Literary forms and genres

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      Literary forms and genres

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        Literary forms and genres

        921 Archival description results for Literary forms and genres

        917 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        Prose and verse passages
        GB 0096 MS364 · Fonds · c1757

        Prose and verse passages including Historica de el duende de Madrid (1757); breve explicacion de la doctrina de Patino por preguntas y respuestas entre Dr. Josef Rodrogo y los muchachos de la cobachuela; el duende politico que la cuenta de los presentes negocios y anuncia los futuros de esta monarchia a 8 de Diciembre de 1735; Melchor de Fonseca - Maxyms de Bacalini recogidas en un romance yntitulado El Sueno Politico...sobre el rreynado de Don Phelippe IV.

        GB 0505 PP4 · [1890]-1968

        Files of correspondence, 1907-1968, notably from Elsie Butler; Henry Handel Richardson; Professor Lizzie Susan Stebbing, Professor of Philosophy, Bedford College; Mary Bosquanet; Mona MacDonald; Margaret E Atkinson; Professor James Gibson, Emeritus Professor of Logic and Philosophy, University College of North Wales; Dame Lillian Margery Penson, Professor of Modern History, Bedford College; Elizabeth Mary Middleton; Margaret Deanesly, Professor of History at (successively) Royal Holloway College and Bedford College; Phyllis Hartnoll; George Bing [rel to Prof Gertrud, Director of Warburg Institute?]; Professor Herbert Norman Howells, Emeritus Professor of Music, University of London; Dr Thomas Cecil Hunt, Consulting Physician at St Mary's Hospital Paddington; Hannah Margaret Mary Closs; JE Dobson; and Elizabeth Kydd. This section also contains correspondence relating to the Reichel Concert Trust, 1949-1966, Purdie's retirement, 1962, the decision to admit men to Bedford College, 1963-1964, and the death of Professor Dame Lillian Margery Penson, 1963-1967. Diaries, 1930-1953 and address book, 1962; testimonials, 1907-1933; newspaper cutting, 1914-1967; photographs of Purdie, her family and friends, [1890-1968]; papers relating to Purdie's memorial service, 1968; miscellaneous publications, 1939-1964, including a copy of German life and letters, vol XVI, 1963, a special edition presented to Purdie.

        Purdie , Edna , 1894-1968 , Professor of German
        GB 0099 KCLMA Pyle · Created 1885

        Microfilm copy of manuscript narrative diary by Pyle covering the voyage of two Sqns of 5 (Royal Irish) Lancers from Kingstown, Ireland, to the Sudan, and the subsequent Suakin campaign against Dervish forces commanded by the Mahdi (Mohammed Ahmed Ibn Al-Sayid Abdullah), 20 Feb-11 Apr 1885, including an account of the Battle of Tofrek, 22 Mar 1885.

        GB 0099 KCLMA Pyman · Created 1860-1901, 1937-1971

        The collection covers Pyman's career from 1937 until 1963 when he suffered a severe stroke which forced his retirement in 1964. The earliest papers date from Pyman's work with the Royal Tank Cadre in converting the 17/21 Lancers from a cavalry to an armoured regiment. There are also papers from Pyman's period as an instructor at the Staff College in Quetta, India, 1939-1941. Pyman was involved in the World War Two campaigns by the 8 Army in the Western Desert, in 1941 as General Staff Officer with 7 Armoured Div, 30 Corps and in 1942-1943 as Commander of the 3 Royal Tank Regiment, 10 Armoured Div, 30 Corps. The papers consist mostly of Pyman's assessments of lessons learned from the ongoing campaigns particularly with regard to tanks and armoured units. In 1944-1945 Pyman was Brigidier General Staff, 30 Corps, 2 Army in the Normandy landings and the invasion of Northern Europe, with particular responsibility for organisation and planning of the Rhine crossing and advance to the Baltic. This is reflected in the papers which largely consist of planning studies and reports for the operations involved, this section also contains maps used in the campaign. Pyman's next appointment was as Chief of General Staff, Allied Land Forces, South East Asia, 1945-1946 which is documented by a series of diaries which reflect the tasks faced by Pyman in this command including dealing with the build up of tension between newly liberated former colonies keen to assert their right for independence and the former colonial powers such as France and Netherlands. Pyman spent 1946-1949 as Chief of Staff, Middle East Land Forces and kept monthly diaries which form the bulk of this section of the collection. The diary entries and additional papers reflect the debate over policy in the Middle East in the British Government and Military command, they include detail on the British withdrawal from Greece, the problem of illegal Jewish immigrants and their internment in Cyprus, the end of the British mandate in Palestine and the the effect of this on relations between Britain with Egypt and the other Arab states and the subsequent Arab Israeli conflict. This section of the collection also contains correspondence between Pyman and Maj Gen Sir Miles Christopher Dempsey on personal matters and on the Middle East. There are also papers from Pyman's work at the Ministry of Supply as Director General of Fighting Vehicles, 1951-1953, Director of Weapons Development, War Office, 1955-1956 mostly brief diary entries and lecture texts. Pyman was also General Officer Commanding, British Army on the Rhine, 1953-1955 and General Officer Commanding, 1 British Corps, 1956-1958 and the papers relating to these commands consist mostly of lectures, reports and directives reflecting his interest in armoured divisions and training. There are some papers, mostly personal correspondence and press cuttings, from Pyman's final command as Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces Northern Europe in North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). The collection also contains correspondence relating to Pyman's role as Colonel Commandant of the Royal Tank Regiment and The Royal Armoured Corps and a series of letters covering the reorganisation of the Berks and Westminster Dragoons, of which he was Honorary Colonel. The rest of the collection consists of diaries, correspondence, speeches, writings including the draft copy and papers relating to his autobiography, some preparatory work on a history of the 2 Army and reference works. The collection also includes the Boer War diaries and other papers of Col James Redmond Patrick Gordon who commanded the 1 Cavalry Bde of the South African Field Force 1900-1901 which were given to Pyman by a friend.

        Pyott, Thomas Robert
        GB 0096 MS 122 · 1760-1786

        Papers and autobiographical memoirs, 1763-1786, apparently compiled for circulation amongst family and friends. Consists of an 'Account of Madeira wine for costs and charges' (ff.2v-3), 'Transactions of three years in trade [1760-63]' (ff.4-12) and 'Letters that were written to me in the progress of my misfortunes' concerning business, bankruptcy as a result of war, and personal matters (ff.13-146).

        Pyott , Thomas Robert , fl 1760-1786 , merchant
        Quatroux, Isaac (fl 1671)
        GB 0120 MSS.4025, 4026 · Collection · 1662-1663

        Le Pharmacien accomply. Ou le Cabinet pharmaceutique. Contenant des moyens familières et facilles pour bien connoistre, distinguer et médicamenter les maladies ordinaires et extraordinaires qui peuvent arriver à l'homme, tant par préceptes astrologiques et Galénistes que par remèdes chymiques. Avec l'Antidotaire. Le tout reduict en ordre pour suppléer au véritable Médecin, et mis en pratique par F[rère] Is[aac] Q[uatroux] R[éligieux] M[édecin] or[dre] M[inime]. These MSS., now divided into two volumes, formed originally one volume. There is a pen-drawn historiated frontispiece to the 'Antidotaire': texts within black rules. The Antidotire is dated 1662, the other volume 1663.

