Organisation féminine

Zone des éléments



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

    Note(s) sur la source


    Note(s) d'affichage

      Termes hiérarchiques

      Organisation féminine

      Terme générique Association

      Organisation féminine

        Termes équivalents

        Organisation féminine

        • Employé pour Womens associations
        • Employé pour Association de femmes
        • Employé pour Association féminine
        • Employé pour Groupe de femmes
        • Employé pour Organisation de femmes
        • Employé pour Asociación de mujeres
        • Employé pour Grupo de mujeres
        • Employé pour Organización de mujeres

        Termes associés

        Organisation féminine

        91 Description archivistique résultats pour Organisation féminine

        91 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
        Actresses' Franchise League
        GB 106 2AFL · Fonds · 1909-1916

        Papers of the Actresses' Franchise League including annual reports 1909-1914; annual statements of accounts; leaflets including lists of officers and league's objects and list of members and programme.

        Sans titre
        Artists' Suffrage League
        GB 106 2ASL · Fonds · 1905-1912

        Papers of the Artists' Suffrage League, 1905-1912, including correspondence, drawings, cartoons, prints, poster, postcard, programmes and their covers, notices press clippings, album of designs by Mary Lowndes.

        Sans titre
        British Vigilance Association
        GB 106 4BVA · Fonds · 1923-1971

        The archive consists of records, mostly originating from the General Secretary, of the British Vigilance Association, 1923-1971. These include campaign and resource files (prostitution, immoral earnings, and conditions of employment for au pair girls), correspondence with individuals and organisations, fragments of other administrative series and files relating to the final winding up of the British Vigilance Association (BVA), International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons (IBS) and their associated organisations in 1971.

        The minutes of the British Vigilance Association, including those of the Sub-Committee on the Welfare of Irish Girls in England (renamed the Irish Girls' & Related Problems Sub-Committee) are also held by the Women's Library but within the National Vigilance Association Archive (see 4NVA).

        Sans titre
        National Vigilance Association
        GB 106 4NVA · Fonds · 1885-1971

        The archive consists of minutes (including those of the British Vigilance Association (BVA)), annual reports, and publications. Correspondence and campaigning files on issues of public morality, sexual morality, traffic in women, the armed forces, obscenity, prostitution, entertainment and employment. Case files (including some individuals) including regional cases from Wales and North-East England. Administration in connection with British National Council, International Bureau, Travellers' Aid Society (TAS); also the Public Morality Council; and miscellaneous papers including campaign, resource and administrative files about various issues connected with social morality and public morality.

        Sans titre
        GB 106 5CHE · Fonds · 1869-1871

        The archive consists of minutes of a working committee to arrange courses of lectures on academic subjects. [Chairman - Lady Monteagle. Treasurer - Revd. George B Legge]. With card noting addresses of Revd. Warlow and Octavia Wilberforce. Also in volume: List of characters and title of a play 'The Sneezer'; Pencil sketch of knight on horseback.

        Sans titre
        Miss Great Britain
        GB 106 5MGB · Fonds · 1945-1982

        The archive consists of a variety of material including correspondence, photographic material, publicity material such as posters, and legal documents. The archive also includes information about similar competitions. It contains information on events and activities organised by Morecambe and Heysham Borough Council, such as the illuminations.

        Sans titre
        Open Door Council
        GB 106 5ODC · Fonds · 1926-1965

        This archive consists of annual reports (1926-1938, 1941, 1947-1956, 1959, 1961, 1963-5); agendas and resolutions of Annual Meetings (1948-1963); memoranda (1929-1957); printed leaflets and pamphlets (1926-c.1947)

        Abbreviations used include:

        Cmd - Command Paper;

        ILO - International Labour Organisation (United Nations);

        ODC - Open Door Council;

        ODI - Open Door International;

        UNESCO - United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

        Sans titre
        Council of Women Civil Servants
        GB 106 6CCS · Fonds · 1920-1959

        The archive consists of minutes of the Council of Women Civil Servants (CWCS) Executive Committee (1920-1959), Standing Joint Committee of Women in the Civil service (1920-1924), Committee of Representatives (1932-1952) and Equal Opportunity Sub Committee (1951,1955-6); Annual General Meetings papers (1923-1958); annual reports (1940-54); subject and correspondence files (1925-1957), publications (1935-1958); membership documents; circular letters of the British Federation of Business & Professional Women (1948-1955); Administrative papers including Parliamentary reports, memoranda and Whitley Council papers.

