Adult education

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Bereik aantekeningen

  • The offering of learning opportunities in professional and vocational development, personal development, and social development to adults.
  • Offre de formation destinée aux adultes pour favoriser leur développement professionnel, technique, personnel et social.
  • Oferta de formación destinada a adultos para favorecer su desarrollo profesional, técnico, personal y social.

ron aantekeningen


Toon aantekening(en)

    Hiërarchische termen

    Adult education

    Gelijksoortige termen

    Adult education

    • UF Polyvalent adult education
    • UF Education polyvalente des adultes
    • UF Formation des adultes
    • UF Educación adulta
    • UF Formación dirigida a adultos

    31 Archivistische beschrijving results for Adult education

    GB 0074 A/LMH · Collectie · 1896-1948

    Records of the Lady Margaret Hall Settlement, including minutes, agendas and financial records.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0074 A/TOY · Collectie · 1884-1961

    Records of Toynbee Hall university settlement, including Education Committee minutes; Residents Meetings minutes; correspondence; annual reports; financial reports; memorandum and articles of association; educational syllabuses and evening courses; papers of clubs and societies; visitors' books; press cuttings; magazines; pamphlets; plans; photographs and slides.

    Zonder titel
    CAMERON, Alice (b 1892)
    GB 0106 7ACA · Archief · 1945-1949

    Typescript of autobiographical book on Germany at the end of the Second World War, 1945-1949 by Alice Cameron. Having worked for the Allied Control Commission in Germany from 1945 to 1949, and thereafter in various British education centres, Alice Cameron's book details her impressions of, and opinions about, Germany and its people at the end of the Second World War. The typescript is in five parts.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0103 GILCHRIST · 1805-1999

    Papers of the Gilchrist Educational Trust, 1805-1999, including minutes, 1865-1995; annual reports, 1874-1940; Secretary's reports to the Trustees, 1941-1948; Trustees accounts, 1865-1979, and other financial papers, 1890-1977; legal papers, 1841-1955, including probate copy of the will of John Borthwick Gilchrist, 1841 and deeds of appointment of Trustees, 1911-1999; papers relating to John Borthwick Gilchrist, 1805-1948 including Grants of Arms to Gilchrist, photographs, engraving from a picture of Gilchrist painted by Sir Henry Raeburn and papers relating to Gilchrist's tomb; minutes of special meetings of the Trustees; Trustee's correspondence; memoranda and reports to the Trustees; papers relating to the Fison Memorial Fund, 1925-1965, including agreements for publications of lectures; balance sheets, annual accounts and pass book; publications by and about the Trust, 1881-1976 and correspondence, 1880-1984.

    Zonder titel
    GB 2381 WHM · 1898-1970

    Records of the West Ham College of Technology and its predecessors, 1898-1970, comprising:

    Minutes of the Board of Governors, 1959-1965; Minutes of the Board of Studies, 1924-1960; Minutes of the Academic Board, 1964-1969; minutes and report of the University Board, 1933-1958; Board of Education circulars, 1911-1919;

    Correspondence and general administration, 1911-1970, notably the establishment of the new Polytechnic, 1968-1970;Annual Report, 1966-1967;

    Day student lists (incomplete),1914-1961; Sessional reports for evening and part-time courses (incomplete), 1905-1957; Fee Registers, 1949-1955; Exam results (incomplete), [1914]-1957;

    Exam papers, 1951-1956; Prospectuses and Course Handbooks (incomplete), 1899-1970;

    Records of the Engineering Department, 1904-1962; Financial records (incomplete), 1948-1970; Records of the Students' Union and its Clubs (incomplete), 1930-1970; Staff and student publications, 1963-1970; Student Laboratory Reports, 1955-1964;

    Minutes of the Technical Instruction Committee of the County Borough of West Ham, 1898-1918; Minutes of Council and Reports of Committees of the County Borough of West Ham, 1946-1964; Minutes of Education Committee of the County Borough of West Ham, 1954-1963.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0074 LMA/4524 · Collectie · 1888-2000

    Records of the Mary Ward Centre, formerly known as the Mary Ward Settlement and the Passmore Edwards Settlement. Also some records of predecessor institutions University Hall Settlement and Marchmont Hall; and associated organisations such as the Holborn Community Centre and the Association of Principals of Literary Institutes and Colleges.

