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      Forme et genre littéraire

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      Forme et genre littéraire

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        Forme et genre littéraire

        917 Description archivistique résultats pour Forme et genre littéraire

        GB 0074 LMA/4251 · Collection · 1971-1985

        Papers relating to the Claire Rayner novels The Performers, a twelve book series about London which traces a family from the 1800s. The series contains draft manuscripts of each volume along with research, time lines and notes on political events, dress, religion, travel, medicine, foreign affairs, industry and agriculture covering the period during which the novels are set.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 LMA/4462/K · Collection · 1978-1995

        Records of the Caribbean Biographical Project, including correspondence from biographers and authors; draft biographies and minutes.

        Sans titre
        IRONMONGER, Wendy (fl 1986)
        GB 0074 LMA/4482 · Collection · 1986

        Academic paper written by Wendy Ironmonger that was submitted to and won the Chartered Insurance Institute Morgan Owen Medal Competition in 1986.

        Sans titre
        DAVIS, Charles Alfred (1923-1999)
        Davis · [1959-1994]

        Papers of Professor Charles Davis, [1959-1994] including personal papers and notes on topics including ethics, conscience, prayer, Eucharist, penance, faith, anointing of the sick, meaning of history, magisterum, atonement, freedom, sexual morality, the devil, the church, contraception, John Milton, hypnotism, Christian reform, Jesus Christ, liturgy, the Virgin Mary, ecumenism, baptism, interpreting modern theology and celibacy; working papers and papers for taught courses on the following topics: Christian mysticism, living as a Christian, theories of religion, Immanuel Kant's moral philosophy, Leslie Milton, promise of critical theology, faith and the artist, doctrine and life, Bernard Lonergan, 'our bodily selves and God', religion and literature, psychoanalysis, William George Ward, early Christianity, unity, Paul Ricoer, transubstantiation, David Lodge, Graham Greene, Muriel Spark, Mary Gordon, John Updike, Johann Baptist, J F Powers, Marc P Lalonde, secularisation, political theology, Medieval Christianity, Christ and the world, parables, Ursula LeGuin, Flannery O'Connor, Callahan, Iris Murdoch, Margaret Drabble, Hermuenics, Christian modernism, Thomas Hardy, the human body, Herbert Hartley Dewart and religious experience.

        Notes for PhD seminars including on Karl Marx, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegal, G E Moore, Reinhold Niebuhr, Friedrich Nietzsche, Godamer, William James and Richard Hare and other seminars including on Michel Foucault, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Max Weber, Buckminster Fuller and Woodstock College seminar, 1973.

        Lectures including on the Vatican, CBC talks, 1967, the Wilson lectures, lectures at Huron College, Mar 1984 and the Simonsville talks; unpublished papers and articles by Davis; reviews, on and by Davis; papers relating to the Killam Research Fellowship; poems; press cuttings chiefly by or on Davis; obituaries; papers relating to conferences including the 'Critical theory and empirical method' conference and a report on the conference on 'The relevancy of organised religion', Oct 1969; diary of a visit to England, Aug 1975; draft manuscript 'The Presence of Christ, Reflections on the Eucharist'; papers relating to appointments including CVs and references; papers relating to academic institutions including Concordia University, Pontifica Universitas Gregoriana, Heythrop College, Lakehead University and the University of Alberta; Davis' personal financial and legal papers and other personal papers; offprints of articles and journals; PhD theses supervised by Davis and personal and professional correspondence on topics including leaving the Roman Catholic Church; the birth of his children; conferences and talks; his wedding; on 'becoming a liberated Christian'; ecclesiastical topics; royalties and correspondence with publishers, notably Cambridge University Press.

        Sans titre
        HARLEY, John (1786-1858)
        GB 0074 O/054 · Collection · 1858

        Diary of actor John Pritt Harley, 1858.

        Sans titre
        GB 0099 KCLMA Grant · Created 1805-1946

        Various military papers, mainly dating from the nineteenth century, including standing orders, despatches and a paper by Gen Sir Frederick Roberts on Russia, all probably collected by Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery, 1805-1811, 1871-1885, 1918-1921. Correspondence and papers relating to Lt Gen Sir Robert Grant (see above), including material concerning his career, and correspondence from Gen Sir Henry Redvers Buller, 1900. Letters and papers of Charles John Cecil Grant, notably correspondence with Rosebery, mainly letters written whilst on active service on the Western Front, World War One, 1914-1927, French Gen Maxime Weygand, including comments on the Versailles Treaty and the death of French Marshal Ferdinand Foch, 1919-1948, andLt Gen Sir Oliver William Hargreaves Leese, 3rd Bt, on military operations in Italy during World War Two, 1943-1944. Copies of diary entries and notes written by Charles John Cecil Grant whilst serving as a liaison officer to French Headquarters on the Western Front, World War One, Mar-Nov 1918.

        Sans titre
        HART DYKE, Brig Trevor (1905-1995)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Hart Dyke · Created 1946, 1970

        'The peace divided', an account of his life and career, 1905-1948, notably his service in India with the Queen's Royal Regt, in Africa with King's African Rifles, and in UK, 1938-1940, 1941-1944, Gibraltar, 1940-1941, South East Asia, 1945, East Africa, 1946-1947 and Berlin, 1948, compiled in 1970 by Ben Lockwood, Hart Dyke's stepson, from notes left by Hart Dyke and printed in1995. 'Normandy to Arnhem, a story of the infantry', an account of his service with 4 Bn, (Hallamshire Bn), York and Lancaster Regt in the UK, 1943-1944, and North West Europe, 1944-1945, written using regimental war diaries in 1946 and originally printed in 1966, reprinted by 4 Bn, Yorkshire Volunteers in 1991.