        Quatroux , Isaac (fl 1671)
        GB 0100 KCLCA Q/OB, Q/PC · 1908-1986

        Queen Elizabeth College obituaries and press cuttings, 1908-1986, notably including obituaries of a number of former staff of Queen Elizabeth and its predecessors, 1955-1963; bound volumes of press cuttings containing often detailed notices, news stories and features concerning the Department/College from newspapers including The Times, Morning Post and Spectator, covering topics such as the education of women, the teaching of household science internationally, awards, new buildings and wartime disruption, 1908-1986; volumes of cuttings on cooking and recipes from newspaper columns, 1927-1932.

        King's College London Household and Social Science Department , 1915-1928 King's College of Household and Social Science , 1928-1953 Queen Elizabeth College , 1953-1985
        GB 0114 MS0027 · [1840-1854]

        Papers of John Thomas Quekett, [1840-1854], relating to his work as Conservator of the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, comprising diaries, 1840-1848, which include references to prominent microscopists of the time, such as Carpenter, West, Ross, Sowerby, and Smith of Smith and Beck; notebook, containing some sketches and including notes on experiments on frogs, 1841; ?draft catalogues of the Histological Series in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and catalogue of Pathology, [c1840-1860]; catalogue of Hewson's Preparations, [c1840-1860]; unpublished part of Quekett's catalogue of histological series; Lectures on Histology delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons 1852-1854 with annotations by Quekett; notes for lectures on histology delivered in the session 1853-1853, on the structure on the skeleton of vertebrate animals, with original drawings.

        Quekett , John Thomas , 1815-1861 , histologist
        GB 1924 RTP · 1901-1910

        Manuscript of The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressell [Robert Noonan], c 1910, with a short history of the original manuscript, and its publication history by Fred Ball

        Tressell , Robert , 1870-1911 , author Ball , Fred C , fl 1946-1973 , author
        RAMSAY, Mabel Lieda (d 1954)
        GB 0113 MS-RAMSM · 1952

        1 notebook of biographical memoirs.

        Ramsay , Mabel Lieda , d 1954 , surgeon gynaecologist
        GB 0098 KGA RAMSAY · Created 1812-1933

        Papers of Sir Andrew Crombie Ramsay, 1812-1933, comprising notebooks and diaries, 1841-1882, recording both professional and personal details, including geological observations and drawings from field work in Britain, the Rhine, Canada, Switzerland, North Africa, France; sketches of landscapes, details of personal and official expenses, principally for travelling and accommodation; verses; inserted copies of correspondence; notices of deaths;
        rough notes for lectures at the Royal School of Mines, Royal Institution, [1850-1880]; miscellaneous notes and printed papers, 1840-1889, principally relating to his book on Arran, 1841; appointment to University College London, 1847-1849; articles by Ramsay in the 'Saturday Review', 1858-1873; Bedfordshire palaeontology; examination papers, 1858-1875, for various institutions including the Geological Survey and Royal School of Mines, London University and University College, Cambridge University; sketch books and drawings of scenery, geological sections, portraits, [1840-1880]; miscellaneous printed papers, 1836-1892, notably papers relating to the Metropolitan Red Lion Association, 1836-1854; obituary notices for Ramsay, 1892;
        family correspondence, 1812-1933, comprising letters of family members, including Ramsay's parents, wife, and daughters; correspondence with Sir Henry de la Beche, 1841-1854; general correspondence, 1833-1895, comprising letters from various correspondents, including Charles Robert Darwin, 1846-1864, Edward Forbes, 1844-1854, the Geological Survey, 1844-1876, Thomas Henry Huxley, 1854-1855, Joseph Beete Jukes, 1846-1867, Charles Kingsley, 1864, Sir Charles Lyell, 1841-1872, Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, 1848-1869, John Phillips, 1842-1867, Lyon Playfair, 1837-1854, Adam Sedgwick, [1865], Alfred Richard Cecil Selwyn, 1846-1881, James Sharpe, 1840-1851, Sir Warrington Wilkinson Smyth, [1840-1890], Joshua Trimmer, [1840-1857], Anna Maria Williams, 1842-1852.

        Ramsay , Sir , Andrew Crombie , 1814-1891 , Knight , geologist
        GB 0074 F/RMY · Collection · 1861-1951

        Personal papers of Robert W Ramsey, including diaries (some with glued in event programmes, invitations and newspaper cuttings); commonplace books and household financial accounts; articles by Ramsey on historical and literary subjects; poems and sketches; Ramsey family pedigree, 1688-1904; research on the Cromwell family; and general correspondence.

        Ramsey , Robert William , 1862-1951 , historian
        Rastrick, Henry
        GB 0096 MS. 243 · 1836-1841

        The collection contains notebooks of sketches and drawings, 1838-1841; levelling books, 1840-1880; and Henry Rastrick's diary for 1884.

        Rastrick , Henry , fl 1838-1884 , civil engineer
        GB 0099 KCLMA Raven · Created 1939-1964

        Papers relating to service in HMS GLOUCESTER, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, World War Two, including photocopy of diary, 1939-1940, naval messages, 1940-1943, and photographs; official service records, 1941-1958; and papers relating to naval career, 1949-1964, including article dated 1965, 'A Perspective View of Naval Engineering', on the Electrical Branch of the Royal Navy.

        Ray, George (fl 1815-1853)
        GB 0114 MS0227 · 1815-1816

        Papers of George Ray, 1815-1816, comprising a volume of manuscript notes taken by Ray at the lectures of Sir Astley Paston Cooper, titled Lectures on Surgery, Delivered at the theatre of St Thomas's Hospital by AP Cooper, Esq in the years 1815-1816; and an undated newspaper cutting titled 'The Country Surgeon (A True Bill)' containing a poem about the life and work of a country surgeon.

        Ray , George , fl 1815-1853 , surgeon
        Recipe Book Collection
        GB 0120 MSS.7722-7731 · 18th century-19th century

        A small collection of English medical and cookery receipt books, assembled from several sources, 18th-19th century.

        GB 0074 LMA/4231 · Collection · 1935-1985

        Collection of material relating to the singer and civil rights activist Paul Robeson, including a large number of recordings on tape and vinyl of Paul Robesons' wide repertoire of songs and a series of reel-to-reel tapes including interviews and radio programmes made with Robeson; and letters and photographs and a series of scrapbooks (put together by Ken Goodland) of newspaper cuttings charting the life and career of Paul Robeson.

        Rees Papers
        GB 0103 REES · c1920-1970

        Papers of the writer Sir Richard Rees, c1920-1970 and undated.

        Manuscripts and typescripts for Rees' published and unpublished work include material for an unpublished book of essays; a typescript of his unpublished novel; unpublished shorter pieces, including lectures on literary and cultural subjects, among them George Orwell and Simone Weil.

