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          Instituciones de enseñanza

          810 Descripción archivística resultados para Instituciones de enseñanza

          810 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
          GB 1556 WL 515 · Colección · 1880-1910

          Correspondence concerning the Hilfsverein für jüdische Studierende, Berlin (aid organisation for Jewish students), founded in 1841 to help poor Jewish students receive secondary education, mostly relating to bequests, 1880-1910.

          Sin título
          Printing Education Collection
          GB 1574 Printing Education · 1914-1991

          Printed material, pamphlets, leaflets, and booklets, relating to printing education, printing apprenticeship, and technical and vocational training, 1913-1991, including London County Council report, Training and employment in the printing trades, 1914; War Office correspondence course on letterpress machine work, 1943; Vocational training of disabled persons in the printing industry, Ministry of Labour memorandum, 1944; draft syllabus for City and Guilds Printing Course, 1983; report 'Equalising the opportunities for women in printing and publishing', the Printing and Publishing Industry Training Board, 1982; booklets relating to training in printing and graphic arts in Austria, France, West Germany, Italy and the USA, 1950s-1960s; papers of Walter Rankin for a correspondence course in lettering, office management, stonework, job composition, machine work, comprising course work and correspondence with tutors of the Typographical Correspondence School of Lancaster, Lancashire, 1913-1916.

          Sin título
          GB 2107 · 1892-2000

          Records of City University and predecessors, 1892-2000, covering all aspects of the establishment and development of the University, and including foundation documents and University charter, 1966; Governing Body records including minutes, 1892, annual reports, 1897-2000, and various management schemes, 1912-1960s; general administrative records including prospectuses, 1930s-1960s, records of prizes, scholarships, and ceremonial occasions, and in-house publications; financial records, 1893-1999; estates and buildings records and plans, 1892-2000; academic administrative records including Departmental syllabuses, 1927-1996, research and publications reports, 1952-1992, publications, 1970-1997, and promotional literature, 1960s-1990s; lists of students, 1899-1960s; staff records, 1895-1926; Library records, 1940s-1990s; Student Union records and records of other student societies, 1906-1999, including student magazines, 1912-1999; records of staff associations, 1950s-1990s; presscuttings, 1909-1999; photographs, 1892-1999; and audio tapes of special lectures, 1960s-1980s.

          Sin título
          GB 2107 CATs · 1957-1965

          Papers of the Committee of Principals of the Colleges of Advanced Technology (CATs), comprising signed minutes, 1957-1965, with some copies, 1960s; CAT Monitor, Newsletter sent to CAT Principals, 1960s; Charters of new universities, 1966.

          Sin título
          Departmental records
          GB 2107 Departments · 1927-2000

          Departmental records of City University and predecessors, including Dept of Aeronautics course details and syllabuses, conference reports and other papers, 1957-1986; Centre for Arts and Related Studies, later Dept of Continuing Education, prospectuses and some examination papers, 1972-1984, and prospectuses and programmes, 1983-1990s; Business School papers, 1960s-1970s; Dept of Chemistry examination papers, students' marks, and syllabuses, 1948-1986, with Heat Engines Laboratory stockbook, 1927-1938; Royal Institute of Chemistry examination papers and reports, 1969-1973; Dept of Civil Engineering, including Nuclear Power Plant, syllabuses and progammes with other papers, 1957-1988, and papers of design course, 1960, and International Conference on Behaviour of Slender Structures Proceedings, 1977; Centre for Educational Technology programmes and other papers, 1969-1990; Dept of Electrical Engineering syllabuses and other papers, 1969-1990; Health Sciences annual reports, 1989-1990, 1995-1996; Dept of Information Science papers, 1960s; Dept of General Studies examination papers, 1984; Dept of Mathematics syllabuses and other papers, 1962-1995; Dept of Mechanical Engineering Board of Studies meetings, 1961-1984, student handbooks, syllabuses, course details and research reports, newsletters, 1957-1990, with G. Haley's Engineering Dept course work file on Theory of Machines, 1943; Dept of Music prospectuses, leaflets and other papers, 1975-1989; Dept of Optometry and Visual Science prospectuses, syllabuses and other course information, 1953-1996; Dept of Physics syllabuses and other papers, 1957-1979, with summer school proceedings, 1954; Dept of Social Science and Humanities Board of Studies minutes, syllabuses and other course details, 1962-1983; Dept of System Science and dependent centres syllabuses and other course details, 1957-1990, with summer school proceedings, 1979; Details of conferences, courses, summer schools, Open Days, lectures and other events, 1957-2000; Music and Drama events, 1960s-1970s; Public lectures, 1950s-1990s.