        Sans titre
        HOWELL, Brig Gen Philip (1877-1916)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Howell · Created 1879-1916

        The papers cover the period, 1879-1916, and include papers on Howell's service as a correspondent for The Times in the Balkans, including photographs and newspaper cuttings, 1903; papers on Howell's training at Staff College, Quetta, India, and Staff College, Camberley, Surrey, including notes on Cavalry organization and tactics and on the establishment of FrontierIntelligence organization in India, 1904-1914; papers on service as Officer Commanding 4 Hussars, including Operational orders, accounts of Allied operations on Western Front, personal diaries and manuscript maps of Western Front trenches, 1914-1915; Operational orders from service as Brig Gen, General Staff Cavalry Corps, Western Front, 1915; official and semi-official correspondencefrom service as Chief of Staff, Salonika, including personal diaries, correspondence relating to attempts to secure Bulgarian entry in World War One on the Allied side, and correspondence relating to allegations of Howell leaking memoranda to a Suffragete newspaper called Britannia, 1915-1916. The collection also includes Howell family correspondence, 1879-1889, mostly between Howell's father and grandfather, and from 1909-16 between Howell and his wife Mrs Rosalind 'Linnett' Howell [nee Buxton]. The papers of Howell's wife, Mrs Rosalind 'Linnett' Howell [nee Buxton], 1910-1966, include an account of Howell's life entitled, Philip Howell. A Memoir By His Wife(1942, London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd) and letters from Capt (Edward) Hugh Buxton and Maj (Abbot) Redmond Buxton [Rosalind 'Linnett' Howell's brothers], concerning Allied withdrawal from Anzac Cove and Sulva Bay, Gallipoli, Turkey, 1915-1916.

        Sans titre
        GB 0099 KCLMA Ismay · Created 1893-1965

        Papers relating to his life and career, 1917-1963, principally comprising official correspondence with Lt Gen M Brocas Burrows, British Military Mission, Moscow, 1944-1945, Gen Mark Wayne Clark, US Army, 1943-1944, 1951-1952, Maj Gen Richard Henry Dewing, UK Army and RAF Liaison Staff, Australia, 1943-1944, Maj Gen Gordon Edward Grimsdale, Military Attaché andhead of Military Mission to Chungking, China, 1942-1943, AF Sir Roger John Brownlow Keyes, Bt, Director of Combined Operations, War Office, 1940-1942, Lt Gen Sir Henry Pownall, South East Asia Command HQ, 1944-1945, Lt Gen Sir Harold Redman, British Joint Staff Mission, Washington DC, 1943-1944, AF Sir James Somerville, Commander-in-Chief Eastern Fleet, 1943-1947, and Maj Gen Sir Edward Spears, Minister to the Lebanon, 1940-1944, and Lt Gen Albert C Wedemeyer, US Army, Deputy Chief of Staff; South East Asia Command, 1944; personal correspondence with and about FM Lord Alanbrooke, 1946-1947, 1957-1963, FM Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, 1941-1961, and FM Archibald Percival Wavell, Viscount Wavell of Cyrenaica and of Winchester, 1943-1946; official andpersonal correspondence with Dwight David Eisenhower, 1942-1965, and AF Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, 1943-1954, 1960-1964; correspondence with publishers and colleagues, including Gen Sir Richard Nugent O'Connor; papers relating to India, 1947-1951, including his correspondence as Chief of Staff to Mountbatten, 1947, notes on interviews with Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahomed Ali Jinnah, 1947, letters describing the political situation in India, 1947-1948, and correspondence concerning compensation for Indian Government servants, 1948-1951; correspondence concerning the proposed defence reorganisation, 1955-1963; papers relating to his service as Secretary General, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 1952-1957, including his official progress reports, 1952-1956; newspaper cuttings, statements to the press and texts of speeches and broadcasts, 1952-1957; papers relating to his memoirs, [1940-1960] including correspondence with publishers, 1960-1961, and colleagues, 1957-1960, notebooks, 1940-1960, and drafts and proofs, [1960]. newspaper cuttings, 1943, 1948, 1951-1952, 1957; texts of speeches, 1943-1958; correspondence relating to operations in Somaliland, 1917-1920; notes and papers relating to his studies at Staff College, Quetta and RAF Staff College, 1922-1924. Papers relating to Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, 1940-1965, including personal correspondence with Churchill, 1940, 1943-1945, 1947-1964; correspondence relating to Churchill's memoir The Second World War (Cassell, London, 1948-1954), 1946-1956, including correspondence relating to Dieppe Raid, Aug 1942, dated 1950, and galley proofs, [1948-1954]. Printed material, 1941-1945, 1947, 1951, notably including copies of telegrams sent by Winston Churchill as Prime Minister, 1941-1942; minutes of Chiefs of Staff meetings, 1943-1944; minutes of Combined Chiefs of Staff meetings, 1943, 1945.

