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      Términos jerárquicos


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      • Usado para Illness
      • Usado para Sickness

      Términos asociados


      558 Descripción archivística resultados para Enfermedad

      ACC/2593 · Colección · 1941

      Copy letter from the Matron of Friern Hospital, Mrs A M Blythe, 1941, describing the reception of mothers and babies from the City of London Maternity Hospital after that hospital was severely damaged by bombing, and the treatment and experiences of air raid casualties.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4244 · Colección · 1987-1995

      Subject files of the Association of District Councils (ADC), comprising:

      • the Council of the ADC's Reviews of the Structure of the ADC, 1987-1989, 1993;
      • files of the Environmental Health committee, on AIDS, 1990-1995, Nuclear Power and Nuclear Issues, 1990-1995, and Genetic Manipulation, 1990-1992;
      • files of the Housing committee, on Homelessness, 1991-1995;
      • files of the Planning committee, on Gypsies, 1990-1995;
      • files of the Selection committee, on the Rights of Way Review Committee, 1992-1995, and Common Land, 1990-1992.
      Sin título
      H/NW/1/SP · Colección · 1776-1907

      Records of the Small Pox Hospital, Saint Pancras, including registers of outpatients, giving date, from whom inoculated, name, age, residence, remarks, and notes of progress of inoculation on subsequent days of attendance, 1808-1810 and 1821-1822; register of patients showing date, name, age, period of disease on admission, employment, address, payment/name of parish, character of disease, vaccinated/otherwise, date of discharge/death, 1827-1838, (the volume also contains statistical analysis of patient admissions and deaths, 1776-1859 and a list of resident physicians, 1819-1835); and register of in-patients at the Small Pox and Vaccination Hospital, Highgate, 1879-1907.

      Sin título
      H09/HDS · Subfondo · 1842-1945

      Records of the Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, including Committee of Management minutes, 1842-1907; financial records, 1881-1945 and papers relating to endowments, 1886-1914.

      Sin título
      H15/SW · Subfondo · 1868-1990
      Parte de LAMBETH GROUP

      Records of the South Western Hospital, including House Committee minutes, 1948-1959; Catering Sub-Committee minutes, 1950-1962; architect's drawings of Stockwell Fever Hospital, 1869; architect's drawings of Stockwell Smallpox Hospital, 1869; admission and discharge registers for Stockwell Smallpox Hospital, 1871-1876; mortuary register, 1947-1963; register of staff, [1889]-1904 and photographs of the Geriatric Day Unit, 1973-1990.

      Sin título
      H35/NW · Colección · 1896-1948

      Case registers from the North Western Hospital, Hampstead, 1896-1948, providing the following information - number, date of admission, name, sex, age, address, parish or area, disease certified on admission, disease diagnosed in hospital (except for the 1st register), complications, and date of discharge, transfer or death.

      Sin título
      H41/HG · Colección · 1897-1976

      Records of Hither Green Hospital, 1897-1976, including case notes, registers of admission and discharge, creed, post-mortems, operations, and casualties; records of staff service and conduct and Chaplain's records.

      Sin título
      H57 · Colección · 1930-1979

      Patient case files from the Portman Clinic and the Tavistock Clinic, 1930-1979.

      Sin título
      MCC/HS/C · Colección · 1944-1965

      Records of the Middlesex County Council Health Department relating to care and after care, 1944-1965, including papers relating to the care of tuberculosis patients; papers relating to chiropody clinics; papers relating to mother and baby homes; papers regarding the provision of nursing equipment; papers relating to the provision of invalid kitchens and laundry services.

      Papers relating to the Health Education Scheme including lecture notes; public information film '52 Small Bones' on the care of children's feet; papers of the Smoking and Lung Cancer Committee; papers of the Fluoridation Information Service; policy relating to accidents in the home; papers relating to diabetes; papers regarding Well Women's Clinics, and papers regarding venereal diseases. Also papers relating to recuperative holidays including registers of cases; sample of case papers of those sent on recuperative holidays, and registers of recuperative holidays for children.

