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Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

  • Refers to both transportation and transport of goods. Use more specific descriptor where appropriate.
  • Se réfère à la fois aux systèmes de transport et au transport de marchandises. Utiliser un descripteur plus précis si possible.
  • Se refiere a los sistemas de transporte y al transporte de mercancias. Utilice un descriptor más preciso cuando sea necesario.

Note(s) sur la source


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    Termes hiérarchiques


    Termes équivalents


      Termes associés


      647 Description archivistique résultats pour Transport

      632 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
      Toyne Carter & Co
      GB 0064 XX(63027.1) · Collection · [1896-1973]

      Records of Toyne Carter and Co comprising register of shareholders and Directors' minute books, 1921 to 1958; balance sheets and profit and loss accounts, 1924 to 1975; cash books, ledgers and journals, 1896 to 1968; wages and salaries books, 1944 to 1971, and a broker's commission book, 1951 to 1972. The bulk of the collection relates to the china clay trade, including a volume listing cargoes to the United States, via Liverpool, 1899 to 1903, and direct from Fowey, 1904 to 1952, together with detailed accounts of the same, 1926 to 1935, and 1966 to 1973; cargo manifests, 1931 to 1961; and Bills of Lading, 1958 to 1967.

      There are also accounts of shipments to Holland, 1925 to 1972; to Italy and the Mediterranean, 1924 to 1939 and 1948 to 1959, together with details of cargoes lifted by 'general' ships, 1922 to 1970. There is a small amount of correspondence, numerous loose papers, cables, invoices, vouchers and receipts, chartering circulars, 1926 to 1928; chartering records, 1925 to 1934; Charter Parties, 1929 to 1935 and 1947 to 1972; details of ships cleared through customs, 1939 to 1971; a continuous series of disbursement books of ships whilst loading at Fowey, 1909 to 1970; and a large number of cargo plans demonstrating the care which was needed to stow china clay. In 1947 the company took a controlling interest in the Fowey Tug Company, and the collection contains balance sheets and profit and loss accounts, account books, towage rates and tonnage sheets for this undertaking, 1947 to 1960. At different times, members of the company held appointment as Vice-Consul to several European countries, and surviving records of this office include German Seals of Appointment, 1896 to 1926. Tape recordings of conversations with one of the firm's employees and with D R Carter (1901- ), son of one of the founders, who joined the business in 1919, complete the collection.

      Sans titre
      LCC/PC/VR · Collection · 1891-1971
      Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

      Records of the London County Council Public Control Department relating to vehicle registration and driving licences, 1891-1971, including register of fees for daily use of locomotives on the roads under the Locomotive Act 1898; register of motor cars and motor cycles from LT 4001 to LT 4400, 1917-1919; samples of certificates of passing of test of competence to drive; posters for public display giving notice of Local Inquiries concerning the imposition of speed limits under the Motor-Car Act, 1903; sample driving licences, 1910-1966; form of declaration to be completed by applicants for establishment, motor and dog licences, 1910; Report of the Advisory Committee (Ministry of Transport) on the operation of the Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) Regulations, 1921; samples of vehicle registration books and forms; brief historical account of driving licensing from 1903 to 1971; sample books of petrol coupons; map of LCC area showing streets where locomotives can be allowed by day, by night and without restriction and bridges with and without restrictions, under the Locomotive Act, 1898.

      Sans titre
      LCC/PH/LAS · Collection · 1903-1930
      Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

      Records of the London County Council Public Health Department relating to the London Ambulance Service, 1903-1930, including leaflet on facilities provided by the London Ambulance Service with instructions for obtaining the help of the service, 1930; pamphlet "London Ambulance Service - Historical Sketch of the Origins, Development and Present Organisation", 1949; reports on the Ambulance Service, 1892-1939; statistics of use of ambulances attached to fire stations, 1903-1909; inspections of horses and vehicles by the Fire Brigade, 1905-1910. Also daily records of calls received, 1915-1919.

      Sans titre
      LCC/TWYS/GEN · Sous-fonds · 1870-1933
      Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

      Records of the London County Council Tramways Department, 1870-1933, including copies of relevant legislation; reports by solicitor; annual accounts; printed reports on the purchase of undertakings, methods of traction, electrification and so on, tramways development, financial matters, fares, staff and organisation and light railways; papers relating to arbitration proceedings against the London Street Tramways Company, North Metropolitan Tramway Company, London Tramways Company, London Deptford and Greenwich Tramways Company, Woolwich and South-East London Tramways Company and London United Tramways Company; arbitration concerning contract for construction of the superstructure of Greenwich Generating Station by Joseph Westwood and Company Limited; proceedings on claim for reduction of weekly hours from 56 to 48 and award thereon; proceedings on claim for increased wages for employees in the Electrical Section and award thereon.

      Map of the tramways of London; maps showing the tramways of London North and South of the Thames; tramway map of London and suburbs showing the LCC tramways, their connections with other tramways and the tube railways; copies of the Official LCC Tram Map and Guide, containing descriptions of places of public interest and the tram routes serving them; 'Direct Services between North and South London - A Guide to Kingsway Tramway'; 'A Description of the System of LCC Tramways prepared on the occasion of the Annual conference of the Tramways, Light Railways and Transport Association'; issues of brochure 'The London Holiday Maker'; publicity brochures and fixture cards; regulations regarding the Electrical Power (Conduit System) on the LCC tramways; rules and regulations for conductors and drivers; 'What the progressives have done for the people's Trams', LCC election campaign literature (text and photographs reprinted from The Daily News).