        Sans titre
        JOYCE, Lt Col Pierce Charles (1878-1965)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Joyce · Created 1916-1919, 1936, 1963, 1939, 1941, 1963, 1965

        Papers relating to his service in Hedjaz (Hejaz), 1916-1919, dated 1916-1919, 1936, 1963, 1939, 1941, 1963, 1965, principally comprising official correspondence relating to operations against the Turks in Hedjaz, 1916-1918, and supplies and stores for bases at Rabegh, Wedj, Yenbo, Akaba and Abu Lissal, 1916-1918, and including letters to and from Thomas Edward Lawrence (laterShaw), Col Cyril Edward Wilson, Gen Sir Gilbert Falkingham Clayton, and Lt Col Alan Geoffrey Charles; correspondence and notes concerning the meeting between Emir Feisal (later Feisal I, King of Iraq) and Dr Chaim Weizmann on 4 Jun 1918, dated [1918] and 1963;typescript text on the history and future of the Arab movement, [1919]; scripts concerning his service with Lawrence in Hedjaz, 1916-1918, written for television broadcasts in 1939 and 1941; official reports on bomb attacks on the Hedjaz railway by X Flight and No14 Sqn personnel, 1917-1918; official reports of reconnaissance flights by X Flight and No 14 Sqn, 1917-1918; diary by Capt H S Hornby describing raids on the Hedjaz railway, May 1917 and May 1918; account by Lt Col Frederick Gerard Peake of Turkish attack on Tafas,Sep 1918, dated 1965.

        Sans titre
        GB 0099 KCLMA Lindsell · Created 1935-1973

        Papers relating to service as Quartermaster General of the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) in France and Belgium during World War Two, including narratives, war diaries, reports and memoranda, 1939-1941; papers relating to service as Lt Gen in charge of Administration in the Middle East, including narratives, a volume compiled by the Q Staff entitled Maintenance of the Eighth Army...from El Alamein to Tunisia, 1943, and memoranda and newscuttings on the Middle East Base in Egypt, 1943-1948; papers relating to service as Principal Administrative Officer to the Indian Command, comprising texts of speeches and articles on Indian economy and the India Base, 1943-1945; papers relating to post-war life and career, mainly texts of lectures and articles and newspaper cuttings on international relations in the Middle East, especially the Suez Crisis of 1956.

        Sans titre
        GB 0099 KCLMA MF 293-320 · 1953-1961, 1986

        The Diaries of Dwight D Eisenhower, 1953-1961, consists of a varied body of microfilmed manuscripts that contain several categories of material, arranged chronologically by month and year. Diary entries and dictated correspondence are filed in folders entitled 'DDE Diary'; 'DDE Personal Diary'; or 'DDE Dictation'. The bulk of actual diary entries falls into the years 1953-1956. Another prominent category is memoranda of telephone conversations with the more detailed conversations dating prior to 1959. The largest body of material is the official White House staff memoranda, reports, correspondence, and summaries of congressional correspondence. These types of documents are found in folders labelled 'Miscellaneous', 'Goodpaster', 'Staff Memos', and after 1957, 'Staff Notes'. Herein are the memoranda of conversations, or 'memcons', prepared by Gen Andrew Jackson Goodpaster, Defense Liaison Officer and Staff Secretary to the President of the United States. From 1956 to the end of the administration, 'Toner Notes' were produced, so named for White House staff member Albert Toner, who with fellow White House Research Group member Christopher Russell, prepared daily intelligence briefings for the President. Material in the collection includes entries relating to Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy and the trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg; correspondence with Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon; Prisoners of War exchanges in Korea; rapprochement between Argentina and the US; military aid to Yugoslavia; Eisenhower's 'Atoms for Peace' speech 1953; the situation in Indochina, 1954; the use of psychological warfare in the Third World; relations between the US and the People's Republic of China; France and the European Defence Community; waning British and French colonial ties; the Baghdad Pact, 1955; the Suez Crisis, 1956; US Joint Chiefs of Staff strategic planning in Europe; the Soviet invasion of Hungary, 1956; plans for mutual security arrangements with favoured nations; the Military Assistance Program; the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; the African- American civil rights movement; military officer exchanges between Israel and the US; the American, British and Canadian Army Standardization Program; US Department of Defense budgetary matters; the 'Vanguard' satellite program, 1957; nuclear weapons, nuclear strategy and the US-Soviet 'missile gap'. Correspondents include HM King George V; Gen Juan Domingo Peron, president of Argentina; Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy; Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill; Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India; Dr Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany; Gen Douglas MacArthur; Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr; Special Assistant to the President Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller; Gen Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle, President of France; Rt Hon (Maurice) Harold Macmillan, Prime Minister of Great Britain; Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party and Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers; (David) Dean Rusk, President of the Rockefeller Foundation; John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, 1953-1959; Herbert Hoover, Jr, Under Secretary of State, 1954-1957; Christian Archibald Herter, Under Secretary of State, 1957-1959.

        Sans titre
        BARNETT, Maj Benjamin George (1912-1998)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Barnett B G · Created 1944-1945

        Papers relating to his military service, 1944-1945, principally comprising war diary including maps and photographs, Sep 1944-Jul 1945; copy of report on the liberation of Belsen written for the Director of Military Government by Lt Col R I G Taylor, Officer Commanding, 63 Anti Tank Regt, [1945]; orders relating to the occupation and administration of Belsen, from Brig General Staff of 8 Corps, British Liberation Army, April 1945; report on Belsen by Capt Barker, Royal Army Medical Corps, 63 Anti Tank Regt, Jun 1945; letter to British officers from a group of Czech women prisoners describing their treatment in Belsen, 1945; Barnett's notes for a talk on Belsen, ND; photographs showing inmates and conditions in Belsen, 1945; newspaper cuttings relating to Victory in Europe Day, the liberation of Belsen and the Belsen trial, May-Oct 1945; 'Report by the Supreme Commander to the Combined Chiefs of Staff on the operations in Europe of the Allied Expeditionary Force, June 1944-May 1945', issued by HMSO, 1946.

