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        Enseñanza científica superior

        662 Descripción archivística resultados para Enseñanza científica superior

        662 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
        GB 1538 RCOG/B14 · Fondo · 1984-2007

        Records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Subspecialty Board / Subspecialty Committee, 1984-2007, comprising: minute books (1984-2002); agenda, minutes and papers (1984-2007); survey on subspecialisation; requests for funding; correspondence regarding eligibility; sample assessment forms; Chairmans' correspondence; subspecialty guidelines (1991-2003); papers regarding community gynaecology and reproductive health. Trainee files are not retained, although reports on individual trainees can be found in the agenda papers.

        Sin título
        Academic Committee
        GB 1538 RCOG/B20 · Fondo · 1996-2007

        Records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Academic Committee, 1996-2007, comprising agenda, minutes and papers.

        Sin título
        GB 1538 RCOG/E11 · Fondo · 1991-2002

        Records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Continuing Medical Education / Continuing Professional Development programmes, 1991-2002, including papers of the Chairman of the CME Committee and Head of the Postgraduate Education Department, including correspondence relating to responses to the report of the Working Party on Continuing Medical Education; subject files; and CME/CPD newsletters, guides and documentation.

        Sin título
        GB 1538 S92 · 1811-[1823]

        Printed syllabus of the lectures on midwifery delivered at Guy's Hospital by John Haighton (London, 1811), extensively annotated and interleaved with shorthand notes by John Hunter Junior, presumably taken from Haighton's lectures, 8 Oct 1813.

        Sin título
        Else, Joseph (d 1780)
        GB 0114 MS0117 · [1768]-1780

        Papers relating to Jospeh Else, c1768-1780, comprising a manuscript volume containing notes of anatomy lectures by an unknown hand; and a manuscript volume titled Mr Else's Surgical Lectures containing notes of surgical lectures by an unknown hand.

        Sin título
        Dickson, Walter (fl 1841)
        GB 0114 MS0146 · 1841

        Papers of Walter Dickson, 1841, comprising an Inaugural dissertation by Walter Dickson titled On the Pathology of Dropsey, which was submitted to the Medical Faculty of the University of Edinburgh, 24 Mar 1841.

        Sin título
        Seager, Charles Dagge (1779-1844)
        GB 0114 MS0198 · c 1800

        Papers of Charles Dagge Seager, c 1800, comprising a manuscript transcript by Seager, of the notes taken at lectures on surgery by John Hunter, arranged into aphorisms by Charles Brandon Trye.

        Sin título
        Abernethy, John (1764-1831)
        GB 0114 MS0210 · Early 19th century

        Papers of John Abernethy, early 19th century, comprising one and a half volumes of manuscript notes by R Collett, House Surgeon at St Bartholomew's Hospital and dresser to Abernethy, taken at Abernethy's lectures on surgery, c 1806; two and a half volumes of manuscript notes by an unidentified hand, taken at Abernethy's lectures on surgery, c 1806; a volume of manuscript notes by an unidentified hand, taken at Abernethy's surgical lectures at St Bartholemew's Hospital, 1806; a volume of manuscript notes by an unidentified hand, taken at Abernethy's surgical lectures; and an envelope of manuscript fragments including a slip containing Abernethy's signature; a museum admittance for [G]iles Gardner and Captain Phillips signed by Abernethy; a slip signed by Abernethy regarding a payment; and an undated letter from Abernethy regarding an absence from the College due to the illness of his mother.

        Sin título
        Poole, Thomas James (1809-1881)
        GB 0114 MS0265 · 1825

        Papers of Thomas James Poole, 1825, comprising an indenture of the apprenticeship of Poole as a surgeon, apothecary and accouchier to Anthony Huxtable and Henry Clark, 1825.

        Sin título
        GB 0114 MS0268 · 1785-1804

        Papers relating to William Cumberland Cruikshank, 1785-1804, comprising 9 volumes of manuscript lecture notes by Henry Nathaniel Rumsey, titled Anatomical lectures by Mr Cruikshank. Course 1st, vol. 1st, October 1785.; Anatomical lectures by Mr Cruikshank & Mr Baillie. Course 1st, vol. 2nd, 1785.; Lectures on anatomy by Mr Cruikshank. Course 1st, vol. 3rd, 1786.; Lectures on anatomy, by W. Cruikshank and Mr Baillie, course 2nd, vol. 1st, 1786; Lectures on anatomy, by W. Cruikshank and Mr Baillie, course 2nd, vol. 2nd, 1786; Lectures on anatomy, by W. Cruikshank, course 2nd, vol. 3rd, 1786; Lectures on anatomy, by W. Cruikshank, course 2nd, vol. 4th, 1786; Lectures on anatomy, by W. Cruikshank, course 2nd, vol. 5th, 1786; and Lectures by Mr Cruikshank, containing physiology notes; a volume of manuscript notes on anatomy by William Clift, titled Mr Cruikshank and Dr Baillie 1798.; and a manuscript volume containing notes on muscles, notes on Cruickshank's lectures, remarks by J Thompson, and a report from the Board of Curators concerning the skeleton of a mammoth, 1793-1804.

        Sin título
        Gaddum, Sir John Henry (1900-1965)
        GB 0117 JHG · 1922-1965

        Working papers and correspondence of Sir John Henry Gaddum. The scientific material in the collection centres on a run of student and laboratory notebooks for 1922-1965, together with files of notes and calculations on biological assay and other topics. Further papers concentrate on Gaddum's teaching and publications in the form of lecture scripts, typescripts of articles and related correspondence. Material on his administrative work includes correspondence on conferences and organizations, with some Royal Society papers, but also Physiological Society letters, 1936-1941. Non-paper records such as slides and personal souvenirs are also preserved.

        Sin título
        GB 0102 IMC/CBMS/I · 1902-1963

        Microfiche copy of the joint archive of the International Missionary Council and Conference of British Missionary Societies, largely dating from 1910-1945 with some material dating from 1902-1963, relating to co-operative missionary endeavours in India, and comprising minutes and papers of the National Missionary Council (NMC) and its successor the National Christian Council (NCC), 1912-1963, and of provincial mission councils (including Burma and Ceylon), 1913-1947; NMC correspondence and papers, 1912-1922, including some relating to the NMC survey, 1914-1920; NCC correspondence and papers, 1922-1951, on missionary work and related issues; papers on the NCC and the Christian Medical Association of India, medical work and medical education, 1928-1943; NCC Review, 1926-1950; papers on Christian literature, 1918-1943, and statistics for Indian Christians, 1922-1945; papers on NCC surveys on conditions in rural and industrial work and post-war economic reconstruction, 1927-1948; NCC mass movement and evangelism, 1929-1941; comity between different missions, 1917-1945; devolution of mission property, 1937-1947; the Jacobite (Syrian) Church (Orthodox), Travancore, 1929-1942; Benares City Mission, 1928-1949; interdenominational Church Union in South India, 1928-1947; various printed material, 1919-1957; papers on Indian government, constitutional reform, political affairs and independence, including implications for the Christian minority, 1915-1950; general educational provision and educational policy in India, 1911-1925, 1940; the 'conscience cause' in education, 1902-1925; Village Education Commission (which reported in 1920), 1904-1922, and related subjects, 1924-1949; the '4 1/2 Colleges Appeal' for women's education, 1926-1930; the Lindsay Commission on Higher (Christian) Education, 1929-1931, and the resulting Central Board of Christian Higher Education, 1931-1948, British Advisory Committee on Christian Higher Education, 1931-1939, and American Advisory Committee on Christian Higher Education, 1931-1938; papers on the Indian Christian Colleges Appeal, 1928-1948; High Schools Survey and related subjects, 1916-1935; theological education, including individual colleges, 1919-1948; women's education, including medical education and missionary training, 1916-1949; various Colleges, 1920-1951; various printed papers on Indian education, 1938-1946. Some material relates to Pakistan, the Punjab, and Bengal, as well as to India as demarcated in the modern period.

