Educational policy

Elements area


Scope note(s)

  • Official statements of goals to which the system of education is directed.
  • Enoncé officiel des objectifs devant régir un système d'éducation.
  • Anuncio oficial de los objetivos que deben regir un sistema educativo.

Source note(s)


Equivalent terms

Educational policy

  • UF Politique de l'éducation
  • UF Política educativa

41 Archival description results for Educational policy

41 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
World Education Fellowship
GB 0366 WEF · Collection · 1920-1980s

Records of the World Education Fellowship's central administration, including officers' correspondence, constitutional papers, minutes and committee papers, 1929-1970s; files relating to individual regional sections, 1930s-1970s; records of international conferences, 1921-1972; files concerning special projects, 1942-1968 and relations with UNESCO, 1948-1973; audio-tapes, including conferences and personal reminiscences, 1959-1971; publications, pamphlets, and newsletters, including the journal The New Era.
Records of the English New Education Fellowship, [1940s-1980s], including minutes, correspondence, administrative and subject files and publications.
Minutes of the Home and School Council of Great Britain, 1929-1950s.

World Education Fellowship
Wilderspin additional
GB 0096 MS975 · Fonds · [1824-1980]

Files containing photocopies of articles, manuscripts, notes and a thesis concerning the career and life of infant educationalist Samuel Wilderspin (1792-1866).

McCann , Philip , fl 1987-2005 , Professor of Education
Whitelands College
GB 0347 S19 · Collection · 1966-1982

This collection relating to Whitelands College consists of minutes of meetings from 1966-1970, as well a copy of the annual report for 1966-1967, and two students handbooks.

Please contact the Archive for further information.
GB 0102 MS 380695 · Created 1959-1987

Correspondence, publications and press cuttings, 1959-1987, collected by Roger Virgoe, relating largely to the University of Khartoum and the political situation in the Sudan in the 1960s. Letters from colleagues and staff at the University describe the lead up to and events of the demonstrations in 1964. Publications include copies of the University of Khartoum Bulletin (1961-1964), reports on educational policy and reform (from 1959), and material relating to Sudanese history and antiquities (including a publication by A. J. Arkell).

Virgoe , Roger , 1932-1996 , historian
GB 0505 RHC GB132-146 · 1874-1969

Legal papers and correspondence, notably a copy Declaration of Trust, 5 Aug 1881, between Thomas Holloway and Henry Driver, George Martin and David Chadwick, for the pictures and furniture of Royal Holloway College; a copy Declaration of Trust, 25 Aug 1883, between Thomas Holloway and George Martin and Henry Driver for the endowment of Royal Holloway College; correspondence, 1883-1946, relating to the Declaration of Trust; a copy of the Conveyance of the Mount Lee Estate, 1876. Minute books of Trustees' Meetings, 1885-1949. Trustee's accounts, including printed annual accounts, 1887-1949; Trustee's accounts, 1883-1948, and statements of account for the Marie Péchinet Fund, 1912-1967; Holloway College accounts, 1883-1887, including expenses for the opening ceremony; Building and General Account cash books, 1882-1911; Endowment Fund journals and cash books, 1883-1969. Material relating to the opening of the College, including printed brochures of Royal Holloway College prepared for the Trustees for the opening ceremony, orders of service, guest lists, tickets and notices, 1886.

Royal Holloway College , Trustees
GB 0100 KCLCA KSS · c1869-1979

Records, c1869-1979, of the Strand School and its predecessors, comprising Headmaster's general and policy files, 1875-1977 (Ref: KSS/GPF); minutes of the Strand School, 1913-1938, and minutes relating to staff, 1957-1978, Houses of the school, 1942-1969, school societies, 1936-1957, parents' open evenings, 1956-1969, and conference of Headmasters and mistresses of London County Council (LCC) secondary schools, 1925-1952 (Ref: KSS/M); ledgers of pupils' accounts with the school, 1868-1908 (Ref: KSS/L); printed school accounts, 1910-1913 (Ref: KSS/ACC); registers containing staff details, 1893-1970, pupils' details, 1900-1925, 1931-1936, 1946-1979, and House records, 1933-1959 (Ref: KSS/R); Headmaster's albums of commended essays and artwork, 1912-1929 (Ref: KSS/ALB); record books of the Nature Society, 1909-1939, and sports record book, 1950-1956 (Ref: KSS/RB); programmes for school events, 1905-1912, 1950-1973, and school calendars, 1969-1977 (Ref: KSS/PRG); school magazines, 1905-1977 (Ref: KSS/PM); school prospectuses, 1915, 1938 (Ref: KSS/SYL); catalogues of books in Strand School and King's College use, c1869-c1894 (Ref: KSS/CA); bound addresses of thanks from staff and students to William Braginton, 1909-1910 (Ref: KSS/SP); private papers of Lt H Alnwick, comprising exercise books of plays written by him, 1924 (Ref: KSS/PP); ephemera including various invitation cards to school events, 1912, 1957-1968, a scheme for amalgamation of schools, 1906, regulations regarding management of the school, 1909, and the Strand School song and school rules, both undated (Ref: KSS/EPH); photographs, c1900-c1970 and undated, including school classes, staff, sports, portrait of William Braginton and the front of the Strand School, Brixton (Ref: KSS/PH); LCC's London School Plan and associated maps, 1947 (Ref: KSS/PBN); Keith Thomas White, 'History of Strand School, 1875-1913', written for MA in Science Education, Chelsea College, University of London, 1984 (Ref: KSS/TH).

King's College London , Civil Service Department , founded 1875 Strand School , Strand , 1897-1913 Strand School , Brixton , from 1913
SPEARING, Nigel (b 1930)
GB 0366 NS · Collection · 1962-2002

Papers of Nigel Spearing relating to education and government, 1962-2002, including files on educational provision for children with special needs, 1960s-1970s; educational reconstruction, 1979-1980; Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) reorganisation (especially relating to the amalgamation of Holland Park, Isaac Newton and Ladbroke schools, 1980-1981); examination reform, 1978 and the Socialist Educational Association (SEA), 1990s.

Annotated published government sources on educational matters, including briefing papers, draft bills, Hansard and related press cuttings on topics including: the comprehensive system, 1965; London education, 1972; the Education (No. 2) Bill, 1980; assisted places, 1980; the abolition of the HMI, 1991; and school governing bodies, 1999.