        Sans titre
        GB 0099 KCLMA Bosanquet · 1956, revised and edited by author in 1990s and in 2006 by the family

        'Fusilier, memoir of life and service, 1930-1960', typescript memoir by Lieutenant Colonel Neville Bosanquet, including detailed description of living and working in the army in the interwar period, stationed in the United Kingdom, Gibraltar and Hong Kong, with analysis of the attitudes of soldiers in peace time; detailed descriptions of travelling in Communist Russia, 1935; living in Riga, Latvia, to learn Russian, 1938; travelling through Europe, Turkey and Egypt, 1938; life and work in England at the beginning of World War Two; training at Staff College, Quetta, India, 1942-1943; account of service under General Sir Hugh Charles Stockwell in the Arakan region, Burma, 1943-1945; including comparison of British and Japanese tactics, description of attack on Brigade headquarters, conditions experienced by soldiers and psychological effects of jungle warfare; account of service as General Staff Officer Grade Two under General Sir Francis Wogan "Frankie" Festing, 36 Division, including description of securing Shan region for Allies and liaising with American forces; account of service as instructor, British Military Mission in Greece, 1948, working with Greek National Army in Florina, Grammos, Vitsi and Salonika, including descriptions of the tactics of both the Greek National Army and the Democratic Army of Greece, and the difficulty of guerrilla warfare.

        Sans titre
        GB 0099 KCLMA Bryant · 1877-1985

        Papers, 1877-1985, of Sir Arthur Wynne Morgan Bryant and his family. Family papers include correspondence, private and official, and diaries of his parents, (Sir) Francis Morgan and Lady Bryant, 1877-1938, and other papers, 1899-1979, including Bryant's correspondence with his parents and brother Philip. Bryant's own papers include his extensive correspondence, 1919-1985, with over 170 correspondents, among them politicians including the Rt Hon Leo Amery, Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, Sir John Buchan, R A Butler, Baron Butler of Saffron Walden, Frederick James Marquis, 1st Earl of Woolton, and Margaret Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven; literary figures including Sir John Betjeman; other public figures including William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron Beaverbrook of Beaverbrook, New Brunswick and Cherkley, Surrey, and John Charles Walsham Reith, 1st Baron Reith; historians including Asa Briggs, Baron Briggs of Lewes, Godfrey Elton, 1st Baron Elton of Headington, Sir Lewis Bernstein Namier, Sir John Neale, A L Rowse, G M Trevelyan and Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper, Baron Dacre of Glanton. The correspondence reflects the diversity of Bryant's interests and touches upon the development of Conservative thought and British right wing politics in the mid twentieth century, attitudes towards the Spanish Civil War in Britain, the appeasement movement of the 1930s, and, in the 1960s, the merits of Britain's entry to the Common Market and her role in the postwar world. Other papers relate to literary, political and teaching matters, including Bonar Law College, Ashridge, 1929-1946; Bryant's literary output, including fan mail, 1931-1984; diaries, notebooks, account books and letters to the press, 1916-1982; notes; proofs, pamphlets, reviews and articles by Bryant, 1929-1984; book manuscripts, 1929-1984; reviews of Bryant's works, mid 1920s-1970s; pageants, invitations and honours, 1924-1984; clubs, societies and committees, 1939-1984; film scripts, certificates, and miscellanea, 1930-1954; other papers relating to personal business and financial affairs, 1920-1985.

        Sans titre
        BURTON, Capt John George (1921-1978)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Burton · Created 1943

        Papers, photographs and maps relating to the invasions of Sicily and Italy, including the war diary of 41 Royal Marines Commando, 1943.

        Sans titre
        GB 0099 KCLMA Clifford · Created 1892-1960

        Narrative of operations of 7 Division, 1918 by the Revd E C Crosse including reference to Clifford's service as Officer Commanding 95 Field Company, Royal Engineers; papers relating to Anglo-Italian Jubaland Boundary Commission, 1925-1928 including maps; British Somaliland-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, 1931-1936, including intelligence reports on French Somaliland, air survey operations, Walwal incident between Italian and Ethiopian troops, and printed reports on the work of the Commission; Chief Engineer, China Command, including report on Royal Engineers in Hong Kong, 1941-1942; Kenya-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, 1950-1957, including diaries, 1951-1955, printed reports, and maps of the boundary, 1946-1949; published articles by Clifford, 1928-1947, mainly on boundary commissions; technical manuals, 1924-1932, including surveying; publications and printed works, 1892-1952, including boundary commissions.

        Sans titre
        CLIVE, Capt Percy Archer (1873-1918)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Clive P A · Created 1897, 1899-1901

        Papers relating to his service in West Africa, 1897, comprising his diary, 1897; glass lantern slides, 1897. Papers relating to his service in South Africa, 1899-1901, notably including diary, Dec 1899-Jun 1900, describing operations in Orange Free State and Transvaal, Dec 1899-Jun 1900; letter books containing transcriptions of letters [to his family] describing operations in Orange Free State, Transvaal and Cape Province, Dec 1899-Sep 1901.