        Miscellaneous personal papers and writings, 1926-1960s, include notes on dreams; travel notes on the USA, 1929; a Russian diary, 1935; papers relating to the Spanish Civil War; typescript papers of the International Commission for War Refugees, 1941-1944, and other correspondence and papers on its work; papers relating to Rees' service in World War Two; correspondence concerning Rees' membership of the committee of the Pilgrim Trust; papers relating to sales of Rees' books; printed papers, comprising various articles and book reviews relating to Rees' interests.

        Correspondence, c1920-1970, comprises items to Rees and carbon copies or drafts of his letters, the correspondents including prominent literary and other public figures, for example David Astor, Vanessa Bell, Joseph Conrad, Victor Gollancz, Frieda Lawrence, Iris Murdoch, Sonia Orwell, Sir Herbert Read, Hugh Trevor-Roper, A L Rowse, John Sparrow, Stephen Spender, R H Tawney, and many others, and including letters relating to George Orwell, J Middleton Murry, R H Tawney, and Simone Weil; correspondence with his literary agents A D Peters and with publishers, on his publications and broadcasts; letters to the press; personal papers, including c100 letters from Rees to his mother, c1938-c1942, other family letters, and snapshots; correspondence with J Middleton Murry and his wife, 1936-1937, relating to personal matters leading to Rees' resignation from the Adelphi, and other papers relating to the Adelphi, 1935-1936.

        Other material includes a notebook including typescript reviews and letters to editors; memoranda of agreements with publishers for books, articles, etc, 1954-1969; press cuttings on various political, literary, artistic, and other subjects, including reviews of some works by Rees; typescript diary of a visit to Italy, 1959.

        Rees' papers on George Orwell, 1949-1963, relating to his role as literary executor include correspondence and papers, some relating to Orwell's death, adopted son Richard, and proposed posthumous publications, and including material relating to his wife Sonia; papers on the George Orwell Archive Trust; typescript transcripts of poems Orwell contributed to the Adelphi, 1933-1936; two book reviews by Orwell, 1943-1944.

        Rees' papers on Simone Weil largely comprise translations, typescripts and proofs for Rees' publications on Weil. There are also some writings by Weil; a photograph of her, 1942; letters to Rees from Weil's mother and brother, André, and other correspondence on Weil, 1958-1970; press cuttings on Rees' publications on Weil.

        Rees' papers on R H Tawney, relating to his role as literary executor, include correspondence and papers of Tawney; Rees' correspondence on Tawney, largely dating from 1960-1970; correspondence and papers relating to the sale of Tawney's belongings and his will, with other personal documents relating to Tawney and his wife; correspondence relating to the disposal of Tawney's collection of books on economic history, 1952. The correspondents include a number of prominent literary and other public figures.

        The later deposit comprises a typescript on Orwell and a typescript and corrected proofs on Murry.

        Rees , Sir , Richard (Lodowick Edward Montagu) , 1900-1970 , 2nd Baronet , author
        GB 0099 KCLMA Reeves · Created 1936-1948

        Papers relating to his life and career, 1936-1961, principally comprising diary of tour of Germany to assess capacity of industrial installations, Apr-Jun 1945, written in [1945-1946] and including related reports and photographs of sites visited, 1945; record of service pocket book, 1936-1948.

        GB 0120 GP/7 · c 1974-1976

        Tapes and transcripts, 1970s, on which Rethinking General Practice (1983) by M Jefferys and H Sachs was based.

        Jefferys , Margot , fl 1970-1984 Sachs , Hessie , fl 1970-1984
        GB 0099 KCLMA Riall A B · Created 1937-1938, 1950-1959

        Papers relating to the RAF Levies (Iraq), 1955-1959, including typescript copy of speech by Sir Michael (Robert) Wright, British Ambassador to Iraq at the RAF Levies (Iraq) disbandment parade, RAF Habbaniya, 2 May 1955; typescript copy of report to the Air Ministry by Riall entitled 'The Royal Air Force Levies (Iraq) [1955]; typescript 'The RAF Regiment bulletin report on the RAF Levies (Iraq) - the final two years', 15 Jun 1955; typescript 'Iraq Levies - history prior to disbandment', 1955; edition of The Arab World with article entitled 'The Aden Protectorate Levies', Jun 1959. Papers relating to RAF training, 1950-1958, including edition of Air Ministry Restricted booklet 'Manual of ground defence for the Royal Air Force. Volume 1, Active defence', Jun 1950; typescript course notes, Senior Officers Course, Civil Defence Staff College, Sunningdale, Ascot, Berkshire, Feb 1958; typescript notes on nuclear, biological and chemical warfare, Mar-Dec 1958. Papers relating to the Royal Exodus Hunt, Iraq, 1937-1938 and 1953-1954, including correspondence, bills and accounts, May 1937-Feb 1938; manuscript hunting diary and typescript accounts, 15 Nov 1953-7 Feb 1954.

        GB 0113 MS-RICHB · Fonds · 1846-1897

        Correspondence and papers of Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson, 1846-1897, including notes taken by Richardson as a medical student from the lectures of Dr J A Easton, Professor of Materia Medica, Andersonian University, Glasgow, Winter Session 1846-1847; papers relating to Richardson's life of Thomas Sopwith, the mining engineer, comprising Sopwith's original diaries, or a transcript of them, with Richardson's explanatory notes inserted; papers and drafts of Richardson's unfinished autobiography published posthumously under the title 'Vita Medica'; lecture notes on human physiology; Richardson's case book, 1852-1861 and unpublished works by Richardson.

        Richardson , Sir , Benjamin Ward , 1828-1896 , Knight , physician
        GB 0096 MS1135 · Fonds · c1922-c1991

        Notebooks, [1922-1991]; manuscripts including "Emancipated Women", "Heart-Shaped Ladies"; Library Association papers, 1959-1972; correspondence with Philip Larkin, 1965; diary, 1966-1970.

        Richnell , Donovan Thomas , 1911-1994 , librarian
        Rimino, Bernardino Da
        GB 0120 MSS.689-691 · Early 17th century

        'Cosarelle da me praticate et esperimentate', a collection of medical receipts. The title as given above is taken from the Dedicatory Epistle.

        Rimino , Bernardino Da
        GB 0096 MS 278 · [1440]

        Manuscript volume containing a verse chronicle of the history of England from the legendary Brut up to 1272, [1440], most notably focusing on the barons' rebellion led by Simon de Montfort during the reign of King Henry III. The chronicle is written in rhymed couplets in a south-west Midland dialect, and was copied in a good semi-cursive hand by two, or possibly three, scribes. The chronicle is known in two versions, of which this is the shorter; in the longer version there is a reference to the darkness which fell on the surrounding country following the Battle of Evesham (Aug 1265), and this, as well as local knowledge of the area, has led to the author being traditionally named 'Robert of Gloucester'. On the verso of the second fly-leaf there is a 'Precepts in -ly' (moral or religious counsels) entitled 'A spesiall glasse to loke in daily', which is dated at Holy Rode on 14 Sep 1516. It was possibly written by Richard Whitford (1476-1542), who was chaplain to William Blount, 4th Baron Mountjoy, and later to Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, afterwards becoming a monk at Syon Monastery, Isleworth, until the Dissolution. It is unclear if Whitford also undertook the copying of the Richard of Gloucester chronicle. Folio 147 contains 25 lines of miscellaneous Latin, including a section relating to the prophecies of Merlin.