Spearing , Nigel , b 1930 , politician
GB 0366 SV · Collection · 1950s-1980s

Papers of Harold and Pamela Silver, mainly research material for An Educational War on Poverty including: audio-cassettes of 41 taped interviews and some manuscript interview notes, 1981-1982; published and unpublished reports, articles and research papers relating to educational programmes and initiatives in the United States and Britain, 1950s-1980s; correspondence and papers (mainly photocopies) of A.H. Halsey and Michael Young relating to the National Educational Priority Area Projects, 1967-1972; articles, reports and correspondence relating to the report of the Central Advisory Council for Education (England) Committee of Enquiry into Primary Education, Children and Their Primary Schools (The Plowden Report), including some papers of Maurice Kogan, 1963-1987.

Silver , Harold , b 1928 , educationist Silver , Pamela , fl 1960-1983 , educationist
SCOTT, Russell (c 1873-1961)
GB 0366 RS · Collection · 1845-1964

Papers of Russell Scott, including correspondence and publications reflecting the wide range of Scott's interests in linguistic unification, Esperanto, Basic English, alphabet reform and simplified spelling, in particular the Kunowski phonetic alphabet 'Sprechspur' or 'Speech-Tracing' and its use in German schools. The papers include newsletters of the Phonetic Alphabet Association, 1955-1961, and associated correspondence; and material relating to George Bernard Shaw's interest in the reformed alphabet movement, including carbons of letters to Shaw, correspondence about his will, press cuttings and publications.

Scott , Russell , c 1873-1961 , teacher and founder of the Phonetic Alphabet Association
RICHARDS, Peter (b 1936)
GB 0098 MS/AD94 · Created 1945-1995

Papers of Professor Peter Richards, 1945-1995, comprising papers relating to the Flowers' Report, 1977-1981, including responses from students unions, medical colleges, societies, institutes and associations, staffs of medical schools in the University of London, Health Authorities and hospitals; summaries of submissions on the Flowers' Committee; correspondence concerning the rebuilding of St Mary's Hospital and the School's response to the report, draft speech, correspondence and papers relating to the possible closure of the Medical School, comments on the report by St Mary's Hospital Medical School, and other medical colleges, schools, societies, institutes and associations;

papers concerning the proposed joint University College, Middlesex and St Mary's School of Medicine, 1980-1981, including reports, correspondence and background papers relating to the Way Working Party to consider a joint medical school, press pack for press briefing on threatened closure of St Mary's Hospital Medical School, assessments of the academic departments at Middlesex and University College Hospital;

papers relating to the merger with Imperial College, 1985-1993, including agenda papers of Imperial College Board of Studies, press release, report of the Joint Planning Committee to the Senate of the University of London, press cuttings, Medical School academic plan 1988-1993, correspondence relating to the establishment of Imperial College School of Medicine;
working notes and memoranda, 1980-1995;

papers of Harold Edwards, [Dean, 1973-1979], on the Royal Commission on Medical Education and proposed merger of the medical schools of St Mary's and Middlesex Hospitals and Bedford College, 1970-1975; papers relating to St Charles' Hospital, 1972-1978;

papers relating to the University of London Joint Planning Committee review of pre-clinical teaching, 1980; Joint Medical Advisory Committee on the report of the working party on medical costs, 1980-1981; collaboration between St Mary's Hospital Medical School and the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, 1979-1993, including minutes of the Joint Committee, 1980-1991; proposed national centre for postgraduate medical education and research, 1985-1986; University of London's recurrent grant to St Mary's Hospital Medical School, 1981-1986; NHS funding, 1987-1994; collaboration between St Mary's Hospital Medical School and Northwick Park Hospital, 1987-1988; University of London Administrative Review, 1989, and Strategic Academic Plan 1990-1991, 1989; St Mary's Hospital Medical School staffing, 1976-1995, computing, 1975-1986; centenary celebrations for Alexander Fleming, 1981, and Augustus Waller, 1984; BBC television series, 1988; press releases and cuttings, 1945-1995; reports of working partys and committees, [1980-1991].

Richards , Peter , b 1936 , physician
GB 0100 KCLCA 1989/QAR, 1995/QAR · 1968-1987

The records of the Registry at Queen Elizabeth College, 1968-1987, are comprised of committee files and working papers on the academic work of the College, notably including various notes and papers of the Academic Board and committees including the Biological Services Committee and Publicity Committee, working parties and reports on numerous issues such as first year teaching, regulations, fees, statutes, examinations, accommodation and intercollegiate courses, and on aspects of strategic development, notably the Swinnerton-Dyer Report on Higher Education and on the merger with King's College London in 1985 (Ref: 1989/QAR); notes on student numbers, teaching loads and statistics on constituent courses, 1971-1985 (Ref: 1995/QAR).

Queen Elizabeth College Registrar
GB 0074 ACC/2902 · Collection · 1852-1966

Records of the London Teachers Association, including General Committee minutes; annual reports; Officers Meeting minutes and Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting minutes.

Records of the Middlesex Secondary Teachers Association, comprising Executive Committee meeting minutes and Annual General Meeting minutes.

Records of the Teachers Provident Society, Chiswick Branch, comprising minutes of meetings and records of members dues and benefit payments.

Records of the National Union of Teachers, comprising London Members Committee minutes and Extra-Metropolitan Committee and Middlesex Sub-Committee minutes.

London Teachers Association Middlesex Secondary Teachers Association Teachers Provident Society , Chiswick Branch National Union of Teachers x NUT , National Union of Teachers
GB 0074 A/NEA · Collection · 1887-1959

Records of the National Education Association, including minutes; papers relating to the formation and endowment of the Association; financial accounts; annual reports; correspondence; case files; NEA publications; other publications; Parliamentary publications; circulars from the Ministry of Education; education pamphlets and reference papers.

National Education Association , 1888-1959
GB 0366 NCE · Collection · 1991-1995

Records of the National Commission on Education, 1991-1995, including minutes of the Commission, Research Committee, Working and Steering Groups, written and oral evidence, including audio-tapes, and press cuttings.

National Commission on Education
GB 0366 LI · Collection · 1980s-1990s

Papers of Martin Lightfoot, mainly relating to his career from 1981 onwards. They include papers concerning his work for the House of Commons Select Committee on Education and from his time at Brunel University. The latter include lecture and teaching notes on public and social administration, school management, equal opportunities and education, multiculturalism in education and educational politics and government; material relating to the research projects 'Expectations of Higher Education' and 'Recreating Education: London and Education Reform'; and some general papers relating to the work of Centre for the Study of Community and Race Relations and the Educational Policy Centre. Also included are papers reflecting Lightfoot's general interests in race relations, public administration and education, including a small amount of material relating to his membership of the Education Reform Group.