        Sans titre
        GB 106 6WEF · Fonds · 1910-1983

        The archive consists of minutes and papers of the Executive Committee, the Advisory Committee, the Employment Committee and the Annual General Meeting; annual reports and reports of the Women's service Bureau; Financial Committee minutes, papers and accounts; Advisory Department agendas and reports; correspondence; circular letters.

        Sans titre
        Women in Libraries
        GB 106 6WIL · Fonds · 1973-1987

        The archive consists of working papers, leaflets, articles (1973-1987) and a photocopy of a periodical 'Women and Librarianship', volume 5 number 4 1984.

        Sans titre
        GB 106 7NOR · Fonds · 1871-1922

        The archive consists of Priscilla Norman's personal collection of pamphlets, publications and propaganda material relating to the suffrage campaigns. There was a strong tradition of Liberal support in Lady Norman's family, and some of the material is concerned with their activities. The archive includes circular letters and memoranda from the Workers' Suffrage Federation, the National League for Opposing Woman Suffrage and the Men's Liberal Suffrage Union. Also included are pamphlets dating from the late 1870s, a series of annual reports of the Edinburgh National Society for Women's Suffrage (1875-1883), and some anti-suffrage material sent to Sir Henry Norman as a Member of Parliament.

        Sans titre
        HELER, Una M
        GB 106 7UMH · Fonds · 1974-1982

        The archive consists of copies of papers Una Heler collated, acting as the representative of Women's Advertising Club. It includes minutes and agendas of Women's Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS) Advisory Council and Stand Committee (1975-1981); women's organisations' publications (1974-1979); EVS report (1979); correspondence with WRVS (1975-1982).

        Sans titre
        GB 106 PC/05 · 1745-[2008]

        Over 3,000 periodical titles are held dating from 1745, some in single issues, but many in complete or representative runs. The Periodicals Collection brings together academic, popular and campaigning women's journals in one location and gives a unique insight into periodicals published about, for and by women. Titles range from commercially-produced popular magazines (Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan), to academic quarterlies (Gender and History, Feminist Review), organisational journals (One Parent Families, National Association of Women Pharmacists), special interest publications (Executive Black Woman), and older titles such as the English Woman's Journal. Many of these titles are not held in other research collections. The non-commercial nature of many of these periodicals with limited self-published print runs, resulted in periodicals that were issued irregularly, on poor quality paper and often only selectively deposited with the main copyright libraries.


        The Library's collection of commercially published magazines, a key resource for research into social history and popular culture, begins with the Ladies' Almanack of the 1740s and documents women's fashion and domestic concerns from runs of the Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, The Queen, Ladies' Magazine, Ladies Monthly Magazine and Lady, Gentlewoman, in the 19th century; Home Chat, Woman's Weekly, Woman, Woman's Own, Honey,, Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire in the 20th century; Grazia, Glamour and Easy Living of more recent years. Also included are some magazines aimed at girls and young women such as The Girls' Own Paper, Petticoat, Just 17 and Jackie.


        At the heart of the Periodical Collection are the women's campaigning journals and feminist periodicals. The collection of feminist periodicals at The Women's Library is unrivalled in its extent and breadth. It begins with the English Woman's Journal of the mid-19th century, and continues with titles such as The Young Women and includes complete runs of titles such as The Women's Penny Paper, the Woman's Herald, Victoria Magazine, the Woman's Signal, the Woman's Leader, Englishwoman's Review, Englishwoman, Freewoman, Time and Tide, Woman's Gazette, and Shafts all of which were key to the development of feminist theory and progressive ideas.


        The Library's extensive collection of suffrage periodicals is central to the study of women's rights in the 20th century, titles including Votes for Women, Common Cause, Woman's Dreadnought, The Vote, the Women's Suffrage Journal, Women's Franchise, the Suffragette Newssheet, the Independent Suffragette, Britannia, and the Suffragette as well as titles such as the Anti-Suffrage Review.


