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          697 Archival description results for Surgery

          697 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
          KELLY, Mary P (fl 1946-1955)
          GB 0100 KH/NL/PP17 · 1946-1955

          Papers of Mary P Kelly comprising letters of acceptance for nurse training at King's College Hospital, 24 Mar 1947, and 25 Apr 1947;
          copies of printed examination question papers for the General Council of Nursing Final State Examination for the General Part of the Register, 7 Jun 1950; Borough Polytechnic King's College Nurses - Theory Examination (undated);
          King's College Hospital School of Nursing prospectus (undated, post 1913) King's College Hospital regulations for nurses, Jan 1946; King's College Hospital regulations for the nursing staff with regard to the ordering, custody and administration of dangerous drugs and poisons, Apr 1949; pamphlet titled `Nurses' to be given to nurses on admission to the Training School containing a treatise on the Christian duties of nursing (undated); printed card containing a monthly order of prayer for King's College Hospital Chapel (undated);

          King's College Hospital notice relating to the gradual introduction of equal pay for male and female nurses, Oct 1955;

          printed copy of the Constitution of the King's College Hospital Nurses' League, Nov 1949; printed article `King's College Hospital Nurses League and badge of membership' (undated);

          pamphlet A weighed diabetic diet, theline-ration' scheme', R D Lawrence, 1942 (reprinted 1949), and related leaflet `explanation to doctors';

          newspaper cutting depicting members and patients in the department of gynaecological surgeon Sir William Gilliatt at King's College Hospital;

          printed copy of King's College Hospital Gazette, Christmas 1950.

          Kelly , Mary P , fl 1946-1955 , nurse
          GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Box 9 · 1573, 1763-1932

          Papers, 1573, 1763-1932, of and relating to John Theodosius Van Der Kemp, comprising pages from his diary, 1763-1791; list of patients in a Dutch military hospital, 1793-1794; miscellaneous papers, 1801-1804; correspondence, 1802-1811, the subjects including missionaries, supplies, travel, and colonial policy and administration; various undated manuscripts in his hand, including medical notes and notes for sermons; his Bible (1573), comprising the Old Testament in Hebrew and New Testament in Greek; papers relating to his family, 1816-1817, 1849, including financial affairs; miscellaneous papers on Van Der Kemp and Bethelsdorp, 1826 and undated; a manuscript on the conversion and call of Van Der Kemp to missionary work and his voyage to the Cape [early 19th century]; manuscript copy of his autobiography, apparently translated by F G Hooper, 1820; a manuscript précis and extracts from his autobiography [early 19th century]; correspondence and papers, 1921-1932 and undated, on Van Der Kemp, relating especially to A D Martin's biography Doctor Vanderkemp, and including press cuttings and a photograph of his grave.

          Kemp , John Theodosius , Van Der , 1747-1811 , Dutch missionary
          GB 1538 S12 · 1868-1947

          Personal papers of John Martin Munro Kerr, 1868-1947, including his Birth certificate, Glasgow, 1868; photocopy of certificate of marriage to Emilia Andrewina Elizabeth Johansson. British Consul's Office, Gothenburg; birth certificate of Emilia Johansson Gothenburg, 1876; election as Honorary Fellow of American Gynaecological Society, 1912; letters to Munro Kerr encouraging him to seek the chair of midwifery, University of Edinburgh, with Munro Kerr's note, 1921-1922; commission appointing Munro Kerr Regius Professor of Midwifery, University of Glasgow, 1927; letters relating to illustrations for Munro Kerr's Operative Midwifery, first edition (London, 1908), and congratulatory messages, 1907-1909; contract between Munro Kerr and his publishers E & S Livingstone relating to Maternal Mortality and Morbidity (Edinburgh, 1933), 1933; minute of agreement between Munro Kerr and three of his co-authors with E & S Livingstone, publishers for publication of J M Munro Kerr and others Combined Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, third edition (Edinburgh, 1939), 1935; certificates of degrees and Fellowship, 1890-1947; address from the Senate of the University of Glasgow on retirement as Regius Professor of Midwifery, 1934.

          Kerr , John Martin Munro , 1868-1960 , Vice President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
          KING, A C (fl 1933): Patent
          GB 1538 S17 · 1933

          Patent, no 781237, granted to A C King for an appliance for administering chloroform as an anaesthetic in childbirth, with photographs of the appliance, 1933.

          King , A C , fl 1933
          King, Maurice Henry (1927-)
          GB 0114 MS0149 · 1993

          Papers of Maurice Henry King, 1993, comprising 2 draft typescript copies of Primary Surgery Volume 1 Non-traumawith manuscript annotations in various hands. The first copy is labelled as being edited by Maurice King, assisted by Peter Bewes and James Cairns. The second copy names only Maurice King as the editor.