          Departmental research reports: City Consultancy Service Reports, 1990-1992; Aeronautical Engineering, 1966-1975; Business School, 1968-1981; Chemistry, 1956-1984; Civil Engineering, 1967-1977, 1983-1988; Centre for Clinical Communication Studies research programme, 1986-1987; Computer Science, 1984-1989; Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 1952-1957, 1963-1970, 1990-1991; Centre for Information Science, 1979; Mathematics, 1966-1985; Mechanical Engineering, 1966-1988; Music, research and performances including Advanced Composition Research Group, 1988; Opthalmic Optics and Visual Science, 1966-1970; Dept of Physics, 1966-1985; School of Community Planning, 1970-1982; Social Science and Humanities, 1968-1980; System Science, 1969-1988.

          Departmental promotional literature, 1960s-1990s for all departments as above and Arts Administration; SBH School of Nursing and Midwifery; Business School; Centre for Banking and International Finance; Adult Education; School of Informatics; Dept of Journalism; Centre for Legal Studies; Studies in Property Valuation and Management; Validated Courses: Ashridge Management College; City Literary Institute; Cordwainers College; Gyosei International College in the UK; Guildhall School of Music and Drama; Inns of Court School of Law; Laban Centre London; Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Centre; School of Psychotherapy and Counselling; City Innovation Centre, 1988; Halls of Residence; Industrial Liaison Centre, 1968-1973.

          Departmental publications, including TCU Business School Economic Review, Spring 1983-Summer 1988; Informaniac, undated, Information Science Society publication; Islington Angel and City Star with other CU Journalism students publications, 1980s-1990s; Insight, 1992-1997, newsletter of CU Business School; Evening MBA Newsletter, 1990-1991; Research News, 1970-1976; GEORGE, PROBE and Newsheet, 1974-1976, newsletters of the Dept of Social Science and Humanities; Journal of Arts Policy & Management 1-3, 1984; TCU Computer Unit Bulletin/Newsletter, 1972-1982, 1992-1997; Careers Service Newsletters and Bulletins, 1970s, 1990s.

          Sin título
          Governing Body and Council
          GB 2107 Governing Body · 1891-1999

          Records of the Governing Body of City University and predecessors, 1891-1999, including signed minutes, 1892-1999; Committee minutes books, 1892-1933; Council minute book, 1906-1918; Principal's Report books, 1896-1937; Lady Superintendent's Report book, 1896-1914; Letter book, 1892-1893; Title deeds and documents re various premises, 1887-1969; papers regarding designation as a College of Advanced Technology (CAT) with scheme of management, 1956-1957; papers and documents regarding University Charter, 1964-1967, with Charity Commission schemes and agreements, 1891; record of discussions with Sir John Cass College regarding possible amalgamation, 1965; annual reports, 1932-1999; printed minutes with annual reports, 1897-1999; Governing Body attendance books, 1934-1966; Governing Body agendas, 1939-1947, 1949-1952, 1955, 1957, 1965-1966; Council agendas, 1963-1999; Council minutes (unsigned), 1970-1979; Council minutes, reserved items, 1978-1979; Special Council meeting minutes, 1964-1968; Council minutes, 1999; Ordinances, 1966-1973, 1987-1999; Governing body management schemes for Battersea, Chelsea and Northampton Colleges, 1962 (photocopy), with schemes for management of Northampton Polytechnic Institute, 1912, and Northampton CAT, 1960s; schemes, drafts and agreements with London County Council (LCC) following direct grant status, 1961-1966; reports of Charity commissioners, 1892; City Parochial Foundation "Polytechnics and the Poorer Classes", 1933; LCC reviews and schemes, 1923, 1928,1949,1964; development Plan, 1967-1968; leaflets regarding compact with Islington Council, 1996, and affiliation of Inns of Court Law School, 1997; corporate plan responses to consultation, 1999; CU proposed Institute of Education, 1972; records relating to the foundation of City University, comprising Draft Charter, Statutes and Petition, 1965; copies of petition and University Charter, 1966, with index.

          Sin título
          GB 2107 NCHIT · 1946-1980

          Papers of the National College of Horology and Instrument Technology, 1946-1960, comprising Declaration of Trust, 1947, and Ministry of Education appointment of governors, 1949-56; governing body signed minutes, 1946-1960, with annual reports and accounts; Director's reports, 1948-1960, with brief history and register of students; annual accounts, 1947-1960; invoice book, 1947-1960; journal, 1947-1960; cash book and ledger, 1947-1960; ledger sheets, 1947-1960; correspondence, 1944-1950; Directors' attendance book, 1946-1950; propectuses and correspondence relating to courses, 1947-1957.

          Sin título
          GB 2108 KUAS118 · 1964-1993

          Letters and cards written by Iris Murdoch to artist Rachel Fenner from 1964 onwards. Murdoch taught Fenner at the Royal College of Art and they remained friends afterwards. Topics covered in their correspondence includes Fenner's studies and later work, Murdoch's work, their travels, arranging meetings, and general family news. There are over 300 letters in total.

