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      Términos jerárquicos


      Términos equivalentes


      • Usado para Animal biology
      • Usado para Biologie animale
      • Usado para Biología animal

      Términos asociados


      166 Descripción archivística resultados para Zoología

      166 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
      GB 0120 WTI/DON · 1895-1951

      Papers of Colonel Donovan including correspondence with Sir Ronald Ross 1903, Letters and telegram regarding investigation and confirmation of the newly-discovered leishmania donovani 1903-1904, Donovan's published works 1904-1909, later correspondence with Raghavendra Row 1912-1914, material on the subject of herbal medicine 1895-1922 and biographical material.

      Papers of Mrs A A C Skelland including personal certificates, etc, 1909-1934, job references 1910-1928 and drawings and watercolours 1917-1921.

      Sin título
      Shute, Percy George (1894-1977)
      GB 0120 WTI/PGS · 1932-1972

      The collection comprises drawings and photographs concerning mosquitos and malaria, plus correspondence with Sir Rickard Christophers.

      Sin título
      LIDIARD, Victoria (1889-1992)
      GB 106 7VLI · Fondo · 1908-1996

      The archive consists of memorabilia of suffrage activities including press cuttings, objects and hunger-strike medal; publications and manuscript material on the ordination of women and animal protection; correspondence; correspondence from Hove Borough Council relating to a commemorative plaque and photographs.

      Sin título
      SIMONDS, James Beart (1810-1904)
      GB 1510 SIMONDS · 1838-1896

      Scrap books of press-cuttings and other papers compiled by James Bearton Simonds, 1838-1896, including scrapbooks of press cuttings on the cattle plague, 1844-1869; scrapbook of press cuttings on cattle diseases and legislation, 1854-1865; scrapbook of press cuttings on veterinary and other matters, 1875-1879; scrapbook of press cuttings, letters and offprints on Variola Ovina, 1847-1863; scrapbook of press cuttings, letters and offprints on the veterinary profession, 1838-1896 and scrapbook of press cuttings, letters and offprints on pleuro-pneumonia, 1843-1869.

      Sin título
      Brown, William Lauzun (d 1919)
      GB 0120 MSS.1371-1373, 8226-8233, 8298, 8527-8528, 8542 · 1897-[1905]

      A collection of material for, and drafts of, professional papers by William Brown, 1897-[1905]. Several of these works remain unpublished. The papers were concerned with: the use of animal substances for the cure of disease; urinary tests and diathesis; the history of Scottish medicine; and the history of the Medical Periodical Press.

      Sin título
      Dolben Family
      GB 0120 MSS.2201-2203 · c 1785-1860

      Receipt books, with medical and culinary recipes plus pasted-in material including newspaper cuttings, c 1785-1860.

      Sin título
      Donovan, Charles (1863-1951)
      GB 0120 MSS.2208-2216 and 5692-5697 · 1889-1921

      MSS.2208-2216 comprise notebooks and essays. MSS.2210-2211 are broader in subject than the rest of this block of material, comprising lectures in physiology; the remainder of the manuscripts in this block focus on issues of specifically tropical medicine. Kala-azar and malaria are particularly featured. MS.2208 also includes a list of birds in Dunduan. MSS.5692-5697 consist of illustrative material (primarily water-colours from microscope slides relating to tropical parasitic diseases), correspondence, cuttings and offprints, and miscellaneous other papers relating to Donovan's work on tropical medicine.

      Sin título
      Entomology: Great Britain
      GB 0120 MSS.2295-2297 · 1878-1914

      Three note-books by an unidentified naturalist, containing records of insects observed, 1878-1914.

      Sin título
      McConnell, Robert Ernest (1877-c1929)
      GB 0120 MSS.3353-3355 · c1910

      The collection has two main themes: tropical medical work in West Africa, and swamp fever in horses (the latter relating to work carried out in Winnipeg, Canada).

      Sin título
      Peskett, Geoffrey Louis (fl 1906-1922)
      GB 0120 MSS.3836-3839 · Colección · 1906-1922

      Catalogue of 616 varieties of British Lepidoptera: with a separate Index-volume. Compiler, Geoffrey Peskett's holograph manuscript. This Catalogue seems to have been begun in 1906, the latest date in Vol. III is 1922.

      Sin título
      ALCOCK, Alfred William (1859-1933)
      GB 0809 Alcock · Colección · 1906-1920s

      Papers of Alfred Wiliam Alcock, 1906-1920s, comprise autobiographical notes on his life and correspondence on the status of zoology in India and the unsatisfactory condition of the Indian Museum, Calcutta.