    The records include papers relating to the foundation of the Settlement, particularly correspondence of Mary Ward with supporters and benefactors; minutes of the Council, the Finance and General Purposes Committee and other Committees; administrative and financial files relating to the daily running of the Settlement and the maintenance of Settlement property; papers of the Chairman and Wardens which relate to the management of the Settlement and reflect the interests of individual wardens, particularly relating to adult education provision in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s; papers relating to various appeals to raise funds to prevent the closure of the Settlement; and papers relating to grant applications.

    Also papers relating to the activities of the Settlement including prospectuses and syllabi outlining adult education courses; papers of youth clubs, vacation schools, evening play centres, clubs for the elderly and clubs for women; papers relating to the School for Invalid Children; papers relating to the provision of financial and legal advice; papers regarding the introduction of computing services in the early 1990s; press cuttings and photographs. The collection also includes some personal papers of Mary Ward and her daughter Dorothy Ward.

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    O/071 · Collectie · 1878

    School Board for London: Clifton Road School; card for punctual and regular attendance awarded to S. T. Beets, 1878.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0074 A/FMC · Collectie · 1874-1961

    Records of the Working Women's College, later known as the Frances Martin College for Women. The records listed here cover the history of the college from its foundation in 1874 until 1957, a period of 88 years. Minutes of council and AGMs from 1874 onwards, kept in the hand of Miss Frances Martin until 1920 almost without a break, annual prospectuses and an almost complete series of annual reports exist. These, together with college magazines and scrapbooks give a very full picture of the life and activities of the college since its foundation, and reveal the remarkable enthusiasm and dedicated service of all those who have been connected with it which have carried it forward successfully over the years through good times and bad.

    Zonder titel
    Lillie, John (1806-1866)
    GB 0120 MSS.3286-3287 · 1842-1855

    The collection comprises lectures on scientific subjects delivered by Lillie at the Mechanics' Institutes of Launceston and Hobart, Tasmania.

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    GB 0096 MS 866 · 1969-1973

    Papers and printed material, 1969-1972, of the Russell Committee on Adult Education.

    Zonder titel
    Milligan, Frank
    GB 0096 MS 867 · 1924-1968

    The papers, 1924-1968, provide details of the running of various educational institutions, and the subject of adult education, education for the unemployed, and community learning in general.

    Zonder titel
    GB 2381 SEET · 1936-1970

    Records of the South East Essex Technical College, later Barking Regional College of Technology, 1936-1970, comprising:

    Prospectuses, 1936-1969 [incomplete]; records of the Social and General Studies, Commercial and Science Departments, 1949-1970, notably manuscript lecture notes of Frederick A Filby, lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and Biology, [1954-1965]; joint reports of the Association of Technical Institutions, the Association of Principals of Technical Institutions and the Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions, relating to the design of technical colleges, 1935,1938; programmes for opening ceremonies and prize giving, 1936-1966; photographs mostly of the exterior of South East Essex Technical College, [1940s-1960s]; press cuttings, [1947-1970]; reports and histories relating to the formation of North East London Polytechnic, 1962-1969; Borough of Barking Council minutes, 1938-1965; County Council of Essex Health Committee minutes, 1952.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0097 HARRISON · 1840-1931

    Correspondence to and from Frederic and Ethelberta Harrison, including family correspondence and photocopies of Harrison's correspondence with Edward Spencer Beesly; Frederic Harrison's writings and speeches, including diaries on subjects such as the cotton famine in Lancashire, essays on subjects such as positivism, peoples education and the French Revolution, autobiographical notes, and ephemera; and press cuttings.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0366 BF · Collectie · c1930s-1980s

    Papers of Brenda Francis, 1930s-1980s, comprising a large collection of photographs of domestic science, home economics, needlework, cookery, child care and homecraft teaching in London schools, possibly compiled as a reference collection intended for the use of teachers; minutes, circulated papers and reports of the United Kingdom Federation for Education in Home Management, 1954-1962; some printed material about home economics education.