          Sin título
          GB 2108 KUAS186 · Fondo · [1940-2006]

          Photographs and other albums relating to Kingston Polytechnic and Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College. Includes two albums of staff portraits from Kingston Polytechnic 1970- early 1980s, group photographs from 1969/ 1970, and correspondence from former students of Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College sending in Newsletters and other items.

          Sin título
          GB 2108 KUAS190 · Fondo · 1953

          Portrait of Lilian de Lissa, first principal of Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College, by artist Gilbert Spencer. The painting was commissioned by the college as a present for Miss de Lissa and presented to her in a ceremony in October 1953. The portrait has been held by Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College prior to passing to Kingston Polytechnic and Kingston University.

          Sin título
          Kingston College of Art records
          GB 2108 KUAS44 · [1930-1989]

          Ephemera, correspondence and other material relating to Kingston School of Art (later Kingston College of Art). Subjects covered include exhibition invitations, the Reginald Brill Exhibition (1998-9); and minutes of Kingston School of Art Governor's Meetings [1950]-1966.

          Sin título
          GB 2108 KUAS6 · Colección · 1933-2001

          Papers of Peter Conradi, 1933-2001, comprise research papers compiled during his research for the authorised biography of Iris Murdoch and notably include profiles of people who knew Murdoch including Hans Gunther Adler and Elizabeth Anscombe; Peter Conradi's correspondence with individuals who knew Murdoch, including Miriam Allott and Kenneth Baker MP; notes and transcripts taken during interviews with people who knew Murdoch and audio recordings of some interviews; original manuscripts and drafts of Murdoch's work including drafts and a typescript of the final version of 'Eulogy for Borys Villers (1923-1992)' and secondary resources including photocopies of press cuttings about Iris Murdoch and reviews of her work. The collection also includes research undertaken by Jane Jantet into Murdoch's family tree; correspondence and research relating to Murdoch's time within Froebel School, Badminton School, Somerville College, Oxford and the Royal College of Art; correspondence concerning Murdoch's involvement with the New Left Review; letters received by Iris Murdoch and John Bayley largely concerning Bayley's book Iris: A memoir, 1998 and letters from Murdoch to individuals including Conradi.

          Sin título
          Arnold, Matthew: letter
          GB 0096 AL139 · Fondo · 1886

          Letter from Matthew Arnold of Cobham, Surrey to John Churton Collins, 24 Oct 1886. Relating to the teaching of modern literature and modern languages at the universities. Autograph, with signature.

          Sin título
          GB 0096 AL15b · Fondo · 1922

          Letter from Sir Edward Henry Busk of Sussex Place, Regent's Park, London to R A Rye, 9 May 1922. Expressing his regret on resigning from the Library Committee of the University of London.

          Autograph, with signature.

          Sin título
          GB 0096 AL213 · Fondo · 1825, [1857-1904]

          Letter from Henry Peter Brougham to Samuel Medley [here spelled Meadley] of the Stock Exchange, 7 Jul 1825. Arranging a meeting between themselves and Mr J Smith [John Gordon Smith, professor of medical jurisprudence] 'at the Crown & Anchor to set matters agoing'. Autograph, with signature. Endorsed in the hand of Sir Henry Thompson [surgeon, grandson of Medley] with a note stating that the meeting mentioned was 'a conference respecting the scheme for founding a Metropolitan University', [1857-1904].

          Sin título
          Ker, William Paton: letter, 31 May 1901
          GB 0096 AL267 · Fondo · 1901

          Letter from William Paton Ker of 95 Gower Street, [London] to Mr [Henry Frank] Heath, 31 May 1901. Noting the sending of 'the address of London to Glasgow University. It should be passed by the Senate I suppose'.

          Autograph, with signature.

          Sin título
          GB 0096 AL48a · Fondo · 1908

          Letter from Francis Ysidro Edgeworth of 5 Mount Vernon, Hampstead, [London] to the Goldsmith's Librarian, University of London [R A Rye] 1 Oct 1908. Asking for permission to use the Goldsmith's Library.

          Autograph, with signature.

          Sin título
          BINDOFF, Stanley Thomas (1908-1980)
          GB 0370 STB · 1934-1976

          Papers of Professor Stanley Thomas Bindoff [known as Tim or S.T. Bindoff], 1908-1980, historian.

          Letters to and from Bindoff, and papers including committee meeting papers and exam papers. Includes papers and correspondence concerning:

          Queen Mary College Academic Board, Faculty of Arts, History Department, and other Queen Mary College correspondence and papers.

          The University of London: Board of Studies in History, History Special Subject 'Church, Society and Government in England, c. 1530-c.1570', Institute of Historical Research, and Senate Committee on Colleges Overseas in Special Relation. Also includes papers relating to Essex Records Committee, several educational institutions, other University of London files, and files of letters to S.T Bindoff from, and regarding, his students.

          Visiting Professorship at U.S. colleges and universities including Wellesley College and Harvard University.

          External Examinerships for the Universities of Oxford, Reading, and Nottingham.

          Conferences, including the Anglo-Dutch Historical Conferences.