          King , Maurice Henry , b 1927 , physician and research fellow
          GB 0120 GC/85 · 1910-1918

          Papers relating to Montague Knapp's service as Fleet Surgeon, Senior Medical Officer to XI Destroyer Flotilla, HMS Blake, 1915-1917; medical records (largely relating to syphilis), 1910-1917; documents from German naval surgeon; photographs.

          Knapp , Montague Henry , 1867-1952 , Surgeon-Captain
          Krohne, Charles William
          GB 2127 KROHNE, C W · 1903-1904

          Handwritten journal of C W Krohne reporting inquests on deaths under anaesthesia, 1903-1904, summarising cases in hospitals in various locations in the UK. With two advertisements for Krohne & Sesemann products, 1934 and undated, and biographical information on Krohne and his company.

          Krohne , Charles William , 1823-1904 , medical instrument maker
          L S Penrose Papers
          GB 0103 PENROSE · 1806-1974

          Papers of Lionel Sharples Penrose, 1806-1974, comprising personal papers relating to Penrose and his family, 1806-1974; papers relating to the professional training, medical, scientific and voluntary work of Penrose, 1918-1972; letters, mainly to Penrose, 1915-1973.

          Penrose , Lionel Sharples , 1898-1972 , geneticist
          GB 0099 KCLMA Lambert · 1970, 1977

          Photographs relating to the handover of the British Medical Hospital, Tripoli, Libya, c 1970; photographs of an official visit by Ian Gilmour, Permanent Under Secretary of State for Defence, to the British Medical Hospital, Hannover, Germany, 1970; slides relating to Northern Ireland, 1977.

          Lambert , Charles George , 1928-2000 , Colonel
          GB 0120 GC/127 · Collection · 1880-1956

          Sir William Arbuthnot Lane papers, 1880-1956, comprising autobiographical notes, scrapbook, reprints and biographical material.

          Lane , Sir , William Arbuthnot , 1856-1948 , surgeon
          GB 0114 MS0056 · 1799-1842

          Papers of George Langstaff, 1799-1842, comprising 2 volumes of commonplace books, 1818-c 1838; correspondence concerning preparations purchased by the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1842; Diurnal remarks of a voyage from Calcutta to old England, by G Langstaff, Surgeon, Ship Phoenix (1799) including a transcript by S Wood, 1799-1801; catalogue of the anatomical preparations forming the George Langstaff Museum, 1820; manuscript of miscellaneous preparations, 1799-1842; catalogue of the Langstaff Museum titled Heart, early 19th century; manuscript list of preparations titled Abridged History of the Museum, early 19th century; lecture notes, 1785-1816; and an explanation of John Abernethy's paintings of Lithotomy, 1804.

          Langstaff , George , c1780-1846 , surgeon and anatomist
          GB 0097 LANSBURY · 1877-1940

          Lansbury's personal and political correspondence; correspondence between Lansbury's biographer, Raymond Postgate, and others after his death; correspondence and papers on subjects of interest to Lansbury, including schools, the Labour Party, unemployment, agriculture, India, the 1931 Cabinet Crisis, and the Metropolitan Police; photographs, personal and official, and caricatures from the press; press reviews of Lansbury's published works; printed matter, including articles, pamphlets, speeches and leaflets by or concerning Lansbury, election addresses, and personal ephemera. Volumes 1 - 26 consist of the personal and political correspondence and papers used by Lansbury's son-in-law, Raymond Postgate, in researching The Life of George Lansbury, published in 1951. These papers were presented to the British Library of Political and Economic Science by Professor Postgate in 1950. Volumes 27 - 30 were added to the collection some time later, and volume 31 consists of three files of personal correspondence which were added to the collection in 1994 and one file found in 1999.

          Lansbury, George, 1859-1940, Labour politician
          GB 0113 MS-LATHP · 1838-1871 (1838-1839; 1871)

          Latham's papers, 1838-1871, include his casebook, 1838-39, and his lectures on fever and the pulse, in his hand, 1871.

          Latham , Peter Mere , 1789-1875 , physician
          GB 0114 MS0020 · c1817-1860

          Papers of Sir William Lawrence, c1817-1860, comprising an account of patients admitted into the London Infirmary for Diseases of the Eye, (cases under Lawrence and Tyrell), 1817-1825; notes of hospital cases; notes used for delivery of lectures in surgery; notes and papers, including addresses made at St Bartholomew's Hospital; notes for lectures in ophthalmic surgery; notes and papers relating to comparative anatomy and physiology; notes of hospital cases; notes on surgical subjects; commonplace book containing case notes on his patients; lecture on ophthalmic surgery; case notes on ophthalmic patients of Lawrence and Travers.

