Cultura nacional

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      Cultura nacional

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      Cultura nacional

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      Cultura nacional

      127 Descripción archivística resultados para Cultura nacional

      127 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
      Whiteley, Wilfred Howell
      GB 0102 PP MS 42 · Created 1935-1972

      Papers, 1935-1972, of Wilfred Howell Whiteley, comprising his personal correspondence (1956-1972); language material on over 30 Bantu languages collected by Whiteley during his lifetime; and socio-linguistic material. Also included is a major section on Swahili (including papers on the socio-political issues raised over the adoption of Swahili as a national language).

      Sin título
      Tucker, Archibald Norman
      GB 0102 PP MS 43 · Created 1898-1970s

      Papers, 1898-1970s, of Archibald Tucker, chiefly relating to his language work on both East African and Bantu languages. Miscellaneous material includes press cuttings (1898-1902) chronicling the Boer War and papers on the Ozuitem Ibo people of Owerri Province.

      Sin título
      GB 0102 PP MS 7 · Created c1889-1970

      Papers, c1889-1970, of Professor Peter Malcolm Holt, chiefly comprising collected notes, facsimiles and microfilms of manuscripts relating to Muhammed Ahmad ibn 'Abd Allah, the Mahdi. The papers relate to Holt's major works The Mahdist State in the Sudan 1881-1898 and The Cambridge History of Islam.

      Sin título
      SMITH, Joseph S Kellet
      GB 0402 JSS · 1895-1897

      Papers of Joseph S Kellet Smith, 1895, concerning explorations in the country west of Lake Nyasa including diary, Jun-Sep, 1895; five unpublished short stories, 'The revolution of Benjamin-wad-Wiri', 'The Lake Trader', 'The sacrificial altar of the Sandili', 'The Brimming cup' and 'The thraldom of Stephen Clinch'; loose pages, untitled, beginning, 'A man's enjoyment of golf...'; fifteen chapters of an unpublished book based on events of the 1895 expedition with 38 photographic prints prepared as illustrations including of river Shire, Hora camp, tribesmen and river steamers.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4573 · Colección · 2005-2015

      Records of Keith Waithe, musician, comprising published recordings from Essequibo Music and The Macusi Players with business card and promotional card.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/540 · Colección · 1543-1987

      Records of the New England Company, missionary society. The majority of the collection dates from 1649, with deeds from 1543-1979. Some records are held only in the form of microfilms or xerox copies of originals held locally in North America.

      The records comprise: Charters 1662-196; Court and committee minutes 1655-1987; copy minutes of Commissioners for Indian Affairs 1699-1818; and court attendance books 1937-63 and 1970-1. Financial records 1649-1979.

      Correspondence and papers about Indians and Indian affairs in New England 1657-1764; papers relating to the proceedings of the Company 1649-56; reports on Company affairs and undertakings 1822-6; deeds and papers concerning missions in Canada 1828-1934; papers about support for missionary activity in West Indies and Canada 1961-76; and papers about the sale of the Mohawk Institute 1961-7.

      Letter books 1688-1772, 1872-1919; general correspondence 1664-1818; papers relating to supplemental charters 1898 and 1959-60; papers about the history of Company 1700-1913 and tercentenary 1949; lists of governors, treasurers, clerks and members of the company, 1668 and 1741-1859; and miscellaneous administrative and legal papers 1688-1839, 1876-7.

      Deeds and papers relating to Company estates, particularly in Essex, 1543-1979; inventories of Company effects in New England 1708, 1714; papers concerning Robert Boyle's annuity 1814-1900; copy will of Rev Daniel Williams 1711-12; and papers relating to William Pennoyer's charity 1670-1902.

      Sin título
      WEBB, Ronald Stretton (b 1892)
      GB 0402 RSW · Colección · 1916-1964

      Papers of R S Webb, chiefly relating to Basutoland, 1916-1964, including two large sheets of photostats: genealogy; brief notes about the Bakubung Lihoja tribe, from the reminisces of Morena Ramakabane, arranged by Webb, 1964; copies of the Gazetteer of Basutoland including drafts with annotations by Webb; notebooks containing photographs and notes from letters and maps; letters relating to Father Francois Laydevant, a Catholic missionary among the Basotho people; maps, including of Basutoland, Griqualand and Southern Transvaal; papers relating to and copies of a book published by Webb, An account of the autobiographical memoir of A A Moletsane, 1967, on Morena Abraham Aaron Moletsane; letters and papers of Moletsane, 1957-1972; photographs and negatives including of people and places in Basutoland; translation of a report by Commandant G J Joubert, 1845; reprints of journals and articles relating to Africa; papers relating to Webb's translation of F S Ramakabane's Sotho manuscripts, 1960-1961; notebooks relating to Morena Felix Makelikte Sekonyela and ledger of indices relating to the affairs of the indigenous people of Basutoland.

