records relating to Frances Mary Buss House (FMBH), Bromley-by-Bow, including FMBH Society (executive) committee minutes 1919-1931; Society minutes 1927-1936; general meetings minutes 1924-1968; attendance at Annual General Meetings, 1932-1970; bank book 1932-1944; receipt books 1968-1978; cash books 1925-1929, 1937-1941; FMBH Thrift Club ledgers 1953-1969-1979; FMBH log book of evacuation to Oxford,1940-1942; photographs and drawings including drawings of Sandall Rd buildings, 1939; photographs of school exterior, 1982; albums depicting school life [1900-2000]; NLCS Senior Dramatic Club albums, 1910-1938; evacuation to Luton 1939; school photograph albums, 1877, 1892, 1895 1896, 1900; staff holiday album, 1897; collection of forms, sports, events and staff photographs [1920-1950]; glass plate slides, including images of staff members and pupils, also relating to missionary work (approx 75 slides); photographs of Dame Alice Owen and Dame Kitty Anderson. 1949; photographs of staff and pupil groups, [1850-2003]; various maps and plans relating to the school premises; copy of typescript essay 'Pioneers of women's education in Victorian Britain, a study of the problems found in the education of middle class women in Victorian Britain and the work of the women who solved them', Valerie McAlister, 1992; copies of thesis 'Common threads, curriculum relationship between mathematics and needlework in the history of education', Mary Harris;

        publications including Our Magazine, 1875-2000; Camden Magazines 1948-1956, 1958-1959, 1961-1967; NLCS Final year/Sixth form year book 1992-2002; Omnibuss Magazine (Junior School), 1996-present; Online Magazine (publication of the Old North Londoners), 1995-present;

        boxes of papers relating to School Advisory Council; Applications for Headmistress 1917, 1940; Fees, free places, scholarships and subsidies by local councils 1920s-1930s; 1990-1992; National Curriculum Council; FMB House, Bromley; Canons Month, 1960s and Vice Versa, 1980s; Done family; Camden School; Head Mistress's Conference 1964; London County Council Minutes and Reports 1901-1911, 1912, 1920, 1921; Education Bills 1869-1901 and departmental memoranda; Centenary letters; Association of Head Mistresses 1887-1977; Direct Grant; Centenary Press;

        Audio visual material including video about Kitty Anderson 1965-1979, and audio cassette recording of Open University Program on Frances Mary Buss and Dorothea Beale, NLCS Handel Concert [1985], Women's House, 2000, NLCS Founders Day, Memorial Service for student, 2002;

        audio visual material relating to the history of NLCS and Canons, includes 'Everyone Matters', BBC, 1965 featuring Dame Kitty Anderson, and scenes of school life; and 'Story of Canons: nine centuries of building at Canons', 1997.

        Sin título
        GB 2108 KUAS227 · Fondo · [1950- 2016]

        Items related to musical theatre collected by scholar and musician Alan Poulton. Includes programmes, books, research and other items relating to the work of Stephen Sondheim, and other items relating more widely to the world of musical theatre including journals, books and recordings.

        Sin título
        British Humanist Association
        GB 0372 BHA · Fondo · 1887-2014

        Archive of the British Humanist Association, including: papers of the British Humanist Association and it's predecessors bodies, The Union of Ethical Societies, The Ethical Union and the Humanist Association,1887 - c.2001; papers of the Humanist Trust, 1958 - 1996; papers of groups affiliated to the British Humanist Association and it's predecessor bodies, The Union of Ethical Societies and The Ethical Union, 1892 - 2007; Uncatalogued material of the British Humanist Association, c.2000-2014. (1887-2014)

        Sin título
        GB 0102 CBMS · 1872-1973

        Archives of the Conference of British Missionary Societies, largely dating from 1912-1970, including some material dating from 1872-1973, relating to administration, the work of other missionary bodies, and issues affecting missionary work.