Lightfoot , Martin , 1942-1999 , educationist
GB 0074 A/LIB · Collection · 1554-1956

Records of the British Anti-State Church Association, later known as the Society for the Liberation of Religion from State-Patronage and Control or the Liberation Society. Records include minutes of the Executive Committee and the Parliamentary Committee; reports and memoranda; annual reports; lists of members, officers and executive; correspondence relating to legacies; financial records; leases for offices; legal opinions; papers relating to burial grounds; copies of relevant Acts of Parliament; printed material such as publications, magazines, addresses, circulars and pamphlets; photographs; and press cuttings.

British Anti-State Church Association , 1844-1853 Society for the Liberation of Religion from State-Patronage and Control x Liberation Society
GB 0098 GL · Created 1923-1998 (ongoing)

Records relating to lectures and associated studies organised by Imperial College, 1923-1998, comprising Huxley Memorial Lecture papers, including Committee minutes, 1926-1938; texts of lectures, 1925-1939; correspondence, also relating to the Hofmann and Warington Smyth lectures, 1923-1940; texts of Inaugural lectures, 1955-1997, and correspondence with various professors, 1955-1966; correspondence, 1949-1950, and lecture texts, [1952], for a lecture series 'Ends and Means in Science'; industrial lectures, 1932-1934, 1974; correspondence relating to a lecture on the centenary of H G Wells, 1966; Jubilee lectures, 1977; texts of O'Sullivan lectures, 1984-1989; posters for Memorial Lectures, GEC Lectures, and Science, Technology and Medicine Lectures;
records relating to associated studies, comprising Associated Studies annual reports, 1950-1973; minutes, 1970-1974; correspondence, 1966-1981, including Human Sciences, 1966-1967; Non Technical Studies, 1969-1980; papers relating to Interdisciplinary Studies, 1972; invitations and guides relating to Consort Gallery exhibitions, 1971-1993; correspondence relating to Russian Language classes, 1956-1958; correspondence and minutes of the Art Club, 1953-1970; papers relating to 'Touchstone', 1946-1998, including correspondence and reports, 1946-1956; Centenary Appeal Fund and Touchstone Committee, 1948-1971; Musical Society recitals and concerts, 1950-1998.

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
GB 0074 LMA/4462/P · Collection · 1958-1995

Personal papers of Lionel and Pansy Jeffrey, political activists and race equality campaigners, including material from various organisations and committees including minutes, correspondence, brochures, newsletters, academic papers, draft speeches and reports.

Jeffrey , Lionel , 1926-1993 , political activist and race equality campaigner Jeffrey , Pansy , fl 1951-1993 , political activist and race equality campaigner
GB 0101 TU.JM · 1951-1979

Rules, constitutions, pamphlets, annual reports, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, collective bargaining agreements, leaflets, conference reports, 1951-1979, issued by the Bustamante Industrial Trade Union, the Jamaica Employers' Federation, the National Union of Democratic Teachers (Jamaica), the National Workers Union (Jamaica), and the Trades Union Congress (Jamaica).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0098 B/JACKSON · 1916-1970

Papers of Lord Willis Jackson, 1916-1970, comprising papers transferred from his office in Imperial College, namely personal and biographical papers, 1923- 1970, including student notebooks, [1923], visits abroad, 1961-1968, speeches and addresses, 1950-1970, family correspondence, Parliamentary correspondence, 1957-1970, photographs [1916]-1967, mainly of official events, laboratories and apparatus, Willis Jackson; papers relating to Associated Electrical Industries and Metropolitan-Vickers, 1951-1969, notably appointment as Director of Research and Education, 1953, correspondence and press cuttings, 1951-1969, engineering and staff courses, 1954-1959; papers relating to Imperial College, 1950-1969, notably lectures and speeches, 1950-1968, correspondence, 1953-1970, including with Professor Colin Cherry, 1950-1969, the Rector, Lord Penney, 1967-1970, papers concerning academic matters, 1955-1968, Committees, 1963-1969, societies and associations, 1950-1970, Electrical Engineering Department, 1964-1969; correspondence with Ministers, reports and papers relating to Government Departments, principally concerning committees and advisory councils, 1944-1970, notably the Admiralty (later Ministry of Defence), 1950-1968, Ministry of Education, 1954-1969, Ministry of Technology, 1965-1970, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1944-1965, Ministry of Overseas Development, 1965-1969, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (ORCD), 1961-1969, University Grants Committee, 1953-1969, Royal Commission on the Civil Service, 1953-1958, Delhi Institute of Technology, 1957-1970; correspondence, reports and committee papers relating to the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1950-1968; correspondence, 1950-1970, notably with professional institutions and associations, such as the Association of Supervising Engineers, 1960-1968, Educational establishments, notably the University of London, 1953-1970, Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, 1951-1970, Sir Eric Ashby, 1959-1966, Bertram Vivian Bowden, 1958-1968, Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, 1957-1969, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 1961-1969, Sir John Douglas Cockcroft, 1953-1964, Dennis Gabor, 1951-1969, Sir Harold Hartley, 1961-1968, Eric Balliol Moullin, 1953-1958, Kathleen Mary Ollerenshaw, 1958-1964, John Arthur Saxton, 1960-1967, Joseph Sidney Weiner, 1967-1968.

autobiographical scrapbooks, 1916-1970, from Lady Jackson, comprising 91 loose-leaf binders compiled from 1952, containing heterogeneous papers, including photographs, biographical material such as letters of appointment, comments and narratives, manuscript and published texts of lectures and speeches, press cuttings, social correspondence, travel schedules and reports on visits.