          Lawrence , Sir , William , 1783-1867 , 1st Baronet , surgeon
          LAWRENCE, Thomas (1711-1783)
          GB 0113 MS-LAWRT · c.1750-1766

          Papers of Thomas Lawrence, c.1750-1766, consisting of his comment on lectures in the physician Frank Nicholls's Compendium Anatomicum, c.1750; Lawrence's compendium of pathology and therapeutics, in his own hand, c.1750; Lectures on digestion, given at the Royal College of Physicians, in his own hand, c.1750; Course of lectures on pathology and therapeutics, dictated by Lawrence, 1751; Lectures on inflammation, the liver, and the kidneys, given at the Royal College of Physicians, in his own hand, 1766 and c.1766; Unpublished manuscript on human physiology, 'De Natura Animali', in his own hand, with corrections by Samuel Johnson, the lexicographer, mid-18th century.

          Lawrence , Thomas , 1711-1783 , physician
          GB 1538 S29 · 1991

          Copy of Lawson's "The export of British obstetric traditions", a Hugh McLaren lecture delivered to the Birmingham and Midland Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society in 1991, and communications on the subject from C A Carlaw, Olive Frost FRCOG, Hugh Philpott FRCOG, and Coralie Rendle-Short FRCOG.

          Lawson , John Bateman , 1922-1997 , gynaecologist and Vice President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
          GB 0100 KH/NL/PP18 · 1920s-1960s

          Papers of M Helen Lea comprising scrap book containing pictures of King's College Hospital, staff and buildings, visitors, wards, 1920s-1960s; and scrap book titled `High Elms, Kings College Hospital Preliminary Training School, Oct 1956', with accompanying letter and notes, 1983.

          Lea , M Helen , (Sister Grace) , fl 1920s-1980s , nurse
          GB 0100 G/PP1/32 · [1900-1940]

          Photograph album belonging to Sister Edith M Lear, Guy's Hospital, containing black and white photographs of Guy's Hospital firm groups (including Lear), wards, patients, nursing staff, and portraits.
          Also contains a number of loose photographs including group of nursing staff and men in military uniform, group of nursing staff, and images of Guy's Hospital.

          Lear , Edith Mary , fl 1902-1940 , nurse
          GB 1538 M43 · 1984-1988

          Minutes and correspondence of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists LOGIC (Learning in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for In-Service Clinicians) working party, (formerly PROLOG working party) correspondence with drug companies and data research services and obstetrics answer books, 1984-1988. The minute book only goes up to 1985.

          Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
          GB 0102 LH · 1896-1997

          Records, 1896-1997, of the London General Committee of the Lebanon Hospital for Mental and Nervous Disorders (formerly Lebanon Hospital for the Insane), comprising:

          papers, 1907-1983, relating to the Hospital constitution, financial and legal postition, and closure, including copies of the constitution, 1907, 1965, and photocopies of the Wakf Deed (1912);

          minutes of the London General Committee, 1897-1982, and Sub-Committee, 1910-1920;

          copies of minutes of the Beirut Executive Committee, 1950-1982;

          accounts and balance sheets, 1941-1982, including some auditors' reports from 1953 onwards;

          ledgers, c1950-1982, recording transactions, investments, funds and expenses;

          cash book, 1977-1981, recording transactions and investments;

          correspondence and papers, 1896-1916, of and relating to Theophilus Waldmeier in connection with the Hospital, including correspondence with the London General Committee and Treasurer, and Waldmeier's progress reports written for donors and subscribers, the subjects including building and equipping the Hospital, patients, treatment and recovery, fundraising and financial matters, also including press cuttings and obituaries on Waldmeier, 1915-1916;

          general files of correspondence and papers relating to Hospital administration, 1902-1997, the subjects including staffing, trust funds and endowments, appeals for funds and other financial matters, and closure, including some correspondence of Sir Geoffrey Furlonge (Chairman of the London General Committee), 1971-1981, and correspondence with the Charity Commission, 1984-1997;
          annual reports, 1899, 1956-1974 (incomplete series);
          publicity material, c1897-1971, including speeches, texts of radio broadcasts, various publications, and autobiography of Theophilus Waldmeier;
          photographs, 1909, 1956, 1974, including the hospital at Asfuriyeh and the site at Aramoun;

          miscellaneous papers, 1898-c1992, including undated list of Chairmen of the London General Committee (1906-1970), reports on visits to the Hospital, 1964-1965, reports and photographs of damage to Aramoun, 1991-c1992, and ground plan of Asfuriyeh, revised 1907.

          Lebanon Hospital for the Insane
          Lebanon Hospital for Mental and Nervous Disorders
          Lee, Dr J Alfred
          GB 2127 LEE, J A · 1940-1987

          Papers, 1940-1987 (some undated), of J Alfred Lee, largely relating to professional matters, comprising notebooks, files, slides and photographs, 1940-[1987], some of which are labelled and relate to Lee's publications, including various editions of A Synopsis of Anaesthesia, containing notes, bibliographical references, and inserts including press cuttings, from sources such as the British Medical Journal and The Lancet, including entries on regional analgesia, general anaesthesia, professional techniques, anaesthetic drugs, and the history of anaesthesia; notebook containing tabulated anaesthetic records, 1944; notebook containing meeting agendas and minutes, 1946-1949, of various bodies, including Southend Hospital; miscellaneous correspondence, 1957-1987, the correspondents including various other anaesthetists, on subjects including the history of anaesthesia, publications on anaesthesia including Lee's Synopsis, and also including some printed material on professional techniques.