      Sin título
      MCC/HS/SH · Colección · 1944-1965

      Records of the Middlesex County Council Health Department relating to school health, 1944-1965, including general files relating to: juvenile delinquency, physically disabled pupils, special schools, blind and partially sighted pupils, education of the deaf, residential schools, epilepsy, mentally deficient pupils, medical inspections, ear, nose and throat clinics, dermatological survey of schoolchildren, provision of medicines and vitamins, child guidance centres, holiday camps for diabetic and epileptic children, speech therapy, first aid equipment, accidents, employment of children, 'latch-key' children, school canteens, head lice, ophthalmic treatment, colour vision testing, orthopaedic treatment, physiotherapy, surveys of the health and development of children, precautions against tuberculosis, vaccination, maladjusted children, dyslexia, control of infectious diseases and school meals.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 O/434 · Colección · 1849

      Printed Order in Council from the Court at Balmoral, 5 September 1849, stating: "[it is] ordered that the Archbishop of Canterbury do prepare a Form of Prayer on account of the great mortality caused by the Cholera; and that such Form of Prayer be used in all churches and chapels in England and Wales". The sheet had been used to seal up a small package and is inscribed on the dorse: "Relics and mementos of my darlings gone, Sep. 15 1849".

      Sin título
      LMA/4474 · Colección · 1888-1988

      Records of the West London Mission, 1888-1988, including minute books from Staff meetings, Finance Committee meetings, Foreign Missionary Committee meetings, Local Preacher's meetings, Women's Work Committee meetings and Sunday School Committee meetings; financial accounts; general correspondence; annual reports of the West London Mission; annual reports of the Social and Redemptive Work amongst Women and Girls; annual reports of the West London Rehabilitation Centre for Alcoholics; publication Portraits and Pictures of the West London Mission (1893); newsletters and magazines; advertisements and appeals; photographs.

      Also Kingsway Hall Trust lettings ledger; Kingsway Hall collection journal and Kingsway Hall Creche Committee papers and promotional brochures.

      Sin título
      H62/SH · Colección · 1888-1977

      These records consist of photographs of the staff of the Southern Hospital, Dartford; and plans of Gore Farm Convalescent Hospital, Gore Farm Lower Hospital, Southern Lower Hospital, Southern Hospital and Mabledon Park, Darenth.

      Sin título
      COL/CC/HEB · Subfondo · 1831-1834

      Records of the City of London Board of Health, Court of Common Council, including minutes, 1831-1834; extracts of relevant Common Council minutes, 1831-1833; committee papers, 1831-1833, including ward and parish returns as to state of poor, condition of cesspools and privies, Nov 1831, weekly returns of sick from wards and daily reports of diarrhoea and cholera cases; letter book, 1831-1833; account book, 1831-1833; volume of letters and reports including many from Sunderland where cholera first appeared in England; collection of printed notices and memoranda with three manuscript letters concerning cholera and precautions against cholera in Bengal, Odessa, and Europe, 1831-1833 and daily reports of cholera cases, issued by the control Board of Health giving number of new cases, dead, recovered etc. in London and elsewhere.

      Sin título
      COL/ESD · Subfondo · 1872-2003

      Records of the Environmental Services Department, 1872-2003, as follows:

      Records of the Port Health Authority including papers of a conference 'for the purpose of promoting unity of action and taking into consideration the necessary measures for the prevention of the introduction and spread of Cholera', 17 Feb 1893; papers relating to the hospital ship RHIN, 1872-1884; reports of the Medical Officer for the Port of London, 1880-1884; regulations and reports relating to shellfish, 1915-1917; copies of Acts of Parliament relevant to the Port Health Authority, 1891-1936; report of visit by Mr Mackie, Chief Sanitary Inspector, Port Health Authority, London, to the foreign Quarantine Division, United States Public Health Service, 1951; records of inspection of imports, 1965-1973; Technical Assistant handbook, 1977; summary of powers and duties of the Port Health Authority, 1957 and 1967; accounts of the history of the Port Health Authority, 1942, 1972 and 1972.

      Records of the Cleansing Department including papers relating to staffing, 1942-1948 (closed until 2024); booklets relating to the Cleansing Depot and Wharf at Walbrook, 1963-1985; report from a conference on litter, 1967; A Clean City is Our Business, a folder issued by the Cleansing Department, giving advice on the responsibilities of the Corporation towards its ratepayers regarding waste disposal, 1992 and offprint of article "The City of London: A Waste Management History" by Alfred Dunitz, in Wastes Management, the monthly journal of the Institute of Wastes Management, 1993.

