Affichage de 56 résultats

Description archivistique
University of London Court
GB 0096 UoL/CT · 1791-1999
Fait partie de University of London

The collection, 1929-1994, contains minutes and papers of: Court Meetings (CT 1) various Court Committees (CT 2) and the Committee on Academic Organisation (CT 9). Also contains papers created by: Building and Equipment (CT 3); Benefactions (CT 4); the Russell Square Garden Commissioners (CT 5); Finance and Statistics (CT 6); Functions and Ceremonies (CT 7); Estates (CT 8) and photographs of Chairmen of the Court (CT 10).

There are also 59 boxes of uncatalogued material (Ref. CT) containing material dating from 1838-1999. This includes court correspondence, Lasden model papers, war damage claims, financial papers, deeds and leases and estates correspondence, Resources and Planning papers, Building Services and Engineering papers and University Grants Committee papers.

Sans titre
University of London External Council
GB 0096 UoL/EC · 1900-2002
Fait partie de University of London

The collection, 1900-1984, contains minutes and papers of: the External Council (EC 1) and Committees and sub-committees (EC 2). The collection also includes papers created by the Advisory Service for External Students (EC 3); photographs of External Council members (EC 4); a card register of external students claiming and obtaining exemptions under the 'Scheme for Examination of War Students' (EC 5) and examiners' reports on external candidates for higher degrees (EC 6).

There are also 42 boxes of uncatalogued material (Ref. EC) containing material dating from 1947-2002. This includes minutes, working party papers, external programme course guides, reading lists and syllabuses, Boards of Studies for External Students papers, Development of Courses papers, Publications, Wye College papers and correspondence of the External Registrar.

Sans titre
University of London Labour Party
GB 0096 UoL/LP · 1931-1952
Fait partie de University of London

Four notebooks containing signed manuscript and cut and pasted typescript minutes of Annual General Meetings and Executive Committee meetings of the University of London Labour Party. Some notebooks also include lists of post holders.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/LR · 1962-1996
Fait partie de University of London

The collection comprises minutes, agenda and other meeting papers for various committees, boards, advisory panels, steering groups and sub-committees of the Library Resources Co-ordinating Committee; reports; administrative papers including correspondence and memoranda; guidance notes for library use and guides to the resources available; a series of library bulletins and newsletters by the Purchasing Group and Cataloguing Co-ordinator's Group; copies of presentations and seminar papers.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/MG · 1928-1946
Fait partie de University of London

Material comprises minutes for Council meetings and administrative papers including balance sheets, receipts and invoices, resolutions and points for discussion at meetings and the history and objectives of the society. Papers containing details of members are currently closed until 2026.

Sans titre
University of London Miscellaneous
GB 0096 UoL/MI · 1899-1985
Fait partie de University of London

3 boxes of uncatalogued material (Ref. MI) containing University of London badges and medals, the Commissioner's Seal and Heath Clark printing blocks, c. 1899-1985.

Sans titre
University of London Observatory
GB 0096 UoL/OB · 1926-1951
Fait partie de University of London

Minutes of the Committee of Management, excerpts of reports by the Finance and General Purposes Committee and the Academic Council and various appendices including financial information, annual reports and details of the transfer of administrative control of the Observatory to University College.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/PL · 1902-1923
Fait partie de University of London

Material comprises minutes and related papers of the Physiological Laboratory Committee, the Physiological Laboratory Sub-Committee and the Physiological Laboratory Disposals Committee, a report by the Physiological Laboratory Committee and regulations for the conduct of the laboratory.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/PR · 1995-1997
Fait partie de University of London

Audio tapes and transcripts of interviews with Tony Fairburn, Sir Frank Hartley, Peter J. Griffiths, Lord Quirk, Professor Denys Fairweather, Peter Taylor, Professor C.D. (Jeremy) Cowan, Lord Flowers, Sir William Taylor, Joan Hunter Jackson (Dunn) and Dr J.R. (Hamish) Stewart for the University of London Oral History Project.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/RC · 1840-1901
Fait partie de University of London