          Publications edited or contributed to by Bindoff, including the History of Parliament Trust.

          Other interests of S.T. Bindoff, such as The Historical Association.

          Bindoff's various roles, interests and activities.

          Also contains correspondence series concerning:

          Lectures, including The Neale Lecture in English History, 1973-74.

          Letters to and from S.T. Bindoff arranged alphabetically into files mainly according to the initial of the surname of the sender or recipient.

          Sin título
          LEWIN, Julius (fl 1941-1958)
          GB 0101 ICS 48 · 1941-1966

          Papers of Julius Lewin and his wife Eleanor Hawarden on native law in South Africa, 1941-1966. Comprising copies of 18 articles by Lewin on native law, the legal status of African women, Africans and the police, political representation of Africans in South Africa, Britain's colour bar in Africa, inheritance in native law, marriage by natives in South Africa, and racial equality and Commonwealth universities. Two articles by Eleanor Hawarden on prejudice in the classroom and South African history and western civilisation, 1965-1966.

          Sin título
          Hale Papers
          GB 0103 HALE · [1935-1994]

          Papers of John Rigby Hale including manuscript notes and research materials for Civilisation of Europe in the Renaissance; papers relating to an unrealised project to publish a complete account of all European Renaissance fortifications, includes maps and photographs; offprints of articles by Hale with related notes and reference material; papers relating to Hale's lectures, TV and radio broadcasts; papers relating to the museums and galleries with which Hale was involved; correspondence, chiefly with publishers; biographical material relating to Hale's schooldays, Merchant Navy service, Oxford University, University of Warwick and University College London; honours, certificates and awards; photographs and three films from University College London Foundation days, 1981 and 1983 and press cuttings including reviews of Hale's publications.

          Sin título
          Lilly Papers
          GB 0103 LILLY · 1957-2003

          Papers of Malcolm Lilly, 1957-2003, comprising biographical papers including obituary; curriculum vitae; bibliography; list of theses supervised and an account of Lilly's efforts to secure membership of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.

          Notebooks, 1962-1998 and research notes, 1965-1997, including on control systems, fermentation and progesterone conversion.

          Papers relating to biochemical engineering at University College London (UCL), including on the history of development of biochemical engineering at UCL; the Advanced Centre for Biochemical Engineering; the Interdisciplinary Research Centre; research grants, teaching, training and personnel.

          Publications by Lilly, 1962-2003; manuscript and typescript drafts for publications and unpublished drafts and correspondence relating to journals with which Lilly was associated with as author, reviewer or editor.

          Transcripts of Lilly's public and invitation lectures, 1966-1996, including on 'Immobilised Enzyme Reactors', Developments in Biocatalysis', 'Two-liquid phase biocatalytic reactors', 'Industrial use of Biocatalysts for Asymmetric Synthesis' and 'Biochemical Engineering - It's Contribution to Society.' Also untitled and draft lecture notes and visual material.

          Papers relating to twenty four British and international organisations and societies including the European Commission, the European Federation of Biotechnology; the International Organisation for Biotechnology and Bioengineering and the Institute for Biotechnology Studies.

          Papers relating to Lilly's consultancy work with twenty one commercial organisations including Beckman Instruments; Beecham Group Ltd and Merck Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories.

          Papers relating to visits and conferences, 1964-1998, including programmes, lists of participants; abstracts and Lilly's notes on proceedings.

          Correspondence, 1966-1998, including references and recommendations.

          Sin título
          Eton Poems
          GB 0103 MS ADD 216 · 18th century

          'Poemata Etonensia': copies of Latin verses.

          Sin título
          GB 0366 BA · Colección · [1948]; 1956-1993

          The collection includes George Baines' correspondence and papers re his work at Brize Norton, 1962-1966 and school magazines from Ashwell County Primary School, 1950s. However, the majority of the papers are those of George and Judith Baines relating to their work at Eynsham County Primary School, 1960s-1980s. These include administrative papers, teachers' guides, teachers' record books, school magazines, building plans and press cuttings. Also included is a copy of the episode of the BBC television series, 'The Expanding Classroom' which featured the work of George and Judith Baines at Eynsham School. The film was made in the summer term of 1969 before the first new school building burnt down. The collection contains many examples of children's work, mainly from Eynsham County Primary School, but also from Brize Norton, including project books, creative writing, audio tapes of music, art work, including block printing, and work with fabric. The project books each include some mathematics, scientific obeservation or experiment, creative writing and art work and were bound in block-printed covers designed and executed by the children. Also included are texts of lectures and lecture notes; papers relating to courses and workshops; correspondence re visits, including overseas connections (Iceland, Canada and the USA), 1960s-1980s; papers relating to George and Judith Baines work with students at Bishop Grossteste College, Lincolnshire, 1980s. There are also slides and photographs of staff, pupils, activities, displays and field study trips at Eynsham County Primary School; of Judith Baines' work at Strathmore Infant School; of George Baines' work at Brize Norton; of tours and visits to Gambia, Canada and Iceland. There is also a small group of photographs, memorabilia and correspondence relating to Robin Tanner (1904-1988).