      Sans titre
      MCC/CL/HA · Collection · 1948-1964

      Records of the Middlesex County Council Clerk's Department relating to the London Airport Committee (Heathrow), 1948-1964, including correspondence; financial papers; papers relating to noise from aircraft, transport links and road works; papers relating to insurance, and press notices.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Goering · Created 1919

      Photocopies of letter from Goering to Antony Fokker, Dutch aircraft engineer, concerning Goering's workpromoting Fokker aircraft in Denmark and his financial arrangements with Fokker, 12 July 1919, and photograph of Fokker aeroplane, [1919].

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Grenfell · Created 1916, [1944]-1945, 1978

      Copy of his account of Battle of Jutland, 31 May 1916, written on 4 Jun 1916. Copy of text of his despatch from HMS SCYLLA on the Normandy landings, 6-7 Jun 1944, broadcast on the [Forces Programme], 7 Jun 1944, with covering letter, 24 Jun 1944. Copies of extracts from his diary covering his discussion with Adm Hon Sir Alexander Robert Maule Ramsay about the planningof the Normandy landings, Dec [1944], and his visit to Germany, Jun 1945, including his observations on German scientific and technical developments and his interviews with British and German naval officers. Two letters to Grenfell's wife from Baron von Müllenheim-Rechberg, a survivor of the sinking of the Bismarck, May 1941, dated 1978, concerning Grenfell's book The Bismarckepisode (Faber and Faber, London, 1948).

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Herbert · Created 1930, 1936, [1946]

      Papers relating to his military career, 1922-1946, dated 1930, 1936 and [1946] principally comprising typescript log of railway survey work carried out by Herbert, Lt Charles Granville Barry Greaves and Capt Donald Maitland James Murray, Tanganyika, 1930, written by [Murray] in [1930]; The Royal Engineers Journal vol 50 Sep 1936, including 'Railway Survey in Tanganyika Territory' by Herbert; official 501 Inter-Service Mission 'Transportation report on the proposal for a base in East Africa', written by Herbert in 1946; copies of letters of appreciation concerning rehabilitation of Burma railway system carried out by Transportation Service, 1945; copy of Herbert's curriculum vitae, 1922-1946, written in 1946.

      Sans titre
      HUTTON, Capt Michael Hugh (1925-2003)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Hutton, M H · 1998

      Just a Bit of Time, memoir of the life and service of Captain Michael Hugh Hutton, 1931-1985; including descriptions of training at the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, 1938; service as midshipman aboard HMS JAMAICA and HMS ROCKET, 1942-1943; the Battle of Barents Sea, Dec 1942; involvement in Operation TUNNEL for the interception of German shipping in the English Channel which resulted in the loss of HMS CHARYBDIS and HMS LIMBOURNE, Oct 1943; the bombardment of the Normandy coast by HMS WARSPITE, D Day, 6 Jun 1944; training to become a pilot, 1945-1948; work as personal pilot to Vice Admiral Sir John Eccles, 1954-1956; service aboard HMS BULWARK, Singapore, 1963-1965. With photocopied photographs of Hutton as Captain, HMS JAMAICA, HMS ROCKET, HMS WARSPITE, HMS OCEAN, a Firefly aircraft approaching a landing deck and HMS HARDY.

      Sans titre
      JOB, Cdr Patrick Dalzel (1913-2003)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Job · Created [1960-1970]

      'Special service', typescript memoir covering his life and naval career, 1913-1945, notably his service in Norway, 1940 and 1942, his involvement in Motor Torpedo Boat operations in Norway, 1942-1943, his service with 12 (Special Service) Submarine Flotilla, 1943-1944, and his reconnaissance work with 30 Assault Unit in France, Belgium and Germany, 1944-1945, written in [1960-1970],with photographs, [1943-1946].

      Sans titre
      LAVENDER, Cdr Peter (d 1980)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Lavender · [1944]

      Notebook containing telegrams transmitted from and received by HMS RAJAH, 1944, and notes on transmitting equipment and mechanical supplies, [1944].

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Armstrong · Created [1925-1945]

      Papers principally comprising text of lecture on the outbreak of hostilities between Japan and China in 1937, including a detailed account of the Battle of Shanghai as witnessed from HMS DANAE, 1937; draft of lecture recounting his experiences on board HMS DIDO during the evacuation of Crete, Apr-Jun 1941, [1945].

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Balfour · Created 1944

      Photocopies of reports relating to the role of HMS SCOURGE in Operations NEPTUNE and OVERLORD, Jun 1944, France.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Berlin Airlift · 1997 - 1998