      Also byelaws relating to the Animal Quarantine Section, Heathrow Airport, 2000-2003 and leaflet describing the service, 1994.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/2425 · Colección · 1895-1984

      The collection contains minutes of the NUTC and the LUTC from their foundation to the 1950's. Files date from the 1940's to 1984. It also contains a minute book of the Sunday Closing Special Campaign Committee (SCSCC) which transferred its work to the NUTC in 1903 (this Committee may have been appointed by the NUTC). The secretary of the NUTC (and LUTC) also served as one of the two general secretaries on the SCSCC. A minute book of the Free Churches Pledge Signing Campaign Committee (FCPSCC) appears in the collection. This committee was dissolved in 1911. Representatives of the NUTC and LUTC attended meetings which were held in Memorial Hall, Farringdon Street, and in 1911 the secretary of the NUTC and LUTC was also secretary of the FCPSCC.

      A minute book of the Society of Cogers appears in the collection probably because an NUTC member, H. Weightman (later NUTC secretary and treasurer), was acting secretary of the society c.1919.

      The recording of financial income and expenditure into ledgers was not always done. A number of blank ledgers deposited suggest the aim of entering such information, but it was never achieved. An almost complete set of audited, annual summary accounts from 1911 to 1975 provide the bulk of information on finance.

      Sin título
      Falkener, Lyon (1867-1947)
      GB 0120 MSS.6802-6809 & 7990-7995 · 1861-1948

      Lecture notes, case notes and abstracts of printed works compiled by Lyon Falkener in various professional positions, 1861-1948: most importantly as locum tenens at Claybury Asylum and the Western Fever Hospital, Fulham, and as Assistant House Surgeon at the Metropolitan Hospital, London. A few personal items, largely testimonials and photographs supplement these, together with medical papers by Falkener. Falkener's later career as a general practitioner at Icart, Guernsey, is represented by a collection of his prescriptions.

      Sin título
      Gordon, Charles George (1833-1885)
      GB 0120 MSS.6894-6901 · 1856-1884

      Letters and papers of Charles George Gordon, known as 'Chinese Gordon' and later 'Gordon of Khartoum', with related letters by his brother, Colonel S.E. Gordon, and Captain C Orde Browne, 1856-1884.

      The letters and papers document many aspects of Gordon's career, including his service in China and the Sudan. They shed light on his political views, religious faith and personal ambitions and are especially important in showing his interest in biblical history and archaeology.

      The letters were largely addressed to fellow officers in the Royal Engineers.

      Sin título
      Recipe Book Collection
      GB 0120 MSS.7722-7731 · 18th century-19th century

      A small collection of English medical and cookery receipt books, assembled from several sources, 18th-19th century.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 MSS.8597-8603 · 1941-2008

      Four lecture notebooks of Hedwig (Hedy) Lehmann when she was a medical student, covering the period 1942-1945. These items shed light on the curriculum and teaching methods in nursing training in England during the Second World War period. With additional original and copy documents relating to H Lehmann and her nursing career, and transcript of an interview H Lehmann gave to historians Sybille Baumbach and Beate Meyer in London May 1991 investigating the history of the Jewish community in Hamburg during the years up to and including the Second World War.

      Sin título
      Dent, Charles Enrique (1911-1976)
      GB 0120 PP/CED · c.1940-1977

      The vast majority of the material relates to Dent's research and clinical interests and falls into four main categories: correspondence files; files created around the publication of papers; lecture notes and symposium papers; and case/research notes. There are also smaller quantities dealing with other aspects of his career, such as the administration of UCH Metabolic Ward. The papers thus reflect most of Dent's scientific and clinical interests. This research is mainly represented by the abstracted documentation which he kept with drafts of his published papers (see section E.1) and also by correspondence about cases and clinical case notes (see section C.5). To a lesser degree they also illustrate the work at the laboratory bench which underpinned much of this research. For example, a file of unidentified paper chromatograms has been preserved (C.2/10) to illustrate one of Dent's methods of working, as described by his colleague, Heathcote, and quoted in the Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 1978: 'Paper chromatograms were not to be thrown away. They were filed and, since the colours faded, the outline of each spot was drawn in and the intensity of the colour was indicated by a number.' The way in which Dent compiled a large series of files around drafts of scientific papers also illustrates the importance of the published paper to him as a stage in the research process. An incomplete collection of reprints of Dent's published papers may be found in section E.2 of the collection.

