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    • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept4318

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      Termes hiérarchiques



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          Termes associés


          58 Description archivistique résultats pour Pont

          ACC/0965 · Collection · 1902-1906

          Proposals prepared by the County Engineer and County Architect, Middlesex County Council, including:

          proposed extensions to Willesden Polytechnic, 1902

          estimate for a new bridge across the River Colne near the Upper Mill, Stanwell Moor, 1904

          alterations to Town Hall, Feltham, 1905

          estimate for Magistrates' Court House, Uxbridge, 1906

          specification for reconstruction of Colham Bridge over the Grand Junction Canal at Yiewsley, 1906.

          Sans titre
          ACC/1524 · Collection · 1781-1953

          Records of Staines Local Board of Health, 1883-1929, comprising minute books, notice of bye-laws relating to Staines Commons and petition to Parliament for exclusion from Coal and Wine Duties Bill.

          Records of Staines Urban District Council, 1894-1946, including minute books of various Committees including the Highways Committee and the Cemetery Committee; copies of agreements; reports and inquiries; financial accounts and town planning schemes including plans.

          Records of Staines Rural District Council, 1894-1934, including Council minute books; Committee minute books; Parochial Committee minute books; reports; correspondence; housing scheme plans and town planning meetings.

          Records of parishes in Staines, 1803-1953, including poor rate books; papers relating to tithes; papers relating to maintenance of roads, including plans; minute books of various Committees; and bills for maintenance work done.

          Records of other bodies, 1828-1930, including the Commissioners of Staines Bridge; Staines Poor Law Union; Staines Joint Hospital District; Sunbury Hall Company Limited and Staines School Board.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 MS · Collection · 1853-1914

          Records of the Middlesex County Surveyor, 1853-1914. The records in this series relate mainly to the period when Frederick Hyde Pownall was County Surveyor for Middlesex. They cover two of his major responsibilities - the upkeep and repair of bridges (MS/B and MS/BC); and the inspection of plans concerned with proposed Acts of Parliament for local undertakings (MS/PU).

          Sans titre
          MCC/MIN-2 · Sous-fonds · 1889-1965
          Fait partie de MIDDLESEX COUNTY COUNCIL

          Minutes and presented papers of Special Committees, Joint Committees and Advisory Committees of the Middlesex County Council, 1889-1965:

          Airports Committee

          Arms Committee

          Auxiliary Forces Committee

          Barnet Union Committee

          Bridges Committee

          Common Interests Committee

          County Solicitor Committee

          Dyrham Park Committee

          Edmonton Union Committee

          Education Committee

          Governance Committee

          Guildhall Committee

          Health Committee

          Local Government Committee

          Medical Committee

          Member of County Council Committee

          National Insurance Committee

          Officers Committee

          Pensions Committee

          Physically Handicapped Committee

          Planning Committee

          Poor Law Committee

          Quarter Sessions Committee

          Refuse Dumps Committee

          Registration of Title Committee

          Richmond Hill Committee

          Road Stone Committee

          Testimonial Committee

          Thames Committee

          Unemployed Workmen Committee

          Vagrancy Committee

          Voluntary Hospitals Committee

          Wild Birds Committee

          Sans titre
          MRC · Collection · 1774-1872

          Minute books of the Commissioners and Committee minute books, including:

          Committee for Repair of Water Carts and Pumps,
          Committee to examine Loss of Tolls on Kensington District,
          Finance and Account Committee,
          Committee to inspect encroachments on New Road and City Road,
          Committee on Improvements at Kilburn,
          Committee at Stamford Bridge,
          Committee to confer with Hammersmith Bridge Company,
          Committee to make arrangements for lighting part of Fulham Road with Gas,
          Committee to regulate Watch and Patrol on Stamford Hill District,
          Committee to receive deputation from County Magistrate on subject of County Bridges,
          Committee to consider Tenders for Watering Roads,
          Committee on proposed road from Shepherds Bush to Hammersmith,
          Committee on proposed road from Seven Sisters to Camden Town,
          Committee for opening Tenders for Road Materials and Seven Sisters Road,
          Committee to view portion of New Road to Camden Town,
          Committee to consider tenders for bricklayers and carpenters works,
          Committee to view new road from Earls Court to Hammersmith Bridge,
          Committee to watch progress of Bill for making railway from London to Birmingham,
          Committee to protect interests of public as regards proceedings of Great Western Railway with Metropolis Roads.

          Also registers of letters received and actions taken; letter books; cash books; bank account books; annual reports of the Commissioners; reports by the Surveyors; copies of Acts of Parliament regarding roads; correspondence and financial accounts.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 O/515 · Collection · 1843

          Records of the Waterloo Bridge Company comprising Annuity transfer certificates and Share Transfer Certificate from Ann Neild to William Ashton Nield, 1843.

          Sans titre
          LCC/MIN-1 · Sous-fonds · 1889-1965
          Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

          Minutes and presented papers of meetings of the London County Council, 1889-1965. Also minutes and presented papers of London County Council Committees and Sub-Committees, as follows:

          Air Raid Precautions Committee

          Appeals Committee

          Asylums Committee

          Bridges Committee

          Building Acts Committee

          Central Public Health and Medical Services Committee

          Children's Committee

          Civil Defence Committee

          Contagious Diseases Committee

          Corporate Property and Endowments Committee

          Education Committee

          Emergency Committee

          Entertainments Committee

          Establishments Committee

          Evacuation Committee

          Finance Committee

          Fire Brigade Committee

          General Purposes Committee

          Health Committee

          Highways Committee

          Historical Buildings and Records Committee

          Housing Committee

          Improvements Committee

          Industrial Schools Committee

          Inebriates Committee

          Local Government Committee

          Main Drainage Committee

          Midwives Committee

          New and Expanding Towns Committee

          Parks and Open Spaces Committee

          Parks (special entertainments) Committee

          Parliamentary Committee

          Public Assistance Committee

          Public Control Committee

          Public Health Committee

          Restaurants and Catering Committee

          Rivers Committee

          Roads Committee

          Smallholdings Committee

          Stores Committee

          Theatres Committee

          Town Planning Committee

          Water Supply Committee

          Welfare Committee

          Welfare of the Blind Committee

          Works Committee

          Please note that copies of these minutes and papers are on open access in the Information Area.

          Sans titre
          CLA/018 · Collection · 1664-1990

          Records relating to the management of bridges in London, 1664-1990, including petitions; reports; financial papers; legal papers; publications; press releases; papers relating to building and maintenance; title deeds relating to Staines Bridge and papers relating to proposals to build 'St Paul's Bridge', abandoned at the outbreak of World War One.

          Also papers, 1868-1890, relating to the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Metropolitan Bridges which worked to free all bridges over the Thames and Lea from tolls, including papers on the Staines Bridge, Walton Bridge, Hampton Court Bridge, Kingston-on-Thames Bridge, Kew Bridge, Chingford Mills Bridge, Hellyer's Ferry Bridge and Tottenham Mills Bridge.