        Sin título
        GB 0403 RSA · 1634-2002 (printed material from 1634, archival material from 1754)

        Archive, 1754 to date, of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA; formerly the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, or Society of Arts), created by the Society in the course of its activities, and comprising records of its administration (Ref: AD), and records of its activities and events (Ref: PR), also including some printed material dating back to 1634.

        Administrative records of the Society include:

        Records of Miscellaneous Committees to discuss the programme and administration of the Society, including the Committee of Correspondence and Papers and the Committee of Miscellaneous Matters, 1754-1848 (Ref: AD.MA/104).
        Records of the Society from 1754, later the Council (established 1845) (Ref: AD.MA/100).

        Records concerning Chairmen of Council (from 1846) and Council membership (Ref: AD.MA/102).

        Records of Secretaries (administrative head of the Society), after 1994 known as the Director (Ref: AD.MA/101).

        Records of Presidents (Ref: AD.MA/103).

        Records of Membership/Fellowship, relating to subscribers to the Society, originally termed 'members', referred to as 'Fellows' from 1908 (Ref: AD.MA/900). (The archive does not include extensive biographical information on RSA Fellows, although dates of membership of Fellows are usually recorded.)
        Records concerning the Society's House in John Adam Street from its design and construction by the Adam Brothers, including correspondence, papers, notes, leases and other legal documents, relating to administration, management, alteration and repair of the building (Ref: AD.MA/300).

        Records of various House Committees set up at different times to look at the building, its use, function, administration and management (Ref: AD.MA/305).

        Accounting and financial records produced by various committees including the Accounts Committee and Finance and General Purposes Committee (Ref: AD.MA/400).

        Annual Reports recording the Society's activities over the year, initially within the Journal (from 1852), but later as a separate publication (Ref: AD.MA/701).

        Records relating to general lectures (developed from the 1850s when the Society ceased the award of premiums for inventions), with correspondence mainly concerning administrative arrangements for speakers and publication of their texts (in the RSA Journal) and suggestions for topics for discussion (Ref: AD.MA/800).

        Records relating to the RSA Silver Medal awarded annually for the most interesting lecture over the preceding year (Ref: AD.MA/803).

        Records relating to production of the Journal and other publicity, promotion and communication (Ref: AD.MA/203).

        Donations and collections, comprising objects and artefacts donated to or bought by the Society (Ref: AD.MA/204).

        Records of the Society's activities (such as award schemes, exhibitions, conferences, seminars and lectures), including joint initiatives with a range of other organisations, include:

        Guard Books (30 volumes), 1754-1770, containing correspondence and papers about all Society activities and committees, on a range of subjects (Ref: PR.GE/110).

        Manuscript versions of the Society's Transactions, comprising draft versions of the printed Transactions, including drawings, plans and diagrams in support of claims for premiums and awards. Also general correspondence to the Society on various 19th century campaigns, conferences and committees, covering subjects including lectures (arrangements for dates, speakers, chairmen, participants; suggestions for subjects, submission of lecture texts, corrections to texts, requests for tickets/programmes, acceptances, apologies for non-attendance etc), examinations (requests for syllabus, copies of certificates, programmes, rules; complaints, arrangements, agreements with colleges, details of examiners etc), membership (requests for information, applications, replies to circulars, notes accompanying subscriptions, resignations, complaints), Council/committee chairmen (intention to attend meetings, acceptances, general arrangements for meetings, requests for information, dates, times etc), Journal (receipt/non-receipt of copies, reciprocal arrangements with other libraries, requests for extra copies, corrections to proofs, advertising, arrangements for making blocks, photogravures etc), House (letters from freeholders, solicitors, contractors; booking of rooms), staff (applications for employment, testimonials, sick notes etc - a very small number of items), general (invitations, letters from bankers, auditors, business circulars, requests for funding, suggestions for campaigns, policies, events etc), and including artistic copyright, uniform musical pitch, domestic economy, art workmanship, musical training, food committees, patent law reform, prevention of fires in theatres and education exhibitions (Ref: PR.GE/118-19, 121).

        Records relating to Premium and Programme committees (Ref: PR.GE/112); Albert Medal (founded 1863) (Ref: PR.GE/101); Memorial Tablet (blue plaque) scheme (founded 1866) (PR.GE/122); War Memorials Advisory Council (established 1944, disbanded 1948), concerning memorials of the Second World War (Ref: PR.GE/117); Exhibition of Exhibitions (1951), concurrent with the Festival of Britain, to commemorate earlier ground-breaking Society exhibitions on contemporary art (1760), industrial design (1847-1850), photography (1852), industry (1761), and the first international exhibition (1851) (Ref: PR.GE/102); R B Bennett Commonwealth Prize (endowed 1944) for outstanding contribution to the promotion of the arts, agriculture, industries and commerce of the Overseas Empire (Ref: PR.GE/116); Commonwealth Committee (Ref: PR.GE/113); proposals and planning for the Festival of Britain (1951) (Ref: PR.GE/103); events for the RSA Bicentenary (1954) (Ref: PR.GE/107); Benjamin Franklin Medal (instituted 1956) (Ref: PR.GE/100); Trusts, bequests, fundraising and development (Ref: PR.GE/111).

        Records relating to manufacture and commerce, including the Paris Exhibitions (1844-1900) (Ref: PR.MC/109); Great Exhibition (1851) (Ref: PR.MC/107); International Exhibition (1862) (Ref: PR.MC/108); Chicago Exhibition (World's Columbian Exposition, 1893), British Section (Ref: PR.MC/112); Industry Year/Industry Matters (1986) (Ref: PR.MC/100); Tomorrow's Company (begun 1994), concerning the role of business in a changing world (Ref: PR.MC/115); Redefining Work (launched 1995) (Ref: PR.MC/116); Forum for Ethics in the Workplace (1997) (Ref: PR.MC/117); Manufacturing, Wealth Creation and the Economy (1998) (Ref: PR.MC/118).