      Sin título
      Chick, Dame Harriette (1875-1977)
      GB 0120 PP/CHI · 1906-1974

      Papers of Dame Harriette Chick: this collection represents a relatively limited record of Chick's long and active career. It is particularly strong on the period around her important work in Vienna, 1919-1921, and includes some material relating to other research on nutritional questions.

      Sin título
      Fletcher, Charles Montague (1911-1995)
      GB 0120 PP/CMF · 1886-1996

      Papers of Charles Montague Fletcher including material relating to his father and the various organisations that Fletcher was involved in, including ASH, section J, from 1983-1995; Institute of Medical Ethics, section F, 1992-1993; and the working party for patient information leaflets covering the period 1980 - 1990, section F. Section C comprises articles and correspondence for the period 1984-1993, relating to Fletcher's involvement in the clinical trials of penicillin. Section D concerns Fletcher's work in television and communication skills of the medical profession, 1967-1983. Other issues touched upon include general material on smoking, pneumoconiosis and asthma; euthanasia, including some material on the Voluntary Euthanasia Society; and much material relating to medical communication.

      Sin título
      Craigie, James (1899-1978)
      GB 0120 PP/CRA · 1937-1970s

      Papers of James Craigie including reports, notes, and articles on cancer, typhus, typhoid and polio, spanning the years 1937-1957; also personal papers and photographs. Unfortunately hardly any correspondence survives. Craigie made important discoveries in virology; in particular, during the 1940s in Canada, identifying different types of typhoid strains and other viruses and the bulk of the collection comprises his memoranda produced at the Connaught Laboratories in Canada.

      Sin título
      Pochin, Sir Edward Eric, (1909-1990)
      GB 0120 PP/EEP · 1940-1989

      Papers of Sir Edward Eric Pochin, 1940-1989. The collection in no way reflects the entirety of Sir Edward's life's work; he may have discarded much himself when he retired officially. For the most part, the papers suggest that he had decided to keep only those of personal value, a relatively few relating to his clinical research on iodine isotopes and the thyroid gland, and those concerning his current working interest at the time of retirment. This was the 'Index of Harm': in the last ten or so years of his life he was primarily engaged in amassing vast amounts of data and statistics for the purposes of quantifying the risks and harm resulting from exposure to radiation as well as from occupational injuries. Also present are correspondence with Sir Thomas Lewis, 1940-1945, and records of research and treatments in the Medical Research Council Clinical Research Department at University College Hospital, London, 1947-1970s.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 PP/FAK · [1934-1990]

      Papers of Henry Foy and Athena Kondi, [1934-1990], comprising:

      (A) records of haematological research into B vitamin deficiencies including records of serum tests, biopsies and post mortems on baboons, plus correspondence, reports and photographs, 1963-1977;

      (B) surveys of anaemia and sickle cell anaemia in Mozambique, Kenya, Sudan, India, Mauritius, 1951-1974; survey of tropical sprue, 1962-1969;

      (C) publications by Foy and Kondi, particularly on blackwater fever and anaemias in the tropics, 1935-c 1990;

      (D) reference files of articles and reprints, mid 20th century-late 20th century;

      (E) photographic material relating to research, and of the countries where Foy and Kondi worked, c 1934-1988

      Sin título
      Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)
      GB 0120 PP/FPW · 1886-1962