        Sans titre
        GB 0099 KCLMA Douglas-Home · Created 1942-1985

        Papers relating to writings, broadcasts and lectures, 1969-1985, including typescripts for Evelyn Baring the last Proconsul, incorporating copy source material from 1942 and correspondence with publishers; newspaper articles, 1971-1985; and memoirs of boyhood and schooldays. Papers relating to conferences and travels, 1965-1982, including typescript and manuscript accounts of visits to South Africa, Swaziland, Rhodesia and Kenya in 1976, Iran in 1978, China, Hong Kong and India, 1979 and Brazil and Chile, 1980; and diary of travels, 1976-1980. Personal papers, including invitations and correspondence, 1970-1985.

        Sans titre
        GB 0099 KCLMA Douglas-Scott-Montagu · Created 1910-1928, 1948, 1987

        Papers relating to aviation and transport, dated 1910-1928, principally comprising papers relating to Joint War Air Committee (Inter-Departmental Committee on the Air Service) chaired by Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl of Derby, 1916, Committee on the Administration and Command of the Royal Flying Corps, 1916, and Air Boards chaired by Weetman Dickinson Pearson, 1st Viscount Cowdray, 1917, and George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Earl Curzon of Kedleston, [1916]; correspondence, 1915-1916, 1920, notably including correspondence with Herbert Henry Asquith, 1916, Curzon, 1916, Derby, 1916, the Imperial Defence Committee, 1916, the Parliamentary Aviation Committee, and George Sydenham Clarke, 1st Baron Sydenham of Combe, 1916; printed books, pamphlets, memoranda, notes and texts by Douglas-Scott-Montagu and others, 1910-1920, mainly relating to aviation technology, anti-aircraft defence and the organisation of the air services; memoranda, official reports, notes and texts relating to his work as Adviser on Mechanical Transport Services to the Government of India, 1915-1919; manuscript account of service of No 1 Armoured Motor Unit, North West Frontier, India, 1915-1916, by Capt A J Clifton, 68 Durham Light Infantry, 1915-1916, dated 1917, including photographs and preface by Montagu. Other papers relating to his life and career, 1914-1926, dated 1914-[1926], 1948, principally comprising letters relating to his service with 7 Hampshire Regt in Egypt, 1914, and India, 1915; photographs and photographic negatives, 1915-1922, mainly relating to his service in India, 1915-1919. Typescript draft of A strange war. Burma, India and Afghanisatan, 1914-1919 (Sutton, Gloucester, 1988), an account of 2/5 Bn, Somerset Light Infantry and 2 Mechanical Transport Company by Chris P Mills, based on the recollections of Col B G L Rendall, the diary of Edward William Ewens and research into the Montagu papers, dated 1987.

        Sans titre
        GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 69 · 1916

        Facsimiles of four editions of World War One Western Front trench newspapers, The New Church Times and The Kemmel Times, each of which was incorporated within The Wipers Times, 8 May-3 Jul 1916. While the names of many of the contributors have not survived, the chronicles they presented in the newspaper detail vividly the war conditions on the Western Front. Articles were often spontaneous, preserving the jargon, slang, character, and conversation of the soldiers' surroundings. Although the reader is confronted with all the stark images of the Western Front, these are masked with a humourous irony which demonstrated the spirit of comradeship that prevailed in the British Army

        Sans titre
        OAKEY, Maj John Martin (1888-1963)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Oakey · 1915-1959

        Papers of Capt John Martin Oakey, 1915-1959, including correspondence; accounts of service, 1914-1918; war diaries, 1939-1947, including of 7 Bn, Rifle Bde, 1915-1916 and No 1 and No 3 Special Companies, Royal Engineers, 1916- 1919; photographs; sketches; and postcards from his service in World Wars One and Two.

        Sans titre
        OCONNOR, Gen Sir Richard (1889-1981)
        GB 0099 KCLMA OConnor · Created 1899-1981

        Retrospective accounts of early life and career, and extracts from official confidential reports on military service, 1899-1981; papers relating to military career, 1912-1938, including service in Malta with 2 Battalion, Scottish Rifles, 1912, diaries relating to service on Western Front and in Italy, World War One, 1915-1919, and papers relating to command of Peshawar Infantry and District, India, 1935-1938; correspondence while Commander of 7 Division and Military Governor of Jerusalem, Sep 1938-Aug 1939; papers including correspondence and accounts of First Libyan campaign, Western Desert, while Commander of 6 Division and Western Desert Force, 1940-1941; papers including escape narrative relating to period as Prisoner of War in Italy, 1941-1943; papers including correspondence relating to command of 8 Corps and operations in North West Europe, 1944; service as General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Command and General Officer Commanding, North Western Army, India, 1945-1946; service as Adjutant General to the Forces, 1946-1947; appraisal of the careers of selected senior military personnel, 1971; official and military appointments and invitations, 1946-1973; personal correspondence and papers, 1928-1979; newspaper obituaries of senior military personnel and related correspondence, 1926-1981; book reviews and newspaper articles, 1945-1981; papers relating to the proposed Channel Tunnel, 1929-1930.