      Sin título
      GARNHAM, Percy Cyril Claude (1901-1994)
      GB 0809 Garnham · 1966-1995

      Papers of Percy Cyril Claude Garnham, 1966-1995, relate to the last field research project, by Garnham, to Sabah, Malaysia, in 1972 and his death in 1994. Correspondence and notes regarding the expedition to Sabah include an introduction to the expedition and photographs and scanned images of Garnham at work, undated, (Garnham 01/01); typewritten notes with handwritten corrections concerning the film 'Expedition to Borneo', [1972], (Garnham 01/02); correspondence concerning blood films and a bibliography for protozoa, insects and acoredae, 1972-1973, (Garnham 01/03); correspondence, maps, diagrams, reports and notes related to the study of orang-utans including a draft copy of 'Malaria parasity of the orang-utan (pongo pygmaeus)' by Garnham and others, 1969-1975(Garnham 01/04); notes belonging to Peters including a workbook comprising diagrams of blood cells and notes and charts regarding parasites, 1972, (Garnham 01/05); Garnham's correspondence largely with Peters regarding the continuing work concerning malaria and chimpanzees, 1966-1991,(Garnham 01/06); photographs and diagrams including a photograph of G S de Silva outside the animal clinic in Sabah and a diagram indicating zoogeographic sub regions of the oriental region, c1970, (Garnham 01/07); correspondence largely to Wallace Peters including notes on the orang-utans in Sepilok, 1966-1974 (Garnham 01/08); correspondence notably regarding pongo paper, 1966-1975, (Garnham 01/09); photographs of chimp blood slides, c1970, (Garnham 01/10); correspondence mainly addressed to Peters, including notes and graphs of orang-utan study; correspondence regarding the setting up and funding of the project; and draft paper by Garnham, N Rajapaksa, W Peters, and R Killick-Kendrick 'Malaria parasites of the orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus)', 1969-1973, (Garnham 01/11); photographs of Sepilok, application for Government grant for scientific investigations, correspondence regarding blood films, slides and orang-utans and new buildings in Sepilok, notes and contents of reels of film from Sabah and Borneo, 1969-1977 (Garnham 01/12) and a documentary film entitled 'Expedition to Borneo, 1972', comprising footage of orang-utans in their natural surroundings, transferred to DVD (Garnham 01/13).

      Papers also concern the death of Garnham and notably comprise correspondence from Claude Garnham, including a letter of thanks to Peters for writing Garnham's obituary; copies of many obituaries within various journals and newspapers including two in French; programme of service and thanksgiving for the life and work of Garnham and correspondence regarding the founding of an award in Garnham's memory, 1994-1995,(Garnham 02).

      Sin título
      OWEN, Sir Richard (1804-1892)
      GB 0114 MS0025 · [1831-1873]

      Papers of Sir Richard Owen, [1831-1873], comprising papers relating to his scientific research and as Curator of the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

      Papers largely relating to Owens' research and publications, including work on specimens of the Hunterian Museum and other institutions, namely original illustrations for plates published in his works and proof sheets; notes of dissections performed at the Zoological Society; report of preparations in comparative anatomy from animals which have died at the Zoological Gardens, 1831; report on the dugong received by the Zoological Society, 1831; paper on metamorphosis of insects; notes and sketch on python and boa; papers relating to a variety of subjects, including temporal mastoid-mammals; viscera and muscles of the myrmecophaga jubata (anteater); distinction of an animal from a vegetable; animal kingdom; order ophidia; serpents from British Fossil Reptiles, [c1850s]; list of 'Mr Cumming's Mollusca'; notes on birds closest in structure to mammalia; classified list of D Bennet esq's specimens of natural history, [1836]; notes on the hyoid, with sketches on the salamander; illustrations of cetacea; notes on the fore-foot, megatherium (giant sloth); loose notes on generation; notes on homologies; plates and notes on histology of animals; description of a malformed foetal heart; notes on composition of vertebral segments; notes on the dermo-skeleton, operculum and of a lecture on digestion; notes on belemites; memoranda on various subjects, including harpa ventricosa and Ehrenberg's classification with letters from naturalists; description of the skeleton of an extinct gigantic sloth, [c1842], and megatherium; report of preparations in comparative anatomy from animals which have died at the Zoological Gardens; report on the dugong received by the Zoological Society, 1831; notes on the giraffe, 1837; notes and sketches on a dugong, 1838; notes on the incubation and development of the chick; notes and plates on odontography, 1844; printed papers on Dinornis maximus (moa), with annotations by Owen, 1848-1851; memoir of William Clift, [c1850]; report on the dissection of the chimpanzee, 1844; notes taken at the Garden of Plants, Paris, 1847;

      papers largely relating to the administration of the museum collection, namely lists of specimens, additions to the collection from other collections and reports to the Board of Curators of the Museum, including list of Hunterian documents handed by Owen to the Museum Committee; list of duplicate specimens in the College; selection from the collection of M Verraux; report to the Board of Curators, 1833; report on the present state of the museum, 1833; list of second selection of specimens from Mr Langstaff's collection, 1835; list of preparations in spirit presented by F D Bennett, 1836; donations from the Army Medical Departments; donations since July [1843]; report on duties of officers and servants of the Museum, 1852; plans for additional museum space, 1831; report to the Board of Curators on the Museum of Comparative Anatomy in the Garden of Plants, Paris, 1831; observations on the state of the College Museum, 1833; general account of specimens of comparative anatomy and natural history presented to the Museum by George Bennett, 1834; list of specimens proposed to be transferred to the British Museum and specimens of osteology proposed in place of the transfers, 1833-1834; report to the Committee on the chimpanzee, and copies of related correspondence, 1840; report on the physiological catalogue, 1840; list of duplicate preparations from the museum of Sir Astley Cooper not desirable for the College Museum, 1843; list of specimens selected for the College from Dr Buckland's series of bones of dinornis, 1844; report on additional space required for the collection, 1845; list of osteological specimens purchased at Steven's Auction Room, 1847; list of donations from Sir Thomas W Wilson, 1852;

      papers relating to catalogues of the Hunterian Museum, including sketches and notes for an osteological catalogue, [?1840s]; notes and classifications referring to specimens in the Museum, [1827-1856]; Catalogue of Hunterian Osteological specimens, [?1853]; notes made whilst producing the catalogue of comparative anatomy, ?1831; printed histological catalogue of the Museum, with annotations, 1850; papers prepared for publication of descriptive catalogue of the fossil organic remains of invertebrata in the museum, 1856;

      papers relating to the Hunterian lectures delivered by Owen at the College, including museum lectures on the animal kingdom, (Owen's first course of Museum lectures) c1837; notes for lectures delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons, 1830s-1850s; memorandum concerning Museum lectures, 1823-1833; lecture on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the vertebrate animals, 1844; notes, plates and drawings relating to mammalia and Owen's lecture, 1844;

      notes taken by William W Cooper on lectures on comparative anatomy delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1838-1839, revised and corrected by Owen; notes on lectures on comparative anatomy delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1837, in Clift's hand; notes taken by T E Bryant on Owen's lectures on comparative anatomy, 1839; notes taken by Frederick Hoare Colt on lectures on physiology and morbid anatomy by Owen, 1845; Lady Owen's common-place book, [c1835-1873].

      Sin título
      Experiments [in] Physiology
      GB 0114 MS0034 · 1776-1777

      Manuscript volume titled Experiments Physiology 1776, 1776-1777, comprising notes of experiments carried out on dogs, cats, and on eggs. Including the names of persons present during the experiments. The script of the volume's title is in the handwriting of William Clift, however the text inside does not belong to Clift. In his catalogue of manuscripts, Victor Plarr suggests that the text is by a Scot experimenting at John Hunter's house.

      Sin título
      Arlidge, John Thomas (1822-1899)
      GB 0114 MS0047 · 1847-1849

      Papers of John Thomas Arlidge, 1847-1849, comprising notes on dissections, anatomical and related topics, compiled while he was a student of anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons.

      Sin título
      Holland, Samuel
      GB 0114 MS0052 · 1740

      Papers of Samuel Holland, 1740, comprising four volumes of manuscript notes from Charles Alston's lectures on 'Materia Medica'. The first volume is titled Dr Alston's Lectures, 1740. The other volumes are: Volume 1 containing notes on minerals, lead, silver, copper, iron, tin, alumen, borax and vitriolum, 1740; Volume 3 containing notes on vegetables, roots, bark, leaves and flowers, 1740; Volume 4 containing notes on fruits, seeds, juices, and animals, 1740.

      Sin título
      GREEN, Joseph Henry (1791-1863)
      GB 0100 TH/PP26 · 1825

      Papers of Joseph Henry Green, comprising notes of his lectures on anatomy, physiology and surgery, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, taken by an unidentified student, 1825;
      clinical reports of cases in St Thomas's Hospital under Mr Green, 1824-1826, prepared by one of his dressers for a prize;
      clinical reports of cases in St Thomas's Hospital under Mr Green, 1832-1836, probably prepared by John Simon (Sir John Simon was an apprentice of Green at this time);
      incomplete report of a medical case, possibly by Green, undated [mid 19th century].

      Sin título
      Young (John Zachary) Papers
      GB 0103 J Z YOUNG · [1920-1997]

      Papers and correspondence of J Z Young including papers from Marlborough College and Magdalen College, Oxford, 1920-1931; lectures drafts for students, medical professional societies and school sixth forms, 1945-1984; transcripts for public lectures, 1941-1977; papers relating to teaching at Magdalen College, Oxford and University College London; papers relating to Young's research both published and unpublished including on nerves and nervous systems, flying spot microscope, cephalopods, memory and learning, evolution, structures and functions of brains and philosophy; papers relating to field research in Naples Zoological Station, 1928-1981, and Duke University, North Carolina, 1970-1983; conference , seminar and symposia papers, 1952-1984; drafts of books by Young, 1950-1987; papers relating to reviews, other published articles, literary refereeing and editing; professional correspondence and papers relating to overseas visits including to the 'Gold Coast' and the USA and research, correspondence and drafts of Young's publication and lecturing activity undertaken during his retirement including research at the Wellcome Trust and the Wolfson Foundation, 1974-1997.

      Sin título
      GB 0096 AL426 · Fondo · 1912

      Letter from William Henry Grenfell of 30 Bruton Street, London [the printed letter-head 'Carlton Club' has been struck through] to [Edward] Marston, 26 Jun 1912. Relating to Marston's query about the origin of the Port of London Authority regulations for fishing.

      Autograph, with signature.

      Sin título
      Letter concerning Merino sheep
      GB 0096 MS 765 · [1810-1812]

      Copy of 'A letter to the most noble the Marquis of Titchfield [William Henry Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, later 4th Duke of Portland], President of the Newark Agricultural Society, on the practability [sic] and importance of introducing the merino breed of sheep extensively, upon the forrest farms of Nottinghamshire, by Benjamin Thompson' [the dramatist, [1776] - 1816]. This letter, dated from Redhill Lodge near Northampton on 20 Jun 1808, was read at a meeting of the Society held at Newark, Nottinghamshire, on 5 Jul 1808. It is followed by an extract in the same hand from The Boston Gazzette and Lincoln Shire Advertiser of 21 Jan 1812, about Thompson and his breeding of Merino sheep.

      Sin título
      GB 0098 KZB MUNRO · Created 1931-1961

      Papers of Professor James Watson Munro, 1931-1961, comprising records relating to Imperial College, notably Departmental reports for Zoology and Applied Entomology, 1936-1961, papers on the establishment of the Biological Field Station, Slough, 1931-1938, correspondence concerning administration, 1940-1942, staff, 1937-1954, air raid precautions, 1940-1942 (A);

      papers relating to committees, including Biology War Committee, 1942-1945, Empire Marketing Board Advisory Committee, 1930-1934, Forestry Commission Committee on Ecological Reserves, 1939-1946, Pest Control Research Committee, 1938-1942 (B);

      papers relating to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, notably correspondence relating to the Forest Products Research Laboratory, 1928-1941, student grants, 1931-1940, pest infestation and food storage, 1936-1943, staff, 1939-1944, relationship to the Department, 1938-1945 (C);

      general correspondence, notably relating to committees, courses, staff appointments and testimonials, research, principally pest infestation and food storage including for the war effort, job vacancies, Slough Biological Field Station, Ministry of Food, 1932-1947 (D).

      Sin título
      Chelsea College Library Records
      GB 0100 KCLCA 1986/CAL, 1992/CAL, CAL/H, CAL/FP, CAL/RG, CAL/CB, CAL/RJ · 1895-1987

      Chelsea College Library records, 1895-1987, comprise papers collected by the College Library or describing the work of the Library on the Chelsea campus following the merger with King's College in 1985, notably correspondence with the College Secretary and departments, 1974-1980; papers relating to Library computerisation, 1979-1987; staffing and salary matters, 1978-1985; University Grants Committee papers on libraries, 1974-1982; History and Philosophy of Science Library correspondence and bibliography, 1964-1987; Chelsea Campus Libraries Users Committee notes, 1985-1987; finance, 1975-1977; concerning the College History Collection, 1965-1974; notes relating to building and planning at the King's Road site, 1971-1987; University of London merger and other papers, 1978-1983; reports on medical education in London, 1980; concerning Library private papers, 1949-1970; Library Annual Reports, 1963-1987 (1992/CAL, CAL/1986); correspondence concerning Library donors and Zoology reprints, 1967-1985 (Ref: 1986/CAL); accessions registers, 1921-1975 (Ref: CAL/RG); lists of current periodicals, 1960-1974 (Ref: CAL/RGJ); payments books for stock, equipment and expenses, 1960-1973 (Ref: CAL/CB); Library staff personnel files for leavers between 1970-1976 (Ref: CAL/FP); material concerning the history of the College accumulated by the Library, including charters, official reports, with some press cuttings, 1914-1981 (Ref: CAL/H).

      Sin título
      HUXLEY, Thomas Henry (1825-1895)
      GB 0098 B/HUXLEY · Created 1839-1931

      Papers of Thomas Henry Huxley, 1839-1931, comprising scientific and general correspondence, 1846-1911; Huxley family letters, 1842-1931; personal papers, 1839-1891; working papers, 1846-1900, largely comprising notes, drawings, lectures and unfinished essays, relating to anthropology and ethnology, 1866-1890, biology, 1846-1900, including voyage of HMS RATTLESNAKE, 1846-1850, education, 1861-1893, geology and palaeontology, 1854-1891, philosophy and ethics, 1871-[1893], theology and biblical criticism, [1859-1895]; papers of the Fisheries Commissions and Scottish Fishery Board, 1858-1864; appointment diaries, 1857-1894; drawings, [1849-1872]; caricatures and cartoons, [1852-1883]; photographs and engravings, [1846-1890]; posthumous papers, [1895-1925];

      scientific papers, 1846-1898, comprising notebooks made whilst with HMS RATTLESNAKE, 1846-1850; scientific notebooks, containing drawings, notes, correspondence and lectures, [1855-1888], principally relating to zoology and largely organised by zoological classification; drawings, [1847-1895], many relating to the notebooks;

      correspondence between Huxley and Henrietta Anne Heathorn, 1847-1854.

      Sin título
      Ayres, Philip Burnard (1813-1863)
      GB 0114 MS0119 · c 1860

      Papers of Philip Burnard Ayres, c 1860, comprising a manuscript volume of extracts and translations from various authors (Macellus Malpighi; A Van Leuwenhoek; J Douglas; Lieutenant J P Assolaut; Delasone; Gulliver; Meyer; Vesalius; Laurentius; Sharpey; John Hughes; Cuvier; and Johannes Muller) and publications concerning the structure and functions of the spleen. The date range of the authors is 1535-1857; and a volume titled Ea qua seimus sunt pars minima eorum qua ignoramus, Linnaeuscontaining a collection of 50 plates illustrating the spleen of humans, and various animals and reptiles.

      Sin título
      Bate, Charles Spence (1819-1889)
      GB 0114 MS0171 · c 1857

      Papers of Charles Spence Bate, c 1857, comprising 2 manuscript notebooks containing tracings and lists of crustacea; and a manuscript index and notes referring to various species of crustacea.

      Sin título
      Sabine, Sir Edward (1788-1883)
      GB 0117 MS 257 · 1818-1875

      Correspondence of Sir Edward Sabine, together with two volumes of correspondence on Terrestrial Magnetism by Sir Edward Sabine, Reverend Humphrey Lloyd and others.

      Sin título
      GB 0117 MS 826 · sub-fonds · 1965

      Report on studies at the Protectorate Department of Agriculture's entomological laboratory at Kukum, entitled 'Studies of Soil and Litter Fauna in the British Soloman Islands Protectorate': summary of work carried out November 1964 - August 1965.

      Sin título
      GB 0402 ADC · 1904-1957

      Papers of Alexander Douglas Mitchell Carruthers, 1904-1957, comprise travel diaries and notebooks from Syria and Lebanon, Central Africa, Turkestan and Arabia; correspondence, notes, published articles and cuttings about birds, mammals and other natural history topics.

      Sin título
      NICHOLSON, E Max (1904-2003)
      GB 0402 EMN · 1928-[1987]

      Papers and correspondence of Max Nicholson, 1928-1987, including papers relating to the first expeditions of the Oxford University Exploration Club, 1928-1929; the work of the Terrestrial Conservation Section of the International Biological Programme (IBP) in Azraq, Jordan, in Tanzania and Tunisia and in miscellaneous expeditions of the 1960s to 1980s linked with the IBP; correspondence relating to National Parks, papers relating to the Jordan International Biological Station; papers relating to the Darwin Station, 1962-1971; papers relating to work in Egypt, 1983-1984; Tunisia, 1967 and Yugoslavia; papers relating to the UN/FAO Survey Team in Kalat State, Baluchistan, 1952-1953; photographs, print and correspondence relating to a number of expeditions on conservation and birdlife, 1929-1987.

      Sin título
      SPEKE, John Hanning (1827-1864)
      GB 0402 JHS · 1857-1940

      Papers of John Hanning Speke including observation files, 'Explorations in Eastern Africa', 1859; copies of letters from the East African expedition to Philip Lutley Sclater and Sir William Hooker, Sep 1860, and to the Royal Geographical Society (RGS), 1 Oct 1860; observations and computations, Lake region and upper Nile, 1861-1863; 44 letters to the RGS, 1857-1864, from East Africa with some information on his second expedition with Richard Francis Burton, and from Wiltshire concerning his relations with Burton and the preparations for his proposed expedition with James Augustus Grant to the source of the Nile, and from East Africa reporting on the progress of that expedition; letter to Col Rigby from Khoko, 12 Dec 1860; letter to King Rumanika of Karagwé, Mar 1862; two letters from John Petherick, 24 Feb and 15 Apr 1863 concerning the aid he expected to receive from Petherick; coloured plates of birds noted in Africa by Wilhelm Ruppell and others with original watercolour sketches by Speke and Grant on blank verso pages, Speke's signature on the inside front cover is followed by a page of notes on the use of watercolours and a sketch of King M'tesa of Uganda; reprint from the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol 24, 'Report on a zoological collection from the Somali country by Edward Blyth, with additions and corrections by the collector' [Speke], edited by P L Sclater, London, 1860; letter, unfinished, to Mr. Tinne, from Neston Park, 1864; sketch maps of Lake Tanganyika and of Speke's route in 1857, (11 sheets, sheet 8 has a letter from Speke to the RGS from Unyanyembe, 20 Nov 1857, written on the back); volume entitled 'Extracts', containing a collection of press cuttings relating to the discovery of the source of the Nile by Speke and Grant and to Speke's death, 1863-1864 and volume entitled 'Record', containing extracts prepared by the Royal College of Arms for the Speke family.

      Sin título
      MCC/MIN-1 · Subfondo · 1889-1965

      Minutes and presented papers of meetings of the Middlesex County Council, 1889-1965. Also minutes and presented papers of Middlesex County Council Committees, as follows:

      Aerodromes and Development Committee

      Agriculture Committee

      Air Raid Precautions Committee

      Asylums Committee

      Buildings Committee

      Children's Committee

      Civil Defence Committee

      Coordinating Committee

      Costs and Policy Review Committee

      Diseases of Animals Committee

      Drainage Committee

      Education Committee

      Emergency Committee

      Establishment Committee

      Estates Committee

      Finance Committee

      Fire Brigade Committee

      General Purposes Committee

      Highways Committee

      Housing Committee

      Industrial Schools Committee

      Land Committee

      Licensing Committee

      Light Railways Committee

      Local Government Committee

      Luncheon Club Committee

      Maternity Committee

      Office Accommodation Committee

      Parliamentary Committee

      Planning Committee

      Public Health Committee

      Rates Committee

      Rivers Committee

      Selection Committee

      Small Dwellings Committee

      Small Holdings Committee

      Staff Committee

      Standing Orders Committee

      Supplies Committee

      Taxation Committee

      Valuation Committee

      War Committee

      Welfare Committee

      Sin título
      GB 0060 DF 5002 · 1897-1989

      Correspondence, notes and photographs from C W Andrews' expedition to Christmas Island, 1897-1898, including notes on the birds and other animals of Christmas Island, with a register of photographs; notes on the vegetation and geology of Christmas Island, with a register of plants; notes on the geology of Christmas Island, with a register of rock specimens; rough sketches and notes on the geology of Christmas Island; letters from Andrews to C D Sherborn written from Christmas Island and elsewhere; photographs taken during Captain Pelham Aldrich's visit to Christmas Island in HMS Egeria, 1897-1898 and 1908; photographs taken by Andrews on Cocos-Keeling, 1898; album of photographs taken by Andrews on Christmas Island; leaflet prepared by Graham Collins and others, reprinting a letter from C W Andrews on Christmas Island to C D Sherborn, 11 Sep 1897, with illustrations and calendar of the Christmas Island Natural History Association for 1988, containing reprints of some of C W Andrews' photographs of the island.

      Sin título
      TOTTON, Arthur Knyvett (1892-1972)
      GB 0060 DF 5009 · 1875-1972

      Scientific papers of A K Totton including official Museum files, diaries and correspondence and material produced after his retirement. It relates entirely to his work on coelenterates, and the bulk is concerned with the Siphonophora, the group which includes the Portugese man of war.

      Sin título
      Wenyon, Charles Morley (1878-1948)
      GB 0120 GC/57 · Colección · 1900-1916

      Papers of Charles Wenyon, 1900-1916, comprising Zoology notebooks as a student at University College London, c 1900-1905; field notebook while with HM Forces in Egypt 1916 (work on intestinal protozoa).

      Sin título
      Holmes, Edward Morell (1843-1940)
      GB 0120 MSS.2867-2932 and 7961, WMS/Amer.145-148 · 1876-1930

      Notes and extracts on vegetable materia medica, botany, etc. (with the exception of MS.2882, which deals with British insects, and MS.7961 which consists of general correspondence). The plants discussed include species from Africa, Asia and the Americas. Many of the pieces are drafts of lectures (to bodies such as the Royal Botanic Society) or of papers later published in journals such as the Pharmaceutical Journal, Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, etc. Some items include inserted correspondence.

      Sin título
      Lillie, Denis Gascoigne (1888-1963)
      GB 0120 MSS.3259-3285 and 5252-5254 · 1824-1915

      MSS.3259-3285 comprise chiefly scientific material; they include student notebooks on zoology, botany and geology (MSS.3259-3280); scientific logs from the British Antarctic Expedition (MSS.3281-3283), specifically a biological log (MSS.3281-3282) and a log of whales sighted (MS.3283), both spanning 1910-1913; an address delivered in 1913 to the New Zealand branch of the British Medical Association on Mendel's principle of heredity (MS.3284); and some notes on fish and fishing (MS.3285). MSS.5252-5254 comprise more personal and more miscellaneous material. MS.5252 is a scrapbook kept by Lillie, containing news cuttings, photographs and miscellaneous papers, spanning the period c.1845-1910 and including cuttings (with portrait prints) on science and scientists, 1845-1901; caricatures by Lillie of lecturers and staff at Birmingham University, 1904-1905; geological photographs, 1907-1909; family photographs (including a group class portrait at United Services' College, Westward Ho!, c.1892); and ephemera from Cambridge, 1909-1910. MS.5253 comprises cuttings from newspapers and illustrated magazines, spanning 1910-1914 and mainly relating to Robert Falcon Scott's British Antarctic Expedition. Finally MS.5254 comprises correspondence and very miscellaneous papers from the period 1824-1938 (plus some undated material) among them letters to his grandfather John Lillie D.D. (1806-1866), and to his maternal relatives the Macaire family, and letters to Lillie from E.A.N. Arber, Caroline Oates and others.

      Sin título
      McCormick, Robert (1800-1890)
      GB 0120 MSS.3356-3382 and 8682 · 1824-1860

      MSS.3356-3382 comprise journals and memorandum books documenting the various phases of McCormick's career, as follows: MS.3356, sketchbook relating to West Indies and South America voyages, 1824-1825; MS.3357, journal of voyage north of Spitsbergen in the Hecla, 1827; MS.3358, notes of lectures on natural philosophy by Robert Jameson (1774-1854) at Edinburgh University, 1830-1831; MS.3359, diary of voyages to West Indies and South America, 1830-1832; MS.3360, half-pay diaries (7 volumes), 1830-1838; MS.3361, diaries covering 1823-1830, fair copy; MS.3362, sketch book covering voyages in North Sea and West Indies, 1832-1833; MS.3363, diary covering blockade of Dutch coast and voyage to West Indies, 1832-1834; MS.3364, diary of a walking tour in Devon (apparently part of a longer journey of which the other journal volumes are not extant), 1834-1835; MS.3365, diary while fitting out the Antarctic expedition of the Erebus, 1839; MSS.3366-3368, diaries written during the Erebus Antarctic expedition (15 volumes), 1839-1843; MSS.3369-3370, meteorological and ornithological logs respectively of the Erebus Antarctic expedition, 1839-1843; MS.3371, half-pay diaries (4 volumes), 1843-1845; MS.3372, memorandum book on Arctic discovery, chiefly compiled during the voyage of the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1848-1852; MS.3373, diary while fitting out the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1852; MSS.3374-3380, diaries written during the voyage of the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1852-1853; MSS.3381-3382, meteorological tables and sketches respectively, made during the voyage of the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1852-1853. MS.8682 comprises loose miscellaneous material, chiefly printed, relating to various phases of McCormick's career: evolving versions of his Narrative of a Boat-Expedition up the Wellington Channel in the Year 1852 (London: Eyre and Spotteswoode, 1854), plus testimonials, printed items by other authors including the Arctic traveller Dr. Richard King, publisher's advertisements and newspapers.

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      Wallich, George Charles (1815-1899)
      GB 0120 MSS.4962-4970 · 1860-1898

      The collection centres on Wallich's work on biology, particularly marine biology, and his belief that other figures in the field were ignoring or plagiarising his discoveries. As well as his notes, it includes a collection of offprints by Wallich (MS.4969) and a collection of offprints by other scientists, with Wallich's comments (MS.4970).

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      LCC/PC/ANI · Colección · 1892-1963

      Records of the London County Council Public Control Department relating to diseases of animals and regulation of performing animals, 1892-1963, including files on foot and mouth disease; anthrax; glanders (a contagious disease in horses); parasitic mange; rabies and hydrophobia; sheep scab; sheep pox; Johne's Disease (wasting condition of cattle); fowl pest; the Report of the Committee on the Slaughtering of Livestock, 1932; the Departmental Committee of Inquiry into Cruelty to British Wild Animals; Interdepartmental Committee on Slaughterhouses; importation of dogs and cats orders; transit of animals orders; animals (sea-transport) orders; destruction of carcases; overcrowding of animals in railway trucks; transit of unfit animals by rail and road; the Control of Dogs Orders and Dogs Act, 1906; Exported Cattle Protection Order, 1957; Protection of Animals Act, 1911; Pet Animals Act, 1951; Animals Boarding Establishments Act, 1963; Cruelty to Animals Act, 1876; Protection of Birds Act, 1954; the Markets (Protection of Animals) Order, 1964; Animal (Cruel Poisons) Act, 1962. Also registers compiled under the Performing Animals (Regulation) Act, 1925.

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      GB 378 LDGSL/613-616 · Serie · 1831-1844

      Drawings and watercolour paintings of fossil fish by Joseph Dinkel, J C Weber, Cécilie Agassiz, Jacques Bourkhardt, G A H Köppel and Sixtus Heinrich Jarwart and others, commissioned by Jean Louis Rudolphe Agassiz for his publications 'Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles' (1833-1844) and the follow up 'Monographie des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux Grès Rouge' (1844-1845). Also includes drawings commissioned by Lord William Willoughby Cole (1807-1886), later the Earl of Enniskillen, and Sir Philip de Malpas Egerton (1806-1881) of their own fossil cabinets.

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      Romer, John Dudley (b 1920)
      GB 0814 ZCB · 1938-1981

      Papers of John Dudley Romer, 1938-1981, including:

      Herpetological Notebook, 1938-1958: Handwritten notes on JD Romer's published articles, papers and memoranda, plus a crossed-out distribution list for reprints.

      General correspondence, 1955-1980: A selection of papers and correspondence on professional and personal matters. Includes items from GM Vevers and J Corney.

      A collection of papers mainly relating to the herpetology of Hong Kong, including: a typewritten paper entitled "Notes on the Geckos of Hong Kong"; a series of black and white photographs (plus negatives) showing a Hong Kong landscape with accompanying notes detailing the collection of herpetological specimens; a list of reptile and amphibian specimens in Romer's collection; two colour photographs and accompanying sketch of a turtle (Trionyx steindachneri); Romer's curriculum vitae.

      Microscope slides of Siphonaptera, 1875-1976: A series of mounted Siphonaptera specimens, in a wooden box.

      Negatives of a marmoset, tamarin and gibbon, and of extended injection instrument, 1975.

      Negatives of views of Bristol and Paignton Zoos, 1977.

      Black and white negatives of "unusually colored cobras" (Naja naja) in captivity in Hong Kong, dated 21 December 1979 and 12 January 1980.

      Black and white negatives of landscape views of Tai Mo Shan, Hong Kong, dated 8 December 1979 and 2 December 1980, illustrating herpetofauna habitats.

      Black and white negatives of the landscape of Tai Mo Shan and Victoria Peak, Hong Kong, illustrating herpetofauna habitats. Undated, c 1979-1980.

      Colour negatives of various views of Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, dated 1975, 6 March 1977, 12 March 1977, 13 March 1977.

      Colour negatives of the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, and of Hong Kong from a helicopter, dated April 1975.

      Colour negatives of Indian python in captivity, dated 3 January 1976; captive jaguars, dated 17 June 1977; a hatching budgerigar and of a macaque/Celebes ape (Macaca nigra) and baby, dated September 1977; snakes in captivity, and some personal images, dated 25 December 1979.

      Colour negatives of the Japan Snake Institute and Ueno Zoo, Tokyo, dated September 1974.

      Colour negatives taken in the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, of: the mammal house, dated November 1974: lemurs, marmosets, a Celebes ape and an agouti, dated 1975; orangutans, dated May 1978; a hand-reared squirrel monkey and other mammals, dated 25 September 1975.

      Black and white negatives of toads (Megophrys brachykolos), dated 18 February 1979.

      Colour negatives of views of Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Jakarta and Bogor zoos, dated August 1977.

      Black and white and colour photographs, including images of herpetofauna (snakes, turtles and frogs) in captivity and in the wild, as well as views of habitats in Hong Kong, dated 1954-1980.

      An album of black and white and colour photographs of various python specimens, dated 1965-1977.

