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Descripción archivística
GB 0074 CLC/L/PF · Colección · 1600? - 1899?

Records of the Worshipful Company of Pinmakers. The records have been compiled from the 17th to the 19th centuries. They include a copy of the charter of incorporation of 1605, and a photocopy of a memorandum and account book [1464?]-1510.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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GB 0074 CLC/L/PG · Colección · 1571-1953

Records of Worshipful Company of Plaisterers. The records of the Company were compiled between 1571 and 1953, but they include deeds dating from 1545. They also include a translation of the 1501 charter. Records include a register of freedom admissions, 1763-1874; quarterage books, 1604-34 (incomplete) and 1661-97; Court minute books; financial accounts and records relating to properties.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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GB 0074 CLC/L/SA · Colección · 1555-1995

Records of the Worshipful Company of Saddlers, 1555-1995. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

The most significant records are listed below, with location of original and copies (if any):

a) Charter of James I, 1607 (at Saddlers' Hall)
b) Charter of Charles II, 1684 (at Saddlers' Hall)
c) Charter of Elizabeth II, 1995 (at Saddlers' Hall; photograph at Guildhall Library, Ms 29915)
d) "Record book", 1364-1698 (at Saddlers' Hall; photographic copy at Guildhall Library, Ms 05385A)
e) Ordinance and subscription book 1560-date (original at Saddlers' Hall; microfilm copy at Guildhall Library, Ms 30000)
f) Court minute book, 1606-65 (Guildhall Library Ms 05385)
g) Audit book, 1555-1822 (Guildhall Library Ms 05384)
h) Apprentice binding register, 1800-1962 (at Saddlers' Hall; microfilm copy at Guildhall Library, Ms 30491)
i) Alphabetical list of pensioners, 1831-1929 (at Saddlers' Hall; microfilm copy at Guildhall Library, Ms 30490)
j) Court minutes from 1892, account books from 1904 and wardens' minutes from 1914 (at Saddlers' Hall). There is a full list in the Saddlers' Company accession file
k) Database of all known members of the company compiled from the 1950s from various sources including the records listed above and the records of City freedoms (at Saddlers' Hall)

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GB 0074 CLC/L/SH · Colección · 1629-1997

Records of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers, including registers of freedom admissions 1699-1873; apprentice bindings 1694-1860; charters; ordinances; grant of arms; Court minute books; financial accounts and rent ledger.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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GB 0074 CLC/L/TG · Colección · 1572-2003

Records of the Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers. The records have been compiled from 1572, but they include a copy of the 1571 ordinances, and deeds dating from 1538. They also include registers of freedom admissions from 1676, and of apprentice bindings from 1612.

Records of Tylers' and Bricklayers' almshouses: ledger, 1836-1937 (Ms 04860), extracts from Company records concerning the foundation of the almshouses (Ms 31385), and papers concerning the election of individuals to the almshouses, 1873-1902 (Ms 31391). Further references may be found in other Company records such as minutes and accounts.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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GB 0074 DRO/076 · Colección · 1897-1987

Records of the parish of Saint Faith, Brentford, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations, banns of marriage, and church services; sermon note books; financial accounts; Parochial Church Council minute books; Vestry minute books; and parish magazines.

Also papers of the Brentford and Chiswick Housing Association comprising minutes, reports, financial accounts and correspondence.

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GB 0074 CLC/002 · Colección · 1704-1989


Records of the Antiquarian Horological Society, comprising: AGM notices, 1966-date (Ms 20510); minutes, 1950-70 (Ms 20511, 20512-13, 20575); lists of members, 1957-67 (Ms 20511A); publicity material, 1954-ca. 1974 (Ms 20514-15); Benjamin Gray's daybook, 1704-26 (Ms 23726); Robert Gardner's commonplace book, ca. 1887 (Ms 29842); and miscellaneous papers, ca. 1915-89 (Ms 29186-7A, 29287, 29292, 30794-4A).

Ms 20514 is a series of printed pamphlets recording the history of the Society in a summary form, 1955-ca. 1974.