        The collection of journals documenting 'second-wave' feminism in the UK includes complete runs of titles such as Spare Rib and Trouble and Strife and near complete runs of other liberation titles such as Red Rag, Shrew, WIRES, Outwrite and the London Women's Liberation Newsletter. Regional involvement was an integral part of the movement and this is charted through a number of regional titles including Brighton and Hove Women's Liberation Group, Edinburgh Women's Liberation newsletter, Leeds Women's Liberation newsletter, Leicester Women's Liberation newsletter, Manchester Women's Liberation newsletter and Norwich Women's Centre newsletter.


        The periodical holdings continue to document the development of contemporary feminism, sometimes referred to as 'third wave', with titles including Verve and Subtext. Additional contemporary feminist publications can be found within our 'zine' collection (dating from 2002).


        Periodicals created by women's organisations, networks and campaigns. These can include weekly or monthly newsletters and magazines aimed at members, quarterly and annual journals aimed at members and a wider academic audience, and annual reports aimed at a wider audience. Given the short life of many campaigning organisations, their newsletters and bulletins often provide the main record of their activities. Few of these publications are held elsewhere, and they are only selectively deposited with national collections, organisations include: the Fawcett Society, National Council of Women, The National Federation of Women's Institutes (Home and Country), Townswomen's Guilds (The Townswoman), UK Federation of Business and Professional Women, Girls' Friendly Society, Executive Black Woman, Catholic Citizen and National Association of Women Pharmacists document women's efforts to come together to improve the quality of their lives.


        Whilst retaining the collecting focus of women's lives in the UK, there are a number of subject specialist interest areas including:

        • The Arts - titles such as Feminist Arts News, Heresies: a feminist publication on art and politics, n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal, Vogue and Women's Art Magazine.

        • Domestic Violence - titles such as Rights of Women Bulletin, Violence Against Women: an international interdisciplinary journal and Women at War: preventing gun violence, WAVAV - Women Against Violence Against Women.

        • Education - titles such as Gender and Education, The Woman Teacher, Gen: an anti-Sexist Education Journal, British Federation of University Women, and The Parents' Review.

        • Employment - titles such as Work and Leisure, Women's Union Journal, Labour Woman, Women's Trade Union Review, Equality Now: magazine of the Equal Opportunities Commission, Executive Woman, the Woman Worker, The Woman Engineer: journal of the Woman's Engineering Society and Double shift: working women's newsletter.

        • Family and the home - titles such as Women's Weekly, Woman's Own, Family Planning Today and New Home economics.

        • Feminist Theory - titles such as Feminist Studies, Feminist Economics, Feminist Theory, and the International Journal of Feminist Studies.

        • Health - titles such as Women and Health, Top Sante, London Black Women's Health Action project newsletter and Mental Health.

        • Law - titles such as ALRA newsletter: Campaigning for a Woman's Right to Choose on Abortion, Family Law, Individualist: monthly journal of personal rights, Lesbian Employment Rights, and Rights of Women Bulletin, National Abortion Campaign.

        • Literature - titles such as Mslexia, Silver Moon Quarterly and Writing Women.

        • Media - titles such as Feminist Media Studies, The Woman Journalist and Women's Media Action Bulletin.

        • Medicine - titles such as Women in Medicine: newsletter of the Medical Women's Federation and National Association of Women Pharmacists newsletter.

        • Motherhood - titles such as Home and Family: journal of the Mother's Union, Journal of Marriage and Family, Maternity Alliance, Gingerbread, One Parent Families, World Congress of Mothers News and Information.

        • Sexuality - titles such as Sappho, Sex Roles: a journal of research, Journal of the history of sexuality, Chroma, Diva, Arena Three and Dykelife.

        • Women and peace - titles such as Woman today, Greenham Newsletter, Peace and Freedom News: journal of the British Section of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Sellafield Women's Peace Camp Newsletter, Women for a Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Newsletter and WoMenwith Hill: Women's Peace Camp Newsletter.

        • Politics - titles such as Equal Opportunities International, Gender and Society and the NAWO e-bulletin (National Alliance of Women's Organisations).