The papers and correspondence in this collection cover the period from the founding of the University in 1836 until 1922. Most of the letters run from c.1880 to 1902. These surviving papers represent a selection of those received during this period in the Registrar's Office and they cover virtually every topic, which might be addressed to a University. Many of the letters are of a routine nature, such as letters from examination candidates concerning arrangements for sitting papers. However there are more important documents such as warrants signed by Queen Victoria appointing fellows of the University.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/SAS · 1989-1997
Fait partie de University of London

Council for the University of London Institutes for Advanced Study Meeting Papers (CULIAS) meeting papers including minutes, agenda and supporting paperwork; administrative papers including correspondence, memos, file and meeting notes and guides and course programmes for School of Advanced Study Institutes.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/SE · 1908-1995
Fait partie de University of London

This deposit orginally consisted of minutes of the Matriculation and School Examinations Council (SE 1), papers relating to matriculation (SE 2), and correspondence and other papers regarding school examinations (SE 3). These records cover the period 1908-1951 and are fully catalogued in hard-copy form. There are also 5 boxes of uncatalogued material (Ref. SE) containing material dating from 1916-1991. This includes matriculation papers, general school examinations (on microfilm) and correspondence files. In addition there is a large collection of administrative records at the University depository, which have been box-listed (reference UoL/SE/ULEAC).

Sans titre
University of London Computer Centre
GB 0096 UoL/ULCC · 1968-1996
Fait partie de University of London

The collection comprises copies of ULCC newsletters, user guides, guidance notes and handbooks; reports and reviews; meeting papers for the Adviser's Group, Phototypesetting Working Group and User Group, ASM/MVT, UNICOS and the Information Services Working Party; administrative papers, in particular those relating to the University of London Typesetting Service and floppy disks with information on IUTC.

Sans titre
University of London Academic Council
GB 0096 UoL/AC · 1839-1999
Fait partie de University of London

The collection, 1900-1987, consists of records created by the Academic Council (AC 1) and faculties, boards, committees and other bodies of the Academic Council. These are:
Academic Registrar (AC 2),
Standing Sub-Committees (AC3),
Joint Standing Committee of the Academic Collegiate Councils (AC 4),
Faculties (AC 5),
Faculty Boards (AC 6),
Academic Advisory Boards (AC 7),
Boards of Studies (AC 8),
Special Advisory Boards (AC 9),
Special Advisory Committees (AC 10),
Overseas Colleges in Special Relationship (AC 11),
Teachers Section (AC 12),
Scholarships (AC 13),
Central Research Fund (AC 14),
Published texts of Lectures (AC 15).

There are also 143 uncatalogued boxes (Ref. AC) containing material dating from 1846-1999. This includes minutes, academic registrar correspondence, Academic Advisory Board papers, Board of Studies papers, scholarships papers, financial papers, memorial lectures, Joint Committee of Academic Council and Institute of Education papers, Joint Committee of Academic Council and Collegiate Council on Latin American Studies papers, Academic Working Parties papers, Subject Area Review Committees/Committee of Academic Organisation papers, Committee on Organisation and Administration of the Schools of the University papers, Sub-Committees papers, Correspondence/Reports on Specific Issues, Deans Committee for Review of the Arts papers, General Medical Council and General Dental Council papers and Examinations papers.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/CD · 1918-1987
Fait partie de University of London

The material comprises minutes, agenda and supporting paperwork for meetings of the Board of Givernors, the Executive Committee, the Commerce Degree Bureau Committee and the Board of Educational Advisors; administrative papers, including correspondence, memoranda, file notes and balance sheets relating to the establishment and administration of the Bureau and the insitution of degrees in Commerce; annual reports and reports by the Commerce Degrees Committee and various sub-Committees; students registered with the Bureau; prospectuses and lists of books acquired by the Bureau library.

Sans titre
University of London Computing Services
GB 0096 UoL/CP · 1966-1987
Fait partie de University of London

The collection comprises meeting papers for the Joint Committee on Computing Facilities, Central Co-ordinating Committee Computing Services, Users' Sub-Committee, Directors' Sub-Committee, Computing Services and Management Sub-Committee, Managers Panel, Software Management Panel, Planning Sub-Committee, Allocation of Resources Committee, Standing Medical Computing Committee, London Computing Policy Committee, Policy Sub-Committee and publications by the University Computing Services.