      The papers of Frederick Parkes Weber, 1886-1962, consist of case notes from his Harley Street and German Hospital practices, some very fine annotated clinical photographs, and (the bulk of the collection) a large number of volumes and bundles dealing with a vast array of diseases and medical conditions, usually accreted around an original paper by Parkes Weber himself. He described how these 'small collections and bundles around kernels of my earliest writings on the subject' evolved in a letter to the Librarian, Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 27 Feb 1958: "I was in the habit of surrounding my own writings with manuscript and printed correspondence, and all kinds of cuttings and small articles bearing on the subject. Many interesting autograph letters and small essays have in this way become buried and practically altogether lost." These had become 'gradually very extensive, and many of them have become dislocated and unmanageable'. On examination they have been found to include reprints and cuttings of articles, case notes, notes and annotations, correspondence, and photographs. There is also material on more general philosophical questions, and relating to his book Aspects of Death and other publications, and a little personalia and correspondence. Diaries apparently received with the papers were returned to Parkes Weber late in 1958 to assist in the preparation of the notes published as Miscellaneous Notes (see PP/FPW/D.11) and seem never to have been returned to the Wellcome Library (Parkes Weber to Dr Poynter, Wellcome Historical Medical Library, 24 Dec 1958 and 11 Feb 1959). This is a collection of major importance for the medical historian.

      Parkes Weber had a very active life during a period of unprecedented developments in medicine. He produced well over 1000 articles, and was particularly interested in rare diseases and conditions: conditions with which he is eponymously associated are Rendu-Osler-Weber disease (familial telangiectasis), Weber's diseases (localised epidermolysis bullosa), Weber-Klippel syndrome (haemangiectatic hypertrophy of limbs), Weber-Christian disease (relapsing febrile nodular non-suppurative panniculitis) and Sturge-Weber-Kalischer disease (angioma of brain revealed by radiography). His papers also include much on more common ailments and phenomena, on balneological and climatological treatment, healthy life-style and the promotion of longevity, social medicine, etc. His associates and colleagues included many of the great names in medicine of his day.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 PP/HAD · 1920s-1970s

      Papers of Professor Sir Alexander Haddow including correspondence, diaries, autobiographical notes, photographs; scientific notes, 1920s-1970s.

      Sin título
      Macdonald, Professor George
      GB 0120 PP/MAC · 1938-1977

      Papers of George Macdonald dealing predominantly with the later stages of his career, 1938-1977, although there is some material relating to his pre-war activities. They reflect his work as an international figure in the prevention and control of malaria, his involvement with numerous governmental and non-governmental bodies, his relationship with colleagues, his numerous tours on professional business, and his research and writing.

      Sin título
      Mellanby, Sir Edward
      GB 0120 PP/MEL · 1896-1974

      Papers of Sir Edward Mellanby, 1896-1974, notably relating to his research interests in vitamins, nutrition and deficiency and material on his activities subsequent to his retirement as an advisor on questions of research and medical administration. May Tweedy married Edward Mellanby in 1914 and collaborated in his research throughout the rest of their lives together, as well as working independently. It can thus be seen that it is not altogether easy to differentiate between the papers of this couple; for example in Section C of Sir Edward's papers are included a number of files and volumes relating to his wife's work as his associate, while her diaries in Section E contain details of her husband's activities as well as her own. Although Lady Mellanby was Sir Edward's collaborator throughout the course of his career, her papers are on the whole distinct from his and concentrate on her work in research into dentition and dental problems. They are therefore listed separately, and the list annotated at relevant points where there is an overlap. It is clear that these papers are not a complete record of the Mellanbys' careers. It is likely that following Sir Edward Mellanby's death, when the material underwent various moves, some items were lost. However, as for 16 years he was Secretary of the Medical Research Council, the record of those years is to be found among the files of the MRC, although details of the relevant files at the MRC are not yet available.

      Sin título
      Pappworth, Maurice, (1910-1994)
      GB 0120 PP/MHP · 1931-1994

      Papers of Maurice Pappworth comprising writings, notes, articles, correspondence, draft chapters, and photographs, 1960s-1990s. Subjects include material relating to his concern in ethical issues arising from experiments on humans, Section C, to Section D on organ transplants and brain death as well as Jewish medical ethics, 1964-1994. It is interesting to note the reactions that Human Guinea Pigs stirred up within the medical profession in Section C, 1958-1991. With regards to not being elected a Fellow of the RCP, Section E highlights how other doctors were appalled at the length it took for him to be elected (see letters of congratulations), 1961-1993.

      Sin título
      Harris, Noel Gordon (1897-1963)
      GB 0120 PP/NGH · c 1934-1963

      Papers of Noel Gordon Harris including correspondence; records of involvement in teaching and policy-making in psychiatry, and in treatment, especially of epilepsy, c 1934-1963.