          Lee , John Alfred , 1906-1989 , anaesthetist
          LEESON, John Rudd (b 1854)
          GB 0100 TH/PP37 · 1874-1884, 1951

          Papers of John Rudd Leeson comprising letters and testimonials from Joseph Lister (1827-1912), 1877-1878, 1884; two large medals awarded to Leeson by Edinburgh University for Chemistry, 1874, and Clinical Surgery 1874-1875.
          Also contains note from Spencer Leeson providing biographical information about his father, and explanation of the medals and letter, 1951.

          Leeson , John Rudd , b 1854 , physician Leeson , Spencer , 1892-1956 , Bishop of Peterborough
          GB 1538 H · 1927-2002

          Legal, constitutional and other vital records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1927-2002, comprising papers relating to William Blair-Bell's will, 1933-1973; correspondence with solicitors and records relating to the granting of the College's royal charter and legal affairs, 1929-1980; articles of association, ordinances and by-laws, and charters of the College, 1927-1984; Trust deeds and associated documents relating to special funds, 1932-1991; financial and taxation matters relating primarily to the College's charitable status, comprising legal documents, reports and statements, 1932-2000;

          records relating to College properties, namely legal records relating to 27 Sussex Place, 1955-1969 and to 8 Kent Terrace, 1983-1986; legal records relating to Birthright (later Wellbeing), 1976-1986; deeds relating to the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1950-1981; legal documents relating to the Australian Regional Council, later the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RACOG), 1951-1980; records relating to the New Zealand Council of the RCOG Property Society, 1977; signed copies of annual accounts/annual report and accounts, 1931-1995; Insurance Employers Liability Certificates, 1998-2001; miscellaneous legal documents, 1970-1991; seal books of the College, 1931-1971; records of the College pension scheme comprising rules, trust deeds, reports and actuarial valuations and related correspondence, 1969-2001; inventories of RCOG property, 1929-2002.

          Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists , RCOG
          León, Nicolás (1859-1929)
          GB 0120 WMS/Amer.1 and 118 · c1915-c1916

          The collection comprises material on medical history and notes on scatological remedies used in Mexico, and biographical notes on Dr. Miguel Francisco Jiménez (1813-1876).

          León , Nicolás , 1859-1929 , medical historian
          GB 1538 S67 · 1960s-1980s

          Papers of Thomas Lewis, 1960s-1980s, including papers relating to Lewis' tour of the Soviet Union visiting obstetric and gynaecological facilities, including the Moscow and Leningrad Institutes of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Leningrad Medical School, Feb 1978; papers relating to abortion law reform including correspondence, press-cuttings and other papers, including on the views of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; lectures; speeches; unpublished papers; offprints and myomectomy films.

          Lewis , Thomas Lofthus Townshend , 1918-2004 , obstetrician and gynaecologist
          GB 0100 KCLCA LH/FP & LH/F · 1897-[2001]

          Lewisham Hospital student nurse records, comprising information for Matron's report, 1950-1971; Registers of Probationer Nurses, 1912-1958 (incomplete); Records of allocation of Probationer Nurses 1921-1945; records of [nurse] training, 1947-1970 (incomplete); [nurse training] examination results, 1897-1971; records of educational tests, 1961-1968; entrants for training, 1968-1972; Revision test results for final exams, 1951-1956; Records of study periods, 1954-1955; General register or details of training, 1953-1971.

          Also student files [1960-1990], (LH/FP), including correspondence, practical nursing experience records, completed application forms, reference record sheets, and references; paper entitled 'One year training for mental nurse register in the Guy's Hospital Group', 1972, (LH/F1); paper entitled 'Proposals for the implementation of the 1974 Revised RMN syllabus in the Thomas Guy School of Nursing', 1975, (LH/F2); paper on proposed course 'The Art of Teaching' entitled 'The Nurse as a Teacher Workshop' (sic), 1974, (LH/F3); notes on post registration course in psychiatric nursing, 1974-1975, (LH/F4).

          Lewisham Hospital
          GB 0120 MSS.7063-7065 · 1822-1823

          Cours de Chirurgie de Mr Lisfranc...', transcribed by A. Léonardon, Paris. An incomplete transcript of Lisfranc's course of surgical lectures, probably delivered at his house at 149 Rue St. Martin, Paris, from 1 May 1822. The first volume of the original set, comprising the earliest lectures, is wanting, although a note on f. 1r. of MS. 7063 indicates that the course began on 12 Nov. 1821.