Jackson , Willis , Baron Jackson of Burnley , 1904-1970 , electrical engineer
GB 0102 IMC/CBMS/I · 1902-1963

Microfiche copy of the joint archive of the International Missionary Council and Conference of British Missionary Societies, largely dating from 1910-1945 with some material dating from 1902-1963, relating to co-operative missionary endeavours in India, and comprising minutes and papers of the National Missionary Council (NMC) and its successor the National Christian Council (NCC), 1912-1963, and of provincial mission councils (including Burma and Ceylon), 1913-1947; NMC correspondence and papers, 1912-1922, including some relating to the NMC survey, 1914-1920; NCC correspondence and papers, 1922-1951, on missionary work and related issues; papers on the NCC and the Christian Medical Association of India, medical work and medical education, 1928-1943; NCC Review, 1926-1950; papers on Christian literature, 1918-1943, and statistics for Indian Christians, 1922-1945; papers on NCC surveys on conditions in rural and industrial work and post-war economic reconstruction, 1927-1948; NCC mass movement and evangelism, 1929-1941; comity between different missions, 1917-1945; devolution of mission property, 1937-1947; the Jacobite (Syrian) Church (Orthodox), Travancore, 1929-1942; Benares City Mission, 1928-1949; interdenominational Church Union in South India, 1928-1947; various printed material, 1919-1957; papers on Indian government, constitutional reform, political affairs and independence, including implications for the Christian minority, 1915-1950; general educational provision and educational policy in India, 1911-1925, 1940; the 'conscience cause' in education, 1902-1925; Village Education Commission (which reported in 1920), 1904-1922, and related subjects, 1924-1949; the '4 1/2 Colleges Appeal' for women's education, 1926-1930; the Lindsay Commission on Higher (Christian) Education, 1929-1931, and the resulting Central Board of Christian Higher Education, 1931-1948, British Advisory Committee on Christian Higher Education, 1931-1939, and American Advisory Committee on Christian Higher Education, 1931-1938; papers on the Indian Christian Colleges Appeal, 1928-1948; High Schools Survey and related subjects, 1916-1935; theological education, including individual colleges, 1919-1948; women's education, including medical education and missionary training, 1916-1949; various Colleges, 1920-1951; various printed papers on Indian education, 1938-1946. Some material relates to Pakistan, the Punjab, and Bengal, as well as to India as demarcated in the modern period.

International Missionary Council Conference of British Missionary Societies
GB 0102 IMC/CBMS/A · 1910-1945

Joint archive, largely dating from 1910-1945, of the International Missionary Council and Conference of British Missionary Societies, relating to co-operative missionary endeavours in Africa (chiefly British Africa, but also including areas under Belgian, Portuguese and French control).

General files on Africa include records on missionary work and related issues including land rights, colonial administration, diet, co-operative organizations, customs including polygamy, initiation, and witchcraft, medical work, and alcohol traffic; the IMC and its relation to African mission councils; International Institute of African Languages and Cultures; population and health in Africa; Africa Education Group, relating to educational policy, provision and finance, including women's education, training of educational missionaries, African marriage customs and their relation to Christian practice, adult education, and missionary work in rural areas; High Leigh (Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire) Conference (1924) on educational missionary work in Africa; Le Zoute Conference (1926) on missionary work in Africa; educational policy; Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies, relating to Colonial Office policy (including British colonies outside Africa), the topics including women's education, use of the vernacular and bilingualism, teacher training, language teaching, social and economic development, finance, indigenous art, biology, superannuation, English examinations, and higher education teaching materials, with sections relating to particular African colonies.

Files on East Africa include general records on British colonial policy and administration, agriculture, and Swahili; and education in East Africa. Files on Kenya include records on the Kenya Missionary Council and Christian Council of Kenya; the political situation and land question; indigenous labour and slavery; Indian population; and educational policy, practice, finance, the conscience clause in religious education, women's education, and educational advisor; and correspondence on missionary work and related issues. Files on Tanganyika include records on the Tanganyika Missionary Council, relations between different missionary societies, indigenous life, colonial administration, German and other missions; Tanganyika Mission Property Trust; and education in Tanganyika. Files on Uganda include records on land tenure, education, including women's education, and Swahili; and missionary societies in Ruanda-Urundi. Files on Abyssinia comprise records on missionary work and religious freedom, including the Italian occupation.

Files on West Africa include general records on education, including the Phelps Stokes Commission. Files on the Gold Coast include records on education, colonial administration, the Basel Mission, the Bremen Mission and other missionary societies, the Christian Council of the Gold Coast, medical and educational missionary work. Files on Sierra Leone include records on education. Files on Nigeria include records on the Christian Council of Nigeria and other Christian and missionary organisations and on education. Files on the Cameroons include records on various missionary societies. Files on French Africa include records on education.

Files on French West & Equatorial Africa include records on missionary activity and education. Files on the Congo include records on the Congo Protestant Council, missionary activity and conferences, religious freedom and interdenominational relations including Roman Catholicism; Belgian government policy regarding missions and the Brussels Bureau representing Belgian missions; education; and missionary work of various nations.

Files on Portuguese Africa include records on missionary work, including medical work, and interdenominational relations; religious liberty, Portuguese government policy, and the Lisbon Centre for liaison. Files on Portuguese West Africa include records on the Angola Evangelical Alliance, Portuguese colonial administration, and various missionary societies. Files on Portuguese East Africa include records on the Portuguese East Africa Evangelical Missionary Association, work of various missionary societies, religious liberty and Portuguese government policy.

Files on Central Africa and Nyasaland include records on colonial administration, work of missionary societies, land tenure, indigenous labour and slavery, and on colonial educational policy in Nyasaland. Files on Northern Rhodesia include records on the General Missionary Conference of Northern Rhodesia, colonial administration, mining, and education; and on the United Missions in the Copperbelt, including its foundation, policy, annual reports, finance, miners' unrest, property, education policy, women's work, social welfare, literature and literacy, British Committee, correspondence with other societies, reorganisation, Team/Field Committee, and personnel. Files on Southern Rhodesia include records on the South Rhodesia Missionary Conference, indigenous affairs including land tenure, education, indigenous preachers, and colonial administration. Files on South Africa include records on the General Missionary Conference of South Africa and the Christian Council of South Africa, missionary work, indigenous affairs including land tenure, interethnic relations, and education. Files on South and South West Africa includes records on German missions and indigenous affairs. Files on the protectorates of Swaziland, Basutoland and Bechuanaland include records on education and the transfer of the protectorates to South Africa.

There are also files on the Egypt Mission Property Trust.

International Missionary Council Conference of British Missionary Societies
ACC/3537 · Collection · 1985

Adult Education VHS videos: "Teaching English as a second language in the Post School Sector", 1985 and "Teaching adult literacy Unit A: A mixed ability class", 1980s.

ILEA , Inner London Education Authority x Inner London Education Authority
HOLMES, Brian (1920-1993)
GB 0366 BH · Collection · 1950s-1980s

Papers of Professor Brian Holmes, mainly relating to his time at the Institute of Education, 1950s-1980s. They include drafts of published and unpublished writings; offprints, papers and articles; correspondence with academic colleagues; and files about the activities of comparative education societies.