          Sans titre
          TOWER BRIDGE
          CLA/020 · Collection · 1870-1994

          Records of the Bridge House Estates Committee relating to Tower Bridge, City of London, 1870-1994. Records include memoranda, Acts of Parliament, accounts, staff records, contracts, pamphlets, photographs, reports and printed material.

          Sans titre
          CLA/021 · Collection · 1753-1967

          Records of the Bridge House Estates relating to Blackfriars Bridge, 1753-1967. Papers include accounts; surveyor's papers and other material relating to maintenance; wage books; reports; petitions; papers relating to tramways; photographs and programmes, including for the laying of the foundation stone of the new bridge, 1865.

          Sans titre
          COL · Collection · 1067-2004

          Records of the Corporation of London, 1067-2004, including records of the Court of Aldermen (COL/CA) and committees of the Court of Aldermen including Administration of Justice Committee, (COL/CA/AJA), Finance Committee (COL/CA/FNA), Gaol Committee (COL/CA/GAC), General Purposes Committee (COL/CA/GPA), Livery Cloth Committee (COL/CA/LCA), Magistracy Committee (COL/CA/MGA), Prisons Committee (COL/CA/PCA), Police Committee (COL/CA/PLA), Privileges Committee (COL/CA/PVA), Parliamentary Committee (COL/CA/PYA), Whole Committee (COL/CA/WCA) and various other committees (COL/CA/MIN).

          Records of the Court of Common Council (COL/CC) and committees of the Court of Common Council including Affairs of the Corporation Committee (COL/CC/ACC), Administration of Justice Committee (COL/CC/AJC), Airport Committee (COL/CC/APC), Assessment (City Of London Union) Committee (COL/CC/ASC), Accounts Committee (COL/CC/AUC), Blackfriars Bridge (Building) Committee (COL/CC/BBB), Blackfriars Bridge (Repairing) Committee (COL/CC/BBR), Bunhill Fields Committee (COL/CC/BFC), Bridge House Committee (COL/CC/BHC), Bridge House Trust Committee (COL/CC/BHT), Billingsgate and Leadenhall Markets Committee (COL/CC/BLM), Barbican Arts Centre Joint Working Party (Arts Centre) (COL/CC/BRA), Barbican Centre Committee (COL/CC/BRC), Barbican Development Committee (COL/CC/BRD), Barbican Residential Committee (COL/CC/BRR), Barbican Contracts Working Party (COL/CC/BRW), Coal, Corn and Finance Committee (COL/CC/CCF), Coal and Corn Committee (COL/CC/CCN), Coal, Corn and Rates Finance Committee (COL/CC/CCR), Civil Defence Committee (COL/CC/CDC), Civil Defence (Emergency) Committee (COL/CC/CDE), Central Markets Committee (COL/CC/CEM), City of London (Arizona) Corporation (COL/CC/CLA), City Lands and Bridge House Estates Committee (COL/CC/CLBH), City Lands Committee (COL/CC/CLC), City of London Education Committee (COL/CC/CLE), Board of Governors, City of London Freemen's School (COL/CC/CLF), City of London Freemen's (Orphans) School (COL/CC/CLFO), Board of Governors, City of London School for Girls (COL/CC/CLG), Board Of Governors, City of London School (COL/CC/CLS), City Of London School Building Committee (COL/CC/CLSB), City Of London School For Girls Committee (COL/CC/CLSG), City Of London Schools Committee (COL/CC/CLSS), Computer Sub-Committee (COL/CC/CMB), Computer Steering Group Committee (COL/CC/CMG), County Purposes Committee (COL/CC/CPC), Enquiries into the Constitution of the Corporation (COL/CC/CPR), Court Of Requests Committee (COL/CC/CRC), Central Criminal Court (Extension) Co mmittee (COL/CC/CRE), Central Criminal Court: Newson Smith Committee (COL/CC/CRN), Consolidated Committee (COL/CC/CTC), Cattle Markets Committee (COL/CC/CTM), Elementary Education Committee (COL/CC/EEC), Epping Forest And Open Spaces Committee (COL/CC/EFC), Emanuel Hospital Committee (COL/CC/EHC), Establishment Committee (COL/CC/ESC), Freedom Applications Committee (COL/CC/FAC), Food Control Committee (COL/CC/FCC), Freedom Committee (19th Century) (COL/CC/FDC), Finance Committee (COL/CC/FNC), Gaol Expenses and Finance Committee (COL/CC/FNG), Special Finance/Select Finance or Finance Committee (COL/CC/FNS), Fish Supply Committee (COL/CC/FSC), Guildhall Improvement Committee (COL/CC/GHI), Guildhall Yard East Building Committee (COL/CC/GHY), General Purposes Committee (COL/CC/GPC), Gresham Committee (City Side) (COL/CC/GRC), Joint Gresham Committee (COL/CC/GRJ), Gas/Gas And Water Committee (COL/CC/GWC), Guildhall Yard East Committee (COL/CC/GYE), City Of London Board Of Health (COL/CC/HEB), Health Committee (COL/CC/HEC), Housing Committee (COL/CC/HGC), Hampstead Heath Management Committee (COL/CC/HHM), Highgate Wood Joint Consultative Committee (COL/CC/HWJ), Improvements Committee (Corporation) (COL/CC/IMP), Improvements And Town Planning Committee (C.S/Phd) (COL/CC/ITP), Joint Advisory Committee (COL/CC/JTA), Joint Bridge House Estates and Improvements Committee (COL/CC/JTB), Joint Committee (COL/CC/JTC), Joint (P.H.D) Committee (COL/CC/JTP), Joint Bridge House Estates and Special Committee (COL/CC/JTS), Joint Bridge House Estates and Thames Navigation and Port of London Committee (COL/CC/JTT), Litter Act Committee (COL/CC/LAC), London Bridge Approaches Committee (COL/CC/LBA), London Bridge Committee (COL/CC/LBC), London Bridge Improvements Committee (COL/CC/LBI), Local Centres Examinations Board Executive Committee (COL/CC/LCE), Local Food Control Committee (COL/CC/LFC), Local Government and Taxation Committee (COL/CC/LGT), Libraries, Guildhall Art Gallery and Arch ives Committee (COL/CC/LIB), Law Bills Committee (COL/CC/LLC), Library And Museum Committee (COL/CC/LMC), Law, [Parliamentary] and City Courts Committee (COL/CC/LPC), Lunatic Asylum Committee (COL/CC/LUC), Music and Drama Committee (COL/CC/MDC), Metage on Grain Committee (COL/CC/MGC), Committees (COL/CC/MIN), Museum of London Board of Governors (COL/CC/MLB), Midsummer Prize (later Prize) Committee (COL/CC/MPC), Markets Improvement Committee (COL/CC/MRI), Joint Markets Advisory Committee (COL/CC/MRJ), Markets Committee (COL/CC/MRK), Militia Committee (COL/CC/MTC), Mayoralty 800th Anniversary Committee (COL/CC/MYA), Mayoralty Visits Committee (COL/CC/MYC), Officers and Clerks Committee (COL/CC/OCC), Officers and Clerks Committee, 1815-1834 (COL/CC/OCL), Public Health Committee (COL/CC/PBC), Prisons Committee (COL/CC/PCC), Port Health and Environmental Services Committee (COL/CC/PHE), Port and City of London Health and Social Services Committee (COL/CC/PHS), Police Committee (COL/CC/PLC), Port of London Health Committee (COL/CC/PLH), Port of London Committee (COL/CC/PNC), Policy and Resources Committee (COL/CC/PRC), Planning and Transportation Committee (COL/CC/PTC), Planning and Transportation Committee: Trees, Gardens And Open Spaces Sub-Committee (COL/CC/PTCG), Planning And Transportation Committee: Traffic Management And Road Safety Sub-Committee (COL/CC/PTCT), Privileges Committee (COL/CC/PVC), Parliamentary Committee (COL/CC/PYC), Rates Finance Committee (COL/CC/RFC), Revenue And Officers Committee (COL/CC/ROC), Special Bridge Or Subway Committee (COL/CC/SBC), Special (City Of London Court) Committee (COL/CC/SCC), City Of London School Committee (COL/CC/SCH), Secondaries And Sheriffs' Courts Committee (COL/CC/SDC), Special (Emergency) Committee (COL/CC/SEC), Special Finance Committee (COL/CC/SFC), Special (Guildhall Reconstruction) Committee (COL/CC/SGC), Select General Purposes (Porters) Committee (COL/CC/SGP), Special Housing Committee (COL/CC/SHC), Select And Special Committees (COL/CC/SIC), Special (Labour) Committee (COL/CC/SLC), Special Markets Committee (COL/CC/SMC), Special Committee (COL/CC/SPC), Spitalfields Market Committee (COL/CC/SPM), Special Police Committee (COL/CC/SPO), Special Inquiry Committee (COL/CC/SQC), Special Revenue Committee (COL/CC/SRC), Social Services Committee (COL/CC/SSC), Staff Committee (COL/CC/STF), Special Tithes Committee (COL/CC/STH), Streets Committee (COL/CC/STS), Special (War Damage Act) Committee (COL/CC/SWC), Tithe Committee (COL/CC/TIC), Thames Navigation Committee (COL/CC/TNC), Valuation Committee (COL/CC/VAC), Works Advisory Committee (COL/CC/WAC), Whole Court Committee (COL/CC/WCC), Whole Court (P.H.D.) Committee (COL/CC/WCD), Welfare Committee (COL/CC/WEC), West Ham Park: Committee Of Managers Of West Ham Park (COL/CC/WHP), Watch And Police Committee (COL/CC/WPC), Watch And Police: Day Police Committee (COL/CC/WPD) and Watch And Police: Special Day Police And Nightly Watch Committee (COL/CC/WPS).

