The records of the Accident Offices Association largely comprise minutes (mostly unsigned) with some accounts. The latter also relate to some of the other bodies with which the association was concerned. Initially, the business of the association was conducted through its chairman, the General Purposes Committee and the Rating Committee (from 1907). Committees were subsequently established to deal with particular areas of business, for example the Motor Offices Committee and Fidelity Offices Committee (in 1913). The work of these main committees was often carried out by standing committees; sub-committees were set up to deal with particular issues and aspects of the areas of business concerned. Additional committees were established as time went on, such as the Employers' Liability Committee (in 1947). An Emergency Powers Committee was set up in August 1939 to run the association during the Second World War; it functioned until June 1947. This explains the gaps in the main series of committee minutes between 1939 and 1947.
Accident Offices Association , professional association for insurance companiesRecords of the Accident Offices Association (Overseas), association for insurers of accidents abroad, comprising minute books of general meetings, Motor Committee meetings, Workmen's Compensation Insurance committee meetings, Emergency Power Committee meetings, and Standing Committee for the Republic of Ireland meetings.
Accident Offices Association (Overseas) , association for insurersFinancial records of the Aircraft Insurance Committee.
Aircraft Insurance CommitteeRecords of the Artists' Annuity and Benevolent Fund, including records relating to the establishment of the fund, and joint records of both branches; records of the Annuity Fund; records of the Benevolent Fund; and records relating to John Pye, a founder member of the fund.
Artists' Annuity and Benevolent FundRecords of the Artists League of Great Britain, formerly the Imperial Arts League. The records relate mainly to the administration of the league. The earliest material are the council minutes from 1909. There are also files of individual members; especially interesting is the file of Sydney Cockerell, bookbinder, which includes samples of hand made end-papers. Also of interest are the subject files on sketching and painting in war time (1915-1942) and a file of newspaper cuttings (1939-1940) concerning exhibitions and bequests during the war.
Artists League of Great Britain x Imperial Arts LeagueRecords of the Assistant District Surveyors' Association, including Secretary's correspondence and papers; and subject files relating to building regulations and proposals affecting District Surveyors.
Assistant District Surveyors' AssociationRecords of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, as follows:-
Ms 17363 - Articles of association;
Mss 17364-7 - Affiliated chambers, United Kingdom and overseas;
Mss 14476-7 - Executive council;
Mss 14478-9, 14485, 17394-5 - Standing, advisory and special committees;
Mss 17368-72 - General purposes committee;
Mss 17373-83 - Internal organisation, personnel and visitors;
Mss 17384-6 - Circulars and out-letter files;
Mss 17387 - Meeting with Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Finance and taxation division:-
Mss 14480 -1 - committee minutes;
Ms 17388 - circulars;
Mss 17389-93 - press releases and newsletters;
Mss 17394-475 - subject files, listed alphabetically;
Ms 17476 - printed booklets.
Home affairs division:-
Mss 14482-4 - committee minutes;
Ms 17477 - circulars;
Mss 14485 and Ms 17478-94 - education committee papers and education subject files;
Mss 14488 and Ms 17495-9 - post office services committee papers and postal subject files;
Mss 17500-1 - power committee papers and power and fuel subject file;
Mss 14485-6 and Ms 17502-37 - transport committee papers and transport subject files;
Mss 17538-50 - other subject files, listed alphabetically;
Ms 17551 - printed booklets.
Overseas division:-
Mss 14487 and 17552 - committee minutes and papers;
Ms 17553 - circulars;
Mss 17554-63 - subject files, listed alphabetically;
Mss 17564-83 - correspondence and papers relating to outside bodies and other trade organisations;
Ms 17584 - files labelled miscellaneous;
Mss 17585-8 - printed booklets;
Mss 17589-93 - Association of Secretaries of British Chambers of Commerce.
Mss 17593/A-C Statistics and report.
In addition to the committee minutes, the five series of circulars (Mss 17384, 17388, 17477, 17553 and 17592) will be found to supplement the subject files which form the bulk of the Association's archives.
Also papers of the National Chamber of Trade, including minutes, register of members, circulars, press cuttings and handbooks.