      Transcripts of 45 interviews recorded for The Berlin Airlift, a television documentary produced by 3BM Television for Channel 4's Secret History series and broadcast on 29 June 1998. Those interviewed include individuals and or relatives of individuals connected with the airlift operation which took place in response to the Berlin blockade, 24 June 1948 - October 1949, notably members of the armed forces of UK and USA including the RAF, RN and WAAF, a representative of the Foreign Office, journalists and authors, German interpreters, German civilians and children, members of Soviet administration and relatives of servicemen.
      Attention is given to direct roles and experience of the airlift but also seeks views of its historical significance to them personally and to the wider world. Topics covered in the interviews relate to causes of the blockade, Stalin's aims for Germany after 1945, the potential threat of war in 1948, British and US responses to the blockade, Soviet intelligence gathering and espionage in the UK Foreign Office, attitudes of British servicemen to American servicemen in Germany and vice versa, German experience of the Soviet conquest of Berlin in 1945 and ensuing occupation, living conditions at the air bases in West Germany and in Berlin, food and fuel shortages, rationing, operation of the black market, prostitution, relations between conquered and occupying forces, 'no fraternisation' rule, the logistics of the airlift operation - aircraft maintenance, loading and unloading of supplies, Soviet harassment, experience of pilots and crew, incidents such as air crashes, evacuation of Berliners including children, and Operation Little Vittles. The role of significant individuals such as Ernest Bevin (1884-1951), British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs at the time, and Gen. Lucius D. Clay (1897-1978), Military Governor of Germany 1947 - 1949, are also discussed.
      Notable participants include Sir Frank Kenyon Roberts (1907-1998) diplomat and Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs during 1948 - 1949, Mrs Jessamy Waite, widow of Air Cdre Reginald Newnham Waite (1901-1975), who devised and organised the airlift operation, and Col Gail S Halverson who became known as the 'Candy Bomber' for his drops of packages of candy attached to miniature parachutes to the children of Berlin.
      Transcripts include questions and answers, and the tape counter numbering has been logged. The interviewer is not identified. Where interviews were translated this has been noted. Some names, places or phrases have been guessed at, or spelled phonetically by the transcriber. No information is given about the date or identity of the transcriber.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Boys-Smith · 1983 (1904-1983)

      Autobiography of Capt Humphrey Gilbert Boys-Smith From the Cradle to Within Sight of the Grave (1983). Including childhood and education; service in Merchant Navy, 1922-1934; account of Invergordon Mutiny, 1931; appointment to command of anti submarine corvette, HMS ANEMONE, 1940; evacuation from Dunkirk, making 6 crossings in requisitioned boats; service in HMS ANEMONE, Atlantic convoys, Jun 1940- Feb1942, including HMS ANEMONE'S sinking of Italian submarine NANI, 1941; comment on shortcomings of Asdic, 1940-1941; patrol against possible approach of the German battleship TIRPITZ, Arctic Circle, 1941; promotion to Cdr, Dec 1941; appointment to command of frigate HMS SPEY, Atlantic convoys, Mar 1942; service in Support Groups, Atlantic, autumn 1942- summer 1943 (hunting U boats, not protecting convoys); invasion of North Africa, late 1942; Capt, 1943-1945, in Officer Appointments, Second Sea Lord's Office, Admiralty; Marine Superintendent, Colonial Office service, South Seas islands, 1946-1950; Senior Officers' War Course, RN College Greenwich, 1950-1951; Staff Recruiting Officer, Courtaulds Ltd, 1951-1968; retirement, 1968-1982 Also file of copies of correspondence and press cuttings on honours and awards and report by Boys-Smith on marine policy in the Western Pacific, Sep 1946

      Sans titre
      BROOKS, Capt James Stewart (1921-1991)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Brooks · 1960, 1964-1965, 1973, 1975, 1981

      Papers relating to his service in the RN, 1960-1976, dated 1960, 1964-1965, 1973 and 1981, principally comprising 'Management improvement in the Royal Navy', a report of the Fleet Management Technique Panel headed by Nigel C Willmott, Head of Fleet Work Study, Oct 1960, with related correspondence, 1964-1965; The Naval Electrical Review vol 17 no 1, Jul 1963, including 'A report on defective material or design', an article by Brooks based on his work in the naval section of the Post-Design Division, Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment, 1959-1962. Letter from A K Hall to Capt J W M Pertwee, Naval Assistant to the Naval Secretary, Ministry of Defence, regarding Hall's nomination to succeed Brooks as Capt, HMS DEFIANCE, dated 26 Aug 1975.

      Sans titre
      BURROWS, Cdr Edgar Allison (1889-[1979])
      GB 0099 KCLMA Burrows · Created [1914-1920], [1939-1945]

      Papers relating to his service in the RN, [1914-1920], [1939-1945], principally comprising carbon copies of letters to his family describing his service at Gallipoli, 1915-1916, and in Salonika, Greece, 1916-1918; typescript texts, written in [1918-1975], principally comprising descriptive sketches of life in Salonika, 1916-1918, in Belgrade after the retreat of German and Austrian forces, 1918-1919, and in Budapest following Communist uprising led by Bela Hung Kun, 1919, written in [1918-1975]; typescript text by Harry W Frantz on Troubridge's work in Serbia and Hungary, 1915-1918, and as President of the Interallied Commission of the Danube, 1919-1920, written in 1920. Photographs relating to his service in Gallipoli, 1915, Salonika, 1915-1918, Belgrade, 1918-1919, and press photographs of the Communist revolution in Budapest, 1919-1920. Glass slides relating to his service in Salonika, 1915-1918. Papers relating to Burrows' work in the Shipping Casualties Section, Trade Division, Admiralty, 1939-1945, principally comprising descriptions of the work of the section, official reports concerning sunk or damaged ships and texts of interview with survivors.

      Sans titre
      CUNDALL, Gp Capt Henry John (1919-2001)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Cundall · 1937-1961