        • Prostitution - titles such as The Shield: to promote the repeal of Contagious Diseases Act, Network: news from the English Collective of Prostitutes and WHISPER: Women hurt in systems of prostitution engaged in revolt.

        • Ethnicity - titles such as Pride, Race Today and Manushi.

        • Religion - titles such as Church Militant, Jewish Women's Review, Catholic Citizen, Newsheet/Women Living Under Muslim Laws International Solidarity Network, and Movement for the Ordination of Women.

        • Science and Technology are The Woman Engineer, Science for People, Women Chemists Newsletter and Forum: Journal of the Association for Women in Science and Engineering.

        • Sport - titles such as Poise: the Health and beauty magazine, Ladies' Alpine Club, The Dyke: Lesbian Walkers' Magazine, Women in Sport: the Voice of Women's Sport and Outdoor Women.

        Sans titre
        Agreeable United Fair Friendly Society
        GB 0096 MS 225 · c1785

        Manuscript volume containing the rules of the Agreeable United Fair (Friendly Society), a women's society intended to provide relief in the event of sickness or old age. The Society was held near Fetter Lane, Holborn, London. The rules are signed by fifteen members, six of whom give a mark in place of a signature, c 1785.

        Sans titre
        GB 0097 MACDONALD · 1893-1923

        Margaret MacDonald's correspondence, papers and lectures, on subjects including factory and shop legislation, the employment of women, housing, the Licensing Bills of 1901-1902, Sunday School teaching, vagrant children, women's organizations and women's suffrage, and the Franco-British Exhibition at Hammersmith in 1908. James Ramsay MacDonald's papers, correspondence and press cuttings on subjects including the financing and aftermath of World War I, Labour Party policy and his leadership of the party, working conditions, and women's education.

        Sans titre
        GB 0106 7HAS · Fonds · 1996

        The archive consists of a bibliography and list of sources (held in international repositories) about Carrie Chapman Catt, founder and President of the International Alliance of Women, and founder of the League of Women Voters. It also includes a short typescript biography of Catt and a photocopy of a press cutting photograph of Catt (from Time magazine, 14 Jun 1926).

        Sans titre
        Museum Collection: Poster Collection
        GB 106 TWL.poster · 1877-2000

        As at Jan 2009, The Women's Library held approximately 1050 posters in the Museum Collection, with c 100 posters identified in the archives.

        The earliest posters held result from suffrage activities and can be divided into three main groups; advertisements for meetings and events, illustrated propaganda posters arguing why women should get the vote, and thirdly newspaper bills bearing suffrage related headlines, used to promote paper sales.

        All other posters are arranged by subject and date from the 1970s to the present day. The collection represents a mixture of women's campaigning, campaigning by organisations to promote gender equality, and posters produced to advertise women-focused events and publications. There are a small number of posters that portray women's issues and campaign work internationally. The work of The Equal Opportunities Commission in England and Ireland is particularly well represented as a result of a large donation of their obsolete posters during the 1990s. Also well represented with almost 80 posters is the work of See Red Women's Workshop, a women's liberation screen-printing collective (1974-1984).

        Sans titre
        Female Middle Class Emigration Society
        GB 106 1FME · Fonds · 1862-1885

        The archive consists of the records of the Female Middle Class Emigration Society (FMCES): Annual reports: May-Oct 1862, Nov 1862-Jul 1872, Jan 1880-Dec 1882, Jan 1883-Dec 1885; correspondence (in the form of letter-books); pamphlets.

        Sans titre
        International Alliance of Women
        GB 106 2IAW · Fonds · 1904-1991

        Papers of the International Alliance of Women including minutes, annual and conference reports, policy and subject files, biographies, publications, photographs, memorabilia. The collection also includes a series of resource files, which detail other women's organisations.

        Sans titre
        Susan B Anthony Memorial Committee
        GB 106 2SBA · Fonds · 1896-1949

        The archive consists of typescript copies of 14 letters by Anthony, typescript copies of newspaper articles by her, and press cuttings, list of public memorials created up until 1949 and typescript background documents including typescript articles on and manuscript note by sculptor Adelaide Johnston, programmes. The records consist of 3 folders, containing loose documents copied by the Susan B Anthony Memorial Committee of California.

        Sans titre
        GB 106 4IBS · Fonds · 1899-1970

        The archive consists of minutes of the Bureau (1899-1940, 1942-1953), annual reports (1952-1966), conference papers, publications printed and received, League of Nations files and documents related to other advisory committees, country files containing correspondence and official materials, files of the general secretary containing similar files covering the post-war period and correspondence.

        Abbreviations include:

        ACISJF - Association Catholique Internationale Services de la Jeunesse Feminine: International Catholic Society for Girls.

        AMSH - Association for Moral and Social Hygiene.

        ASHA - American Social Health Association.

        BNC - International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons: British National Committee.

        BVA - British Vigilance Association.

        FAI - Fédération Abolitionniste Internationale.

        IAF - International Abolitionist Federation.

        IB - International Bureau.

        IBS - International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons (also known as IBSTP).

        IBSTWC - International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Women and Children.

        NGO -Non-Governmental Organisation.

        NVA - National Vigilance Association.

        TAS -Travellers' Aid Society

        UN - United Nations.

        UNESCO - United Nations Economic and Social Organisation

        USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

        VD - Venereal Disease

        CD - Contagious Diseases

        CDA - Contagious Disease Acts

        Sans titre
        League of Church Militant
        GB 106 5LCM · Fonds · 1928

        The archive consists of one file relating to the dissolution of the League of Church Militant, including some information about its history, 1928.

        Sans titre
        GB 106 5ODI · Fonds · 1929-1974

        This archive consists of minutes of board meetings (1947-1973), reports and conference resolutions (1929-1966), conference papers (1952-1957), constitutions and charters (1929-1970), correspondence files of president and honorary secretary (1947-1974); incomplete series of the publication Open Door (1929-1938), circular letters (1949-1959), leaflets and pamphlets (1929-1964), headed stationery, reports and publications of other organisations including United Nations commissions and International Labour Organisation. Most of the papers originate from the organisation's Honorary Secretaries.

        Sans titre
        GB 106 5SPG · Fonds · 1919-1981

        The archive consists of minutes of the Executive Committee (1935-1937, 1939-1980), Annual General Meeting papers and reports (1931-1979), papers and correspondence files of the treasurer, honorary secretaries, chairs and vice-chairs (1932-1977), papers of the Hampshire (1964-7) and Northwest (1973-7) Branches, administration papers including publicity material, financial items and correspondence regarding the dissolution of the group, correspondence, printed materials and papers related to various campaigns (1937-1976), weekend conference materials (1948-65) and meetings papers (1943-1979), leaflets of and correspondence with other organisations (1938-1979), newsletters and circulars (1941-1979), issues of Time and Tide (1921-1929) and press cuttings (1920s-1970s), correspondence of the Honorary Secretary (1950-1981)

        Sans titre
        See Red' Women's Workshop
        GB 106 5SRW · Fonds · 1974-1984

        The archive consists of papers relating to the activities and members of See Red Women's Workshop, 1974-1984. It includes correspondence; notebooks containing minutes; press cuttings; poster catalogues and photographs showing members at work in the screen-print workshop.

        Sans titre
        GB 106 6BFB · Fonds · 1933-1972

        The archive consists of minutes of the predecessor body, the British Federation of Business and Professional Women Clubs (1933-1935); minutes of the British Federation of Business & Professional Women's Executive Committee (1953-1969), finances and general purposes (1960-1967) and Bridge Committees (1949-1955); minutes of the membership (1954-1955), augmented officers on organisation (1958-1959), publicity (1958-1959), constitutional review (1960), United Nations (1960) and ad-hoc (1955) sub-committees; papers of Annual General Meetings (1942-1971), conference papers, publications (1936-1970); journal 'Women at Work' (1946-1951), newsletters (1960-1967), correspondence and case files (1941-1966), annual accounts (1958-1971), press cuttings (1964-1967); publications of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women including journal 'Widening Horizons' (1942-1958) and reports (1936-1965).