        Robinson Collection
        GB 0369 ROB · 1752-1944 (mostly 1815-1944)

        Papers of (Vivian Dering) Vandeleur Robinson, comprising:
        Robinson's writings on the Balkans particularly Romania and Bulgaria and also papers on plays written for the League of Nations Union, 1930-1944; Robinson's diaries, 1901-1925 (mostly 1918-1923); papers on Robinson's family, 1752-1979 (mostly 1815-1938)

        Robinson , Vivian Dering Vandeleur , 1902-1990 , writer
        GB 0103 MS ADD 190 · 1802-1805

        Autograph album, 1802-1805, with verses and notes from fellow students at Jena University.

        Robinson , Henry Crabb , 1775-1867 , diarist
        GB 0120 MS.7856 · 1782-1967

        Notes, diaries, certificates and cuttings by or about Eleazer Birch Roche or, in a few cases, other members of his family, 1782-1967.

        Roche , Eleazer Birch , 1848-1930 , general practitioner and homoeopath
        Rogers, Nathaniel (d.1881)
        GB 0120 MSS. 4243-4244 · 1826-1869

        Rogers' holograph manuscript. Volume 1 is entitled 'Obituaries of eminent persons'. Volume 2 (dated on the title 1847) is entitled 'Obituary of eminent persons and private friends', and is illustrated by 32 tinted photographs. Among the photographs are those of: Sir Charles Hastings (1774-1866); Sir William Jackson Hooker (1785-1865); and Sir Joseph Paxton (1804-1865). The volumes contain numerous biographies of doctors and scientists who died during the period of the record. The obituaries include various figures of Australasian interest such as Sir Stamford Raffles (1781-1826); Rev. Daniel Tyerman, missionary; George Bennet, missionary (fl.1812-1841); Rev. Thomas Slatyer, missionary, Samoa; and Colonel Robert Torrens (fl.1837).Each volume contains a stipple engraved portrait of the compiler, and his armorial book-plate.

        Rogers , Nathaniel , d 1881 , physician
        GB 0114 MS0167 · c1940

        Papers of Sir Humphrey Davy Rolleston, c 1940, comprising 10 files of manuscript material containing notes for articles on subjects such as the thymus, pineal, pancreas, carotid body, diabetes, and tuberculosis; notes for the review of a volume on the Massachusetts General Hospital, 1939; biographical notes on individuals including Caspar Bartholinus, Edmund Dickinson, and Jonathan Goddard; and a list of the biographical notes sent to the Royal College of Physicians in 1945. The notes are written on recycled correspondence and papers dating from the late 1930s to the early 1940s.

        Rolleston , Sir , Humphrey Davy , 1862-1944 , Knight , physician
        GB 0096 AL323 · Fonds · 1894-1898

        2 letters from Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe of Woodcoate Lodge, [West] Horsley, Leatherhead, [Surrey] to Silvanus P Thompson, 1894-1898. (1) Asking Thompson to write a book on the life and work of Michael Faraday for a series which Roscoe is editing for Cassells, 25 Mar 1894. (2) Stating that he has read Thompson's book on Faraday and thinks it excellent, 17 Oct 1898.

        Both letters are autograph, with signature.

        Roscoe , Sir , Henry Enfield , 1833-1915 , Knight , chemist and university administrator
        Rose, George: letter (1814)
        GB 0096 AL277 · Fonds · 1814

        Letter from George Rose of Old Palace Green to John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield, 11 May 1814. Covering letter accompanying a printed copy of a speech delivered by Rose in the House of Commons on 5 May 1814, in favour of the status quo with respect to Corn Laws. He states: 'I am for a full and fair protecting price to the grower'.

        Autograph, with signature.

        Rose , George , 1744-1818 , statesman
        GB 0120 MSS.4260-4261 and 6117 · 1910-1916

        The collection consists of diaries, correspondence and other papers from the period in which Ross was medical officer of the coolie ship Hong Bee, travelling between Penang and the China coast via Hong Kong. MS.6117 includes a temporary commission in the Royal Army Medical Corps, 1916.

        Ross , Donald Mars Morphett , 1865-1921 , naval surgeon
        GB 0102 PP MS 8 · Created 1890-1957

        Papers, 1890-1957, of Sir Edward Denison Ross and his wife Dora, comprising his correspondence, including that with his wife (1902-1940); personal material including diaries and notebooks of Lady Ross; articles, lecture notes, language material and notes gathered by J. A. Chapman whilst editing Denison Ross's autobiography Both Ends of the Candle published in 1943.

        Ross , Lady , Dora , 1869-1940 , née Robinson
        Ross , Sir , Edward Denison , 1871-1940 , Knight , Orientalist
        ROTH, Andrew (1919-2010)
        GB 0372 ROTH · 1937-2008

        Personal papers and working papers of Andrew Roth (1919-2010), including: Naval records and discharge papers, c 1941-1945; copies of his regular family newsletter of the late 1940s titled The Gripes of Roth, and other personal correspondence to family and friends; detailed business correspondence between Roth and the multiple agencies, syndicates and publications he wrote for during his travels in Europe and the Far East covering topics such as publication of articles, payments and contractual arrangements, c 1945-1960; copies and draft versions of Roth’s articles and publications, concerning predominantly political and economic subjects related to the Far East and America, and the rise of Communism in Asia; photographs from Roth’s travels around Europe and Asia, [1946-1950].

        Roth , Andrew , 1919-2010 , journalist and political satirist
        GB 1556 WL 912 · Collection · 1902-1970s

        Papers of Isabella Roth, 1902-1970s, comprise her personal documents including a copy of her birth certificate, testimonials, and naturalisation certifcate; Isabella Roth's writings including her diary, 'philosophical thoughts' and poems and photographs presumably of Isabella Roth and family.

        Roth , Isabella , b 1896 , Jewish refugee
        Rounds, Philip Rigby
        GB 0102 MS 380572 · 1946-1948

        Manuscript journals, Aug 1946-Sep 1948, of Philip Rounds, including the period while he worked for the teak merchants McGregor & Co in Toungoo, Burma (Myanmar), containing detailed daily entries including religious reflections, his preparations and journey to Burma, work and life there, and trip home via Africa, also including notes of letters sent and finances. Also includes miscellaneous inserted ephemera, some undated, including invitations, advertisements for hotels, and press cuttings.

        Rounds , Philip Rigby , b 1921 , clergyman
        GB 0099 KCLMA Rowell · Created 1915-[1921], [1970-1980], 1983

        Copies of papers and photographs relating to his military career, 1915-[1921], dated 1915-[1921], [1970-1980] and 1983, principally comprising letters to his father, 1915-1916; his flying log book, 1915-1917, covering his service with 1 Reserve Aeroplane Sqn, Royal Flying Corps, UK and with 8 and 12 Sqns, BEF, France; notes and texts of lectures relating to aerial combat tactics, produced by instructors at the Royal Flying Corps School of Aerial Gunnery, 1916; his diary, 1918, including details of his work [as an experimental pilot with the Aircraft Directorate and the Air Board]; notebook containing notes on the performance of various aircraft, [1918-1921]; 'Memoir of service with the Royal Flying Corps, 1915 and 1916', written in [1970-1980].