    Photographs: Large collection of photographs of domestic science, home economics, needlework, cookery, child care and homecraft teaching in London schools and other educational institutions such as open-air schools and teachers centres from the 1930s to the 1980s, possibly compiled as a reference collection intended for the use of teachers;

    Publications: Printed material about home economics education, including works published by the ILEA, booklets published by the International Federation of Home Economics, relating to the 10th and 12th international congresses, regulations on teaching domestic education in 19th and 20th century, a publication of the Administration of Home Economics Education in Finland, a reference pack for teachers of pupils of ESN(s) [Severely educationally sub-normal] schools, and a work published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.;

    Minutes and Papers: Relating to the meetings, activities and correspondence of the United Kingdom Federation for Education in Home Management.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0366 GRT · Collectie · 1971-2001

    Papers of the Group Relations Training Association (GTRA), 1971-2001, comprising GTRA publications including leaflets; fliers for special events, 1983-1990; Annual General Meeting notices and reports, 1983-1986; Calendar of Events, 1983-1986; Newsletter, 1973, 1983-1992; conference fliers, 1983-1984 and 1993-1994; Annual Training Laboratory fliers, 1983-1991; Bulletin, 1976-1988; 'Group Relations', 1989-1992 and 'The Groupvine', 1992-1995. Papers relating to conferences, mainly comprising committee minutes, planning materials and conference notes, 1971-1988. Papers relating to the Training Labs including on finance, correspondence, membership and applications, 1981-1995. Papers relating to the Executive Committee including minutes and papers on membership and publicity, 1971-1989. Papers on GTRA events including 'The gift relationship', at Beechwood College, Leeds, 1981; 'Women and men' workshop, 1981; 'Mini-Society' event at Beechwood College, Leeds, 1983; 'Mini-economy' event at Beechwood College, Leeds, 1985; 'Mini-economy II' event, 1986 (cancelled) and Berlin Summer School ('Men and women in groups'), 1987. Cassette tapes, including of an interview with Cary Cooper on T groups, 13 Mar 1986; a GRTA Workshop, 2 Sep 1983 and a rehearsal for GRTA Conference, 1985. Academic papers on training groups including PhD thesis by Nod Miller 1989, 'Personal experience, adult learning and social research: developing a sociological imagination in and beyond the T-Group' (University of Manchester) and MSc in Group Relations thesis by Guy Marsden Wareing 2001, 'Pilgrim's Process: making sense of experiential group events through narrative accounts of participants' (University of the West of England, Bristol).

    Zonder titel
    GB 0366 WIL · Collectie · 1945-2005

    Papers of Ronald (Ronnie) Wilson, mainly relating to his career in adult education in Germany and England, 1945-2005, including: biographical information on Wilson, 1992-2005; papers related to his work in post-war Germany, 1945-1963; papers regarding his career in adult education in the UK, 1950-[2003]; writings and papers by Wilson and others on various subjects regarding adult education in Germany and the UK, educational reconstruction in post war Germany, 1947-2002; conference papers collected by Wilson from Anglo-German conferences, German adult education conferences, and other conferences on adult education mainly after his return to the UK, 1952-2002; general correspondence, 1952-1996; papers regarding prominent adult educationalists, 1947-1999; and photographs, 1952-2003.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0074 LMA/4550 · Collectie · [1970]-2010

    Records of the Clapton Youth Centre, including Senior Members Defence Committee and Committee for the Defence of Clapton Youth Centre minutes and papers; nightly report sheets; Jean Tate, Tutor Warden (later Head)'s correspondence files concerning policy, disciplinary hearings, papers concerning campaigns and events based at the Centre including Anselm Samuel, Tutor in Charge (later Outreach Worker); the death of Colin Roach in Stoke Newington and Colin Roach Family Support Committee (joint campaign with Hackney Black Peoples Association); New Cross Fire demonstrations; trip to Grenada during the Revolution in 1980; related leaflets, posters, photographs and audio cassette tapes.