        Sans titre
        Fanny Adams pressure group
        GB 106 6FYA · Fonds · 1992-1993

        The archive consists of copies of information pieces that appeared in art magazines during their media campaign to draw attention to discrimination and inequality in the art world. It also includes an article about Fanny Adams, a bibliography of 'Fanny's moments in the press' and video footage of events, including 'Fanny's Big Ball', 28 Oct 1992.

        Sans titre
        GB 106 6JCS · Fonds · 1919-1954

        The archive consists of minutes of the Joint Committee on Women in the Civil Service (JCWCS) (1919-1936, 1943-1954) and of the Parliamentary Committee on Equal Pay (1935-6); reports and publications (1919-1944); leaflets (1935-1936); correspondence (1919-1928, 1944-1945).

        Sans titre
        BURBURY, Alice Ann
        GB 106 7AAB · Fonds · 1872-1893

        The archive consists of correspondence (1872-c.1893) comprising 16 letters.

        Most of the letters have no year given in the date.

        The letter from Mrs Fawcett dated 1 Feb is written from Cambridge, but obviously after she and her husband moved to London, since she says she wishes to speak at meetings only in suburban places from where she can easily return home in the evening.

        Other correspondents include Maria G Grey; Frances Buss; and Mentia Taylor (Mrs Peter Taylor).

        Sans titre
        SCOTT, Amelia (1860-1952)
        GB 106 7ASC · Fonds · [1870]-1954

        The archive consists of manuscripts and typescripts of books and articles written by Amelia Scott including:

        • Periodicals relating to the women's suffrage campaign and other women's issues - inc. Family Welfare Association (Passing of a Great Dread was serialised in three volumes of this periodical), 4 volumes Liberal Woman's Review.

        Pamphlets and Ephemera - inc. National Union of Women Workers, inc Soldiers' Central Laundry and photographs thereof, National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, National Council of Women, Woman's Leader and Common Cause

        • Minute books - Committee meetings of Working Girls Club (including reports of the Leisure Hour Club), Christian Social Union, and Christian Social Crusade.

        • Speeches - for election campaigns, on women's suffrage

        • Papers relating to her work in Tunbridge Wells including material relating standing for election in Tunbridge Wells and election as a guardian for Tonbridge Union, and papers concerning a number of welfare projects she was involved in including the establishment of a Maternity Home and various housing projects.

        • Personal and family papers including publications belonging to Amelia Scott, inc. her father's will, general papers and family photographs.

        • Correspondence - approximately 150 letters to Amelia Scott; including photocopies of some originals from well-known individuals which were auctioned for charity, correspondents include Eleanor Rathbone and Beatrice Webb. Also letters to Amelia's sister Louise.

        • Objects consist of a decoration and presentation book concerning her work during the First World War and the assisting of Belgian refugees and a bag with Kentish Pilgrims Way and red, white and green ribbons sewn on.

        Sans titre
        BOWERMAN, Elsie Edith (1889-1973)
        GB 106 7ELB · Fonds · 1910-1977

        The archive consists of diaries, photographs of work with Scottish Women's Hospitals, Bowerman's passport with portrait photograph, and personal correspondence (1909-1948), mainly with her mother during (1910-1911) and during her time with the Scottish Women's Hospitals unit in Romania and Russia (1916-1917) during the First World War.

        Sans titre
        RATHBONE, Eleanor (1872-1946)
        GB 106 7ELR · Fonds · 1929-1937

        The archive consists of correspondence and papers relating to Rathbone's work raising the status of women in India. Her activities covered the effort to obtain the franchise for Indian women, their legal and social status, their education and especially their efforts to make illegal the practice of child marriage. Her correspondents include some of the key women activists in India in the 1920s and 1930s such as Begum Jehan Ara Shah Nawaz (1896-1976) the first woman member of the All-India Muslim League Council, and B Muthulakshmi Reddi (1886-1968) the first Indian woman doctor.

        Sans titre
        MACKENZIE, Norman
        GB 106 7NMA · Fonds · 1937-1961

        The archive consists of papers regarding the Australian position in respect of equal pay, legal status of women, women's organisations, local government papers; press cuttings. Papers contain minutes, correspondence, questionnaires, official documents, information sheets and leaflets.