          Sin título
          GB 0366 BFE · Colección · 1947-2001

          Records of the BFES/SCE Association, 1947-2000, comprising:
          Material relating to the Association such as minutes of the Executive Committee, 1968-2000; minutes of AGMs, 1996-1999; membership lists; Executive Committee lists; papers and photographs concerning annual reunions; videos relating to SCEA and BFES work.
          Material concerning the SCEA, including booklets and official information regarding vacancies at certain schools and conditions of service.
          Publications of the Association and its predecessors, including the BFES Gazette, the SCEA Bulletin and the BFES/SCE Association newsletters and magazines. The collection also includes individual copies of other army and educational publications.
          Memorabilia collected from members of the Association relating to their work with the BFES in Germany, Cyprus, Hong Kong and Aden, notably photographs (and copies) of staff, students, school buildings and student activities; newspaper cuttings relating to individual schools and events; programmes of school events and musical and drama productions; official documentation such as driving licences, vehicle registration, ration cards and club membership; audio tapes; notes on geographical areas, climate, and members of teaching staff; annual reports and teaching schemes.
          Research material on the education of service children, including typed official reports and newspaper articles.

          Sin título
          RÉE, Harry Alfred (1914-1991)
          GB 0366 HR · Colección · c1920-1980s

          Papers of Harry Alfred Rée, comprising a small amount of very general correspondence, most dating from 1969-1974; letters to the press, 1964-1976; lectures, including to students at the University of York and to teachers' associations; addresses and scripts of broadcasts, 1950s-1970s; articles, reviews and other writings, 1940s-1970s. The collection also includes a substantial amount of material relating to Henry Morris and his contemporaries. Some of this is original material, 1920s-1960s, such as correspondence with Morris; writings, broadcasts and speeches by Morris; press cuttings and other biographical material; printed materials relating to the village colleges; photographs; audio- and video-tapes. The remainder comprises material generated by Rée as a result of his research on Morris, 1969-1980s, including correspondence with friends and colleagues of Morris and drafts of chapters for an edited volume of Morris's writings.

          Sin título
          HATTON, Mimi (b 1915)
          GB 0366 MH · Colección · 1946-1952, 2001

          Papers of Mimi Hatton relating to her work with the British Families Education Service (BFES) in Germany between 1946 and 1952. The collection includes an account of her service in Germany, written for the BFES Archives in 2001; photographs of the various schools in which she served; and memorabilia, including badges and programmes.

          Sin título
          CORNALL, Peter (b 1930)
          GB 0366 PC · Colección · 1954-1998

          Papers of Peter Cornall, 1954-1998, relating to all stages of his professional career, including talks, lectures and articles; internal administrative papers written for the schools in which he worked; materials written for circulation amongst colleagues and the wider world; and his own personal reflections. They reflect many of his personal educational interests including comprehensive education, curriculum development, internal school management, falling rolls, school headship, school self-evaluation, educational guidance, and value-added by schools. Also included is a report of a study visit made to the United States in 1963.

          Sin título
          GB 0366 PCE · Colección · 1976-1988

          Papers of the Polytechnics Council for the Education of Teachers, including minutes, circulated papers, memoranda and reports of the Council and correspondence of the Secretary, 1976-1988.

          Sin título
          GB 0366 PRI · Colección · 1976-1987

          Records of the Programme for Reform in Secondary Education, incuding papers of the Chairman, George Varnava, namely minutes 1982-1987,editions of PRISE News, 1976-1986, press cuttings, pamphlets, conference papers, memoranda, reports and some correspondence.

          Sin título
          TAWNEY, Richard Henry (1880-1962)
          GB 0366 TY · Colección · 1918-1955

          Papers of Richard Henry Tawney, 1918-1955, comprising material relating to the University Grants Committee; correspondence, including with Shena Dorothy Simon (Education Officer, Workers Educational Association), Harold Charles Shearman (Hon Secretary, Council for Educational Advance), Harry Nutt (General Secretary, WEA) and ministers of education; manuscript notes on subjects relating to educational fees; collected publications and printed material from organisations, including the Fabian Society, the Ministry of Education and the Labour Party; and press cuttings.

          Sin título
          Accounts of Unstreaming
          GB 0366 UNS · Colección · 1968

          Letters from teachers in around 20 schools in reply to a letter by Douglas John Foskett, Librarian of the Institute of Education, asking for their views on unstreaming, including personal experiences and opinions on unstreaming.