      Sin título
      Scott, Sir Ronald Bodley (1906-1982)
      GB 0120 PP/RBS · 1931-1982

      Papers of Sir Ronald Bodley Scott including biographical items; notes, including relating to cases at St Bartholomew's Hospital, 1950s; unpublished papers and lectures.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 PP/RKF · 1900-1984

      Papers of Rudolph Karl Freudenberg and Gerda Freudenberg relating to psychiatric practice at Netherne Hospital, Freudenberg's involvement with various professional bodies, and his writings on psychiatry, 1930s-1970s.

      A. Rudolph Karl Freudenberg's Personalia

      1 Personal papers and correspondence; 2 Offprints and publications; 3 Unpublished general papers; 4 Conferences; 5 Files of rough notes; 6 Films

      B Netherne Hospital

      1 Published articles and reports; 2 External reports on Netherne; 3 Unpublished articles on Netherne (excluding training); 4 Material for training; 5 Netherne Magazines; 6 Committees and meetings; 7 Printed guides; 8 League of Friends and other voluntary help; 9 General planning and memoranda; 10 Day hospitals and hostels; 11 Occupational and industrial therapy; 12 Rehabilitation (wider than purely industrial); 13 Questionnaires and forms; 14 Censuses; 15 Art; 16 Other directly Netherne material; 17 Photographs and slides; 18 Audio tapes; 19 Films; 20 Related material - not specifically Netherne

      C Department of Health and Social Security

      D Local related bodies

      1 Cheshire Home, Wimbledon; 2 Schizophrenia Research Fund; 3 Surrey Council for Mental health; 4 Surrey Group of National Schizophrenia Fellowship; 5 Reigate and District Association for Mental Health; 6 National Association of League of Hospital Friends; 7 Disablement Income Group, Godalming; 8 Share Community Ltd; 9 Surrey Resettlement Ltd; 10 West Lambeth Community Health Council; 11 Industrial Therapy Organisation (Epsom) Ltd; 12 London Borough of Sutton: review of Health and Welfare Services; 13 Orpington Mental Health Association

      E Other bodies

      1 King Edward's Hospital Fund; 2 Mental Health Research Fund; 3 National Association for Mental Health; 4 Royal Medico-Psychological Association later Royal College of Psychiatrists; 5 Medical Research Council; 6 General Nursing Council 7 The Council for Music in Schools; 8 Council of Europe; 9 World Health Organisation

      F General offprints

      Sin título
      Rogers, Sir Leonard (1868-1962)
      GB 0120 PP/ROG · early 20th century - mid 20th century

      Papers of Sir Leonard Rogers, early-mid 20th century, including diaries, diary notes, personal material, experimental notebooks, drafts of books and articles, correspondence, and notes on various (mainly tropical) diseases, particularly cholera, leprosy, and tuberculosis; reprints.

      Sin título
      Sargant, William Walters (1907-1988)
      GB 0120 PP/WWS · c1920s-1987

      Sargant was an outspoken supporter and practitioner of what he termed the 'practical rather than philosophical approaches' to the treatment of mental illness, pioneering and publicising various physical treatments and vociferously opposing the use of psychoanalytic techniques. The majority of the collection consists of his writings, both published and unpublished, supplemented by a small quantity of correspondence and other material. In addition, the collection contains clinical records for about 500 cases from Sutton Emergency Hospital in the 1940s. As well as covering clinical subjects (in Sections D, E, and F) and Sargant's views on the practice of psychiatry in general (Section B), the collection also contains material relating to his interest in the related issues of religious conversion and brainwashing (Section G).

      Sin título
      GB 0120 SA/BAC · 1976-1993

      The records cover the period 1976-1993, although the majority of the records date from 1985-1993. Many sections of the archive are complete - minutes of the Executive Committee, 1985-1993; annual reports, 1986-1993 and newsletters, 1986-1993. The archive also contains a great deal of information relating to other cancer organisations, both in this country and abroad.

      Sin título
      British Medical Association
      GB 0120 SA/BMA · 1888-1988

      Papers of the British Medical Association compring files [1915-1960], from the following subject series: Medico-Political, Science, Groups, Ethics, Public Health, Hospitals, Organisation. Also incomplete set of copy minutes of Council, Committees and of the Annual Representatives' Meetings and Special Representatives' Meetings, [1907-1982].