Sans titre
University of London Audio-Visual Centre
GB 0096 UoL/AV · 1930-2002
Fait partie de University of London

The collection comprises minutes and supporting paperwork for meetings of the Committee of Management of the Audio-Visual Centre; teaching and training notes including lecture notes and questionnaires; production accounts and financial papers; shooting and activity logs and production notes; video tapes of events at the University of London; a photograph album; audio-visual reels (NOT YET CATALOGUED); annual reports and printed material including workshop handbooks, catalogues, newsletters and a review of the Audio-Visual Centre.

Sans titre
University of London College Hall
GB 0096 UoL/CH · 1827-1996
Fait partie de University of London

Papers created by College Hall, 1827-1996, comprising: CH 1: Minutes, 1882-1989; CH 2: Annual Reports, 1883-1965; CH 3: Reports, 1911-1965; CH 4: College Hall Old Students Association, 1897-1982; CH 5: Constitution Papers, 1886-1965; CH 6: Case-files, 1900-1996; CH 7: Deeds and Leases, 1827-1942; CH 8: Printed Items, 1890-1954, 1994; CH 9: Plans and Maps, 1931-1970; CH 10: Photographs, 1877-1952.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/CW · 1959-1972
Fait partie de University of London

Correspondence, reports, memos, file notes and other administrative papers relating to the the re-organisation of the University and correspondence regarding the Rhodes Chair of Imperial History at King's College and Colonial Office copyright issues.

Sans titre
University of London Human Resources
GB 0096 UoL/HR · 1983-1995
Fait partie de University of London

Memoranda and guidelines for managers and Human Resources staff covering issues such as maternity leave, sick absence, pensions, equal opportunities, resignation and retirement. Also included are proposals for the development of printing services in Deller Hall.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/ME · 1908-1997
Fait partie de University of London

The collection comprises minutes and meeting papers for the Military Education Committee and its sub-Committees and for meetings of the Conference of Representatives of the Universities and Colleges providing contingents for the OTC and the Military Boards of London, Oxford and Cambridge Universities; enrolment forms and index cards with details of members of the OTC (SOME ARE CLOSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DATA PROTECTION ACT); Military Education Committee annual reports; correspondence with various organisations including the War Office, the University Air Squadron and Wycombe Council regarding Great Kimble Camp; copies of OTC contingent orders; Rolls of the Fallen and of War Service; photographs; administrative papers and publicity items including notices of lectures and a scrapbook containing press cuttings, information leaflets and official programmes.

Sans titre
University of London Purchasing Group
GB 0096 UoL/PU · 1969-1993
Fait partie de University of London

Minutes, agenda and supporting paperwork for meetings of the Group, annual reports and reviews and administrative papers relating to purchasing, procurement, operational plans and policy.

Sans titre
University of London Registrar's Office
GB 0096 UoL/RO · 1843-1943
Fait partie de University of London

The collection comprises ms and typescript letter books and loose letters; examination fee books with details of matriculation, preliminary and intermediate examination candidates as well as those who were rejected by the University, details of examiners, their reports, examination timetables and an honours list; minutes of meetings of the Senate, Examiners in the Arts, Examiners in Matriculation, Examiners for Degrees in Science and Examiners for the Examinations of Women; administrative papers including financial documents, regulations and by-laws, legal papers, Royal Warrants admitting Fellows of the University and papers of the Cort Testimonial Fund Committee; scrapbooks, loose press cuttings and photographs and miscellaneous items including designs for medals, prints of University colleges and institutes, specimen diplomas and certificates and seal matrices and dies.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/SL · 1954-1974
Fait partie de University of London

The collection comprises minutes, agenda and supporting paperwork for meetings of the Standing Conference, SCOLLUL Committee, the Survey of Resources and Union Lists sub-Committee, the Co-operative Cataloguing sub-Committee and the sub-Committee on the Parry Report; reports including copies of the Parry Report and the Dainton Report; administrative papers including correspondence, memoranda, file notes, comments and completed questionnaires and copies of information bulletins and a library users guide.

Sans titre
University of London Senate
GB 0096 UoL/ST · 1836-2005
Fait partie de University of London

The collection, 1836-1989, contains copies of reports and papers regarding the constitution and governance of the University of London (ST 1), minutes and related papers of Senate meetings (ST 2), minutes and related papers of various nineteenth century (ST 3) and post 1900 Senate Committees (ST 4), minutes and correspondence of the Committee on Library Resources (ST 5)

Also contains the minutes and papers of the following committees: the Committee of Enquiry into the Governance of the University of London (The Murray Committee) (ST 6), the Consultative Committee for Co-ordinating Discussion on the recommendations of the Murray Committee (ST 7), the Statutes Revision Committee and papers and correspondence from the secretary of the Senate (ST 9).