They were catalogued at various dates from 1983 by members of Guildhall Library staff. Access to records should be sought from the Society (contact details may be obtained from the enquiry desk).

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GB 0074 CLC/051 · Colección · 1863

Request of the City of London Temperance Union to the Licensing Justices in Petty Sessions, requesting that the justices should consider the question of the withholding of licences or restricting the opening hours of public houses in the City.

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GB 0074 CLC/076 · Colección · 1935-1997

Records of the Institute of Masters of Wine, comprising minute book of the Education Committee, correspondence and cartoons depicting wine tastings.

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GB 0074 CLC/096 · Colección · 1910-1939

Minute books of the No 1 Cornhill Club, a professional association for insurers.

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GB 0074 CLC/103 · Colección · 1783-1790

Papers of the Society for the Benefit of the Widows of the Clergy, comprising petitions to the Society and letters patent.

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GB 0074 CLC/104 · Colección · 1774-1828

Memorandum book including copy letters to the Court of the East India Company; bye-laws and resolutions of the Society; and printed East India Company notices.

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GB 0074 CLC/124 · Colección · 1828-1968

Records of the Mitchell City of London Charity and Educational Foundation comprising Charity Commission schemes 1900-6, 1956 (Ms 24503); agendas and minutes 1931-60 (Ms 24504-7); annual statements of accounts 1932-68 (Ms 24508); out-letter book 1901-24 (Ms 24509); register of assignments of tenancies of Foundation properties ca. 1905-63 (Ms 24510); deeds and correspondence re Foundation properties 1828-1953 (Ms 24511-19); microfilm of deeds of Foundation properties 1895-1906 as at 1941 (Ms 24520).

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GB 0074 CLC/126 · Colección · 1820-2002

Records of the Royal Scottish Corporation, comprising copy charters, byelaws and grant of arms (Ms 35760); minutes and related papers 1831-1834, 1877-1990 (Ms 35761-4); annual reports and accounts and other financial records 1935-2002 (Ms 35765-72); correspondence 1936-1993 (Ms 35773-80); seal register 1935-1992 (Ms 35781); papers re subscribers and legacies 1894-1969 (Ms 35782-5); papers re festival dinners 1820, 1906-1998 (Ms 35786-90); papers re St Andrews Soldiers' Home 1914-72 and St Andrews Scottish Soldiers' Club Fund 1980 (Ms 35791); correspondence re the London Scottish Regiment War Memorial Fund 1957-62 (Ms 35792); minutes, financial papers and register of pension payments of the Kinloch Bequest 1877-1992 (Ms 35793-801); minutes, financial records and correspondence of the Freer Trust 1915-62 (Ms 35802-8); correspondence relating to the hall, property and insurances 1864-1988 (Ms 35809-10); and press cuttings and miscellaneous items 1829-1995 (Ms 35811-2).

Please note that access to some financial records less than 30 years old is restricted. Access to records less than 50 years old which contain personal information is also restricted. 24 hours notice is required for access to all the records.

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GB 0074 CLC/127 · Colección · 1871-1958

Records of Sion Hospital, including minutes, lists of trustees and pensioners, deeds and legal papers, accounts, correspondence, and related items.

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GB 0074 CLC/143 · Colección · [1951]-1986.

Printed material and circular letters relating to the Help Yourself Society, a fundraising charity.

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GB 0074 CLC/144 · Colección · 1797-1912

Records of the Huguenot Friendly Benefit Society comprising minutes, lists of members, and financial records.

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GB 0074 CLC/146 · Colección · 1892-1982

Records of the London Poor Clergy Holiday Fund including: annual reports and accounts, 1918-1968 (in Ms 24920); minutes and meetings papers, 1949-1980 (Ms 24918); financial records, 1892-1982 (Mss 24919, 24923); lists of subscribers, 1892-1982 (Mss 24919-20); records of applicants, 1918-1919, 1937-1939 (Mss 24921-2). Please note that many of these series are incomplete.

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GB 0074 CLC/147 · Colección · 1910-1916

Minute book of the Mining and Metallurgical Club, 1910-1916, with a note dated 2010.