      Papers of Gp Capt Henry John Cundall on his RAF service, 1937-1961, comprising photocopies of flying log books, Jan 1937-Oct 1960, and file of papers on RAF service, 1937-1961. Log books include outline record of service, 1937-1960, details of ranks held, awards, and types of aircraft flown; file of loose papers includes photocopies of RAF College Cranwell examination papers for Flight Cadets, Apr 1938; Bomber Command training transfer card, Dec 1938; Royal Aircraft Establishment graph of speed; certification green cards for Cundall as a pilot, 1951 and 1956; notes on 'Morale and leadership' in the RAF, Jan 1951 note on the correct recording of flying times for pilots' flying log books [1952]; Chart of ranges of Meteor 7 aircraft, according to altitude and condition, [c.1952]; Checklist for Canberra B2 and T4, [c. 1956]; 'Drills for abandoning Canberra aircraft in extreme emergency' [c.1956]; press cutting from The Times, 31 Jul 1961, 'Constant preparedness at missile station', re Bloodhound missiles at RAF Watton, Norfolk, quoting Cundall as Commanding Officer; letter of appreciation from AM Sir Hector McGregor, Fighter Command HQ, Bentley Priory, 31 Oct 1961, on Cundall's retirement; press cutting from The Sunday Times, 16 Jan 1983, 'Operation Oboe: flying heroes 40 years on', referring to Cundall; press cuttings from Eastern Daily Press, 3 Feb 1995, 'The Wooden Wonder goes to war' and 'Mosquito master of skies: hazardous missions from Norfolk', relating to launch for The men who flew the mosquito, by Martin Bowman (Patrick Stephens, Sparkford, 1995); Note on minimum weather requirements for flight clearance for pilots holding white certification cards and green certification cards, [1951]; Graph of static thrust and RPM for an Rolls Royce Avon engine, [1950s]

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Douglas-Scott-Montagu · Created 1910-1928, 1948, 1987

      Papers relating to aviation and transport, dated 1910-1928, principally comprising papers relating to Joint War Air Committee (Inter-Departmental Committee on the Air Service) chaired by Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl of Derby, 1916, Committee on the Administration and Command of the Royal Flying Corps, 1916, and Air Boards chaired by Weetman Dickinson Pearson, 1st Viscount Cowdray, 1917, and George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Earl Curzon of Kedleston, [1916]; correspondence, 1915-1916, 1920, notably including correspondence with Herbert Henry Asquith, 1916, Curzon, 1916, Derby, 1916, the Imperial Defence Committee, 1916, the Parliamentary Aviation Committee, and George Sydenham Clarke, 1st Baron Sydenham of Combe, 1916; printed books, pamphlets, memoranda, notes and texts by Douglas-Scott-Montagu and others, 1910-1920, mainly relating to aviation technology, anti-aircraft defence and the organisation of the air services; memoranda, official reports, notes and texts relating to his work as Adviser on Mechanical Transport Services to the Government of India, 1915-1919; manuscript account of service of No 1 Armoured Motor Unit, North West Frontier, India, 1915-1916, by Capt A J Clifton, 68 Durham Light Infantry, 1915-1916, dated 1917, including photographs and preface by Montagu. Other papers relating to his life and career, 1914-1926, dated 1914-[1926], 1948, principally comprising letters relating to his service with 7 Hampshire Regt in Egypt, 1914, and India, 1915; photographs and photographic negatives, 1915-1922, mainly relating to his service in India, 1915-1919. Typescript draft of A strange war. Burma, India and Afghanisatan, 1914-1919 (Sutton, Gloucester, 1988), an account of 2/5 Bn, Somerset Light Infantry and 2 Mechanical Transport Company by Chris P Mills, based on the recollections of Col B G L Rendall, the diary of Edward William Ewens and research into the Montagu papers, dated 1987.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Dunbar · Created 1953-1977

      Papers, 1953-1977, including draft of article relating to the role of air transport in army supply, published in the Army Journal; Imperial Defence College background study notes, 1966, on international relations, the UK economy, research and development; papers relating to Aden, 1967, including extracts of regimental journals relating to operations of British units in Aden, situation reports of 1 Bn the Lancashire Regt (Prince of Wales's Volunteers), translations of daily communiqués of FLOSY (Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen) and NLF (National Liberation Front), texts of speeches and official briefing papers of Headquarters MELF, notes and drafts for a book by Dunbar on Aden; articles by Dunbar, 1971-1973, relating to operations of 8 Bn (Midland Counties) the Parachute Regt in France, Belgium and Palestine, 1944-1948, and 16 Independent Parachute Bde Group in Cyprus and Suez, 1956.

      Sans titre
      HG · Collection · 1940-1946

      Subject files, 1940-1944, on a range of topics including general organisation, "H" Company (County Hall), "P" Company (Parks Department), "E" Company (Chief Engineers' Department), "C" Company (Cooper's Hill), "F" Company (Fire Brigade Department), "S" Company (Supplies Department), Public Health Company and No.2 Battalion (later 48th County of London Battalion), Mental Hospitals Company, medical organisation and equipment, food rationing and mobile canteens, Battalion Funds, Courts-martial and courts of inquiry, explosions, accidents and injuries, loss of arms and ammunition, dress regulations, storage of ammunition, revolvers, appointment of officers, adjutants and quartermasters, Permanent Staff Instructors, new conditions of service for home guards, man-power figures, attachments and locations, Women Home Guard auxiliaries, compensation for loss of earnings, casualties, discipline, Home Guard duties and civil defence, personnel over 65 years of age, transport, armoured fighting vehicles, Winter and Summer training, assaults at arms, ranges, operations, exercises, security and intelligence, mine watching exercises, anniversary parades, standing-down of Home Guard and awards and commendations.

      Also Army Council Instructions; regulations for the Home Guard; Home Guard Information Circulars; Home Guard Instructions; London District Home Guard Orders; London County Council Group Orders; 47th Battalion Orders; 48th Battalion Orders; Guard report books; papers relevant to the history of the London County Council battalions, including copies of the printed histories of "3" and "C" Companies by Majors Brand and Belsham; papers relating to the formation of Old Comrades Association and Home Guard Training Manual (third edition).