          Records of the Comptroller and City Solicitor (COL/CCS) including Comptroller's papers (COL/CCS/CO), Plans (COL/CCS/PL) and Solicitor's papers (COL/CCS/SO).

          Records of the Chamberlain's Department including Apprenticeship (COL/CHD/AP), Bridge House Estates (COL/CHD/BH), Chamber Accounts (COL/CHD/CM), Chamberlain (COL/CHD/CP), Chamberlain's Court (COL/CHD/CR), City's Cash (COL/CHD/CT), Duties and Metage (COL/CHD/DM), Freedom (COL/CHD/FR), Institutions and Courts (COL/CHD/IC), Improvements (COL/CHD/IM), Loans and Assessments (COL/CHD/LA), Military and Naval (COL/CHD/MN), Pensions (COL/CHD/PN), Poor and other Relief (COL/CHD/PR), Rents and Rentals (COL/CHD/RN), Rates (COL/CHD/RT) and Trust and other Funds (COL/CHD/TF).

          Records of Mansion House including Administration (COL/MH/AD), Lord Mayor (COL/MH/LM), Lord Mayor's Household (COL/MH/LMH) and The Mansion House (COL/MH/MSH).

          Records of the Planning Department including Architect (COL/PLD/AR), Plans (COL/PLD/PL) and Town Planning (COL/PLD/TP).

          Records of the Remembrancer's Department including Ceremonials (COL/RMD/CE), Parliamentary (COL/RMD/PA) and Remembrancer's Papers COL/RMD/RM.

          Other records including administrative records (COL/AD); Brokers (COL/BR), charters (COL/CH), Common Hall (COL/CN), Common Hall: Livery Consultative Committee (COL/CN/LCN), Common Hall: Livery Committee (COL/CN/LVC), Livery Companies (COL/CP), Custumals (COL/CS), Community Services Department: Housing (COL/CSD/HO), Community Services Department: Social Services (COL/CSD/SS), Charities (COL/CT), Environmental Services Department (COL/ESD), Libraries and Art Galleries: Administration (COL/LBD/AD), Guildhall Art Gallery (COL/LBD/AG), Guildhall Library (COL/LBD/GHL), Officers (COL/OF), Public Health Department: Administration (COL/PHD/AD), Public Health Department: Plans (COL/PHD/PL), Plans (COL/PL), Recognizances (COL/RG), Surveyor's Department: Administration (COL/SVD/AD), Surveyor's Department: Plans (COL/SVD/PL), Town Clerks Department: Administration (COL/TCD/AD), Town Clerks Department: Civil Defence (COL/TCD/CD), Registration COL/TCD/RG, Technical Services Department: Plans (COL/TSD/PL), Sheriffs (COL/SF) and Wards (COL/WD).

          Also records arranged in Subject Series: Individuals (COL/SD), Subjects (COL/SJ) and Places (COL/SP).

          The records in the CLRO are thought to be one of the finest and most complete municipal archives in Europe. However, researchers may notice some substantial gaps and these merit an explanation. The majority of the records of the Freedom of the City prior to 1681 and the City's Cash accounts prior to 1632 were either destroyed in the Great Fire in 1666 or in another fire in the Chamber (the finance department of the Corporation) in 1786. Similarly, it is thought that a fire at the Sessions House in the Old Bailey in 1877 destroyed the early Sessions minutes and files, as well as the bulk of the supporting papers. The paucity of surviving Sheriffs' Court records for the medieval period is thought to be because these records were considered to be the personal property of a Sheriff, who might be called upon to produce records in order to account for his actions during his time in office long after his Shrievalty had ended. Similarly, it is thought the records of coroner's inquests have not survived in any quantity before 1788 because inquests were not held in a court building until relatively recently, and so the records of inquests were considered part of the personal papers of office holders rather than administrative records.