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GB 0074 CLC/154 · Colección · 1829-1877

Minute book of the committee of the Western City Dispensary.

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GB 0074 CLC/212 · Colección · 1806-1846

Papers of the City of London School of Instruction and Industry. The records include minutes, accounts, registers of pupils, reports, letter books and administrative papers.

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GB 0074 CLC/215-18 · Colección · 1533-1991

Records of the Aldgate and Allhallows Barking Exhibition Foundation and predecessors Death's Charity and Starling's Trust, including minute books; conveyances; appointment of trustees; Chancery Court papers; financial accounts; schemes for management of the charity; litst of candidates and scholars; title deeds and other papers relating to properties owned by the Charity.

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HOWARD, Joseph Jackson (fl 1836-1890)
GB 0074 CLC/465 · Colección · 1836-[1899]

Papers of Joseph Jackson Howard, antiquary, including sketches and rubbings of monuments in churches, especially St Helen Bishopsgate, copies of inscriptions, some original manuscripts, transcripts of monumental inscriptions, notes on the Barber Surgeons' Company, and notes on the aldermen, recorders and chamberlains of the City of London.

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GB 0074 A/TOY · Colección · 1884-1961

Records of Toynbee Hall university settlement, including Education Committee minutes; Residents Meetings minutes; correspondence; annual reports; financial reports; memorandum and articles of association; educational syllabuses and evening courses; papers of clubs and societies; visitors' books; press cuttings; magazines; pamphlets; plans; photographs and slides.

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GB 0074 ACC/0660 · Colección · 1829-1881

Accounts book for Tottenham School of Industry.

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GB 0074 ACC/0746 · Colección · 1760-1920

Records relating to estates owned by Christs Hospital in East Bedfont, including letters, reports, leases, deeds and valuations.

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GB 0074 ACC/0825 · Colección · 1639-1889

Papers of the Robinson and Ramsay families, including deeds for Worton House and other lands in Isleworth, Twickenham and Hounslow; a deed of trust for the Robinson Charity, Isleworth; and deeds for Robson family property in Marylebone and Bray, Berkshire.

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GB 0074 ACC/0915 · Colección · 1887-1957

Records of the County of Middlesex Education Society including minute books; notices of meetings and lectures; cash books and published history of the society, 1877 to 1934.

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GB 0074 ACC/0916 · Colección · 1946-1965

Records of the Middlesex County Teachers' Association, including minutes of the Council; minutes and papers of the Middlesex Teachers' Association; minutes of the Executive Committee, Special Schools Sectional Committee, Secondary Sectional Committee, Primary Sectional Committee and Young Teachers' Sectional Committee; and administrative files and reports on subjects including salaries, school meals, sick pay, the reorganisation of London government, technical education, domestic science, remedial teachers, clerical assistance in schools, and the National Union of Teachers; correspondence files; and publications of the Association.

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GB 0074 ACC/1048 · Colección · 1932-1938

Correspondence and accounts of the Middlesex Guildhall Camera Club, also called the Staff Camera Club.

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GB 0074 ACC/1054 · Colección · 1928-1946

Papers of the Girls' Life Brigade Thames Valley Division, comprising minutes of Divisional Executive meetings, Divisional Annual meetings, and 1st Thames Valley Battalion Council meetings.

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GB 0074 ACC/1122 · Colección · 1566-1832

Receipts for various taxes paid in Middlesex, 1566-1724; also certificate by Lord Berkeley that he has examined the accounts of John Billington, Chief Bailiff and Clerk of the Peace in the Tower Liberty, 1762; printed list of members of the Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors, 1783 and letter from Sir Robert Peel concerning his intention to offer himself as a candidate for the County of Middlesex, 1832.

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GB 0074 CLC/B/127 · Colección · 1944-1988

Records of the Issuing Houses Association including executive committee minutes (Ms 29328), reports and accounts (Mss 29329-331), membership files (Mss 29332-3), copies of the Association's rules (Ms 29336) and a useful booklet about Issuing Houses and the Issuing Houses Association (Ms 29337).