        Records of subject-based standing committees set up by the Society from 1754 to judge awards and premiums in particular areas, including minutes and correspondence about awards and attendance at and structure of committees: Agriculture (Ref: PR.MC/103), Chemistry (Ref: PR.MC/105), Colonies and Trade (Ref: PR.MC/104), Manufactures (Ref: PR.MC/102), Mechanics (Ref: PR.MC/101), and Polite Arts - including prints, drawings and other artwork submitted for award (Ref: PR.AR/103).

        Records relating to fine and applied arts, including exhibition of works of Ancient and Medieval Art (1847-1850) (Ref: PR.AR/105); exhibition of the works of William Etty and William Mulready (1848-1849), including general correspondence, printed matter, catalogues, press cuttings, tickets and notices about mounting of exhibitions, and attendance (Ref: PR.AR/112); British Art in Industry Exhibition (1935) to publicise good design in articles of everyday use (Ref: PR.AR/101); Humorous Art Exhibition (1949-1950) (Ref: PR.AR/100); Art for Architecture scheme (from 1990), aiming to enhance the urban environment by encouraging cross disciplinary approaches to building and landscape projects, and associated with the Jerwood Art for Architecture Award (introduced 1994) (Ref: PR.AR/110); Shakespeare in Schools (begun 1992), a pilot project to introduce Shakespeare to children (Ref: PR.AR/108).

        Records relating to promotion of design, including the Design Bursaries Board, Design Committee, the Design Board, Design Advisory Group and Design Section (Ref: PR.DE/106-7); Industrial Art Bursaries Competition (started 1924), succeeded by the Design Bursaries Competition, Competition of Industrial Designs and Student Design Awards (Ref: PR.DE/100); Royal Designers for Industry (RDI) scheme (created 1936) to encourage a high standard of industrial design (Ref: PR.DE/101); Bicentenary Medal (instituted 1954) for exceptional influence in promoting art and design in British industry (Ref: PR.DE/102); Presidential Awards for Design Management (instituted 1964) to recognise outstanding design policy (Ref: PR.DE/105).
        Records relating to education, including the RSA Examinations Board (PR.ED/100); the Education for Capability programme (initiated 1979) to counteract academic bias in British education and promote practical, organising and co-operative skills (Ref: PR.ED/107); the future of Technological Higher Education in Britain (1982), a study group to consider the problems facing Britain in the development of technological higher education (Ref: PR.ED/118); Home-School links (from 1988) (Ref: PR.ED/108); Parents in a Learning Society, a development project to involve parents in education and assess home-school work (Ref: PR.ED/104); the National Advisory Council for Careers and Educational Guidance (established 1994), to promote and advise on provision of guidance for learning and work (Ref: PR.ED/103); Education Futures (2000) (Ref: PR.ED/116).

        Records relating to the environment, including the Campaign for the Preservation of Ancient Cottages (begun 1926) to protect cottage architecture, establishing a fund which purchased or restored cottages near Worthing, at Bibury, Gloucestershire, West Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, Chiddingstone, Kent, and elsewhere (Ref: PR.EN/100); three 'Countryside in 1970' Conferences (1963-1970) (Ref: PR.EN/104); Environment Committee (formed 1971) to identify and anticipate major environmental problems and provide a forum for discussion (Ref: PR.EN/107), which began the Pollution Abatement Technology Award Scheme (PATAS) (1983-1986) (Ref: PR.EN/103), succeeded by the Better Environment for Industry/European Better Environment Awards for Industry (BEAFI/EBEAFI) (1987-1991) (Ref: PR.EN/101); the Environment Committee's sub-committee the RSA-Cubitt Trust Panel (to 1991), devoted to the built environment and working with the Cubitt Trust to convene conferences, seminars and an annual Cubitt Lecture (Ref: PR.EN/106); After the Earth Summit - What Next? (1992) (Ref: PR.EN/128); RSA Environmental Management Awards (begun 1993) (Ref: PR.EN/102).

        The Early Library (Ref: SC/EL/1-5), comprising c500 printed works collected by the Society before 1830, including journals and periodicals, and c300 pamphlets and tracts covering broad-ranging topics relating to premiums and awards of the various sectional committees (Agriculture, Polite Arts, Chemistry, Manufactures, Mechanics, and Colonies and Trade), and including extracts from proceedings of other societies and learned institutions.

        Sin título
        LEE, Shui-wai (fl 1966-1971)
        GB 0074 LMA/4500 · Colección · 1966-1971

        Papers of Shui-wai Lee relating to her nursing training and permission to work in Britain.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 CBT · Colección · [1854-1922]

        Papers of Sir Julian Stafford Corbett, comprising correspondence with publishers including Longmans and Macmillans; manuscript drafts, working papers, notes and essays, lecture notes for the Royal Naval War College, Portsmouth, reports, press cuttings for his Naval reviews. Also included is correspondence from Naval Officers, Corbett's parents, from his wife E.R.C (previously Edith Rosa Alexander), the Fisher Correspondence and letters to Sir John Pakington, Admiralty, 1858/9, including a series of letters from Sir Houston Stewart to Pakington.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 DAN/801-810 · Subfondo · 1937-1954
        Parte de Dannreuther Family

        Papers of Raymond Portal Dannreuther comprising:

        Engineering notes belonging to Raymond Portal Dannreuther dated 1937 from The Royal Naval College, Dartmouth

        Printed booklet entitled Notes on Wave Motion with special reference to light and sound. For use at The Royal Naval College, Dartmouth

        Handwritten notes belonging to Raymond Portal Dannreuther on Servo amplifiers and radios from 1941

        First Lieutenant's Standing Orders belonging to Raymond Portal Dannreuther from HMS LEWES dated 1 May 1944

        Printed booklet entitled The First Lieutenant's Handbook by Lieutenant-Commander E A Codrington Ball

        Manuscript Notes on signal codes for aircraft belonging to Raymond Portal Dannreuther, 1937

        Letters from Raymond Portal Dannreuther to his mother dated 7 Jan 1948 to 29 May 1949

        Printed booklet entitled Officer's Divisional Course, Royal Naval barracks, Portsmouth dated 9 Dec 1949.

        Printed and manuscript notes on aircraft rockets, dive bombing and pilot training from HMS EXCELLENT, 1954

        HMS EXCELLENT printed Ward Room Mess Rules from Jan 1953

        Sin título
        H09/EV · Subfondo · 1867 - 1970
        Parte de GUY'S HOSPITAL GROUP

        Records of the Evelina Hospital, including Court of Governors minute book, 1893-1948; Committee of Management minutes, 1869-1939; Medical Committee minutes, 1894-1928; House Committee minutes, 1912-1948; constitution and rules of the hospital, 1903-1934; standing orders and duties of medical staff, 1907-1948; general reports, 1887-1902; annual reports, 1871-1948; correspondence, 1882-1963; guard book kept by the Secretary containing circulars, memoranda and press cuttings regarding the hospital and its administration, 1875-1899; papers regarding repairs and improvements to the operating theatre and the cleaning of the ward floors, 1901-1903; statements of income and expenditure, 1879-1921; staff registers, 1875-1949; papers and plans relating to building work, 1876-1951; patients' case register, 1874-1877; medical registers, 1889-1904; in-patients register, 1918-1926; case books, 1911-1939; death register, 1908-1912; ward report books, 1936-1939; operation books, 1909-1940; post mortem report books, 1892-1948; out-patients registers, 1896-1948; baptism register, 1935-1975; housekeeping records, 1882-1948; register of trainee nurses, 1896-1914; financial records, 1869-1948; registers of donations, 1881-1939; histories of the hospital, 1969; articles and pamphlets relating to the founder of the hospital, 1959-1968; articles and pamphlets relating to other children's hospitals, 1939-1972; photographs of the interior and exterior of the hospital, 1907-1969; press cuttings, 1871-1896 and leaflets and prospectuses printed by the hospital, 1888-1948.

        Sin título
        H14 · Colección · 1749-1984

        Records of the British Lying-In Hospital Group comprising papers of the British Lying-In Hospital, 1749-1914, the British Hospital for Mothers and Babies, 1905-1984 and the Council for the Promotion of the Higher Training of Midwives, 1903-1941. The papers include committee minutes, diaries, patient records including admission registers and case notes, rules and regulations, histories of the hospitals and financial records.

        Sin título
        H33/MNA · Subfondo · 1908-1949

        The records of the Maternity Nursing Association, 1908-1949, comprising council and committee minutes (4 volumes), annual reports (9 volumes), wages book (1 volume), analysis of expenditure (1 volume) and a book of newspaper cuttings and copies of leaflets concerning the association.

        Sin título
        H36/WMX · Subfondo · 1896-1993

        Records of West Middlesex University Hospital, including annual reports, 1961-1976; administrative files on subjects including the redevelopment of the hospital, staffing, information for patients, medical committees, research ethics, procedures and correspondence, 1939-1992; registers of admission, 1946-1948; registers of creed, 1942-1944; registers of birth, 1896-1976; registers of deaths, 1946-1956, registers of operations, 1920-1971; matron's report books, 1896-1931; registers of sisters, staff nurses, probationers and assistant nurses, 1896-1968; School of Nursing prospectuses, 1960-1970; Isleworth League of Nurses journals, 1923-1957 and photographs of the hospital, staff and patients, 1940-1985.

        Sin título
        GB 0099 KCLMA Edmonds · Created 1827-1838, 1852, 1879-1881, 1890-1957

        Papers created or collected by Edmonds during the course of his life and career, dated 1827-1838, 1852, 1879-1881, 1890-1957, principally comprising typescript memoirs covering his life and career, 1861-1951, and notably concerning his work at the Royal Military Academy, 1890-1896, and in the Intelligence Division of the War Office, 1899-1901, 1904-1908, his service in South Africa, 1901-1902, and in World War One, 1914-1918, at the Geneva Conference, 1906, as General Staff Officer, 4 Div, 1911-1914, and in the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1919-1949, written in [1951]; correspondence with Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, 1922-1954, relating to Churchill's book The World Crisis, 1911-1918 (Thornton Butterworth, London,1923-1929, abridged and revised, 1931); letters from FM Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig and his wife, 1903-1939, mainly relating to Edmonds' work on the official history of World War One; correspondence with Maj Gen Sir Ernest (Dunlop) Swinton, 1919-1950; texts of lectures,[1908-1947], notably relating to the American Civil War, 1861-1865, laws of war and the organisation of intelligence and information in warfare; typescript and printed articles, 1893-1957, mainly relating to World War One; official army handbooks and reports by Edmonds and others, 1899-1918, 1945; papers related to World War One collected by Edmonds, dated 1900, 1907, 1914-[1945]; presscuttings, [1906-1943], mainly concerning political and military developments and international relations; photographs, 1895-1918, mainly of Edmonds with Army colleagues.

        Sin título
        GB 0099 KCLMA Ellwood · Created 1955

        Bound copy of typescript memoir entitled 'Rejoining the Navy', giving a brief summary of his life and career, 1933-1955, and a detailed account of his role as Staff Officer (Trade) to the Commander-in-Chief, Eastern Atlantic Area during Exercise LIFELINE, a NATO exercise in naval control of shipping, 1955.

        Sin título
        GB 0099 KCLMA Fuller · Created 1897-1966

        Bound typescript histories of Tank Corps battalions, brigades and groups during World War One, 1914-1918, written by Tank Corps personnel in [1918-1919]. Bound volumes of official correspondence, reports, memoranda, notes, maps, photographs, operation orders, summaries of information and other papers concerning tank strategy and tactics, 1916-1918, the Battle ofCambrai, 1917, and Tanks Corps operations, 1914-1918, dated 1917-1919. Correspondence between Fuller, M Mitzakis and various military personnel relating to the use of Canal Defence Light (CDL) tanks during World War Two, 1939-1945, dated 1946. Other papers relating to his life and military career, [1889]-1965, including letters to his parents, 1897-1921, notably covering his service in SouthAfrica, 1899-1902, and in World War One, 1914-1918; narrative diaries covering his service in South Africa, 1901-1902, and World War One, 1914-1915; book agreements, 1919, 1956-1965; correspondence with publishers, 1956, 1961-1965; newspaper cuttings, 1945, 1952, 1965-1966, including obituaries of Fuller, 1966; papers relating to the occult, notably including letters from Aleister Crowley, 1905-[1924], and manuscript and typescript texts by Fuller and others, 1910, 1926, [1930] and 1966. Bound typescript text on Gen (William) Edmund Ironside, mainly consisting of extracts from Ironside's letters to Col Roderick MacLeod, 1927-1958, compiled by MacLeod in [1959], and 'A secret service agent in South-West Africa', a bound typescript text on Ironside's service as a British agent among the Boers in German South West Africa, 1902-1904, written by MacLeod in [1965] using Ironside's notes.

        Sin título
        HANSEN, Lt Col Harald George
        GB 0099 KCLMA Hansen · [1914-1918]

        Papers, maps and publications relating to the military career of Lt Col Harald George Hansen including memoir on his service as Private and Non-commissioned Officer with 4th Btn, Yorkshire Regiment, Western Front, 1914-1918; US military maps of Italy, 1944-1945, papers, publications and photos on the Highland Fieldcraft Training Centre; Ministry of Information publications on World War Two and a Royal Artillery history of World War Two: presentation volume of many essays by RA officers.

        Sin título
        HARRISON, Maj Gen Desmond (1896-1984)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Harrison D · Created 1941, 1943-1947

        Papers relating to his work as Engineer-in-Chief, South East Asia Command, 1943-1946, dated 1943-1947, principally comprising official photographs showing construction work on roads, bridges and airstrips, 1943-1946; official photograph of Acting Adm Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia and US Gen Lewis APick, [1945]; 'The construction of forward airfields in SEAC Areas', Engineer-in-Chief (India) Pamphlet No 12, prepared by Harrison and Maj Gen Horace Eckford Roome, Engineer-in-Chief, General HQ, India, 1945; 'Royal Engineers training memorandum No 20: rafting andbridging', pamphlet issued by the War Office, 1946; 'Memorandum on the training and employment of officers of the Royal Engineers and Indian Engineers in preparation for war', issued by General HQ, Delhi, 1945; letter from Harrison to AQ Plans, South East Asia Command relating to the building of the Ledo Road, Burma and India, Dec 1945; 'Major Engineer: lessons of the war in South East AsiaCommand', copy of unsigned typescript text, [1945]; pre-publication edition of Mountbatten's Report to Combined Chiefs of Staff by the Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia, 1943-1946 (London, 1951), 1947; 'Annexure A', unsigned typescript text on Engineer organisation, South East Asia Command, 1943-1946, written in [1946] and later reworked and published as Annexure 6 of Mountbatten's Report to Combined Chiefs of Staff by Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia, 1943-1946 (London, 1951). Unsigned text of lecture to the Senior Officers' School on organisation and work of Royal Engineers, 31 Dec 1941.