          Sans titre
          COL/CC/CLC · Sous-fonds · 1666-1968
          Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

          Records of the City Lands Committee, Court of Common Council, including journals, 1699-1870; minutes, 1703-1968; rough minutes, 1668-1698; committee papers, including reports, petitions and other documents presented to the committee, 1666-1957; City Lands and Bridge House Committees letter books, 1898-1913; report books, 1941-1965; order books, 1667-1816; warrants for payments to be made to workmen, 1873-1887; standing orders, 1793 and 1837-1909; City rentals, 1937-1950; papers of the City and Bridge House Accounts Committee, 1838-1845; papers regarding liability under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1897; powers vested in the committee by the Court of Common Council, 1668-1673 and 1796-1846 and papers regarding collection of rents and enforcement of payments, 1873-1893.

          Sans titre
          COL/CC/JTT · Sous-fonds · 1854-1855
          Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

          Records of the Joint Bridge House Estates and Thames Navigation and Port of London Committee, Court of Common Council, comprising minutes regarding petitions in respect of steam boat landings at the stairs on the Surrey end of London Bridge, 1854, and a communication made by a deputation from the Committee to the First Lord of the Treasury on necessary engineering works for the River, 1855.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 ACC/1297/MET · Collection · 1853-1933

          Records of the Metropolitan Railway Company, including minutes of Board meetings; General meetings; Finance Committee meetings; Electric Traction Committee meetings; Law and Lands Committee; Parliamentary, Law and Lands Committee meetings; Stores Committee meetings; Traffic Committee meetings; Officer's Monthly Conferences; reports; agreements; registers of accidents and special occurrences; guard books of circulars; books of diagrams; instructions to signalmen; petitions from users of the line; papers of the General Manager relating to various matters including construction of stations and line improvements, daily operations and personnel management; and publications.

          Sans titre
          Tower of London collection
          GB 2919 TOWER · 1506-1987

          Collected archive relating to the Tower of London (ToL) comprising: General Documents including Act of Parliament for regulating the nightly watch, 1756; newspaper containing account of fire at the ToL, 1774; newspaper containing account of fire at the ToL, 1788; newspapers containing accounts of the fire in the Grand Storehouse, 1841; report describing the removal of the Regalia from the Jewel House during the fire in the Grand Storehouse, 1841; report that the Public Records had not been affected by the fire in the Grand Storehouse, 1841; regulations for HM Royal Palace and Fortress of the ToL, 1878; regulations for HM Royal Place and Fortress of the ToL, 1882; account of the fire bomb raid on the ToL, 1940; regulations for HM ToL, 1946;

          General maps and plans including map of London, 1560 (mid 19th century copy); map of London, 1862 (copy); plan of the ToL, 1597 (reduced 19th century copy); plan of the ToL, 1597 (18th century copy); plan of the ToL, 1660 showing suggested alterations (copy); plan of the ToL, c.1680 (copy); plan of the ToL, 1681-1689; plan of the ToL, c.1682 (copy); plan of the area occupied by the Royal Mint, 1701 (copy); map of the Tower Liberty, 1720; map of the Tower Liberty, 1754; plans of the White Tower, 1754; plan of the ToL and St. Catherines, 1754; plan of the ToL, 1760; plans of the White Tower, early 19th century; plans of the White Tower, 1815; Ordnance Survey plan of the ToL and Tower Hill, c.1900; various plans of works carried out at the ToL, 1960-present; plan showing the re-arrangement of the area to the south of the White Tower, c.1965; plan of the ToL, 1966; elevations of the White Tower, 1966;

          General photographs of the ToL, c.1850, c.1890, c.1898; ToL and the Royal Mint, c.1850-60; ToL from the Wharf, c.1870, 1888; c.1890, c.1899, c.1910; the Cradle Tower after the reinstatement of the first floor, c.1878; interior views of the ToL, c.1880; the demolition of the Horse Armoury, 1883; ToL from the river Thames, 1888, late 19th century; the Byward Tower from the west, c.1890; the Byward Tower from the east, late 19th century; ToL from the west, late 19th century; the Grand Storehouse pediment, late 19th century; ToL from the north west, late 19th century; the Beauchamp Tower, late 19th century; photograph of the Byward Tower, late 19th century; the Middle Drawbridge soon after construction, c.1910; the White Tower, 1914; Tower Green, 1922; the entrance to the ToL, mid 20th century; the second floor of the White Tower, c.1939; Aerial photos of the ToL, 1949, c.1960, 1970, 1987;
          and stereoscopic photographs of the Bell Tower, and the Byward Tower, mid 19th century; ToL from Tower Hill, c.1870; ToL from the west, late 19th century; and the Waterloo Barracks, late 19th century;

          General guidebooks to the Tower including An historical description of the Tower of London and its curiosities, David Henry (published from 1757-1803); A new history and description of the Tower of London, David Henry (published from 1810-1834); The Tower: its histories, armories and antiquities, John Hewitt (published from 1841-1854); A short history of the Tower of London, Joseph Wheeler (published from 1842-52); The Tower of London; its armouries and regalia, H G Clarke (c.1855); A sketch of the Tower of London, A. Harman (published from 1859-1884); 1The people's history of the Tower of London and visitor's guide (c.1875); Authorised guide to the Tower of London, W J Loftie (published from 1886-1897); Authorised guide to the Tower of London, W J Loftie [much abridged version (published from 1885-1920); The Tower of London - a guide for catholics, C L Jones (published from 1913-1931); Authorised guide to the Tower of London (Ministry of Works, published from 1923-46); The Tower of London (Ministry of Works, published from 1953-1967); The Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1974); The pictorial story of the Tower of London [title varies slightly] (Pitkin Pictorials, published from 1950-1969); Her Majesty's Tower of London (Pitkin, published from 1973-1996); Royal fortress : the Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1978); The Tower of London: a young visitors guide, P Hammond (1981); Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1984); Her Majesty's fortress of the Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1987); Inside the Tower: the alternative guide, James Bartholomew (1990); The Tower of London: the official guidebook (Historic Royal Palaces, 1996); as well as a number of foreign language guides;

          documents and photographs relating to Officers of the Tower, including Report on the state of the ToL by Sir John Peyton, 1597; expenses of Sir John Peyton, Lt. of the Tower, 1598; Commission signed by Oliver Cromwell appointing John Miller, Captain and Major of the company of foot appointed to garrison the ToL, 1652; letter from Col. John Berkstead, Governor of the ToL to the Commissioners of the Navy, 1653; warrant signed by John, Lord Berkeley to Col. William Legg, Lt. Governor of the Tower, authorizing the issue and replacement of weapons, 1668; Muster roll of the ToL garrison, 1691; journal kept by George, Earl of Northampton, as Constable of the Tower, 1712-15; two letters from Viscount Falmouth to Earl Cornwallis, Constable of the ToL, 1760; warrant appointing Louis Grauze to be yeoman or under porter to the ToL, 1787; letters patent appointing Francis, Earl of Moira, to be Constable of the ToL, 1806; warrant granting William Kinchin the right to collect duty on goods landed at Iron-Gate stairs, 1808; ticket and order of service for the funeral of the Duke of Wellington, 1852; photos of nine yeoman warders with the Resident Governor, (undated); photographs of eight yeomen warders (undated).; photograph of the Officers of the Tower and the Yeomen Warders, about 1890; photogravure of yeomen warders practicing with partisans, late 19th century; photograph of 12 yeomen warders in undress uniform, late 19th century; photograph of the changing of the guard, late 19th century; photograph of the Kings House, 1914; photos of the King's House, c.1920; photograph of the ToL from the west with the signatures of the Officers of the Tower on the mount, 1917; photograph of the Officers of the Tower, 1917; photos of the handing over of the colours of the Royal Munster Fusiliers, 1923; blueprints for the sealed pattern yeomen warder's partisan, 1985;