Access to records less than 30 years old should be sought from the London Investment Banking Association (contact details may be obtained from a member of staff). The Association retains its more recent records. No other records are known to exist.

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GB 0074 CLC/B/227-048 · Colección · 1785-[1870]

Volume of rules, accounts, membership lists and minutes for the China Club, association of traders in China.

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GB 0074 CLC/L/AB · Colección · 1413-1985

Records of the Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers. The records were compiled from the early 15th century, but they include title deeds from 1290. Records include charters; ordinances; Court minute books; minute books of Master and Wardens meetings; papers relating to bursaries and benefactions; lists of Masters and Wardens; registers of apprentice bindings and freedom admissions; quarterage books; financial accounts; papers relating to charities and almshouses; papers relating to estates owned by the Company; inventories; plans of Armourer's Hall; deeds and other legal documents relating to property owned by the Company.

The archive also includes records of Camden almshouses, 1895 - 1947 (Ms 33960 and Ms 35052A, 2 production units). They include rules and orders, sale particulars, licences and correspondence. Further references may be found in other Company records such as minutes and accounts.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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GB 0074 CLC/L/AC · Colección · 1980

The grant of arms and grant of livery of the Worshipful Company of Actuaries, 1980.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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GB 0074 CLC/L/BC · Colección · 1618-1964

Records of the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers, compiled from 1618, but they including copies of earlier material dating from 1463. Records include ordinance book; financial accounts; Court minutes; quarterage books; registers of apprentices; registers of freedom admissions and lists of members.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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GB 0074 ACC/1337 · Colección · 1903-1975

Records of the Greater London Council (GLC) Staff Dramatic Club. The collection comprises a complete series of minute books from 1903, financial accounts, scrapbooks of programmes, notices, reviews, a rehearsal register and correspondence.

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GB 0074 ACC/1523 · Colección · 1933-1978

Records of the Hornsey Housing Trust, including minutes of the Committee of Management; shares prospectuses; rules of the Trust; annual reports; and financial accounts.

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GB 0074 ACC/2281 · Colección · 1973-1986

Records of the Assistant District Surveyors' Association, including Secretary's correspondence and papers; and subject files relating to building regulations and proposals affecting District Surveyors.

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GB 0074 ACC/2425 · Colección · 1895-1984

The collection contains minutes of the NUTC and the LUTC from their foundation to the 1950's. Files date from the 1940's to 1984. It also contains a minute book of the Sunday Closing Special Campaign Committee (SCSCC) which transferred its work to the NUTC in 1903 (this Committee may have been appointed by the NUTC). The secretary of the NUTC (and LUTC) also served as one of the two general secretaries on the SCSCC. A minute book of the Free Churches Pledge Signing Campaign Committee (FCPSCC) appears in the collection. This committee was dissolved in 1911. Representatives of the NUTC and LUTC attended meetings which were held in Memorial Hall, Farringdon Street, and in 1911 the secretary of the NUTC and LUTC was also secretary of the FCPSCC.

A minute book of the Society of Cogers appears in the collection probably because an NUTC member, H. Weightman (later NUTC secretary and treasurer), was acting secretary of the society c.1919.

The recording of financial income and expenditure into ledgers was not always done. A number of blank ledgers deposited suggest the aim of entering such information, but it was never achieved. An almost complete set of audited, annual summary accounts from 1911 to 1975 provide the bulk of information on finance.

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GB 0074 ACC/2450 · Colección · 1866-1977

Records of the Surrey Tabernacle Benefit Society, including Management Committee minutes; subscriptions and benefits books; sick pay books; audited accounts; register of deaths; correspondence; and death benefit nominations.

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GB 0074 CLC/B/016 · Colección · 1860-1995

Records of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, as follows:-

Ms 17363 - Articles of association;
Mss 17364-7 - Affiliated chambers, United Kingdom and overseas;
Mss 14476-7 - Executive council;
Mss 14478-9, 14485, 17394-5 - Standing, advisory and special committees;
Mss 17368-72 - General purposes committee;
Mss 17373-83 - Internal organisation, personnel and visitors;
Mss 17384-6 - Circulars and out-letter files;
Mss 17387 - Meeting with Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Finance and taxation division:-
Mss 14480 -1 - committee minutes;
Ms 17388 - circulars;
Mss 17389-93 - press releases and newsletters;
Mss 17394-475 - subject files, listed alphabetically;
Ms 17476 - printed booklets.

Home affairs division:-
Mss 14482-4 - committee minutes;
Ms 17477 - circulars;
Mss 14485 and Ms 17478-94 - education committee papers and education subject files;
Mss 14488 and Ms 17495-9 - post office services committee papers and postal subject files;
Mss 17500-1 - power committee papers and power and fuel subject file;
Mss 14485-6 and Ms 17502-37 - transport committee papers and transport subject files;
Mss 17538-50 - other subject files, listed alphabetically;
Ms 17551 - printed booklets.

Overseas division:-
Mss 14487 and 17552 - committee minutes and papers;
Ms 17553 - circulars;
Mss 17554-63 - subject files, listed alphabetically;
Mss 17564-83 - correspondence and papers relating to outside bodies and other trade organisations;
Ms 17584 - files labelled miscellaneous;
Mss 17585-8 - printed booklets;
Mss 17589-93 - Association of Secretaries of British Chambers of Commerce.
Mss 17593/A-C Statistics and report.

In addition to the committee minutes, the five series of circulars (Mss 17384, 17388, 17477, 17553 and 17592) will be found to supplement the subject files which form the bulk of the Association's archives.

Also papers of the National Chamber of Trade, including minutes, register of members, circulars, press cuttings and handbooks.

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GB 0074 CLC/B/017 · Colección · 1832-1990

Records of predecessors of the Association of British Insurers, comprising:

  • Accident Offices Association (Overseas);
  • Accident Offices Association;
  • Aircraft Insurance Committee;
    Association of Life Assurance Offices in India;
  • British Insurance Association;
    -British Life Assurance Trust;
  • Building Society Indemnities Committee;
  • Coal Pool;
  • Consequential Loss Committee;
  • Debris Clearance Pool;
  • Engineering Offices Association;
  • Fire Offices' Committee;
  • Fire Offices Committee (Foreign);
  • Fire Offices Committee of Ireland;
  • Glasgow Rate and Salvage Association;
  • Home Office Vehicles Pool;
  • Industrial Life Offices Association;
  • Insurance Companies (War Settlement) Committee;
  • Life Offices' Association;
  • South African Accident Council;
  • London Australasian Insurance Committee;
  • London Continental Fire Insurance Committee;
  • London Fire Engine Establishment;
  • London Salvage Corps;
  • London South African Insurance Committee;
  • London West Africa Insurance Committee;
  • London Wharf and Warehouse Committee;
  • National Amalgamated Approved Society;
  • National Conference of Industrial Assurance Approved Societies;
  • Printers and Theatres Rating Committee (Southern Committee);
  • Trading with the Enemy Joint Insurance Committee.

PLEASE NOTE: further minutes and files of the British Insurance Association and files of other predecessor bodies, along with minutes and files of the Association of British Insurers (ABI) from 1985-2000, remain uncatalogued. The uncatalogued records are available by prior appointment only quoting accession reference B11/056. In addition access requests to ABI records from 1985-2000 are subject to prior permission from ABI. Please contact staff for further details.

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GB 0074 CLC/B/017-09 · Colección · 1941-1947

Minute book of the Debris Clearance Pool Committee.

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GB 0074 CLC/B/017-10 · Colección · 1920-1965

Minute books of the Engineering Offices Association, an association of engineering insurers.

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GB 0074 CLC/B/017-16 · Colección · 1901-1985

The records of the Industrial Life Offices Association consist of minute books, annual accounts and files. The minute books appear to form an almost complete set, except for those of the Executive, which end in 1977; and those of the Quarterly Meeting, which end in 1956. From 1920, the minute books are annotated with reference numbers, apparently referring to supporting papers, the whereabouts of which are unknown.

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