          Sin título
          Pollard, Albert Frederick (1869-1948)
          GB 0096 MS860 · Fondo · 1884-1948

          Papers of Alfred Pollard, 1884-1948, including contains personal correspondence from Alfred Pollard, primarily to his parents and his secretary, E. J. Davis (1884-1925, 9 boxes). There are also letters from Pollard's father, Henry, primarily to his son (1885-1924, 4 boxes). These letters give a valuable insight into the development of Alfred's historical and political opinions as well as providing an account of domestic circumstances in the Pollard family. The remainder of the papers relate to Alfred's academic and University of London activities. These papers contain correspondence and printed items, and span the length of his academic life. Key phases and activities recorded in the papers include: Alfred's achievements during his own university education; contributions to the Dictionary of National Biography; involvement with the Committee of the League of Nations, the Historical Association, the Institute of Historical Research, the University of London's Academic Council, the Anglo-American Conference of Historians, University College London, the London History School, Victoria County History, Committee of the History of Parliament; and his candidature for the London Liberal Federation for the University of London constituency. There are also boxes of lecture-notes, newspaper cuttings, scrapbooks, and pocket diaries.

          Sin título
          Wilderspin additional
          GB 0096 MS975 · Fondo · [1824-1980]

          Files containing photocopies of articles, manuscripts, notes and a thesis concerning the career and life of infant educationalist Samuel Wilderspin (1792-1866).

          Sin título
          University of London Collection
          GB 0096 ULC · Fondo · [1825-1999]

          This collection comprises pamphlets, reports, correspondence and photographs relating to the University of London, [1825-1999].

          Sin título
          University of London Accountant
          GB 0096 UoL/AT · 1903-1982
          Parte de University of London

          The collection, 1903-1982, consists of: deeds of covenant by City of London Livery Companies (AT 1); audited accounts of the University, with auditors reports (AT 2); Journal (AT 3); Trusts and investments ledgers (AT 5); Maintenance account ledgers (AR6); Court and Bloomsbury account ledgers (AT 7); Senate account ledgers (AT 8); Senate account monthly transaction computer print-outs (AT 9-AT 11) with key (AT 12) and lists of Court and Senate account computer accounting codes.

          Sin título
          University of London Collegiate Council
          GB 0096 UoL/CC · 1929-1994
          Parte de University of London

          The collection, 1929-1991, consists of minutes of Collegiate Council Meetings (CC 1); minutes and appendices of Sports Facilities committees (CC 2); minutes of various Student Accommodation committees (CC 3); and the minutes and records of various Ad Hoc Committees (CC 4).
          There are also 67 boxes of uncatalogued material (Ref. CC) containing material dating from 1935-1999. This includes minutes, papers on Halls of Residence, working party papers, correspondence, Student Administration papers, papers on the University of London Union constitution, staffing papers, Hayter Travel Awards papers and General Collegiate Council Administration papers.

          Sin título
          University of London Central File
          GB 0096 UoL/CF · 1900-1939
          Parte de University of London

          The collection contains University Correspondence for sessions 1900-1939 (CF 1). The correspondence files are arranged chronologically by subject. The collection also contains correspondence and papers relating to University of London Press and Printing (CF 2). These records relate chiefly to the University's dealings with the University of London Press.

          Sin título
          University of London Council
          GB 0096 UoL/CL · 1994-2004
          Parte de University of London

          The collection comprises minutes with appendices and supporting paperwork for meetings of the Academic Committee, The University Council, the Pre-Registration Committee, the Subject Panel in General Medicine, the Subject Panel in Surgery and the Subject Panel in Medical Law and Ethics; paperwork supporting an application by the Royal Academy of Music for admission as a college of the University of London and meeting papers of the Working Group.

          Sin título
          GB 0096 UoL/CM · 1956-1992
          Parte de University of London

          25 boxes of uncatalogued papers (Ref. CM) containing material, 1956-1992; including Institute of Computer Science Internal Documents and INDRA notes, Committee of Management papers, working party papers and computer handbooks.

          Sin título
          Department of Extra-Mural Studies
          GB 0096 UoL/EM · Fondo · [1876-1990]
          Parte de University of London

          Papers relating to the Department of Extra-Mural Studies, [1876-1990], including London Society for the Extension of University Teaching, Universities Board - minutes 1879-1893, Council reports 1877-1888, 1897-1898; Board to Promote the Extension of University Teaching annual reports, 1902/3-1928/9; University Extension and Tutorial Classes Council annual reports, 1929/30-1944/45; Council for Extra-Mural Studies annual reports 1951/2-1981-2, minutes 1966-1982 (incomplete), tutors' reports on classes, 1943-1982; Board to Promote the Extension of University Teaching minutes, 1900-1929; University Extension and Tutorial Classes Council minutes, 1929-1946; University Extension Committee minutes, agenda, papers 1929-1982, annual reports 1948-1958; Holiday Courses for Foreign Teachers records, [1907-1976]; printed regulations for school inspection, 1897-1930 (incomplete); other committees' records include Advisory Committee on Diploma on Theory and Practice of Physical Action papers, 1929-1953.