      Sin título
      GB 0120 SA/CMO · 1902-1974

      These records contain material dealing with all aspects of County Medical Officers' work. The broad categories are: minutes, 1902-1907 and 1918-1974; correspondence, 1939-1974; plus a few photographs and miscellaneous items, 1905-1972.

      Among the papers are several boxes of records generated by Dr Ramage's role as Association of County Medical Officers of Health representative on the Public Health and Housing (subsequently Health and Welfare) Committee of the County Councils Association. These consist of minutes and other circulated papers and subject files of correspondence, etc. As these records are not duplicated in the holdings of the Association of County Councils (formerly the County Councils Association) they have been retained as of considerable interest on local government health matters.

      Sin título
      Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
      GB 0120 SA/CSP · 1894-1991

      The archive of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy provides a comprehensive record of its activities and development, dating back to its foundation - with two press cuttings books of the 1894 'massage scandals' (P.1), and Council minutes from 1894 onwards (B.1). The core of the collection is formed by complete runs of minute books for the various committees. There are no committee working papers or correspondence files other than those bound with the minutes. Papers relating to education and examination including minutes for all the major committees and sub-committees (C.1), and material relating to the actual administration of examinations: syllabuses, examination papers, result books and reports (C.2). Records relating to membership including membership registers 1895-1975, published lists of members 1920-1986 and minutes and registers of the fund and prize committees 1949-1957 (D). Records of some branches and special interest groups within the CSP can be found in section J.

      Material relating to protecting and improving the status of its members within the medical profession can be found in section F, especially in connection with the debates on the place of physiotherapy within the NHS - training, conditions of service and its existence as a profession distinct from others such as occupational therapy. These topics are also discussed in publications (N). Other publications illustrate specific physiotherapy and lifting techniques and advertise physiotherapy as a career. Section P contains 'historical' material relating to the early years of the Society: the 'massage scandal' press cuttings, and correspondence re the Harley Institute massage school 1912-1914. Section P also contains material relating to the writing of the Society's commissioned histories, and personal papers and reminiscences, including a group of papers and photographs relating to Olive Guthrie-Smith and the Swedish Institute, (later St Mary's Hospital School of Physiotherapy), 1904-1939. There is a substantial photograph collection (Q.1), dating from 1900-1980, illustrating many aspects of the Society's work as well as specific treatments and hospital departments. There are also nine films (Q.5), 1942-1976, illustrating techniques, training and events; sound recordings (Q.3); and a series of tapes of oral history interviews recorded in 1992 (Q.4).

      Sin título
      GB 0120 SA/MSS · 1953-1977

      Papers of the Multiple Sclerosis Society (MSS), 1953-1977, comprising general files relating to the MSS headquarters, 1953-1976; medical files relating to the MSS headquarters, 1955-1976; files relating to MSS regional branches, 1954-1977; and records relating to the International Federation of Multiple Sclerosis Societies, 1955-1977.

      Sin título
      National Birthday Trust Fund
      GB 0120 SA/NBT · 1928-1993

      Papers of the National Birthday Trust Fund (NBTF), 1928-1993, comprising minutes; committee papers; records of annual general meetings; accounts; administration including maintenance of the building; correspondence relating to members, other organisations and individuals; fundraising and publicity; records relating to analgesia; records of research projects funded by the NBTF; reports to outside bodies; surveys; records relating to the Perinatal Mortality Survey, 1958; records relating to the British Births Survey, 1970; press cuttings; miscellaneous papers; administrative records of the Joint Council On Midwifery; records relating to the Abortion Survey conducted by the Joint Council On Midwifery; records relating to the Nutrition Survey conducted by the Joint Council On Midwifery; personal papers of Juliet, Lady Rhys-Williams DBE (1898-1964), founder member and Chairman for a period until her death; and records relating to non-NBTF organisations.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 SA/NPT · 1890s-1990s

      Papers of the National Association for the Prevention of Consumption and other forms of Tuberculosis, successor and associated bodies, 1890s-1990s, comprising administrative records of the Association including Council and committee minutes, financial records, correspondence, publications, leaflets and posters; records of the organisation of the 1901 British Congress on Tuberculosis; records of pre-existing charitable funds that were amalgamated into the Association, notably minutes of the Spero Fund and of the Queen Alexandra Sanatorium and related Funds; administrative and patient records of the Queen Alexandra Sanatorium, Davos, Switzerland, 1890s-1920s; and a minute book for the Cambridgeshire Tuberculosis After-care Association, 1916-1935.

      Sin título
      Society of Medical Officers of Health
      GB 0120 SA/SMO · 1856-1998

      Papers of The Society of Medical Officers of Health, 1856-1998, comprising the constitution, 1892-1993; council records, 1856-1997; records of the general purpose committee, 1937-1981; records of the standing and temporary committees, and working parties and joint meetings, 1892-1996; general meeting records, 1856-1997; attendance books, 1872-1965; financial records, 1892-1996; members lists, 1895-1997; publications and official publicity, 1856-1997; historical material, 1866-1908; comments and evidence c 1879-1998; miscellaneous files, c 1879-1998; records of special interest groups, 1920-1997; papers, minutes and publications relating to the Society's Faculty of Community Health, 1988-1998; public health literature and sources, 1902-1997; files relating to the journal The Medical Officer, 1897-1973; non-Society records documenting public health measures, policies and issues in the first half of the 20th century; and minutes, files, transcripts of papers, correspondence, photographs, and ephemera relating to the regional Branches and Groups of the Society, 1875-1997.

      Sin título
      Strangeways Research Laboratory
      GB 0120 SA/SRL · c 1901-1988

      Papers of the Strangeways Research Laboratory, c 1901-1988, comprising papers of T S P Strangeways; annual reports including 1929-1950; minutes and correspondence of the Trustees, 1929-1971; account books and ledgers, 1929-1970; papers relating to funding from various bodies, 1929-1975; papers relating to Medical Research Council funding, c.1962-1969; papers relating to grants, c.1963-1970 and c.1967-1980; administrative records, 1931-1971; general correspondence, 1942-1947, 1954-1956, and 1965-1970; assorted files, 1930s-1960s; miscellaneous historical material including research by George Eric Howard Foxon; minutes of the Radium Commission, 1932-1943; and papers relating to C F Robinow, E M Brieger and Michael Abercrombie.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 SA/SSA · 1920s-1970s

      Papers of the Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol and other Drugs, 1920s-1970s, comprising minutes, 1921-1969 and 1976; registers of attendance, 1904-1939; financial records, 1930s and 1960s; and uncatalogued meeting papers and correspondence, 1965-1968. Including minutes of the London Society for Study of Addiction, 1965-1967.

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      Acheson, James Alexander (1892-1968)
      GB 0120 WTI/JAA · Colección · 1925-1926

      Book of case notes, illustrated with photographs showing patients' progress, regarding yaws in the Kasempa District of Northern Rhodesia, 1925-1926.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 WTI/RST · 1866-2002

      Administrative records relating to the foundation of the Society, its premises and individual members, 1906-1979, including correspondence, diaries, notebooks, obituaries and photographs.

      Papers of members, formerly held by the Society, including Sir Patrick Manson (1844-1922), Sir David Bruce (1855-1931), and Sir Philip Manson-Bahr (1881-1966).

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      Cinchona-Institute, Amsterdam
      GB 0809 CI · 1896-1957

      Papers of Cinchona-Institute, 1896-1957, comprise publications and reprinted extracts largely from medical journals concerning quinine and the treatment of various diseases including malaria. Publications, 1896-1952, largely concern quinine and its medical uses and notably include Influenza Prophylaxis Chininum (Bureau tot bevordering van het kininegebruik, Amsterdam, 1933-1934) and The Therapeutics of Malaria (Bureau for increasing the use of quinine, Amsterdam, 1933). Extracts collected from various sources, 1948-1957, notably include 'Malaria in Nigeria' by Leonard J Bruce-Chwatt of Medical Service, Medical Department, Lagos-Yaba, Nigeria, 1951; 'Malaria and its control for planters and miners' by G Macdonald, The Ross Institute Industrial Advisory Committee, Bulletin No. 7 November 1952 (revised March 1953) and also include extracts from Indian Journal of Malariology, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and British Medical Journal.

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