      Sans titre
      LCC/FB/GEN · Collection · 1822-1965
      Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

      Records of the London County Council Fire Brigade Department, 1822-1965, including subject and policy files on general topics including correspondence on question whether horses can smell fire and locate scene of outbreaks; participation by Brigade in International Horse Shows; surprise inspections of stations by the Chief Officer; passing of information on fires to firms of fire assessors; the funerals of Sir Eyre Massey Shaw and Sir Lionel Wells; drills and competitions; Women's Fire Protection Force; emergency arrangements during the 1926 General Strike; pamphlet on National Fire Brigades Association; International Fire Exhibition, Paris; mutual arrangements between brigades for extinguishing fires; London Fire Brigade Questions and Answers Book; liaison with press; displays and demonstrations at exhibitions and events; London Fire Brigade Museum; reorganisation of the Brigade (1934); visits by officers to foreign fire brigades; the Royal Commission on Fire Brigades and Fire Prevention; Departmental Committee on Fire Brigade Services (Riverdale Committee); Fire Brigades Act, 1938; insurance companies' contributions towards the cost of the Brigade; Central Advisory Council for Fire Services; press cuttings; transfer of Fire Services from National Fire Service to local authorities after Second World War.

      Subject and policy files regarding fires and special services, including papers on: fires aboard ships; fires on tramcars; fires in dance halls, factories, workshops, warehouses, Government and LCC buildings, hospitals, nursing homes, massage establishments, chimneys, hotels, clubs, lodging houses, restaurants, fried fish shops, places of public entertainment, houses, flats, tenements, schools, colleges, churches, church halls, University buildings, wharves, docks, gasworks, gas mains, departmental stores, shops and retail markets; fires involving explosives; static electricity as a cause of fire; reports on serious fires; legal right of Brigade to enter premises on fire; Society for the Protection of Life from Fire; special services including gas escapes, lift accidents, railway accidents and pumping operations during flooding; fires of doubtful origin or caused by arson and incendiaries; City fire inquests; lives lost at fires; electrical hazards at fires; organisation at large fires; oil fires; fires and panics; special reports on individual fires; fires involving celluloid; reports on fires by fire prevention officers; register of fires and other incidents attended by the Brigade Control Unit.

      Subject and policy files regarding appliances and equipment including land steamers, horses and stabling, motor vehicles, motor pumps, Merryweather's pumps, escape vans and turntable ladders, electrical turntable ladders, foam tender, fireboats "Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Massey Shaw" and "Raidwood", smoke helmets, respirators and breathing apparatus, chemical fire extinguishers, fire escapes, asbestos protective equipment, air foam. Also Stores Ledgers and registers of accidents to vehicles and appliances.

      Subject and policy files relating to communications including street fire alarms, fire alarm telegraph systems, fire telephones, malicious false alarms, automatic fire alarms, radiotelephony, messages, Watch-room and Control Room procedures, teleprinters, radio installations, list of automatic fire alarms and fire telephones connected to each station.

      Subject and policy files relating to fire prevention, including tests of fireproof flooring; inspection of public, government and Council buildings; fire precautions at various buildings including hospitals; petroleum storage; petrol fires on barges; celluloid risks; explosives; electric high voltage and neon signs; household fire protection rules; revised fire drill rules for schools; automatic sprinkler installation; foam installations to deal with petrol and oil fires; automatic drencher installations; means of escape in case of fire; Advisory Committee on the Amendment of the London Building Act, 1930; fire prevention arrangements on ships and Tube railways; Fire Prevention (Business Premises) Order, 1941.

      Subject and policy files relating to water supplies including liaison with Metropolitan Water Board in cases of water shortage at fires; hydrants and hydrant tablets; maps showing locations of hydrants; hydrant registers. Subject and policy files relating to Fire Brigade buildings, particularly London Fire Brigade Headquarters at Albert Embankment.

      Original fire reports, containing detailed reports concerning individual calls to fires, including false alarms, including: address of fire, occupiers of premises, business or trade carried on, where fire started, particulars of fire, times of calls, method of extinguishing fire, fire appliances in attendance and fire station called. Also daily return of fire calls, compiled under section 31 of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade Act, 1865, which required the Fire Brigade to supply each fire insurance company with a daily return of fires occurring in the Metropolis. The information generally duplicates that of the fire reports.

      General reports and publications, including Memoir of James Braidwood; pamphlets and order of proceedings; handbooks; lectures; reports; articles; guidebooks; memoranda, orders and instructions; order books, statistics and log books. Also photographs.

      Sans titre
      LCC/FB/WAR · Collection · 1914-1949
      Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

      Records of the London County Council Fire Brigade Department relating to emergency wartime measures, 1914-1949, including subject and policy files on the First World War History of the Brigade; First World War air raid measures; experiments to test the efficacy of dry-powder fire extinguishers against incendiary bombs; fire protection for munitions factories; coal and food rationing; war badges for off-duty wear by firemen of military age; employment of disabled ex-servicemen; medals and decorations awarded to Brigade staff (uniformed and non-uniformed) on war service; interwar consideration of air raid precautions; fire-fighting during air attacks; press cuttings on air raid precautions; auxiliary fire stations; air raid warning signals; unexploded bombs and shells; Fire Service Information Bulletins; co-operation between military and civil authorities; Ministry of Information Official Bulletins; duties of fire brigades in case of invasion; National Fire Service (London Area) Regulations, 1941; nationalisation of fire services on 18 August 1941; situation reports; decontamination; emergency vehicles; River Service; Emergency Water supplies; communications in wartime; observation posts; anti-gas and incendiary bomb control training; Auxiliary Fire Service recruitment; liaison arrangements with London Salvage Corps; honours and awards for gallantry; reports on individual air raids (in and out of London); long range rockets.