          Documents, and photographs relating to the prison and prisoners, including Warrant signed by Henry VII for the provision of clothing and bedding to Lord Willam of Devon and William de la Pole, 1506; documents relating to the trial and execution of Robert Devereaux, Earl of Essex, 1601; warrant relating to the detention of Robert Johnstone, 1662; regulations relating to the opening, guarding and closing of the gates of the Tower, c.1680; list of inscriptions in the Salt Tower, 1856; Guidebook - A short sketch of the Beauchamp Tower, Tower of London, W.R. Dick (c.1860); Ferdinand Buschmann papers, early 20th century ; Prisoners of the Tower compiled by A.H. Cook, 1959; inscriptions in the ToL; Guidebook - Prisoners in the Tower (Pitkin, 1972-94); guide to the inscriptions in the Beauchamp Tower, c.1985; Condensed summary of prisoners at the Tower originally compiled by A.H. Cook and revised by B.A. Harrison, 1986; the first prisoner of the 20th century [Hans Lody], 1987; stereographic photographs of the block and axe, mid 19th century; stereographic photograph of the block and axe, about 1890; photographs of the interior and exterior of the Bloody Tower, late 19th century; and interiors of the Bell Tower and the Beauchamp Tower, late 19th century;

          newspaper articles relating to the prison and prisoners including the execution of James Radcliffe, Earl of Derwentwater, and William Gordon, Viscount Kenmure, 1715; the imprisonment and execution of Charles Radcliffe, 1746; the imprisonment of Lord Lovat, 1747; the release of John Wilkes from the Tower, 1763; the imprisonment and release of Brass Crosby, Lord Mayor, and Alderman Oliver from the Tower, 1771; the Gordon Riots, 1780; the imprisonment of Lord George, 1780; the imprisonment and release of Henry Laurens, 1780-82; the imprisonment and release of state prisoners, 1794; the imprisonment of Francis Burdett, 1810; the escape of Lord Nithsdale, 1816;

          material relating to the Crown Jewels including newspaper account of Margaret Moore's attempt to steal the crown, 1815; photographs of the Crown Jewels, late 19th century, and the Crown Jewels on display in the Wakefield Tower, about 1900; stereographic photograph of the new Jewel House, late 19th century; and guidebooks: The Crown Jewels (Ministry of Works, 1949-67); The Crown Jewels at the Tower of London (Ministry of Works, 1968); The Crown Jewels of England (Department of the Environment, 1986);

          material relating to the Menagerie, including broadsheets containing verses on the deaths of three lions at the Tower, 1681, and one entitled `the she lyon's speech in the Tower', early 18th century; newspaper account of a fight between a lion and two tigers, 1830; and documents relating to the presentation of animals to the Prince Regent, 1816-20;

          material relating to the Tower Record Office including letter and receipted bill from Robert Lemon, Tower Record Office, 1806; and notes of the Keeper of the Record Office, John Bayley, c.1820;

          material relating to the Tower and the Church including printed Act of Parliament granting a piece of land with the ToL for use as an additional burial ground, 1811; plan of the Church of St. Peter ad Vincula, 1842; photograph of the interior of St. John's Chapel, late 19th century; and guidebooks titled The chapels royal of St. Peter ad Vincula and St. John the Evangelist, HM Tower of London (Pitkin, 1971); and The chapels of the Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1987); Notices of the Historic Persons buried in the Chapel of St. Pete ad Vincula in the Tower of London D C Bell (London, 1877)

          material relating to Tower Bridge including photographs of the official opening of Tower Bridge, 1894; and of Tower Bridge, late 19th century; tickets and programme for the opening of Tower Bridge (1894); Welch's A Short Account of London Bridge Welch, (1894); copy of the Act empowering the corporation of London to build a bridge over the River Thames near the Tower of London (August 1885);

          there is also a collection of prints and engravings depicting people, events, external and internal view of the tower and plans;

          collection of photocopied material from the National Archives (Public Record Office) relating to the Tower, including copies and transcripts of Exchequer records, 1425-1508; Chancery records, 1455-1655; State Papers, 1569-1585; War Office records, 1681-1752; Office of Works plans; records of the Ancient Monuments Laboratory, 1739-1832; and manuscripts held in the British Library, c.1485-1715.

          Sans titre
          Bridges, Roads and Canals in Scotland
          GB 0097 COLL F · 1782-1841

          Papers mainly concerning the construction and administration of bridges, roads, piers, railways, harbours, reservoirs and canals in Scotland, 1782-1841, including correspondence of Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville (1742-1811), Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville (1771-1851), and Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Baron Dundas (1741-1820). The collection comprises letters, petitions, memorials, plans, estimates, reports, financial accounts, legal papers, trustees minutes and circulars relating to bridges including the Dee, Don, Urie, Findhorn, Montrose, Nairn, Pease, and Spey; canals including the Borrowstone Canal Navigation, the Clarence Canal, the Forth and Clyde Navigation, and the Union Canal (Falkirk to Edinburgh); ferries such as the Dysart Ferry, Queensferry, and Tay Ferries; harbours and piers notably Burntisland Harbour and Pier, Kinghorn Harbour, Hartlepool Pier, and Newhaven Pier; the Gala Water Railroad; the North Esk Reservoirs; roads in Aberdeen, Inverness, Dalkeith, Edinburgh, Glenlaidnaig, Glenlichorn, Lanarkshire, Lauriston, Perth, and Stirling.

          Sans titre
          ACC/0622 · Collection · 1824-1825

          Plan and profile of the road from Tybourne Turnpike to Bayswater Bridge, 1824.

          Plan of part of the Uxbridge Turnpike Road at Notting Hill, 1825.

          Plan for improving the line of the road at Notting Hill, 1825.

          Plan and profile of the road from Notting Hill Turnpike to Holsdon Green, 1825.

          Plan of road from Turnham Green to Shepherd's Bush, 182-.

          King's Scholars Pond Sewer (also known as the river Tyburn) from the River Thames to Mr White's Bridge, showing intended improvements, 182-.

          Sans titre
          ACC/1747 · Collection · 1876-1961

          Records of the Staines Local Board of Health, Urban District Council and Rural District Council relating to road and bridge maintenance, provision of utilities and sewer and drainage works, 1876-1961, including correspondence; agreements; memoranda; contracts; deeds; copies of legislation; petitions; orders of the Local Government Board and licences.