      Sin título
      Gardner Collection
      GB 0369 GAN · 1919-1933

      Picture postcards showing views of Poland or representations of Polish folk art, mostly commercially produced. The majority of the cards were sent to Monica Gardner from Poland and contain a message, other are blank, 1919-1933.

      Sin título
      Kosina Collection
      GB 0369 KOS · 1948-1983

      Typescripts by Josef Kosina, entitled "Vzpominky z druhe Svetove Valky [Memoirs of the Second World War] and "Czechoslovakia: her rise and fall"; also index cards, notes and bibliography for the former typescript; anonymous letter addressed to Kosina, 1955; notes and newspapers.

      Sin título
      Papmehl Collection
      GB 0369 PAP · 1974

      Typescript by K A Papmehl entitled "Selected Works by Matthew Guthrie", 1974.

      Sin título
      Lockhart, William (papers)
      GB 0102 CWM/LMS China Personal Box 16 · 1839-1863

      Papers, 1839-1863, of William Lockhart, comprising two volumes containing his personal expenses accounts, 1839-1857; notebook, c1845, largely containing Chinese texts, also including notes in English on subjects including Chinese measurements, trades, guilds, religion, and other customs; Chinese passport, 1863.

      Sin título
      Sibree Family Papers
      GB 0102 CWM/LMS Madagascar Personal Boxes 2, 5-13 · 1820-1953

      Papers, 1820-1953, of the Sibree family, comprising miscellaneous correspondence and manuscripts, press cuttings and printed papers, 1867-1929, of James Sibree, the subjects including missionary, literary and architectural work and the history, customs and language of Madagascar, including a manuscript of his `Missionary Heroes and Heroism in Madagascar', 1925; eight scrapbooks of James Sibree's papers, 1820-1927, containing printed materials and cuttings, correspondence and notes, maps and sketches relating to Madagascar and to the Sibree family; two volumes presented to James Sibree on the 50th anniversary of his missionary service in Madagascar, 1913; other papers of James Sibree relating to Madagascar, 1874-c1916 and undated, including its natural history; photographs, comprising portraits of missionaries and others connected with the Madagascar mission, 19th century, Sibree family photograph album, 1902-1913, including volcanic eruptions in Samoa, and photographs of Madagascar, including buildings, landscapes, and individuals; scrapbook of Elsie Sibree, c1913-1953, including press cuttings, photographs, and notes.

      Sin título
      GB 0102 IMC/CBMS/A · 1910-1945

      Joint archive, largely dating from 1910-1945, of the International Missionary Council and Conference of British Missionary Societies, relating to co-operative missionary endeavours in Africa (chiefly British Africa, but also including areas under Belgian, Portuguese and French control).

      General files on Africa include records on missionary work and related issues including land rights, colonial administration, diet, co-operative organizations, customs including polygamy, initiation, and witchcraft, medical work, and alcohol traffic; the IMC and its relation to African mission councils; International Institute of African Languages and Cultures; population and health in Africa; Africa Education Group, relating to educational policy, provision and finance, including women's education, training of educational missionaries, African marriage customs and their relation to Christian practice, adult education, and missionary work in rural areas; High Leigh (Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire) Conference (1924) on educational missionary work in Africa; Le Zoute Conference (1926) on missionary work in Africa; educational policy; Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies, relating to Colonial Office policy (including British colonies outside Africa), the topics including women's education, use of the vernacular and bilingualism, teacher training, language teaching, social and economic development, finance, indigenous art, biology, superannuation, English examinations, and higher education teaching materials, with sections relating to particular African colonies.