        GB 1446 Manuscripts · Collection · 1760-2001

        The manuscript series, 1760-2001, includes field notes, research notes, vocabularies, transcripts of lectures, essays, cards, drawings, diagrams and photographs of anthropologists. Collections range from single volumes to many boxes and are assigned a numerical running number

        1 Sir Alfred Claud Hollis, genealogical notes on the history of Vumba, East Africa, with an account of the descendants of its Diwans, 1899; 2 A L Lewis, stone circles and monuments: a collection of lectures; 3 Réné Caillié, Mandingo vocabulary; 4-5. John Clarke, A vocabulary or dictionary of the Fernandian tongue, 1854; African dialects, Fernando Po, 1841; 6. James Günther, Vocabulary of the Aboriginal dialect called Wirradhurri, 1839; 7. Hugh Stannus, The practice of scarification (tattooing) among the natives of Nyasaland, 1927; 8. James Philip Mills, Mongsen Ao word list, 1926; 9. H J Knox, Notes on figures engraved on rocks in the great trap dyke in the Peacock Hills near Bellarey, 1893.

        10-11. William George Archer, Civil justice in tribal India, 1946; 12. Grammar of the Binandele language, Mamba River, British New Guinea; 13. Gerhard Lohmeyer, Recht und Zauberei in Nordwest-Amerika, 1948; 14. Thomas Crawford Johnston, Correspondence on 'Did the Phoenicians discover America?' 1913; 15. Vocabularies: West African dialects; 16-17. R Baudin, Dictionnaire Français-Yoruba; 18. Thomas Vincent Holmes, On some recent criticisms of the Denehole exploration report of the Essex Field Club, 1908; 19. August Vogl, Wahrhafte Heilkunst, 1949; 20. Sir George Laurence Gomme, A handbook to folk-lore, 1890.

        1. Francis J Hambly, Peru, the cradle of South America, post 1930; 22-23. Elphinstone Dayrell, More folk stories from Southern Nigeria; Anthropology, 1911; 24. Monique de Lestrange, Contributions à l'étude des plis palmaires chez l'homme, 1945; 25-25a. Adolph Brewster, Genealogies and histories of the Matanitu, 1923; 26. W A Buckingham, Beliefs and religious symbols in the bronze age of England; 27. Charles William Hobley, Anthropological papers by various people and correspondence, 1947; 28. Amedée Vignola, Translation of the introductory chapters and tables, from the French, in Tous les femmes, 1925; 29. G A Turner, Some anthropological notes on the South-African coloured mine labourer, 191-; 30. Tracey Philipps, The continental-European ethnic and cultural composition of Canada, 1947.

          1. Aliston Blyth, Tedi River tribes, 1922; 32. Granville St John Orde Browne, Physical peculiarities of the minor tribes of Mount Kenya, British East Africa, 1915; 33. Sir Herbert Gibson, Notes on the Indian tribes of the Paraguayan and Bolivian Chaco, 1922; 34. John Mathew, Explanation of some of the Australian class names, 1926; 35. H Olaf Hodgkin and others, Malagasy folk-lore; 36. Edward E Long, The mystery of the Sakai; 37. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, XIV observations on some Egyptian mummies opened in London, 1792; 38. W Champ, Aboriginal vocabulary, 1862; 39-40. Guybon Henry Damant, The wild tribes of north eastern India, 1900; Scrap album, 1867-78.

        41-59. Mary Edith Durham, Collection, 1900-1940; 60-63. E Dora Earthy, Collection, 1939; 64. George Bellas Greenough, Ethnological dictionary; 65-76. Melville William Hilton-Simpson, Collection, 1906-26; 77-89. Richard E C Long, Collection, 1885-1950; 90-98. Arthur Bernard Deacon, Collection, 1926-1927; 99. L Marillier, Notes and extracts; 100. Charles Samuel Myers, Anthropometric measurements of Egyptians, 1901-1902.

        101-09. Robert Sutherland Rattray, Collection, 1919-1930; 110-19a. Edward Horace Man, Collection, 1874-1920; 120. V Stefansson, Some Eskimo words of possible historical significance, 1911; 121. Paul Schebesta, The Zimbabwe - Kultur in Africa, 1923; 122. E T C Werner, Report on a journey N. and E. of Peking, 1887; 123-39. William Crooke, Collection, [1890]-1921; 140-52. Joseph Barnard Davis, Collection, 1800-1875; 153. Corpus of Indian Pottery: A card-index of Indian cairn and urn-burial pottery forms, 1929; 154. Anonymous, Jujus and Jujuism, 1913; 155-56. Gertrude M Godden, Naga and other frontier tribes of Eastern India, 189-; The Naga tribes, 1897; 157. Joseph Daniel Unwin, Tax and custom, 1913-34; 158. John Ogilvie, Notes and myths of aboriginal Indians of British Guiana; 159. J W Ogilvie Bennett, English native vocabulary of the Woolner dialect, Adelaide River, North Australia, 1869; 160. Francis Turville-Petre, The stone age in Palestine, Syria and Transjordania, 1927.

        1. Ponape notes; 162. J M A J Dawson, Aborigines of Malaya, 1956; 163. G B Gloyne, The batik art of Java, 1933; 164. S Gillmore Lee, A study of crying hysteria and dreaming in Zulu women, 1954; 165. Voyages: Extracts from voyages of exploration; 166. Robert Wood Williamson and M Campbell, Bibliographical material in classified form; 167. Pigmentation survey of Scotland, 1906; 168. Great Britain: Colonial Office: Committee of Civil Research. Kenya Native Welfare Subcommittee, 1926-7; 169. Australia: Aboriginals, 1930; 170. Ajit Mookerjee, Bengal folk art, 1949; 171. Father Gardner, Drawings to Excavations in a Wilton industry at Gokomere, Fort Victoria, S. Rhodesia, 1928; 172. Folklore Institute of America: Second session, 1946; 173. G R Carline, Newspaper and periodical cuttings arranged according to subject, 1931; 174. C H Hawes, Individual measurements and observations of about 2700 Cretan men, 1905-9; 175. British Association for the Advancement of Science: Human geography file, 1934-5; 176. International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences: Papers, abstracts of papers and press-cuttings, 1934; 177. R J Hunt, Lengua dictionary, 193-; 178. Great Britain: Colonial Office: Extracts from a despatch from the administrator of Dominica, 1918; 179-80. Michael Garfield Smith, The social structure of the northern Kadara, 195-; Social organisation and economy of Kagoro, 1952.