          Sans titre
          MBW · Collection · 1739-1912

          MBW/1901-1908: Thames Floods (estimate of works required to repair damage caused by floods and estimates of works for defence against future flooding)

          MBW/1909-1910: Redistribution Of Vestrymen (cuttings from minutes)

          MBW/1911-1913: Water Supply (reports on the metropolis water supply)

          MBW/1914-1916: Letters (in-letters, petitions, applications and out-letters)

          MBW/1917-1919: Advertisements

          MBW/1920-1924: Newspaper Cuttings

          MBW/1925-1928: Staff Lists (including duties of officers)

          MBW/1929-2309: Finance (including registers of contracts and agreements, salary books and rate books)

          MBW/2310-2420: Printed Reports (including annual reports of the Board and Committees, architect's, engineer's and fire brigade reports, papers circulated to Board members, Bills and Acts of Parliament)

          MBW/2421-2445: Contracts And Specifications for work on sewers, drains and embankments.

          MBW/2446-2653: Plans (plans submitted to Parliament, plans of local improvements arranged by parish, plans of artisan's dwellings, plans of the metropolis water supply, plans of Thames floods, plans of parks and open spaces, plans presented to the Board and to various Committees to accompany reports, memorials and proposals for improvements, creation of parks, drainage, bridges, roads and tunnels, plans of railways)

          MBW/2654-2656: District Surveyor (monthly returns and drainage applications)

          MBW/2657-2663: Bridges (Accountant's Department papers concerning claims of the bridge companies whose bridges were acquired under the Metropolitan Toll Bridges Act 1877 and the Metropolitan Bridges Act 1883)

          MBW/2664-2682: Thames Floods (volumes of duplicate copies of notices served on riparian [situated on the banks of a river] owners under the Metropolis Management (Thames River Prevention of Floods) Amendment Act 1879 and Metropolitan Board of Works (Various Powers) Act, 1882, with associated plans and riverfront elevations)

          MBW/2683-2685: Financial Records (Accountant's Department papers)

          MBW/2686-2807: Thames Floods (plans and estimates for flood prevention works and plans of river frontage with elevations of riparian [situated on the banks of a river] properties)

          MBW/2808-2812: Thames Soundings

          MBW/2813-2830: Specifications (volumes of specifications for housing, fire stations, bridges, drainage, parks, embankments and sewers)

          MBW/2831-2837: Contract Books and Registers

          MBW/2838-2840: Rate Books

          MBW/P: Plans

          MBW/OW: Office of Works (papers relating to the Chelsea Bridge and Embankment, Westminster Bridge, Battersea Park, Kennington Park and Victoria Park)

          MBW/BC: Bridge Company (papers relating to Vauxhall Bridge)

          Sans titre
          LCC/MIN-2 · Sous-fonds · 1889-1965
          Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

          Minutes and presented papers of London County Council special and joint committees, 1889-1965, as follows:

          Allegations (Council Officials) Committee

          Special Committee on the Establishment of an Ambulance Service

          Special Committee on Building Control

          Advisory Committee on the Control on the Construction of Buildings in London

          Charing Cross Bridge Advisory Committee

          Church of England Advisory Board on Spiritual Ministration

          Special Committee on Contracts

          Special Joint Committee on the provision of Coroner's Courts and Mortuaries

          Council Chamber and Offices Committee

          Special Committee on the transfer of County Business

          County Hall Luncheon Club Committee

          County Rate Committee

          Departmental Committees on the Organisation and Working of LCC Departments

          Special Committee on the Office of Deputy Chairman of the Council

          Advisory Committee on the Design of Consumer Goods

          Special Committee on Finance Bill, 1914

          Special Committee on Fire Insurance

          Greater London Regional Planning Committee

          Meetings of Heads of Departments

          Special Committee on Health Administration in London

          Hospitals Committee

          Interim Panel

          Juveniles Committee

          Lack of Employment Conference

          Joint Committee on the working of the Leyton tramways

          Loan Fund for Prospective Teachers

          Special Committee on Local Expenditure

          Local Pension Committee

          Special Committee on Locomotion and Transport in London

          London Air Terminal

          Advisory Committee on the Amendment of the London Building Act, 1930

          Special Committee on London Electricity Supply

          Special Committee on changes in London Local Government

          Special Committee on London Government

          London War Pensions Committee

          Special Joint Committee on the Control of lunatics, imbeciles and infectious poor

          Advisory Committee on combined medical appointments in Division 9 of the LCC Public Health Department

          Members and Staff Committee

          Joint Committee of Members and School-keepers

          Special Committee of Inquiry into certain matters of administration in the Mental Hospitals Department

          Sub-committee of the Provisional LCC appointed to confer with a Committee of the Metropolitan Board of Works

          Special Committee on the provision of New Offices

          Officers (Education) Superannuation Committee

          Conference on Open Spaces for recreational purposes

          Special Committee on the Organisation of the Council's Service

          Poor Law Committee

          Procedure Committee

          Richmond Hill (Preservation of View) Executive Committee

          Committee of Inquiry on Sadlers Wells

          Special Committee on Staff Appeals

          Conference on regulations in connection with Streets and Street traffic

          Special Committee on the allocation of the cost of Street Improvements along Tramway Routes

          Survey of London (Joint Publishing) Committee

          Teacher's Superannuation Committee

          Special Committee on Technical Education

          Special Committee on Thames Bridges

          Joint Committee on Thames Flood Prevention

          Special Committee on Traffic

          Tramways Committee

          Special Joint Sub-committee on the Typhoid Fever Epidemic in Maidstone and the London Water Supply

          Special Committee on the Unemployment

          Special Committee on the Valuation of Land

          Special Committee on the War Estimates

          Special Committee on the Works Department

          Please note that copies of these minutes and papers are on open access in the Information Area.

          Sans titre
          CLA/007 · Collection · 1199-1988

          Bridge House Estates papers including bridgemasters' accounts rolls, 1381-1398; bridgemaster's annual accounts and rentals, 1404-1850; weekly payments, 1404-1445 and 1505-1849; bill books, 1745-1789 and 1815-1889; receipt books, 1598-1851; cash books, 1602-1784; fair cash books, 1713-1851; rough cash books, 1713-1810, miscellaneous ledgers and cash books, 1787-1819; materials sold, 1614-1682; corn and granary books, 1568-1714; rent and arrears books, 1707-1941; papers relating to individual properties owned by the Trust, particularly leases and grants, and administrative papers.

          Sans titre
          COL/CC/BBR · Sous-fonds · 1832-1843
          Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

          Records of the Blackfriars Bridge (Repairing) Committee, comprising journals, 1833-1841; minutes, 1832-1843; rough minutes, 1834-1843 (including proceedings of Committee on 20 Nov 1838 on bringing gas into the City by mains over Blackfriars Bridge); committee papers, 1832-1843 and contracts, 1833-1841.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 ACC/0809 · Collection · 1200?-1953

          Records of Horne, Engall and Freeman, solicitors, [1200]-1953, consisting of practice papers, records deriving from clerkships and other official capacities and Mr Scott Freeman's personal records, collection of maps and prints of Middlesex and printed material on the history of Staines. The material relates predominantly to Staines but also includes Ashford, Cranford, Egham, Feltham and Stanwell.

          Sans titre
          KEW BRIDGE
          GB 0074 ACC/2103 · Collection · 1775-1836

          Records relating to Kew Bridge Tontine, comprising a tontine annuity certificate, 1775-1836.

          Sans titre
          Milliére, Jacques Louis Chaumont de La
          GB 0096 MS 530 · 1790

          Papers relating to the part of Jacques Louis Chaumont de La Millière in the creation of legislation in the Assembleé Nationale Constituante relating to the Ponts et Chauseés (or bridges and highways) of France, 1790, including:

          1. Letter from Millière to [Pierre Louis] Roederer introducing a memorandum entitled 'Observations pour servir de réponse à un mémoire sur les travaux publics du Languedoc...une partie d'administration aussi importante', 30 Oct 1790. The mémoire referred to appears to be that entitled 'Extrait d'Observations faites il y a quelques mois sur un mémoir de l'Ingénieur en chef de la cydevant province de Bretagne par lequel il proposait de conserver à Rennes l'École particulière des Ponts et Chaussées...les observations...pourront servir de réponse à un mémoire d'un directeur des Travaux Publics du Languedoc'.
          2. Letter from Millière to [Pierre Louis] Roederer, 20 Oct 1790, enclosing the 'dernières observations...sur la nouvelle rédaction du decret proposé par M. [Charles François] Le Brun [Duc de Plaisance] relativement aux Ponts et Chausées', with brief note in Millière's hand on the principles of the organisation of the Ponts et Chausées, and an item headed 'Observations sur plusiers articles du dernier projet du decret concernant les Ponts et Chausées proposés par le Comité des Finances'.
          Sans titre
          GB 0098 B/BOVEY · Created 1892-1908

          Papers of Professor Henry Taylor Bovey, [1892]-1908, comprising research papers and notes relating to the strength of materials, hydraulics and electrical engineering, design of bridges and the pin-connected principle, [1892-1902]; papers relating to engineering and mining courses, [1898-1908]; address as Imperial College Rector, 1908.

          Sans titre
          Smeaton, John (1724-1792)
          GB 0117 JS · 1741-1792

          The working drawings of John Smeaton, civil engineer. They illustrate his researches on waterwheels and applied mechanics, and the relative efficiency of overshot as opposed to undershot wheels. With supplementary engravings and manuscript notes.

          Sans titre
          CLA/019 · Collection · 1527-1872

          Records of the Southwark Bridge Company, 1527-1872, including deeds relating to freehold and leasehold property; a list of claims, offers and settlements for property acquired for building Southwark Bridge; statements by the Southwark Bridge Company in support of the intended bridge; petitions by the inhabitants of Southwark and the City of London regarding Southwark Bridge tolls.

          Sans titre
          CLA/022 · Collection · 1553-1995

          Records of the Bridge House Estates relating to London Bridge, 1553-1995. Papers include deeds; sale notices; accounts, receipts and payments; warrant books; fund raising; proceedings for compensation; papers and accounts relating to the design and building of the 1831 bridge; acts and statutes concerning the bridge; committee reports and minutes; tidal observations and reports on the river Thames; correspondence; histories of the bridge; papers and brochures regarding the demolition and reconstruction of the bridge, 1967-1980; plans and photographs. Also papers relating to the sale of stonework from the 1831 Bridge to McCulloch Properties Incorporated for re-erection at Lake Havasu City, Arizona.

          Sans titre
          ACC/0479 · Collection · 1657-1862

          Papers collected by the Chief Education Officer for Middlesex, including: An Act for Repairing the Roads in the Parishes of Kensington, Chelsea, and Fulham, and other Parishes, 1726; An Act for repairing the Highways from that part of Counters-Bridge which lies in the parish of Kensington, in the County of Middlesex, to Cranford-Bridge, in the Road to Colnbrooke, 1738; An Act for improving the Navigation of the River Lee, from the Town of Hertford to the new Cut or River made by the Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of London; and for enabling the Governor and Company of the New River the better to supply the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Liberties and Suburbs thereof, with good and wholesome Water, 1739; An Act for repairing the Roads in the Parishes of Kensington, Chelsea, and Fulham, and other Parishes; and for repairing some other Roads in the Parishes of St. George, and the said Parishes of Kensington and Chelsea, 1740; An Act for Building a Bridge cross the River of Thames, from Hampton Court in the County of Middlesex, to East Moulsey in the County of Surrey, 1750; An Act of Parliament to continue and render more effectual three Acts for repairing the Highways between Tyburn and Uxbridge, and for amending the Road leading from Brent Bridge to the Great Western Road in the said County, and for lighting, watching, and watering the Highway between Tyburn and Kensington Gravel Pits, 1769; laws relating to the Turnpike Roads, 1772; Brentford-Turnpike Acts of Parliament, with a correct list of the trustees, 1815; The General Turnpike Road Acts, passed 1822 and 1823; and the act passed for repairing the Middlesex and Essex Turnpike Roads, 1824.

          Also pamphlets "Istleworth - Syons Peace. Containing Certain Articles of Agreement made between the Right Honourable Algernoone Earl of Northumberland, etc. Lord of the Mannor of Istleworth - Syon, Peter Dodsworth, Hugh Potter and Robert Scawen, Esquires, of the One Part; and Sir Thomas Ingram knight, Sir Thomas Nott Knight, Sir John Syddenham Baronet, and others, Copy-hold Tenants of the said Mannor, of the Other Part", 1657; "The Case of the Taxes and Assessments raised upon the County of Middlesex", 1734; "To the inhabitants of (in and about) Hillington Parish Proposals For forming Charity Children", 17--; "The Case of the Late Election for the County of Middlesex considered", 1769; "A Catalogue of the classic contents of Strawberry Hill", 1842.

          Also maps: Robert Morden map of Middlesex, 1695?; John Seller map of Middlesex, 1700?; R. W. Seale map of Middlesex, 1750?; John Cary map of Middlesex, 1787?; map of Middlesex made to accompany book "The Beauties of England and Wales", by G. Cole (draughtsman) and J. Roper (engraver), 1807; "London and the Suburbs", Edward Stanford, 1862 (20 sheets held in a portfolio).

          Sans titre
          BC · Collection · 1739-1889

          Records of the Battersea Bridge Company, 1771-1882, including deeds and other legal documents; minutes of meetings; financial accounts and correspondence.

          Records of the Fulham Bridge Company, 1739-1770, comprising minutes of meetings.