        Sin título
        GB 0099 KCLMA Kennedy · Created 1914-[1916]

        Papers relating to Kennedy's service as Capt of the battlecruiser HMS INDOMITABLE during World War One, including brief diary of the war training of the British Mediterranean Fleet, 1913-1914; narratives describing the shadowing, chase and escape of the German battlecruiser GOEBEN and its companion ship BRESLAU from the British Mediterranean Fleet, Aug 1914; apersonal description of the first bombardment of the Dardanelles, Nov 1914; intelligence reports of the positions of the warships of various nations, 1915; summary of information received from survivors of the German battlecruiser BLUCHER sunk during the Battle of Dogger Bank, Jan 1915; a brief personal memoir of the Battle of Jutland, May 1916.

        Sin título
        KING-WILKINSON, Capt L C
        GB 0099 KCLMA King-Wilkinson · Created 1931

        Papers relating to his service in 4/5 East Lancashire Regt, dated 1931, principally comprising battalion orders and instructions for training exercises.

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        GB 0099 KCLMA Lethbridge · Created 1939-1961

        Papers chiefly related to Lethbridge's service in the Second World War, 1943-1948 and the Control Commission, 1945-1948. Typescript report, photographs, glass photographic slides and correspondence relating to 220 Lethbridge Mission, to the USA, India, South West Pacific and Australia to study tactics and equipment required to defeat Japan in the Far East, 1943-1944. Photographs, including album of Australian troops in action with Japanese, Papua New Guinea, 1943, with related publications, notably War in New Guinea (Department of Information, Australia, 1943) and The Australasians [27 Nov 1943], with profile of Lethbridge. Papers relating to Lethbridge's service as Chief of Staff, 14 Army, Burma, 1944-1945, including printed chart of the planned phases of the Burma campaign, 1944; letters home, Aug 1944-Jun 1945; personal letter from Gen Sir William Joseph Slim, Commander in Chief, Allied Land Forces, South East Asia, to Lethbridge, 26 Sep 1945; typescript operational and administrative notes on the Burma campaign, 1945; portrait photographs, including Gen Slim [1945]; typescript administrative memoranda, 1945; edition of Campaign in Burma (Central Office of Information, London, 1946). Papers relating to Control Commission for Germany, 1945-1948, including photocopies of Hitler's last will and testament, with copies of translations, 1945; Lethbridge's notes on evidence for Hitler's death, 1945; Hitler's signed Christmas card [1944]; press cuttings relating to defeat of plot by former SS officers, 1947; two UK Government papers relating to Germany (HMSO, London, 1939); photograph album of pre-war Berlin, with notes on post war condition [1946]. Photographs and press cuttings relating to the opening of the Civil Defence College, Sunningdale, Berkshire, 1950; photographs relating to Civil Defence exercise, Bristol, 1956. Obituary for Lethbridge, reprinted from The Royal Engineers Journal [1961].

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        GB 0099 KCLMA Liddell Hart B H · Created 1870-1976

        Capt Sir Basil Liddell Hart's papers reflect his position as the foremost military theorist in Britain between World Wars One and Two, as an influential military correspondent and as a prolific author of books on military theory and history. As such he sustained throughout his life an extensive correspondence with a wide variety of prominent individuals, including those in the armed forces, politicians, playwrights, journalists, military historians, embassy officials and clergymen.The collection includes Liddell Hart's files containing correspondence with several thousand individuals, as well as with government departments and military establishments, and clubs and political parties; his own military writings, including diary notes, memoranda, books, articles, letters to the press and texts of lectures; and an extensive collection of reference material, mainly comprising newspaper cuttings and pamphlets, covering a wide range of topics including military history, politics and society. The collection includes a small quantity of correspondence with Lady Liddell Hart, particularly after 1970.Correspondence with individuals, 1916-1970, with related papers, 1/1-780; general correspondence, 1904-1976, including with Embassy staff, Israeli military personnel, and researchers, 2/1-3241; correspondence with British and overseas publishers, military and non-military journals, news agencies, literary and legal advisers, 1919-1970, 3/1-196; correspondence with officialinstitutions, 1927-1970, including government departments, military establishments and museums, with correspondence relating to official histories of World Wars One and Two, 4/1-39; correspondence with political parties, clubs and organisations, 1922-1970, 5/1-35; letters to newspapers and journals, 1927-1968, 6/1927/1-6/1968/2; writings relating to military matters, 1910-1925, including diaries and notebooks, 7/1910/1-7/1925/13; papers relating to early life and career, 1895-1925, including service in World War One, 8/1-355; manuscripts, typescripts, proofs and reviews of books written or edited by Liddell Hart, with related papers, 1925-1970, 9/1-32, which includes notes on talks with T E Lawrence, 9/13, papers relating to German generals of World War Two, 9/24, and correspondence and papers relating to tanks, 9/28; published articles, including book reviews, with related papers, 1925-1969, 10/1925/1-10/1969/19 plus miscellaneous and supplementary papers; unpublished papers, 1925-1970, including appointment diaries, records of conversations and papers on military matters, and papers relating to Leslie Hore-Belisha, 1937-1957, 11/1925/1-11/1970/1 plus undated memoranda; notes for lectures, speeches, broadcasts and interviews, 1926-1969, with related correspondence, 12/1926/1-12/1969/4 plus miscellaneous papers; papers including presscuttings and copy letters relating to life and career, 1925-1970, 13/1-112; non-military material, including papers relating to religion, philosophy, sport, aviation, science, psychology and fashion, 1913-1969, 14/1-93; reference material, including original and published papers and proofs of publications, relating to military history, politics and society, 15/1-7, 16; military manualsand pamphlets, 1870-1961, 15/8. See below for those individuals who passed their own private papers to Liddell Hart.