        2. Hugh Stannus, Some anthropometrical observations among the natives of Nyasaland; 182. Francis A Allen, The Easter Island monuments and tablets, 1904; 183. E Wynstone-Waters, The arches of the human foot and how they are maintained, 1904; 184. Brab I Purcell, Rites and customs of Australian aborigines, 1893; 185. R A Stewart Macalister and E W G Masterman, Occasional papers on the modern inhabitants of Palestine, 19-; 186. E S Menen, marriage customs among the Nayars of Malabar; 187. F S Brockman, Notes on aboriginal paintings, Australia, 1901; 188. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland: Curl Prize Essay, 1950 to date; 189. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland: Wellcome Medal, 1931 to date; 190. Chicago University Department of Anthropology: Papers, reports and symposiums, 1955-1957.

        3. Ioan Myrddin Lewis, The Somali lineage system, 1958; 192-98. Emil Torday, Collection. 1908-1931; 199. Gambia: Native law and customs, 1908; 200. Nigeria, Southern: Reports to Colonial Office, 1906-1907; 201-02. Nigeria, Northern: Enclosures in despatch No. 459 of 9th September 1907; Reports to Colonial Office, 1907-1908; 203. Gold Coast: Native law and customs, 1906-8; 204. Sir Percy Sykes, Persian notes, 1914; 205. James Edge-Partington, Register of objects from the Pacific, 1896; 206. Cyril Belshaw, Economic aspects of culture contact in eastern Melanesia, 1949; 207. Samoan Affairs Office, Pago Pago: Genealogies, 1956; 208. T B Cliffe, anthropological notes on the Afo pagans, 1957-8; 209. Phyllis Mary Kaberry, Report on farmer-grazier relations and the changing pattern of agriculture in Nsaw, 1959; 210. Elphinstone Dayrell, Africa West; 211. Dorothy D Lee, values and mental health, 1958; 212. Association of Social Anthropologists: The teaching of social anthropology, 1958; 213. Susannah Vibert Pearce, The appearance of iron and its use in protohistoric Africa, 1960; 214. Filiberto Giorgetti, La superstition Zande, 1958-60; 215. Laura Longmore, The dispossessed, 1957; 216. Annette Rosenstiel, The Motu of Papua New Guinea, 1953; 217. William Halse Rivers and others, Simbo-English vocabulary; 218. Ruth Fulton Benedict, Miscellaneous notes, 1930-1935; 219-40. Sir Everard Ferdinand Im Thurn, Collection, 1760-1922.

        4. H K Fry, Dieri legends [South Australia]; 242. J Gibson Hall, The Alungu chiefs, their families and genealogical tree, 1902-7; 243. Lakemba (Fiji): Drawings by school boys, 1911; 244. H M M Scroggie, The sociology of Ngwaketse diet, 1946; 245. Herbert John Fleure, Anthropometric survey of Wales, 1906-36; 246. Ruth H Finnegan, survey of the Limba people of northern Sierra Leone, 1962; 247. George P Murdock and others, Outline of cultural materials, 1938; 248. E J Wayland, The age of the Oldoway human skeleton, 1932; 249. Neil Gordon Munro, Ainu material; 250. N Dyson-Hudson, The present position of the Karimojong, 1958; 251. H Du Plessis, Die politieke organisasie van die Venda, 1941; 252. Eva Leonie Lewin-Richter Meyerowitz, Akan traditions of origin, 1952; 253. Cambridge Expedition to northern Africa, report, 1964; 254-56. Alice Joan Metge, Some modern Maoris, 1953; Urbanisation and the pattern of Maori life, 1954; The urban Maori, 1953; 257. LSE Report on a conference on applied anthropology, 1963; 258. British Museum, Department of Ethnography: Excavations at Las Cuevas, 1958; 259. Margaret E Kenna and John C Kenna, list of portraits of anthropologists and archaeologists and workers in allied fields, 1966; 260. T B Naik, Anavils, the unspoilt Brahmins, 1954.

        5. Brenda Zara Seligman, Genealogies; 262. Brenda Zara Seligman, Seligman's psychology collection; 263. William Charles Willoughby, Index to the Willoughby papers in Selly Oak Colleges, Library, Birmingham; 264. R Webb, Genealogy of the Lihoja, 1964; 265. Eric Wilton Morse, Immigration and status of British East Indians in Canada, 1944; 266. G D Walker, Garo customs and folk-lore, 1967; 267. Henry Boyle Townshend Somerville, Orientation in megalithic monuments and associated papers, anthropological notes on Solomon Islands, Tonga, Fiji and Samoa, and maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu, 1892-1936; 268. Marian Smith collection; 269. British Solomon Islands Protectorate: Notes on native custom, tradition, organisation and culture, 1938; 270. F J Language, Kapteinskap onder die Tlhaping, 1941.

        6. Otto Friedrich Raum, The social functions of avoidance and taboos among the Zulu, 1960; 272. Adam Kuper, Kinship, marriage, and local groupings among the Ngologa, 1965; 273. P H Brinckner, Brief v. 28.6.1876, Otyikaugo etc.; 274. Anthropolgicky Kongres K 100. Vyroci Narozenin Alese Hrdlicky; 275. Isaac Schapera, Notes on some Herero genealogies, 1945; 276-77. G P Lestrade, Miscellaneous notes on laws and customs of the Bahuruthse; Preliminary summary of main heads of information obtained at Maahoana (Gopane), 1926; 278. Philip and Iona Mayer, Sexual and fighting behaviour among Red Xhosa youth; 279. Sir Arthur Grimble, Gilbertese myths, 1964; 280. J P Luce, Private journal, 1852-1867; 281. G O Whitehead, Spagnolo's Bari grammar, 1933; 282. Philip F W Bartle, African rural urban migration, 1971; 283. G M Clifford, The Igala chiefdom, 1934; 284. Jose Llopis Martin, De genealogia medica, 1970; 285. Antonio A Arantes, Compadrio in rural Brazil, 1971; 286. Nicas Kipengele, Marriage celebration among Wamatumbi and Wapogoro and its relation to canon law, 1961; 287. M R Allen, Report on Aoba, 1969; 288. Allen, Ganguly, Pranab and Pal, Anadi. The Onge of Little Andaman, 1964; 289. James Bol Kalmal, Marriage rights and duties among the Shilluk, 1973; 290. Hans Schindler Bellamy, Problems of Tiahuanaco, 1938.

        7. Dugald Malcolm, The Kuna Indians, 1974; 292. Barrington J Howard, Social organisation in Eskimo communities, 1976; 293. P R Foulkes-Roberts, Letters home from an administrative officer in Nigeria, 1924-44; 294. Miriam L Tildesley, Miscellaneous notes, papers, letters, calculations, tables and graphs; 295. Douglas A Lorimer, Racist theory in British anthropology, 1870-1900; 296. James H Chaplin, Tribal art and painting; 297. Charles Staniland Wake, Correspondence 1892-1909; 298. Meyer Fortes, First and second reports on fieldwork, 1934; 299. Hilda Beemer, (Mrs Hilda Kuper), First report on fieldwork, 1937; 300. Margaret Read, Second report on field work, 1936.