Association of British Chambers of Commerce x British Chambers of Commerce National Chamber of TradeRecords of predecessors of the Association of British Insurers, comprising:
- Accident Offices Association (Overseas);
- Accident Offices Association;
- Aircraft Insurance Committee;
Association of Life Assurance Offices in India; - British Insurance Association;
-British Life Assurance Trust; - Building Society Indemnities Committee;
- Coal Pool;
- Consequential Loss Committee;
- Debris Clearance Pool;
- Engineering Offices Association;
- Fire Offices' Committee;
- Fire Offices Committee (Foreign);
- Fire Offices Committee of Ireland;
- Glasgow Rate and Salvage Association;
- Home Office Vehicles Pool;
- Industrial Life Offices Association;
- Insurance Companies (War Settlement) Committee;
- Life Offices' Association;
- South African Accident Council;
- London Australasian Insurance Committee;
- London Continental Fire Insurance Committee;
- London Fire Engine Establishment;
- London Salvage Corps;
- London South African Insurance Committee;
- London West Africa Insurance Committee;
- London Wharf and Warehouse Committee;
- National Amalgamated Approved Society;
- National Conference of Industrial Assurance Approved Societies;
- Printers and Theatres Rating Committee (Southern Committee);
- Trading with the Enemy Joint Insurance Committee.
PLEASE NOTE: further minutes and files of the British Insurance Association and files of other predecessor bodies, along with minutes and files of the Association of British Insurers (ABI) from 1985-2000, remain uncatalogued. The uncatalogued records are available by prior appointment only quoting accession reference B11/056. In addition access requests to ABI records from 1985-2000 are subject to prior permission from ABI. Please contact staff for further details.
Various.Ledger of the Association of British Organic Fertilisers Limited.
Association of British Organic Fertilisers LtdRecords of the Association of Consulting Actuaries, 1951-2013, including minutes of the main committee, sessional meetings and annual general meetings, 1951-2003, and various publications, including annual reviews, Parliamentary Pensions Briefs, survey reports, histories and a fiftieth anniversary dinner souvenir programme.
Association of Consulting Actuaries , 1952- Society of Consulting Actuaries , 1951-1952Subject files of committees of the Association of County Councils. The subjects are diverse and cover various aspects of the work and policies of local government. The committees from which files were retained were:
Agriculture 1936-1992;
Community Services 1977-1990;
Education 1941-1990;
Fire Service and Emergency Planning 1947-1992;
Highways 1969-1991;
Housing 1985-1992;
Local Government Finance 1976-1991;
Local Government Reorganisation 1971-1986;
National Parks 1973-1977;
Planning 1949-1992;
Police 1923-1990;
Policy 1976-1989;
Press and Public Relations 1985-1990;
Social Service 1968-1992.
Also some papers of the Association of County Chief Executives.
Association of County CouncilsSubject files of the Association of District Councils (ADC), comprising:
- the Council of the ADC's Reviews of the Structure of the ADC, 1987-1989, 1993;
- files of the Environmental Health committee, on AIDS, 1990-1995, Nuclear Power and Nuclear Issues, 1990-1995, and Genetic Manipulation, 1990-1992;
- files of the Housing committee, on Homelessness, 1991-1995;
- files of the Planning committee, on Gypsies, 1990-1995;
- files of the Selection committee, on the Rights of Way Review Committee, 1992-1995, and Common Land, 1990-1992.
Records of the Association of Fellowship Porters. The records were compiled between 1620 and 1895. However they also include a copy of the ordinances of 1566, and copies of acts from 1619. No membership records are available before 1756. The collection also includes rules and regulations; Court minute books; quarterage books and financial accounts.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.
Association of Fellowship PortersMinute book of the Aviation Insurance Offices Association.
Aviation Insurance Offices AssociationRecords of the Baltic Exchange (1821-1994); the London Shipping Exchange (1892-1903), which was purchased by the Baltic Exchange; and the Jerusalem Coffee House (1757-1833), which was purchased by the London Shipping Exchange. The records include minutes, agendas, financial accounts, letter books and correspondence, administrative papers, membership records, shipping papers and records of the Airbrokers Association, 1947-1976 and the Institute of Shipbrokers, 1917-1987.