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        GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 16 · 1950-1985, 1997

        The US Nuclear History: Nuclear Arms and Politics in the Missile Age, 1955-1968 microfilm collection presents an integrated record of US decision making relating to the development, production, and deployment of nuclear weapons, 1955-1968. Documents are generated from a number of sources including the US Department of State, US Department of Defense, US Air Force, US Joint Chiefs of Staff, US Strategic Air Command, the Executive Office of the President, US National Security Council, and Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. Material relating to early US policy planning and decisions on thermonuclear weapons includes relevance studies by the RAND Corporation, a US non-partisan government policy guidance institution, 1952; memoranda from the Office of the White House relating to nuclear weapons stockpiles and projections, 1959; and, memoranda from the US Department of State and the Atomic Energy Commission relating to underground and atmospheric nuclear testing, 1959-62. Papers relating to nuclear weapons development, acquisition and testing include memoranda from Gen Curtis E LeMay, Commander-in-Chief, US Strategic Air Command, relating to increased budgetary needs for the proposed nuclear build-up, Jan 1956; memorandum from Gen Andrew Jackson Goodpaster, Defense Liaison Officer and Staff Secretary to the President, relating to the concept of 'massive retaliation' in the event of a Soviet first-strike, May 1956; memorandum from the US Joint Chiefs of Staff relating to emergency war plans, nuclear strategy, and preventive war, Sep 1956; memorandum from the Gen Lyman L Lemnitzer, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, relating to US doctrine on thermonuclear attack, Apr 1961; memorandum from the US Department of Defense to President John Fitzgerald Kennedy relating to scenarios for US and Soviet first-strikes, Oct 1961; memorandum from Secretary of Defense Robert Strange McNamara to the Office of the Secretary, US Army, relating to nuclear damage limitation and 'assured destruction'. Papers relating to nuclear strategy and planning include memoranda concerning the applicability of Soviet cities as targets of US nuclear attack; the US Strategic Air Command Basic War Plan, [Feb 1960]; papers relating to target co-ordination and planning for a functional Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP), 1960-1961; papers on 'war-gaming', net evaluation exercises of US capabilites in the event of a general nuclear war with the Soviet Union, including memoranda from Robert R Bowie, Director of US State Department Policy Planning Staff, concerning Soviet capabilities to inflict direct damage on the US, 1953-1967. Material relating to air, land and sea nuclear delivery systems, missile deployments, alert programs, and defence appropriations include memoranda from Goodpaster concerning Eisenhower's endorsement plans for missile program acceleration and for upgrading US Strategic Air Command capabilities, 1957; memoranda from the President's Science Advisory Committee relating to the construction of civil defence structures and missile deployments, 1958; report from the US Department of Defense, Weapons Systems Evaluation Group, reviewing US weapons systems and directly-related functions which constitute the strategic offensive posture of the US 1964-1967; press statements and memoranda from US Secretary of Defence McNamara relating to the doctine of 'assured destruction', defence appropriations, and weapons development, 1961-66; US National Security Briefings on strategic intelligence, Soviet capabilities for strategic attack, anti-missile and air defence, and economic trends, 1963. Papers relating to nuclear strategy, planning, weapons and delivery systems in the European theatre include reports regarding the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's strategy for nuclear war, 1954-1969; the deployment of Chrysler 'Jupiter' PGM-19 IRBMs in Western Europe; the establishment of the Douglas 'Thor' PGM-17 IRBM program in Great Britain, 1956-1963; the escalation of US-Soviet hostilies in Berlin, 1961; reports concerning British co-operation with with US Strategic Air Command; speech by US Secretary of State McNamara, in Athens, Greece, relating to US assurances to its European allies in the event of a general war, 1962. Papers relating to nuclear warning and defence include reports from the US Department of State concerning the immediate construction of a Distant Early Warning (DEW) system in Canada and Alaska, 1952-1953; reports from the President's Science Advisory Committee, including studies of civil defence measures in the event of a nuclear attack, 1957-1958; reports from the US Department of State regarding the construction of the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) in the United Kingdom, 1958; memoranda from the North American Aerospace Command (NORAD), relating to nuclear pre- emption and tactical warnings, 1958-1959; reports from the President's Science Advisory Committee's Anti-Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Panel, 1958-1959; papers from the President's Science Advisory Committee and the US Department of Defense relating to the construction and deployment of Bell Laboratory Nike-Zeus and Nike X Anti-Ballistic Missiles (ABMs) in the US, Canada, and Western Europe, 1959-1968.

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        GB 0099 KCLMA Waite · Created 1942-[1953]

        Papers relating to his RAF career, 1942-[1953], principally comprising correspondence relating to the development of a submersible target at RAF St Eval, Cornwall, 1942, dated 1948; manuscript notes on the problems of establishing Coastal Command Station, Nassau, Bahamas, as a training centre for Coastal Liberator crews, 1942; official report on the RAF occupation of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, 5-11 May 1945; printed reports on the progress of air disarmament in Germany in 1944-1946, produced by British Air Forces of Occupation, 1945-1947; correspondence relating to his work as Director of Air Branch, Control Commission, Berlin, 1947-1949, and to the planning of the Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949; official report on organisation and structure of Berlin Airlift administration; RAF training course notes and papers, 1950; papers relating to his service as Assistant Chief of Staff, Allied Air Forces Central Europe, [1951-1953], notably including photographs of Waite, [1951-1953]; published RAF manuals, 1948, 1950.

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        WARD, Gp Capt Ralph Bagshaw (1911-1992)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Ward · Created 1930-1983

        Papers and photographs relating to Ward's RAF career, 1930-1955, including photograph album containing 201 mostly captioned photographs relating to Ward's RAF service in India, 1930-1933, including RAF 11 Sqn operations against Mohmand tribesmen, North West Frontier, Mar 1932; with six loose photographs[1932]-1945, including photograph of Ward [1932]; group of RAF POWs, Stalag Luft III, Aug 1942; four aerial photographs of Hamburg and Bremen, Germany, Jul 1945. Copy of manuscript narrative diary, 1939-1942, detailing Ward's RAF service until he was shot down over Kiel, Germany, Feb 1942; copy of manuscript notes by Ward entitled 'Future training in the Royal Air Force' [1945]; six printed maps (two on linen, one on silk and two on tissue paper), of France, Danzig, Germany, Sumatra and Java, Indonesia, 1935-[1950]; printed translation of speech to the Reichstag by Adolf Hitler, 'A last appeal to reason', 19 Jul 1940; reprinted facsimile, dated 1983, of Honolulu Star Bulletin, relating to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaiian Islands, 7 Dec 1941; copies of autographs given by Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart and Kathleen Liddell Hart to Ward's son, Richard Ward, Aug 1951. Papers and photographs relating to the filming of The wooden horse, directed by Jack Lee, and Ward's role as actor and Technical Adviser, 1949-1950, including seven photographs of Ward and the film set during the making of The wooden horse, Germany, 1949; sketch map by Ward of Stalag Luft III [1949]; typescript notes by Ward entitled 'The aftermath of the wooden horse escape' [1949]; newspaper cuttings on the release of The wooden horse, 1950. Papers and photographs relating to Ward's service as Air and Military Attaché to Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador, 1952-1955, including typescript official reports by Ward relating to the air forces of Peru, Ecuador, Chile and Bolivia, Feb 1953-Sep 1955; typescript memoranda by Ward relating to diplomatic visits and journeys made in South America, Apr 1952-Oct 1955, including 'A review of living conditions in Lima, Peru' Apr 1952, 'Visit to Ecuador and northern Peru' Sep 1953, 'Journey by car from Lima to La Paz and return' Aug 1955; twenty four typescript letters home to relatives and friends, mostly to Ward's parents-in-law, Dudley and Audrey Christopherson, Jun 1952-Jul 1955; booklet entitled Operation Round Trip. The goodwill flight to South America by four English Electric Canberras of No 12 Squadron, the Royal Air Force (The English Electric Company Limited, London, 1952); twelve uncaptioned photographs of official functions, South America [1953]; twenty two colour photographs of the topography and local people, Peru [1954].