        8. G Tillion and T Riviere, Sixth report on fieldwork, 1936; 302. Godfrey B Wilson, First report on fieldwork, 1936; 303. Monica Hunter (Mrs Godfrey Wilson), Methods of fieldwork, 1933; 304. G Gordon Brown, Notes on the progress of fieldwork, 1933; 305. S Hofstra, Reports on fieldwork among the Mendi, 1934; 306. Walter Scott, Economic condition of Sind, 1846; 307. Elizabeth Bott (Mrs James Spillius), Miscellaneous papers; 308. Garth A Rogers, Kai and Kava in Niuatoputapu, 1975; 309. James Spillius, Conscience, 1947; 310. Yvonne Blake, Infantile development; 311. Leslie M Young, Notes on various published papers, 1914-1987; 312-13. M S Swede, Scrapbook folders containing miscellaneous newspaper and journal cuttings, 1926-1982; miscellaneous articles and pamphlets, 1945-1983; 314. Stuart E Mann, Albanian literature, 1955, and Laura E Start, The Durham collection of garments and embroideries from Albania and Yugoslavia; 315. Ivor Hugh Norman Evans, Bornean diaries, 1938-1942; 316-17. Laura Longmore, Multi-racial dilemma, 1959; Polygamy among the southern Bantu, 1988; 318. Derek Bickerton, Language and species, 1990; 319. C H Browner et al, A new methodology for medicine; 320. James Weiner, Mountain Papuans, 1988.

        9. Derek Frank Bruce Roberts, The geographical distribution of the physical characters of man; 322. George W Stocking Jr, Reading the palimpsest of inquiry; 323. Douglas L Oliver, Somatic variability and human ecology on Bougainville, Solomon Islands; 324. Marilyn Hammersley Houlberg, Yoruba twin sculpture and ritual, 1973; 325. Shanthi Tambiah, Culture as adaptation: change among the Bhuket of Sarawak, Malaysia, 1995; 326. Mark Angus Jamieson, Kinship and gender as political processes among the Miskitu of Eastern Nicaragua, 1995; 327. Alexander Goldbloom, Thomas Bendyshe and the Anthropological Society of London 1863-1871, 1995; 328. Ethel John Lindgren, Anthropological film of the Reindeer Tungus of Manchuria, 1931-1932; 329. Association of Social Anthropologists/Social Science Research Council: Conference on the training and employment of social anthropologists, 1980; 330. Peter Johann Koblenzer, The state of health and the environment of the Rungus Dusun of Kampong Maksangkong-Dampirit of the Kudat Peninsula in the west coast residency of the Colony of British North Borneo, 1959.

        10. Bennet Greig, Memorandum on the Indians of the Peruvian Sierra, 1936; 332. Ethnological Survey of Canada: Copies of circular and of schedules, 1899; 333. Margaret Read, The value of social anthropology for nurses overseas, 1939; 334. Jonathan Benthall, 'And what should they know of England who only England know?', 1974; 335. George Soper Cansdale, String figures, 1937; 336. Johanna Felhoen-Kraal, Die Herkunft der sogenannten Portugiesischen Juden, 1942; 337. Kathy Curnow, The Afro-Portuguese ivories, 1982; 338. Daniel Carleton Gajdusek, Journals 1951-2000 and various papers (restricted access); 339. James Edge-Partington, An album of the weapons, tools, ornaments, articles of dress etc of the natives of the Pacific Islands, 1890; 340. Hua Cai, Les Na: une société sans père ni mari (Chine), 1995.

        11. Jonathan Benthall, Christianity and British anthropologists, 2000; 342. Suzanne Preston Blier, Kings, crowns, and rights of succession; 343. John Pemberton III, Ere Ibeji from Ila-Orangun, 1981; 344. Joseph Nevadomsky, The Benin bronze horseman as the Ata of Idah; 345. William Robin Gray Horton, Ijo ritual sculpture; 346. Henry John Drewal, Art, history and the individual; 347. Bernice M Kelly, contemporary Nigerian artists, 1988; 348. Gavin D White, Material on Eskimos; 349. William Robin Gray Horton, Untitled about the Ijo of the Rivers Province; 350. S Pughe, Brodribb. A preliminary report ... on the origins and ages of ... man-made structures in ... Kenya; 351. Jonathan Skinner, Impressions of Montserrat, 1997; 352. Arnold L Epstein, A Melanesian masquerade, 1988 (forbidden access); 353. Muhammadu Aliyu, Socio-economic aspects of Saukar Karatu, 1980; 354. Alhaji Isa Kebbe, A sociological analysis of a despised occupation in Hausa society, 1984; 355. Jarle Simensen, The Asafo of Kwahu, Ghana, 1974; 356. Ramon Ramonet Riu, Totem, the first one and the future, 1996; 357. Audrey Isabel Richards, Some aspects of clan structure among the Baganda, 1956 and Problems of Buganda clans, 1961; 358. Z R Dmochowski, Gidan Makama in Kano, 1963; 359. H Fleure, bibliography of his writings 1898-1954; 360. Charles Gabriel Seligman, Shilluk, 1902-1909.

        12. Ethel John Lindgren, Notes for the proposed handbook on methods and problems of social psychology and sociology, 1937; 362. W Perkins Foss, The arts of the Urhobo people, 1971; 363. Harold Fullard, Anthropometric cards for an anthropometric survey in Lancashire mid-1930's; 364. Charles Gabriel Seligman, Notes and papers on the art and anthropology of the Massim; 365. Ronald M and Catherine H Berndt, Native labour and welfare in the Northern Territory, 1946; 366. O Werner and Frank Willett, The composition of brasses from Ife and Benin, 1974; 367. Arnold Rubin, Notes on regalia in Biu division, Northeast State, Nigeria; 368. Angelika Tunis, Neue untersuchungen zur Berliner Beninsammlung; 369. Jacob Festus Ade Ajayi, The impact of Europe on African cultures and values, 1974; 370. African Studies Association of the United Kingdom: Meetings, membership, papers, reports, 1973-1974; 370. Jonathan Benthall, Forgetting and reminding, 1994; 372. Ronald G Stansfield, The origins of the International Ergonomics Association, 1979; 373. David J Vandyke-Lee, The conservation of wooden specimens, 1974; 374. David J Vandyke-Lee, Ethnographical conservation, 1974; 375. Ronald G Stansfield, Operational research and sociology, 1980; 376. James Woodburn, Exhibition of material equipment of the Hadza, 1965; 377-78. Myra Bluebond-Langner, The dying child speaks, 1975; Death, self and society, 1976; 379. Juana Elbein Dos Santos, Les Nago et la mort, 1972; 380. William O Oldman, Index to tribes, rivers etc of Africa shown on map, 1919-1923; 381. P F Farina, Il popolo Karimojong; 382. A T H Jolly and Frederick George Godfrey Rose, The place of the Australian Aboriginal in the evolution of society, 1941; 383. Myra Bluebond-Langner and Marianne G Everett, The meanings of death in American society and its implications for health education, 1976; 384. Jeremy Montagu, Musical instruments of the world, 1970; 385. A A Y Kyerematen, Asante Cultural Centre, 1958; 386. Centre d'Analyse Documentaire Pour L'Afrique Noire: Various papers, 1965-1966; 387. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization: Various papers, 1946-1976; 388. Jehanne H Teilhet, Paper to determine precisely who, among the French artists, were the first to feel the impact of, and to find inspiration in, the tribal arts of Oceania and the tribal arts in Africa, post 1966; 389. William Edward Hanley Stanner, Papers concerning New Hebrides administration, 1935-1937; 390-91. Craig Maginnis (Nelson), Notes and papers on the South Seas; Notebooks and pamphlets on the South Seas.