    The records demonstrate how the Centre was run, and how relations deteriorated between the Centre and its parent, the Inner London Education Authority. The papers of the campaigns which were run from the Centre are particularly valuable for research on local issues in Hackney, as well as wider activism in the Black community. The photographs, slides and negatives are also a strong element in the collection, documenting the Centre's activities and related campaigns such as Colin Roach demonstrations and support given to the Knight family.

    Records containing personal information concerning Jean Tate and Anslem Samuel are available for general access as those individuals have requested this access rule during their lifetimes. Records containing personal information relating to staff are not available for general access and have been restricted for 84 years from the last date in each file. Records containing personal information relating to members (who were aged 12 years and above) are not available for general access and have been restricted for 88 years from the last date in each file.

    Audio-visual material is available for access by appointment only.

    Zonder titel
    Leyton Technical Institute
    GB 2381 LEY · 1898-1938

    Records of the Leyton Technical Institute, later Leyton Technical College, 1898-1938, comprising:

    Press cuttings, 1898-1907, 1932 [note: currently closed due to poor condition]; prospectus for the Evening Classes, winter session, 1923-1924; invitations and programmes for prize giving ceremonies, 1921-1932; invitation and programmes for exhibitions of work by the students from the School of Art, 1928-1930; 'LETS Review', nos 2-3, 1924, magazine of the Leyton Engineering and Trade School; 'Leyton Technical College Magazine', July 1938; annual sports day programmes, 1924-1932; booklet containing football fixtures for season 1933-1934.

    Zonder titel
    GB 1924 WEA Central Labour College · 1909-1918

    Archives of the Central Labour College comprising minute book, 1909-1918, and legal papers relating to a dispute between the warden and the Governors, 1918.

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    GB 1924 WEA E.G. · 1920s-1960s

    Papers of Ernest Green relating to the Workers' Education Association (WEA), comprising correspondence files, 1920s-1960s, and publications containing articles by him, 1934-1960s.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0372 BISHOPSGATE INSTITUTE · Archief · 1891-2010

    Papers and administrative archive of the Bishopsgate Institute, 1891-2005, including: minute books and papers of Board of Governors meetings, Institute Committee and Sub-Committee meetings, 1891-1980; ephemera, press cuttings, correspondence, press releases, deeds, promotional material and other papers relating to all aspects of the Institute's activities, property and work, including its foundation, public events, educational courses, Institute structure and staffing, internal events, the Library and other departments, 1891-2005; photographs, illustrations, maps and plans of the Bishopsgate Institute and covering all areas of the Institute's activity, 1895-2005; personal papers, certificates, obituaries and other ephemera and other material concerning Institute founder and Rector of St Botolph's, William Rogers, c1860-1896; papers of Institute librarian, Charles Frederick Goss, including material relating to his work at the Institute, publications and minute books and other material concerning the Society of Public Librarians, c1897-1941; papers of Institute Governor Geoffrey Ince concerning his work at the Institute and his own research into his family umbrella manufacture business, James Ince and Sons, 1993-1997.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0097 NCLC · Collectie · 1921-1964

    Constitution of the National Council of Labour Colleges; minutes of the conference on Class Co-ordination; papers of the executive committee, the annual conference, the annual meeting, and the publication sub-committee; and annual reports by the secretary and the executive sub-committee on the financing and running of the colleges and classes.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0366 CR · Collectie · 1945, 1963-1985

    Papers regarding Cynthia Reynolds career as an advisory teacher for the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) including, writings by Cynthia Reynolds, including reports for the ILEA and published writings, 1970-1983; papers regarding home economics curriculum development in secondary schools, 1945, 1968-1983, including sample syllabuses and exam papers from across the UK and overseas, development of in-service courses for teachers, ILEA publications and general files on curriculum development with reference to home economics; papers regarding the development for parenting courses in secondary schools, 1963-1985, including development within the ILEA, developments outside London and writings about parenting courses; Health and Nutrition education publications from the ILEA and other local education authorities, 1972-1985; ILEA lower school projects in home economics, 1979-1983; papers regarding home economics in further education, 1972-1985, including Reynolds MA dissertation; and general publications on home economics education.