      Files on East Africa include general records on British colonial policy and administration, agriculture, and Swahili; and education in East Africa. Files on Kenya include records on the Kenya Missionary Council and Christian Council of Kenya; the political situation and land question; indigenous labour and slavery; Indian population; and educational policy, practice, finance, the conscience clause in religious education, women's education, and educational advisor; and correspondence on missionary work and related issues. Files on Tanganyika include records on the Tanganyika Missionary Council, relations between different missionary societies, indigenous life, colonial administration, German and other missions; Tanganyika Mission Property Trust; and education in Tanganyika. Files on Uganda include records on land tenure, education, including women's education, and Swahili; and missionary societies in Ruanda-Urundi. Files on Abyssinia comprise records on missionary work and religious freedom, including the Italian occupation.

      Files on West Africa include general records on education, including the Phelps Stokes Commission. Files on the Gold Coast include records on education, colonial administration, the Basel Mission, the Bremen Mission and other missionary societies, the Christian Council of the Gold Coast, medical and educational missionary work. Files on Sierra Leone include records on education. Files on Nigeria include records on the Christian Council of Nigeria and other Christian and missionary organisations and on education. Files on the Cameroons include records on various missionary societies. Files on French Africa include records on education.

      Files on French West & Equatorial Africa include records on missionary activity and education. Files on the Congo include records on the Congo Protestant Council, missionary activity and conferences, religious freedom and interdenominational relations including Roman Catholicism; Belgian government policy regarding missions and the Brussels Bureau representing Belgian missions; education; and missionary work of various nations.

      Files on Portuguese Africa include records on missionary work, including medical work, and interdenominational relations; religious liberty, Portuguese government policy, and the Lisbon Centre for liaison. Files on Portuguese West Africa include records on the Angola Evangelical Alliance, Portuguese colonial administration, and various missionary societies. Files on Portuguese East Africa include records on the Portuguese East Africa Evangelical Missionary Association, work of various missionary societies, religious liberty and Portuguese government policy.

      Files on Central Africa and Nyasaland include records on colonial administration, work of missionary societies, land tenure, indigenous labour and slavery, and on colonial educational policy in Nyasaland. Files on Northern Rhodesia include records on the General Missionary Conference of Northern Rhodesia, colonial administration, mining, and education; and on the United Missions in the Copperbelt, including its foundation, policy, annual reports, finance, miners' unrest, property, education policy, women's work, social welfare, literature and literacy, British Committee, correspondence with other societies, reorganisation, Team/Field Committee, and personnel. Files on Southern Rhodesia include records on the South Rhodesia Missionary Conference, indigenous affairs including land tenure, education, indigenous preachers, and colonial administration. Files on South Africa include records on the General Missionary Conference of South Africa and the Christian Council of South Africa, missionary work, indigenous affairs including land tenure, interethnic relations, and education. Files on South and South West Africa includes records on German missions and indigenous affairs. Files on the protectorates of Swaziland, Basutoland and Bechuanaland include records on education and the transfer of the protectorates to South Africa.

      There are also files on the Egypt Mission Property Trust.

      Sin título
      Mann, Ebenezer John and Mabel
      GB 0102 MS 380302 · Created 1913-1938, c1967

      Papers, 1913-1938, c1967, some undated, of the Rev Ebenezer Mann and his wife Mabel Mann. They include published newsletters (1913-1938) from Ebenezer and Mabel Mann, detailing their work in Kansu province, China; parts of a typescript work by Ebenezer Mann relating to his years in China; autobiographical notes made by Mabel Mann; and a small collection of photographs of China including photographs (1920-1921) of the aftermath of the earthquake in Lanchow, Kansu province. Also included is a list (1934) of missions and workers in China with the China Inland Mission, prepared by Ebenezer Mann.

      Sin título
      Banks Photograph Collection
      GB 0102 MS 380389 · Created c1897-1949

      Papers, c1897-1949, of Alexander Banks, comprising photographs taken chiefly by Alexander Banks showing groups of missionaries, including the Banks, Hicks and Hodge families, Indian Christians, including the Das family, Hindus and Muslims, local festivals, buildings and views. Also included are copies of circular letters (1900-1902) and letters (1903-1906) from Alexander Banks; his diary (1899-1900); a record of orphanage children in India (1906) including photographs; and publications of the Regions Beyond Missionary Union.

      Sin título
      Geller, Wilson Herbert and Mabel Love
      GB 0102 MS 380482 · Created 1901-1934

      Diaries of Wilson Herbert Geller, 1901-1904, 1908, 1910-1914, 1930, and Mabel Love Geller, 1919, 1930-1934, documenting their life and work as missionaries in China.