        Records, 1901-1970, of the Standing Committee and other committees comprise minutes, annual reports, and administrative papers and correspondence, including some relating to the CBMS constitution, finance, staffing, World War Two, and broadcasting, and papers relating to various other missionary bodies, including the Foreign Missions Conference of North America and National Council of Churches in Christ in the USA, 1893-1960 (Ref: S).

        Records, 1907-1968, of the Home Council comprise minutes and administrative papers (Ref: H); records, 1926-1960, relating to audio-visual aids, including minutes, administrative papers, and reviews of films (Ref: H/AVA); records, 1920-1944, of the Far and Near Press Bureau, with detailed information on numerous individual missionaries and missionary issues, including BBC talks, publications, manuscripts and matching press cuttings, and obituaries (arranged chronologically), biographical files and photographs of people and regions (arranged alphabetically), and background information on various areas (Ref: H/PB); records, 1921-1960, relating to recruitment and training of missionaries (Ref: H/RT); records, 1946-1965, of the Schools Committee, relating to speakers, exhibitions and publicity material (Ref: H/Sc); records, 1939-1961, of the Youth Committee (Ref: H/Y); records, 1907-1968, of the United Council for Missionary Education and Edinburgh House Press, including minutes, finance papers, records of publications and papers relating to production, stock and publicity, book reviews, correspondence, and publications on missionaries and missionary subjects (Ref: H/UP).

        Area files, including correspondence with national Christian councils, overseas governments and overseas churches and churchmen, comprise minutes of the Africa Committee and papers on missionary work in countries in Central, East, Southern and West Africa, 1915-1960, touching on educational work, political events and decolonization, African customs, Islam, social problems, and interethnic relations, including papers of the Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies (including areas outside Africa), 1927-1961 (Ref: A); records of the Committee on Work among Jews and Near and Middle East Committee and papers relating to missionary work in Middle Eastern countries and Egypt, 1921-1967, touching on work among Moslems, political events and refugee issues (Ref: N); records of the West Indies Committee and papers relating to missionary work in the Caribbean, 1938-1968, touching on social and economic development (Ref: W); records of the Asia Committee and papers on missionary work, including educational and medical work, in China, India, and other parts of East, South, and South East Asia, 1872-1964, including political events, the Sino-Japanese War and World War Two, the development of Communism in China, and political events and self-government in India (Ref: E).

        Records on literature and medical work comprise records of the Christian Literature Committee and Christian Literature Council, including finance and policy papers, and papers relating to literacy and literature in Central, East, Southern and West Africa, East, South, and South East Asia, the Middle East, and the Caribbean and Latin America, 1920-1968 (Ref: L); records of the Medical Advisory Board and papers on medical missionary work in Africa, India and China, 1928-1963 (Ref: M).

        Records on co-operative action with other missionary bodies relate to the World Missionary Conference and its Continuation Committee, 1907-1929, the International Missionary Council, 1917-1973, World Council of Churches, 1945-1960, and British Council of Churches, 1938-1960 (Ref: C).

        Sin título
        Godfrey, Emily
        GB 0102 MS 380758 · 1919-1979

        Papers, 1919-1979, of and relating to Emily Godfrey, comprising a record of her missionary work and biographical information, 1921-1978; copy certificate as founder member of the Royal College of Nursing, undated; her testimony when applying to be a missionary, 1919, and typescript copy; letters and papers, 1919-1921, relating to her appointment by the Primitive Methodist Missionary Society (PMMS); PMMS congratulations on receiving the Royal Red Cross medal for war work, undated; printed papers relating to Methodist activities, mainly in England, some relating to addresses by Emily Godfrey, 1921-1937; printed and typescript reports on her work in Nigeria, 1922-[1934]; letters received from various correspondents, 1922-1954, the subjects including her missionary work and retirement (1944); letters, 1942-1946, from German missionaries who were interned in Nigeria and England during World War Two; papers relating to pensions, 1937-1964; leaflet appealing for funds for the Methodist Hospital, Ama Achara, Nigeria, c1976; typescript accounts by Emily Godfrey of her work in Nigeria, one made from a tape recording (since lost), undated; printed and typescript items on her death, including obituaries and a letter of condolence, 1978-1979.

