Identity area
Reference code
- 1794-1878 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
6 linear metres
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
The Aldermen were responsible for the administration of Wards, and were elected by their Ward. The position of Alderman was held for life. In the 12th and 13th centuries the Wards in the City of London are still mainly identified by the name of their Alderman although the first full list of Wards under permanent names such as Dowgate or Cornhill is dated 1285. The roots of municipal government in the City of London are thus found in the activities of the Aldermen in their Wards which in the medieval period provided such public services as existed. Working individually, or in co-operation, the power of the Aldermen grew as the corporate unity of the City of London developed and they exercised both administrative and judicial functions in what became the Court of Aldermen.
The Gaol Committee of the Court of Aldermen was responsible for the administration of prisons in London, including staff appointments, supply, works, finances and enquiries into escapes.
Archival history
COL/CA/GAC 1794-1878 subfonds 6 linear metres Corporation of London
The Aldermen were responsible for the administration of Wards, and were elected by their Ward. The position of Alderman was held for life. In the 12th and 13th centuries the Wards in the City of London are still mainly identified by the name of their Alderman although the first full list of Wards under permanent names such as Dowgate or Cornhill is dated 1285. The roots of municipal government in the City of London are thus found in the activities of the Aldermen in their Wards which in the medieval period provided such public services as existed. Working individually, or in co-operation, the power of the Aldermen grew as the corporate unity of the City of London developed and they exercised both administrative and judicial functions in what became the Court of Aldermen.
The Gaol Committee of the Court of Aldermen was responsible for the administration of prisons in London, including staff appointments, supply, works, finances and enquiries into escapes.
Corporation of London Records Office.
Records of the Gaol Committee, Court of Aldermen, comprising minutes, 1817-1857; rough minutes, 1794-1795 and 1815-1816; committee papers, 1812-1866; reports, 1843-1878; orders, 1867 and 1871-1878; financial accounts, 1859-1878 and testimonials, 1849-1865.
In sections according to catalogue.
Available for general access.
Copyright: City of London.
Please see online catalogues at:
For Corporation of London records relating to prisons see: CLA/003: Holloway Prison, CLA/028: Wood Street Compter, CLA/029: Giltspur Street Compter, CLA/030: Poultry Compter, CLA/031: Southwark Compter, CLA/032: Prisons and Compters, CLA/033: Ludgate Prison, CLA/034: Whitecross Street Prison, CLA/035: Newgate Prison, COL/CA/PCA: Court of Aldermen Prisons Committee, COL/CC/FNG: Court of Common Council Gaol Expenses and Finance Committee, COL/CC/MIN: Court of Common Council Committees includes material relating to gaols and compters, COL/CC/NGC: Court of Common Council Newgate Gaol Committee, COL/CC/PCC: Court of Common Council Prisons Committee, COL/CC/SPO: Court of Common Council Special Prisons Committee, COL/PL: Plans, including plans of prisons and compters.
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. February 2009 Public administration Local government Prisons Municipal government Organisation and management Administration Prison administration Administration of justice Penal sanctions Penal institutions Government Gaol Committee , Court of Aldermen , Corporation of London Europe City of London London England UK Western Europe Aldermen Local Government Personnel
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Corporation of London Records Office.
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Records of the Gaol Committee, Court of Aldermen, comprising minutes, 1817-1857; rough minutes, 1794-1795 and 1815-1816; committee papers, 1812-1866; reports, 1843-1878; orders, 1867 and 1871-1878; financial accounts, 1859-1878 and testimonials, 1849-1865.
System of arrangement
In sections according to catalogue.
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Available for general access.
Conditions governing reproduction
Copyright: City of London.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
For Corporation of London records relating to prisons see: CLA/003: Holloway Prison, CLA/028: Wood Street Compter, CLA/029: Giltspur Street Compter, CLA/030: Poultry Compter, CLA/031: Southwark Compter, CLA/032: Prisons and Compters, CLA/033: Ludgate Prison, CLA/034: Whitecross Street Prison, CLA/035: Newgate Prison, COL/CA/PCA: Court of Aldermen Prisons Committee, COL/CC/FNG: Court of Common Council Gaol Expenses and Finance Committee, COL/CC/MIN: Court of Common Council Committees includes material relating to gaols and compters, COL/CC/NGC: Court of Common Council Newgate Gaol Committee, COL/CC/PCC: Court of Common Council Prisons Committee, COL/CC/SPO: Court of Common Council Special Prisons Committee, COL/PL: Plans, including plans of prisons and compters.
Finding aids
Please see online catalogues at:
Access points
Subject access points
- Government » Public administration
- Government » Public administration » Local government
- Administration of justice » Penal sanctions » Prisons
- Government » Public administration » Local government » Municipal government
- Administration
- Administration of justice
- Administration of justice » Penal sanctions
- Government
Description control area
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
- English