There are also 29 boxes of uncatalogued material (Ref. ST) containing material dating from 1900-2005. This includes University of London statutes, Imperial College Act, working party papers, Joint Planning Committee papers, Todd Report papers, Committees Revision Committee papers, Senate Votes Steering Group papers, Finance and General Purposes Committee-Joint Planning Committee Preparation Papers, Senate Papers re Academic Council Working Party, Joint Committee of Senate and General Union Council papers, Joint committee of the Senate and Presidents' Council on Engineering Examinations papers, Committee for Senate Institutes and Academic Activities papers, clerk of the Senate correspondence files and Parliamentary Liaison Group papers.

Sans titre
University of London Library
GB 0096 UoL/UL · 1901-1989
Fait partie de University of London

The collection, 1901-1989, contains annual reports, minutes and related papers of the Library Committee (UL 1), minutes of various library sub-committees (UL 2), diaries, reports correspondence and papers of the Goldsmiths' Librarian (UL 3), Library Office administrative files (UL 4), acquisition registers (UL 5), lists of books in the Travelling Library, later Extra Mural Library (UL 6), programmes, posters and guest lists relating to functions and exhibitions held at the University Library (UL 7), papers relating to library classification schemes (UL 8), library catalogues and accession lists (UL 10), scrapbooks containing press cuttings (UL 11), photographs of staff members (UL 12), and exhibition catalogues of exhibitions organised or hosted by the University library (UL 13).

There are also 52 boxes of uncatalogued material (Ref. UL) containing material dating from 1906-2004. This includes minutes, working party papers, Staffing papers, papers on External Bodies, finance papers, papers on Collections Development, Library Services papers, Special Collections papers and Friends of the University of London Library papers.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/VP · 1901-2002
Fait partie de University of London

The collection, 1901-1990, contains the papers and correspondence of the Principal (VP 1) Vice-Chancellor Principal (VP 2), correspondence and papers of the Chancellorship of the Earl of Athlone, 1932-1955 (VP 3), correspondence, papers, photographs and audio and video recordings of the Chancellorship of Her majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, 1955-1980, (VP 4), photographs, programmes of the Chancellorship of Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, 1980- (VP 5), scrapbooks containing press-cuttings (VP 6), congratulatory addresses to the University on celebratory occasions (VP 7), copies of addresses sent by the University of London (VP 8), commemorative items presented to the University (VP 9), Loyal addresses (VP 10) minutes and papers relating to the Albert Kahn Travelling Fellowships (VP 11) photographic and other portraits of Principals (VP 12) and papers and correspondence relating to statutes and the constitution of the University (VP 13).

There are also 46 boxes of uncatalogued material (Ref. VP) containing material dating from 1914-2002. This includes Vice-Chancellor's and Principal's correspondence, Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (CVCP) papers, Special Projects papers and Planning Office papers.

Sans titre
University of London
GB 0096 UoL · Collection · 1791-2005

Records, 1791-2005, of the University of London, separated into the following categories: Academic Council (AC); the Athlone Press (AP); Accountant (AT); Audio-Visual Centre (AV); British Postgraduate Medical Federation (BPMF); Brown Animal Sanatory Institution (BR); Botanical Supply Unit (BS); Centre of International and Area Studies (CA); Careers Advisory Service (CB); Collegiate Council (CC); Commerce Degree Bureau (CD); Central File (CF); Children's Outing Group (CG); College Hall (CH); Institute of Computer Science (CM); Convocation and Committees (CN); University Computing Services (CP); Central Registry (CR); Central Secretariat (CS); Court (CT); Institute of Commonwealth Studies (CW); External Council (EC); Examination Department (EX); Finance and General Purposes Committee (FG); University of London Graduates Association (GA); Human Resources (HR); Labour Party (LP); Library Resources Co-ordinating Committee (LR); Military Education Committee (ME); Medical Graduates Society (MG); Miscellaneous (MI); University Observatory (OB); Organisation and Methods Unit (OM); Physiological Laboratory (PL); Public Relations (PR); Purchasing Group (PU); Registrar's Office (RO); Registrar's Collection (RC); Registration Officer (RG); Central Staff Association and Affiliated Clubs (SA); School of Advanced Study (SAS); Standing Conference of School Training Officers (SC); School Examinations Board (SE); Standing Conference of the Librarians of the Libraries of the University of London (SCOLLUL)(SL); Senate (ST); Services Department (SV); Training Management Board (TM); University Entrance Requirements Department (UE); University Library (UL); University of London Computer Centre (ULCC); University of London Union (UN); University Publications (UP); Vice Chancellor and Principal (VP).