        Sans titre
        CHANDLER, Olive
        GB 106 7OCH · Fonds · [1940-1949]

        The archive consists of 1 folder containing:

        1) Letter to Miss Chandler from the National Council of Women of Great Britain explaining their aims and enclosing a list of affiliated societies, 1944 (2 items)

        2) Instructional leaflets from the National Federation of Women's Institutes, 1940s (6 items): What a Women's Institute is and what it does; Good programmes for hard times - a leaflet for programmes sub-committees; to the WI Chairman-President; to the WI Honorary Treasurer; to the WI Committee Member; to the WI Honorary Secretary.

        Sans titre
        CAPLAN, Pat
        GB 106 7PAC · Fonds · 1973-1997

        The archive consists of:

        • Women's Studies National Conference papers 1976

        • Various papers from seminars and workshops on women's studies.

        Sans titre
        HOLME, Vera (Jack) (1881-1969)
        GB 106 7VJH · Fonds · 1900-c.1962

        The archive consists of diaries, correspondence, photographs and memorabilia relating to Holme's activities as a suffragette; her work with the Women's Volunteer Reserve and the Scottish Women's Hospital Unit during the First World War; her visits to and relief work in Serbia / Yugoslavia; and her personal life and friendships. Many items across the collection relate to her girlfriend Evelina Haverfield.

        Sans titre
        PALMER, Josie (b 1903)
        GB 0101 ICS 57 · 1977 (covers 1928-1955)

        Notes of interviews by Julie Wells with Josie Palmer, active in the Communist Party of South Africa, and the African National Congress, and founder member of Transvaal All-Women's Union and the Federation of South African Women), 1928-1955, on 19 and 26 October 1977.

        Sans titre
        Boyd, Jean
        GB 0102 PP MS 36 · (1789-1934) c1900-1992

        Papers, c1900-1992, collected by Jean Boyd, relating to northern Nigeria from the late 18th century to the 1990s.

        Papers on Nana Asma'u include copies of her manuscript poems (1820-1865) and later papers relating to her work, including translations, 1976-1984. Papers on works by Shehu dan Fodio include copies of his poems on male-female relationships (1789 and undated) and later papers relating to his work, 1975-1981. Papers on works by Asma'u's female relatives and descendants include copies of poems and writings by various authors (c1860-1934 and undated) and later papers relating to the subject, c1950-1990. Other material comprises field notes on the remnants of Asma'u's disciples, the Yan Taru, 1973-1990; papers on the milieu in which Asma'u lived in Gobir, c1900-1984, including Gobir chiefs; papers, including press cuttings, on the situation of women in northern Nigeria in the 1980s, the subjects including Muslims, prostitution, women's organizations, medical matters, and women's education.

        Papers, 1903-1992, including articles, reports and press cuttings, on Sokoto relate to geological history, prehistory, palaeontology, archaeology, pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial history, the subjects including the social and economic history of the city of Sokoto, colonial administration, British fears over Mahdism, and local government and economic issues in Sokoto state in modern Nigeria.

        Three volumes contain over 500 postcards, many in colour, relating to Nigeria, including images of people, cultural events, various places, and other aspects of Nigerian life [late 20th century].

        Sans titre
        GB 106 1SOS · Fonds · 1901-1964

        The archive consists of minute books of the Society for the Overseas Settlement of British Women (SOSBW) Council, executive, finance and various committees and of Junior branch, training centre, Africa, Rhodesia, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and schoolgirl tours subcommittees; minutes of the Overseas Settlement Committee and War Services Committee; duplicate minutes for meetings of Joint Council for Women's Emigration Societies; annual reports; title deeds and legal documents; Legal, finance and hostel correspondence files; general correspondence files; pamphlets; Overseas Settlement Committee annual reports and Overseas Settlement Board reports.