        Sin título
        Oral Archive: Plain Tales from the Raj
        GB 0102 OA1 · (1876-1949) 1972-1974

        Cassette copies and transcripts of recordings of unedited interviews assembled, 1972-1974, for the radio series 'Plain Tales from the Raj', including material not included in the broadcast programmes, and comprising c200 hours of material. The 82 subjects interviewed, including men, women, adults and children, lived and worked in India from the late 19th century to Independence (1947) and the interviews cover a wide range of civilian and military experience between 1876 and 1949. Military personnel range from the Commander in Chief of the Army in India to Army privates. Civil servants of various ranks and members of the business and commercial world, for example tea planters, are also included. Women mainly comprise wives and daughters, but also include a few nurses and governesses. The project covered the lives of the British in India and, although the material touches upon the effect of the Raj on India and its indigenous inhabitants, only a small number of Indians and Eurasians were interviewed. Subjects covered include accommodation and living conditions; daily routine; social life and recreation; health and sanitation; the effects of India postings on family life; relations between the British, other Europeans, Indians and Eurasians in social and work environments; events such as riots and earthquakes; the fauna and landscape of India; and political events. Full typescript transcripts (including inaccuracies in some cases) exist for most, but not all, of the recordings.

        Sin título
        Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton
        GB 0102 PP MS 20 · Created 1898-1977

        Working papers of John Willoughby Tarleton Allen, 1898-1978 and undated, the bulk dating from 1957-1978, including correspondence, 1963-1977; papers on Swahili culture, poetry and customs, 1903-1978 and undated; papers relating to the Danish Volunteer Training Society, including language instruction, 1969-1973, and Britain Tanzania Society, 1974-1977; published articles by Allen and others, 1898, 1970 and undated; undated photocopies of various Arabic manuscripts; tape recordings of literary performances; microfilms of Swahili material.

        Sin título
        Polytechnic of Central London
        GB 1753 PCL · Fondo · 1968-1992

        Records, 1968-1992, of the Polytechnic of Central London:
        Minutes and committee papers comprise Court of Governors minutes, 1970-1992, and Annual Reports and Statements of Accounts, 1978-1988; Standing Committee of Academic Council minutes, 1972-1983; Academic Council minutes, 1972, 1977-1992; Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, 1970-1989, Finance and Property Committee minutes, 1989-1992, and Audit Committee minutes, 1989-1992; Higher Degree Committee papers, 1973-1974, 1985-1987, Research Degree Committee papers, 1974-1983, Research Committee papers, 1976-1992, and other research papers; Staff Development Committee papers, 1976-1981; nursery management committee minutes and papers, 1978-1990; Committees of PCL Health and Safety, 1980-1988; Resources Committee papers, 1985-1992; Student Affairs Committee papers, 1984-1992; Committees of Directors of London Polytechnics, 1972-1986; and other committee papers.

        Other administrative papers comprise Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1970; certificate of incorporation, 1970; Instrument recording designation as a Polytechnic, 1970; correspondence and papers concerning the Instrument and Articles, 1968-1988; Structure Commission Report on Poly/Holborn amalgamation, 1970; file on designation ceremony and Holborn foundation stone, 1960-1970; papers and reports of J Eric Richardson, including 'The development of the Polytechnic 1957-1970' [1970]; programme of designation and opening of new buildings, 1971; report of the Working Party on Examinations and Assessment, 1971; accommodation strategy report, 1971; papers on organisation of the academic administration, 1972; proposals for the London Regional Management Centre, 1973; annual maintenance grant applications to ILEA (block grant), 1974-1989; papers relating to the CNAA, including its Institutional Review, 1978-1992; specimen certificates for award on successful completion of courses [1970s]; consultants' report on efficiency review, 1986; papers relating to the merger with Harrow College of Higher Education, 1987-1989; papers on the change to University status, 1989-1991; Charity Commissioners' scheme for the Quintin Hogg Memorial Fund, 1991; correspondence with the Privy Council concerning adoption of the title University, coat of arms and letters patent, 1991-1992; PCL Accommodation Strategy report by Touche Ross and Co, 1991.

