Minutes and financial records of the Coal Pool, later the Colliery Pool, an association for sharing colliery insurance claims.
Coal Pool , insurance for collieries x Colliery Pool , insurance for collieriesCorrespondence between the Ministry of Health and the RCOG concerning the Ministry of Health and Scottish Home and Health Department working party on ambulance training and equipment; a copy of the report; drafts of the RCOG's comments on the report, 1966-1967.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsThe Archive of the Committee of Heads of University Law Schools consists of agenda, minutes and papers of the Committee, 1974-2000; papers of the Chairman, Professor William Twining, and Secretary of the CHULS Working Party on Four Year Degrees, 1978-1980; papers of the Convenor, Professor William Twining, of the CHULS Working Party on Implications for Law as a Discipline of the Leverhulme Report and the Circular Letter from the Chairman of the University Grants Committee, Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, 1983-1984; correspondence and papers of Professor Graham John Zellick, CHULS Chairman, 1988-1990; file on CHULS' participation in the Law Society's Academic Consultative Committee, 1990.
School of Public Teachers of Law , Committee of Heads of University Law SchoolsCommittee of Heads of University Law Schools
Records of the Committee of London Clearing Bankers, later known as the Committee of London and Scottish Bankers, including minute books of various Committees; papers relating to advertising, public relations, exhibitions and shows including photographs; papers relating to the banking information service; papers relating to bank staff associations and employment in banks; statistics; papers relating to banking arrangements for coal, gas, electricity, transport, iron and steel, shipbuilding, agriculture, industry, exports, small firms, students and the disabled; and papers relating to matters concerning banks including income tax, bank taxation, stamp duty, professional secrecy, nationalisation, security and fraud, hours of business, accounting procedures, legislation, investments, foreign currency and debit rates.
Restricted access to later records.
Committee of London Clearing Bankers x Committee of Bankers x Committee of London and Scottish BankersCorrespondence and papers relating to the establishment of the RCOG Committee on Human Fertility and records relating to its surveys, questionnaire and report.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsRecords of the Committees of Government and Professional Bodies, 1944-2000, comprising correspondence and papers relating to the College's communication and involvement with the following bodies: the Federation Internationale de Gynaecologists (FIGO); the Standing Maternity and Midwifery Advisory Committee; the Department of Health and its predecessors; Wellbeing and its predecessor; the Union Professionelle Internationale des Gynaecologues et Obstetriciens (UPIGO).
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsThe Archive of the Commonwealth Legal Education Association consists of Secretary's correspondence and papers, 1971-1991; papers of Professor William L Twining as a CLEA officer, 1973-1994; papers of Professor James Read as CLEA Chairman, and other papers, 1974-1995; CLEA Newsletter, 1974-1995; CLEA Directory of Schools of Law in the Commonwealth, 1979-1988; miscellaneous CLEA publications and offprints, 1978-1992.
Commonwealth Legal Education AssociationPapers of Company of Merchants Trading to Africa, 1751-1769, comprise a bound volume of copies of letters from the Committee of the Company of Merchants Trading to Africa, to the Governor and Council of Cape Coast Castle, 1751-1768 and bound volume of copies of letters from the Agent at Cape Coast Castle of the Royal Africa Company of England to his superiors in London, 1767-1769.
The Company of Merchants Trading to AfricaMinute books and circulars of the Consequential Loss Committee, part of the Fire Offices' Committee. Please note that permission must be obtained from the Association of British Insurers for access to records less than 75 years old. Contact details may be obtained from staff.
Fire Offices' Committee , Consequential Loss CommitteeRecords of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Consumers Forum, 1993-2007, comprising agenda, minutes and papers, 1993-2007.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsRecords of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Continuing Medical Education Committee, 1992-1998, comprising minutes, agendas and circulated papers.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsCorrespondence relating to various aspects of the work of the Working party on continuing medical education, papers agenda and minutes and the final report, 1988-1992.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsRecords of the Corporation of Insurance Brokers, comprising constitutional documents, minutes, annual reports and accounts, financial material, membership records and other administrative papers.