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        GB 0099 KCLMA Wheeler, N · 1939-1991

        Papers of ACM Sir Neil Wheeler including training account, report, press cuttings and photographs, 1939-1991, notably a comprehensive report on the Royal Air Force Operations in Malaya, June 1948-March 1949, produced by Air Headquarters, Royal Air Force Malaya, May 1949; text for talk by Wheeler on early aerial photographic reconnaissance, delivered at a Royal Air Force Historical Society seminar, 1991; undated detailed account of training for, planning and leading wing strikes against shipping convoys, 1942-1943. Cutting of article 'Cameramen of the Air: Photographing bomb damage - vital work of RAF PRU'S (Photographic Reconnaissance Units)', from The Times, 1 Sept 1943. Printed maps of Norwegian, English, French and German coastlines, [1942], with handwritten annotations. Album of Photographic Reconnaissance Unit photographs, 1940-1941, many with captions, showing locations in France, the Netherlands, Germany and Norway including: Brest harbour; anti-aircraft fire over Cherbourg; Morlaix; Brest; Chateau Bougon Aerodrome, Nantes; Nantes; St Nazaire; La Rochelle; La Pallice; Rochefort; Bordeaux; Dunkirk, showing wrecks on beaches; Le Havre; Zeebrugge; Boulogne; railway yards near Calais; Vlissingen Aerodrome; Antwerp; Ter Neuzen; Flushing; St Inglevert Aerodrome; Knickerbein W/T beam stations; Amsterdam; Ijmuiden; Gravelines; the Nordzee Canal; Caen; Schipol aerodrome; Stavanger; Bergen; Egersund Port; convoys in the Skaggerak area; Herlö-Herdla Aerodrome; Lista aerodrome; Kiel; Bremerhaven; Brunsbuttel; Wilhelmshaven; The Hague; Dieppe; Rotterdam; Poix Aerodrome; Ostend; also photograph of shelling damage in Guernica, Spain, 2 Jun 1941; photograph of office showing maps and operations board for 8 Apr 1941; printed map with drawn annotations showing the ranges in nautical miles of medium range, long range, super long range and extra super long range Spitfires from Wick, St Eval and Heston. Loose photographs, 1939-1943, many with captions, showing: aircraft including a Maryland, a Swordfish, a Hawker Fury and a Heyford; Wheeler and colleagues at airfields in Wick, Scotland and St Eual, Cornwall, 1941; Wheeler and aircrew of 236 Squadron, 1943. Also painting of the insignia of 236 Squadron.

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        GB 0099 KCLMA Wintringham · 1891-1982

        Papers of Tom Wintringham and his second wife Katherine 'Kitty' Wintringham (née Bowler), 1891-1982. Papers of Tom Wintringham relating to the Home Guard include correspondence, articles, radio broadcasts, press cuttings, photograph, report, lecture transcripts and training exercises. Papers relating to the Common Wealth Party including correspondence, photographs, minutes, publications, papers on Common Wealth Party policy, formation, resignations, libel charges, election campaigns and conferences. Other papers relating to Tom Wintringham including papers from his time at Balliol College, Oxford, 1918-1920; Wintringham's visit to Moscow, 1920; various inventions by Wintringham, 1929-1949; the Communist Party, 1933-1944; British economic crisis, 1947, and obituaries and biographical articles. Wintringham's correspondence includes his school days, First World War, prison, Spanish Civil War, Home Guard, Common Wealth Party and general personal and professional correspondence; Kitty's correspondence includes Spanish Civil War, the Common Wealth Party and general personal and professional correspondence. Photographs notably cover the Spanish Civil War, Home Guard, Common Wealth Party, Tom and Kitty Wintringham, their children, friends and family. Writings by Wintringham include draft and published articles (chiefly for the Picture Post, the Tribune, the Daily Herald and the Daily Mirror), drafts of published and unpublished books, scripts, reviews, notes, short stories and essays. Draft articles by Kitty. Poems by Wintringham and others on topics including World War One and the Spanish Civil War, 1910-1950 and printed material, 1923-1950.

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        WYNNE, Capt Graeme Chamley (1889-1964)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Wynne · 1908-1974

        Papers, 1908-1974, including Wynne's letters home to his father from Germany, 1908-1911, including detailed descriptions of illegal duelling by students in Hannover, Germany and calling card of General Otto von Emmich, Commander, 10 Army Corps, Hannover, Germany, 1909-1915. Bound typescript account by Wynne, 29 Jul-4 Sep 1914, on his experiences in the BEF's (British Expeditionary Force's) retreat from Mons, Belgium, the Battle of Le Cateau, France, and capture by German forces during the Battle of Le Cateau, France, 26 Aug 1914, written as a POW in Germany, Sep-Oct 1914. Correspondence, press cutting, menus and Christmas cards relating to time as POW, Germany and Netherlands, 1914-1918, including letters written to parents from Portobello Barracks, Dublin, immediately before embarkation for France, Aug 1914; cutting from The Morning Post, 3 Sept 1914, listing Wynne as killed; letter home from POW camp, Magdeburg, Germany, 30 Dec 1914, referring to incorrect report of his death; menus, playing cards and Christmas cards with watercolours by Wynne and signatures of fellow POW's. Correspondence and papers relating to Wynne's work for the Historical Section, Cabinet Office, and to his publications, 1928-1958, including two letters from Maj Gen Sir Ernest (Dunlop) Swinton relating to German defence systems, 30 Sep 1939, and to Wynne's book, If Germany attacks. The battle in depth in the west (Faber and Faber, London, 1940), 2 Feb 1940; manuscript diary and typescript report by Wynne on an official visit to North Africa, 12 Apr-23 May 1943; letters to Wynne from Lt Gen Sir Kenneth Arthur Noel Anderson, General Officer Commanding 1 Army, North Africa, rebutting allegations reported to Wynne by troops of 8 Army of Anderson's poor handling of 1 Army in operations in North Africa, May 1943; three letters from Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart, dated Jan-Jul 1958, relating to Wynne's article on the Schlieffen plan and The Schlieffen plan. Critique of a myth by Professor Gerhard Ritter (Oswald Wolff, London, 1958). Correspondence, 1939-1974, relating to Wynne's publications, including his book If Germany attacks. The battle in depth in the west (Faber and Faber, London, 1940). Also photograph of Wynne's father, General Sir Arthur Singleton Wynne, c.1914.

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        Davies, John Wynford
        GB 0120 GC/10 · Colección · c 1945

        Synopses and lecture notes used at the London Hospital Medical College, c 1945.