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/BS · 1950-1990
Fait partie de University of London

Material about the Botanical Supply Unit and Botanic Garden including minutes, agenda and supporting paperwork for meetings of the Botanic Garden Committee and the Botanical Supply Unit Sub-Committee; reports, including the Bromwich Report; administrative papers and promotional material.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/CB · 1940-1993
Fait partie de University of London

Completed employment registration forms by female graduates of the University; minutes and supporting paperwork for meetings of the Careers Advisory Board; papers relating to Hungarian refugee students including meeting papers of various committees, administrative papers, correspondence both with individual students and other academic institutions, case files, student records, reports, statements, notes and annual reports. (SOME RECORDS ARE CLOSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DATA PROTECTION ACT).

Sans titre
University of London Convocation
GB 0096 UoL/CN · 1858-2003
Fait partie de University of London

The collection comprises bound proceedings, minutes and attendance books, reports and statements, standing orders and regulations, correspondence, financial accounts and other administrative papers of Convocation and its various committees; membership records and correspondence and reports from regional groups; election papers, Declarations of Elections and Deeds of Appointment, including those for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother; speeches, addresses and lectures; programmes and supporting paperwork for social events and photographs of Chairmen of Convocation, other Convocation Officers and presentation ceremonies.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/EX · 1850-1994
Fait partie de University of London

The collection comprises administrative papers including payments to examiners, programmes for Presentation Day Ceremonies, statistics for B.A. and B.Sc examinations, notes on medical education in London and procedures for holding examinations during the First and Second World Wars; statistics for overseas examinations and correspondence with the Caribbean Examinations Council from the Overseas sub-Department; papers of the London Inter-Collegiate Scholarships Board; student records on index cards and microfilms; copies of examination papers and timetables and registers of examination statistics and theses. (SOME ITEMS ARE CLOSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DATA PROTECTION ACT).

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/OM · 1965-1988
Fait partie de University of London

Project record sheets and copies of reports, surveys and reviews carried out by the Organisation and Methods Unit in various schools, institutes, departments and halls of residence of the University of London.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/SA · 1937-2007
Fait partie de University of London

Minutes, agenda and meeting papers for the Staff Association, the Joint Consultative Committee and the Central University Safety Committee; a volume of various reports; papers relating to the Senate House Cricket Club, the Gardening Club, Senate House Players, the Change Ringers, the French Society, the Opera Group, the Wine Society and the Musical Society; newsletters and bulletins of the Staff Association and copies of "Outhouse".

Sans titre
University of London Services Department
GB 0096 UoL/SV · 1880-2002
Fait partie de University of London

The collection, 1927-1988, contains minutes of the Joint Maintenance Committee (SV 1), Maintenance Officer's papers and correspondence (SV 2), inventory and drawings of furniture and equipment (SV 3), papers, correspondence and programmes of functions and ceremonies (SV 4), photographs of views of functions and various rooms in the University (SV 5). Also contains a booklet on first aid, which belonged to Joan Hunter Dunn, Assistant Catering Manageress and a programme and dinner menu of the National Conference of University Catering Officer's (SV 6) and correspondence, papers and lists of publications created by the Publications Department (SV 7).
There are also 15 boxes of uncatalogued material (Ref. SV) containing material dating from 1880-2002. This includes presentation ceremony and Foundation Day programmes and photographs of ceremonies and the building of Stewart House.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/TM · 1988-2000
Fait partie de University of London

The collection comprises minutes and agenda with supporting paperwork for meetings of the Board and the Standing Committee of the Staff Committee and UCNS London Regional Group; reports and business and strategic plans; correspondence and administrative papers including memoranda, financial information and details of Board members and copies of prospectuses for training courses at the University of London.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/UE · 1900-1995
Fait partie de University of London

The collection comprises Committee and Board meeting papers (Please note some of these papers are closed in accordance with the Data Protection Act); volumes of student registers (Please note these are all closed in accordance with the Data Protection Act); administrative papers and correspondence; Secretary's papers and copies of regulations for entrance to the University of London.