      Black and white and colour photographs, mainly of various zoos, including Frankfurt, Berlin, Jersey, Antwerp, Stuttgart, Bristol, Paignton, Thoiry, Ueno (Tokyo) and Singapore, as well as images of herpetological specimens in captivity, dated 1961-1977.

      An album of black and white and colour photographs, including images of herpetofauna (snakes, frogs and crocodiles) in captivity and in the wild, as well as various zoo reptile enclosures, including Berlin, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Singapore and Chester, dated 1967-1980.

      Unmounted colour transparencies of captive snakes. Undated, 1970s.

      Mounted colour slides mainly of snake specimens, but also including images of the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens and local landscape, along with some personal images, dated c 1975-1979.

      Colour negatives of JD Romer with: a marmoset and with a tamarin in a zoo setting, and of Mrs Ray Romer with an indigo snake, dated 1975; a puma at Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, dated 28 August 1976; a puma and of raccoons at Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, dated 4 September 1976; a puma and with a python, plus images of a python in a terrarium and some personal pictures, dated April 1976; at a desk and of tree frog terraria, undated, c 1973.

      Black and white negatives and accompanying proof sheet of a macaque/Celebes ape (Macaca nigra) and baby in Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, dated 1 January 1972; colour negatives of a young jaguar with JD Romer, and of snakes (Rhabdophis subminiatus) in captivity, probably in Hong Kong, dated February to March 1980.

      Colour negatives of Mrs Ray Romer with a baby gorilla at Frankfurt Zoo, and views of Antwerp Zoo and Stuttgart Zoo, along with some personal images, dated June to July 1975; Colour negatives of Mrs Ray Romer with a baby gorilla and a baby orangutan at Frankfurt Zoo, along with various views of that zoo and of the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, plus some personal images, dated July 1975.

      Handwritten notes by JD Romer on: Hong Kong chelonians, lizards and amphibians, 1947-1965; Hong Kong amphibians, 1967-1981; Hong Kong chelonians and lizards, 1967-1981; Hong Kong snakes, 1947-1967; Hong Kong snakes, 1967-1981.

      British Herpetological Society Notices, 1947-1976: Various correspondence and notices from the British Herpetological Society, dated April 1947 to March 1976.

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      GB 0120 MSS.700-706 & 7756 · late 13th century - mid 16th century

      Manuscript copies of texts by, or collated by Ruffo, plus in some cases other veterinary texts added to works by Ruffo. The texts reflect his work in veterinary medicine, primarily concerning the care and treatment of domestic animals, particularly horses. Includes 'De medicina equorum'; 'Arte de conoscere la natura dei cavalli'; 'Libro dell'infirmita dei cavalli' and 'Le medicine de' cavalli'.

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      Veterinary Miscellany
      GB 0120 MSS.7159-7162 · 19th Century

      A small collection of English veterinary manuscripts including volume of notes on care of the horse, its anatomy, breeds, training, ailments and diseases, with a number of veterinary recipes. The notes, in a variety of hands, seem to be taken largely from lectures, some apparently given by one Mitchell Dean in April 1833. The volume includes a pen sketch illustrating diseases of the horse's legs. Notebook of veterinary and general household prescriptions and recipesentitled 'Genuine and warranted good prescriptions for horses by "Old Joe" G. Peacock and W. Dixon, vetenaires and co, 1852.' Pocket account book recording the purchase of drugs from Messrs Spencer Dakers and Co., of Low Friar Street, Newcastle, apparently by a veterinarian and notebook containing veterinary prescriptions and recipes, some for named individuals.

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      Sambon, Louis Westenra (1865-1931)
      GB 0120 MSS.7561, 8091-8092, 8308, 8529, 8850-8852 · 1893-1923

      Personal correspondence and papers of Louis Westenra Sambon, 1893-1923. These reflect his interest in the history of medicine and diseases caused by blood-borne parasites.

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      Colles Family receipt books
      GB 0120 MSS.8012-8013 · [1816-1890s]

      Two receipt books from the 18th-early 19th century: mostly culinary but some medical and household recipes. MS.8012 contains accounts.

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      GB 0120 MSS.993-994 · 1705-1740

      The first book of horses and the Second book of horses contributed to by a number of different grooms, huntsmen, farriers, etc., but predominately in the hand of Eusebius Ashby.

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      Research Defence Society
      GB 0120 SA/RDS · 1811-1992

      Papers of the Research Defence Society, 1811-1992, comprising papers; administrative records; correspondence; minutes; records of membership, meetings and rules; annual reports; treasurers reports; accounts; RDS publications including Conquest magazine (which was called The Fight Against Disease until 1950); copies of Acts of Parliament, Bills and Royal Commissions, 1786-1915; correspondence and papers relating to animal rights Bills, 1927-1937 and 1965-1980; literature and publications used by the RDS; anti-vivisection literature; newspaper cuttings; tape recordings and films; and photographs and slides.

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      Bruce-Chwatt, Professor Leonard Jan
      GB 0120 WTI/LBC · [1907-1989]

      Papers of Professor Leonard Jan Bruce-Chwatt, 1907-1989, comprising miscellaneous papers including World Health Organisation (WHO) reports, papers for his unpublished history of cinchona, and a translation of C Nicholle's Conquest of Infectious Diseases.

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