          Records of the Joint Committee of the Corporation of the City of London and the Metropolitan Board of Works for freeing Kew and other bridges from toll, 1864-1889, comprising minutes of meetings and reports.

          Records of the Staines Bridge Commissioners, 1828-1870, comprising account of bonds. Records of the Vauxhall Bridge Company, comprising plans and sections of the bridge, its approaches and the riverbed, 1878-1880. Records of the Strand Bridge Company, 1809-1814, comprising share and annuities certificates.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 DD/0008 · Collection · 1802-1888

          The collection of documents listed here is incomplete. Important series of records, such as the signed minutes, the register of share transfers and all the ledgers are missing. Other series, such as the correspondence registers and out-letter books, are represented only by the last volumes. Most of the engineering records from the time of the construction of the Bridge were already missing, it seems, in 1869. (See DD/0008/1009-1010.) Tierney Clark had possibly kept them himself.

          The Company's record keeping practices were fairly simple. Under the terms of its Acts its accounts, with the related vouchers, had to be produced every year at Michaelmas before the justices of the peace at the Surrey quarter-sessions for audit. The fact that comparatively few bills and receipts and account books survive may indicate that they were normally discarded after this had been done. In the Company's last years, and probably earlier, a simple system for keeping correspondence was used. Out-letters were copied in full into copy-books. Incoming items were kept in annual bundles and their date, and brief details of their contents, entered in a register. Many of the items received in 1879 and 1880 were never entered, although the notes of their contents endorsed on them indicate that it had originally been intended to do so.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 DD/0119 · Collection · 1729-1813

          Records of Fulham Bridge Company including accounts and receipts.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 ACC/0038 · Collection · 1785-1824

          Papers relating to the Kew Bridge tontine, 1785-1824, including details of the tontine scheme; notice of auction of shares in the tontine; correspondence and papers relating to shareholders.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 O/579 · Collection · 1739-1746

          Documents relating to the Westminster Bridge inquisitions, 1739-1746. The documents relate to the acquisition of land in Westminster. For each case there is a precept for summoning a jury, a list of jurymen and their resulting inquisition. The list records the general location of the property and the owner or leaseholder concerned.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 B/CWB · Collection · 1739-1743

          Records of Westminster Bridge Commissioners, comprising volume of draft contracts and papers relating to the Bridge, including 'Act for building a Bridge cross the River Thames, from the New Palace Yard in the City of Westminster, to the opposite Shore, in the County of Surry' and articles of agreement and contracts for various aspects of building the bridge and provision of materials.

          The volume is a later re-binding, possibly of the 19th century. The contracts had been paginated, and so, presumably, bound together at an earlier date. The pagination runs from 153 to 261, the right hand (odd) pages only being numbered; the surviving items thus appear to be part only of an earlier compilation. From the note made and signed by Taylor White on p.207, and the endorsements on pp [194] and [208], it appears likely that the papers were among the working papers of the Commissioners themselves.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 LMA/4541 · Collection · 1870-1879

          Records of the Metropolitan Free Bridges Association, comprising committee minutes and a cash book.

          Sans titre
          COL/CC/BBB · Sous-fonds · 1768-1788
          Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

          Records of the Blackfriars Bridge (Building) Committee, comprising minutes, 1768-1788; rough minutes, 1778-1783 and committee papers, 1770-1771, 1782-1788 and 1835.

          Please note - earlier minute books were destroyed in 1780 when the Toll Houses on the Bridge were destroyed during the Gordon Riots.

          Sans titre
          COL/CC/BHC · Sous-fonds · 1599-1968
          Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

          Records of Bridge House Committee, Court of Common Council, 1599-1968, including journals, 1622-1866; minute books, 1667-1968; minute books relating to Bridge House Committee Excursions, 1861-1894; committee papers, 1599-1957; Bridge Masters' report book, 1881-1914; surveyor's reports to the Bridge House Committee, 1941-1965; orders and resolutions, 1611-1741, 1789-1802 and 1813-1853; warrant books, 1797-1824 and 1885-1913; standing orders, 1867 and 1938; Bridge House rentals, 1897-1950; Tower Bridge Buildings rentals, 1889-1914; advertisements for proposals for leasing land and for tenders for contracts, 1878-1902; bills, accounts and sundry papers, 1629-1826 and papers regarding the never built St Paul's bridge, 1905-1930.

          Sans titre
          COL/CC/JTB · Sous-fonds · 1869-1872
          Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

          Records of the Joint Bridge House Estates and Improvement Committee, Court of Common Council, including minutes regarding opening of Blackfriars Bridge and Holborn Viaduct by Queen Victoria, 8 Oct 1869 - 5 Dec 1872; committee papers, 1869-1870; tickets for opening, including pass tickets for Bridge and Viaduct, admission card to ceremony of opening, and programme of ceremony, 1869; plans of platforms etc. at Blackfriars Bridge, 1869; correspondence regarding the organisation of the opening ceremony and applications for tickets, 1869 and correspondence regarding the creation and provision of commemorative medals.

          Sans titre
          COL/CC/LBC · Sous-fonds · 1823-1859
          Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

          Records of the London Bridge Committee, Court of Common Council, including journals, 1823-1859; minutes, 1823-1840; rough minutes, 1823-1846; committee papers with indexes, 1823-1847; extracts from proceedings of Common Council regarding the rebuilding of London Bridge, 1821-1823; report by Thomas Telford on the effect of the rebuilding on the Thames, 1823; specification of the mode of executing the proposed new London Bridge as designed by the late John Rennie, 1823; list of Acts of Parliament regarding London Bridge with another list showing the streets affected by each Act, 1823-1842; minutes of evidence before the New London Bridge Committee, 1828; letter books, 1823-1846; order books, 1829-1834; warrant book, 1824-1847; administrative papers, financial accounts and papers relating to the opening ceremony, 1824-1847.

          Sans titre
          COL/CC/LBI · Sous-fonds · 1754-1838
          Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

          Records of the London Bridge Improvements Committee, Court of Common Council, including journals, 1822-1838; minute books, 1756-1767 and committee papers, 1754-1765, including the original signed reports and estimates of George Dance and Robert Taylor, architects.

          Sans titre
          ACC/1409 · Collection · [1912]-1952

          London County Council register of tramway track lengths, recording description and lengths of route, street length, track length and remarks, such as "conversion to trolleybus", "abandoned" and so on, [1912-1952], with enclosures: photocopy of map of tramways in the London County Council area, revised to 1931; and diagrams of track lengths in Leyton and Hammersmith.

          Sans titre
          GB 0347 D72 · Collection · 1764-1884

          The collection includes correspondence, deeds and miscellaneous records of Battersea Bridge, along with a number of records from other London bridges. There is also a small amount of material concerned with railways, canals, turnpikes and so on.

          Please note that the original order of these items had been considerably disturbed, and whilst efforts have been made to ensure that all items included in the catalogue are still present it has not been possible to do so definitively. Some items may not have been filed with their correct reference number, and additional items may be included but are not on the catalogue.

          Sans titre