        Sans titre
        OLDFIELD, Maj Peter Carlton (1911-1992)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Oldfield · 1941-2004

        Papers relating to the career of Maj Peter Oldfield, 1941-1944, including: diary, Jun-Nov 1941, detailing work at Air Reconnaissance Unit at the Middle East Headquarters; typescript 'War Diary' of Peter and Elisabeth Oldfield, with excerpts from Elisabeth's memoirs of following Oldfield to Middle East and Oldfield's reminiscences of his experiences, written by a member of the family, [2004]; Elisabeth Oldfield's typescript memoirs; constitution of Special Air Service regimental association; photographs of the Western Desert, [1942], including Long Range Desert Group activities, Field Marshal Erwin Rommell, and surrendering Italian prisoners; photograph of ship being sunk off Tunisia, 1941; photographic copies of letters from Oldfield to his wife Elisabeth, VAD, 15 Scottish Hospital, Cairo, Egypt, 1943. Letters to family from William Gibbons of Knight, Frank and Rutley, including description of Oldfield's capture, 1943; postcards from Oldfield while Italian POW to family and friends, 1943; correspondence from Switzerland whilst interned including letters to his wife from Berne, Dec 1943; postcards from Oldfield to family, 1944. Press cuttings relating to POWs, Special Air Service and events of war. Papers relating to award of bronze statuette to Oldfield by 1 Special Air Service regiment, including letters from Lt Col David Stirling, 1981, and press cutting on reward.

        Sans titre
        PYLE, Farrier Sgt Richard E (b 1860)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Pyle · Created 1885

        Microfilm copy of manuscript narrative diary by Pyle covering the voyage of two Sqns of 5 (Royal Irish) Lancers from Kingstown, Ireland, to the Sudan, and the subsequent Suakin campaign against Dervish forces commanded by the Mahdi (Mohammed Ahmed Ibn Al-Sayid Abdullah), 20 Feb-11 Apr 1885, including an account of the Battle of Tofrek, 22 Mar 1885.

        Sans titre
        RAMSEY, Robert William (1862-1951)
        GB 0074 F/RMY · Collection · 1861-1951

        Personal papers of Robert W Ramsey, including diaries (some with glued in event programmes, invitations and newspaper cuttings); commonplace books and household financial accounts; articles by Ramsey on historical and literary subjects; poems and sketches; Ramsey family pedigree, 1688-1904; research on the Cromwell family; and general correspondence.

        Sans titre
        WILLMOTT, Herbert M (1869-1951)
        GB 0074 F/WLM · Collection · 1921-1947

        Diaries of Herbert M Willmott, covering his work in India, 1921-1923; his retirement including travels in France, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Germany, Belgium and Austria, 1923-1939; and life in war-time Kensington, 1939-1947.

        Sans titre
        GOSDEN, Thomas (1780-1843)
        GB 0074 CLC/250 · Collection · 1843

        Watercolour drawings of the grave monuments of 'celebrated persons' in London, Middlesex, Surrey and Kent, by Thomas Gosden.

        Sans titre
        HOWARD, C Wilfred (fl 1923-1933)
        GB 0074 CLC/254 · Collection · 1923-1924;1928-1933

        Two diaries of the Reverend C Wilfred Howard.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 ACC/1017 · Collection · 1592-1954

        This exceptionally interesting collection consists of the archives of a London business family, the Howards, and their relations by marriage, the Eliots. The family were based in London, with homes in the City and various places round about, but they also had property and connections in several other parts of England.

        The chief interest of the collection is in its quality as the personal record of a group of prosperous manufacturing and merchant families who were members of the Society of Friends. The Eliots were merchants and their account books, which cover both business and private expenses, together with letters and memoranda, reflect a picture of "City" life in the Eighteenth century. They attended the Change, Lloyd's and Child's and Jonathan's and other Coffee Houses, and dealt with a variety of business including trade overseas in cotton and duck cloth and Cornish tin and invested in "a voyage to Lima" and other merchant shipping ventures (including that of the Tuscany, unfortunately "Taken by the French and carried into Marseilles" in 1757). (See especially numbers 905, 928, 929, 944, etc.).

        There is interesting material relating to John Eliot's estates supplemented by John Eliot's letters (e.g. Numbers 988-1011), which also mention a "good season" for pilchards, the decline of the docks at Topsham, the appropriation by the Government of some sugar pans near Exeter to use for French prisoners, etc. John's sister Mariabella also purchased in 1765 Pickhurst Farm, Hayes, Kent (Nos. 376-475).

        There are amongst this collection a few letters and papers of later Howards, including an interesting pocket diary in which Samuel Lloyd Howard, grandson of Luke, jotted (unfortunately rather roughly in pencil) memoranda and sketches of impressions of his visit to America in 1854 (No. 1618). At sea his ship rescued the crew of the Hannay of Whitehaven, loaded with salt and flying a distress signal-"lay to and took all off, boy, baggage, chronometer, barometers and all".

        At all periods the family kept in close touch with their relations in all parts of the country, including the Hows of Aspley, Bedfordshire, the Paces of Westmorland and London, the Leathams of Yorkshire as well as with fellow Quakers. This gives the collection a national rather than a local interest-indeed the family were not primarily associated with any one locality.

        A curious document amongst the collection is a receipt dated 1824 for 8. 15s from R. Smith for freeing Hamma Fie, slave to Bentoo Demba, and signed with the mark of Madeba, Alcaide of "Birkow" (No. 1617/p.12). The Society of Friends Committee for African Instruction supported some missions, and Richard Smith, a friend of Luke Howard, was in Africa in the 1820's.

        Quaker marriage certificates, of which there are several examples (eg. Nos. 117, 565, 1273, 1274, etc) give full details of both parties and are signed by members of the Meeting as witnesses. Birth certificates (e.g., Nos. 1275-1286, 1390-1393) give the date of birth and name, and were signed by witnesses to the baby's birth. The Society of Friends was in advance of both the State and established Church in respect of such documentation.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 ACC/1337 · Collection · 1903-1975

        Records of the Greater London Council (GLC) Staff Dramatic Club. The collection comprises a complete series of minute books from 1903, financial accounts, scrapbooks of programmes, notices, reviews, a rehearsal register and correspondence.

        Sans titre
        THORNTON, John (1720-1790)
        GB 0074 ACC/2360 · Collection · 1768-1913

        Personal diaries of John Thornton, merchant and member of the Clapham Sect. One journal has entries only on Sundays and records religious thoughts; while the others provide a record of daily events (including business, charitable activities and social events) interspersed with religious musings. Also drawing of the coat of arms of Lord Slane, described as an ancestor of the Thorntons.

        The Sandhurst examination marks from 1913 (ACC/2360/005) appear to have no connection with the journals and the coat of arms.

        Sans titre
        NOBLE, Mark (fl 1809)
        GB 0074 CLC/484 · Collection · 1809

        Records of Mark Noble, pump and fire engine manufacturer, comprising a diary and the donor's transcript and notes. The diary is unsigned, but the donor has identified the author from a patent mentioned in the text and from records at The National Archives relating to the activities described. The entries are mostly accounts of travel and meetings in London, Kent and Berkshire to arrange finance, materials and trials of a pump, with little technical or personal content.

        Sans titre
        TODD, Charles John (fl 1878-1936)
        GB 0074 CLC/508 · Collection · 1878-1892

        Personal papers of Reverend Charles John Todd, navy chaplain, comprising certificates of ordination as a deacon and priest, 1878-79; commission as a Navy chaplain, 1881; letters written home from Navy ships from Zanzibar, Suez, Sudan, India, Ceylon [Sri Lanka], and Japan; diaries and notebooks describing hunting expeditions in Ceylon and East Africa; diary of a diplomatic mission to King John of Abyssinia [Ethiopia], 1884; newspaper cuttings; photographs of Todd; and a description of Todd's Navy service, 1976.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/510 · Collection · 1808-1822

        Photocopies of the diaries of Elizabeth Tyrrell (1769-1835) and of her daughter Elizabeth (b 1802). Also photocopy of a Tyrell family pedigree spanning 1545 to the 20th century.

        Sans titre
        WHITWELL, John (fl 1815-1829)
        GB 0074 CLC/516 · Collection · 1815-1829

        Records of John Whitwell, general merchant, comprising account books, 1815-22; memorandum books, 1819-20; letterbooks, 1817-1818 and 1821-1823; business diary, 1821-1822 and correspondence with business associates and family, 1819-1829.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 ACC/3025 · Collection · 1939-1989

        Personal papers of James Barr, employee of Trumans Ltd, including Transport and General Workers Union cards and papers, Truman's Sports Club rules and fixture lists, and papers relating to the company including redundancy scheme, annual excursions, regulations and agreements, 1939-1989; handbooks, programmes, rules, fixture lists and posters for the London Breweries Amateur Sports Association and the Highgate Harriers Athletic Club, 1951-1979; issues of company publications including 'The Black Eagle', the 'Truman Times', '1666', 'Truman News', 'Truman Topics', 'Watney Truman News' and 'Stag and Eagle' (Watney Combe Reid publication), 1948-1989; annual reports and pension scheme information, 1977-1989; and issues of 'The Master Brewer' and 'The National Brewery Museum Chronicle', 1968-1986.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 B/SIN · Collection · 1770-1957

        Records of Stephen Green Limited, patent medicine manufacturer, 1780-1930. The records relate to proprietorship of the recipe for "Doctor Johnson's Golden Ointment" including legal documents and legal case papers; and records relating to the manufacture and sale of the ointment including financial accounts, order books, correspondence, sales summaries, testimonials, advertising, legislation involving patent medicines and history of the ointment. Also various family and estate records.

        Sans titre
        Recipe Book Collection
        GB 0120 MSS.7722-7731 · 18th century-19th century

        A small collection of English medical and cookery receipt books, assembled from several sources, 18th-19th century.

        Sans titre
        Herschel family, astronomers
        GB 0120 MSS.7867-7868 · 18th century-19th century

        Letters to and from various members of the Herschel family. MS.7867 contains material relating to Sir William Herschel (1738-1822), Caroline Lucretia Herschel (1750-1848) and Alexander Stewart Herschel (1836-1907); MS.7868 centres on Sir John Frederick William Herschel (1792-1871).

        Sans titre
        Neuburger, Max (1868-1955)
        GB 0120 MSS.8167-8172 · 1941-1943

        Essays, 1941-1943, on the following subjects: Medieval Medical and Alchemical Manuscripts and Incunabula; Medicine in Classical Antiquity; Chinese Medicine, Japanese Medicine, The Medicine of the Indians and The Medicine of the Ancient Persians; Medieval Medicine and Surgery and Biographical and historical essays.

        Sans titre
        GB 0120 MSS.947-950 · 1735-1750

        Notes of lectures on surgery by Andouille, noted in the form of questions and answers. Produced in Paris, 1735-1750.