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    GB 0366 IAL · Collectie · 1984-1988

    Correspondence, memoranda and reports of Edward Rosen, Director of the Networks for Informal Adult Learning, 1984-1988.

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    ACC/3537 · Collectie · 1985

    Adult Education VHS videos: "Teaching English as a second language in the Post School Sector", 1985 and "Teaching adult literacy Unit A: A mixed ability class", 1980s.

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    GB 2381 SWET · 1938-1977

    Records of the South West Essex Technical College and School of Art, later Waltham Forest Technical College and School of Art, 1938-1977, comprising:

    Minutes and reports of boards and committees (very incomplete), 1938-1970; Annual Reports, 1939-1965; Constitution of the new Waltham Forest Technical College and School of Art, 1965; Constitution of the Students' Union, 1954; Armorial bearings of the South West Essex Technical College and School of Art; [1959]; Programmes and invitations for ceremonies and events, 1939-1963, notably the official opening ceremony of the College in 1939; Prospectuses and course handbooks (incomplete), 1938-1969; Publications, student magazines and staff articles, 1938-1977; Press cuttings, 1945-1977; Photographs of students, classrooms and the College building, [1950s]-1973; Prints, drawings and maps which were once framed and decorated the walls of the College, 1648-[1950s]; Staff and Student Theses, [1941]-1963.

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    GB 2381 WTC · 1920-1938

    Records of the Walthamstow Technical Institute, later Walthamstow Technical College, 1920-1938, comprising:

    Prospectuses, 1920, 1932; 'The Anvil', Magazine of Walthamstow Technical College, 1936-1938.

    Zonder titel
    WESTROP, M E (fl 1928-1948)
    GB 0101 ICS 104 · 1928-1948

    Papers of Miss M E Westrop, Inspector of Schools, Ceylon, relating to education in Ceylon, 1928-1948: comprising information for Inspectors, including Inspectors' Manual, 1945; papers on syllabuses and training courses on the teaching of English as a second language, adult education and the Practical Teaching Test; papers on broadcasts to schools from the Colombo Radio Station, 1939-1942, including 'Great Britain at War', 'Girls' Education in Ceylon, covering a period of 20 years', other synopses of talks by Miss Westrop and typescript of farewell broadcast by Miss Westrop, 1948.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0366 HR · Collectie · c1920-1980s

    Papers of Harry Alfred Rée, comprising a small amount of very general correspondence, most dating from 1969-1974; letters to the press, 1964-1976; lectures, including to students at the University of York and to teachers' associations; addresses and scripts of broadcasts, 1950s-1970s; articles, reviews and other writings, 1940s-1970s. The collection also includes a substantial amount of material relating to Henry Morris and his contemporaries. Some of this is original material, 1920s-1960s, such as correspondence with Morris; writings, broadcasts and speeches by Morris; press cuttings and other biographical material; printed materials relating to the village colleges; photographs; audio- and video-tapes. The remainder comprises material generated by Rée as a result of his research on Morris, 1969-1980s, including correspondence with friends and colleagues of Morris and drafts of chapters for an edited volume of Morris's writings.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0366 TY · Collectie · 1918-1955

    Papers of Richard Henry Tawney, 1918-1955, comprising material relating to the University Grants Committee; correspondence, including with Shena Dorothy Simon (Education Officer, Workers Educational Association), Harold Charles Shearman (Hon Secretary, Council for Educational Advance), Harry Nutt (General Secretary, WEA) and ministers of education; manuscript notes on subjects relating to educational fees; collected publications and printed material from organisations, including the Fabian Society, the Ministry of Education and the Labour Party; and press cuttings.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0102 IMC/CBMS/A · 1910-1945

    Joint archive, largely dating from 1910-1945, of the International Missionary Council and Conference of British Missionary Societies, relating to co-operative missionary endeavours in Africa (chiefly British Africa, but also including areas under Belgian, Portuguese and French control).