Holmes , Brian , 1920-1993 , educationist
GB 0372 HEMMING · Fonds · 1945-2010

Papers of educationalist, writer and humanist (Clifford) James Hemming (1909-2007), including: curriculum vitae and obituary notices, 2007-2008; personal material, including texts of interviews, cartoons and poems/jottings, 1987-2008; miscellaneous articles, papers and published letters, 1951-1999; correspondence, 1962-2000; press cuttings and ephemera, 1945-1960; papers regarding involvement with the World Education Fellowship, 1969-2008; programme for the James Hemming Essay Prize, 2009; copy of Hemming's PhD, Some Problems of Adolescent Girls, 1957; photographs, 1977-2007.

Hemming , James , 1909-2007 , educationist, writer and humanist
GB 2108 GH · 1917-c1975

Records, 1917-c1975, of Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College and its successor, Gipsy Hill College of Education, including papers, 1917-1947, of the Principal, Lillian de Lissa, including correspondence, photographs, published material and artefacts; Governors' minutes, 1930-1947; staff ledger, 1920s; staff meeting minutes, 1930s-1940s; financial records, 1930s-1940s; correspondence, 1917-1918, 1943-1955, with the Board of Education, subsequently Ministry of Education; student records, 1917-1959; papers relating to examinations, 1917-c1925; syllabuses and inspectors' reports, 1920s; newsletter, 1940s-1950s; Old Students' Association correspondence, 1950s; photographs of buildings, staff, students and events, 1917-c1975; prospectuses; building plans; artefacts, including crockery and badges.

Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College Gipsy Hill College of Education
GB 0102 PP MS 19 · c1917-1990

Papers, c1917-1990, of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf relating to his work on tribes and anthropology in India, Ceylon, Nepal, Tibet and the Philippines.

Papers relating to anthropological fieldwork, 1936-1989, comprise diaries, 1936-1985, some by Betty Fürer-Haimendorf, including detailed accounts of fieldwork; field-notes, 1936-1989; research proposals and reports relating to fieldwork, c1953-1985; fieldwork questionnaires, 1949-1957, on marriage, economic status and kinship; house-lists and genealogies, undated; diagrams and charts on distribution of tribes, families, households, and herds, undated; maps, undated; official correspondence and permits to travel, c1974-1988; miscellaneous papers, c1960-1981, including some relating to travel arrangements.

Papers relating to tribal welfare and development, Andhra Pradesh, c1918-1985, comprise tour notes, c1918, 1945-1946; correspondence between Fürer-Haimendorf and the Revenue Department of the Nizam's Government, 1939-1949; reports on Hyderabad Tribal Affairs, c1935-1949; Gondi reading charts for adults produced as part of an education scheme, 1943-1948; correspondence with tribesmen concerning the alienation of tribal land, 1976-1978; notes on the position of Indian tribal populations, c1960-1985; press cuttings on tribal affairs in India, c1977-1984; Government reports and publications, c1949-1979; miscellaneous papers on tribal welfare, undated.

Working papers for teaching and research, c1949-1979, comprise conference and symposia papers, 1960-1978; lectures and seminar papers, c1949-1977; working papers (subject files) on miscellaneous research topics, c1960-1979 but largely undated; working papers created by René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz on Tibetan dance, religion and ritual, and on medicine and medicinal plants, undated.

Publications and accompanying material, c1917-1990, comprise published texts and articles, 1932-1990; rough drafts and working copies (books) [1939]-[1990]; rough drafts and working copies (articles), largely undated; publications containing photographs by Fürer-Haimendorf, 1937-1960; illustrations used in texts by Fürer-Haimendorf, undated; reviews of Fürer-Haimendorf's publications, 1943-1982; reviews by Fürer-Haimendorf, 1958-1983; extracts and notes from anthropological works by other authors, undated; bibliographies compiled by Fürer-Haimendorf, undated; a large collection of published and unpublished works by other authors, c1917-1989, largely on social and cultural anthropology, and particularly on India, Nepal and Tibet.

Miscellaneous papers, c1935-1989, include further correspondence with colleagues, other scholars, students, publishers, academic institutions and other organisations.

Haimendorf , Christoph , Von , Fürer- , 1909-1995 , anthropologist
FRY, Isabel (1869-1958)
GB 0366 FY · Collection · 1878-1958

The collection mainly consists of a set of Isabel Fry's personal diaries and notebooks dating from 1878-1958. These are supplemented by letters to her friend Eugénie Dubois, c1930-1958, and a few publications and photographs. The diaries reflect all aspects of her life and career including her teaching activities and educational ideas; her preoccupations with political and social affairs, including political reform and emancipation in the East and in Turkey and Persia; her friendships with liberal intellectuals; and her involvement with anti-militarist movements, slum clearance, socialism and feminism. Also included are details of her relationship with her family, friends and their wider social circle.

Fry , Isabel , 1869-1958 , educationist, social worker and reformer
GB 0366 EHR · Collection · 1985-2005

Papers of the Education in Human Rights Network, 1985-2005, including minutes with associated papers (emails, correspondence, announcements), 1992-2005 and copies of the Human Rights in Education Newsletter, 1991-2004.

Education in Human Rights Network
Digby Stuart College
GB 99999 Digby Stuart · [1672]-2001