        Sans titre
        Dent, Charles Enrique (1911-1976)
        GB 0120 PP/CED · c.1940-1977

        The vast majority of the material relates to Dent's research and clinical interests and falls into four main categories: correspondence files; files created around the publication of papers; lecture notes and symposium papers; and case/research notes. There are also smaller quantities dealing with other aspects of his career, such as the administration of UCH Metabolic Ward. The papers thus reflect most of Dent's scientific and clinical interests. This research is mainly represented by the abstracted documentation which he kept with drafts of his published papers (see section E.1) and also by correspondence about cases and clinical case notes (see section C.5). To a lesser degree they also illustrate the work at the laboratory bench which underpinned much of this research. For example, a file of unidentified paper chromatograms has been preserved (C.2/10) to illustrate one of Dent's methods of working, as described by his colleague, Heathcote, and quoted in the Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 1978: 'Paper chromatograms were not to be thrown away. They were filed and, since the colours faded, the outline of each spot was drawn in and the intensity of the colour was indicated by a number.' The way in which Dent compiled a large series of files around drafts of scientific papers also illustrates the importance of the published paper to him as a stage in the research process. An incomplete collection of reprints of Dent's published papers may be found in section E.2 of the collection.

        Sans titre
        Keller, Tina (1887-1986)
        GB 0120 PP/TKR · 1938-1982

        Papers, published and unpublished, by Tina Keller, 1938-1982, relating to her training and work as an analytical psychologist. They include both an unpublished autobiography, and her recollections of her encounter with Jung and other members of his circle.

        Sans titre
        Harry Cusden Ltd
        GB 0347 D161 · Collection · c1890-1994

        A collection of material relating to Harry Cusden Ltd. The collection includes business diaries kept by Harry Cusden, 1919-1943, papers relating to the running of the business including numerous documents relating to war damage repairs, the purchase of the properties, leases, etc. The series also contains personal papers, share certificates and customer correspondence. There is a large collection of photographs including photographs of the exterior of the shops, window displays, staff and staff outings, as well as a large collection of miscellaneous photographs showing family, friends, holidays, events etc. Many of these photographs are unidentified and undated. There is also a series of various price lists and advertisements for the business, trade cards, ephemera relating to Harry Cusden's role as Councillor, newspaper cuttings and other pieces of ephemera.

        Sans titre
        MACDONALD, George (1903-1967)
        GB 0809 Macdonald · 1937-1940s

        Papers of George Macdonald consist of a diary and photograph albums of malaria eradication work in Malaysia, Singapore and Ceylon with Sir Malcolm Watson, 1937; diaries of his work in Italy and Sicily during World War Two; photographs of malaria control measures during World War Two in the Middle East, Egypt, Algiers, Crete, Sicily, Cyprus and Greece and a personnel file relating to his appointment to the Ross Institute, his overseas visits and his death.

        Sans titre
        PLACE, Dorothy Foster (1886-1976)
        GB 106 7DFP · Fonds · 1975

        The archive consists of a typescript autobiography, covering the years 1886-1975. The typescript is a transcript of a tape recording dictated by Dorothy Foster Place to her four children. The autobiography includes accounts of her early life and education in New Brighton; her studies in Chemistry at the University of Liverpool and King's College, London; her studies in Agriculture at Studley Agricultural College, Warwickshire; her agricultural work during the First World War and eventually work on her own farm in Wensleydale, North Yorkshire. It covers her interest and activities in the suffrage movement; her marriage; the birth of her children and her extensive holiday travels in Europe and North Africa.

        Sans titre
        HULL, Edith Maud (1880-1947)
        GB 106 7EMH · Fonds · 1875-1956

        The archive consists of birth and marriage certificates (1876-1880); film, theatre and publishers' contracts for EM Hull's works (1919-1956); one photograph thought to be EM Hull in her wedding dress (one of the only known photographs of the author) (c.1900); one copy of Sir Walter Scott's Poetical Works (1865) that belonged to EM Hull's father James Henderson; an article by Cecil Hull 'Six Weeks in Southern Algeria' (1930); Edith Maud Hull's suitcase; the following eight books by Edith Maud Hull inscribed to her daughter Cecil Winstanley Hull:

        *E M Hull, The Sheik, 1921, Small Maynard and Co

        *E M Hull, The Shadow of the East, 1921, Eveleigh Nash and Grayson

        *E M Hull, The Desert Healer, 1923, Eveleigh Nash and Grayson

        *E M Hull, Camping in the Sahara, 1926, Eveleigh Nash and Grayson

        *E M Hull, The Sons of the Sheik, 1926, Eveleigh Nash and Grayson

        *E M Hull, The Lion Tamer, 1928, Eveleigh Nash and Grayson

        *E M Hull, The Captive of the Saharah, 1931, Dodd, Mead and Co

        *E M Hull, The Forest of Terrible Things, 1939, Hutchinson and Company

        These were popularly known as 'Desert Romances' and in 2005 were still classed by many booksellers as 'Erotic Fiction'. The archive provides an insight into the contractual and financial affairs of a popular female novelist of the early 20th century.

        Sans titre
        Miss Goodfellow [goes to Hollywood]
        GB 106 7GFW · Fonds · 1978-1979

        The archive consists of a transcript of film; article on film by Hogben; handout for film with photograph of Miss Goodfellow; two letters from Hogben concerning the production of the film; 2 photographs of Hogben and Miss Goodfellow.

        Sans titre
        ADAM, H Pearl (1882-1957)
        GB 106 7HPA · Fonds · 1896-1956

        The archive consists of manuscript diaries (1912-1914, 1950-1956), manuscript notebooks which include some of her own poetry (1900-1922), publications by Adams and photographs of visits to Paris (1906, 1915).

        Sans titre