      Original air raid fire reports, First World War, and original reports on incidents due to enemy action, Second World War. Daily returns of air raid fire calls, First World War and Second World War. Situation reports, Second World War.

      "Fire Over London: The Story of the London Fire Service"; London Auxiliary Fire Service informative leaflets used for recruiting purposes; National Fire Service (England and Wales) Directory; London Civil Defence Region Directories; Directory of London Fire Brigade and London Auxiliary Fire Service Stations and Sub-Stations; registers of B Class auxiliaries (the fire-fighting category) enrolled in the Auxiliary Fire Service from 1938; Press Cuttings Book; London Auxiliary Fire Service Routine Orders.

      London Fire Region (LFR) files, including messages received at night in the Regional Control Room; LFR Newsletters; air raids on Portsmouth and Southampton; incendiary bombs; Fire Service vehicles; Water Relaying Units; women auxiliaries; Regional Fire Officer duties; Regional Fire Headquarters staff; twice daily situation reports (London Civil Defence Region); Regional Fire Control Room Occurrence Book; London Fire Region Twice-daily Situation Reports; Home Office Daily Air Raid Intelligence Reports; Home Office Weekly Summary of Air Raid Intelligence; Home Office Detailed Reports on individual fires; training films; monthly returns of personnel and appliances in each outer-London brigade; medals, decorations and honours; underground control room; conferences; protection of fire stations against bombing and poison gas; aircraft crash fires; reporting of casualties.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 2 · [1947-1989], 1992

      The collection presents an integrated record of US decision making during the 1962 nuclear confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. Much of the documentation focuses on the period from Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs McGeorge Bundy's 16 Oct 1962 briefing of President Kennedy on the discovery of Soviet missiles in Cuba to Soviet Prime Minister Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev's 28 Oct 1962 decision to withdraw the weapons. Papers include intelligence reports, diplomatic cables, political analyses, military situation reports, and meeting minutes relating to the immediate backdrop to the crisis, the crisis (16 Oct-28 Oct 1962), and its aftermath. Papers concerning the background to the crisis relate to US attempts to overthrow Cuban Prime Minister Dr Fidel Castro following the Bay of Pigs invasion, Apr 1961; US and Soviet nuclear capabilities and doctrine in the early 1960s; the deployment of US Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBMs) to forward bases in Europe; and the concern over the resurgence of Soviet military aid to Cuba in the summer of 1962. Papers relating to the crisis include US intelligence reports confirming the construction of Soviet missile bases in Cuba; National Security Council minutes relating to a potential invasion of Cuba by US conventional forces, possible US air attacks against Cuba and the resultant Cuban casualties, the possibility of imposing an economic blockade around Cuba, the maintenance of US U-2 High Altitude Reconnaissance Aircraft flights over Cuba, and the possibility of Soviet retaliatory military actions against North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) states in the event of US attacks on Cuba, 16 Oct 1962; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) daily intelligence reports concerning Soviet missile bases and possible Soviet surface to surface SS-4 ('Sandal') nuclear missiles in Cuba; reports from the UN Security Council and General Assembly from the US Ambassador to the UN Adlai Ewing Stevenson; meetings between Kennedy and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Andreevich Gromyko; US estimates of Cuban ground forces; articles from Soviet news agency TASS denouncing American motives in Cuba; reports from US Secretary of Defense Robert Strange McNamara regarding the possible withdrawal of US missile bases in Italy and Turkey in exchange for Soviet withdrawals from Cuba; discussions of the possible US 'Naval Quarantine' of Cuba; CIA estimates relating to possible Soviet first strike military capability with missiles in Cuba; NSC reports relating to the construction of IRBM and Medium Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM) bases in Guanajay and San Cristóbal, Cuba, 21 Oct 1962; President Kennedy's announcement to world heads of state regarding the US 'Naval Quarantine' of Cuba (24 Oct-20 Nov 1962) to prevent further Soviet arms shipments of offensive weapons and development of further missile bases, 23 Oct 1962; message from Khrushchev to Kennedy stating that the US 'Naval Quarantine' is an act of aggression against both Cuba and the Soviet Union, 23 Oct 1962; statements by US Ambassador Stevenson, Cuban Ambassador Mario Garcia Incháustegui, and Soviet Ambassador Valerian Zorin in the UN Security Council, 23 Oct 1962; documents relating to the operational readiness of US continental nuclear forces; minutes from UN Security Council meeting, 25 Oct 1962; letter from Khrushchev to Kennedy suggesting that the Soviet Union would withdraw missile bases in return for a US 'non-invasion commitment' towards Cuba, 26 Oct 1962; negotiations over verification of the Soviet missile withdrawal; the US non-invasion 'guarantee' to Cuba and the Soviet Union; and, the question of Soviet Ilyushin IL-28 ('Beagle') bombers and troops remaining in Cuba. The collection also includes retrospective studies of the missile crisis, including the US Department of State internal history of the crisis, US Department of Defense comprehensive reports describing the actions of military commands and units during the missile crisis, and US government records relating to the US-Soviet rapprochement developed in the 1970s and 1980

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      GB 0099 KCLMA MFF15 · 1946-1991, 1995