Jerusalem Coffee House x The Jerusalem Ltd x Jerusalem Shipping Exchange Baltic Exchange , 1982- London Shipping Exchange , 1892-1903Records of the Bordeaux Agents Association, wine sellers and importers, including minutes and rules of the association.
Bordeaux Agents Association , wine sellers and importersRecords of the Bouverie Society, a social club for pawnbrokers. The records comprise: rules, 1934 (Ms 22321); minutes, 1801-1948 (Ms 22322); visitors' book, 1935-45 (Ms 22323); miscellaneous papers, 1897-1914 (Ms 22324-5); and photograph albums, late 19th century-early 20th century (Ms 22326).
Bouverie Society , social club for pawnbrokersRecords of the British Bankers' Association, including General Council, Executive Committee and Annual General Meeting minute books; annual reports; financial accounts; papers of Committees including the Foreign Exchange Committee and the Fiscal Committee; public relations papers including press releases and circulars; papers regarding bank employees; papers regarding the EEC Banking Federation; rules, regulations and other papers relating to membership; and papers relating to various matters of interest to the banking community including income tax, security, fraud, liquidity, clearing house payments, inter-bank cooperation, legislation, bankruptcy, credit, audits and taxation.
Restricted access to later records.
British Bankers' Association , society promoting the interests of banksRecords of the British Funeral Workers' Association, comprising minute books of the Executive Committee and the Cemetery Committee; and minutes of the Southampton Branch.
British Funeral Workers' AssociationRecords of the British Insurance Association, mainly minutes of General Meetings and Committee meetings. Many of the minutes are unsigned copies. In addition, many minutes are accompanied by related papers, such as agendas, reports and correspondence. The collection also includes extensive correspondence and circulars. The records are held off-site and require 48 hours notice for access.
British Insurance AssociationMinutes of the British Overseas and Commonwealth Banks Association.
British Overseas Banks Association x British Overseas and Commonwealth Banks AssociationPapers of the British Records Association, comprising:
ACC/3162/BRA/01: Foundation Papers;
ACC/3162/BRA/02: Council and Committees;
ACC/3162/BRA/03: Conferences and Annual General meetings;
ACC/3162/BRA/04: Finance and Treasurer's Papers;
ACC/3162/BRA/05: Committees;
ACC/3162/BRA/06: Secretary's Files;
ACC/3162/BRA/07: Publications;
ACC/3162/BRA/08: Archives publication and Editor's Papers;
ACC/3162/BRA/09: Technical Section;
ACC/3162/BRA/10: Legislation;
ACC/3162/BRA/11: Staff;
ACC/3162/BRA/12: Press Cuttings.
Papers of the Records Preservation Section, comprising:
ACC/3162/RPS/01: Committee minutes and papers;
ACC/3162/RPS/02: Correspondence;
ACC/3162/RPS/03: Correspondence and memoranda;
ACC/3162/RPS/04: Publications;
ACC/3162/RPS/05: Correspondence and circulars;
ACC/3162/RPS/06: Correspondence concerning types;
ACC/3162/RPS/07: Salvage correspondence;
ACC/3162/RPS/08: Correspondence concerning staff;
ACC/3162/RPS/09: Related documentation;
ACC/3162/RPS/10: Family and Estate records;
ACC/3162/RPS/11: Related documentation;
ACC/3162/RPS/12: Minutes;
ACC/3162/RPS/13: Administrative files.
The focus of much of this collection is the academic work published by the British Music Therapy Society, chiefly the scholarly work delivered at Society conferences and published in the Society newsletter, later journal. This work mainly consists of research into possible uses of music in various therapeutic contexts with a variety of different potential patients. Research is mainly of a practical or observational nature, usually consisting of case studies of individuals or groups, though there is some research into the philosophical under-pinnings of music therapy. One of the main committees of the organisation was the Management Board of the Society Journal (LMA/4578/01/02), which deals with the content and editorial direction of the journal.