        Financial records include balance sheet and accounts, 1969-1970, report and statement of accounts, 1971-1981, 1983-1985, 1988, and Enterprise in Higher Education Annual Report, 1990.

        Departmental records include file of the Library Development Officer, 1972-1973; Library handbooks, 1971-1972, and guide to services [1978]; Library Development Plan, 1980-1985; Department of Surveying proposals for submission of BSc in Quantity Surveying to the CNAA, 1974; American Studies Resource Centre teaching materials, including videos and maps [1980]; photograph album and course booklets for the School of Management; School of Photography handbooks and teaching materials; Poly Law Review, 1975-1982.

        Other records include Teaching Staff Association papers, 1970-1977.
        Material, including ephemera, relating to events includes telegram of thanks for the Polytechnic's message on the silver wedding of the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, 1973; programmes of annual dinner at the Café Royal, 1974, 1976; programme of supper and concert for the silver jubilee, 1977; publicity material relating to the 150th anniversary, 1988.

        Publications, 1970-1992, include PCL prospectuses (general and departmental), leaflets, brochures and posters for courses and events, guides for applicants, student handbooks, and other information for students; programmes of presentation ceremonies, 1972-1974; Examination pass lists, 1974-1992; PhD student pass lists, 1968-1987; Polytechnic Institute Members' Magazine [1971]-1974; typescript Polytechnic Sports and Social Club monthly newsletter, 1974-1975, succeeded by the Newsletter of Polytechnic Members, 1976-1988; typescript Institute of Polytechnic Sports and Social Clubs newsletter, 1991-1992; publications for staff, comprising miscellaneous PCL staff information bulletins and magazines, 1970-1977, and Central Issue, the staff newspaper, 1977-1985, succeeded by Clarion, 1987-1992; McGarel, 1968/69-1992/93 (incomplete series), described as Polytechnic Students' Newspaper and later as Polytechnic Students' Union Newspaper; printed articles on Polytechnic buildings in Marylebone Road and New Cavendish Street, 1970-1971; Posters advertising the Poly Entertainment Committee concerts held in Portland Hall, 1965-1969; floor plans for Little Titchfield Street, 1971.

        Photographs and slides, 1970-1992, including buildings, students, activities and events, among them the designation ceremony, 1971.

        Sin título
        Williams, Cicely Delphine (1893-1992)
        GB 0120 PP/CDW · 1901-1988

        The collection covers most aspects of Williams' life and career after 1939. Papers from her work with the British Colonial Service in Ghana, 1928-1936, were largely lost during transit to her next appointment in Singapore, but the typescript copy of her 1935 report The mortality and morbidity of the children of the Gold Coast is extant. Many papers relating to Williams' work with the British Colonial Service in Singapore, 1936-1941, were lost during the Japanese invasion, but she took a few files into Changi jail, where she wrote up the report An experiment in health work in Trengganu in 1940-1941. Notebooks, correspondence and writings made during her internment, when she was appointed as camp nutritionist by her fellow women prisoners, are also in the collection. Post-war papers cover most aspects of Williams' work, including positions with the World Health Organisation, the American University at Beirut and Tulane School of Public Health, as well as correspondence and collected reprints relating to work carried out in 'retirement' at Wyndham House, Oxford.

        Sin título
        GB 0120 SA/CAP · 1977-1991

        The archive consists mainly of the Secretary's correspondence files and the files of the various working parties, plus a broad range of publications.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 HSR/T-V · Subfondo · [1806-1948]
        Parte de Historical Records

        This catagory contain single ephemeral items, printed or manuscript documents or cards, and photographs; they have usually been annoted or signed. It includes a copy of the order of ceremony of the funeral procession of Lord Nelson (q.v.) and tickets of admission to the funeral, 1806; a certificate of authenticity relating to a stone shot recovered from the MARY ROSE and presented in 1840 to Admiral Sir Edward Codrington (q.v.), Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth, signed by John Deane (b.1810) and William Edwards, the salvagers; a menu autographed by the signatories of the Atlantic Charter, 1941; the instrument of Japanese surrender at Hong Kong, 1945; and an order of ceremonial for unveiling the memorial to Admirals of the Fleet Earl Jellicoe (1859-1935) and Earl Beatty (q.v.) in Trafalgar Square, 1948.

        Sin título
        GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 9 · 1945-1953, 1989

        A themed microfiche collection relating to material produced by the Historical Detachments of the US Army during the Korean War, 1950-1953. The scope and content of the interviews and studies therein was influenced by the nature of the conflict and by the types of units employed in combat. Despite the involvement of United Nations forces and the US Marine Corps, all units interviewed by the Historical Detachments were from the US Army. The two primary components of this collection are 'After-Action Reports' and 'Studies'. 'After-Action Reports' include accounts of combat-related activities of specific units during a campaign, engagement, or operation. They focus on the role or scope of action of particular units for a given period of time at a specific location, and consist of a narrative account of the action, combat interviews, and supplementary materials, including manuscript and printed maps, charts, and photographs. 'Studies' were prepared by the Historical Detachments to provide insight into unit strengths or deficiencies or problems in fundamental strategic and tactical matters, including the use of new weapons, techniques for supply and support, and fighting behaviour. 'After- Action Reports' in this collection include material relating to the assault on the North Korean defence line north of the Hongchon River by US 5 Cavalry Regt, 13-20 Mar 1951; Operation TOMAHAWK, the airdrop of US 187 Airborne Regimental Combat Team behind enemy lines at Munsan-ni, Korea, and the subsequent fighting around Parun-ni, Korea, 22 Mar-29 Mar 1951; preparation of defensive positions consisting of booby traps, barbed wire, and mines in the General Defense Line, Korea, 17-18 May 1951; action of US 3 Infantry Div to control the high ground of the 'Iron Triangle', which encompassed Chorwon, Kumwa, and Pyongyang, Korea, Jun 1951; engagements by US 23 Infantry Regt to control and secure strategic 'Heartbreak Ridge', the area connecting Hill 931 and Hill 894 near Satae-ri and Mundung-ni, Korea, Sep-Oct 1951; Operation CLAM UP, the operation to deceive the North Korean People's Army into dispatching patrols against United Nations lines, exposing them to ambush and capture, Feb 1952; Operation SMACK, US 31 Infantry Regt assault on Pokkae and Hasakkol, Korea, with co-ordinated support from air, artillery, and tank units, 12 Jan-25 Jan 1953. 'Studies' in this collection include reports relating to US personnel management from the beginning of hostilities until the initiation of cease-fire negotiations, Jun 1950-Jul 1951; inter-Allied co-operation during combat operations, Jun 1950-Jul 1951; offshore procurement of supplies by US 8 Army, 26 Jun 1951-31 Jul 1953; efforts to evacuate American and Allied dead from cemeteries in Korea and the Glory Plan to recover bodies from North Korea, 26 Jun 1950-23 Dec 1953; the organisation, activities, and equipment of mobile army surgical hospitals, auxiliary surgical and neurosurgical teams, and other US 8 Army medical support facilities, Jul 1950-Feb 1953; the Korean War armistice negotiations, Jul 1951-Jul 1953; ordnance salvage operations, Jul 1951-Sep 1953; logistical support to prisoners of war detained by United Nations forces, Jul 1951-Jul 1953; the organisation and pattern of North Korean People's Army and Chinese People's Liberation Army tactics, 26 Dec 1951; Chinese People's Liberation Army and North Korean People's Army materiel, weapons and equipment, 19 Jun 1952; US Army tank employment in positional warfare, 10-30 Jan 1953.