          Lisfranc , Jacques , 1790-1847 , French surgeon
          GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP152 · 1875-1990

          Photographs, portraits and other images relating to Joseph Lister including the operating theatre where he worked; surgical equipment used by Lister; copies of portraits of Lister, one autographed by Lister; photograph of Lister with his House Surgeons and Dressers 1861-1893; photograph of Lister at complementary dinner to Dr William Playfair; card with signatures of the Principal and senior staff of King's College and King's College Hospital presented to Lister on his 80th birthday; photographs of Lister memorials including plaques, centenary celebrations and his representation in television and film; review of biography of Lister, Times Literary Supplement; captions and photographs used for an exhibition on Lister.

          Lister , Joseph , 1827-1912 , 1st Baron Lister , surgeon
          LISTER, Joseph (1827-1912)
          GB 0114 MS0021 · [1841-1900]

          Papers of Joseph Lister, [1841-1900], comprising notes and drawings on suppuration, 1851-1907, including experiments on the histology of suppuration at Glasgow, 1865; notes on a new method of treating compound fractures, manuscript draft of the first published paper on his method, [1867]; notes on the preparation of antiseptic catgut, coagulation of the blood, [1862];

          papers presented to the College under the terms of Lord Lister's will, including notes on gauze; cases taken by Lister for the Fellowes Clinical medal at University College Hospital whilst a student, [1844-1853]; papers on early stages of inflammation; germ theory of putrefaction, 1875; correspondence on cases; copies of anatomical drawings, 1841-1843; physiological drawings and notes, [1851]; pathological sketches, [1851]; notes on clinical lectures by Jenner, Erichsen, Quain, Walshe and Garrod, 1851-1852; observations on the contractile tissue of the iris, [1853]; introductory lecture at Edinburgh, 1855; notes on external applications, 1855; lecture delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 1856; observations on early stages of inflammation and nerves, with some sketches, 1857; notes and sketches on the cutaneous pigmentary system of the frog, 1857; summary of experiments on the 'Hemmings' nervous system, 1858; notes and sketches on the minute structure of involuntary muscle fibre, 1858; notes on spontaneous gangrene from arteritis, 1858; coagulation of the blood, 1858-1860; Croomian lecture on Coagulation of the blood, 1863; notes and sketches of horse's blood, 1863; notes, sketches and photographs on excision of the wrist for caries, [1866]; notes on the antiseptic system of treatment in surgery, 1868; sketches and notes illustrating ligature, 1868-1869; notes on the ligature of arteries on the antiseptic system of treatment in surgery, 1871; sketches, notes and lecture on granulations, 1864-1871; drawings for plates on the natural history of bacteria, 1873 and germ theory of putrefaction, [1875]; address at opening of medical session, King's College Hospital, 1877; clinical lecture at King's College Hospital, 1877; sketches of spores and botanical sketches, 1872-1877; notes on the healing of wounds without antiseptic treatment, 1878; on the lactic fermentation, [1878]; notes for address to the Hunterian Society, 1889; observations on division of median and ulnar nerves, 1890; notes on anaesthetics and amputations, [1882];

          drawings of fungi, 1872-1877; notes for extra-academical lectures in Glasgow, 1860-1863; address to Glasgow students, 1894; common-place books, by Lister and Lady Lister, on subjects including bactiera, catgut and antiseptic dressings, including drawings; letters from Erichsen and others; signed prescriptions, 1889; letters to and from Lister, 1868-1900, including letters to Sir George Darwin, 1899-1900.

          Notes on lectures on surgery delivered by Lister at the University of Glasgow, 1864-1865, transcribed by P H McKellar; notes on lectures on the theory and practice of surgery delivered by Lister at Glasgow, 1863-1864, taken by Dr Robert W Forrest; notes on the surgical lectures delivered by Lister at the University of Glasgow, 1863-1865, taken by Alex Forsyth.

          Lister , Joseph , 1827-1912 , Baron Lister , surgeon
          Liston, Robert (1794-1847)
          GB 0120 MSS.6084-6104 · 1834-1901

          Letters from Robert Liston to his friend and former assistant, James Miller (1812-1864), plus general Liston family material relating chiefly to Robert Liston's brother David Liston and the latter's son Henry Liston.

          Liston , Robert , 1794-1847 , professor of clinical surgery Liston , David , 1800-1881 , professor of oriental languages
          Liston , Henry , 1857-1900 , physician
          GB 1538 S19 · 1939

          Original drawings, published by William A Liston and William Glen Liston, in "A Study of Trichomonas Vaginitis in Hospital Practice in Edinburgh", in Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire, 46 (1939), pp 474 -502 , 1939; letter from W G Liston to Aleck Bourne, Museum Curator, dated 6 Aug 1939, describing the drawings, 1939.

          Liston , William Alexander , 1908-1962 , Doctor of Medicine Liston , William Glen , fl 1939 , gynaecologist
          Living Wills Project
          GB 0100 KCLCA 1996/KFLE · 1985-1992

          The records of the Living Wills Working Group and Living Wills Project at King's College London consist of correspondence and completed survey questionnaires, 1985-1992. These include correspondence concerning the Living Wills Working Party set up by the Centre and the charity, Age Concern, 1985-1989; correspondence and completed questionnaires of a survey of patients, doctors and nurses to assess the needs of HIV sufferers as part of the Living Wills Project run by the Centre in association with the Terrence Higgins Trust, 1991-1992.