Corporation of Insurance BrokersThe Archive of the Council of Legal Education consists of minutes and papers of Committees of the Inns of Court, 1845-1962; minutes of proceedings of the Council of Legal Education, 1852-1997; duplicate minutes of Council meetings, 1856-1864; Council agenda, minutes and papers, 1968-1997; Consolidated Regulations of the Four Inns of Court, 1852-1995; printed documents, 1852-1933; cash books, 1852-1915; records of vouchers for payments, 1864-1912; CLE payments by the Inns of Court, 1879-1912; ledger, lecture payments, 1897-1915; examinations performance records, 1861-1957; CLE letter book, 1866-1867; minute book of the Committee of the CLE on Education and Examinations, 1872-1881; Annual Reports, 1893-1967; CLE calendars, 1901-1992; draft joint report on Clifford's Inn and the sale of New Inn, 1902; register of attendance at periodic lectures, 1903-1922; minute books of the Board of Studies, 1907-1995; Board of Studies agenda, minutes and papers, 1968-1996; exemption cases books, 1927-1951; minute books of the Finance (later Finance and Administration) Committee, 1915-1997; duplicate Finance Committee minute book, 1945-1950; Finance (later Finance and Administration) Committee agenda, minutes and papers, 1968-1996; Finance Committee correspondence and papers, 1942-1971; New Inn and Common Fund abstracts of accounts, 1905-1940; New Inn Fund ledgers, 1915-1965; New Inn Fund cash book, 1916-1952; Common Fund ledgers, 1915-1961; Common Fund cash books, 1924-1950; petty cash book, 1927-1942; audit book, 1945-1964; submissions for payment book, 1948-1959; House Committee minute book, 1949-1951; income and expenditure books, 1950-1980; income and expenditure books, itemised accounts, 1969-1984; account book, special accounts, 1969-1980; payroll books, 1970-1984; audited annual accounts, 1971-1995; historical files, teaching and examinations, 1906-1967; historical files, CLE history and students, 1937-1984; historical files, miscellaneous reports and papers, 1951-1989; historical files, memoranda and reports on legal education, 1969-1984; historical files, miscellaneous correspondence, 1966-1986; Chairman's correspondence, 1967-1973; Dean of Faculty's correspondence, [1960]-1991; Dean's general correspondence and papers, 1980-1981; Dean's overseas correspondence, 1959-1994; Dean's correspondence with university law schools, 1972-1991; Dean's correspondence and papers relating to financial matters, 1973-1995; Special Committee on Legal Education/Legal Education Sub-committee records, 1962-1970; records relating to the Post Final Practical Training Course (PFPTC), 1950-1966; records relating to changes in part 1 of the Bar examinations, 1963-1966; examination papers, 1970-1991; Students' Welfare Committee records, 1967-1980; student appeals files (sample cases only), 1969-1982; report to the Inns of Court and the Council of the Law Society on the education of the two branches of the legal profession and easier transfer between them (Diplock Report), 1965; papers relating to the Report of the Lord Chancellor's Committee on Legal Education (Ormrod Committee), 1966-1975; Advisory Committee on Legal Education papers, 1972-1990; Common Professional Education Board records, 1973-1981; Incorporation Sub-committee records, 1970; submissions and papers relating to the Royal Commission on Legal Services (Benson Commission), 1976-1980; Practical Exercise Sub-committee (Potter Committee) papers, 1985-1988; Curriculum Development Working Party records, 1987-1990; Bar Vocational Course papers, 1989-1996; Bar Examination Staff Working Party records, 1991-1993; Further Education and Training for the Bar Working Party (Phillips Working Party) records, 1992-1994; papers relating to racial discrimination complaints, 1989-1996; Discrimination Awareness Group records, 1992-1995; papers relating to the CLE response to the Committee of Inquiry into Equal Opportunities on the Bar Vocational Course (Barrow Inquiry), 1992-1993; papers relating to the restructuring of the CLE, 1992-1996.
Council of Legal EducationRecords the Council of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1925-1999, comprising working files on Council meetings, 1971-1980; President's Council meeting papers, 1978-1980; papers relating to elections to Council, 1981-1986; papers of the Council sub-committees and working parties on constitutional matters, 1973-1984; Council attendance books, 1929-1993; minute books, 1929-1999.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists , RCOGPapers of Morris Myer Datnow, 1929-1946, mainly comprising copies of papers produced by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) for circulation to Fellows and Members, 1935-1946, and including letter from William Blair-Bell inviting Datnow to join the British College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (BCOG), 1929; by-laws and regulations for the admission of Fellows and Members, 1929-1935; prospectus and regulations for the Diploma, 1933; BCOG memorandum regarding a standard rate of puerperal morbidity, 1937; BCOG memorandum setting forth certain principles which in the opinion of the College should be incorporated in a National Maternity Service, 1936; RCOG Inter-departmental Committee of the Ministry of Health on Medical Schools, 1943; BCOG list of donations to the endowment fund and the decorations and furnishing fund, 1934; notice of ordinary general meeting and annual report of Council for 1945, 1946;draft reply of the Liverpool Reference Committee to the College's request for information on the role of consultants in local maternity services and ante-natal clinics, 1937.
Datnow , Morris Myer , 1901-1962 , Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsMinute book of the Debris Clearance Pool Committee.
Debris Clearance Pool CommitteeThe series at present comprises only the final report of the Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (DRCOG) working party, 1993.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsRecords of the District Surveyors Association, consisting of committee minutes dating from 1845, correspondence and subject files dating from 1907. There are also series of membership records, finance material, a large series of Parliamentary Acts and Bills and a series of court cases.