      Sin título
      GB 0102 MS 380612 · 1943-1945

      Typescript papers, 1943-1945, comprising Dr B Ifor Evans's copies of working papers of the Commission of Enquiry into the Facilities for Oriental, Slavonic, East European and African Studies, including minutes of meetings, correspondence and other administrative papers, questionnaires completed by institutions including universities and learned societies in the UK and overseas, evidence submitted by various individuals, and draft report of findings sent to Ernest Bevin (Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs).

      Sin título
      Grierson, Sir George
      GB 0102 MS 380622 · 1920-1941

      Correspondence and papers, 1920-1931, largely typescript, concerning the possible acquisition of Sir George Grierson's library on Oriental languages and culture by the School of Oriental Studies and other matters relating to the School; letters concerning Sir George's death, 1941.

      Sin título
      Cormack, George E
      GB 0102 MS 380660 · Created 1912-1919

      Photographic material, 1912-1919, of George Cormack, comprising 42 glass slides, c1912-1919, principally of Manchuria and the Chinese Labour Corps, and an album of photographs, 1912-1913, relating to a visit on the Trans-Siberian Railway to Siberia and North Manchuria.

      Sin título
      Parsons Family
      GB 0102 MS 380686 · (1902-1926), 1951-1998

      Papers, 1902-1998, of the Parsons family, comprising three volumes of typescript copies of letters (1902-1926) written by the Rev and Mrs Parsons from Yunnan, China, the subjects including family matters and mission activities, descriptions of local people and culture, and references to the Miao language; unpublished Hua Miao-English dictionary and phrase book written by P Kenneth and R Keith Parsons, 1998; publications using 'Reformed' Pollard script, 1951-1994, including text books and school primer (some photocopies), collected by them.

      Sin título
      Baké, Dr Arnold Adrian
      GB 0102 PP MS 21 · Created c1932-1961

      Papers, c1932-1961, of Dr Arnold Adrian Baké, comprising notes on Indian music and folklore, in addition to songs in various Indian languages and translations in English and Dutch.

      Sin título
      Furnivall, John Sydenham
      GB 0102 PP MS 23 · Created 1917-1961

      Papers, 1917-1961, of John Sydenham Furnivall, comprising correspondence (1948-1956), mostly with C W Dunn (co-editor of the Burmese-English Dictionary); draft annotated chapters of Reconstruction in Burma; statistics and other research material gathered for the above work; Furnivall's lecture notes, scripts of his talks, articles and manuscript research notes.

      Sin título
      Addis, Sir John Mansfield
      GB 0102 PP MS 25 · Created 1914-1983

      Papers, 1914-1983, of Sir John Mansfield Addis, comprising correspondence relating to Addis's education at Rugby and Oxford (1925-1936); correspondence, including that with his sister Robina Addis, diaries and research material relating to his diplomatic career (1933-1974); and material relating to his retirement years (1975-1982) including reports of South East Asian Tours, lecture notes, research and scholarly work. Also includes personal items (1914-1983) and photographs (1933-1974).

      Sin título
      Powell, Ifor Ball
      GB 0102 PP MS 26 · Created 1926-1986

      Papers, 1926-1986, of Ifor Ball Powell, largely comprising the Philippine reference material collected by him, together with his correspondence and personal papers. The reference material covers topics such as the Philippine legislature; Philippine administration; political parties, elections and election statistics; US Philippine agreements and relations; Philippine Islands during World War II; and the City of Manila. Also included are photographs taken during Powell's field trips in Southeast and East Asia, particularly in the Philippines, and an extensive collection of press cuttings.

      Sin título
      Millman, William
      GB 0102 PP MS 34 · Created 1890-1957

      Papers, 1890-1957, of William Millman and his wife's first husband, Walter Stapleton, comprising correspondence, education and language (Lokele) material concerning missionary work in Yakusu, Belgian Congo (Zaire), Central Africa. Also includes photographs of missionaries and tribal groups, and a copy of a volume of the experiences of Edith Millman (1913-1938), taken from her letters and diaries.

      Sin título
      Noakes, Diane
      GB 0102 PP MS 56 · Created 1911-1984

      Diaries, correspondence, photographs and papers, 1911-1984, of Diane Noakes. The majority of the papers relate to her life in England, but some relate to her work in Uganda (1951-1958).

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