          King's College London Centre for Medical Law and Ethics
          Livingstone, David
          GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Miscellaneous Livingstone Boxes 1-11, Wooden Box · 1834-1950s

          Correspondence and papers, 1834-1950s, of and relating to David Livingstone, composed of three sub-collections.

          Official London Missionary Society (LMS) papers of and relating to Livingstone, 1834-1872, largely comprise a series of over 100 original letters from Livingstone to his friends and to the LMS in connection with his work as an LMS missionary, mostly from southern Africa, the bulk dating from the 1840s and 1850s, and also include letters between other correspondents and miscellaneous other documents relating to Livingstone; 15 letters, 1852-1855, of Mary Livingstone (née Moffat), probably mostly directed to LMS officials, with typescript copies.

          The LMS reference collection on Livingstone comprises typescript and manuscript copies of the LMS Livingstone letters; original letters relating to Livingstone, 1845, 1850; copies of other letters and documents by or relating to Livingstone, 1841-1881, held elsewhere, including a later copy of Livingstone's answers to LMS questions on becoming a missionary (1838); photocopy of Livingstone's Bechuana journal, 1853; two microfilms of materials on Robert and Mary Moffat and Livingstone; papers relating to Livingstone, 1850s-1950s, collected by the LMS, including copies of further LMS documents relating to him, typescripts, press cuttings and printed material on his life and fame and places associated with him.

          The Bruce Livingstone collection comprises original letters, largely from Livingstone to Robert Moffat, 1844-1857, and photocopies of four letters, 1847-1853, from David Livingstone to Charles Livingstone.

          Livingstone , David , 1813-1873 , missionary and explorer Livingstone , Mary , 1821-1862 , née Moffat , missionary
          Lockhart, William (papers)
          GB 0102 CWM/LMS China Personal Box 16 · 1839-1863

          Papers, 1839-1863, of William Lockhart, comprising two volumes containing his personal expenses accounts, 1839-1857; notebook, c1845, largely containing Chinese texts, also including notes in English on subjects including Chinese measurements, trades, guilds, religion, and other customs; Chinese passport, 1863.

          Lockhart , William , 1811-1896 , physician and medical missionary
          GB 0102 MS 380645 · (1805-1948), 1995

          Papers relating to William Lockhart, comprising transcripts, 1995, of 170 letters (1805-1948) to and from William Lockhart and his family. The majority of the letters date from the periods 1833-1834, when he was studying in Dublin and London, and 1841-1844, when he first arrived in China. Also included is a typescript biography by A P Hughes, 'Dr William Lockhart 1811-1896: Medical Missionary to China', 1995.

          Hughes , Alan P , fl 1995
          London Chest Hospital
          RLHLC · Fonds · 1848-2009

          Administrative records, deeds, financial records, patient records, nursing records, photographs, pharmacy records, surveyor's records and papers, photographs and paintings from unofficial sources.

          London Chest Hospital
          London Fever Hospital
          GB 0074 H71/LF · 1801-1975

          Records of the London Fever Hospital, Islington, latterly the Liverpool Road branch of the Royal Free Hospital, 1801-1975 comprising:

          Administrative records, 1801-1948; notably Annual Reports, 1815-1931; Committee Minutes, 1801-1947 (volume for 1815-1818 lost); Sub-Committee minutes, 1835-1847, 1880-1929; Secretary's letter books, 1914-1920 and correspondence files, 1937-1956, register of employees, 1917-1924, 1936-1939; House Director's minutes, 1858-1940; Visitor's Book, 1928-1940.

          Financial records, including Capital Dividend Accounts, 1887-1921; records of Monthly expenditure, 1918-1949; salaries, 1932-1944; papers on legacies and bequests to LFH, 1880-1947, including copies of wills in which there were bequests to the Hospital; Subscriptions and Donations Register, 1932-1937 and papers of Development Committee on appeal for funds, 1936-1939

          Nursing records, including Trained Nurses Registers, 1920-1945; Register of Probationers, 1920-1939; Register of voluntary and part-time staff, 1939-1945; inventory of linen and bedding, 1881-1907

          Patient records including reports of Resident Medical Officer, 1824-1825, 1875-1886, 1928-1934; Patients Admission and Discharge Registers, 1837-1874, 1880-1888, 1896-1911, 1916-1938; Death Registers, 1849-1853, 1864, 1867-1869; Consultant's books, 1921-1938, containing patient notes organised by Consultant, Dr Charles Box, Sir John Broadbent, Dr William Hunter, Dr C Lakin, and Sir William Willcox; Anaesthetic registers, 1955-1975

          World War Two records including Air Raid Casualty Records, 1943-1944; Casualty List, 1940; Operating Theatre Record Books (air raid casualties), 1940-1944

          Press Cuttings, 1882-1948 (4 vols)

          Albums (2 vols) containing blocks and photographs, 1934-1942;

          City of London Maternity Hospital: correspondence, accounts, minutes of finance committee and weekly board, including details of proposed 'regionalisation' of London maternity services, 1941-1948.