          Sin título
          GB 0096 UoL/FG · 1901-1999
          Parte de University of London

          The collection, 1901-1987, contains minutes and related documents of the Committees (FG 1) and Sub-Committees (FG 2); financial inventories and memoranda (FG 3); papers relating to the Establishment Department and personnel (FG 4); papers and photographs of University Functions and Ceremonies (FG 5); and a University of London Training Opportunities publication (FG 6).

          There are also 2 boxes of uncatalogued material (Ref. FG) containing sub-committee and working party papers, 1931-1986 and Pluto, the publication of the London University Training Opportunities, 1980-1999.

          Sin título
          GB 0096 UoL/RG · 1861-1945
          Parte de University of London

          The collection comprises Parliamentary Registers and supplements to the Registers; election paperwork; correspondence, administrative paperwork and diaries recording arrangements and proceedings for elections and copies of Statutory Orders and Acts.

          Sin título
          University of London Union
          GB 0096 UoL/UN · 1911-1996
          Parte de University of London

          The collection, 1911-1989, contains annual reports and minutes of the University of London Students' Representative Council, (UN 1), minutes and related papers of the Governing Council, committees and documents relating to specific issues, (UN 2), papers and correspondence of the Senior Administrator of the University of London Union concerning the new Union building (UN 3), function and entertainment programmes and publicity material (UN 4), Union publications, (UN 5), photograph albums of the Union building and Union events and students (UN 6), minutes of the Debating Society (UN 7), minutes, registers of members and annual reports of the University of London Choir (UN 8), annual reports, programmes, registers, photographs and papers of the University of London Athletic Union, (UN 11). Also contains minutes, photographs and programmes of the Badminton Club (UN 12), Boat Club, (UN 13), Boxing Club (UN 14), Football Club (UN 15), Rugby Club (UN 16) and the Sailing Club (UN 17).

          There are also 42 boxes of uncatalogued material (Ref. UN) containing material dating from 1921-1996. This includes Strategic Issues Group papers, Intercollegiate Accommodation Committee papers, Other College Unions papers, Student Welfare papers (most of these are closed), Motspur Park Users Committee papers, Union Management Committee papers, Manager's Meetings papers, Trade Union Liaison Committee papers, General Union Council Finance Committee papers, London Student Management Committee papers, Working Party papers, ULU Medical Group papers, Day Nursery Management Committee papers, Athletic Ground Committee papers, Joint Planning Committee Papers, Terms of Reference for Committees, Academic Affairs Campaign Papers, National Postgraduate Committee Papers, President's Office Papers, papers on Motspur Park, papers on Relationships with NUS and Swimming Club papers.

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          University of London Publications
          GB 0096 UoL/UP · 1846-2005
          Parte de University of London

          The collection contains Serial Publications (UP 1), Occasional Publications (UP 2) and Examination Papers (UP 3).
          There are also 6 boxes of uncatalogued material (Ref. UP) containing material dating from 1909-2005. This includes staff handbooks, changes in regulations for students and annual reports of the Institutes (incomplete).

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          City and Guilds of London Institute
          GB 0098 F · Created 1878-1997

          Records relating to the City and Guilds of London Institute (C&GLI), notably articles about the history of the Institute, 1896-1965, address by Sir John Wolfe Barry, 1903, centenary handbook, 1978, annual reports, 1880-1997, reports of the Executive Committee, 1878, and of the Livery Companies Committee, on technical education, 1878, Memorandum of Association, and ordinances, 1880-1910, correspondence with Imperial College, 1909-1921, 1946-1961, correspondence of the Registrar, 1922-1952, lists of Fellows, [1892-1988], scholarships, 1897.

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          City and Guilds College
          GB 0098 FC-FS · Created 1876-1985