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        GB 0120 GC/108 · Colección · 1910-1980

        Order and account books of Bristol University Physiology Department, 1910-1980 (63 volumes), including Veterinary Department, 1949-1962, order books, 1925-1959, animal register, 1948-1968, repairs and supplies, 1959-1962, capital and revenue accounts, 1948-1980.

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        Manktelow, W J (b 1918)
        GB 0120 GC/118 · Colección · 1937-1938

        Papers of W J Manktelow, comprising notebooks compiled during the Chemist and Druggist Course at Brighton Technical College, Sept 1937-June 1938.

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        GB 0120 GC/119 · Colección · 1903-[1960]

        Papers of Sir Arthur MacNalty, comprising 7 notebooks kept while he was a medical student, 1903-1907; drafts of chapters (written in 1960s) for Health and English History; drafts of chapter on medicine in First World War for History of the Twentieth Century, c 1968.

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        GB 0120 GC/151 · 1828-1993

        Papers relating to the Physiological Society consisting mostly of memoirs and miscellaneous correspondence of members of the Society or material of general interest to physiological history, 1828-1993.

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        Natoff, Ian (b 1933)
        GB 0120 GC/163 · Colección · 1952-1955

        Student notebooks, Chelsea College of Pharmacy, 1952-1955. The 'practical' notes are records of experiments, including diagrams and myograph tracings; the histology notes are descriptions and drawings of material seen under the microscope.

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        LMA/4068 · Colección · 1989-1998

        Papers relating to the merger of the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine with University College London, 1989-1998, including minutes of annual general meetings; papers of Dame Sheila Sherlock's Working Party to consider the memorandum of intent; private Bills; draft of Bill for merger; correspondence; articles and views on the merger; news brief and Royal Free Hospital Medical School appeal.

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        GB 0099 KCLMA Beaufoy Brown · Created 1925-1979

        Papers relating to Beaufoy Brown's life and RN career, 1925-1979, including scrapbook with newspaper cuttings and fifty five photographs, Aug 1927-Jul 1929, including Atlantic Fleet exercises, 1927, the loss of HM Submarine H47, off St David's Head, Pembrokeshire, following collision with HM Submarine L12, 9 Jul 1929, and photographs of HMS REVENGE, HMS FORRES, HMS RODNEY, HMS HOOD, HMS NELSON and HMS ADVENTURE, 1927-1929. Two Midshipman's journals, 26 Aug 1927-12 Jul 1930, relating to service on HM Ships REVENGE, RODNEY and WALKER, including manuscript sketches and maps, two photographs of the main armament of HMS RODNEY, and photograph of HMS CENTURION, RN radio-controlled target ship, Portland, Dorset, Nov 1928, with twelve loose photographs, 1925-1929, including HMS RODNEY, HMS STURGEON and group of Cadets, Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, Devon, 1925. Typescript report by Beaufoy Brown on the visit to Malta of the Yugoslav training ship JADRAN, 9-11 Jul 1934. Papers and photographs relating to the development and deployment of X craft midget submarines and Chariot manned torpedoes, 1943-[1950], including sixty seven photographs relating to the training of crews for X craft midget submarine operations, 1943-1945, notably six aerial photographs, taken by 544 Sqn, RAF, of Bergen harbour, Norway, before and after Operation GUIDANCE, the sinking by X Craft of German merchant ship BARENFELS, Apr 1944, and Operation HECKLE, the destruction of a floating dock, Laksvaag, Bergen, Norway, Sep 1944; edition of The Illustrated London News, 15 Dec 1945, with article on X Craft operation against Japanese cruiser TAKAO, Singapore, Jul 1945; edition of The Dittybox, the Navy's own magazine, containing article by G V Galwey entitled 'Life in a midget submarine', Feb 1948; typescript text of lecture by Beaufoy Brown on World War Two midget submarine operations [1950]. Photograph album containing 111 photographs relating to Beaufoy Brown's service as Executive Officer, HMS GAMBIA, Mediterranean and East Indies, 1951-1952, including peace keeping patrols, Port Said, Egypt, 1951, and inspection of ship by acting Adm Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Commnder-in-Chief Mediterranean, Malta, 1952. Typescript Curriculum Vitae for Beaufoy Brown [1965], and obituary, 1979.

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        GB 0099 KCLMA Brooke-Popham · 1890-1902, [1907]-1953

        Papers relating to early career, including material on early aviation, 1911-1913, and texts of lectures given at the RAF Staff College, Andover, 1922-1926. Material relating to post as Air Officer Commanding, British Forces in Iraq, 1928-1935, including correspondence, memoranda and telegrams relating to operations in Iraq and Kuwait, 1928-1930, and negotiations for the Anglo-Iraq Treaty, 1930; news cuttings and notes relating to political and military affairs in Iraq, and the situation of the Assyrians and Kurds, 1930-1935. Papers created as Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Air Defence of Great Britain, 1933-1935, mainly relating to a Royal Review of the RAF at Mildenhall, Suffolk, and Duxford, Cambridgeshire. Papers relating to post as Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Middle East, notably memoranda, cypher signals, letters and notes, 1931-1936, relating to RAF operations, mainly planning and preparation for the possibility of war between the League of Nations and Italy following the Italian invasion and annexation of Abyssinia; correspondence with ACM Sir Edward Leonard Ellington, Chief of Air Staff, 1935-1936; memoranda, telegrams, correspondence and newscuttings on operational matters relating to the Arab Rebellion against the British Mandate in Palestine, 1936; material collated by Brooke-Popham for lectures on the Middle East, 1930, 1936; correspondence, memoranda and minutes relating to the formation and working of an Executive Committee on Assyrian Settlement, 1943-1947. Papers relating to the creation and implementation of the Empire Air Training Scheme in Canada and South Africa, 1939-1945, including personal correspondence with Arthur William Street, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Air, 1940. Papers relating to post as Commander in Chief, Far East, notably telegrams and memoranda relating to the requirements of the RAF and Army in the Far East, 1940-1949; personal correspondence with Maj Gen Sir Hastings Lionel Ismay, Secretary to the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1940-1941; semi-official correspondence with Street, 1940-1941; material relating to the replacement of Brooke-Popham as Commander in Chief, Far East, Nov 1941; telegrams relating to reconnaissance sightings of Japanese convoys, the decision not to launch Operation MATADOR, the outbreak of war with Japan, and the sinking of RN battleships HMS PRINCE OF WALES and HMS REPULSE, Dec 1941; papers, correspondence and proofs relating to the publication of various despatches and reports concerning operations in Malaya, 1941-1947. Papers created whilst Inspector General of the Air Training Corps, 1942-1947, 1950-1952, mainly comprising inspection reports and material relating to the post-war organisation of the Air Training Corps. Booklets, memoranda, and reports collated by Brooke-Popham relating to RAF training, policy and operations, [1914]-1946. Material relating to research for and writing of articles, lectures and pamphlets, mainly relating to history, aviation or training, 1923-1952. Printed material, 1890-1953, mainly relating to aviation. Maps and photographs, 1917-[1945], including aerial photographs of the Western Front during World War One, 1917-1918.

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