      The Soviet Estimate: US Analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947-1991 is a themed microfilm collection which presents an integrated record of US intelligence estimates and studies relating to Soviet strategic projections, military capabilities, science and technology, economics and internal politics, 1946-1991. The estimates and studies were produced either collectively as national intelligence products or by individual agencies, and include contributions from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); the Director of Central Intelligence; the US Defense Intelligence Agency; and, the US State Department. The collection includes CIA and British Secret Intelligence Service debriefing transcripts of former Soviet Gavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye (GRU), Chief Intelligence Directorate, Soviet General Staff, operative Oleg V Penkovskii, relating to Soviet military organisation and plans for nuclear war, Soviet nuclear targets and deployments in Europe, missile technology and launch sites, Soviet military personnel, the capture of Capt Francis Gary Powers, US Air Force U-2 High Altitude Reconnaissance Aircraft pilot, 1 May 1960, profiles of Soviet military officers, locations of Soviet nuclear weapons tests, Soviet intelligence organisations and Soviet chemical and biological weapons programs, Soviet development and deployment of Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), positions of Soviet divisions in East Germany, and the Berlin Crisis (1958- 1962), 20 Apr-14 Oct 1961; yearly US estimates of Soviet strategic capabilities, 1947- 1983, including the 'missile gap' National Intelligence Estimates, 1957-1961; detailed estimates of the Soviet space program, including National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) relating to lunar exploration, manned space flight, reconnaissance satellites, space exploration, space weapons and weapons development, 1962-1967; US Air Force report entitled 'A History of Strategic Arms Competition: Volume 3, A Handbook of Selected Soviet Weapons and Space Systems', including data relating to Soviet air to surface missiles (AS), Tupolev bomber aircraft, M-4 / Mya-4 / 2M Myasishchev ('Bison') aircraft, space weapons, communication satellites, electronic intelligence capabilities, surface to surface (SS) theatre missiles and ICBMs, Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBMs), Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs), Jun 1976; US intelligence community experiment in competitive analysis conducted by the CIA 'B Team' relating to US misperceptions of Soviet strategic objectives and offensive and defensive forces, Dec 1976; report from the US Department of State entitled 'History of the Strategic Arms Competition 1945-1972, parts 1 and 2', including detailed surveys and analyses of Soviet and US decision making on nuclear forces, force deployments, and nuclear strategies, Mar 1981; Special National Intelligence Estimate relating to Soviet support for international terrorism and revolutionary activities, including mention of arms transfers, military training, political violence, and terrorist activities in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, May 1981; reports from the CIA concerning Soviet perspectives on research and development in energy-directed weapons and involvement in space weapons and Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) research, 1985; National Intelligence Estimates relating to General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev's prospects for reforming the Soviet economic and political system, including mention of his economic agenda and its implications for the Soviet military program, the dynamics of Soviet civil-military relations, the impact of reforms on labour production, health, standards of living and technological development, and the rise of civil unrest and nationalism in the Soviet Union, 1985- 1989; CIA report concerning the probabilities of a coup d'etat in the Soviet Union and the growing influence of Chairman of the Russian Republic Supreme Soviet, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, May 1991.

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      GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 33 · 1943

      Edition of The British Way and Purpose, 3: The Growth of Empire, the Dominions, India, the Colonial Empire (The Director of Army Education, London, 1943); photocopy of manuscript note from Rt Hon William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron Beaverbrook of Beaverbrook, Minister of Aircraft Production, relating to aircraft production and storage, [1943].

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Parker · 1945-1946

      Papers of Lt Col Robert Malcolm Parker, 1945-1946, relating to his career in the Royal Engineers, comprising account of the operations of 8 Corps in North West Europe, Mar-May 1945, entitled 'The River Rhine to the Baltic Sea: a narrative account of the pursuit and final defeat of the German Armed Forces, March-May 1945', with a foreword by Lt Gen Evelyn Hugh Barker, as Commanding Officer, 8 Corps; account of the Finkenwärder U Boat pen, Hamburg, Germany, with site plan, and description of the intended method of demolition, by 224 Field Coy, Royal Engineers, and 8 Corps Troops, Royal Engineers, [1945]; papers relating to Exercise SWANSONG, Germany, Mar 1946, including Royal Engineer commands and staff planning for the assault crossing of wide rivers, accounts of exercise operations, situation reports, printed maps and sketch maps; uncaptioned official Army photograph of the construction of a large bridge, [Germany, 1945]; telegram announcing German surrender, 4 May 1945 and chart of Allied formation badges, in colour, 8 May 1945.

      Sans titre
      PIGGOTT, Cdr Arnold Howard (1904-1996)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Piggott · Created 1941-1945, [1996]

      Papers relating to Piggott's service in World War Two, 1939-1945, notably the sinking of HMS VAN MEERLANT, 4 Jun 1941, including typescript list of the ship's company, annotated to show survivors of the sinking, with manuscript notes by an unknown survivor relating to Piggott's exemplary conduct during the sinking, Jun 1941; manuscript letter to Piggott from Hugh G Collins, HMS WILDFIRE, relating to Piggott's injuries, the loss of HMS VAN MEERLANT, and to the writing of sympathy letters to the crew's next of kin, Jul 1941; letter to Piggott from Cdr Humphry Gilbert Boys-Smith, Royal Naval Reserve, relating to accomodation for Naval officers, Mar 1945; typescript notes on Piggott's career [1996].

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Pomeroy · Created 1926-1950, 1985-1986, 1989, 1994, 1995

      Papers relating to his career with the Royal Naval Reserve, 1926-1950, dated 1926-1950, 1985-1986, 1989, 1994 and 1995, notably including commands, reports, correspondence and notes concerning his service on HMS GLOXINIA, North Atlantic and Mediterranean, 1940-1942, on the staff of Flag Officer, Liverpool, HMS EAGLET, 1942-1943, on HMS DELHI, Mediterranean, 1943-1945, and on the staff of Cdr in Chief, Mediterranean Fleet, 1945-1946. Text on Gen Sir Bernard Law Montgomery's role in the North Africa campaign, 1942-1943, by Peter Solly-Flood, 1986.