          The Institution for the Cure and Prevention of Contagious Fevers London Fever Hospital Royal Free Hospital, Liverpool Road Branch
          RLHMC · Fonds · 1752-1996

          Administrative records, records of the Anatomy Department, Students' Club records, title Deeds, financial records, records of the Department of Forensic Medicine, the London Hospital Students Hostel records, records of the Library, Neonatal Research Unit records, photographs, records of the Photographic Department, records of the Physiological Laboratory, records of the Pathological Museum, plans of College buildings, student records, records of the London Hospital Clubs Union and miscellaneous records.

          London Hospital Medical College
          RLHPI · Fonds · 1907-2004

          The Institute's records are arranged as follows: Director's books and associated records of post mortem examinations, 1907-200, including Bethnal Green and Mile End Hospitals autopsies, 1969 - 1978 and indexes 1907 - 1967; Surgical Department Director's books 1909 - 1995, including indexes 1909 - 1982; Cytology Department registers, 1966-1982; Bethnal Green Hospital Surgical Department records, 1972-1976; Mile End Hospital Surgical Department records, 1972-1982; Mile End Hospital Cytology Department records, 1969-1981; Specimen books, 1923-1934; Photographs and slides, 1959 - 1980; Classification schemes and indexes, 1907-1981; Publications, 1906 - 1979.

          Royal London Hospital Institute of Pathology
          London Jewish Hospital
          RLHLJ · Fonds · 1926-1985

          Administrative records, deeds, financial records, patient records, nursing records and photographs.

          The London Jewish Hospital

          Records of the Royal Free Hospital Medical School (RFHSM) (formerly the London School of Medicine for Women (LSMW) and the London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women, 1874-1998, comprising:

          Administrative records, 1874-1998: Annual Reports (printed), 1874-1997; Governing Body minutes 1875-1898; Executive Council minutes 1874-1898; Members of the School minutes 1898-1998, register of Vice Presidents and Members, 1898-1953; Council minutes 1898-1998; Joint meeting between Council and Royal Free Hospital Weekly Board minutes 1928-1943; School Committee [renamed Education Committee in 1930] minutes 1898-1998; Secretary's letter books 1897-1908; volume of letters relating to the foundation and early history of the School and medical education for women, including two letters by Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, 1874-1882; Agenda Books for College Committees, 1933-1985; Attendance Books for College Committees, 1942-1998; minutes and reports of temporary and standing sub-committees of Council and School/Education Committee, 1902-1958; Heads of Department meeting minutes 1966-1998; Pathology Unit Joint Committee minutes 1931-1948; Joint Garden Committee (with University of London School of Pharmacy) minutes 1955-1966; Animal House Committee minutes 1933-1975; Interdepartmental Workshop Sub-Committee minutes 1951-1978; General Staff Meeting minutes 1925-1939.

          Financial records including minutes of meetings minutes of meetings of the four original Trustees of the School, A T Norton, Dr King Chambers, Isabel Thorne and Sophia Louisa Jex-Blake, 1874-1875; selection of audited accounts, 1875-1900; Finance Committee minutes 1910-1978; Gift Books, 1925, 1945-1957.

          Student Records: Prospectus (printed) 1874-1998; Register of Students, 1874-1927; Register of Qualified Students, 1877-1951; Register of Clinical Students, 1877-1948; Register of recipients of the Dr Edith Peachey Phipson Postgraduate Scholarship, 1912-1948; Registers of results of school examinations, 1874-1916; Registers of results of professional examinations, 1890-1920; student files 1874-1949 (records for 1874-1891 are incomplete), containing copy of application form, some files also contain attendance and examination records, correspondence and additional biographical information; Students' Council minutes 1905-1914; Students' Union minutes 1914-1970; Students' Union Committee minutes 1914-1971; Students Union Finance Committee minutes 1917-1959; copies of School/Hospital Magazine 1895-1974; Club and Society records, 1941-1961, including Languages Society, 1941-1942, Natural History Society, 1956-1960, Netball Club 1956-1960, Tennis Club 1956-1960, Table-tennis Club 1950-1961 and Lacrosse Club 1952-1959; Students' Aid Fund papers 1942-1970; Sports Ground Advisory Committee minutes and reports, 1926-1929; Old Students' Association financial records including Annual Accounts and Balance Sheets, 1930-1965.

          Library records including Library Sub-Committee minutes 1894-1979; account books 1932-1983; acquisition lists 1901-1932; copy of Library Rules [c1894].