Records of Digby Stuart College, comprising: Minutes of Governors' Meetings, 1874-1953; Student registers, 1874-1938; staff registers, 1886-1956; College Journal, 1911-1939, 1960-1968; Studies Journal, 1904-1968; papers relating to teaching practice and school visits, 1924-1953; papers relating to examinations, [1874-1939], including schedules and results; Inspectors' reports, 1874-1909; papers relating to the University of London Delegacy, 1932-1949, including the McNair Report, 1944; papers relating to the Missionary Sisters Course, 1931-1940, including the setting up and the running of the course, the syllabus, brochures, lecture material and a register of students; Warden's Book (West Hill), 1954-1967; papers relating to the Old Students' Association (later the Digby Stuart Association), 1874-1973, notably registers of old students, 1874-1957; rules and lists, 1874-1935; minutes, 1966-1975; material relating to Decade Lunches, 1956, 1969-1974; secretaries book, 1874-1961; newsletters, 1946-1954, 1970-1995; copies of St Charles' Chronicle, 1922-1945; copies of The Chronicle, 1920-1969; reports, 1946-1954; material relating to student activities, including copies of Prism, 1962-1966, Fleet, 1963, and Those Days, [1984]; papers relating to the Student Union, notably handbooks, 1972-1988; and press cuttings concerning student activity, [1980s-1990s]; papers relating to the College Centenary, 1974, including liturgies, committee papers, correspondence and press cuttings; scrapbook containing photographs and memorabilia, 1935-1946; material concerning conferences and meetings, 1982-1990s; material relating to buildings, notably Shaw House and the Jubilee Wing, [1994-1996]; papers relating to the College Chaplaincy, 1970-2000; material on the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1973-2001, including annual reports, 1980-1994, press cuttings, 1974-1999, trust deeds, 1977-1978, and prospectuses, 1975-1995; papers relating to the constituent colleges pre and post RIHE, [1970-2001].
There are also working papers of several principals of Digby Stuart College namely:
Papers of Sister Mary Kathleen Richardson (Principal 1948-1969), comprising papers on subjects including three year training, the Robbins Report, the Committee of Principals of Roman Catholic Colleges, the University of London visitations, and the Association of Catholic Teacher-College Students (ACTS); as well as Academic Board minutes, 1956-1967, and documents on the governance and maintenance of the College.
Papers of Sister Dorothy Bell (Principal 1969-1989), including papers of the Committee of Principals of Roman Catholic Colleges; minutes and papers of the Academic Board and Academic Council, 1968-1988; correspondence on the governance of the College and the site, 1968-1982; papers relating to the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1975-1987; College staff lists, [1966-1987]; lists of student numbers, 1968-1974, student nuns, 1969-1983, and exam results, 1969-1988; Annual Reports, 1971-1977; papers relating to involvement in Provincial matters, 1968-1973; papers of College Governors meetings, 1971-1989; papers of the Senate, 1975-1984; papers of the RIHE Council, 1975-1986; minutes and papers of various College committees, 1976-1989.
Papers of Sister Bernadette Porter (Principal 1989-1999), comprising papers of the Committee of Principals of Roman Catholic Colleges, 1990-1992 and the Council of Church and Associated Colleges, 1988-1992; papers of the Senate, 1989-1992; papers of the Committee of Principals, 1990-1991 and the RIHE Collegiate Committee, 1990-1996; minutes and papers of various College committees, 1990-1993; papers of the RIHE Council, 1989-1999; and papers of College Governors meetings, 1989-1998.

The College records are only a part of the English Provincial Archive of the Society of the Sacred Heart, which contains a large collection of archival material relating to convents, colleges and training schools founded by the Society. These records include papers of Cannington Priory Church and Convent, [1843-1975]; the convent at Roscrea, Ireland, [1842-1884], the first foundation in the British Isles; the convent at Woldingham, Roehampton, [1842-1992], including material relating to Woldingham School; the convent at West Hill, Wandsworth, 1874-1975, including papers relating to attached schools; the convent in St Charles' Square, 1905-1946, and Roehampton, 1946-1992, including papers relating to attached schools, [1906-1994]; the convent at Hammersmith, [1672-1994], including papers of the attached schools; the convents at Blackheath and Goodrington, [1903-1975], and Leamington, [1913]; the convent at Bonchurch, [1904-1975]; the convent at Tunbridge Wells, [1915-1973], with material relating to the training school; the convent at Oxford, [1902-1972]; the convent at Fenham, Newcastle, [1828-1998], including a history of the site and material concerning the attached schools and St Mary's Training College; and papers relating to small communities at Gateshead, Burnham, Bexhill, Blyth and Southall, [1984-2000]. The Provincial Archive also holds the papers of AMASC (World Association of the Alumnae of the Sacred Heart), NASHE (National Association of the Sacred Heart, England and Wales) and associated groups, 1957-1995.

There is a large collection of photographs relating to all of the above, as well as historical material relating to the Roehampton area, [1724-1995], mainly relating to buildings owned and including plans, deeds, and specifications relating to 'Roehampton House' (now Queen Mary's Hospital) and 'Parkstead' (now Manresa House); historical material relating to Wimbledon and Putney.

Digby Stuart College Society of the Sacred Heart
GB 0098 AB · Created 1853-1984

Records relating to the Department of Science and Art, 1853-1984; comprising printed articles, annual reports of the Department, 1853-1899, Board of Education reports, 1907-1917; correspondence, notably relating to the School of Naval Architecture, 1864, accommodation for the Royal College of Science, 1890-1897, the possible incorporation of the Royal College of Science into the University of London, 1898-1899, inspection of the college, 1912, the transfer of staff, 1907-1909; correspondence relating to grants, notably for ex-service students, 1919-1921, government students, 1920-1929, the annual grant, 1910-1912, maintenance of buildings, 1912, reports from Universities and University colleges, 1906-1911; Board of Education regulations for the Royal College of Science and Royal College of Art, 1902-1905; precis of minutes of the Board of Education, 1863-1892; examination papers for science schools and classes, 1888-1892; correspondence relating to the use of the Eastern Apparatus Gallery, 1908-1909, the Chelsea Physic garden, 1935-1942, between the Rector and Sir William Pile of the Department of Education and Science concerning industrial management, 1975; papers and press cuttings concerning Higher Education, Government policies, women in science and technology, 1978-1984; reports from the Royal Commission on Technical Instruction, 1882, the Select Committee on Museums of the Science and Art Department, 1898 (AB);

papers relating to the Departmental Committee of the Royal College of Science and Royal School of Mines, notably correspondence, 1903-1908, press-cuttings and articles, 1906, evidence of the Council and Professors of the Royal College of Science relating to the curriculum, 1904, Royal School of Mines Committee of Old Students volume of signatures, 1905; deputation from the Senate of the University of London concerning the proposed technological institute, 1906, minutes of proceedings at the deputation from the City and Guilds of London Institute, 1906, minutes and report of the sub-committee on the Royal School of Mines, 1904, and the Royal College of Science, 1905, papers relating to the draft, preliminary and final reports of the Committee, 1904-1906, notes and outline scheme on the establishment of an engineering Institute, and an Imperial University at South Kensington, undated (ABC);

papers relating to the Royal Commission on University Education in London, including the report of the Royal Commission, 1913, press cuttings, 1910-1913, and reports, including from the University of London Boards of Studies reports on the needs of faculties, 1910, report of the University of London Academic Council, 1910, Committee report on mathematics in Imperial College and the University of London, 1912, Governing Body sub-committee report, 1910-1914, notes by the College Secretary, Alexander Gow, 1914 (ABD); papers relating to the Board of Education Departmental Committee on the University of London, including the report of the Committee, 1926, press cuttings, 1924, evidence of Imperial College representatives, 1925, correspondence, 1923-1926, Governing Body sub-committee report, 1924, draft of proposed statutes under the University of London Act, 1926 (ABE).