        Sans titre
        Fawcett Society and its predecessors
        GB 106 2LSW · Fonds · 1871-1967

        The archive consists of CCNSWS Minutes: Executive and Finance Committee; annual reports,1871-1878, 1883-1888; correspondence; scrapbooks. CNSWS Minutes of the Executive Committee 11890-1892, 1894-1895; finance ledger 1896-1900. LSWS Minutes: executive committee 1903-1932, finance committee 1918-1939, employment committee 1919-1934, public works 1934-1944, appeals committee 1912-1918; annual reports 1911, 1914, 1935, 1936; reports of annual meeting and papers 1905-1915; committee papers 1906-1918; circular letters; resignation letters; legal documents; organisation committee files 1905-1913; correspondence; pamphlets; papers; constituency books; programmes; leaflets; handbills; posters; account book; collecting bag; badges. Junior Council of the LNSWS: executive committee minutes 1929-31, 1932-1937, 1939; various committee minutes 1928-1939; scrapbooks; annual reports; brochure; photographs. Fawcett Library committee minutes 1926-1940, 1951-1967; library reports 1940-1950; annual reports 1945-1967.

        The catalogue descriptions sometimes use the term 'holograph', usually in relation to correspondence. This means 'in the author's own hand'.

        The uncatalogued material includes minutes and campaigning material of constituent committees, reports, policy papers, correspondence and accounts papers 1930-c.1980, administration and other papers, including material related to the Women's Service Trust and about the establishment of The Fawcett Library.

        Sans titre
        GB 106 2NSE · Fonds · 1919-1946

        The archive consists of National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship (NUSEC) Minutes: Executive (1920-1928), programme and co-ordination (1920), publicity (1920), equal moral standing (1919-1921) and general purposes (1924) committees; minutes of the widows' pensions and equal guardianship (1919-1921), status of wives and mothers (1921-1924), equal franchise (1926), economic independence of women (1920-1921), married women's drafting (1924) and parliamentary (1925-1931) sub-committees; annual council agendas and report (1927-1931); annual reports (1919-1932); programmes; correspondence; leaflets; booklets. National Council for Equal Citizenship (NCEC) Annual reports (1932-1939); programmes; meetings papers; addresses; pamphlets.

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        GB 106 3LCA · Fonds · 1894-1939

        The archive consists of minutes of the Manchester and District Association committee and executive committee meetings (1894-1921), of the Lancashire and Cheshire Association executive committee (1923-1939) and rough minutes and accounts of joint committee meetings with the Manchester Vigilance Association (1915-1917); accounts including audited annual accounts (1928, 1930), cashbook (1923-1939), receipt book (1931-1939) and receipted accounts (1923-1932); annual reports of the Manchester and District Association (1898-1920) and the Cheshire and Lancashire Association (1924-1931), copies of circular letters on the revival of the latter in 1923 and manuscript notes on the history the Manchester and District Association (1893-1913); membership papers (1900; 1930-1932); correspondence (1926, 1938); publications (1901-1930); list of records (1941).

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        GB 106 3LNA · Fonds · 1875-1915

        The archive consists of seven volumes of minutes of the Executive Committee (1875-1880) including 2 copies of loose minutes of a meeting at Bristol 1875 and one in 1879; loose leaves of minute books, printed report of conference of Committee and branch representatives (1907), press cuttings, minutes of the conference on amalgamation with the British Branch and joint meeting of their subscribers (1915); 1 volume of Special Sub-committee minute book (1912, 1915), minutes of the council of the London branch (1883-1895).

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        Women for Westminster Bournemouth Branch
        GB 106 5BWW · Fonds · 1943-1946

        The archive consists of minutes of the Bournemouth branch meetings and of the Executive Committee.

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        Campaign Against Pornography
        GB 106 5CAP · Fonds · 1985-1997

        The archive consists of minutes, financial records, campaign files, policy files, press cuttings, petitions and correspondence, 1985-1997.

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        Council of Married Women
        GB 106 5CMW · Fonds · 1944-1971

        The archive consists of Minutes of the Executive Committee (1952-1959, 1969) and Annual General Meeting (1957-1964, 1967), Chairperson's reports (1953, 1956-9), papers related to the formation of the Council of Married Women, correspondence files including papers and press cuttings (1944-1970), Bills, Acts and Parliamentary file (1956-1971) and file of evidence to the Royal Commission on Marriage and Divorce (1952-1956), financial papers (1961-1969) and publications including the Bulletin.

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