Other records deal with the administration and decision making of the Society in the form of minutes of the executive committee, which ran the Society, and the minutes of other committees that were formed as required. One of these committees, the Fund Raising Sub-committee, later the Juliette Alvin Music Therapy Fund Sub- committee (LMA/4578/01/03/002), established the Juliette Alvin Trust to provide support for trainee music therapists.
The Administrative Officer files deal with much of the day to day running of the Society, including correspondence records and files that deal with its charitable status.
The collection also includes records of the internal and external communication of the Society (including newsletters for members, and information booklets and press articles to boost their profile).
Society for Music Therapy and Remedial Music x British Society for Music TherapyRecords of the Building Society Indemnities Committee, comprising minutes.
Building Society Indemnities CommitteeRecords of the Central Association of Bankers, a society promoting the interests of banks, comprising annual reports and accounts; minutes; circulars and reports.
Restricted access to later records.
Central Association of Bankers , society promoting the interests of banksExecutive Committee minute book of the Central St Pancras District Nursing Association. This volume was catalogued in 1974 by a member of Guildhall Library staff. The location of any further records is unknown.
Central St Pancras District Nursing AssociationVolume of rules, accounts, membership lists and minutes for the China Club, association of traders in China.
China Club , association of traders in chinaRecords of the City of London Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Association comprising: minute books, 1908-68 (Ms 12606-14); papers relating to the establishment, constitution and membership of the association, 1907-54 (Ms 12615); annual reports, 1947-55 (Ms 12616), balance sheets, 1951-1954 (Ms 12617); and correspondence, orders and other papers, 1945-1967 (Ms 12618-26). They were catalogued by Guildhall Library staff in 1968.
City of London Territorial and Auxiliary Forces AssociationMinutes and financial records of the Coal Pool, later the Colliery Pool, an association for sharing colliery insurance claims.
Coal Pool , insurance for collieries x Colliery Pool , insurance for collieriesRecords of the Committee of London Clearing Bankers, later known as the Committee of London and Scottish Bankers, including minute books of various Committees; papers relating to advertising, public relations, exhibitions and shows including photographs; papers relating to the banking information service; papers relating to bank staff associations and employment in banks; statistics; papers relating to banking arrangements for coal, gas, electricity, transport, iron and steel, shipbuilding, agriculture, industry, exports, small firms, students and the disabled; and papers relating to matters concerning banks including income tax, bank taxation, stamp duty, professional secrecy, nationalisation, security and fraud, hours of business, accounting procedures, legislation, investments, foreign currency and debit rates.
Restricted access to later records.
Committee of London Clearing Bankers x Committee of Bankers x Committee of London and Scottish BankersMinute books and circulars of the Consequential Loss Committee, part of the Fire Offices' Committee. Please note that permission must be obtained from the Association of British Insurers for access to records less than 75 years old. Contact details may be obtained from staff.
Fire Offices' Committee , Consequential Loss CommitteeRecords of the Corporation of Insurance Brokers, comprising constitutional documents, minutes, annual reports and accounts, financial material, membership records and other administrative papers.
Corporation of Insurance BrokersMinute book of the Debris Clearance Pool Committee.
Debris Clearance Pool CommitteeRecords of the District Surveyors Association, consisting of committee minutes dating from 1845, correspondence and subject files dating from 1907. There are also series of membership records, finance material, a large series of Parliamentary Acts and Bills and a series of court cases.
District Surveyors AssociationEastern Society of Master Pawnbrokers records comprise: minutes 1813-21, 1824-31 (Ms 22327) and correspondence and other papers, 1821-30 (Ms 22328). They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1987.
Eastern Society of Master PawnbrokersMinute books of the Engineering Offices Association, an association of engineering insurers.
Engineering Offices Association , association of engineering insurersRecords of the Federation of Commonwealth Chambers of Commerce, which comprise annual reports, minutes and reports of conferences.
Federation of Commonwealth Chambers of CommerceMinute book of the Fish Trades Consultative Council of London.
Fish Trades Consultative Council of LondonRecords of the Foreign Banks and Securities Houses Association including minutes, correspondence, annual reports, circulars and newsletters. Many of the correspondence files concern matters of general interest to the Association members, such as fraud and money laundering, taxation, liquidity, securities, mergers, foreign exchange and currency, supervision and regulation, banking codes of practice, legislation, and so on.