        Sin título
        CRICK, Dr Alan John Pitts (1913-1995)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Crick · 1938-1984

        Papers relating to Crick's service in the Western Desert, 1941-1943, as Instructor, War Intelligence Course, School of Military Intelligence, Matlock, Derbyshire, 1943-1944, and with Operational Intelligence, G2 Division, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF), 1944-1945, including copy of War Diary, General Staff Intelligence Branch, Headquarters 8 Army, 25 Sep-31 Oct 1941; typescript memorandum by Crick 'The possible effect of CROSSBOW on OVERLORD', on how Operation CROSSBOW, (Allied countermeasures against German V-weapons), could influence Operation OVERLORD, (the Allied invasion of occupied Europe), Mar 1944; typescript memorandum by Crick 'The heart of Germany', on the importance of the Ruhr industrial region to Allied strategy, Mar 1944; typescript report by Crick on visit to OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, the German Armed Forces High Command), Flensburg, Germany, 11 May 1945. Papers relating to Crick's service with the British Joint Services Mission, Washington DC, USA, 1953-1956, including typescript text of lecture by Maj Gen Sir Kenneth William Dobson Strong, Director of Joint Intelligence Bureau, on UK and US Intelligence collaboration and spheres of influence [1953]; typescript memorandum 'Probable Bloc preoccupations in Asia, including Middle East, until mid 1955' [1953]; papers relating to the reorganisation of the Economic and General Division of the Joint Intelligence Bureau, 1956. Papers relating to the Imperial Defence College tour of Pakistan, India, East Pakistan, Ceylon and Aden, Aug-Sep 1960, including itineraries, travel arrangements, three photographs, invitations and a printed map of the Middle East showing oil wells, refineries and pipelines, 1960. Manuscript and typescript notes for a lecture by Crick entitled 'A career in Intelligence', given at Intelligence Corps course, with one audio tape of 20 minute lecture by Crick on interrogation techniques, Ashford College, Kent, Oct 1984. Edition of In the caves of the mind. Poems by Alan Crick (Privately published, Rye, Sussex, 1992). Newspaper cuttings, photographs and publications, 1938-1959, including German newspaper cuttings relating to the visit to Danzig by Rt Hon Alfred Duff Cooper, First Lord of the Admiralty, Aug 1938; three editions of Battledress. The Cadet magazine, Feb-Jun 1940; nine editions of The Crusader Eighth Army Weekly, Oct 1942-Apr 1943; sixteen editions of 'Interim. British Army of the Rhine Intelligence Review', Jun 1945-Apr 1946; three editions of 'Occupation. British Army of the Rhine Intelligence Review', May-Jul 1946. Edition of '21st (British) Army Group in the campaign in North West Europe 1944-1945. Lecture by Field Marshal Sir Bernard L Montgomery to the Royal United Service Institution, London, October 1945'; six photographs and five copies of photographs of Crick, Western Desert and Germany, 1941-1945, and two group photographs, Staff and Students, Joint Services Staff College, 1948, and Military Attachés Conference, Episkopi, Cyprus, 1959.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2370 · Colección · 1871-1985

        Records of the Royal Choral Society. The archive is divided into seven sections: administrative records, including a series of individual concert files; financial records; membership records, which include attendance registers and audition files; concert records and programmes; publicity records including posters and newspaper cuttings; files of printed musical scores, arranged by piece, and including programmes for concerts featuring the work; miscellaneous records, which comprise information and programmes relating to other choirs, magazines of the society, or which include articles on the society or choral singing in general, and photographs of choir members, soloists and conductors.

        Highlights of the collection include a comprehensive, although not complete, series of concert programmes from 1873-1985, including the programme for the last concert to be held in the Queen's Hall before its destruction during World War II. There are also manuscript copies of "Eryri" by Alun Hoddinott. This piece was composed for the investiture of the Prince of Wales in 1969 and the collection has a copy both of the original score, for 16 soloists, chorus and orchestra, and the revised version for baritone solo, chorus and orchestra.