          Legal and Estates papers including Memorandum and Articles of Association of the School of Medicine, 1898, with related correspondence, 1918-1939, copies of Constitution of the School, 1878, 1890, 1908, with related correspondence, 1926-1931; petitions, drafts and final versions of Charter and Statutes, 1938, and revisions, 1947, 1961), with related correspondence, 1925-1976 and copies of the University of London Act and Statutes, 1959, 1978; Agreements made between the Royal Free Hospital and School of Medicine, 1877, 1883, 1887, 1893, 1898, 1904, 1911, and 1931, with related correspondence, 1892-1936; Correspondence relating to the attempt by the School to purchase the freehold of the land of the School buildings from Foundling Estates, 1925-1927; correspondence relating to the purchase of 72-84 Tavistock Place, and to the construction of an extension to the School, 1938-1953; inventory of fixtures etc at the Pavilion (30 Henrietta St), 1874; inventory and insurance valuation of furniture and effects at the School, 1941.

          Correspondence and papers on School Centenary celebrations, 1973-1975.

          Photographs of school buildings, staff and students, 1874-1998.

          Ephemera, including photographs, papers, medals, prizes and biographical information relating to former staff and students of the School, 1874-1998, mainly donated by alumni and their families or collected by the Honorary Archivists.

          Publications and press cuttings on the history of medical education for women, 1869-2001.

          London School of Medicine for Women London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine
          GB 0114 MS0148 · 1952-1992

          Papers of the London Society of Thoracic Surgeons, 1952-1992, comprising a volume of minutes of Society, otherwise known as Charlie's Club, 1952-1981; a photocopy from the British Journal of Surgery, volume 38, 1950, containing the first acknowledged 'Charlie', a published record of a mistake made by the surgeon Mr John Rashleigh Belcher (FRCS) during a lobectomy operation; and menus and photographs from the annual dinners, including signatures of those in attendance.

          London Society of Thoracic Surgeons
          GB 0120 MSS.3328-3330 · 1852-1893

          Daybooks of Friedrich Wilhelm Lorinser containing surgical notes, and a collection of manuscripts, 1852-1893.

          Lorinser , Friedrich Wilhelm , 1817-1895 , physician
          GB 0120 WTI/ALC · 1930s-1970s

          Photographs and publications relating to surgery, elephantiasis and local customs in Nigeria, 1930s-1940s.

          Campbell , Alexander Cosby Lovett- , 1899-1985 , medical officer
          GB 0100 G/PP1/33 · 1864-1865

          Two manuscript notebooks 'Volume 1, R Lucas, Guy's Hospital' containing notes on lectures on midwifery by Dr Oldham, mammalian class by Dr Pavy, and medical jurisprudence, [Alfred Swaine] Taylor, 140ff; and ' Volume 2, R C Lucas', containing notes on lectures on medicine by [William Withey] Gull, 2 Dec 1864, and [George Owen] Rees, 4 Jan 64; and on surgery, by [John] Birkett, 3rd Nov 1864, and [Alfred] Poland, 3 Jan 1865, includes diagrams and sketches illustrating subjects of lecture, 168ff.

          Lucas , Richard Clement , 1846-1915 , surgeon
          LUSTY, Lillian [1902-1990]
          GB 0100 KCLCA KH/PP10 · 1990-1991

          Correspondence describing the ear operation performed upon Lillian Lusty by Arthur Henry Cheatle, aural surgeon, 1919, following an attack of Scarlet Fever, and of the operation by Cheatle upon her brother to correct a perforated eardrum.

          Lusty , Lillian , [1902-1990]
          GB 1538 M1 · 1959-1967

          Papers of the Macafee Committee comprising Committee minutes and papers, 1962-1966; background papers and final report, 1959-1966; minute book of the Committee, signed by the Chairman, 1966-1967.

          Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
          GB 0120 MSS. 3352 and 5746 · 1782-1787, c.1805

          MS. 3352: Copy dated c1805 of a journal of a voyage from London to Cochin-China, 11 September 1792-15 June 1793. Note on verso of leaf 2 signed 'J.B.' (Sir John Barrow (1764-1848), Secretary to the Admiralty, and founder of the Royal Geographical Society) states 'This journal was written by Lord Macartney on board the Lion merely for his own amusement and to pass away a few heavy hours on a very long sea voyage'. MS. 5746: Correspondence and papers relating to medical services in Madras, 1782-1787, comprising 2 letters to Macartney from John Ruding, surgeon, Chingleput, 1782, 1783; letter to Macartney from James Hodges, Masulipatam, 1783; letter to Macartney from George Bell (d.1789), surgeon, Tanjore, 1783; Committee Minute on a proposal by Macartney for a fixed establishment of surgeons, 1784; letter to Macartney from Terence Gahagan, surgeon, enclosing a copy of his plan for the reform of the medical department, Vellore, 1787 (the plan is addressed to Macartney's successor as Governor of Fort St George, Madras, Sir Archibald Campbell).

          Macartney , George , 1737-1806 , 1st Earl Macartney , diplomat