Royal College of Science Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
GB 0102 MS 380612 · 1943-1945

Typescript papers, 1943-1945, comprising Dr B Ifor Evans's copies of working papers of the Commission of Enquiry into the Facilities for Oriental, Slavonic, East European and African Studies, including minutes of meetings, correspondence and other administrative papers, questionnaires completed by institutions including universities and learned societies in the UK and overseas, evidence submitted by various individuals, and draft report of findings sent to Ernest Bevin (Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs).

Commission of Enquiry into the Facilities for Oriental, Slavonic, East European and African Studies
GB 0505 RHC AS205-850 · 1889-1971

Records of CHARD, 1913; the Tennis Club, 1889-1914; the Browning Society, 1890-1907; Hockey Club, 1890-1904; the Shakespeare Society, 1908-1945; the Lambeth Association, 1891-1939; the Science Discussion Society, 1892-1936; the Sharp Practice Society, 1896-1906; The Christian Union (later Student Christian Movement), 1900-1936; the Swimming Club, 1899-1938; the Boat Club, 1905-1944; the Fencing Club, [1935]; the Ping Pong Club, [1936]; the '47 Society, 1957; the Poetry Society, 1963-1964; and the Savoy Opera Society, 1970-1971.

Royal Holloway College
Catholic Education Council
GB 2164 CEC · 1848-1993

: Records of the Catholic Education Committee and its predecessors comprising:

Annual reports 1848-1981 (incomplete); Annual General Meeting reports of proceedings 1923-25, including Report on religious inspection of training colleges; files concerning St. Mary's College, Strawberry Hill 1937-1985;

photocopies of Chairman's papers, 1899-1900 including letters received by Chairman from the Committee Secretary, Mr Hunnybun, in 1899 and of report of the Hammersmith Committee,1900;

Catholic Poor School Committee Thiebault's Trust papers 1864-1880;

Catholic Education: an educational review 1956-1959 (incomplete); Catholic Education Council News Bulletin 1962-1972 (incomplete); The Education Reform Act 1988 and Catholic Schools: a guide to the Act, 1988; The Education (School Government) Regulations, 1989: a guide for the governors of Catholic schools, 1989.

Catholic Education Council , from 1905 Catholic Poor School Committee , 1848-1888 Catholic Schools Committee , 1888-1905
CARLTON, Ann (fl 1965-2018)
GB 0370 AC · 1958-1991

Papers of Ann Carlton, primarily relating to her work as Local Government Officer for the Labour Party between 1967 and 1974. There are also some papers from the late 1950s and early-mid 1960s when Michael Ward and later Joan Bourne were Local Government Officer. The collection primarily consists of papers from various groups and committees Carlton and her predecessors were involved with, particularly the Labour Party Home Policy sub-committees relating to local government, which the Local Government Officer was Secretary of. These were the Local Government Sub-Committee (papers from 1959-1960 and 1963-1964), the Regional and Local Government Advisory Committee (papers from 1965-1970), and the Regional and Local Government Sub-Committee (papers from 1970-1971). Carlton was also Secretary for the Association of Municipal Corporations Labour Group (papers from 1963-1973). Other papers relate to a Study Group on the Maud Report on the Management of Local Government (papers from 1964 and 1967), the Association of Education Committees and its future (papers from 1973-1974), and the reorganisation of local authority associations (papers from 1973). There are also copies of papers circulated to Labour groups from 1968-1972, and correspondence and press cuttings relating to Ann Carlton's work.

The papers have a particular focus on proposals to reorganise local government in the 1960s and 1970s, and the impact of this on local authority associations. The topics of housing and town planning, local government conferences and local elections also feature heavily.

Carlton , Ann , fl 1965-2018 , Labour Party activist
GB 0097 BSA · Collection · c1952-c2002

Minutes of the Executive Committee, the finance committee, and related subcommittees; AGM papers; membership registers; material relating to study groups, publications and Summer Schools; conference papers; administrative files; and material relating to relationships with external bodies, the Social Science Research Council, the teachers' section, the Scottish branch and the newsletter.

British Sociological Association
Brentwood Diocesan Archives
GB 2322 · 1791-2003

Archives of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brentwood comprising:

papers relating to the foundation of the Diocese including correspondence files concerning foundation, February-November 1917; Canon Burton's notes on the history of individual parishes in the diocese, 1917; general files relating to diocesan history, 1917-2003; files relating to Causes of Martyrs (beatification and canonization of local martyrs), 1917-2003;

Diocesan administrative papers relating to the Holy See, arranged by Vatican 'departments' including Propaganda Fide, Secretariat of State, Holy Office (Doctrine of the Faith), Congregation of the Council, Apostolic Penitentiary, Seminaries and Education, Bishops, Clergy, Religious, Liturgy (Rites), Sacraments, Saints, Varia (non-Christians, Christian unity, migrants, congresses/jubilees, communications, laity, miscellaneous) , and printed Papal documents, Apostolic Delegate/Nuncio (from 1938-), Bishops' Roman Agency/Dataria, Papal blessings, and Ad Limina Visits (regular visits of the Diocesan Bishop to Rome), 1917-2003;

general correspondence of the Bishops of Brentwood, and some biographical information, including Bernard Nicholas Ward, Apostolic Administrator 1917, Bishop 1917-1920; Arthur Doubleday, 1920-1951; George Andrew Beck, Coadjutor, 1948-1951, Bishop, 1951-1955 includes papers relating his work on Catholic education; Bernard Patrick Wall, Bishop 1956-1969, includes material relating to Vatican II; Patrick J Casey, Bishop 1970-1980; and Thomas McMahon, Bishop 1980-present;

administrative papers relating to Hierarchies, (national and international) including the Synods of Bishops; English and Welsh Bishops, 1917- present; other Bishops, 1917- present; military ordinary and chaplains, 1917-present; Hierarchy meetings (includes some printed minutes from 1867, but is mainly 1917-present); Hierarchy Commissions and Committees; Jubilees and celebrations; National Pastoral Congress, 1980; Papal visit, 1982;