        13. William Horsfall, Papers on Tonga; 393. Keith Nicklin, Ekpu, 1988; 394. Patrick Muyendekwa Sikana, Agro-pastoralism and market integration, 1998; 395. Rachael Jane Sara Gooberman-Hill, The constraints of feeling free', 1999; 396. Alan Passes, The hearer, the hunter, and the Agouti head, 1998; 397. Richard Ssewakiryanga and David Mills,Vegetarianus economicus', 1995; 398. David Mills and Richard Ssewakiryanga, Women on top?, 1995; 399. Mary Mugyenyi and David Mills, Feminism, social theory and social reform, 1995; 400. Margaret Sarkissian, What happens when two worlds collide?, 1993; 401. Thomas Johnston, Two essays, 1969; 402.

        Various anthropologists
        GB 0074 ACC/3722 · Collection · 1910-1962

        Records of R S Murray and Company Limited, sweet manufacturers, including recipe books, reports and related correspondence. The recipe books include details of product development, specifying appropriate ingredients and methods. Other papers concern H.J. Norton, who was Managing Director of R.S. Murray and Co. Ltd from 1914-1940s.

        R S Murray and Company Limited , sweet manufacturers
        GB 0120 MSS.700-706 & 7756 · late 13th century - mid 16th century

        Manuscript copies of texts by, or collated by Ruffo, plus in some cases other veterinary texts added to works by Ruffo. The texts reflect his work in veterinary medicine, primarily concerning the care and treatment of domestic animals, particularly horses. Includes 'De medicina equorum'; 'Arte de conoscere la natura dei cavalli'; 'Libro dell'infirmita dei cavalli' and 'Le medicine de' cavalli'.

        Ruffo , Giordano , d [1256] , farrier
        RUSSELL, Don (fl 1927-1970)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Russell · Created 1927-1943, 1957-1970

        Twenty seven letters from Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart to Russell, 1927-1943, mostly relating to books and articles by Liddell Hart, with four typescript articles by Liddell Hart, 'The problem of quickening manoeuvre', Dec 1942; 'Arms for the attack', Dec 1942; 'Where are our airborne troops?', Jan 1943; and 'Is our soldiership carrying too much top hamper?', Feb 1943. Also two typescript copies of 'Historical note on the defence plan that foiled Rommel's invasion of Egypt in 1942 - by the officer who designed it (E E Dorman Smith)', Apr 1943, with newspaper cuttings, 1943, 1957-1970, and edition of Picture Post, 15 May 1943.

        Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart
        GB 0114 MS0174 · c1957

        Papers of Raymond Anthony Russell, c 1957, comprising 4 files of manuscript notes, letters and photographs relating to surgical instruments, amputating instruments, and surgical instrument makers; biographical material including manuscript notes, letters, photocopies of articles and photographs relating to Sir William Blizard (1743-1835); and 4 volumes of a surgical instrument catalogue titled Notes on Instrument Makers.

        Russell , Raymond Anthony , 1922-1964 , Captain and historian
        Rutherford, Andrew
        GB 0096 MS 983 · 1960s-1998

        Papers of Professor Andrew Rutherford, including material relating to the teaching of literature at University level, such as lectures dating from his time at the University of Aberdeen, and reports to the British Council on his lecturing tours abroad; documents concerning the admission of Goldsmith's College as a School of the University of London; appointment diaries and a file of speeches made while Vice-Chancellor of the University of London; research material compiled by Rutherford relating to his book book The literature of war: five studies in heroic virtue (Macmillan, 1978) and his editorship of seven volumes of Kipling's stories and poetry , most notably Early verse by Rudyard Kipling (Oxford University Press, 1986), comprising working notes, photocopies, correspondence and drafts.

        Rutherford , Andrew , 1929-1998 , academic
        GB 0099 KCLMA Salmon, H M · 1928-1981

        Papers relating to his life and career 1928-1981, including correspondence, (letters, reports, memoranda, training programmes, photographs and maps) relating to the Allied invasions of North Africa and Sicily (Operation TORCH and Operation HUSKY), 1942-43; correspondence between Salmon and the Air Ministry relating to the daily running of RAF Regt units under his command in North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Greece and Yugoslavia, 1942-1945; correspondence with Maj Gen Claude Liardet, Commandant of RAF Regt, 1942-1945; Salmon's retrospective war diaries (2 vols.) detailing RAF Regt unit operations in Mediterranean theatre, 1942-1945; maps of North Africa, Sicily, Italy, France, Greece and Yugoslavia, 1928-1944; photographs of RAF Regt units in Greece, North Africa and Italy, 1942-1945; papers relating to `Ground-Air Landmark' (GAL) operations conducted by RAF Regt, 1944-1945.

        Salmon , Harold Morrey , 1892-1985 , Colonel
        GB 1556 WL 1237 · [1940-1950]

        Collection of typescript poems of Grete Salus, written whilst in the camps of Terezin, Auschwitz and Oederan.

        Salus , Grete , 1910-1995 , dance teacher
        GB 1556 WL 618 · Collection · 1934-1942

        Microfilm diaries of Mrs Inge Samson, 1934-1942, the first part covers life in Germany and the second life in Great Britain. They are written in a manuscript gothic script.

        Samson , Inge , fl 1934-1942
        GB 0096 MS375 · Fonds · 1735-1737

        "Vida del M.R.P. Fr. Manuel de San Joseph (vulgo el Duende de Madrid), Carmelita descalzo de la provincia de Navarra". Includes copy of "Copia de la carta que escrivio a su general el P. Fr. Manuel....en Madrid a 17 de Marzo de 1737".

        Sarmiento Papers
        GB 0103 MS ADD 259 · Created 1934-1986

        Letters to Sarmiento concerning poetry, publications and literature. Seventeen letters from the Spanish poets Manuel Altolaguirre and his wife Concha Mendez (1934-1935), 18 from Luis Cernuda, with copies (1938-1940), and about 20 from Aubrey Bell (1936-1947). Manuscript poem of Altolaguirre with transcript. Facsimile edition of manuscript poems of José Silva's 'El Libro de Versos' (1945), and photocopies of various articles about Silva. Translations of poems by St John of the Cross, and other poems by Sarmiento; together with 2 letters from Sarmiento to Jim Cummins of the Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies at UCL (1976-1986).

        Sarmiento , Edward , fl 1925-1986 , poet
        Sassoon, Siegfried Loraine
        GB 0096 SL V 80 · 1920

        A manuscript of Fireflies (Georgian Parodies), 1920 by Siegfried Sassoon.

        Sassoon , Siegfried Loraine , 1886-1967 , poet and author