        Sin título
        GB 2381 C182665 · Colección · 1968-2005

        Audio-visual collections of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), London, 1968-2005, comprising photographs, slides, videos, DVDs, CD-ROMs and audio tapes. Includes UNHCR audio visual presentations, 1981-1983; audio tapes of UNHCR seminars, radio broadcasts and recorded interviews relating to refugee and migration issues, 1981-2002; CD-ROMs, 1996-2001, including information on UNHCR, statements by the High Commissioner; Executive Committee papers; fundraising reports, evaluation and policy analysis and statistics. Educational packs on refugees produced by the UNHCR for schools, 1981-1983, comprising pamphlets, slides and audio tapes. VHS videos and DVDs, 1980-2005, chiefly produced by the UNHCR, on topics including the lives of refugees, conditions in war torn countries, appeal videos, the work of the UNHCR, environmental problems in and around refugee camps; music videos, child refugees, educational videos, asylum seekers in the UK, women refugees and training videos for UNHCR staff.

        The UNHCR Photograph and Slide Library comprises slides and photographs produced by UNHCR, including of refugees in the Horn of Africa, 1980-2000; East Africa, 1980-1999; the African Great Lakes region, 1984-1997; West Africa, 1981-1999; Southern Africa, 1968-1994; North Africa, 1990-1998; Central Africa, 1981-1998; Nepal, 1992-1995; South East Asia, 1979-1999; Croatia, 1992; Macedonia, 1999, Albania, 1999; Azerbaijan, 1993-1994; the former Yugoslavia, 1991-1999; the former Soviet Union, 1986-2001; Central America, 1982-1997; Europe and the USA, 1961-1996; Afghan refugees in Iran, Europe and Pakistan, 1979-2002; Indochinese refugees in South East Asia, 1984-1993; Iranian, Iraqi and Kurdish refugees; Bosnian refugees in Yugoslavia, Slovenia and Croatia, 1992-1998; Chechen and Georgian refugees in the Russian Federation, 1996-2000; refugees from Tajikistan, 1995; Kosovar refugees, 1991-1999; UNHRC photo series of refugees in Africa, 1970; elderly refugees in Cambodia, 1982; child refugees in Senegal; women refugees, 1988-2002 and photographs used for UNHCR campaigns and events including the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless, 1987; UNHCR fiftieth anniversary, 2000 and a UK poster campaign.

        Sin título
        George Orwell Papers
        GB 0103 ORWELL · Colección · 1875-[1997]

        Papers of and relating to George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair), 1875-[1997], comprising manuscripts and typescripts, 1917-1959 (Ref: A); literary notebooks, 1939-[1949] (Ref: B); Spanish Civil War material, 1936-1939 (Ref: C); general notebooks, 1943-[1950] (Ref: D); political diaries, 1938-1942 (Ref: E); domestic diaries, 1938-1948 (Ref: F); letters from Orwell, 1911-1949 (Ref: G); letters to Orwell, 1928-1950 (Ref: H); associated material, 1935-1949 (Ref: I); personalia, 1903-1971 (Ref: J); Eileen Blair papers [1920s]-1967 (Ref: K); family papers, 1875-1968 (Ref: L); posthumous material, 1950-1972 (Ref: M); proofs, 1932-1953 (Ref: N); radio scripts, 1943-1957 (Ref: O); adaptation scripts and screenplays of Orwell's work, 1952-1986 (Ref: P); documentary scripts, 1946-1983, of recorded interviews about Orwell (Ref: Q); audio-visual cassettes, 1983-[1997], about Orwell and his work (Ref: R); Sonia Orwell papers, 1937-1977 (Ref: S); photographs, 1893-1984 (Ref: T).

        Sin título
        SUTTON, Profesor John (1919-1992)
        GB 0098 B/SUTTON · 1910-1995

        Papers of Professor John Sutton, 1910-1995, comprising biographical material, including obituaries and reminiscences of Sutton; papers relating to Sutton's childhood and schooldays, undergraduate studies, wartime service, his honours; family papers, notably his father Gerald John Sutton, an engineer and inventor, including patents, 1928-1958; photographs of Sutton, some with Janet Watson;
        notebooks, 1940-1992, comprising geological field notebooks, [1940-1969], containing observations, sketches and plans and lists of specimens, some with notes by Janet Watson; notebooks recording work in Greenland, 1965-1969; notes on proceedings of conferences and sketches of scenery, plants and people, and geological phenomena, many from visits overseas, [1965]-1992;
        notes and drafts relating to publications or work intended for publication, [1935-1992]; papers relating to visits and conferences including visits to China; correspondence, notably with Edward Battersby Bailey, Michael J Fleuty, Arthur Holmes, John Lawrence Knill, John Graham Ramsay, Herbert Harold Read, principally two sequences of letters, 1948-1960, 1961-1992, including papers for conferences, from societies and organisations; maps, figures, photographs, films and an audio tape.

        Sin título
        GB 0100 KCLCA 1996 CDE, 1997 CDE · 1968-1996

        Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology and Chelsea College Department of Electrical Engineering Records, 1968-1996. This series comprises correspondence with overseas research workers, 1990-1996; rough and fair copy teaching notes and handouts for students on courses taught by John Pearson and others on electronic devices, electromagnetism, circuits and control systems, microwave engineering and communications theory, 1972-1995; tape recordings of lectures on electronic devices, [1975]; Departmental research reports, 1989-1995; papers concerning a reunion of Chelsea Electronics graduates, 1985; incomplete set of examination question papers in Electronics and related disciplines, 1968-1993; group photographs of graduates, 1970-1980, 1985-1986, 1989, 1995; histories of the Electronics Department and other memorabilia, 1977-1978.

        Sin título
        Centre for Reform
        GB 0097 CENTRE FOR REFORM · Colección · 1998-1999

        Papers of the Centre for Reform, 1998-1999, comprises newsletters, publicity leaflets, audio tapes, video, press cuttings, press releases, minutes of management committee, papers presented to the group and advisory board meeting papers, all relating to the Centre for Reform.

        Sin título
        GB 1538 S48 · 1959-1997

        Papers of Dr Wallace Beresford Shute, 1959-1997, comprising correspondence relating to presentation of the video cassette copies of his 1991 film "The Shute Parallel Forceps: its techniques and clinical use", 1997; biography and curriculum vitae of Dr Shute and instructions for use of the Shute Parallel Obstetrical Forceps, 1997; copies of papers published by Dr Shute and others, mainly on the use of the forceps, with some related correspondence , 1959-1994.

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        GB 0102 OA3 · 1997, 2000

        Sound recordings and papers relating to the radio series 'India: A People Partitioned', 1997. Cassette tapes of interviews (83 tapes) and partial transcripts concern the social history of partition between India and Pakistan (1947) and its effect on people in south Asia. Interviewees included some prominent political and cultural figures, but also 'ordinary' people whose lives were affected by the events surrounding independence, including the large number of refugees created. The subjects discussed include Communism, politicians including Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Muslim League, Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus. Cassette tapes of the five broadcast programmes (3 tapes) are also included: 'The Gathering of the Storm', on the context of partition, disturbances in 1946, and Gandhi's attempts to broker peace; 'The Killing Fields of Punjab', examining partition violence; ' Tearing the Veil', on women's experiences, including abduction; 'Comers and Goers', concerning the experiences of Muslims in India and their dilemma as to whether to migrate to Pakistan or remain in India; 'Unfinished Business', on the Kashmir dispute and the continuing legacy of partition in regional politics, culture and diplomacy. The partial transcripts were made for working purposes and are an indication rather than a definitive record of the contents of the tapes. Appended to the transcripts are copies of an occasional series of articles written by Andrew Whitehead for the Indian Express based on the material he gathered. An additional deposit comprises a cassette tape of the revised programme, 'Unfinished Business', 2000, and six further interview tapes, the interviewees including key participants in India-Pakistan relations, with notes on the contents of the interviews compiled for working purposes.

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