Tecnología de la madera

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        Tecnología de la madera

        11 Descripción archivística resultados para Tecnología de la madera

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        GB 0074 CLC/L/CC · Colección · 1438-1958

        Records of the Worshipful Company of Carpenters, 1438-1958, including Court minute books; Court papers; registers of freedom admissions; registers of apprentice bindings; financial accounts; papers relating to charities and charitable bequests; legal case papers; and papers relating to property including deeds.

        IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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        GROOM, Professor Percy (1865-1931)
        GB 0098 B/GROOM · Created 1917-1927

        Papers of Professor Percy Groom, [1917-1930], comprising files of correspondence, reports and papers relating to timber technology, notably concerning machinery and apparatus, tests and test machines, 1918-1927; Royal Aircraft Establishment reports, 1918; supply of aeroplane timbers to Egypt, 1917; correspondence with Indian Munitions Board, Royal Air Force (India) concerning the use of timbers for aircraft construction, 1918-1919; types, properties and testing of timber, 1917-1920; use of plywood in aircraft construction, 1917; work for the Manilla Hemp Association, [1920]; dry rot, 1925-1926; wood pulp; seasoning and Powell process of seasoning, 1917; specific gravity of wood; water in wood, including warping tests; preservation of mine timbers, [1917]; analyses of infected imported timbers, 1920-1927; fireproofing, 1917-1927; home grown timbers, [1919].

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        ARCHER, James (b 1814)
        GB 0074 CLC/B/227-006 · Colección · 1850-1873

        Account book of James Archer, carpenter, for repairs carried out in the premises of Suse and Sibeth, merchants.

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        Forest School Camps records
        GB 0366 FSC · 1917-2003

        This catalogue comprises the administrative, financial and committee papers and photographs of the Forest School Camps including minutes of Council meetings, 1953-1989; papers of various committees, 1950-2003; constitution papers and annual reports, 1965-1996, various publications (including New Horizon School Camps, 1962-1977; Newsletter, 1954-1976; Pine Cone New Series, 1986 and 1997-2003; Org 4, 1997-2003; Magazine, 1964-1986; and, the Annual Programme, 1948-2001); camp logs, reports and diaries, 1935-1996; photographs, 1962-1975; interview tapes, 1997; interview transcripts, 1997; 'Our Story' and related papers, 1998-2001; songbooks and dance manuals, 1970s; catering and recipes, 1965-1985; and, guidelines for staff and camp chiefs, 1955-1986.

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        GB 2812 F · 1862-2003

        Administrative records of the Carpenters' Company, kept or created by the Company Clerk, 1862-2003, (note that the older records of these series, from c.1250, are held at the Guildhall Library Manuscripts Section, see Related material for details) comprising Clerk's Notes, 1978-2003; out-letter books, 1862-1888; reports to the Livery, 1901-1951; records relating to Company entertainment and events, namely minutes of Entertainment and Wine Committees, 1902-1929; menus, programmes, and orders of service, 1876-2003; general personnel files, 1940-2003; files concerning recruitment of staff, 1936-1983; individual staff files, 1939-2003.

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        GB 1432 Atcraft · 1881-1983

        Records of E Atkins and Atcraft furniture manufacturers of Wembley, London, comprising trade catalogues, 1913-1983; ledgers, private ledgers, day books and salary books, 1915-1960s (the run of each series is incomplete); sales summaries, 1933-1973; balance sheets, 1908, 1911, 1913-1915; articles of association, 1922; changes to articles of association, 1946; minutes of Directors' meetings, 1922-1946; designs of cartoons for nursery furniture; address book of staff and travellers; stocktaking book, 1881-1882; exhibitions accounts book, 1921-1963; address book of staff and travellers; tables of descendants of Edwin Atkins and George Clifton Sunley; papers relating to centenary celebrations of the firm, 1979; photographs of company vehicles, 1950s; press cutting of photograph of retired staff [1940s-1950s]. Many of the earlier trade catalogues bear the name of Claude Cyril Atkins, one of the Directors of the firm, and a son of Edwin Atkins the founder of the firm.

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        GB 0074 CLC/L/TF · Colección · 1593/4 - 2003

        Records of the Worshipful Company of Turners including registers of freedom admissions 1604-1759, 1789; apprentice bindings 1604-1935; charter and ordinances; Court minute books; lists of members; quarterage books; financial accounts; papers relating to turning competitions, comprising advertisements, enquiries, conditions of entry, lists of candidates, lists of specimens, awards, and newspaper reports; legal papers; inventories and papers relating to property.

        PLEASE NOTE: Some of these records are subject to a 30 year closure period.

        IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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        WOOD, Thomas (fl 1705-1746)
        GB 0074 CLC/B/227-206 · Colección · 1735-1737

        Note, account and estimate book of Thomas Wood, carpenter. He worked on the almshouses and school of the Drapers' Company in Mile End left to them by Francis Bancroft in 1728: a substantial portion of the volume contains detailed notes and calculations on the erection and fittings of the buildings to the design of Henry Barratt, architect.

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        Royal Architectural Museum Records
        GB 1968 Museum Records · Colección · 1850-1921

        Consists of records of the administrative, legal, curatorial and educational functions of the Royal Architectural Museum (RAM). Includes minute books of the Museum's committees and sub-committees, 1851-1904, and subscription lists, 1889-1902. Also comprises of legal documentation regarding the Museum's incorporation, 1888-1893; correspondence relating to royal patronage, 1869-1901; correspondence and documentation relating to the winding up of the RAM and the vesting of its property in the Architectural Association (AA), 1901-1903; correspondence, legal opinions and documentation regarding the sale of the RAM building to the National Lending Library for the Blind, 1915-1916, and property leases, agreements and insurance for the RAM premises and collections, 1869-1913. Curatorial records are also held, including correspondence relating to acquisitions, 1914; published textual and photographic material, including a catalogue and descriptive guides promoting the Museum's collections, 1855-1884; correspondence and listings dealing with the dispersal of the RAM collections to the Victoria and Albert Museum and Exeter Cathedral, 1915-1921. The educational function of the RAM is also recorded in the minutes of the Westminster School of Art (WSA) committee, 1875-1901, together with printed material, including prospectuses, [c.1851]-1852, advertising and promoting the associated School for Art Workmen. In addition, correspondence relating to the WSA's relationship with the Department of Science and Art is held, 1888-1889.

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        DRIVER, George F (fl 1928-1929)
        GB 2121 Driver · 1928-1929

        Papers of George F Driver, comprising copy of his exercise book, compiled whilst a carpentry and joinery student at Woolwich Polytechnic, 1928-1929; copy of Teachers Class Reports; copy of course details from prospectus, 1928-1929; copy of class examination results, from Woolwich Polytechnic Magazine, 1929.

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        GB 1432 London College of Furniture · 1940s-1990s

        Papers of the Shoreditch Technical Institute, the Technical College for the Furnishing Trades and the London College of Furniture, comprising prospectuses, 1940s-1990s; press cuttings, 1951-1989; student magazines, 1960s-1980s; miscellaneous ephemera and photographs; quinquennial review reports, 1960s. A selection of musical instruments manufactured by students of the London College of Furniture.

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