    General files on Africa include records on missionary work and related issues including land rights, colonial administration, diet, co-operative organizations, customs including polygamy, initiation, and witchcraft, medical work, and alcohol traffic; the IMC and its relation to African mission councils; International Institute of African Languages and Cultures; population and health in Africa; Africa Education Group, relating to educational policy, provision and finance, including women's education, training of educational missionaries, African marriage customs and their relation to Christian practice, adult education, and missionary work in rural areas; High Leigh (Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire) Conference (1924) on educational missionary work in Africa; Le Zoute Conference (1926) on missionary work in Africa; educational policy; Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies, relating to Colonial Office policy (including British colonies outside Africa), the topics including women's education, use of the vernacular and bilingualism, teacher training, language teaching, social and economic development, finance, indigenous art, biology, superannuation, English examinations, and higher education teaching materials, with sections relating to particular African colonies.

    Files on East Africa include general records on British colonial policy and administration, agriculture, and Swahili; and education in East Africa. Files on Kenya include records on the Kenya Missionary Council and Christian Council of Kenya; the political situation and land question; indigenous labour and slavery; Indian population; and educational policy, practice, finance, the conscience clause in religious education, women's education, and educational advisor; and correspondence on missionary work and related issues. Files on Tanganyika include records on the Tanganyika Missionary Council, relations between different missionary societies, indigenous life, colonial administration, German and other missions; Tanganyika Mission Property Trust; and education in Tanganyika. Files on Uganda include records on land tenure, education, including women's education, and Swahili; and missionary societies in Ruanda-Urundi. Files on Abyssinia comprise records on missionary work and religious freedom, including the Italian occupation.

    Files on West Africa include general records on education, including the Phelps Stokes Commission. Files on the Gold Coast include records on education, colonial administration, the Basel Mission, the Bremen Mission and other missionary societies, the Christian Council of the Gold Coast, medical and educational missionary work. Files on Sierra Leone include records on education. Files on Nigeria include records on the Christian Council of Nigeria and other Christian and missionary organisations and on education. Files on the Cameroons include records on various missionary societies. Files on French Africa include records on education.

    Files on French West & Equatorial Africa include records on missionary activity and education. Files on the Congo include records on the Congo Protestant Council, missionary activity and conferences, religious freedom and interdenominational relations including Roman Catholicism; Belgian government policy regarding missions and the Brussels Bureau representing Belgian missions; education; and missionary work of various nations.

    Files on Portuguese Africa include records on missionary work, including medical work, and interdenominational relations; religious liberty, Portuguese government policy, and the Lisbon Centre for liaison. Files on Portuguese West Africa include records on the Angola Evangelical Alliance, Portuguese colonial administration, and various missionary societies. Files on Portuguese East Africa include records on the Portuguese East Africa Evangelical Missionary Association, work of various missionary societies, religious liberty and Portuguese government policy.

    Files on Central Africa and Nyasaland include records on colonial administration, work of missionary societies, land tenure, indigenous labour and slavery, and on colonial educational policy in Nyasaland. Files on Northern Rhodesia include records on the General Missionary Conference of Northern Rhodesia, colonial administration, mining, and education; and on the United Missions in the Copperbelt, including its foundation, policy, annual reports, finance, miners' unrest, property, education policy, women's work, social welfare, literature and literacy, British Committee, correspondence with other societies, reorganisation, Team/Field Committee, and personnel. Files on Southern Rhodesia include records on the South Rhodesia Missionary Conference, indigenous affairs including land tenure, education, indigenous preachers, and colonial administration. Files on South Africa include records on the General Missionary Conference of South Africa and the Christian Council of South Africa, missionary work, indigenous affairs including land tenure, interethnic relations, and education. Files on South and South West Africa includes records on German missions and indigenous affairs. Files on the protectorates of Swaziland, Basutoland and Bechuanaland include records on education and the transfer of the protectorates to South Africa.

    There are also files on the Egypt Mission Property Trust.

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