papers relating to the Episcopal and Curial administration, including finance and property, Trust funds, Episcopal Registers/Bishop's House/Diocesan Offices, Chancery and Vicar General, Ad Clerum and circulars, 1917-present; Pastoral letters to clergy and peoples, 1917-present; Diocesan Synods, 1950s, and Synods of other Dioceses; Council of Priests and National Conference of Priests, 1960s-present; Diocesan Pastoral councils, 1980s-present; Deanery Conferences (including some minutes) 1980s-present; Diocesan publications including Brentwood Diocesan Magazine, 1920-1921, Diocesan Newsletters, 1970s-1980s; Diocesan Newspapers, 1980s-present; Diocesan Year Book, 1952-present; press cuttings, 1910-present;

files relating to clergy serving within the Diocese Pre-1917 Clergy; Diocesan Clergy: General; and Diocesan Clergy - deceased; non-Diocesan Clergy, on loan, Chaplaincies, temporary faculties and applications refused; Clergy Funds and Associations; [1875]-present; among the priests of the diocese were John Carmel Heenan (Bishop of Leeds 1951-1957, Archbishop of Liverpool 1957-1963, Archbishop of Westminster 1963-1975, Cardinal 1965), John Petit (Bishop of Menevia 1947-1972), Brian Foley (Bishop of Lancaster 1962-1985), and Alfred Gilby (1901-1998) (Catholic Chaplain to Cambridge University, 1932-1965);

papers relating to the Chapter of Canons, advisors to the Bishop, 1917-1984;

files relating to individual parishes within the Diocese including official documents such as reports and visitation returns, [1910]-present; general parish files; and history and correspondence, 1917-present;

administrative papers relating to other Diocesan Officials and Commissions including Diocesan Travelling Mission (to remote areas) and Private Chapels, 1952-1969; justice and peace, 1970s-present; ecumenism, 1970s-present; liturgy and music, 1970s-present; art and architecture/Historic Churches Commissions; pilgrimages, 1950s-present; Pastoral, Social Welfare and Youth, 1970s-present;

administrative papers relating to Roman Catholic education including the Director of Vocations, Ecclesiastical Education Fund; and students files for Students for the priesthood, 1917-present; dimissorials (non-diocesan subjects); Senior Seminaries, 1917-present; Junior Seminaries 1917-present; other institutions, 1917-present; administrative papers of the Schools Commission / Director of Education, 1930s-present; papers relating to primary, secondary and independent schools in London Boroughs and Essex, mainly 1917-present; and administration of the Brentwood Religious Education Services (BRES) and catechetics, 1974-present;

papers relating to Catholic societies, non-Catholic societies and social issues such as the Society of St Vincent de Paul, Catholic Women's League, Knights of St Columba, Legion of Mary etc, 1917-present;

papers relating to Religious orders within the Diocese, and their members, including men religious and women religious; secular institutes, religious: general, and abortive foundations;

papers relating to Diocesan buildings and architecture, including general files; files relating to the Cathedral; and files relating to war damage, 1940s-1950s;

maps and plans, mainly of the local area and diocesan buildings, [1900]-present;

photographs, 19th and 20th century, including portraits of clergy, and church and chapel buildings interior and exteriors;

video and audio recordings of ceremonies and events;

miscellaneous papers including manuscript writings of William Joseph Petre (1847-1893), 13th Baron Petre (Monsignor Lord Petre), priest, peer and educationalist;

published works including Catholic Directory, 1850s-present; Brentwood Diocesan Directory, 1952-present; Catholic Who's Who, 1915-1952; and copies of published histories of parishes of the diocese; and volumes from the libraries of the Bishops of Brentwood;

some material deposited with the Diocese by parishes includes of Harwich Roman Catholic Parish registers of Baptisms, 1864-1955; Confirmations, 1881-1947; Marriages, 1865-1952; deaths, 1864-1879; and parish notice books; Thorndon Park Roman Catholic Parish, (closed in 1946) registers including baptisms, 1791-1816, 1856-1882; and church marriages, 1857-1941; Witham Roman Catholic Parish register including baptisms, 1839-1957 and church marriages, 1841.

Diocese of Brentwood , Roman Catholic Church in England , 1917-
BARTON, Dorothea M
GB 106 7DMB · Fonds · c 1900-1920

The archive consists of historical and contemporary notes, statistics, press cuttings and correspondence on women's wages including specific classes of trades (1914-1919); printed reports on conditions of juvenile employment (1912), of the sub-committee of the Women's Industrial Council (1917), on women's employment in industry (c 1910-1915); press cuttings, articles and reviews, on women and their welfare (1912-1917); papers, reports and typescript of articles on women's wages and conditions (1912-1919); notes on the employment of women in the Civil Service (1914-1916); questionnaire of the Fabian Society's Women's Group and other organisations (undated).

Barton , Dorothea M , fl 1890-1933 , nee Zimmern , feminist and social researcher
GB 1924 Irish in Britain · c1930-2002

Records of the Archive of the Irish in Britain, c1930-2002, comprising:
Special Collections: including the Paul Hill Prison Letters, 1974-1989; correspondence related to the Commission for Racial Equality funded research programme into the Irish in Britain in the mid 1990s; correspondence between Irish Community Groups and the Greater London Council Irish Liaison Unit, in the 1980s, and individual accounts of experiences of migrating to, and settling in Britain during the 20th Century.
Community Collection: including community organisation reports, information sheets and publicity material.
Photographic collections: including prints by Joanne O'Brien of Irish community events in the 1980s, and a collection of photographs of activities of the London Irish Womens Centre.
Audio recordings: including oral history interviews with Irish people in Britain, recorded in the 1980s; recordings of lectures given to the Irish in Britain History Group, 1980s; recordings of radio broadcasts on the Irish in Britain, 1980-1990s, and recordings of UNL Irish Studies Centre public lectures, 1991-2001.
Ephemera including posters publicising political, cultural and social events; Irish step-dance medals, sporting medals and shields, rosettes and banners; exhibition panels relating to the Guildford Four Campaign, and about the activities of the Camden Irish Pensioners Group.
Researchers should note that the archive contains no genealogical material.

Irish in Britain History Group University of North London , Irish Studies Centre
Alicia Patterson Fund
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0431 · 1966-1971

Newsletters of the Alice Patterson Foundation Program reporting studies on Europe, Chile, South America and Eastern Europe.

Alicia Patterson Fund