Access to records less than 30 years old should be sought from the Association of Foreign Banks (contact details may be obtained from staff).
Foreign Banks and Securities Houses Association , 1989-2003 Foreign Banks and Affiliates Association , 1947-1979 Foreign Banks Association , 1979-1989 Association of Foreign Banks , 2003-Friendly Society of Common Councilmen minute book.
Friendly Society of Common CouncilmenRecords of the Glasgow Rate and Salvage Association, comprising a deed of constitution.
Fire Offices' Committee , Glasgow Rate and Salvage AssociationRecords of predecessors of the Grain and Free Trade Association, as follows:
Cattle Feeding Stuffs Central Advisory Committee;
Edible Oil Association;
London Oil and Tallow Trades Association;
London Cattle Food Trade Association;
London Copra Association;
London Corn Exchange Importers' Association;
London Corn Trade Association;
London Port Area Grain Committee;
National Association of United Kingdom Oil and Oilseed Brokers;
National Federation of Corn Trade Associations;
United Associations Limited;
National Lubricating Oil and Grease Federation.
The records include minutes and agendas, financial accounts, cash books, ledgers, papers relating to arbitration and appeals, registers of members and samples books.
Various.Records of the Hide Shippers and Agents Association, comprising minutes of council, committee and members' meetings, and financial accounts.
Hide Shippers and Agents AssociationMinute book of the Home Office Vehicles Pool.
Accident Offices' Association , Home Office Vehicles PoolMemorandum and articles of association of the Incorporated Society of Liverpool Notaries.
Incorporated Society of Liverpool NotariesThe records of the Industrial Life Offices Association consist of minute books, annual accounts and files. The minute books appear to form an almost complete set, except for those of the Executive, which end in 1977; and those of the Quarterly Meeting, which end in 1956. From 1920, the minute books are annotated with reference numbers, apparently referring to supporting papers, the whereabouts of which are unknown.
Industrial Life Offices Association x Association of Industrial Assurance Companies and Collecting Friendly SocietiesRecords of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, including charter, minutes of the Council and various Committees; committee reports; bye-laws; circulars; correspondence; legal papers; legal advice; precedent books of complaints; membership lists and registers; scrapbooks; and papers regarding the International Congress of Accounting.
Records of the Institute of Accountants; including minute books; rules and regulations; and letter books.
Records of the Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors; including minute books; registers of members; and papers relating to staff.
Records of Chartered Accountants' Trustees Limited and associated funds, records of Chartered Accountants' Charities Limited and records of The Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies Limited (CCAB)
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MAIN MEMBERSHIP RECORDS AND INDEXES HAVE BEEN RETAINED BY THE INSTITUTE AND ONLY SUBSIDIARY RECORDS ARE HELD AT LMA. All enquiries about membership should therefore be directed to the Registrar, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Gloucester House, 399 Silbury Boulevard, Central Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK9 2HL.
ICAEW , Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales x Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and WalesInstitute of London Underwriters records as follows: General Meetings minutes (Ms 31840); annual reports (Ms 31841); Committee minutes and agendas (Mss 31842-4); minutes of various lesser committes and sub-committees (Mss 31845-62); registers of members (Ms 31863); ledgers and cash books (Mss 31864-7); circulars (Mss 31868-9); clauses books (Ms 31870); out-letter books (Mss 31871-80); and miscellaneous papers (Mss 31881-97). The 1884 Memorandum and Articles of Association can be found in vol. 1 of the registers of members (Ms 31863).
A cut-off date of 1960 was applied, and volumes or series (other than Circulars) continuing after this date may only be consulted by readers who have written permission from the donor: ask a member of staff for more information.
Institute of London UnderwritersRecords of the Institute of Masters of Wine, comprising minute book of the Education Committee, correspondence and cartoons depicting wine tastings.
Institute of Masters of WineMinutes of the Insurance Companies (War Settlement) Committee.
Insurance Companies (War Settlement) Committee