Sans titre
Athlone Press
GB 0096 UoL/AP · 1933-1979
Fait partie de University of London

Meeting papers of the Athlone Press Board of Management including minutes and agenda; reports; administrative papers including correspondence, financial information, statements, memos, file notes and details regarding the sale of the Press; promotional material; copies of various lecture series published by the Press and a draft card catalogue with details of authors and their publications.

Sans titre
University of London Accountant
GB 0096 UoL/AT · 1903-1982
Fait partie de University of London

The collection, 1903-1982, consists of: deeds of covenant by City of London Livery Companies (AT 1); audited accounts of the University, with auditors reports (AT 2); Journal (AT 3); Trusts and investments ledgers (AT 5); Maintenance account ledgers (AR6); Court and Bloomsbury account ledgers (AT 7); Senate account ledgers (AT 8); Senate account monthly transaction computer print-outs (AT 9-AT 11) with key (AT 12) and lists of Court and Senate account computer accounting codes.

Sans titre
British Postgraduate Medical Federation
GB 0096 UoL/BPMF · sub-fonds · 1943-1997
Fait partie de University of London

Papers of the British Postgraduate Medical Federation (BPMF), 1943-1997, comprising directors' files from the 1940s; records relating to funding from the 1950s onwards; annual reports; papers of the Central Academic Council; papers of the Governing Body; papers of the Executive Committee; papers of the Finance and General Purposes Committee; papers of the Audit Committee; papers of the Special Purposes Committee; papers of the Education Committee; papers relating to the Institute of Child Health; papers relating to the Institute of Cancer Research; papers relating to the Institute of Neurology; papers relating to the Institute of Ophthalmology; papers relating to the Institute of Psychiatry; papers relating to the National Heart and Lung Institute; papers relating to the Hunterian Institute; files of the BPMF Directors; files of the BPMF secretary; files of the BPMF financial officer; publications; audio-visual material; accounts; and papers of British Postgraduate Medical Technology Limited.

Sans titre
University of London Collegiate Council
GB 0096 UoL/CC · 1929-1994
Fait partie de University of London

The collection, 1929-1991, consists of minutes of Collegiate Council Meetings (CC 1); minutes and appendices of Sports Facilities committees (CC 2); minutes of various Student Accommodation committees (CC 3); and the minutes and records of various Ad Hoc Committees (CC 4).
There are also 67 boxes of uncatalogued material (Ref. CC) containing material dating from 1935-1999. This includes minutes, papers on Halls of Residence, working party papers, correspondence, Student Administration papers, papers on the University of London Union constitution, staffing papers, Hayter Travel Awards papers and General Collegiate Council Administration papers.

Sans titre
University of London Central File
GB 0096 UoL/CF · 1900-1939
Fait partie de University of London

The collection contains University Correspondence for sessions 1900-1939 (CF 1). The correspondence files are arranged chronologically by subject. The collection also contains correspondence and papers relating to University of London Press and Printing (CF 2). These records relate chiefly to the University's dealings with the University of London Press.

Sans titre
University of London Council
GB 0096 UoL/CL · 1994-2004
Fait partie de University of London

The collection comprises minutes with appendices and supporting paperwork for meetings of the Academic Committee, The University Council, the Pre-Registration Committee, the Subject Panel in General Medicine, the Subject Panel in Surgery and the Subject Panel in Medical Law and Ethics; paperwork supporting an application by the Royal Academy of Music for admission as a college of the University of London and meeting papers of the Working Group.

Sans titre
GB 0096 UoL/CM · 1956-1992
Fait partie de University of London

25 boxes of uncatalogued papers (Ref. CM) containing material, 1956-1992; including Institute of Computer Science Internal Documents and INDRA notes, Committee of Management papers, working party papers and computer handbooks.

Sans titre