District Surveyors AssociationEastern Society of Master Pawnbrokers records comprise: minutes 1813-21, 1824-31 (Ms 22327) and correspondence and other papers, 1821-30 (Ms 22328). They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1987.
Eastern Society of Master PawnbrokersRecords of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Education Board, 1992-2007, comprising agenda, minutes and papers, 1992-2007; correspondence of the Secretary to the Board, 2001-2007; records of the Implementation Group to Audit Structured Training, 1993-1998.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsRecords of educational courses, conferences, and scientific meetings of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1960-1998, comprising course programmes, lists of participants, abstracts, budget details and papers relating to the intellectual content of the meetings and courses. Courses have been held on such subjects as maternity services, artificial insemination, labour, colposcopy, gynaecological cancer, infertility, pain relief, caesarean section and hormone replacement therapy.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists , RCOGAgenda, minutes and papers and the draft report of the working party on effective representation within the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1995-1996.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsMinute books of the Engineering Offices Association, an association of engineering insurers.
Engineering Offices Association , association of engineering insurersRecords of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Equivalence of Training Committee, 2005-2008, comprising committee files including agendas, circulated papers and associated correspondence, including decisions about recommendations on individual doctor's applications to the Specialist Register.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsRecords of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' European Committee, 1991-1998, comprising agenda, minutes and papers of the Committee.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsRecords of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Examination Committee, 1929-2006, comprising committee minute books (1929-1988); correspondence, agenda, minutes and papers (1929-1996); examination regulations for Members and Diplomates, regulations for the admission of Fellows (1942-2001); blank and completed samples of log books for the MRCOG examination (1982-2002); samples of case notes and commentaries submitted for the MRCOG examination dating between 1940-1954; sample examination papers for the DRCOG dating between 1937-2001; sample examination papers for the MRCOG (2006); examination results for the MRCOG and DRCOG (1934-1949); assessors' reports on examinations (1943-1950); attendance book for the examiners of the diploma in obstetrics dining club (1960-1961).
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsPapers of the Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1953-1993, comprising general correspondence, investigations, guidelines and other records relating to training for instructing doctors, 1971-1993; papers relating to the administration of Joint Committee on Contraception certificates, 1955-1989; records relating to the Joint Committee on Contraception relating to financial matters, 1976-1983; papers relating to the Joint Committee on Contraception sub-committees and working parties, 1977-1990; papers relating to Joint Committee on Contraception conferences, 1978-1992; correspondence between the Joint Committee on Contraception and other bodies, 1972-1984; minutes and papers of the Joint Committee on Contraception, 1972-1993; Joint certificates index book, 1975-1976; correspondence of the Sub-committee on Family Planning and Committee on Contraception and Family Planning, 1971-1972; correspondence of the Joint Committee on Contraception with the Family Planning Association, with related papers, 1973-1986; records of the Sub-committee on Computerisation, 1983-1992.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists , RCOGRecords of the Federation of Commonwealth Chambers of Commerce, which comprise annual reports, minutes and reports of conferences.
Federation of Commonwealth Chambers of CommerceRecords of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Fellowship Selection Committee, 1930-1998. This series contains minute books of the Committee for its period of existence, also minutes, agenda and related papers running 1990-1997.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsRecords of the Finance and Executive Group, previously Finance and Executive Committee and Executive Committee, of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1929-1999, comprising agenda, minutes, papers and correspondence, 1959-2001, including minutes and papers of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Australian and New Zealand Councils, 1971-1972; minute books of the Finance and Executive Group, 1929-1999.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists , RCOGFinancial records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1926-1999, comprising records of the Finance Department, predecessors and other College departments.
The records range from policy files, correspondence relating to various appeals and memorials, signed accounts and accounting records. A large quantity of the earlier records appears to be samples of records destroyed, retained as examples of current practice at the time. For details refer to individual series descriptions, which are arranged as follows:
F1: Annual audited accounts, 1968-1986.
F2: Trial balances, 1969-1977.
F3: Records relating to investments and the Investment Advisory Panel, 1954-1992.
F4: Journal books, 1974-1981.
F5: Chief Accountant's correspondence files, 1962-1987.
F6: Pension schemes for College staff: Accountants' correspondence, 1969-1976.
F7: Financial summaries of meetings and other College events, 1979-1982.
F8-F15: Appeals and memorial funds, 1932-1987.
F16: Regional councils' accounts and ledgers, 1954-1970.
F17: Papers relating to bequests to the College, 1952-1980.
F18: Review of the College's accounting systems and organisation, 1970.
F19-F24: Ledgers, journals and account books, 1926-1986.
F25-F27: Special funds' ledgers, cash books and journals, 1931-1982.