          Records relating to the City and Guilds College (formerly the Central Institution of the City and Guilds Institute), 1876-1995, comprising a history, 1896; printed reports and schemes for the new institution, 1876-1884; speeches and accounts of the opening of the Central Institution, 1884; correspondence relating to the Jubilee, 1933-1935; programmes of the Central Institution, 1884-1931; letter books of the Secretary to the City and Guilds College Delegacy, 1911-1927; papers relating to the City and Guilds College Centenary, 1885-1985, and visitor's book (FC);
          minutes of the Board of Studies, 1885-1913; report on equipment, 1889 (FE);
          papers relating to the Engineering Board, notably minutes, 1915-1965, 1980-1984; correspondence and papers, 1911-1935; conference on postgraduate courses, 1962-1965; Chairman's notes and correspondence, 1955-1961; correspondence of the Research Committee, 1932-1951; senior appointments, 1913-1933 (FF);
          papers of the Delegacy, notably minutes and reports, annual reports of the Dean of the Central Institution, 1911-1968; correspondence, 1910-1937, including research grants, 1915-1921; appointment of members, 1936-1970; minutes and accounts of the Finance and Special Committees, 1911-1924; correspondence and reports of the Organisation Committee, 1930-1931; chairmans' notes and correspondence, 1954-1968, donations, 1934-1936 (FG);
          papers relating to links with Imperial College and the University of London, notably history of the City and Guilds London Institute, 1910; joint meetings and committee relating to the Delegacy, 1907-1910, 1955; correspondence of the Delegacy concerning the University of London, 1911-1921; degree and diploma examinations, 1926-1930; suspension of the Delegacy, 1966-1976 (FH);
          papers relating to staff roles, including staff conference with Imperial College, 1911-1912; powers and duties of the Rector, 1918 and Deanship, 1931-1936; organisation and administration, 1918; papers relating to the Chemistry department, comprising regulations, examination papers and course notes of Professor Henry Edward Armstrong, 1884-1897; papers relating to the Civil and Mechanical Engineering Department, comprising notebook of Professor William Ernest Dalby on courses, 1904-1908; notes on lectures given by Professor William Cawthorne Unwin, 1885-1887; lecture and laboratory notebooks of C E H Salmon, 1894-1896; examination papers, 1913; correspondence relating to the Unwin Library, 1933-1934; papers relating to the Mechanics and Mathematics department, comprising notes on lectures given by Professor Olaus Henrici, 1885-1889; examination papers, 1888-1929; papers relating to the Electrical Engineering department, comprising notes on lectures given by Professor William Edward Ayrton, 1885-1887, notebooks of C Percy Taylor, 1892-1895 (FK);
          records relating to students, 1884-1913 (FP); matriculation and entrance examination results; 1905-1938, examination results, 1887-1913 (FQ); registers of students, 1884-1948, tuition fees ledgers, 1911-1918, attendance registers, 1919-1940 (FR); Central Gazette and other journals, 1889-1906 (FSG).

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          GB 0098 U · Created 1907-1989 (ongoing)

          Records of Imperial College relating to other Universities, 1907-1989, principally the University of Sheffield, comprising correspondence on the affiliation of the Metallurgical Department, 1907-1916 (UAS);
          papers relating to Technical Colleges, notably reports, 1908-1910, correspondence with Guildford Technical College, 1939-1949, Camborne School of Metalliferous Mining, 1909-1939, Royal School of Science, Toronto, Canada, 1964-1969 (UC); secondment of staff to India and Pakistan, 1959-1960 (UD);
          correspondence and papers relating to Student Exchange Schemes, 1909-1975, including with American and German Institutions, Commonwealth Fund Fellowships, 1950-1969 (UE);
          papers relating to overseas Universities, 1937-1976, including Chile Catholic University, 1938, correspondence with the Delhi Institute of Technology, India, 1946-1976, Grandes Ecoles, Paris, France, 1972-1976, Baghdad University of Technology, Iraq, 1975, Nigerian Institutions, 1975-1989, Aria Mehr University, Tehran, Iran, 1967-1976 (UF);
          papers concerning the Association of University Teachers Imperial College branch, 1919-1992, notably correspondence, 1919-1977 (UG).

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          Collins, Sir William Job
          GB 0096 MS 812 · c1860-1949

          The papers listed here relate chiefly to the affairs of the University of London, and to the London County Council. Though many of Collins' correspondents were fellow physicians and scientists, there is little in the correspondence relating to medical or scientific subjects. There is some material relating directly to national politics in Collins' autobiographical papers, and a full account by Collins of the Royal Commission on Vaccination. Given the range of Collins' interests, this is a small collection indeed. It appears however, that Collins himself carefully weeded and arranged his own papers. The list which follows here preserves, as far as possible, the original arrangement. A box of printed material, containing pamphlets, offprints of articles, speeches etc. by Collins, 1882-1925, was deposited with the papers. These relate chiefly to medical and political subjects. They are not listed here in detail. An additional deposit comprising press-cuttings, autobiographical material including sketches of contemporaries, archives relating to Collin's work on University of London bodies, his parliamentary career, and speeches was deposited in 1996. A box list has been compiled for this deposit. There are three other 'stray' letters addressed to Sir William Job Collins in the University of London Library which have been catalogued separately: 1916, 23 Nov. Benchara Branford, London County Council. Inserted in a presentation copy (to Collins) of Branford's 'Janus & Vesta' (London, 1916) 1925, 20 June. Sir Bernard Henry Spilsbury, 1 Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn, WC1. (A.L. 229) 1926, 22 June. Sir Philip Magnus, Tangley Hill, Chilworth, Surrey. (A.L. 162) 1. Abbreviations - Sir William Job Collins is referred to by his initials, W.J.C. The abbreviation, TS., means typescript. 2. Correspondents - Peers are referred to by their title in the record but are indexed under their surname. Unless specificed otherwise, all letters are addressed to Sir William Job Collins. 3. Postal Addresses - Where the town is not specified in the entry, the address is in London. Where known, the names of counties are inserted in square brackets where they are missing from the original letter. 4. Volume - Where an item exceeds two leaves, its volume is given in the entry.

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