      Sans titre
      COL/CC/APC · Sous-fonds · 1938-1956
      Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

      Records of the Airport Committee, Court of Common Council, 1938-1956, comprising minutes, committee papers and various files, including correspondence, particularly regarding use of the land by the Air Ministry during World War Two and the post war sale of land to Ilford Borough Council; relevant Acts and Bills; minutes of meetings of the Aerodrome Owners Association; off-prints and press cuttings; memorandums; sub-committee minutes and surveyors reports.

      Also papers relating to the inauguration of the first direct air service between London and Venice, April 1956.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 A/BSH · Collection · 1963-1966

      Records of the Save the Broad Street / Richmond Line (Hampstead) Committee, including minutes, agendas, correspondence, leaflets, petition forms and financial records.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 A/BSL · Collection · 1963-1965

      Records of the Broad Street/Richmond Line Joint Committee, including minutes of meeting of the Joint Committee; minutes of meetings with Members of Parliament including the Minister of Transport; correspondence; press releases and publicity material; financial records; Hansard reports on the Parliamentary debate on railways; and press cuttings.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/042 · Collection · 1765

      Papers of the Chamber of Ships Insurance relating to the appointment of a French agent to the Chamber.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/104 · Collection · 1774-1828

      Memorandum book including copy letters to the Court of the East India Company; bye-laws and resolutions of the Society; and printed East India Company notices.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/1095 · Collection · 1935

      Papers of Airwork Limited relating to Heston Aerodrome, comprising two annotated copies of a plan entitled 'Heston Aerodrome: Survey of land to be purchased by Airwork Ltd. April 5th 1935' and two annotated Ordnance Survey maps of the area.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/B/123-10 · Collection · 1903-1972

      Records of Binny and Company Limited, steamship agency, traders, textile mill operators and engineers, including articles of association; annual reports; financial accounts; investment ledgers; correspondence; memoranda; papers regarding company history; and photographs of staff, offices and works.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/B/123-21 · Collection · 1918-1965

      Records of Delmege, Forsyth and Company Limited, import/export shipping agents, comprising memorandum and articles of association; memorandum of capital; and general ledgers.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/B/123-34 · Collection · 1924-[1950]

      Records of Islay, Kerr and Company Limited, comprising accounts, correspondence and photograph album showing office accommodation.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/B/123-39 · Collection · 1907-1957

      Macdonald, Hamilton and Company records comprise: partnership deeds, declarations of trust, power of attorney, and correspondence 1907-55 (Ms 27784-6, 38570-6); plans of offices 1919-20 (Ms 27787), and histories 1934-5 (Ms 38577).

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/B/123-40 · Collection · 1914-1930

      Mackay and Company Limited records comprise: memorandum and articles of association, 1914-23 (Ms 27788); resolution of EGM, 1928 (Ms 27789); accounts, 1923-7 (Ms 27790) and correspondence, 1914-30 (Ms 27791-2).

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/B/157 · Collection · 1908-1976

      Records of Manaos Tramways and Light Company Limited, comprising: memorandum and articles of association, 1909-23; agreements, trust deeds and related items, 1908-39; share transfer schedules, 1965-1972; register of directors, 1909-1971; minutes of directors' meetings and shareholders' meetings, 1909-1975; annual reports and statements of accounts, 1910-73; papers relating to debenture holders and shareholders' meetings, 1923; correspondence, 1961-1966, 1970; register of documents sealed, 1923-73; register of mortgages, 1909-1971 and blank share and debenture certificates, 1923-71. Also correspondence of the Para Electric Railways and Lighting Company Limited.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/B/225 · Collection · 1877-1969

      Records of Wilson, Sons and Company Limited, coal and steamship agency, and associated companies. The records include minutes; financial accounts; letter books; constitutional documents; historical notes; registers of members; annual reports; and agreements.

      Sans titre
      BLOSSOM, Thomas (fl 1808-1826)
      GB 0074 CLC/B/227-028 · Collection · 1808-1826

      Account book of Thomas Blossom, coachbuilder, including costs and a detailed list of each stage of his work on repairing and building coaches and carriages of (named) gentry, 1809-14; summary entries of coach work, 1808-9; and Blossom's note of cargoes received at Tahiti and Eimeo (Windward Islands, French Polynesia) from the London Missionary Society, 1821-6.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/B/227-110 · Collection · 1772-1775

      Papers of John Motteux and Company, merchants, comprising letters from the company's agent in L'Orient (Brittany) and Paris.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/B/227-187 · Collection · 1884-1887

      Director's minute books for Union Lighterage Company Limited.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/1297/BKW · Collection · 1897-1910

      Records of the Baker Street and Waterloo Railway, including minutes of Board Meetings, Committee Minutes and Shareholders Meetings; indexes to minutes.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/1297/CSL · Collection · 1884-1933

      Records of the City and South London Railway (formerly the City of London and Southwark Subway Company), comprising Board meetings minutes and General meetings minutes; volume of monthly reports giving Operating Statistics of the City and South London and Central London Railway Companies and volume of monthly reports relating to the generating stations at Stockwell (City and South London Railway) and Shepherds Bush (City London Railway).

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/1297/CXEH · Collection · 1893-1910

      Records of the Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway, comprising Board meeting minutes and General meetings minutes.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/1297/GNPB · Collection · 1897-1909

      Records of the Great Northern, Piccadilly and Brompton Railway, comprising minutes of Board meetings and contract drawings for the line between West Kensington and Barons Court.

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