F28: Research and Development Fund, 1966-1978.
F29: Salaries books, 1946-1965.
F30: Fellows' and Members' subscriptions' and fees' cash books, 1929-1967.
F31: Fellows' and Members' day book, 1972.
F32: Joint Committee on Contraception: annual audited accounts, 1977-1995.
F33: British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology: financial records, 1953-1971.
Minute book of the Fish Trades Consultative Council of London.
Fish Trades Consultative Council of LondonCertificate of Gordon William Fitzgerald as Foundation Fellow of the British College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1929.
Fitzgerald , Gordon William , 1899-1944 , gynaecologistCorrespondence of the Follow-up Survey Sub-committee of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Population Investigation Committee (PIC) and the Institute of Child Health (University of London), 1949-1952, with some agenda and minutes of the Follow-up Survey Sub-Committee. Also includes applications to the Nuffield Foundation, survey forms and summaries of survey data.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsRecords of the Foreign Banks and Securities Houses Association including minutes, correspondence, annual reports, circulars and newsletters. Many of the correspondence files concern matters of general interest to the Association members, such as fraud and money laundering, taxation, liquidity, securities, mergers, foreign exchange and currency, supervision and regulation, banking codes of practice, legislation, and so on.
Access to records less than 30 years old should be sought from the Association of Foreign Banks (contact details may be obtained from staff).
Foreign Banks and Securities Houses Association , 1989-2003 Foreign Banks and Affiliates Association , 1947-1979 Foreign Banks Association , 1979-1989 Association of Foreign Banks , 2003-Papers of the Fothergill Club, 1957-2000, including minutes of meetings and other administrative correspondence relating to attendance of and arrangements for meetings, administrative papers relating to the organisation of overseas visits, and papers relating to recruitment and membership matters.
Fothergill ClubFriendly Society of Common Councilmen minute book.
Friendly Society of Common CouncilmenAgenda, minutes and papers of the working party, submissions and a final report and policy document on the future of the RCOG, 1989-1992.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsGeneral Optical Council administrative records, 1959-2000: minutes of the meetings of the Council and its various committees including related memos and correspondence, Annual Reports of the Council and Committees, Notices of Motion, Registers of Opticians and Lists of Corporate Bodies.
General Optical CouncilCorrespondence, minutes and the final report, 1961-1962, of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Committee on General Practitioner Maternity Units.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsRecords of the Glasgow Rate and Salvage Association, comprising a deed of constitution.
Fire Offices' Committee , Glasgow Rate and Salvage AssociationRecords of predecessors of the Grain and Free Trade Association, as follows:
Cattle Feeding Stuffs Central Advisory Committee;
Edible Oil Association;
London Oil and Tallow Trades Association;
London Cattle Food Trade Association;
London Copra Association;
London Corn Exchange Importers' Association;
London Corn Trade Association;
London Port Area Grain Committee;
National Association of United Kingdom Oil and Oilseed Brokers;
National Federation of Corn Trade Associations;
United Associations Limited;
National Lubricating Oil and Grease Federation.
The records include minutes and agendas, financial accounts, cash books, ledgers, papers relating to arbitration and appeals, registers of members and samples books.
Various.Records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Guidelines and Audit Committee, 2000-2004, comprising minutes, agenda and circulated papers; clinical governance and consent advice publications.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsPapers of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Sub-committee on the gynaecological aspects of health of women war workers during World War Two, 1942.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsPapers of the RCOG Gynaecological laparoscopy and confidential enquiry into laparoscopy working party, comprising Professor Chamberlain's correspondence and papers, 1977-1981, his signed copies of the working party's minutes, 1975-1977, a copy of the report of the working party, Gynaecological Laparoscopy: report on the Confidential Enquiry into Gynaecological Laparoscopy conducted by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in co-operation with the Department of Health and Social Security and the Medical Defence Union, Medical Protection Society, the Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland, Apr 1978, and copies of two reviews of laparoscopy equipment undertaken by the working party in 1980 and 1982.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsRecords of the Gynaecological Visiting Society (GVS), 1911-1992, comprising record books of meetings, 1911-1985, correspondence 1925-1983, including correspondence between W Blair-Bell, C Berkeley, E Holland, R J Johnstone, A A Gemmell, J W Burns and L Murray concerning the establishment of a Junior Gynaecological Society, and material relating to the founding of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1925-1935, newsletters and other printed material, 1912-1992 and some artefacts.
Gynaecological Visiting SocietyRecords of the Hide Shippers and Agents Association, comprising minutes of council, committee and members' meetings, and financial accounts.
Hide Shippers and Agents AssociationMinute book of the Home Office Vehicles Pool.
Accident Offices' Association , Home Office Vehicles PoolReport of the Hospital Visiting Working Party (May 1993).
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists